THE STJXDAY OREtiOXIAX. PORTLAND. DECEMBER 10, 1909. MW TODAY. KKff TOD AT. NEW TODAI. EW TODAY. XIW TODAY. I SEW TODAT. NEW TODAY. WHY PAY RENT? Buy a lot and build a house that Avill suit your wife in the best residence district of Portland, ROSE CITY PARK DON'T DELAY But talk about this at once with i HANNAHS THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. SOUTH PORTLAND rtxlOO, on the N. E. corner of Front , 5-nd Gitvbs. Income, $90 per month. Trice, $9000. CENTRAL PORTLAND JOOxlOO, In the business district on ith at. For price and terms see us; Its a snap. NORTH PORTLAND , 100x100 on 16th t and Savier; some Income. 100x100 on 17th and Savier; some Income. ALBINA 5xl00 on Russell. St., near Missis sippi st; income $65 per month. CENTRAL EAST SIDE 200x200 on East 2d St., East 1st st., Eaut Stark and East Oak sts. We can make a very low figure on this. 150 feet front on Grand ave. and East Hoyt. Price. $17,500. Hurry this Is & snap. 50x100. S. K. cor. East 9th and Bast Stark. This is the best buy on the street. Price, $1750. STEPHENS ADDITION 100x100 on the S. K. cor. East 9th and Kast Lincoln. Price will interest you. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309 and 310 Ablngrton Bldfr. E. BURNSEDE ST. Let us show you the Lo's we are selling on E. Burnside street for $2600 and $2700 per lot. This price includes hard-surface pavement, cement walks, sewer and water to each lot MALL 8 Jfl BORSTEL 104 2d St. (Lumtar Exchartgre Bldfr.). Must Be Sold $7000 Beautiful, absolutely modern 7-room house, on Willamette Heights: hard wood floors. 2 baths. 2 toilets, elegant unobstructed panoramic view. Worth your while to investigate. KIRK & KIRKHAM M. 8045. 22S Stark St. A 7470. MARSHALL-WELLS M(!l build 3 full blocks on IStb t., .IvhQBon to Lovfjoy, the largest ware house on Coast. He their neighbor. Buy Ihtn qiiiu-ter block armn street on ioth. The price la lower INOW than ever Jt ulll be aanln, and term liberal. Nee roe without delay. J0SEPHH.J0HNST0N GRLALESTATEl PI I LOANS. BCNTALa til C INSURANCE I.AKAYE1TE Bl.nO.. WASHING ton A.n MITII STS. West Side Business Lot 40x100. Down to vn . Only $22. 50n. Don't miss it. Square Deal Realty Co. 619 Board of Trade Bid)?. 195 Acres "Two miles from Canby, on pood road, house, barn and hop house on place, IS acres in hops, about 60 acres clear. This is a fine place to cut up in 20 ftcre tracts and double your money. Vrice $15,o00, $yoo0 cash, balance long; time. Repass & Woody ard Main 5854. 300 Henry Bldg. A 2532. Williams Ave. Snap Cheapest quarter block on Williams ave.. 100x100, with fine, larfre, 6-room houe. Owner must have money. Price i.s $MX0. but we want your offer. Look at it todtty before someone else snaps it up. &Xoo caeh will handle. Grussi & Zadovv SIT Board of Trade Bldfr.. 4th and Oak CHOICEHOME S rooms, modern, full lot. front in a; Fouth, on Marshall st.. near 24th. An fcMent buy in this choice residence locality. A. H. BIRRELL CO. McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. GEORGE BLACK. ITBUC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branchei S?S W'orceetftr Bid. 1'houu Main 4571. A 4011. Four-Story Brick Building Corner Lot, Third St., Gloss in INCOME $375 PER MONTH PRICE $55,000 A. GreatJBargain GOLDSMITH 6 CO. 103 Sherlock Bldfj 3d and Oak Sta. Before buying elsewhere. It costs you nothing. Streets graded and grav eled, cement sidewalks and curbs, Bull Run water in front of every lot, and all paid for. No property bond ed for improvements here. Building restrictions of $1500 and $2000. New houses constantly being built. Splen did car service. When desiring to build, we will help you. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Room 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5407, A 3252 HEADQUARTERS FOR Union Avenue Property 85x100 on Union ave., 1 block from Russell st.; income S12.500 100 feet on Union ave.; near Russell; income ....511,500 This is the first offer of this prop erty, and it will go quick. Goddard&Wiedrick 243 Stark St. ' Fifth-Street Apartment Site Quarter block of solid grround. Absolutely a walking proposition. "V ill net 15 per cent on the Invest ment. Two minutes to City Kail. Three minutes to Courthouse. Kour and a half minutes to postofflce. Five minutes to Hotel Portland. New Hellig Theater, I'orbett Building and Meier & Frank's store. Six minutes to Oregonlan building and Washington street. Seven minutes to Chamber of Com nierc and Wells-Farfjo buildings. Property unequalled for investment and ripe for improvement. For price and terms see Henry E. Reed 37 Chamber of Commerce. Kings Hill 100x100. with fine 10-room residence. No. 712 Main street. A bargain in this exclusive neighborhood. RVSSELL A BLYTHi ( ommonnf alih Buliril nc UNION AVESCE BUSINESS SNAP Business corner containing- S230 square feet. Location At, Some income now. PRICE S12.SOO. Will deliver for $5000 cash. HBSHY F.. REED, 637 Chamber of Commerce. $4500 50x100 on Northrup st.. between 21st and 22d sts. No restrictions. Excellent location for flats. Geo. D. Schalk Main 32, A 33SS. 264 Stark St. 3-Story Brick Grand Avenue GOOD INCOME. -TERMS. W151.UON UARLIM.. IS Board of Trade. GOODWOOD 15 minutes' ride on Sellwood car; fret off at Cavwood st. Iots $650 and up, 10 per cent down. 2 per cent monthly; building restrictions; fine view. Lowest-priced near-in property. RtlITY INVESTMENT CO nos Gerllna-er Rid-., 2d and Alder. AGENT ON UKOl'StO St JiDAV 2 TO 4 Some Fine Acreage for platting, clote to city, on car; a rare bargain if taken now. BRONO-STEELE CO, 110 Second SL SAVE TIME! SAVE WORRY! Make them a Xmas present of a lot in MENTONE Lots 50x100, level, good s6il and -water on tract. Prices $195 and $200 per lot, with terms as low as $3 cash and $3 per month., WESTERN" OREGON TRDST CO. 14 Chamber of Commerce. Cowperthwait & Christensen, Agts Lents. JONESRfl Lots are 50x100 JfJSOO TO $700 EASY PAYMENTS COMPLETE ABSTRACT . WARRANTY DEED On Montavilla Carline GEO. D. SCHALK 264 Stark St. Main 392 A 2392 ' (Douglas County, Oregon) For Sale 1700 acres choice land, on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land Is very suitable for platting and is at present In good con dition; price $25 per acre. For partic ulars and terms apply to William MacMaster 802 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. 47 NET (On a Conservative Basis.) Let me verify the statement If you have J 10,000 or more to Invest In a platting proposition. Get busy before Spring opens. 8. X. WALKER. 604 Corbet t Bids. Quarter Block $26,SOO GRAND ATETE. TERMS. WELDON DARLING HIS Board of Trade. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property Bsiflltllnsr Loans. Installment Loaaa. Wm. MacMaster SOS Woreerter Block. Quarter Block $16,500 TERNS. UNION AVENUE WEIDOS DARLING, 1S Board of Trade. $4200 n the S. "W. come Irvlngton. lOPxino on the S. TV", corner 19th and Knott sts., lrvington. Geo. D. Schalk Main 392, A 2302. 364 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS Loneat rates and terms to suit; ape clal rates and favorable terms on larra loans on business properties. Fundi Loaned for Private Investors. A.H.BIRRELL. CO. 202 McKay Bide 3d A St arte A sacrifice sale untfl January 1. 