THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 12, 1909. AUTO SHOW SPACE SALE1TS 520,000 Scores of Carpenters and Dec orators Are Busy Ar ranging Armory. SOCIETY TAKING INTEREST JIundred Seventy Cars "Will Be Shown and Will Llpman Declares Exhibit Will Be Second Only to New York Affair. VJth a scorit or more -woodwork men, carpenters, artists, sign painters, architects and expert decorators at work drawing plans, preparations for Tortland's second annual automobile show to be held In the Armory January 4-29 are going: actively forward. '"With the $20,000 already realized from the sale of space to local dealers, which is by far the most Important Item to a successful show, it now looks as if Portland will have an opportunity of seeing? one of the best automobile Hhows ever given in America. That It will be second only to New York's Is the assurance of Will Llpman, secre tary of the Portland Automobile Club, under whose auspices the show will be griven. Llpman will be general man ager of the exhibition. Not even the smallest detail Is beinK overlooked, and If there is a person In Portland who does not know every thing; about an automobile when the how is concluded, from the generator to the smallest and least important necesFory. it will be his own fault. The dealers are Koingr to be on the job early and late, bubbling; over with in formation. Society Deeply Interested. Already society, which has been cast ing; about since the horse show, for something; other than the routine of parties and theaters. Is looking; eager ly forward to the opening; day. Fully 170 cars will be on exhibition. rangrlnK from the smallest pleasure runabout to great bulky express wag ons. Klectrics, three, four, five and even passenger cars, closed tonneaux, all 1910 models of the best makes "In America, will be on display. The dealers, however, are not to be the only exhibitors, although there will be about 40 of them. Tho accessory men will be in evidence In great numbers, as wilt also the supply men. These have been as enthusiastic boosters of the show s the dealers. An especial effort will be made by many dealers to have commercial auto mobile on exhibition. "The dealers are just awakening to the fact that, within another year Portland's streets will be in condition to substitute self-propelled vehicles for the horse-drawn ones," said 3vtr. Llpman. "Our firm has come to the conclusion to purchase automobiles for the Lipman-Wolfe Company, and we ex leet to do that next year." Headquarters for the show have been established in the offices of the Span ton Company. 270 Stark street. . J. M. Itieg, who, as secretary, so successfully managed the Portland Fair, and Live- tock Association's fair at the Country Ulub last Fall, has been placed in charge. Space Is Allotted. VTHje floor plans of the show have been completed, and last Monday night, at a Joint conference between the dealers and officers of the Automobile Club, the rpacea were allotted by an Impartial drawing, conducted by President Wemme. of the Automobile Club, and President "Wright, of the Dealers' Association. This resulted in $20,000 pouring into the cof fers of the show management In less than 20 minutes. Manager Llpman expects to spend $10, flOO. and probably more, in decorating the Armory- All the available floor space 1n the commodious building will be util ized, including the entrances and the ballroom. The exhibit spaces for cars are ar ranged In the center of the main floor, surrounded by a plaster paris fence of unique and costly design. Along the walls the supply and accessory booths nre placed. Attendants will pilot visitors to the right, keeping the stream of peo ple constantly rotating around the oblong circle, to the uppper floor and out the building. Tons of literature and posters are now In process of compiling and printing, and will be sent out over the entire Coast country, even penetrating the more im portant cities of the East. 30,000 Visitors Expected. It is expected that fully 30.000 persons will see the exhibit. Dealers all over Ore gon. "Washington, Idaho and Northern California have signified their intention to visit the Portland show. Many repre sentatives of tho Eastern factories will also be here. The question of what design to be used as a poster is one perplexing the man agement Just now. This will probably be decided on next week. Among the dealers who signed up Monday night are. the following: The Covey Motor Car- Comp.any, Cadillac and Pierce Arrow. Crow Automobile Compatir. Oldsmoblle, Thomas. Marmrni, Overland Velle. Graham Motor Car Company. Stevona, Iuryea, Selden. Northwest Buick Company, Buick. E. B. Cohen, the Maxwell. Belmore, Macdougall & Moores, repairs. Hess & Menzies. Franklin. "Western Auto Company, Knox Mollne. Portland Rubber Company, supplies. Archer. Combs & Co., supplies. White Motor Car Company, White steam and gasoline cars. Steams Automobile Company, the Stearns. Standard Automobile Company, Kord. Lloyd Automobile Company, Inc., Fire stone and Columbus electric. , -. Neate & McCarthy, Locomobile and Oak land. R. E. Blodisett. tires. O'Gorman & Younie. supplies. Frank C. Rlggs, the Packard. Robert Simpson, the Auburn. F. A. Bennett, Renault, Stoddard Dayton, Reo and Rapid. A. J. Winters, supplies. Willamette Auto Supply Company, the Mc Inrvre. Emmett Harris, the Winton. Studebaker Bros., Studebaker. H. Keats, Auto Company. Peerless. Tope-Hbartford, Chalmers-Detroit and Hud son. - Barnes Aur Company, the Mitchell. Metropolitan Motor Car Company, Pull man and Acme. Rambler Automobile Company, the Ram bler. , O. C. T,ewis. the Ohadnick. Karl Mcleraskry, the Repai. AUTO SHOW WILL BOOST FOR ROAD Campaign for Funds for Hood River Highway to Be Waged Vigorously. WEMME TO BE IN CHARGE Entire Sum Xecessary tt Carry Out VorthvP reject Expected by Pres ident of Automobile Club to -Re Raised at Show. One of the features of the automobile show will be an office of the Automobile the automobile show January 24, to 2!. with a Peerless chassis. So perfected is the system that even the horn Is operated by a button. The Tungsten lamp of a special make is used, giving a powerful -. light. Headlight, front, side, rear and dome are all provided for. Among those who have already had the electricity installed are: M. F. Donaho, George K. Clark. Hess-Menzies Company on a new Franklin six; Dr. S. E. Joseph!, and W. B. Ayep. In addition to the storage lattery, the "Willard Company has manufactured a generator, which is operated by the mech anism of the car, making a saving in storage battery chargesj Mr. "Winters claims for the system that it costs one-half less to operate it than the acetylene tanks, and the lights are much more powerful and convenient. CURB BROKERS VANISHING Only One or Two Such Anto Dealers Still In Game in Portland. "Lo, the poorcurb auto broker!" In these words a well-known local dealer expressed his satisfaction at the waning stars of curb brokers in the automobile business in -Portland. Only one or two are known to still be in the game in Portland,, and these are said to be on the run. The management of the Automobile Show heldlln January have de cided to not permit curb brokers' entries. To this end a regulation was made that no dealer who has not been here 60 NEW LOCOMOBILE THIRTY RUNABOUT, WHICH WILL BE ON EXHIBITION AT AUTO SHOW, t i hV "T- . : - ...I.... ,lm - -X..-. : . . ." : . ;.m . ,f .. ( f , -.. ; ' t., T IVEATTE A JTCARTHT. CAR EX ROUTE . FOB The 1910 model Locomobile "30" runabout, Neatte & McCarthy, agents, will be on exhibition at 'the autjo moblle show to be held January 24-29. This car is a three-passenger, but may be had four-passenger. It sells for $3500. R. l. Thompson, the Speedwell. Wallace Auto Top Company, supplies. COOS BOOSTING GOOD ROADS Auto Club at Marshfield Takes Up Campaign Actively. The good roads campaign in Oregon, which is being pushed by motorists, auto dealers and public-spirited citizens generally. Is being vigorously prose cuted by the Coos Bay Auto Club, re cently organized In Marshfield. The membership includes owners of cars all over the county, and those who expect to purchase them. Judge Coke, one of the leaders in the good roads fight, says: "Our first move will he to urge the completion of the plank highway be tween Marshfield and North Bend. It has been built to the city -limits of Marshfield.' along the water front, and North Bend is ready to do its part. There is a small stretch between that must be connected up, and we will try to have it done. The club will also agitate the 'building of a first-class auto road between Coos Bay and Co quills City, and also a road from East side to Sumner. The members will give strong support to the building of an auto road to Roseburg." New Auto Supply Company. The "Willamette Auto Supply Company is the name of the latest debutante among the automobile dealers, repairers and supply firms. The new firm will have the local agency for the Mclntyre. B. R. Gunther and W. B. Neff. the lat ter Northwest manager for the Mclntyre, compose the firm. Mr. Gunther formerly was the head mechanician with the Smith-Watson Company. A location is now being sought, and when suitable large quarters are found the new firm will enter the game in earnest. Already cars have been ordered for -the show. Autos Replace . Stage Coaches. Tn keeping with its progressive spirit, the automobile Is now being