THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER. 12, . 1909. proven such a Kreat stock success as th play selected by th management of tha ILyric Theater for Its Christmas offering. "A Bachelor's Honeymoon." No charac ter or every-day life, not even the mother-in-law. has been a means of hearty laugh ter to the public than the bachelor. His entire Isolation from the sphere of wo man's reign has" been the source of many a Duzzle and his often descent from his self-erected pinnacle of self-esteem to the meek and admiring role of an adoring husband has remarkably thinned out the ranks of "bachelorhood," In "A Bach elors Honeymoon" the character Is drawn so finely and the play contains so many laughs that it has been voted one of the few really great comedies that have appeared on the American stage. IWO TOP1IXERS AT PANTAGES VIorenz Troupe and American Gypsy Girls Features This Week. Best of all and the original of all such acts, the Florenz troupe, Europe's foremost society acrobats, will topllne the programme at Pant aires for the entire week, commencing Monday mat inee, December 13. The act has just completed a tour of Europe replete with triumphs, and Is appearing in America for a limited season, appear ing exclusively in Pantages theaters. It is seldom that two headliners ap pear on the same bill, but Pantages will break all precedents and offer the I'our American Gypsy Girls, an act of International repute, and which has raused a veritable sensation at Seattle and Tacoma, where they have appeared prior to their Portland engagement. They, like the Florenz troupe, have Siist completed a tour of the Important European cities. Classical selections end popular hits of the day are sung 'with equal gusto. Among the selec tions will be "Rainbow," "Honeymoon Pong," "My Antonio," and a number of brand-new melodies, fresh from Broad way's songshop. Mile. Viscaya is a violinist of novel methods, who draws many sweet notes from her instrument. is'ip and Tuck, c-omerty pantomlmists, are Parisian en tertainers who more than make good. Howard and Lewis appear as a German nd an ordinary about-town chappie. T. B. MrMahon'a latest comedy crea tion. "During One's Life," affords those uterllng players. Schrodes and Chappel, ample opportunity to win much ap plause. This week's bill will close with to night's performances, and Is one of the kind that should be seen. The Original Tyrolean Sextet and Fish and Burkhart are among the feature acts. GREAT AERIAIi ACT AT GRAND :Ielmore and Lee Feature of New Show Opening Tomorrow. For the new headline act on the new programme which opens at the Grand tomorrow afternoon, Sullivan & Con cldlne are sending a novel specialty, one of the greatest aerial acts in vau deville. This is the act of George Del more and Robert Lee. They perform feats which It is said no other human beings have attempted. Delmore and Lee work upon a revolving ladder sus pended In the air, and the ladder makes JO revolutions a minute. "The Banker and the Thief Is the title of a dramatic playlet presented toy Nick Long and Miss Cotton, the latter being the daughter of the famous minstrel veteran. Ben Cotton. Joe Whitehead and Flo Grlerson will contribute singing and dancing. Mr. "Whitehead was formerly with . "The Umpire" and "The Red Mill," and with Miss Grlerson- forms one of the best known teams In the musical-comedy world. A German playlet will be on the pro gramme. This Is "A Thanksgiving Eve," and will be offered by Wilson and DeMondevllle. It la positively unique, and will please a large per centage of the patrons of the Grand. Jimmy Wall, the old-time minstrel, who keeps abreast of the times by us ing only new material in his songs and monologue, will be In the comedy de partment, and Kathlyn. DeVole, for