11 THE' SUNDAT- OREGOXTAN, PORTLAND, treCEMBER 12, 1909. E IN FLOURls ADVANC Local Market Goes Up 15 Cents a Barrel. ALL CEREALS VERY STRONG Wheat, Oats and Barley Have an Vpwarct Tendency Rise In Sugar Prices Foreign Hop Mar ket Is Stronger. In line with the steady advance In wheat prices, flour, quotations were a rain Hfted yesterday. The advance wax- IB cents on patents and 25 cents on exports. The new price of local patents Is $6.15 per barrel. , The wheat market continued strong here and In the country. Trading In the Portland market was light and prices were more or less nominal. In the Interior buyers are forced to come up to sellers' views before they can conclude purchases.- The oats market was strona- at $33, and the former price of feed barley was fully maintained. Rolled barley was quoted higher at $31(332 per ton. With light receipts of hay this week the market has become firmer. Two shipments of California alfalfa have been brought up by steamer and more Is coming. This Southern alfalfa sells from $1 to $1.60 per ton less than the Oregon and Washington article, as It is not bo well cured and Is in heavier bales. The so-called hay corner at Kllensburg has no effect whatever on the local market The only outlet for Taklma hay Is on the Sound, owing to the higher freight rates from Port land. Kastern Oregon hay is of better natality than Taklma hay and there is said to be enough of It to last through out the season, though hay dealers say the crop will be well cleaned up. Foreign shipments of wheat for the week were reported by the Merchants' E-xohange as follows: This vk. Lost wk. L,ast yr. Rnta's. 4.H92.00O o.SM.OOO 1.04S.OOO Danube a4.00O 8KO.OOO 1,01.KK Arentlna (M.OOO 432,000 1S4.0O0 Australia 112R.0UO 48.000 " 88,000 India 2S0.0O0 32.000 Local receipts, in cars, as reported by the Merchants" Exchange, were: Whent BarVoy Flour Oats Hay Monday , . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday Krlday , . , Saturday . 83 82, 11 10 1 4: 0 1 J5 4 n ft 41 r.:i 03O 436 10 A S o 8 4ll l 14.-.0 1573 1 rt 2 S 45 as sn 123 ! 12 61 6 week 2."4 4 4 lrt t 813 635 ear agn Total thi Tear ago 2.'ls Season to date.f2!0 Year ago 7:K POTATO KS COXTIXTB TO 'WEAKEX. Jolhlng Prices Will Be Back to $1 Monday. Shipping emand Good. There was a further drop In the jobbing prices of potatoes ' yesterday. Front-street dealers quoting $1.15 fill 1.25 per hundred. The market Monday will probably be back to $1, where It started from. The shipping demand Is good, but weather conditions prevent much being done in this line. Shippers, orrer boot 66c for Valley stock and 70 (fp 75o for Eastern Multnomah potatoes. There was not much stir in the fresh produce trade. Four cars of bananas are due today and. a car of celery la due Monday. The last car of celery was unbleached and sold at lower prices, $2.75 3 per crate. The best bleached celery Is worth $3.25 3. BO. FX.TTKRT IX FORETOX HOP MARKETS Cable. From Xuremburg Are Decidedly HulliHh. A boom has developed In the foreign Ttop markets, according to two cables 'vrecelved by Isaaqj Plncus & Sons yes terday. Barth & Sons, of Nuremburg cabled as follows: ' "Market Improving. Market firmer. .Demand Increasing. Firmer and up ward tendency. The demand is chiejly to fill short sales." I Bernhard Bing, of 'Nuremburg, cabled: "The trade is very active and high prices are being paid. No sales In the Oregon market came to light yesterday. The demand was .good, but there were practically no sell era" on the market. 1KB Iresaed POrLTBY MARKET IS SLOW. Turkeys Still Command Good Prices. The week closed with a very easy feeling in the live" -poultry - market. Chicken receipts were liberal and the demand slow, with the result that good many coops were carried over: There were some sales of chickens at 14 cents, and 14 cents was the top I,lve turkeys were weak at 21 22c, but good dressed turkeys were In demand at 25 to 27 cents, according to quality. There were no new developments in the egg market. tregons were secure and firm at 43 cents and Easterns active fet the former range. Butter and cheese were firm and un changed 8ugar Priors Are Higher. Jobbers quoted a 10-cent advance In fruit, berry and coarse grade of sugar yesterday. Standard granulated Is now being quoted at the same price as fruit and berry, $a.9a per hundred. The ad vance has been expected for some time. Unseed Oil Advance. An advance of 2 cents was reported in linseed oil yesterday. . The new quotations are: Barrels, raw 75c, boiled 77c; cases, raw 80c, boiled 82c. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: uieannps. Balances. Portland Sl.863.fl70 1:00.11(18 Peattle 1.U32.723 Tacoma 8M1.82H Snokaiie 853. (i-5 348,0: S4.4 127,050 Clearings of Portland. Seattle and Tacom for the pdfrt week and corresponding week In Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. -1000 . .. ..Hr2,&7l $lU.07o.Sr.! $0,080,003 1008 O.S'90,004 ll,82-,003 0.0S!,l3i 1H07 ....... 4.D4U.0H0 8.315.110 4.DU2.2ST lOOtt 7.'S,17;l JO.109.8itt 4.S80.OO4 100.-, 6,iS.Sr3 6.847.47 4,lB.27t 1004 4.R(VJ.7;t7 4.912.3:14 S.2S4.3N0 100:i ...... 3.82?S.61ll . 4.1S4.3S3 2.070.SS4 1IHIJ . .. . n.4S.8tl 4.8S2.00S 2.182.138 lOOt 3,&44.2;'0 2.72.25S 1.1GS.71S : PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. $1.1 Q' 1.2 tl; club, $1.08; red Russian, $1.0j4; Val ley. $1.04: 40-fold. $1.08. 1 BAKLET Feed and brewing,. $39.60 per ton. - .... FLOl'R Patents. $0.15 per barrel; straight $4.S5; export, $4.55; Valley. $5.70: graham. $5.50: whole wheat. Quarters, $5.70. CORN Whole, $!!5; cracked, $38 per ton. MILLSTi;r-S Bran. $28 per ton; mid dlings. $38; shorts. . $28.60 29.60; rolled barley. 81. OATS No. 1 white. $33 per ton HAY Timothy: Willamette Valtey. $18 SO per ton; Eastern Oregon. $18e21.B0; al falfa. W jH.iO; clover. $15918; cheat. $15 a !6; grain bay. $150 18- ' 1 Dsdry and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery extras. RPo: fancy outside creamery, $439c per lb.; store. 32H4'84e. (Butter . fat prices average lHc per pound under regular butter prices. ) EGGS Fresh Oregon extras. 