4 THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 10; 1909. PATJCE At th rerl4em.-e. 419 K. 7Sti St.. V.. Marvin F.dwaH Payne, aged 61 years. F"uneral announcement later. nNEBAL NOTICE. M'N'EII.L Tn this city, December 17, at the family residence, 149 Gaines street, Mrs. Sarah J. McNeill, afted S8 years. Krionda Invited to attend funeral service, which will be held at Dolman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P. II. to morrow ( Monday , December 20. Inter ment Rtverview Cmetery. SMITH In this city. December 17, Franlc Kmitb. aged 10 years 3 months, beloved son of Mr. -nd Mrs. Frank I. Smith. Funeral from family residence. 362 14th street, at 1:30 P. M. today (Sunday), De cember 19. thence to Cathedral. 15th and F'avlH streets. Services at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Klvervlew Cemetery. RASMrSEN' Mrs. Bertha Rasmusen, 46 Mason t., ag 63. Funeral from Crlcson undertaking chapel. Kleventh and Alder. t 2 P. M., Sunday. Burial at Lone Fir cemeterv, t On no Ins;, McKntee A GUbauKh, Funeral Tiretor(, 7th and Pine. l'hune Main I.ariy Assistant. Office of County Coroner. 7E1.LF R-B YRN ES CO.. Funeral nlrwlor. fi94 liiliams ae.; both phones; lady attend ant; niofet modern esttiblishment in the city. EDWARD HOLMAX COt. Fnnral Direct ors. 2Q 3d st. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607. . P. FIN I-FY ft 80N. Sd and Madison, iljsdy -t ten riant. Phone Main 8, A 1680. EAST MDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S- Duuning, Inc. K. G'i. B 2525. KRICSOX CO. Cndertakers; lady ant. 4o9 Aider. M 6133. A 2235. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY rHBSIIlFNT. Main . u:CKtABI. Mala BM. HUMANE UFFIC1K. Kmmt 4T7. NEW TODAY. SPECIAL LIST 10 AC'RRS. volcanic ash fcoil, ' 1H miles from town, on, main county road; 9 serfs planted to standard varieties f apple mostly New towns and Spit y.enberKs, over one-half of which is in bearing. 2 V acres of strawberries be tween tliQ tret? s, in prime condition. Small new house and barn. Cow. horse, -hark and nil farm i in pi men ts g;o with the place. Price, $12,000. Terms. '22 ACRES, Hi I first-elas orchard land; .small liouso; 3 acred under culti vation, balance slushed and burned: on niu in county road, only 4 miles from town ; wort h $40 per acre. We can sell It for $8000; $3500 will handle it. A snap for someone. 4,1 ACRF.S, 20 acres under cultiva tion; 5 litres in commercial orchard; lar(r hoiiKe; fine spring1; within half mile of railroad, and 40 acres of it Is verv best of orchard land. Offered at $16,000 for short time only. FOR EXCHANGE ' We have several parties owning1 rroperty In this beautiful little valley who desire pood l'ort land property and will exc liangre if satisfactory. "What have you to offer? Devlin S Firebauoli 610-511-M2 Swetland Bldg. SNAP ; 200 Acr es I bave for sale 200 acres of the richest farming land in Ore gon; 160 acres is bottom land, under high state of cultivation. It is especially adapted for rais ing garden truck. Abundance of water, good bouse, and only a few miles from Portland. Must be sold, and I offer it $50 per acre less than adjoining land. See Owner, 42-i Tailing Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. Beautiful LeonePark Level as a floor. Cleared and clean as a garden. Full-grown, bearing fruit trees. Surrounded by attractive homes. Near a new city park. Only 20 minutes- car-ride. -'ar 3 blocks distant on two aides. (traded streets and water. $500 up, and easy terms. ' let me tell you how the first 10 buyers can get reduction of 10- per rent from list price and save in terest. V. Vincent Jones S Commercial Club bids. A 1414. Money Wanted An attractive price will be made to B-nyone wishing: a corner lot on Grand eve., near K. liurnslde at. Only cash customers wanted. MALL & VON BORSTEL 101 id St. DO YOU WANT A HOME? If so. I have several new houses. ranging in price from $5ooo to isioo' in strtcted residence district; mod- ern. witli ail latest lmnrnr'm.nt terms to suit. F. W. TORGLER ICS Sherlock Bid. Hood River NEW TODAT. TOMORROW, MONDAY At Frleate Residence. 