10105 acres. mile Irom town; all In cultivation and mostly all In fruit, cherries, apples. pears, peaches, plums and prunes; a good 6-room house, a good prune dryer and other outbuildings are good ; a good well and spring on the place; for $1650, 11000 cash, balance 2 years at 7 per cent. Or will sell furniture. sto?k and .everything for 12100, $1.V0 cash, balance for 2 years at 7 per cent. . Fred O. Stout. Camas, Wash. MORTGAGE LOANS Jxwest rates and terms to suit. " Special rates for business properties. Funds loaned for private Investors. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Real Estate and Insurance. Corner Fourth and Oak Sta. Phone. Main Ofvt, A 3327. 6 Fire Insurance - M. E. THOMPSON CO, Real Estate, ? Cor. 4n Md Oak St., Henry Bids;. Phonfs Main 6084. A 5327. We Have Money to Loan. 10 Acres $885 Fruit land, near Gresham, cash $300, best of land. FRFJ1ERICK C. FORBES CO.. Phone A 7-07. Lumbermen's, Fifth St. $4000 Cheapest close-in lot on tha West Side. Overton st.. near J3d. Act quirk. SMITH'S AGENCY, IOS Sherlock Bids. ORE VESTMENTS Apartment site, 100x100, on North 20th st., near Wash ington; . income $75 per month. Price,' $20,000 50x100 on North Park street. Price, $30,000 3-story briek building on First -near ..Madison st.; in come $300 per month. Price, $40,000 Burnside st. corner, 50x100, with. 100 ft. frontage on Burnside. Price, $40,000 2-story brick building near "Washington st., leased for $300 per month. Price. $41,500 Oak st. income corner lOOx 100.. Price, , $175,000 Morrison st., income corner 50x100. Price, $175,000 H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. VACANT LOTS EAST SIDE 50x100, Kenilworth ave. carline, $875. Faces east; $370 cash. 50x100, East 46th at., facing- west. $650. Rose City Park; $250 cash. 75x100, East 26th St. $1600; $800 cash. 80x100. Brooklyn street, bet. 26th and 27th. $1600. $250 cash. 60x100, Going street. $1100. All cash. 45x100 on Alberta st. $1375. All cash. 80x93 feet on Tillamook. $2500. $500 cash. 100x100, Alnsworth ave., $1750. Half cash. 50x130. Grand ave.. near Ainsworth. $700. Very easy terms. 100x100. East 13th and Division. $2850. Opposite Lad ils Addition. Also a good many others. GODDARDSTWIEDRICK 43 STARK STREET BUSINESS CORNER ON N. 23d Street PARTLY IMPROVED. With additional improvements, at small cost, can be made to pay 8 NET PRICE, $25,000 LOUIS SALOMON & CO. 233 Stark St- near Second. WAREHOUSE SITE 100x100 on 15th st. . 200 ft. trackage, $30,000 Geo. D. Schalk 264 Stark St. Main 392. A 2392. $20,000 MAKE S20.000 Buy a 452-acre farm, 350 acres clear, balance in good timber, Oregon Electric R. cuts the places in halves; most of place lies fine for irrigation; between now and January, 1910, you get it at $88.50 per acre; cut into tracts will sell for from $150 to $350 per acre; will make fine small fruit farms or dairy farms. An adjoining- farm sold for $150 per acre in one tract since I secured the contract on this. After January 1, 1910, this as a whole can't be sold for less than $125 per acre. C. W. LIVESAV, Wood awn, Oregon. Sixth-St, Corner 50x100; Income. Price. $60,000. Fine buy. " . , ZIMMERMAN 631 Board of Trade Bids. GRAND AND UNION AVES. See us for property on Grand and Union avenues. We have the bestTDys on these streets. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St Lumber Exchange Bids. Tenth St. Lot near Washington tat,, only $32,000. RUSSELL & BLYTH Common wealth Balldlnar 31600 i ACRE, ALL IN CILTIVATIOX, and a -room house, with porcelain bath, patent toilet, lavatorj-. basement, etc.; 3V blocks to car; oc fare. THE DrS-LAWBENCB CO., 248 Alder 6- PORTLAND HEIGHTS AND A FINE VIEW .... , S15.000 $l.0x215 on Hawthorne Terrace. Can aee the world. , SIO.OOO 100x300. beautiful Vj block on 16th street and Myrtle. S8500 lOOxllo corner on 2lst st., beautiful surroundings. 