45c per dozen; Eastern. 31&37HC per dozen. GHEE 8 H Full cream twins, 18SlSHc per pound; young Americas. 19"t19Ho. 14ic. roosters, 99T0c: ducks, lOlSHc; pees. 13 ?f 12c; turkeys, live, 212;jc; dressed, 25 IX 27c, I'Uttiv f ancy, ivrf iuc per pouna. VBA L Extras, 11 11 per pound. Vegetables and Fruits. FRESH FRUITS Apples. tl&S box! pears. 9101.60 per box; Spanish Malaga. 77.60 per barrel; quinces. $1.2501.60 per box;' cranberries, $9 fa 9.50 per barrel; per simmons. $1.60 per box. POTATOES Carload buylns- srlces: Ore gon, 607o per sack; sweet potatoes, 140 per pound. TKOrlCAL FRUITS Granites, si.sraa; lemons, fancy, $6; choice. $6.60; g-rape- rult $3.60(4 per box; bananas, bco'oo per pound; pomegranates, $1.00 per dox. apanese oranges. $1.50 & 1.6a per Dunaie; tangerines. $1.75 per box. VBUETABLES ArtlcnoKes. JSO per dozen: beana. Ion ner nound: cabbaKe. 14 0 per pound ;-cauliflower. $2 per dozen; celery. J2.7.) 3.50 per crate; egspiam, 11.10; nui (10UK lettuce. $1.50 per box; peas. 10c per pound; garlic, 10c per pound; horseradish. 1.O0 per box: pumpuins. 1 (a A c ; r&ujanea, 15c per dozen; sprouts, 8c per lb.; squash. iic; tomatoes, (ocarii. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, $1 per sack; carrots, $1; beets, $1.50; parsnips. $1.50. ONIONS Oregon. l.ou per sac. Provisions. " 22c; choice. 21c;' English, !0SO-Hc. DRY SALT CURED Regular snort Clears. dry salt. 16 He; smoked. 16VjC; short clear backs, heavy dry sauea. ibc, cu, uc: , Oreson exports, dry salted. 160; smoked. 17c. HAMS 10 to IS pounds. 17V4o: 14 to 1 pounds, 17 He; 18 to 10 pounds, 17 He; hams, skinned. 18c: picnics. 13 Ho; cottage rolls. 15c; boiled Dami, ztljfZDC; Doueo. piciu 21c LARD Kettle rendered. 10s. j7o; stan dard pure, 10s, 16 He; choloe. 10s. Is Ho Compound. 10s, ll4o. SilOK-hiD iJtilr jeer tongues, wen, dried beet sets. 19c; dried beef outsldes. 17c; dried beef lnsldes. 21c: dried beef knuckles. Oc. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs feet. $13.50: regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe. $12; luncn tongues, is. ftu; mess -tra, $12; mess pork, $25. Bops, Wool, Hides. Etc HOPS 1909 crop, 18 22 He: 190S crop. nominal. 1007 crop, 12c: l0tt crop. Be. WOOL Eastern Oregon, lo'ffac pounu. MOHAIR Choice. 25c pound. OAPCARA BARK liio per pounds TT int'K nrv hides. lS(S)10c per pound: dry kip. 1718c pound: dry calfskin, 10 1c pound; salted niues, luiffiic; bih;h calfskin, 15 16c pound: green, lo less. rijKS NO. 1 SKins: uoaisninB, 1.S!5: badger. 250 60c: bear. $8't20; beaver, $8.50ig8.50: cat, wild, :6c1.50; cougar. perfect Head ana ciaws. j-i'ffiv; usu,?. dark. $7.50iill; pale, $4.907; fox, cross. S3: fox, grav, oufsuc; inx, reu. oa; fox. silver. $35''fl00; lynx. $815; marten. dark, $8012: mink. $3.50 5.50: muskrat. 154:5e: otter, ,.ooa'4; raccoon. uui4fioc; sea otter. 100250. as to size and color; skunks. 656H0c: civet cat. 10ai5c: wolf. $33.50: coyote, 75c$1.25: wolverine, dark. $35; wolverine, pale, xzctpz.ou. . Groceries. Dried Frtilts.' Etc. DRIED FRUIT--AppIes, 9ic per pound; peaches. 7H8c; prunes, Italians, OHO 64c; prunes. French. 4o6c; currants, un washed, eases, 9Hc: currants, washed. cases. 10c; figs, white fancy. BO-lb. boxes, 614c: dates, 8SHc- 6ALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. $2 per dozen: 2-pound tails, $2.05: 1-pound flats. H2 10V-: Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. 90c; red. 1-pound tails, $1.45; sockeyes, 1- pouna tans, COFFEE Mocha, 2428e; Java, ordinary. 17ig20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18 20c: good, 1818c: ordinary, 12 16c per pound. NUTS -Walnuts. 14 18c per pound; Bra- til nuts, 12H15o: filberts. 14(315o al monds. lH&'15Hc; chestnuts. Ohio, 20c; cocoanuts, 90c$l per dozen. BEANS Small white. 6 He; large wnlte. iV,c: Lima. S'ic: bayou. 5 He: pink. 4 He. SUGAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry, $5.95: Cbeet $5.75: extra C $5.45; golden C $5.S5: cubes (barrel), $6.35; powdered (barrel), xo.o.- Terms on remittance? within 15 days, deduct He per pound, if later than 15 days and within -30 days, de--duct He per pound. Maple sugar, 15lSo per pound. SALT Granulated. $13 per ton. $1.00 per bale; half ground. 100s, $7.50 Vr ton; 60s, $8 per ton. HUt;i Choice. $3.zdio3.50 per case. Oils, Turpentine, Eto. COAL OIL- PearL astral and star.' cases. 19o per gallon; eocene, cases, per gallon; Elaine, cases, 28c per gallon; extra star, cases, 22c per gallon; water white, Iron bar rels, 11 He per gallon; wood barrels, 15Ho per gallon; special water white. Iron- barrels. 15c per gallon. GASOLINE Red crown asxl motor gaso line. Iron barrels, 10e per gallon; cases, 2So per gallon; &tt gasoline, iron barrelsi .oo per gallon: cases, 37 He per gallon. ' tm,psz,iis; v. JVl. ana naptna, iron par rels. 13Hc per gallon; cases, 20Hc per gal lon: engine distillate, . Iron barrels. 9o per gallon; cases, 10c per gallon. TURPENTINE in cases. 78c per gallon; wood barrels, 75 He per gallon; aroturps (turpentine substitute), iron barrels, 38o per gallon; cases, 4:c per gallon. LINSEED OIL Raw, in barrels. 75s; boiled. In barrels. 77c; raw. In cases, SOc; boiled. In cases, 82c. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A. Probts and wife to Otto Welbel, wst half of lot 11. block 6, York.$ Otto Weibcl and wife to William Walker, lot 10 and west half of lot 11, block 5, York '10,000 s. vveutr ana nusDana to Wallace E. Mosher, lots 1, a. block 8, Webbs Addition 400 William MoComus to John U. Holm et al, lots 5. 8. block 253. Holla- days Addition 4,250 Weliesley Land Company to William A. Ba-pn. lot 16, block 9, Weliesley 225 George L. Hopkins ana wife to W. M. Bansbauh. lot 3. block 10. Ina Park 30 Peter Mayer to Albert Jan its. lot 1, block 2, Saratoga Addition 650 western Oregon trust company to Nicholas Licht et al, lots 17. 18, 19,' ' block 8, EVeiyn" : . 000 B. M. Lombard and wife to E. N.t Garbutt, lot 14. block 3. Railway . Addition 85 Cornelia oolson to F. J. Darlington, lot 8. block 3, subdivision P. J. Martin tract 1,300 Joseph M. Healy et al to L. J. Barber, lota 2H. 24. block 32. Waverlelch Heights 1.000 M. W. Kelsey and wife to Phehe Hammer, lots 7. 