49 Clay St. We have received instructions from Mrs. H. J. Shull to sell her almost new furniture, etc.. at public auction at above address, comb rising Reaoine Turk .nit rocker in real leather and spring- steel frame, Morris chairs, par lor rockerH. AxminMer parlor rugr. pic turee. portieres, lace curtains, bronzes, quarffr-oak dining table. 54-inch top, recently cost $7o ; china cabinet, set of chairs, Uininpr-room rug, glass and silverware, electric drop Kent, with ornamental shade; iron and brass beds, spring and cotton - felt mattresses, feather pillows, sheets", blankets, com forts, quarter-oak dresner, wtTxed fin ished, mahogany princess dresser, Brussels carpets, small rugs, Axmin ster hail carpet, bedroom rockers and chairs, sanitary couch and pad. Do mestic tewing- machine. Vnlcan xum rang, granite utensils, kitchen tabio. go-cart and several other lots. Snle tomorrow at 10 o'clock aharp. To parties furnlMhliis; we can well recom mend the above goods as first-class and clean, also that they must be. sold at this time, as Mrs. Shull and family leave for the Eaat on evening of sale. Terms cash. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. TUESDAY, THURSDAY Ve Pjhall have a large quantity of good household furniture, rugs, etc.; also several new rockers and other goods suitable for Xnin-i presents. These Bales will be held at our Auction House. 152 Park St., near Mor rison st. Sale starts each day at 10 o'clock. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers- In Our Retail Department Purinr the past year our rug sales have been enormous. Just for a final spurt we are going to give you the choice of any Axminster 9x12 rug for 520. These rugs are direct from fac tory and are no old dead stock, but are strictly up to date as to patterns and colors. Come early and get first choice. This price is for one week only. GfcXX BAKER & CO. 152 Park St. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Ilegiilar Sales Daji. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10'A. M. If you are furnishing it will pay you to attend our sales, as we shall sell a large assortment of tirst-elass, up-to-date furniture, including parlor pieces, davenports, ladies, desks, library and center tables, buffets, extension tables, fhairB. rockers, cellarettes. iron beds, springs and mattresses, pillows, com forts, spreads, hall seats and mirrors, kitchen cabinets, steel ranges, heating stoves and other numerous lots. SPECIAL SALE Hand - Painted China, Oriental Rugs, Etc. ON TUESDAY NEXT, 10 A. M. At 245 Yamhill Street AVe will aell to the highest bidder the following: Two large mounted deer head, all, water color paintings and other pictures. Oriental rues and Nav ajo blankets, Ifavlland, Royal Worces ter and other fancy china, in band, painted and Inlaid with Koldi also Jan. aneae Rootls. (fcueen Anne antique mir ror, aliaviuar inlrrorM, etc.; one large vane inlaid with crold and numerous other vases: two expensive vlollnn. with leather canes, some antique pieces of allverware, portieres, draperies and brtc-a-brac. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. We ray cash for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc. Call Main 1626, A 4243. , ANNOUNCEMENT OF SALE OF CHOICE HOLIDAY GOODS AT GILMAN'S No. 126 Second Street, Between Washington and Alder. K To go at ihjy price, elegrant toilet sets, mirrors in" Venice," furs, kimo nos and silk velvets, games, men's hosiery, sweaters for men and boys, finest dolls, large and small; men's silk ties, gold-handled umbrellas, fine carving sets, knives and forks (fine silver-steel), N. B. Kindly bear in mind the place, 126 2d st., just off Washington. Time, until Christmas. The goods must go at private sale, etc, this week. Kindly call in and see the bar gains in Christmas merchandise. S. L. N. OILMAN, Manager. Free! Free! Free! At Our Christmas Week AUCTION SALES At 211 First Street Two beautiful presents given away every day this week. Auction sale's every day at 10 A. M., 2 P. M. and 7:::o P. M. at 211 first st. All. kinds of fancy and useful Roods for Xmas presents. - Just come and see what we have to offer you. Our regular- Furniture Auctions Will be held as usual on Tuesday and Thursday at 10 A. M., when we -will also give away a beautiful present at each sale. KURD BROTHERS. Auctioneers. 