1nn SOOO 100x100 corner 16th and Clifton. A de cided snap. 100x115 on 21s?TandElro . sta. Easy terms. S6SOO 100x100 Chapman and Spring streets. Good view. 5000 100x100 Chapman and Clifton streets. Look at this. 4000 4xi on 21st and Clifton sts. Dirt cheap - - 83500 oOxSo corner 20th and Laurel sts. All improvements. 25K) 50x100 Clifton and 22d sts. A bargain. 92000 100x150 Davenport and 16th sts. Lots of ground for little money. And Hundreds of other lots with and without a view and at any price you want to pay. JVST REMEMBER fiO BRIDGES TO CROSS. x KEASE.Y CSL HUMASONgJEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CJ find HEIGHTS OrKlCK AT SOTH ASD EDI STREETS. HEADQUARTERS FOR UNION AVENUE PROPERTY $3300 SZx70, corner, near Al berta $6000 Inside lot. 40xlS0. near Knott; Income, $42.50 mo... $7000 BOxlOO, corner, with store building; $o5 per mo. 0x125, with house and store, fair income, 509-511 Union ave.. near Russell; very easy terms. $7500 100x100, corner Union ave. and Davis st. See special adv. in other column. $25,000 GODDARD 6 WIEDRICK 243 STARK ST. WILL. LEASE Building Four floors and good basement, electric elevator. This i a fine location for a furniture store. It's on First, near Salmon. Re member that all the O. W. P. cars and some other lines will pass this location when the Madison bridge is finished. Portland Trust Company S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. HERE ARE A COUPLE OF GOOD HOUSES CHEAP $3500 This 5s 1 block from TOlliams ave., near Alberta st. A nice residence with a full lot, roses and shrubbery. A 7-room modern lious. This is cer tainly a beautiful place for the money. Fine homes all around. $500 cash, bal ance arranged on terms. $4400 This new and modern 6-room house is in Piedmont district nenr Killingsworth and Union ave. A splen- ata ioi, aspnait pavea sireeis ana ce ment walks. The house has fireplace and all modern conveniences. The Dunn-Lawrsnce Co. 248 Alder Street. ARDENWALD Lots are 47 i to 50 feet wide and from 95 to 100 fet In depth, and can be bought now on easy terms of payment at $350 per lot and up. Understand we are building sidewalks and grading streets and have already established an excellent water system with an abun dance of pure spring water taken from a depth of 76 feet from the surface. All these improvements we pay for and furnish an abstract of title to all pur chasers. KNAPP & MACKEY 212-213 Board of Trade BoUding;. 2 miles back from the 'Willamette River. United Railway and the Astoria & Columbia River Railway, at a point five miles down the river from the Lewis and Clark Fair grounds, Port land: 10.000 cords of wood, soil very fertile, the growth of the city and the industrial development is tending In this direction. An opportunity for big money Jn a very short time. Look this up. Price only $100 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 Stark Street. Speculators and Agents $13,000 for a fine quarter block on East 3d St., near new bridge. Fine for warehouses, factory or apartments. Good terms. Will double in value In side two years. Agents protected. V. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. " EUCLID AVENUE A few lots left on Euclid ave.. just south of Hawthorne. 