8. block 4. Ar- leta Park No. 4 , 1,200 (jentennlal Investment Company to Nelson J. Hewitt, west 25 feet of lot 9 and east 12H feet of lot 8, block 1, . Midway Annex Addition.. Louie Henry and wife to Pearl LeRoy Rhoads et al. east half of lot 2, (block 6, Williams Avenue Addition T. C. Nlner et al to Mary E- Switzier, south 83 1-3 feet of lot 2, block 1. 2,000 i 1,300 Linns Addition N2.500 Margaret Lutae ana nusoana.to tx o. Hall, lot 4, block 47, lrvington Portland Trust Company to E. B. Ed wards, lot 18. block 16, . Tremont Place . Rose City Cemetery Association to . Arthur Bullay, west half of lot 212, section "C," said cemetery Caroline S. Lombard and husband to S. S. Somerville. lots 13. 14. 15. block 7, Broadway Addition Richard M. Yeager and wife to Wal ter A. Tyler, lots 7. 8. 14. block 1.000 11 130 1.900 4, Town of Lents.'. 10 enrlstlna Peterson and husband to t Edward Norine. lots 3 and 4, block 10. First Electric Addition 500 nose uny Park cemetery Association to Anna Green, west tt' of lot 79. section "B," said cemetery 75 Jennie G. Hneniuld and husband to Ida M. Gay. undivided ' of west H of lots 7 and S. block 270, City. . 2.500 vv. ir. Hugney to William R. Hawks lev et aU lots 3 and 4. block 2 Redllchton -r. . . . BOO K.ate ward to Frank C. Rlggs, lot 1 and north 20 feet of. lot 2. block 8. Stronit's Addition IS 0(111 Alameda Land Company to I. F. "Me Caln et al. lots 7 and o. block 22, Alameda Park 2,117 D. C. Freeman to Josephine M Free man, west CO feet of lot 4. block -243. Fast Portland 10 Latld Estate Company to Otto Roth ohild. lots 10. 11. block 9. Ladd's Addition 3.920 Jose'ph Wheatley to S. C. Priestlv, lots 13 to 16. block 1; all of blocks ana a; iols j, z. to its, block 4; lots 1 to - 14. block 6; lots 1. 2. 13 to 10. block 6: lots 1 to 4. 13 to 16. block 7: lots 8. 4. 13 to 16. block 9, Foxchase Addition 1 Fred H. Kleer and wife to Lula L. . Ogden, lot 14, block 1, Bungalow ' Glade 8.T50 Georgians Ruppert and husband to , Jacob M. Miller, lot 8, block 75. Sellwood 2,250 T. S. McDanlel. and wife to W. H. Bell, lots 21, 22, block 8. Haw-thorne-Ave. Add. 2,000 W. T. Learning and wife to Mox TTn terfachberger, lot 13, block 16 Tra- . mont park ........ 300 Title Guarantee A Trust Co. to Pas cal Costanxo, lots 15, 16, block 32, Berkeley . . . . 2O0 LAWYERS ABSTRACT St TRUST CO.' Room 6. Board of Trade bldg. Abstracts- a specialty. GUARANTEED certificates of title and ab stracts made by Ttitle & Trust Co., Chamber- of .Ooxxuneroe. b;u., Portlands Or. HOGS IG ACAIN Local Market Shows an -Advance of 10 Cents. TOP STOCK BRINGS $8.60 Sheep and Cattle Are Also Strong. Fancy Lambs Are Moved at $6. Rim at tjje Yards The hog market took another Jumj yes terday tuid there ts no telling where it will go before It stops. Sheep and cattle were also firm. The day's) receipts were 28 sheep and 240 hogs. The previous top Quotation of $8.30 en hogs was improved upon to the extent of 10 cents, a bunch of 88 head averaging; 24S pounds berng sold at $8.60. Two other lots, only slightly under this lot in Quality, brought S-50- These phenomenal hog prices that are being realized, in. the Portland mar ket completely overshadow the prices ruling In the East, about which so much fuss Is being: made, when the difference in condi tion e here and in the East are considered. The only other sale at the yards yesterday was a lot of 81 lambs, which Drougnt so. an advance of a half over the beet previous lamb sale. Sheep and cattle values were quoted unchanged. Shippers at the yards yesterday were H C. Strickland, of Sllverton, with one car. of sheep; J. C. Davis, of Tangent, one car of hogs and sheep, and Combs & Eotchklss, of Joseph, two cars of hogs. The day's sales were as follows: Wt. Price. I Wt. Price. 89 hogs... 248 $8.60!C1 hogs... 212 $8.60 91 hogs.'.. 216 8.50131 lambs.. 98 6.00 Prices Quoted at the yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Best steers, $.fiO4.75; fair to good. $4 4.25: medium and feders. $3.50 3.75; best cows, $3.508-75; medium,' $3 3.75; common to medium. $2-f)08.75; bulla. 2S2 50; stags. $2.50 3.BO; calves, light. $5.s.i3.BO; heavy, -4(ij)4.7o. HOGS Best, $8.4O8.60; medium. $7.50(9 8.00; stockers,' $6.506.75. (SHEEP Best wethers. $4.T5 fflo.OO; fair to good. $4.25 J4.50; best ewes, 2,754 fair to good. $3.50 3.75; lambs, $5.50 , Omaha's Record Bos; Price. OMAHA. Neb., Dec 11. The best heavy hogs In the South Omaha market brought $8.45 per 100 pounds today, a new high record prloe for the market. Eastern livestock Alarkets. CHrJAGO. Deo. 11. Cattle Receipts, es timated at 600; market, steady. Peevei, $4S.75: Texas steers. $3.S04.80: Western steers, $4.257; stockers and feeders, $3.10 5.25; cows ana hellers, iz.io'tfa.03; calves, $7 9.50. Hogs Receipts, estimated at 11, 000: mar ket, 5c higher. Light. $S.O.i8.55; mixed. $8. IS 8.05; heavy, $S.258.70; rougn. $8.25 48.40; gooa to cnoice heavy, ss.4013i8.70; pigs. $6.957.0Ot bulk of sales. JS. 40(3 8.60. bneep Receipts, estimated at iswit: mar ket, steady. Native, $3.50S. 50; Western, $3.755-S0; yearlings. $6.257.65; lambs. native, iO-iiS'o.oU; western, i. 10 (a s ow. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 1L Cattle Re ceipts. 2000. Market, steady. Native steers, n.QOft 8. 50: cows and heifers, $2.607.00; stockers and feeder1!. $3 25B.25: bulls, $3.00 4. 00: calves. x3.7DaB.50: western steers. $4.00H6.25: Western cows. $2,750)5.00. Hogs Receipts. 4000. Steady. Heavy. 19.40 W8.ou: pacKers ana putcners. sH.zaaptt.ao; light. 7.S0i&8.30: nigs. $6.7507.75. Sheep Receipts. oOO. Steady. Muttons. $4.oOiBi6.00: lambs, $6.508-10. OMAHA. Dec. ' 1L Cattlei Receipts. 700. Market, unchanged. Native steers, $4.00 8.25: cows and heifers. $3.00S 5.25; Western steers. $3.50(&6.25: calves. $3.50 7.50: bulls and stags. s.7o(04.6O. ' Hogs receipts, ,hoo. Market. strong. Heavy, $8.35S 8.45; mixed. $8.32H8.35; light. $8.30a8.37H: bulk, $8.32 H 8.37 H. tsheep receipts. 