merly of "'Sergeant Brue" and other musical comedy successes, will be a Prime favorite. Christmas Attraction at Bungalow. The gladsome spirit of young woman hood la the alluring basic note of "Com From Start as Drygoods Clerk -Fisher Becomes Song Writer At Thirty-six Ho Has Composed-More Real Song Hits Than Anybody Else, and Is Still Actively at Work on Others. WRITER OF CHARACTER SONGS. APPEARING IN Fred Flsclicr, FROM drygoods clerk to the prolific song -writer of the day. This, in a few words, tells the life history of Fred Fischer, who at the age of 36 has composed more real song-hits than any other writer In America. His first song to gain public notice was written In Chicago in 1906, entitled "Let Me See You Smile." It had a catchy melody, and publishers hunted up young Fischer and made him contract offers for terms extending from one to five years. But he declined them all. His first success had not brought confi dence, and the composer hesitated about placing his name to any contract where he might not make good., - Soon his writing took the major por tion of his time, and he left the clothing-house where he worked to devote his time exclusively to his songs. Then came "If the Man in the Moon Was a Coon," "Under the Matzo Tree," "Every IJttle Bit Helps," "I've Said My Last Farewell. Toot, Toot, Goodbye," "My Brudda Sylvest," the score for "Morn ing, Noon and " Night," a successful musical comedy which enjojed a long fun in New York; the music for Yorke and Adams famous vehicle "Playing the Ponies." and several Interpolated numbers for "The Love Walts," "The Merry-Go-Round" and other light ope ras. "Christo Columbo," "In Sunny Italy" f ' ' "'""tMrirfii1riHriMrtlr,.t,i,Vlk is mm , t..r i , I mencement Days," the latest campus classic, which -will be revealed at the Bungalow Theater, Twelfth and Morri son streets, at the Christmas attraction, December 24 and 2S, and Virginia Frame and Margaret Mayo, Its clever authors, are said to have wrought some delightful dramatic harmonies therefrom. Those who have seen the play declare it to be a very gem, reflecting most, charmingly the life In a typical American college for girls, a .locale that should offer much in spiration. Its advent here is very prop erly attracting wide attention and discussion. FELIX HAXEY WILIi BE STAR Another Rollicking Irishman Part Cast for Man of the Hour. "The Man From Tammany" Is present. He Is Felix Haney, the genial Irishman who ' has the part of Alderman Phelan In "The Man of the Hour."- which will be at the Bungalow next week for four nights only, beginning with Sunday evening's performance, and who, next year, will blossom forth" as a star. "The Man From Tammany" will be the vehicle, and it is the work of William Felix Haney, Whose Success la "Mai of the Hour" Has Caused HU Selection to star In New Brady Production. Clifford. Haney will be starred by Wilt lam A. Brady, who regards "The Man From Tammany" as ideally suited to the man whose handling of the part of Alderman Phelan has been the hit of "The Man of the Hour." "The Man From Tammany" deals with politics, especially the woman ' suffrage phase. ' It gives Haney the ' opportunity of playing another part of a rollicking Irishman. Touring the .