9 BIG BLOCK RISING Clipping From Crook County Journal Nov. 4, 1909 Blake McFall Company Sells Stationery Department. : THE SUNDAY ORISGOXIAy, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 12, 1909. OCCUPY SAME QUARTERS Old Portland Firm Disposes of Part of Business to Company WhicH Will Bo Tenant In New $125,000 Building. Eastmoreland. a new addition located Just east of Westmoreland and a part of the old Ladd Crystal Springs Farm, has been platted and will be placed on the market for the first time tomorrow. The new addition consists of 400 acres, al- For the present, the place.. Is provided with two prlvata water systems, 'and there is no call for municipal owner ship, although that may come in future. A lot of improvements have been made and more are contemplated. In the Lewelllng Addition, annexe'd at the election last Monday, nearly 20 houses, costing: on an average J200'0 each, were brought into the town, including the Milwaukee Grange Hall, which cost $3000. All these houses arc compara tively new. In Minthorn Springs Addi tion, several cottages are under 'con struction. Ex-Mayor Shindler has laid off a por tion -of his tract in town lots. The new owners of the Reid 20-acre tract will push that property on the market next year. In the Sellwood Addition a large number of cottages were erected during the year. The Woodmen Camp has en larged its hall, and an addition has been built to the Evangelical parsonage at a cost of $1200. The new two-story bank building on Main street is now completed. It will be occupied by the Milwaukie State Bank by January 1. It is a modern building, and really ahead of the sub urb. The bank will occupy the cor ner. Its cost is $12,000. The telephone exchange, a two-story frame erected by Ex-Mayor William Shindler, is one of the Improvements completed the past few months. It cost $3000. Hindee Bros, have erected a modern greenhouse BIG WHOLESALE BUILDING TO BE QUARTERS FOR TWO LARGE FIRMS. 'Silll B" I if f II' 1 B 11 - i ! n S P f :Wfv ft-' xy' JS"vv NEW STRUCTURE ITNDER WAY FOR BLAKE M'FAIL COMPANY AT FOURTH AND ANKENY STREETS. though but 100 acres are Included in the present plat which has Just been com pleted. The property is owned by the J-add Estate Company, but will be sold through the agency of the Columbia Trust Company. The entire addition will be nighly Im proved. Hard-surface pavements will be placed in ail over the addition, sewers will be laid, water will be put to each lot, cement sidewalks and curbs will be put in and the streets will all be parked and the parking set out with shade trees. The street improvements will be bonded against the property. The property will be handled as high class residence lots with building re strictions of from $2000 to $5000 on the lots according to the location. Announcement is also made, in con nection with the opening of the addition, that a branch from the Seltwood carline will be run to the addition from the cor ner of Milwaukie and Bybee streets j south on Milwaukie to Knapp, then east through Westmoreland on Knapp street to the center of Eastmoreland. The property has been platted accord- " Ing to the contour of the land, which rises gently toward the center of the ad dition and which Is so located that every lot In the addition commands a fine view of the city. There will be a large artistic entrance arch to the tract. The 100 acres now to be placed on the market consist of 23 blocks platted into BOO lots, each BOxlOO feet in size. There is an 80-foot boulevard along the west side of the addition known as Crystal Springs Boulevard. The other streets in the addition are all 60 feet wide. Just north of the new addition Is lo cated a beautiful natural park which is bring reserved for park purposes. Here there is a large lake. clear bubbling springs and scenic . advantages which ' make the spot ideal for a public park. This will be reserved for this purpose end will not be platted. Adjoining the park is a site reserved for the Reed In stitute which the owners of the proper ty hope to secure for that part of the city. In the new tract a block has been re served