10 Acres $4000 Kxtra choice, near in, oir' Base Line road. Cash J2000. l'RKKHItK C. FORBES CO., Phone A 1207. Lumbermen's, Fifth St. t A. Fine Investment Nice corner, near Portland Hotel Income, $400 per month. J1S.000 will handle it. t'O.XANT REALTY CO.. Room 8, -50 Alder Street. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rates. CLARK - COOK COMPANY, Hoard of Trade Building:. Phone Mala MOT, A iKUU:. TENTH STREET Is, the short-cut thoroughfare between the North Bank Depot. Washington st. wnfL.tne n.ew -lds, -Wortman & King building. I have two bargains on North Tenth. Prices and terms reasonable. Room I, 267 Oak street. PTlcea are more reasonable on Eut Morrison than on any other chief street, for fractional lot bargain at East 14th Koom 2. 267 Oak st. LOT 42x.-, H.'M. 214x124. reasonable. Both pieces near Irvington Club. In quire room I. 267 Oak at. XEW TODAY. INVESTMENTS , West Side $60,000 Burnside st., choice lot near 3d st.; good revenue-producer. It's a -snap. $37,500 Burnside st., full coiner lot, 100 feet on Burnside; absolute ly the best buy on the street. $35,000 Full quarter block, 14th st., close to Washing-ton; good spec ulation. 24,000 loth St., near Washing ton, 75x100 feet, choice corner; 7 per cent income. 20,000 Half lot, god location, Front St.; two-story brick building; 7 per cent net income. $15,000 23d St., just off from Washington, full corner lot, 2 mod ern 9-room houses; $95 monthly rental. Lot alone worth the money. Warehouse Sites $75,000 Full half block, 200x100 ft., 131 h st., north of Hoyt st.; $192 monthly rental. Only half block on the street for the money. $25, OOO Fifteenth st., full quar ter block, 100 feet on track. $ 19,000 Glisan st., full corner lot, 100 ft. front; east of 15th st. ; some income. Apartment Sites $26,000100x100 feet, right off from Upper Washington; choice corner; east and north fronts. $ 10,500 Trinity Place, 50x100 ft., east front, right off of Washington. $10,000 Ella st., 50x100 ft., east front; improved with substantia! residence. East Side - $17,500-Full quarter block, choice location at east approach of new Steel bridge; sure to double in value in a year. $35,000 Russell street, near Wil liams ave.; full 14 block, 3-story brick building; 812 per cent net in come. $45,000 Grand ave., neap E. Mor rison, choice corner, brick improve ments ; 7 per cent income. A con servative buy. Janes J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce Cheap Lots Price $1 000 Ea. See the Lots we are selling on WeSdleri Halsey, Clackamas, Wasco streets for $1000 each. They are bargains. Easy terms, Mall S VonBorstel 104 2d St. (Lumber Exchange Bldg.). $2000 a Minute Spend 25 minutes with us and .we will show you a profit of $50,000 if you will buy the corner we have for sale on Stark and Tenth streets. REPASS & WOODYARD 300 Henry Buildlntr. Slain 5854, A 2532. Hood River Orchard What we believe to be the very best opportunity in this famous district; 44 acres in the heart of the prize-growing district, with 17 acres in fruit, mostly 4-year-old ijpitzenb'erss anrl Newtowns. At the price asked, this is an excep tional bargain, and the lucky buyer will be able to double his money quickly. Whether for permanent in vestment or speculation, it can't be beat; $15,000 will handle, balance terms. V. & V. COMMERCIAL & REALTY CO, 403 Merchants' Trust Bldg. INSIDE REAL ESTATE AVe offer for sale and on Jons leases a number of choice business and apartment-house properties, both improved and unimproved. Prices ranarins: from $12.00u to $300,000. See us before you buy. SENGSTAKlf 6 LYMAN 90 Fifth St. XMAS GIFT ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PAVED if you buy this line business corner be fore Januarv 1st. INCOME, 11 PER CENT. PRICE. $6250. ROSS ENGLISH INVESTMENT CO., 