- coming Summer Haney goes Into vaudeville with his sketch. "The Funny Rube." He was the orig inal HI Holler in "Way Down East." and appeared in that play several seasons. For two seasons after the opening of the New York Hippodrome under the management of Thompson & Dundy, he was the principal comedian there. Haney possesses all the natural wit and humor for the part he is now playing, and his work in George Broadhurst's play has been greatly enjoyed by Portland thea tergoers on each occasion of his visit. He has many friends In Portland. "THE GAY MUSICIAN" COMING Musical Play to Be Christinas At- traction at Portland. ' The next attraction at the Portland Theater will be "The Gay Musician," Julian Edwards' charming comic opera. The company Is under the management of John P. Slocum, one of the very best purveyors of musical entertainment that comes out of New- York. He was for a number of years manager of Rich ard Mansfield, and later manager of Marguerlta Sylva in "The Princess Chia." "The Gay Musician" is considered the AND COLLABORATOR, NOW PORTLAND. Maurice Burkhart. and "Happiness." the last named, ac cepted by dramatic writers as a modern-day classic. followed, and Mr. Fischer sang for the first time on any stage "Schlitz." a German topical song, Monday afternoon", at Pantages Thea ter, where he is entertaining this week. Maurice Burkhart. Fischer's colabo rator, and the original "Brudda Syl vest." is only 26, but his has been a career of note. In the campaign In New York at the time Bryan was first trying to gain the coveted Presiden tial chair, Burkhart sang Democratic campaign songs In Northern New York. One night, "Tim" Sullivan, the famous Brooklyn politician and vaudeville magnate, heard ' young Burkhart and recognized in him a character come dian, with an excellent voice. He lost no time In. securing Burkharfs signa ture on a contract, and since his career on the stage Is well known. When Fredx Fischer sprang to the front as a song-writer, he and Burk hart met quite by accident one evening at a club, and before they parted for the night, a partnership had been formed. Burkhart has created all the characters of Fischer's, so familiar to vaudeville patrons, but this is their first Joint tour, and. Incidentally, the first trip Mr.. Fischer has made to the West. To see and hear 'author and creator together at work is an oppor tunity at Pantages this week. Hi ' - - v if I A . , , ,a 4 -, f t v "? v,, jr , V I 4 THE FAMOUS GERMAN SINGER LUDWIG .u Wednesday Evening, Dec. 15 Masonic Temple West Park and Yamhill Streets PRICES l.OO $1.50, 2.00 Seats Now Selling at Eilera Piano House best comic, opera written by Julian Ed wards, who has written over 30 operas. It is now in its second season, playing only engagements of two-week stands, but owing to other bookings It will only be In Portland one week, or rather from Monday until Saturday, opening December 20, as the company comes here direct from San Francisco, and can not open on Sunday. "The Gay Musi cian" enjoyed a run of a hundred nights last season at Wallack's Theater, New York, and it has everywhere been hailed as the neatest, daintiest and most re fined musical attraction seen on the stage for many years. Texas Guinan, a niece of United States Senator Bailey, of Texas, is the prima donna. President Taft witnessed "The Gay Musician" in St. Louisiana entertained Miss Guinan at the Planters' Hotel, Just previous to me banquet tendered the President by the civic authorities. It will be presented here under ttie direct management of John P. Slocum, at the theater controlled by the Shuberts. NEW FEATURES AT THE STAR Fine Programme Offered for Change of Bill This Afternoon. The Star TheateV, commencing at 1 o'clock this afternoon, will present another extraordinary feature show, having en gaged as a musical attraction extraordi nary the talented lady violinist. Miss Marie Stuart Dodd. The New York pa pers have frequently styled Miss Dodd the world's female Paganini; but in addi tion to this the management will present the most extraordinary list of pictures which has ever been exhiibted in a house devoted to that class of entertainment in this city. The most noteworthy motion picture of the entire year is one entitled "The Red Man's Wrongs," an impressive and picturesque