for a schoolhouse, a part of an other block for a clubhouse and sites are also reserved for churches. Aside from these reservations no buildings other than' residences will be allowed in the addition. The property is all lo cated within the four-mile circle.' L' IS PORTLAND suburb is build IXG RAPIDLY AT PRESENT. New Charter Amendment Makes Im provements Possible and These Will Be Carried Out. That the pioneer town of Milwaukie, lying on the south boundaries of Port land, will make greater progress in 1910 than ever before Is the opinion of its residents. The recent election has made opportunity for general public improvements, Including erection of water works, sewer system and im provement of streets. According to the provision of the charter before it was amended, indebtedness could not be in curred beyond $10uu, which prohibited general improvements. The amendment adopted makes it possible, by. vote of the people, to issue bonds for any public improvements. Property owners who want to improve a street can do so and bond their prop erty at 6 per cent. A number of the Important streets are to be Improved next year under the new charter 'amendment. A sewer system will be devised and constructed in, 1910. There are now 200 voters in Milwaukie, which Is more than double what there were when the town was Incorporated, six years ago. The population is estimated at nearly 1000. It is thought that a general sewer system should be devised, whaUier- t all ie built next yeax-ocaoU at a cost of $S000.on the north side of Milwaukie. . It Is proposed to purchase ten lots on the east side of the schoolhouse for a playground. The proposition is gen erally approved, and will likely be of ficially approved , at a special meeting of the taxpayers December 18." In view of the rapid growth of the Milwaukie school, this ground will soon be needed. The district has an option on the ETOund for $3500. FARM LANDS IN DEMAND FRUIT RANCHES NEAR PORT LAND BRING FANCY PRICES. Number of Deals In Acreage Are Consummated During the Last Week. A number of deals In farming and fruit lands have been consummated during the .last week, and while no exceptionally large, sales are among them, the deals have been for a high class of land and have been fairly large in number. One tract of 150 acres in the Hood River country was sold through the agency of Vanduyn & Walton. This tract was sold by A.' D. Hawk to an Eastern Orpffon Invnatnr fnr SSKOfl Tlia price paid is somewhat below ruling prices in the same vicinity. The new owner will build on the tract, set the land out with commercial orchard and make his home on the land. ' Thomas Callahan has purchased a. 12 acre tract located one mile east of Mil waukie from Jacob Bourne for $13,000. This land is a well-improved tract, with a fine orchard, and was bought as a home. The sale was made by Jordan & Garbade. Mr. Bourne paid $9000 for the land a year ago. Mr. Callahan is a recent arrival from Eastern Oregon. Through the same agency a 61-acre tract on the Willamette River, near New Era station, was sold to Robert L. Turner and Sarah S. Rees for $5865. It Is choice fruit land, which Is at pres ent undeveloped. C. L. Rogers, of Hood River, purchased 42 acres adjoining this tract for $5250. This tract will also be developed Into a model fruit ranch. O. B. Koplin, of Orchards, Wash., has bought a 40-acre tract located eight miles northeast of "Vancouver and near the townslte of Sifton, from the F. B. Holbrook Company, for $3000. About 10 acres of the. tract Is cultivated and the remainder is covered with heavy tim ber. I N. Aumack bas bought from E. S. Brubaker a 10-acre tract located a short distance east of Montavllla for $3500. This tract will be improved as a suburban home. The sale was made by C. E. Fields & Co. E. lu Cooper, formerly of Marshfteld, Or., has bought a five-acre tract, lo cated near Barstow Station, on the Ore gon Electric line, from F. O. Robertson for $2500. The property will be Im proved as an up-to-date chicken ranch.. lne sale was made by Shaw & Locke. APARTMENT SITE PURCHASED Fine Building to Be Erected at West ' Park and Jackson The Beacon Investment Company, of which E. B. McNaughton, .architect, is president, has purchased the Turner property, consisting of a full lot at the southwest corner of West Park and Jack son streets for $10,000. The satfe was made through the agency of Van-4uyn & Wal ton. 9ince the sale was made a few days ago the purchaser has refused an offer of $1000 advance in the price. Early in the Spring the new owners will Improve the property with a handsome four or five-story brick apartment-house, the building to be one of the finest Uv the THE SHERMAN . COUNTY OBSERVER says: It is expected that ftie oe tMrrt of' Hillirian ih: Crq'ok' county trill bo Situate .'pa both ' the .Oregon Trunk and DesC'hutes Railways, and the Portland, 'Baker City" and Butte Electric. If ' .you -have any idea of investing In vth'at division of Ihe New . Empire VaIt t until" .you have . investigatedtihe propo sition of Hillman.. President Stevens, of the Oregon Trunk Rail way, says: "There will no doubt be at least tbree fine, large cities in central Or egon" The Master Key to the Entire Situation in the Great Valley of the DESCHUTES. The Homeseekers' and Manufacturers' Phenomenal Opportunity. Products of 1,000, 000 acres will be shipped through this city. Topography prevents any other outlet. POW ER OF THE -DESCHUTES, adjacent to HILLMAN, capable of developing ONE MIL LION HORSE POWER. More Wheat tribu tary to HILLMAN than any other city in the United States. More than 3,000,000,000 feet of Yellow Pine to be sawed, marketed and shipped from HILLMAN. Coal and Petro leum prospects now under development. Over $11,000,000 being spent to connect HILLMAN and its environs with the great United States. 'People arriving daily to par take of the marvelous prosperity that awaits them. LLMAN then, stands the best opportunity, be cause of its splendid location, to become the greatest CITY OF CENTRAL OREGON The man who reads this advertisement and has a little spare change to invest and does not take a quick flyer in HILLMAN at the present prices is blind tp his oppor tunities. Mark this! There is MORE MONEY TO BE MADE bysmall in vestors in the GREAT DESC3HUTES VALLEY than anywhere else in the Northwest in the next few years. Any sane man will confirm this statement. Furthermore, the place to make it .quick ly and in larger amounts is at HILLMAN, THE CAPITAL OF THE GREATEST VALLEY ON THE CONTINENT! MARVELOUS ARE THE MUNIFICENT PROFfTS THAT AN INVESTMENT IN HILLMAN PROPERTY MEANS FOR YOU!!! HILLMAN; NEW RAILROAD TOWN Now Being Surveyed iNearTraillCrossing and repreJrvf fains WLLMANis the Vail irp!is.' y LOGICALlLOCATIONlFOR CITY ! P.Cooper Says He Will Have Survey for Railroad Line ; tcr Prineville Made Soon. F7V'. vC-oopi v T7 wrTaylorTnndj ifmljn1 :'?V--$iifty . who have ln-( corporate for the purpose of build ing a town near Trail Crossing, with a capital stock of $100,000, arc msli-; tnsi tbo survey tm the platting of 4s . tract Into Jown lots.nnd hope fo , have tho plat filetl wltlithe. county, clerk hero within a week" Tho new town will be christened HiUJnjan, and is located on tho final survey of the Oregon Trunk About' three miles south of the great fcrtdgo at Trail Crossing on Crooked' rlver.j Topography of the country make this the only feasible crosslng-from the highlands of the Haystaclt country to the table lands of the p. I'-; P. segregations, and while the. Hill oad Is practically already built; through tho town, the permanent' surveys of the Harrlman .line run through the site also, thus the blend ing of the names Into what will no donbt ,be a . typical "Oregon Iboom town.'