50x120 feet. Prices from $800 to $1000 per lot. Easy terms. Splendid residence district, with a $1500 residence building; restriction. KXAPP MACKET, XX2-XL3 BMri of Trade Billdlmc 84 ACRES Mr. Irvington If you knew that 3011 could get another such investment as your own home has proven to be, would you take advan tage of it? If you thought you could double your money in 18 months' time, would you invest? Olmsted Psrk .is a part of the great successful I v v i ngton district; ' it is making mone3r for its investors now. Look into it today while prices are low and terms are easy. Columbia Trust Company Board of Trade Bldg. Washington and Twentieth Sts. 50x100 lot, improved " near enough to Washington street to be b'enefited by the extension, of Mor rison street. Investors who know Washington-street values will be surprised at the price this lot can be bought for. Terms right. WEST PARK Choice income-bearing prop erty. Close to Arlington Club. This is a bargain at $20,000. S. De la Mer 337 Chamber of Commerce. PLACE YOUR FIRE INSURANCE WITH JOHN P. SHARKEY GO. , Agents for GLENS FALLS INSURANCE CO, Glens Falls, N. Y. SECURITY INSURANCE CO., New Haven. Conn. 's Tt nrm BEST place tn Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE resUki'r property o the city. SEEING IS BEL!BVI& KKTTER fo and aee the many CHOICE resl encM under construction ftod tfcs- Im provement sToins: n. The Oregon Kea! Estate Company CBANU AVE. AND MULTNOMAH tT. COMPANY 235 STARK ST. COR 2H- Three experienced bond salesmen. Three experienced real estate sales men. Three experienced insurance sales men. Apply to Assistant Secretary. 14,506 Income Property On Twelfth Street. One of the best buys orl the West Side. "Worth $17,000. m. Room 411 Corbett Bid?. 103x105 f 'Olt KM- loo FEET FROM IMOS ATEJtlT. 32500 Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark " HoIIaday Addition PICK OUT A HOME $1600 $1800 $2000 $2000 $2100 $2150 $2400 $2500 $2500 $2600 $2800 $3000 $3000 $3200 $3250 $3850 34000 $4750 $4000 $5000 $5250 $6500 100x100, with 2-room house cor ner lsth and Sumner; part cah. balance monthly. Oood 5 -room cottage on Glbba st.. near First ; snap. lOOxlOO. 3-room house, corner 1st and Terwilliger, South Portland; part cash. Good 6-room house, on Grover St.; $500 cash, $25 per month. 6-room house, corner lot. on Whitaker St.; $6;0 cash, bal ance at $15 per month, Nice 5-roont cottage, on B. Soth. near Belmont; $i00 cash, $20 per month. New bungalow. 5 rooms, full lot. 15th and Alberta sts.; good terms. New bungalow, with latest im provements, on 1st t.; terms. Good 2-story. 6-room house, on Corbett, near Gibbs; $6X cash. $20 per month. New 5-room bungalow, modern. E. mth. near Alberta: full lot; $1000 cash. $15 per mouth. Nice modern ft-room, 3-stor house, corner lot, at Anabel ; part cash. per month. Brand new California bunga low. E. 19th. near Alberta; $ot0 each. $20 per month. 8-room house, lot 50x90 E. An keny st., near 23d.; part cash, balance monthly. 30-room oarding-house, com pletely furnished, with piano; on Corbett St.; terms. A snap. New bungalow. E. Yamhill et,, Ttar 33d. part cash. $20 per month. Good 8-room house, on 1st st., near Meade; easy terms. Modern 6-room house, complete ly furnished, new; on Corbett st.; swell home. Swell modern 7-room house, in Piedmont, corner lot 5xl:'; part cash. 10-room house lot 50x100, on Cor bett et., near Gaines. Bun pa-low and house, both furnished. on Corbett M. Some terms. Modern, up-to-date bungalow. G rooms, on Tillamook st.. Rose City Park; $260 cash, balance to suit. Swell modern 7-room house. $x 100 lot. E." Madison, near 21st.; $3000 cash, balance terms. A LOT BARGAINS SKCfl "Ox"1. Orchard Place, half cash. UuU balance terms. C 7fin 5.-X100. on Virginia st.. Southern W I UU Portland; easy term y terms. $ 750 $ 800 $1200 $1600 $2350 50x100, B. 33d Ft., near Clinton; easy terms; snap. 50xJOO, block and one-half south of Hawthorne ave.; $20 cash and $20 per month. 