322 Mohawk Bldg. $3500 An exceptionally well-located- 6-room ndern house. near new Jefferson HBth School and public school, on an east-front corner lot, 50x100. Beauti ful lawn and walks; some fruit, flow ers, etc.: electricity and gas fixtures and shades. E. M. P1TTENGER, 1095 Maryland Ave. Make a Christmas Presentto the Wife That is or the wife to be. SOOOO will handle this magnificent bungalow, lo cated on beautiful West Park. No agents. - 5 "LOOK." X 59S. Oregonian. FOB SALE A CHOICE Quarter Block On East "d st. N. and Clackamas. The finest location on the East Side for flats or apartments. For price and terms' call on O'BRIKX REALTY" COte Alililvu iiidjf. . NtW TOO AY. $100,000 Absolutely without question the best buy on Washington street. You will agree with us when you investi-: gate. Only $25,000 cash. " SSo.OOO t A fine lot on Sixth street, in the business center. 3175,000 100xl00j with a three-story brick. A good income producer. $60,000 50x100 on Morrison, near 12th st. thi? is worth investigating. ' 55,000 100x100 on upper Morrison. $38,000 50x100 on Burnside St., close in. $40,000 43x100 on Park, near Oak. $4S,500 100x100 near Hill's passenger depot. $100,000 100x100 on Alder st. In a few years will be in the business center. $30,000 50x100 on Fourth st.; has 6 flats, producing good income. $27,500 H'-xlOO on Washington St.; $10,000 cash will handle it. $i8,qoo 100x100, with warehouse, on track. This is 3irt cheap and a snap. $13,500 A good buy on Trinity Place. jHUMASONgJEFFERYl 14 CHAMBER OF COMMLRCE. M. 1189 A 3814 Apartment House Sites EAST 11TH AND r LANDERS STS. 100x100 on the S. B. corner B. 11th and Flanders streets. Terms. Price, $5500 EAST 10TH AND FLANDERS STS. 100x100 on the N. E. corner E. 10th and Flanders sts. Terms. Price, $5500 EAST 10TH AND GLISAN STS. 100x130 on the S. E. corner E. lOth and Glisan sts. Terms. Price, $7000 EAST 11TH AND GLISAN STS. ISOxlOO on the S. W. corner E. 11th and Glisan sts. Terms. Price, $7000 MALL & VON BORSTEL 1 04 Second St. Lumber Exchange Bldg. MONEY MAKERS FOR PLATTING 30 acres, Willamette boulevard. 20 aeres, adjoining Westmoreland. 19 acres, Ainsworth ave. 5 acres, Raymond ave 4 acres', Tuttle ave. 121 acres, Linnton road, close in. - STOP! THINK! ACT! IT WILL PAY Cliapin 8 Heilow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Go There Yourself Appledale is ideal for a 10 or 20-acre fruit and berry farm. I want you to find fault with this land, so let me show it to you. G. M. McBride 250. Stark St. 16TH STREET 50x100 near Taylor street. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON BARGAIN S6730 Nine larre roms and sleep ing porch, brand new, first-class, ele gant and stylish, fireplace, oak floors and every possible modern tonvi lence: fine combination square brasB lighting fixtures and duplex shades included. J2500 cash, balance easy. Owner. G 60S. Oregonian. IRVINGTON LOT 91150. Must raise some money; this is $350 less than lots adjoining. II. 1902. J7K Timber for purt pay Portland or ufrur&aa property. soj Orexaolaa. NEW TODAY. UNION AVENUE 4 Stars NEVER AGAIN We have for this week 4 of the best buys between . Burnside bridge and Al berta St. After these are gone we never expect to have their like again. This luck will knock at your door but once. HERE THEY ARK .You will get one or two if you are wise. & (g Cash iuys one of the best ItUI II II I business corners on Union &SJJJ ave., 54xl0Q, 2 stores and 2 fine flats, rent's now at low tide at J80 mohthlv. built 2 years. the best frame building on the street. room for 2 flats on side street besides. Owner must sell. This property is well worth J12.000. C'Otf Buys 100x120, with 2 7 Llll roomed modern houses, JjIlkJlllf worth $2500 each, room for 2 stores and flats besides, in the heart of business. Noth ing; better for $11,000 on the street. TAfiA Each. Last S lots be kllll tween Burnside and Al- lPJJJJ erta sts. for this price. One is vacant, the other has 6-roomed house, modern. If you want any of these don't wait for the day after tomorrow. J.P.KENNEDY S36 Union Ave. North. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCES o.v PORTLAND HEIGHTS - AH modern ind new FINE VIEW FROM 33000 TO $30,000 t KEASEY S jlUMASONJEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OF COMME.RCE. CJ Heights OlTlc 20th and Elm. 100x100 FEET Southwest Corner i4th and Couch Sts. WAKEFIELD, FRIES 8 CO. 85 FOURTH ST. FLATS . $27,500 Excellent location. East Side; strictly modern. Pays 10 per cent. 15,000 Very desirable flat building on corner lot near Steel bridge and proposed Broadway bridge; pays 10 per cent. Half cash handles an excellent invest ment. 811,000 New 5-room flats, West Side, on carline; good locality; 10 per cent net revenue. $0000 will handle. A. H. Birrell Co. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. INVESTMENT SNAPS $1 jT f f Income $175 -ijlll I secured leasi " " me about th per mo.; e. See is. It is worth $20,00( $26 Tfff On 4th st., close in; -I5IJU worth 30.000; lot 30 y xl00; some income. $23 ,000 Full corner lot good invest m e n t; near depot: worth $30,000. Martin J. Higley 132 Third Street. For Sale S12.000 4 lots, with fine dwell ing, in sightly growing district; or will exchange for stock ranch. Willamette VaJley. JACKSOX UEERIXG, Phones Main 345. A 34D7. 246 Stark St. WHEAT LAND We have for sale 2560 acres of wheat lands at $6 per acre. The land is conservatively worth $12' per acre. Contiguous improved farms are held at $25 per acre. This land must positive ly be sold immediately to meet owner's obligations. At price orfered will dou ble your money in 90 days. For full detail information call on Mr. Frame, 422 Failing building, or phone Main 691 For Sale--$6000 Buys a fine all modern 11-room house east front, beautiful lot, fine location close in, on 6th St., pays 8 per cent, easv terms. This is a price that will insure immediate sale. AM 603. Oregonian FOR SALE A fine, new. all strictly modern, 7 room house, fine location, near two car lines; will sell at a sacrilice- easy terms. Price $3600. AM 602, Oregon ian. UNION AVENUE Lot 50x106 east front, near Skid more. Price $2950. Terms. NSW TODAY. "STILL SMILING 99 SMILE WITH US S95.000 S12.500 SIO.OOO $5,000 A fine. new, four-story brick, corner lot. paying bout 7 per cent net; terms. A choice corner lot, close in and on carline: $2000 cash will handle. Splendid apart ment site, and terms can't be duplicated. Two flats on 6th. renting $S5; new, up to date; terms. Modern dwelling, Kast 6th j ana uoing. with 100x100, or will sell with one lot; terms. 2.850 That new 7-room modern dwelling, all conveniences: west of Jefferson High School: near car, and very easy terms. Acreage $200,000 Thr most sightly tract Available around Portland. Other smaller tracts for less money, including pro (iikcing' lands near Beaver tow, rightly priced. Vacant Lots We have some special bar gains on the Peninsula that are money-makers. Buy any of them and the "smile won't come off." Jackson $ Deering Phones Main 34.1, A 343,7. S4 Stnrfc St. HEADQUARTERS FOR Union Avenue Property 85x100 on Union ave., 1 block from Russell St.; income S12.500 This is the first offer of this prop erty, and it will go quick. Goddard&Wiedrick 243 Stark Street. THE ENDORSEMENT of our guaranteed Certificates of Title by the Banks of Portland is evidence o. their many advan tages over abstracts. Title 6 Trust Co. Paid-up Capital, $250,000.00. Chamber of Commerce. , Do You Want a Home That Is A Home We have a new 6-room house, strictly modern in every respect, having full cement basement, wash travs. gas and electricity, built-in china closets, pan elled dining-room and every modern convenience. This house is situated in the heart of Sunnyside, and if sold by Wednesday we can sell for $500 down and $2o per month. This is a good buy for $Sr00, and if you want to secure it call at once before it is too late. THE STEWART CO 523-K25 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 9340. A 7422. APARTMENT HOUSE Xew 3-story fireproof concrete build ing, 14 complete furnished apartments, comprised of three large rooms, with reception hall, closets and beautifully equipped bathroom, disappearing beds, kitchen cabinets, automatic gas heaters and ranges, also steam heat through oiit. cooling closets, etc. Both phones in eah suite. Automatic electric pas senger elevator in fact every conven ience. One block to carline. West Side. This is t beauty. Only $45,000. Good terms. North Pacific Realty Co. 605 Commercial Block, 2d and Wash. 3 NEW HOUSES IN IRVINGTON r,(K0 6 rooms on East 20th st. $.'150 7 rooms on Kast 8th st .