100. Market. steady. Yearlings. $5.75'06.85; lambs, $6.607.70. FAVORITES ARE' DULL RUT MINOR STOCKS ARE ACTIVE AT NEW YORK. No Fear of a Money Stringency at the End of the Year- Bonds Irregular. NEW YORK. Dec. 11, The stock market was marked by the Quiescence of the usual ly active stocks of the great corporations and the wide movements in shares of minor companies. A transaction in United States Steel was a comparative rarity. There were heavy dealings in Western Maryland cer tiUcates, Utah Copper, National Enameling; and .other stocks. The action of the market was but little responsive to news developments. The ap- proach of the year-end money requirements had some restraining effect on speculation. although fears of a stringency have passed. London discounts were Inclined to harden today and prospects of further gold ex ports from London caused some renewal of solicitude there. - Yesterday's rumors of harmful action In- volving Reading and the Department of Justice wereexplained by the contents of me annual report of the Attorney-General. The Biirvey given therein of pending anti truBt legislation and its prospects served to bring the subject to the attention of the stock market and to recall the number and extent of these measures and the widespread issues concerned. The verdict in the New York court against the legality of the American Ice Company increased -tne attention given to the sub- Ject. Its Impression was not materially moainea by the assertion that the Presi dential recommendations on the subject would be deferred until after the Supreme v-oun uecisions on tne appeal of the Amer ican Tobacco ana- standard Oil cases. The low prices realized on the sale ves- terday of New York City 4 per cent bonds was not considered a hopeful prognostic for coming flotations of corporation secur- Lies. T"he bank statement disclosed more bene- fit from the cash receipts from the interior than was estimated and while there was some expansion of tho loan account, the excess of that account over, deposits was slightly lessened, reversing "the tendency iraniiest tor several weeks past. xtonas were irregular. Total sales, par vaiuu, i,ivi.vuv. united states 2s regis tered advanced and the 8s H, while the s registered declined A and th ommon v. per cent In the bid price on call since last CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing SaJea Hlrh. T-nw. Allii Chalmers pf ..... ..... Atrial Copper . . . 14,500 . 8714 ' SG Am Agricultural .. 200 44' 43? Am Beet Sugar .. 800 471J 47C Am Can pf .!":...... Am Car & Foun . 400 72 72' " Am Cotton Oil Am Ed & Lt pf ilO. ' B4 - 44 47 68 46 25 Am Ice Securi . . 3,300 Am Linwed Oil.. 30O Am Locomotive 2H 18 -io6'-i 110-)i 123T, 143 24 15 Vi ioo" 110H 123 H 1429s 15 61 Am Smelt & Ref. 7,600 two BOO 2,100 do pref erred ... 110-4 Am Sugar Kef.. 1M Am Tel A Tel. . Am Tobacco pf . . . Am Woolen ..... Anaconda Mln Co. Atchison do preferred ... Atl Coast Llne. . . Bait at w-r.!V:: do preferred ... Bethlehem Steel Brook Rap Tran. . Canadian Paclflo .. Central Leather . do preferred . Central of N J. . Cties & Ohio Chicago- & Alton . . Chicago Gt West. Chicago & N W... C, M A St Paul.. C. C. C A St L. Colo Fuel & iron. . 96 4O0 se 36Vi 3CH 6,400 300 400 1.300 30O 2I406 900 LlOO 122H 104 H 135 U7V4 t2 180 7H 121 H 104 J4 134& 11JH '79 asoH 47 122 1U4 134H 117-4 W3 34 80 180H 106 315 8T 67 20 177 1.800 87H 87 700 2.200 2,500 20 177U 15TH 20 U J78H 1584 ?S3 2,700 16 t?5 80V4 151 H 22 183 H r& 36 V4 34 H BOH 41H do 1st preferred. ...... . . . . . do 2d preferred. ... ..... ..... Consolidated Gas.. 600 152 Corn Products ... 7,200 28H 181 H 22. 18S 49H Del & Hudson 200 183 "i D & R Grande ... 600 49 H do preferred ... ...... ..... Distillers' Sec-art Erie C.200 84T 34 B014 do lt preferred. 2.SOO Bl do 2d preferred. 800 424 160 1604 Gt Northern pf Gt Northern Ore .. 2.800 143 142 H Illinois Central Interborough Met.. 8.30O 24 24 61 109 H 24 H, 16 do preferred . . . 8,800 o: Inter Harvester 700 HO nter-Marine Df 200 700 24H 16 (J Int Paper Int Pump ........ ...... xowa central .... ...... C "Southern ..." 600 43 io2H 63 71 4914 do pref erred . . . Louisville A Nash Minn & St Louis. Colo & Southern .. 100 BSH 68 H 400 353 300 53 2,100 1 40"4 - 40O 71 V - 1,300 48" ""200 "87 400 R9 8.700 12414 1,400 49H 2.40rt IOOH l.ROO 87 l.eoo 144 40O 43 27,000 1341), " LBOO 10O 63 "V.soo " rsi V4, 6I.8OO 171 H 1.700 47 41.R00 "ii'si 2,000 90H 400 6014 700 SZ 2.400 80 M. St P 'A S S M. Missouri Pacific .. Mo. Kan & Texas do preferred . . .. National Biscuit ., National Lead ... 874 123Ti 49 iooh SB 144 42Vi 134 - Mex Nat Ry 1st pf N T Central N T. Ont & West. Norfolk & West. North American . Northern Paclflo .. Paciflo Matl Pennsylvania Opl CCA Pt L. Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Pel Car. Ry Steel Spring.. 51 I7014 46-4 Reading Republic (steel ... do preferred ... Rock Island Co .. 41 90 83 79 H do preferred . . . St L & 8 F 2 pf. St L Southwestern do preferred ftloma-SHefrielri Pouthern-Pacino .. lo.foo isi Southern Railway. boo do preferred ... 800 Tenn Copper . . Texas n 4 pacino Tol. St L & Wes do preferred TJnlon Paclflo ,. 400 01 2nO 704 70 18,4X) 202l 2f2 400 102 102 do preferred . U s Keaity. ..... TT S Rubber ' 200 62"4 62Vi 125 H 61 Ts B2 90 T4 25 H U 9 Steel 27,300 91 do preferred ... 7oo 12514 Utah Copper- 13,700 63vt Va-Caro Chemical ..... Wabash ' - 21 H do preferred ... 1.200 57'' 574 57 WeMern Md 8.2HO BO 4614 4814 Westlnghouse Eleo 2O0 K4 C4 B4H Western Union ... 