portrayal of the injustice which the white men of this country have practiced against the Indians. Another picture which will be found of great in terest is the "Evolution of a Chicken." showing its progress from the Incubator to the- frying pan. "Cub Reporters" is full of farcical comedy, as also is "Cask of Good Wine." Owing to the Indisposition of Jean Wilson he has been succeeded by Oy Confer, who is considered by many to be the best balladist and song Illus trator outside of New York City. GEO. M. COHAN IS COMING Famous Author and Composer Will Present "The Yankee Prince." George M. Cohan will present his latest musical comedy, "The Yankee Prince," at the Bungalow Theater De cember 19,' 20 and 21. Cohan plays have come to stand as 'a standard for excellence in the amusement world., A Cohan play is always a clean play Into which no suggestion of vulgarity is ever allowed to creep. There is a charm about, them that particularly appeals to all theater-goers. At devising funny situations, fascinating musical numbers, composing tuneful melodies, or writing smart slangologlcal chatter, Cohan Is a past master, and through it all there Is absolute cleanliness. Perhaps this Is BAKER KSa? SUNDAYDEC. 1209 Return of Lt Season's Greatest Musical Triumph, Samuel E. Rork's Spectacul Production of the Brilliant Musical Extravaganza ' , Zdq IAW) sr NOD) A Stage Full of People and an Amazing Array of Superb Costumes, Scenery and Electrical Effects More Song Hits and Notable Features Than in All Similar Productions Combined fTYTI? A W ATTfDt? Adelaide Harland in Her Sensational JUAI SJ JJfiAlUfVD Singing and Dancing Specialty. 1 . . . .. Bargain Matinee Wednesday Regular Matinee Saturday. Regular Baker. Prices. NEXT WEEK "A GIRL AT THE HELM" I SKAT SALE BUNGALOW THEATER DEC. 19-20-21 GEO.M. (HIMSELF) Not More Than 10 Seats Sold to One COHAN- RUNGALOW Twelfth and Morrison Sts. PHONES MAIN 11 1 A4224 FOUR NIGHTS, BEGINNING TONIGHT Special Price Matinee. Wednesday ' 1 RETURN OF LAST YEAR'S BIGGEST HIT, AMERICA'S GREATEST PLAY i ' WILLIAM AT BRADY AND JOSEPH R. GRISMER ' ANNOUNCE THE TWO YEARS AT THE SAVOY THEATER JEW YORK 1 HAN OF THE NINE MONTHS AT THE ILLINOIS "THEA TER, CHICAGO MOU NOW IN ITS 4TH TRIUMPHANT YEAR By George . "THE BEST PLAY I HAVE EVER SEEN." COLONEL ROOSEVELT Given here with a special cast of players, -which musters a roll of the best artists -on the American stage. EVENINGS flJSO TO BOc PRICES. MATINEE 1.0O to 26c. UNGALOW Twelfth and Morrison Sta. PHONES MAIN 117 A. 4224 3 Nights Begin. SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE SATURDAY Liebler & Co. Present The Comedian You All Know ISl (mm - EZRA In an Up-to-Date Revival of Herbert Winslow's DELIGHTFUL COMEDY "The Vinegar Buyer" PRICES Evenings. ... ,fl.50, S1.00, 75c, SOc . Matinee.. SEAT SALE OPENS TUESDAY, DECEMBER the secret of Cohan's meteor-like career. From the moment the curtain goesup on the first act of "The Yankee Prince" until its final drop at the end of the third act, there is something of inter est to catch the eye or please the ear and to keep the audience amused. It tells In a bright way the story of a Chir cago man of wealth and ambition who aspires to a marriage between his daughter and an English Earl. HARRY IjAPDER COMING SOOX Wil 1 Be Seen Next Friday Night With His Company at Armory. Much Interest is manifested In the an nouncement ' sent out bjr William Morris of the appearance here of Harry Lauder, the world famous Scotch comedian, who LEMAIRE OPERA GLASSES LEMAIRE Field Glasses '- BEST IN THE WORLD Used in the Array and Navy Illastrattd Catalofu at all Dealtrt THEATER PHOXES MAIS S A 5360 GEO. L. .BAKES, MANAGER "THE BILLIKEN MAN," Assisted by a Special Ballet. NEXT FRIDAY i THEYANREE PRINCE Person for Any