100x100. corner 14th and Karl sts.; $300 cash, $2o per month. 95x100, corner on Alberta st.; bargain. 124x210, block on Stanton and Sandy road ; beautiful building spot. Grussi & Zadow SI7 Board of Trade Bid?.. 4th and Oak. APARTMENT SITE Soby 125 ft. corner. In pood loca tion and with fine view, near 14th et.; within easy walking distance and close to cars. 311,000 Terms. Some income. A splendid investment, KAUFFMANN S MOORE 324-325 Lumber Exchange. 160 ACRES timber, balance cash, for Port land home. T tfOtf. Oregonlan. REAX ESTATE DEALEB0. Andrew-, b V. & Co. M- 3349. SO Hamilton bids f Beck, William G- 312 Falling bid. B'.rretl, H. Co. 202-3 McKay bids- Beal estate. Insurance, mortgages, loan, etc Brubaker A Benedict. OOZ McKay bids. M. 640 ChapJn efc Herlow, S3 2 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B 8- A. Co.. 503 Corbett bid. Ftelda. c. K. & Co., Board of Trada bid. Jennings & Co.. Main 188. 206 Oregonlan. KIRK & KIKKHAM, Lumber Ex.. 226 Stark. Parrish. Watklna & Co., 230 Aldar at. Sohalk. Geo. C 264 Stark at. Ma)n or A Sharkey. J. p. & Co., 12Z Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand avo, and Multnomah st (HoMadav Addition M. E. .Thompson Co., oor. Fourth and Oak sts. Walker S. T., 604 Corbett b!dr REAL ESTATE. For bale Lota. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine view lot for lfoo on easy terms. R. K. BRYAN. 50.". Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 1227. APARTMENT PITE. , On Hoyt St., beautifully located, clos in. by owner. Flat A. 549 Taylor st. Phone A 5504. VERT clesirable Tortland Heights lot on carline. splendid north and ?ast view and only siouo. w. J. Smith, 4:8 Chamber of Commerce, Main 7967. WE have 3 fine lots on 28th and Broadway; . beet values in that location; 2 lots on 15th near Killing"worth ave; verv ettsv terms. O'BRIEN' REALTY CO., Abington Bldfr. IRVINGTON lot. &uxlOO. on new carline. cloae to Knott mt.: fine invrtment at $13fi0. easy terms. Jam. C. Logan, 36 Wash. St., room 404. m 50x100, N. W. cor. East 2th and Everett sta. : water, sewer, gas, all in ; f 600 rash, balance easy terms. Oh spin & Herlow, 32. Chamber of Commerce bld. FINE LOT 50x100. south front, Just west of Laurelhurst; handy to car; $S7i; only a It t tie cash, balance easy. J. R. STIPE, 7-0 Chamber Commerce. RESIDENT lot. 50x100, east front, one block from cars. Ft Hand, restricted dis trict; $450. Tabor 44. WEST SIDE LOTS FOR $500. Improvements in, 117 minutes from 8d and Ktark. Afternoon. 432 Mohawfe bldg. CHOICE corner lot, seven minutes out; central; East Side; suitable or two houses; 20i0. W. H, O'Neill. 29 11th st. 100 FEET on Alberta, comer of 23d, cheap for cash if taken oon. Phone A w2oo. T OO0, Oregonlan. IF YOU own let will build you a house on terms. Eaatman Co., 3o3 Ablngton blda. Main 323S THREE lots In Arbor Lodcre, ccrner, lOSx feet, $150O. half cash. F. 8. Akin. Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN Must sell my equity two beau tiful lots Columbia Park. tit. Johns line; make offer. B 02, Oregon 1 an. H BLOCK of beautiful slg-htly property 100x200 at 11250; owner must sell; ate him at 410 .Falling: bldg. SWINTON Two 25x1 00-ft. lets, n per cent less than market price; 1 block from, car; tome each, balance terma. Phone A o721. LOTS in-piedmont. 1000 and up; best lo- cation. See owner. 1 1J. Commercial st. 4 LOTS, half pat d, trade for anyt h Ing of vaJue. 272 Stark st. $425 FOR ?5O0 lot on J 4th neap Alnsworth Y 6;8. Oregonlan. - $7500 Fine apartment-bouse site on 12th st. M. E- Lee, room 411 Corbett bids. , SNAP &0 feet on Wm Ankenr st- -J-ag distance; $21O0 cuh- A 233