600 78H 77T4 77 Wheel ft L Erie 8 Wisconsin Central. vs"5F 48 Total sales for thenway, 338,000 snares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. Closing Quotations: U. S. ref. 2s reg.lOO N Y C O 3Hs 91H do coupon. .100 North Paclflo 3s. 72 TT B. R re 101H North Pacific 4s. 102 'do coupon. .. .lOlHIUnlon Uaciflo 4s.l02H U S new 4S reg.H4H Wiscon Cent 4s. 94H do coupon 115H Japanese os D B G 4e 90 I MONEY FL0WSEAST1RD IfEW YORK CONTINUES lO GAIN FROM THE INTERIOR. Week's Receipts Are Iiargely Offset Dy Treasury Operations anl Gold Exports. .t . NEW YORK. Deo. Hi The Financier will .v: The statement of the Associated jtianas 01 the Citv ;of New York for -the week be ginning December 11 snowed oniy moderate changes In totala The report of actual conditions indicated a gam or 50,010.100 in loans, an increase of $10,970,800 in deposits and an lrlcrease of $2,906,200 In cash. The effect of the gain In cash was very nearly offset by the reserve required on the in creased deposits, so that surplus rose only $252,250, making the surplus $9,958,175. The outside banks and trust companies snoweo. galnspf a little more tnan sloou.uuo in loans dTirlnjt the week, a gain of 1,250,000 in deposits and a very small decrease In cash holdlnes. The movement of funds at present Is very much in-favor of NiWv York, so far as the interior is concerned, the . gain last week having been more than $7,000,000. but this was largely onset by losses to tne sud Treasury and through gold exports. The probabilities are. that the flow of cash from the Interior will be a little, heavier from now to the end of the year, because of the dividend and interest requirements. The statement of averages of the Clear ing-House banks for the weeks shows that the banks hold !).962.20O more than the requirements of the ft5 per cent reserve rule. This Is an increase! of $2,247,550 over last week in the proportionate oash reserve. The statement follows: Decrease. Loans $1,181,994,200 $10,798,900 Depoerts . . . . i,iiy,iiu,ouu Circulation B2.887.8O0 9,519.800 1.700 803.600 173,200 Legal tenders 68.S9S.1-JO Bpecle 230,841.000 299, 739,700 2449,775,500 9.9G2.20O 10,381,800 Reserve 132,400 2.37U.950 Reserve required . surplus ..... Ex-U. S. deposits 2.247.650 3,243,700 - The percentage of actual reserve of the clear- Th statement of banks and trust companies of Greater New York, noit reporting to the clearing-house, shows that tnese institutions have aggregate deposits of $1,222,680,600: to tal cash on hand. $140,048,200 and loans amounting to $1,188,400,800. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Dec. 11. Closing quotations: Adventure ..... 6 iMohaWk 60 Alioues 56 Amalgamated .. 86 Ariz Com 43H Atlantic 11 Ftiitta Coal j.. 29 i Mnnt . 7 ( : 13 Nevada 27 H jOld Dominion... 51 Osceola ....... .166 Parrot 29 Cal & Ariz 101 Qulncy .... Shannon Tamarack . . Trinity U. S. Mining TJ. S. Oil 1'tah ....... Victoria . . . . Winona Wolverine . . North- Butte. . 85 Cal & Hecla 645 Centennial 37H Copper Range.. 81 "4 Daly West 8H Franklin I5H Granby 104 Greene Cananea 13 Isle R ovale 24H Mass Mining . 6H Michigan . . 6 . 15H . C4 . IOH . 65 H . 874 . 44 . 3a. . OH .145 . 584 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Pc. 11. Money on call nominal. Time loans steady, sixty aays, per cent; 90 days. 4H4 per cent; six months, 4H per cent. . Prime mercantile paper, 5oH peV cent. Sterling exchange steady with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.8430424.8440 for 60-day bills and at $4.8765 Q 4.8775 lor de mand. - Commercial bills, $4.83 4.84.4. Bar silver, '62c Mexlcan dollars, 44c Bonds Governments and railroads lrre g- -ulax. LONDON, Dec 11. Bar silver, 2S 16-16d per ounce. Money. 8VS per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for snort bills is 4 per cent; for tnree- months bills, BTi4 per cent. Consols for money, 82 7-16; do for account. S2. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 11 Sterling on London, 60 days. f,84H; sight, $4.87. Silver bars, 52c , Mexican dollars, 45c. Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, 2c Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. The condition of the Treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust funds . Gold coin $87't.907,8G' Silver dollars 487.725.O0O tiiiver aoiiars 01 isyw. a.yoa.oou Silver certificates outstanding... 4S7.725.0OO General I una Standard silver dollars - in gen eral fund Current liabilities 1.941.423 1i3.25a.10a Working -balance in Treasury office . . T. In banks to credit of Treasurer of the United States..! Subsidiary silver 'coin. .-. ....... . Minor coin Total balance in general fund... 26.593,313 S6.880.58S 16.569,734 1.O06.O99 81.683.45! Dried Emit at New York. NEW YORK, Dec 1L Evaporated apples, quiet; prices nominally unchanged at 7 '-.fin 8a for December-January on the spot. Fancy new crop. IOH 11 He; choioe, 9c; prime, 79c: old crop, prime, 7 Ho; common to xair, t fa ic Prunes moderately active, prices steady. California, up to 3O-40S. 2 8c; Oregons, Apricots quiet but firm: choice.' 11 4 11 He; extra choice, 11 H 12c; fancy. 12H 13Hc- Peaches, steady: choice, 6-7c; extra choice, 7a7Hc: fancy. -,g)8c. Raisins, unsettled: loose Masatels. 44fi?-.e choice to fancy seeded, 6H6c; seedless. THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dnst, mud and street noises. .. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. Ii assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITTJLITHI0 INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST. WARREN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 BEOK BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. H GHCASHPREM UM Wheat in Demand at All Grain Centers. CHICAGO MARKET STRONG Coarse Cereals Show Great Firmness. Immense Volume of Business . Is Transacted In the Corn Pit. CHICAGO. De lL Hteh -premiums paid for cash wheat at the leading' grain centers held the. wheat maxjeet nrm today, despite considerable - realizing sales. The Etrengrth of coarse grains helped to maintain prices at a moderate advance during the first part of the ses sion, but later the selling pressure on December caused a recession' all around. During the day May sola Between $L0S1.0S-14 and $"-09 (1.09. Final- figures on May were SL09. .An Immense volume of business . was transacted in the corn pit and prices ad vanced to new high marks. May selling up to 64c, or "Sic above the previous best price touched yesterday. The range tor the day on May was between 6464vsc. Other deliveries were equally as strong and the market closed at almost the best price for the day, final figures on May being 64'a64c. Oats shared m the . strength of wheat and corn. - Prices closed "4c to Cs?o above yesterday's finals. Provisions were strong. Lard for Jan uary delivery advanced to the highest point reached in the present bull cam paign. That product sold up from S12.67V4 to $12.93 on urgent covering by shorts. The market closed strong, almost at the top, with prices up 2V4c to 55c The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. HiKh. Low. $1.09. 