-,3.-,o S rooms on K. 8th st. 50xl00-foot lot With each house. Streets already hard surface. Terms $1000 cash, balance to suit. HOLMES & MENEFEE 89 Third St.. Chamber of Commerce. Apartment house site 50x100 17th St., three blocks north of Washington st. Seven-room house on property. Only $8500. $4500 will handle, balance at 6 per cent. WORTH PACIFIC RiSALTY CO, 60S Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. A LEGITIMATE SNAP Lot 50x100 with four flats, filled with steady tenants, paying $72 per month; can be bought for $500, and $3000 cash Will handle the deal. Location is. ideal ... SEE GEO- CURTIS NEW TODAY. THIRD STREET Invest in Third Street Properti Don't Hesitate AboutThird St BUY ON HARD STREET AndYou Will Dsub!e YourMoney onThird St tf F" r? fff Corner. 4-story brick, CDDDiUUU on Third st., pays 7'o ' net. Come and in vestigate. SI 00000 wit" substantial improvements and paying 6Ti now; will pay 12 when l'-ase expires. fi f" f g g f Full corner lot. with OOVrJvJvl "-storv buildlner. 3d St.; pays 7r,i on In vestment. I30LIUv from Burnside street. Pays now about will pay bljr returns If improved. fr" fff 50-foot lot on Front dZOlUUU street, with 2-story 7 brick; $2200 per an num income, long lease. d f O Cff Quarter block apart DlOi3UU merit house site. Nob wy wv Hill, extra choice. f r g r 50x100 ft.. Kearney St., rjSrllll Xob Hin- with 2 houses; pays interest. GOLDSMITH & CO. 103 Sherlock; Building;, Sd and Oak St. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY close-in, exclusive residence district. All improvements made and paid for. ASPHALT STREETS Within a few months the new Madison-street bridjre will be finished, Hawthorne avenue will be completed to Mount Tabor. Do yon realize what this means? LOTS $1900 and Up NEAR HAWTHORNE AVENUE $190 CASH $19 A MONTH 6 INTEREST Warranty deeds. - F. W. TORGLER 10U Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. C05 Concord Bldg;. Also Agents on Ground. 75 ACRES 10 miles northwest of Portland and two miles from the United Railway; 15 acres cleared., 15 acres heavy tim ber, balance easily cleared; never failing stream of water, on public road, soil rich, land lies well, no rock or gravel ; adjoining srood public school. Price only $X2o per acre. Good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 245i. Stark Street A GOOD BUY One-half block from Hawthorne ave., the best street on the East Side, seven room bungalow; kitchen, pass pantry, dining-room, sitting-room, reception hall, three bedrooms, bath and toilet, gas and electric fixtures, window shades; full cement basement, with laundry trays: piped for furnace, ce ment sidewalks and around house. This is a bargain, and a small amount will handle. Call and see us about this. RAND, READ & CO. - 31 Board of Trade. Fine new brick stores. 18th, and "Washington. We will g-ive ? good lease on these. ? Portland Trust Company S. K. Cor, Third and Oafc Sta. Apartment Sites 100x100, corner $15,000 iSxlOO, corner, close in . . . . . . $16,000 100x100, some income $1700 Over 100x100, corner .-$30,000 80X100. fine fio 500 50x100. Park block 10.000 .SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO, Sl Board of Trade. ACREAGE BARGAIN 75.8 acres, 5 miles from Morrison-st. bridge: high and sightlv; all level; magnificent view; finest fruit and vege table soil: practically all under culti vation. As a holding Investment for a short time only you can't beat tt. $35,000. MLKPHT A CASWELL, Owners, Hark M. A FINE HOME AT A BARGAIN The most showy and attractive horn in Htverslde Terrace. 833 Kelly ml. k.TniiFci i WJ v m JU U I JC i