12 THE StJKDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAJiTV DECEMBER 12, 1909. O 1 HARMONY QUARTETTE Whose Thirteen Songs "Will Be a Bare Treat. rrp.:-;:TT' v -ri"-TvHrTvS Tics ruo raw OUR LARGE NEW STORE Four Stories; Two Base Inents; Reinforced Concrete; Covers Quarter Block OUR OWN BUILDING Just Completed. Most Modern Fur niture Store in Portland A ft. F i:5 Mrs. May Dearborn-Schwab ' Soprano I 3 Mrs. Lulu Dahl-Miller Contralto Mr. J. Boss Fargo Baritone 4 f i v. Mr. John Claire Monteith , Bass : . - J . V I," J I . x ' V . 1 X,,' ; y Mrs. Warren E. Thomas Accompanist 7:30 P. M. TO 10:30 P. M. Valoe Over S400-FREE! MONDAY NIGHT FREE-39 1 13 VALUABLE PRESENTS will be distributed among the first 1300 People Entering Store (door open at 7:30 P. M.) No Present Worth Less Than $13 13 VALUABLE PRESENTS will be distributed among the second 1300 People Who Enter Store No Present Worth Less Than One-Half $13 13 VALUABLE PRESENTS will be distributed among the third 1300 People Who Enter Store No Present Worth Less Than One-Third $13 TOMORROW NIGHT Presents Will Consist of Choice New, Useful Furniture . No Goods Sold '.- . . - No Person Under 13 or Over 113 Can Participate in Distribution Employes and THeir Families Npt Eligible for Presents Presents Will Be Distributed in tHe Following Mariner: The first 3900 persons, 13 years of age and over, entering store will be given a numbered card for name and address. It will also have a coupon attached. Keep coupon; deposit card with name and address in box at office. IP YOTJJDEPOSIT MORE THAN ONE CARD YOU LOSE any present which either number may call for. The system is so arranged that each of the first 1300 people entering the store will have an equal show therefore a stampede when the doors are open at 7:30 P. M. will be useless. FREE! ALSO 3000 SOUVENIRS FREES Instead of advertising that everybody will get a souvenir,' as is customary, we have followed our fixed policy of truthful, honest advertising, mentioning the num ber of souvenirs to be givn away; therefore those coming late will not be disappointed. Gardner's Orchestra PART FIRST 1. March, "The Last Call".. .,. Ellis 2. Selection, "The Time, Place and the Girl" X Howard 3. "Spring, Beautiful Spring". . . . .Paul Linske A. "Yama Yama Man," from "The Three Twins" Hoschna 5. Selection, "Forty-five ' Minutes From Broadway" ...George Cohan 6. "A Waltz Dream" .Oscar Strauss 7. "The Whistler and His Dog". .Arthur Pryor PART SECOND 8. Overture, "The Calif of Bagdad" A. Boildier 9. "Southern Roses" Strauss 10. "Serenade," Trombone Solo. . .Fr. Schubert 11. "Gold und Silber" ....... .Franz Lehar 12. Selection, "Soul Kiss" Maurice Levi 13. "My Pony Boy". . . . . .OTkmnell and Smith 13-line Invitation 13-piece Orchestra. 13-selection Programme by the Orchestra. 13-selection Programme by Harmony Quartet. The Harmony Quartette Mrs. May Deaxbom-Schwab -Mr. J. Rosa Targo Mrs. Lulu Dahl-Miller Mr. John Claire Monteith Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, Accompanist V FIRST .'PART 1. Sextet from "Lucia" Arr. for Quartet fcy Dreslet Harmony Quartet 2. 'Tlorwer Fairies". ............... .Morgan - Mrs. Schwab and Mrs. Miller 3. "Flower Rain". ... ..Schneider Mr. Fargo '4. "Absent". .....Metcalf ' Harmony Quartet 5. "Nymphs and Fauns"... .-.......wBemberg Mrs. Schwab 6. -"Dinah" Clayton Johns Harmony Quartet PART SECOND 7. Quartet from "Rigoletto" ... ... . . . Harmony Quartet 8. 'The Huntsman's Song" Clough-Leighter Mr. Fargo and Mr. Monteith 9. "The Nightingale" '..Ward Stephens Mrs. Miller 10. "Good Night, Beloved".. .Pinsuti Harmony Quartet 11. "My Old Shako" Crotere Mr. Monteith 12. "The Rosary". Nevin Harmony Quartet 13. "My Lady of the Manor," from "Babette" Herbert Harmony Quartet There Are 13 Letters in Morgan-Atchley. It's Lucky for Portland That We Are in the Furniture Business That We Did Not Build on the West Side, Where the Land Would Have Cost Us 13 Times More Lucky That We Save $25,000 Annually in Interest and Taxes, Which Will Go to the People in Reduced Furniture Prices 13 EXTRA STREETCARS "We made application for 13 extra EAST ANKENY and RUSSEJL-SHAVER (East Side line) ears, which pass our doors, and the "P. R., L. & P. Co. assures us that it will be glad to furnish twice 13 extra cars if nec essary even putting on extra West Side cars. ' . All Morrison Bridge Cars Come Within Three Blocks of Store - Get off at Grand avenue and walk north to East Starke W. L." MorKin 69-75 Grand Ave. Geo. T. Alchlcy S. H. Horgn Cor. E. Stark Street FURNITURE All Afternoon Papers,Tuesday, Will Announce Names of the Lucky 39 Who Get Presents Store Will Be Closed All Day Monday Open for Business in Ne w Store Tuesday Morning