. President Cooper of "tho townslte company, says the surveying work was delayed a little-by not getting the stakes, but work Will bo rushed with" all speed and contrrtttprs will' soon begin the constructiou of build ings forth accommodation .of -the townBlte people.. , F. P. Cooper, who ls'prealdcnt of the townslte company was ti Prihe ,vllle Wednesday.. He7. Is' running over with enthusiasm about ; the project and says they expect to have a" town of, 2000 population': within a year and a half. While Mr. Cooper did not make the i':.vt statement, .everything in con nection with the. promotlpn of this' new. town niarkslt as being the town that Is to be backed and favor ed by the Oregon Trunk line or Hill railroad. But putting ' this aside,' the location of the towhsite is a fine one, as It will bo the -natural rail-; road point for .all of the Squaw .Creek and Sisters country ns well ns ior all of tho Crooked river'. valley vand territory adjacent- to Prinevllle. Mr. Cooper says that one of the; first things that wlll.be dorio as soon 'as the townslte Is laid put will be the ' preliminary surveying of a branch railroad up Crooked river to .Prinevllle. LOTS NOW $10 AND ON UP TO See That? SEE US AT ONCE OPEN SU NDAY $100 CROOK. COUNTY INVESTMENT COMPANY Open Every Evening and All Day Sunday Phone, Write or Call Coopi er sail LsiyloF MAIN 1884 206-207-208-209 HENRY BLDG., FOURTH AND OAJC STS. A. 7306 YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS WILL BRING LITERATURE Cut Out and Stall. . city of its type and thoroughly modern in every detail. The property purchased is located in the heart of the best apart menthoufie district in Portland. Plans for the new structure have already been started by MacNa-ughton. Raymond & Lawrence, architects. price. The sale was negotiated through, the agency of Kirk & Klrkham. APARTMENT HOUSE BOUGHT Ijocal Capitalist Pays $34,000 for Property on Flanders. O. J. Bherma'n, a local capitalist, has purchased a three-story frame building located oa, Flanders street, between Twentieth and Twenty-first street. The property was bought from J. H. Day, the consideration named being $34,000. The building Is an elegantly appointed modern apartment-house, 60x100 feet, and containing seven five-room apart ments and several smaller suites. The property pays a good dividend and is considered a good buy at the KENTON GETS NEW INDUSTRY Sewer Pipe Factory Employing 60 Men to Be Installed. George Heusner, of the Kenwood Land Company, has completed negoti ations whereby another industry of considerable importance will be locat ed at. Kenton. The Glazed Cement Sewer Pipe Company, manufacturers of sewer, drain and tile pipe, has secured a site In Kenton, and let the contract for the erection of a factory building, 200 by 200 feet. The building will be a one-story frame structure, and will be located at the corner of Derby street and Colum bia boulevard. The company will em ploy from 50 to 60 men at the start, and the number will be Increased later. The company already has several fac tories in the Northwest. S. P.' EXTENDS EUGENE YARDS Begins to Lay Newv Sidetracks at University pity. EUGENE. Or., Dec. 11. (Special) The Southern Pacific has begun work on the extension of its yards and side tracks in this city, which have been inadequate for some time. With this end in view the company, through a local real estate agency, purchased several lots In the northwest part' of the city some months ago. Several carloads of gravel have just been unloaded and a force of men are leveling it off preparatory to laying sidetracks. Valuable Corner Sold. Dr. H. PTOng; has'H'urchased a quar ter block at the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Salmon streets from Mary and Caroline Holman. The con sideration is withheld bv the pur- B UNG ALOW CRAFT the new book of Pictures.' Plans, In teriors, Mantels, Buffets, etc. of Real California Bungalows. The most Prac tical and Comprehensive; 212 illustra tions. . Nothing just like it ever pub lished before. Sizes and costs given and suggestions of great value to any Bungalow builder. One Dollar, post paid. Sample pages 10c. THE BUNGALOWCRAFT CO. 403 Chamber of Commerce, Los Angreles, C'al. chaser. The sale was made direct. Dr. Ong states he will announce plans for the improvement of the property late--. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Ensrlneers, Founders, Machinists and Boilermakers, Bnlldins; and Structural Work. , WE MAKE Fire Hydrants, Lot Hauls, Cast Gears, Hydraulic (ilants, Water Crates, Lumber Tracks, etc HAWTHORNE AVE. AND EAST THIRD PORTLAND, OR.