1.084 .98 Vs .604 .64 .634 .484 -44V .42 Close. $1.09 1.09 . .98-54 Deo. . . . . Mar.... July. ... Deo..... SL08T4 $1.10H l.OKH 1-09 H .8BH -SH CORN. .6H .60 .604 .64 .644 May. July. .. . .64 .64 .6H 64H OATS. .44 .44 Deo.. .43 .441, .42 .48 .4 4H .42-34 May. . . . July .4a MESS FORK. Jan I1.62H 22.00 21.624 21.80 21.424 12.85 - 11.90 11.80 May , 21. 20 21.50 21.20 LARD. Jan 12.67H 12 92 4 May 11.85 11.97 M, July 11.73 11.874 12.6T 11.85 11.75 SHORT RIBS. Jan .. 11.87-A 11.95 11.85 1L87-4 11.20 May 11.17V 11.22H 11.16 Casil quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Winter natents. $5.20 0 6.60: straights. $55.40; Spring straights. $4.6a& .Hi; DaKers, s3.ooiqib.2U. Rye No. 2, 76c. Barley Feed or mixing, E619660; fair to choice malting, 67 72c. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern,.. $1.3-0; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.90. Timothy seed, $$.75. Clover $9.60 014.26. Pork Mess, per barrel. $22.60 89. Lard Per 10-0 pounds. $18. Short ribs Sides (loose), tll.62 ti (f 12. Side bnorx, clear ooxeai, sis xs.2t. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 666.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 304,000 bushels, compared with 649,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat. 15 cars; corn, 278 cars; oats, 84 cars; hogs, 36,000 head. Receipts. Shipments. . .. 16.900 17,900 ... 12,000 22,300 ...230,000 162,200 ...136,800 203,300 Flour, barrels.... Wheat, bushels... Corn, bushels. .... Oats, bushels. .... Kye, busnels 1.VUV Barley, bushels. ....;. .. 80,000 22.400 Grain and- Produce at New fork. NEW YORK, Dec 1L Flour Receipts, 23,500 barrels; exports, 21,700 barrels. Firmly held, but quiet. Spring patents, $5.S5o.65; Winter patents. $5.S&5.75; extras. No. 1, $4-50 4.80; do. straights, $5.20.30; do. extra No. 2, $4.303v4.45; Spring dears, $4.604.83; Kan sas straights, $4.866. Wheat Receipts, 110,400 bushels'; exports, 186.441 bushels. Spot firm. No. 2 red. $1.264 nominal, domestic elevator and $1.26 nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern DuluUt, $1.21 '4 aomlnal f. o. b. afloat; No. .2 hard Winter, $1.22'4 nominal f. o. b. afloat. Small re ceipts1 and the firm cash situation held prices steady early, but the -market eased, uader realizing and closed unchanged to 4o net de cline. December closed at $1.214, May at $1.15 and July at $1.064. Hops Dull. Paclflo Coast, 1909, 2028o; 19o8. 1722c Bides Quiet. Bocrota. 21"4jf 224o; Central America, 22 Vic. ' .Wool Steady. Domestic fleece, 86J53T0. Petroleum fiteady. Refined New York. $8.03; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $8.05; do. In bulk, $4.55. Grain at San Francisco. 6AN FRANCISCO. Dec. 1L Wheat and tiarley firm. ' pot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.52; milling. $1.95. Barley Feed,- $L50L5i4; brewing, $1. 52 V 4j l.CS. Oats Red. $L6591.T3; white, $L70l.SO; black. $2.252.0O. Call-board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley May, $ 1.58 4 91.664 ; December. $1.604- Corn Large, yellow, $l.T5pl.S0. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec 11. Wheat Decem ber and May, - $1.10. Cash No. 1 hard. $1.134 i No. 1 Northern. $1.12; No. 2 Northern. $L10; No. 2 Northern, $1.024 & 1.094 .Flax $1.90. Corn No. 3 yellow, 6(1 60e. Oats No. 3 white, 40,5414o. Rye No. 2. 70 i i71c Xhiropeaaa Grain. Markerta. LIVERPOOL, Dec 11 Wheat December. 8s lid; March. 7s 94d; May, 7s 7 id. Weather, cold. English country markets, firm.; French country markets, quiet. ORAIN MARKETS OF THE NORTHWEST Oats Strong: and Quoted Higher at Lewi Mton. Wheat Nominal. LEWISTON, Idaho, Dec. lL (Special.) Grain quotations unchanged. Bluestem, $1; 40-fold. 90c; club and Turkey red. 88c; red Russian. 86c. Barley, feed, $l.lo. pais, $La&, The, oatsj -market & heea stronger during: the paBt few days and one lot was purchased at an outside point for , -wnicn is equal to a price ot si.3 In Iewlston. TACOMA, Dee. 11. Wl milllnfr, blue- stem, J 114; club. $1.04. Export, hluestem. $1.18; eub. $1.03. t - SEATTLTX Deo. 11. Bluestem, $1.11; club, $1.014; Fife, $1.014; red Russian, Imports and Exports. NKW YORK. Dec. 11. -imports of Tner chandlse and drygoode at the port of New York tor the week ending December 4, -were valued at $17,406,798. Imports of specie for the port of New Torlc for the week ending today were $340, 186 gold and $77,578 silver. Exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were $1,978,000 gold and $538,4823 silver. New York Cotton. Market. NEW YORK, Deo. 11. Cotton futures closed easy. December. 14.S3c: January, 14.94c; February, 15.18c; March, 15.35c; April, 15.42o; May. lS.esc; June, 15.sec; July, 15.70c; August, lC.CSc; September, 18.88; October, 13.8 lo. Ootton Spot closed julet. Mid-uplands, 10.20c; do Gulf, 15.450. No sales. Wool at St. Ixuls. ST. IDTJIS, Dec 11. Wool, nnohanged. Territory and Western mediums, 2429o; fine mediums, 2125c; fine, l-21Z0e. HflY STOCKS ARE LARGE SEATTLE DUAWIXG OX OTHER STATES FOR SUPPLIES. Rumor of a Corner in Oats Respon sible for the Present High Price. SEATTLE, Wash.. Dec. 11 (Special.) The reported cornering of the timothy hay crop in the Kittitas Valley by Henry Kelin berg does not alarm dealers here. Inasmuch as large quantities of Montana bluejoint and hay from Wyoming, Oregon and California are arriving daily. Nevertheless, the price of timothy was advanced to as high as $25. It was freely stated today that a corner in oats existed with one group of dealers hold ing 50.000 bushels and exerting enough in fluence among farmers to force tho price up $5 a ton to $33, which was offered here to day. Six carloads of Kastern poultry, largely turkeys,' have been purchased for shipment here in time for the Christmas trade. This poultry Is expected to play an important part in the holiday trade. Buying prices on live poultry were advanced to 22 cents for next week. Dressed stock Is in slow demand. The potato market is slightly weaker, owing to the large offerings of the last few days. Track prices did not go above $17 to day. QUOTATIONS AT BAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Deo. 11. The follow ing prices were quoted la the produce market today: Vegetables Cucumbers, 56 75c: string beans, 47c; tomatoes, 75cHj.