substituted for the ancient stage coach. At various Oregon points automobiles are being used with great success. Ten motor cars are now in use at Prinevflle, averaging 200 miles per day each. J. H. Wenandy, of Be itd, who has for the last two years operated a stage between Bend and Shaniko, now has five automobiles. All are 1910 models," three being five-passenger cars and two seven-paseenger. A. A. Amen, of The Dalles, is operating a motor stage between The Dalles and Dufur. Club in charge of President E. Henry Wemme, on the main floor. From this point of vantage the active campaign for raising the required funds for the con struction of the Mount Hood and Hood River roads will be waged. "We expect to raise the entire sum at the show," said President Wemme last night. "We got $200 more for the Mount Hood road at the banquet Thurs day night, which brings the total for that road up to $2500, $5000 being required." These two great highways when com pleted will be the most picturesque In the world, not excepting the century-famous driveway along the Rhine in Germany. Leaving Portland at 3 o'clock In the afternoon during any of the Summer months, it will be an easy task by auto mobile to eat 6 o'clock dinner at the snow line on Mount Hood. Nowhere in the world can such a feat be duplicated, and this in itself Is expected by automo bile enthusiasts to maio Portland tho greatest comparative automobile city in the world. In fact, it is already becom ing distinguished as such. One' feature of these roads, suggested by Will F. Lipman, manager of the show, was announced at the dealers' ban quet Thursday night. It is proposed to have the road signs as to directions painted one color and a different color on each road. In this way it will not be necessary to stop and read the signs, but Just note the color. At crossings, where there should be a turn at, right angles, there will be no post, and the autoist, or driver of any other vehicle for that matter, knows' where td turn. Where there is a post, the indication is to pro ceed forward. This system has already been agreed to by the Commissioners of Multnomah County, and the balance from tho funds of the show will be used in purchasing the signs, the county hav ing agreed to erect them. Oregon will be the first state in the Na tion to adopt this plan, which Originated in Europe only a few years ago, and has been proven successful. NEW SCHEME TO IilGHT AUTOS System Will Be Demonstrated at the Coming Automobile Show. Acting on the assumption that the "press-the-button" idea will ultimately become as- popular in automobiling as in everything else, the Willard Storage Battery Company, of Cleveland, O., has manufactured a miniature equipment for the auto, built along the same lines as the Pullman sleeper lighting system. The local agent is .the A. J. Winters Company. The system will be demonstrated at days prior to the show will be per mitted to buy floor space. Also that a material evidence of permanent estab lishment must be shown. MANY DELIVERIES MADE AUTOMOBILE -DEALERS BUSY DURING PAST WEEK. All Firms Stocking Up With New Cars to Be Exhibited at Com ing Automobile Show. Trade activity among Portland auto mobile dealers during the past week has been confined very largely to deliver- of sales already made and stock increasing for the expected rush of buyers after the show January 24-29. The condition of the weather also contributed to the general apathy and agents have resigned them Slves to dull business until the show Is over. All dealers are stocking up with cars to exhibit at the show and for a tremen dously big business immediately follow ing. F. K. Lyons, of the Interstate Automo bile Company, reports the sale of a 35- H.-P. five-passenger car to A. P. Sprague, of Portland. - " Don McCord. factory agent of the Over land Automobile Company. Toledo, O., was in Portland last week. Dr. S. C. Endicott, of Myrtle Point, who made .the first trip to Portland . from Coos Bay in an automobile in his Maxwell Junior, was In the city last week. Dr. Endicott said he has traveled 5000 miles and has not paid one ceu.t for repairs. Emmet Harris, manager of the Winton agency, made a trip to Eugene last,week. He contracted the sale of a Winton six to W. C. Washburn, of Junction City, f C. W. Churchill, sales manager for the Winton. with headquarters at the factory in Dayton. O., was a visitor to Portland and Seattle agencies during the week. He said almost the entire output of the RELIABILITY 7 DURABILITY HANDSOME LINES STRENGTH SPEED AND POWER Are Combined in 1910 Locomobiles 40 Chain Drive 30 Shaft Drive These Styles: TOURING CARS LIMOUSINES LANDAULETS BABY TONNEAUS ROADSTERS In Both Models NEATE & 522-24 Alder Street McCarthy, inc. Main 6374; A 4944 factors-, 1500 cars, for 1910, has been sold. W. S. Dulmage, Northwest manager of the automobile department of' Stude baker Brothers Company, received an electric hotel 'bus from the factory dur ing the week which is being displayed In the salesroom. The following sales were announced: Nelson & Cannon. Missoula; Dr. Bollmanx and B. H. . McCallom, of Dallas, Studebaker 30; F. W. Arris and W. G.