Single Performance six MONTHS AT THE TREMONT THEA TER, BOSTON FOUR MONTHS AT THE GARRICK THEA TER, PHILADEL PHIA NOW IN ITS 4TH TRIUMPHANT YEAR Broadharst Thurs. Dec. 1 6 rv . . .S1.00, 75c, 50c, SSe will appear at the Armory on Friday, December 17. "The Girl at the Helm" Coming. The -attraction at the Baker for all next ween opening Sunday matinee. December VAUDEVILLE WEEK OF DEC 13th "America's Foremost Athletes" Delmore & Lee In Their Original Novelty, "A Study in Black and White," the Most Sensational Act in Vaude ville. Long & Cotton Presenting the Dramatic Play let, "The Banker and the Thief" Whitehead &Grierson In Original Laughter, Clever Dances and Melody Galore. Wilson & Demonde ville Presenting a German Comedy Playlet, "A Thanksgiving Eve" Jimmy Wall In Minstfel .Humorism Kathleen DeVoie In Popular Melodies. Fred Bauer Illustrated Song. Grandascope Original Subjects First Production. GRAND DAILY-MATINEE ISc, 25a, SOc (HOLIDAY MATINEES NIGHT PRICES) ADVANCEDK vaudeville V Monday Matinee, Dec. 13th 1 ZXTBAOEDDiABY SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF ALICE LLOYD England's Prettiest, Daintiest and Most Fascinating; Comedienne, the Famous International Favorite. First Appearance Here of THE McNAUGHTONS Famous English Eccentrics, introduc ing their much-talked-of COMEDY BOXING MATCH. CROSS & JOSEPHINE In their Travesty of Melodrama, IVtNQ TO ACT, "With Songr and Dance Trimmings. v LATOSKA Talkative Juggler. Evening Prices 15c, 25c, SOc and 75c DAILY MATINEE 16c, S5c, 50c (HOLIDAY MATINEE, NIGHT PRICES) LYR IC WEEK COMMENCING SUNDAY MATINEE, DEC. 12 THE POPULAR ATHON STOCK COMPANY Presents a Dramatization of Archibald Clavering Gunter's " Greatest Book, MR. POTTER OF TEXAS A Story of a A Complete Production. TUESDAY MAT. 42-PIECE DINNER SET GIVEN AWAY Gold Watch Friday 'Matinees Sunday, Tuesday. Every Evening at 8:15 NEXT CHRISTMAS WEEK "A BACHELOR'S HONEYMOON" COMING "THE SQUAWMAN" YOU'LL. LIKE THE LYRIC! 19, -will be "A Girl at the Helm," with Billy Clifford. This ' Is one of the La Salle Theater popular musical comedy successes, which -will be seen In Portland for the first time. PANTAGES L ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK COMMENC'G MONDAY MATINEE, DECEMBER 13 TWOAttractipns Extraordinary TWO THE FLORENZ TROUPE Europe's Society Acrobats , THE FOUR AMERICAN GYPSY GIRLS The Act Beautiful SCHRODES & CHAPPEL in "During: One's Life." "NIP & TUCK Ku rope an Pantomlmists PANTAGESCOPE Latest Animated Events POPULAR PRICES MATINEE DAILY CURTAIN 2:30, 7:30 AND 9:00 STAR T1EATEE Starting Sunday Matinee December 12 MUSICAL ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY Marie Stuart Dodd Female Paganini. Feature Picture-"The Red Man's Wrongs" Showing White's Injustice to the American Indian. Cub Reporters Cask of Good Wine A Rattling Farce. A Real Comedy. Evolution of a Chicken CyConifer Instructive. Greatest Song Illustrator. SHOWS TODAY CONTINUOUS FROM 1 to 1 1 P. M. 1 0 Cents Any Seat 1 0 Cents Phones Main 6 and A 10 Those Eccentric Clowns, THE BROTHERS PERMANE Tlgiitlns-aJe Making; Iove." CONSTANT ARKANSAS World's Greatest ' 7oncertina Soloist, assisted fry Miss Valerie on the piano. JOE GARZA Spanish "Equilibrist. OKPHKDI WCTCRES. OBPHEBM ORCHESTRA. THEATER PHONES Main 4685 A lO'.'S. Prices 30, SO and 10 cents. Real American. Superbly Mounted. Given Away Evening THURSDAY MATINEE Dress Pattern Given Away PINK TEA Thursday and Saturday at 2:15 Carriages. at 10:30 The music Is by Raymond Hubbel. the lyrics by Robert Smith, who are also re sponsible for "A Knight for a Day" and "The Midnight Sons," now playing In Xew York. . THEATER L STARS of ALL NATIONS HOWARD & LEWIS "The Singer and the Comedian" MLLE. VISCAYA Eccentric Violinist LEO WHITE Illustrated Ballad r