$1.50; garlic, 46c; green peas, 48c; eggplant, 6's tic. Mlllstuffs Bran. $28. SO 30; middlings, $S-G0u. 37.50. Butter Fancy creamery, 3604 creamery, seconds, 31c; fancy dairy, 29c. SKga Store. 47o; fancy. 02c Cheese New, 17VilSl4c; young Amer icas, 17 19c Hay Wheat. $14 19; wheat and oats. $1317; alfalfa, $y&12; stock. $310; straw per bale, 50 70c. - Fruits Apples, -choice, 75c $1.00; com mon, 504J5c; bananas. 75c(3$3.50; limes, $44.50; lemons, oholce, $3.504; com mon, $1.752.7f; oranges, navels, $1.65 2.50; pineapples, $3. Wool South Plains and San Joaquin. 6 10c; Spring Humboldt and Mendocino. 13 15c Hops 17 234o per pound. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. $11.25; Sa linas Bur banks, $1.151.40; sweets, $1.25 1.50. Receipts Flour, 5340 quarter sacks; wheat, 6S0 centals: barley, 2620 centals; beans, 4330 sacks; potatoes. 6910 sacks; bran. 515 acks; middlings, 210 sacks; hay, 330 tons; wool, Z7 bales; hides, 500 Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Dec 11. Coffee futures closed steady net unchanged to 10 points higher. Sales were reported of 27,500 bags. including December at 6.50c; January at 6.&60; March at 6.656.70o; May at 6.8O0 July. September and October at 6.85c. Spot qulet.. No. 7 Rio, 84o nominal; No. 4 San. tos, 8&c. Mild quiet. Cordova, 9llVsC. Sugar Raw quiet. Fair retlnlng, 3.81 4o: centrifugal 95 test. 4.31c; molasses sugar, 3.56 tec Refined quiet. No. 6, 4.66c; No. 7, 4.60c; No. 8. 4.t5o; No. 9. 4.60c; No. 10, 4.55c; No. 11. 4.40c; No. 12. 4.35c; No. 13, 4.30c; No. 14. 4.30o; confectioners A. 4.95o: mould A, 6.60c; cut loaf, 5.95c; crushed, 5.5c ; powdered, cubes, 5.40c 5.25c; granulated, 6.15c; DaiiT Produce In the East. CHIQAGO. Dec 11. Butter Steady. Creameries. "SU3f33o; dairies, -M,29c. Kggs Steady; receipts. 1850 cases; at mark, cases included, 20625ttc; firsts, 29c; prime firsts, 804 o. Cheese Firm; daisies, 1616io;' twins. 1616)tc; young Americas, 16&c; long horns, 16 He NEW YORK, Dec It Butter, firm. Creamery specials,- 85c; extras, S4c; thirds to firsts, 3133o; Western factory, 23H27c uneese Firm, nncbangeo.. Eggs 'Steady, unchanged. 9Iej.aI Markets. NEW YORK. Dec. 11.: xo change was re ported, in the metal markets today with, quotations virtually nominal in absence of exenanges. -iin was nrm at 33.40 ijJa.wc Copper, quiet; lake, 13.25 13.50c; electro lytic, 13.12 "4 13.37 4c; casting, 1313.25c Leaa. nrm, 4.00(1? 4. 00c Spelter, quiet, 0.106.2T"4c Iron, iin'-hanpre'l. BURLINGAME TELEGRAPHING TYPEWRITER STOCK Wanted. 2000 shares. Immediate deliv ery. Will pay $5. Address Hugh J. Lally, Randolph. Mass. 1 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. For TILLAMOOK Steamer Sue H. Elmore Will receive freight Couch-street dock. commencing Monday, Dec. 13, $3 per ton general merchandise. Passenger rates from Portland $7.50; from Astoria $5. Sails every Tuesday evening. Telephone Main 861. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER loaves Port land every VV ecLneatL-iy. ft I. M., from Ains worth dock, for -Nortii Bend. MaraUfleld stud Coos Bay points. Freight received until 4 P. M- on day ot sailing- Passenger fare, first class, $10; second-class, $7. including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington street, AlMWectadock. fhonn Main GRAND CENTRA li STATION. Bouthem Paclflo. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger . . , , Roseburg Passenger ...... Shasta limited .......... Sllverton, Passenger .... California impress ...... San Francisco Kxpress ... West Side Corvallis FasBenger ...... Sheridan Passenger ...... Forest Grove Passenger . . Forest Grove Passenger . . Forest Grove Passenger . . 8:SO a. m, 4 : 1 5 p. m. J :00 p. m, 6:20 p. m. 7:13 p. m. 1:S0 a. m. 7 :C0 a m. 4 :00 p. m. 8:.0 a 111. 1:00 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 7:30 a m. ' lO :40 p. nu 5:30 p. m. 11 :00 a. m. U:30 p. m. 0:30 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 10:30 a m. 8:00 a m. 11 :30 a m. 4 -AO p. m. arriving portianu Oregon Kxpress ......... Ashland Passenger ...... Roseburg Passenger Portland BxDress Shasta Limited Sllverton Passenger ..... Corvallis Passenger ..... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . , Forest Grove Passenger . , Forest Grove Passenger . . Nortliern Pacific. Leaving Portland North coast Limited via Pugetl Sound 10:00 a.m. North Coast Limited via North Bank 1 7:00 Atlantic Expres via Pucet Sound;12:15 Atlantic Kxpress via North Bank 9:00 p. m. a. m. a. m. Twin City Express via puget Sound Twin Citv GinrftH via North 3:00 p. m. Bank , 1 7 : OO p. Tn. Kastern Kxpress via Puget Sound13:15 a. m. Kastern Express via North Bank 9:00 a. m, Missouri River Kxpress via Pugetf Sound lO:0O am, Missouri River Kxpress via North Bank 700 p. nv, Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Kxpress, Grays Harbor, Olympla and South Bend branches s ft:15 s. "V, Portland-Vancouver Special .... 10:00 a. m. Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har bor and South Bend branches.. 8:00a nv Tacolt passenger 4:00p.m, Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North 1 Bank 8:00 p. n North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 7 jO0 a, Northern Paclflo Kxpress via North Bank: SmOO - m, Northern Paclflo Kxpress via Puget Sound 8:38p. ttv, Paclhc Coast Kxpress via North Bank 8:00p.na Paclflo Coast Kxpress via Puget Sound T:0Oa m, Western Express via North Bank 8:00p.m. Western Exoress via Puget oundil0:30 -p. m. Missouri River Kxpress via North ; Bank 9 :X e Missouri River Kxpress via Puget Sound ArOO p. m Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express t and from Olympla, South Bend and Grays Harbor 4:00l. v Puget Sound Limited. v 85 p. m Vancouver-Portland Special...... lO:30p. m Vacolt Passenger 9 :(K a. m. Ores-on Railroad H Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger .... Chicago-Portland Special ...... Oregon-Washington Limited. . . 