- Royse, city, four-cylinder road sters. Dr. C..E. Watts and Roy S. Wilson, of the Western Auto Company, have re ceived notice of a shipment to them of four Molines and two Knox 40s. The two Knox cars are especially fine, onebolng a gray tonneauette and the other a this tle green. The H. L. Keats Company last week sold C S. Morse a Chalmers-Detroit 30 and H. L. Thompson a Chalmers-Detroit 30 roadster. - - The L. El Crowe Automobile 'Company announces six Overlands and three Mar mons en route.- Other orders are being placed for the expected business after the show. W: B. Noff, Northwest manager for the Mclntyre. is In Portland arranging for the new quarters for the Wllla'mette Auto Supply Company, which will be local agent in the future. A. S. Holden. of San Francisco. West ern manager for the K. 'B. Stearns Com pany, was here Thursday conferring with C. A. Eastman, local agent. R. L. Short, a former Portlander, late of the Olympic Motor Car Company, of Seattle, will be with the Metropolitan Motor Car Company, a new concern, at 14 North Seventh Street. Work has commenced on the new build ing to be erected for the Northwest Buick Agency at Seventh and Couch streets by the Tabbe estate. The building, when completed, will be of reinforced concrete and brick, two stories in height, 100 by 50 feet ground floor dimensions. It is scheduled for occupancy January 1. De vaux & Volger. local managers, have se cured, a five-year lease on the new quar ters. The Rohrabacher Auto Air Pump Com pany, which moved here recently from Blaine. Wash., has announced its output of pumps for 1910 at 30,000. The new concern has its factory on East Water street just south of the. Morrison street bridge. Recently at the Georgia automo bile show this pump gained considerable favorable advertising. ' George O. Barnes, a weJJ-known local automobile man, is to be the new agent for the Mitchell, formerly held by F. A. Bennett. Mr. Barnes is now seeking suit able quarters and promises to become one of the "live wires' in the business here. The Automobile Insurance Company of America has been organized at In dianapolis, Ind. It proposes to insure automobiles from damage in case of collisions and fire, and goes one better by offering to insure against personal actions in case of injury to individuals or to property. There are Mind stenoBraphers and typewriter. ....... I MARATHON RUNNERS PHOTOGRAPHED IN A BUICK CAR AT SEATTLE. t t K"" "-"' .) . .liinn. . i i i. ...ii i .,,..,.... mm i, ui.,,, iLi.uii I'-UKi -i " " 1 l 0 f v ' I - " " ""'V'"'- XT i -4c - "w" . - - n i-" - I t uw-' K V tf 'w - V ,V x ' i i , V,: fs -irLt- a ' I t ' -MLii i - ' " t 4 TIH MG1UTH, MAIVAGEH HAVES AND FITZGERALD. j Ai . ... . ,. ., ... . . .. . . ...... 4 MANY APPROPRIATE GIFTS Are to Be Found in Our IMMENSE STOCK OF AUTO SUPPLIES BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES AND ATHLETIC GOODS . ' Call for Suggestions Ballou & Wright - . 86 Sixth Street FREE To Prospective AUTOMOBILE BUYERS A BOOKLET ENTITLED THE STORY. OF THE GLIDDEN TOUR i If you are contemplating buying a car read this booklet first it gives you a detailed description of the course and each day's performance of the different cars. Noting the penalties each received during each day's run. Upon request we will mall this booklet to you FREE. WESTERN AUTO CO. K31 Alder St. , The COLUMBUS AN ADAPTABLE ELECTRIC A car for the theater, afternoon calls and the many other little social duties necessary for every woman to perform. It's beautifully finished and is essentially the car for any occasion. The coupe body is interclaangeable with the stanhope, mak ing an all-the-year-around car. Phone "today for demonstration. Lloyd Automobile Co. Main 705, A 1198. 523 ALDER. Two Big Bargains IN SLIGHTLY USED ELECTRICS. Given a coat pf varnish you could not toll them from new. What-J4 you say? Oh, yes; of course, they are Studebakers. Been used' as demonstrators. This is a chance to make someone an Xmas present at small cost. Come and take a ride. Garage Chapman and Alder Sts. Phone 1853, A 2436. WRESTLING Eddie O'Connell vs. Strangler Smith Merrill's Hall Seventh and Oak Sts. Monday Evening, Dec. 13 Reserved Seats, .$1.50 General, $1.00. Tickets on. sale at Schiller's Cigar Stores and Cadwell'a.