8:0O a. ttw 10:00 a m. 6:&5 p. m 7 :OC p. 8:00 p. ttx 7 : 50 &. m, 8 :00 a. m 8:40 a. m. :00 a. m. 9:15 p m, 8:00 p. nu Boo-bpokane-fortiana E-astern Express . ............ Arriving Portland Past Mail Oregon-Washington, Limited Oregon Express .... Soo-tipokane-Portland Local Passenger ........ Chicago-Portland Special Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express a. ttv. p. m. p. m. p. m. Astoria Express Rainier Passenger Rainier passenger . ............ Arriving Portland Portland Express ............. Portland Express Rainier and Portland Passenger. : 1 : p. m. :00 p. m. :'2h a. m. p. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger.. Canadian paclflo Railway Co. Leaving Portland C P. R. Short Line via Spokane! TtOOp. m. Via Seattle 12:13 a.m. Arriving Portland ( C P. R. Short Line via Spokanei !:00 a. m. Via Seattle I 7:00 a. m. JEFTEKSOX STREET STATIOX. Southern Pacific. Leaving -Portland t Dallas Passenger . .-.-. -1 7:40 a.m. Xallas Passenger . -1 4.B0 p. m. Arriving Poftland I Dallas Passenger ..10:13 a. ttv Dallas Passenger 5:65 p. tiu ELEVENTH AM) HOYT STREETS PAfiM 6ENGR bTATION. Spokane, l'ortiand A Seattle Kail way Oo Leaving Portland ! Inland Empire Express, v. JrOO a. m-' For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kana City. St. Louis, Billings, Ppokane. Cheney,. Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles, Lyle, White KaJmon., Stevenson Vancouver and intermediate staV Hons. ' Columbia River Local . -4.80 p. imV North Bank Limited 1 M0 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kanaa City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, CheneyJ Lamont, Washtucna, KLahlotus, Pasco.: Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle. White Salmon; Stevenson Vancouver and Intermediate sta- Uons. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited ftrOO a. rrw. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, ICanssuii City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney., Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus. PacO Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle. Goldendate, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver andi Intermediate stations. Columbia River Local. ....... ... .12:25 p. m Inland Empire Express. 8:15 p. rru; Prom Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Klansatt-j City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane. Cheney.) Lamont. Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco. ) Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle, Go.dendali White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and.; intermediate stations. Time Card Oregon Electrlo Railway Co Leaving Portland for Salem and Tnf stations 6:30, 7:-40, 0:u5, 11:35 A. M.; 2:0O 3:45. 6.20, 11:00 P. M. Limited for TualattnJ and Salem 3:&0 A. M. Local for Wilson vHie and Int. stations 6:15 P. M. Ually; except Sunday for points on the Salem. Falls City & Western Ry. via Salem, eKI A. M.. 2:00 P. M. Sunday only 9:05 A. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove an4 Int. itaUuns 6:45, 8:30. liKlO A. AL; 12:15. 2:15. 2:30, d:3&, !:&, li:15 P. -il. Arriving at Portland from Salem and Tnti stations 0:00. ll:0O A. M. : 1U:05, 1:15. 3:00, 6:15, t:20, 10:40 P. M. Limited from Salem, and Tualatin 5:4)5 P. M. Local from WiW sonvllle and Int. stations 6:55 A- M. ' Arriving Portland from Forest Grove anoV Int. statiom 7:60, 9:35, 11:25 A- M-S 1:30. 2:5. 4:35, G:25, 8:10, 11:00 P. M. Portland Railway, Uscht & Power Company. Care Leave. ' Ticket Office and Waiting Room. First and Alder and East Water ! and East Morrison streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. . Oregon City 4:00, 6:80 A. M. and every 80 minutes to and Including 9 P. M., then.' 10:00, 11:00 P. M. ; last car midnight. , Gresham and Intermediate points 6:55, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45. 10:45 A. M., 12:45, 2:-46 8:45. 4:45, 5:45, 6:45. 11:35 P. M. Fairview and Troutdale 6:55, 7:45. 8:46. 9:45. 10 : 45 A. 12 :45, 2 : 43, 3 :40, 4 :4 5:45, 6:45 P. M. Cazadero and intermediate points 6:55, 8:45. 10:45 A- M., 12:45, 2:45, 4:45, 6:45 P. M. - For Vancouver Ticket Office and Waiting Room, Second . and Washington Streets. A. M. 6:15. 6:50, 7:25, 8:00, 8:S5, 9:10. 9:50, 10:y0. 11:10, 11:50. P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50, 2:30, 3:10, S:fK, 4;30, 6:10, 6:60. 6:30, 7:03, 7:40, 8:15, 9:26, 10:36, 11:45. On third Monday In every month tho last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. "Daily except Monday. TIME CARD UXITED RAILWAYS CO. leaving Portland for Burlington and Int. stations: 6:15, T:l5, 8:15, 9:15, 10:15. 11:15 A. M.. 1:15, 2:15. 3:15. 4:15, 5:15. 6:15 P. M. For Linnton and Int. stations only: 8:10, 10:00. 11:45 P. M. Arriving Portland from Burlington and Int. stations: 7:50, 9:00. 10:00. ll:uo. A.-M-. 12:00 noon. 2:00, 8:00, 4:00, 6:00, 6:00. 7:u0. 8:00 P. M. From Linnton and Int. staUon.4 dally, except Sunday: 7 :0o A. M. Frum Linnton aud Int. stations, daily; 9:50, 11:35 P. M. CALIFORNIA OIL DIVIDENDS I Buy listed, dividend-paying California oil I stocks. Many of these listed stocks pay 1 and 2 per cent monthly dividends. By purchasing listed stocks you can sell any day you wish. You can Invest large or small sums. We will gladly toll you about these listed stocks, or any other California , oil stocks. We are on the ground and oper- : at in ic in all the California oil fields. W I handle only legitimate propositions and in- i today for list of divid-aHd-paying stocks and ! quotations, which we will send free of! charge for three monhts. LINCOLN MORTGAGE ft IXAN X- Jt- . A6e CtCttXX-it- an.JTranciAcoa-Calfr ,