THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 12, 1909. GOVERNOR ON SIDE OF KANSAS WOMEN A Promise of" Political Aid Re news Hope of Militant Suffragists. MOVEMENT GAINS IMPETUS Probability of Submission of Consti tutional Amendment in 1912 Xow Conceded by State Officials. TOPEKA. Kan., Dec. . 11. (Special.) The militant women of Kansas, who have nerved notice that they intend to become citizens of the state in all that the term Implies, wound up a two-days' meeting here tonight that hee caused the. ene mies of woman suffrase to shudder. Poli ticians and state officials admit that re newed interest in equal suffrase in Kan sas means that sooner or later the women are.goin(t to vote and enjoy equal privi leges with men. j Votes Tor women wl'.l be the great re form movement in Kansas. For more than a quarter of a century a little band of suffragists has fought valiantly for the ballot, and made appeals almost with out number to Governors, state legisla tors, conventions' and representative bodies for equal representation, but they have not received much recognition. They may vote for school and city officers, and they may hold county offices,. I The women of Kansas look" to Governor ! Stubbs as the leader in the great fight , for equal suffrage and they have as surances that he will throw his influence and that of his administration for the election of a Legislature next year that will submit an. equal suffrage amendment to the constitution, and that will be voted on in November, 1912. The acqui- i Kltlon of Governor Stubbs to the equal suffrage movement will give it powerful j momentum. ! The Kansas Equal Suffrage Association points to the splendid record of women who have been elected or appointed to offices of trufrt and responsibility in this state. It declares that Kansas women have held their own In all lines of com merce and business where their 'services have ben sought. In the history of the state there 13 not an instance where a woman who was Intrusted with large sums of money became a defaulter, it says, but there are numerous cases where women employed in banks and other business institutions have detected and prevented the squandering of the funds and ultimate failure. AMERICAN MEAT SHUT OUT Gorman Conservatives Strongly Op pose Tariff Concession. BHRLIX. ree. 11. In the Conservative party convention today at Berlin, Count fchwerin-Leewitz one of the most prom inent Agrarian members of the Reich stag, took strong ground, against Ger many's making concessions on .American meats In order to eecure better tariff rates. "The higher duties in the new tariff," he said, "are especially unfavorable to Germany, but German agriculture is prac tically concerned about the question whether the' German conventional tariff will be accepted again by Americans without something equivalent in the way of concessions, because of the fear in agricultural circles that the Fereral Gov ernment might make the provisions for the American meat Imports adopted for the' protection of the health of our peo ple and today more necessary than ever the subject of commercial treaty negotia tions. This fear I regard as unfounded, in view of the certain information which has be9n conveyed to me. "Such a thing I would expect even less from the present chancellor than from his predecessor. He values too highly the lnterets of our public health ami is too lust tow ard our German livestock growers, to do such a thing. Moreover, the Chancellor knows too well the sentiments of the. country and the great majority of the Kelchntag." TAR BLAZES, THREE KILLED Jfen Sleeping Near Vat Engulfed. One, Burned, Escapes. FITTSBTJRG, Iec. 11. Entrapped in a lake of burning tar, four men were held fast at the MoClintoek & Irvine Com pany's roofing plant In this city early today and were compelled to watch the (gradually approaching flames. Three of them were burned to death, but the fourth managed to extricate himself, although he wsts seriously burned. It is said the men were not employed at be works, but had been sleeping there at night. In some manner the valve of a tar vat opened and before the sleeping men knew their danger they were en gulfed. Unable to free themselves, they saw the tr flow to a boiler, where it was quickly ignited. - Then as the fire crawled toward them they frantically called for help. The night watchman- was attracted by the cries, but was powerless to aid them. LITTLE GIRL IS MURDERED Body of - Helen Brown. IS, Found . Half Frown, Cut, Battered. iETROny rec. U. The murder of Helen Brown, 13 years old, of 271 Third avenue, waa revealed today by the find ing of the child's half-frozen body in "W hitman's truck yards. The child's face and head were cut and battered and there was evidence that she had been mis treated. When found the girl evidently had been dead several hours. Finger marks on her throat Indicated that she had been choked. Crowds gathered during the day at the scene of the murder and there were mut- terings and threats of lynching if the: murderer should be caught. AERO FALLS TO GROUND German Pilot of Wright Machine Made TJnconscious. BERLTX. Dec. 11- A .Wright aeroplane which Captain Knsleruxrdt was piloting over Johannlothal Field - today, lost its balance . and plunged to the earth. Cap tain Englehardt was unconscious when picked up and removed to a hospital. The extent of bis injuries was not deter mined. Hnglehardt, who was a pupil of Orville "Wright, made a flight of 44 minutes and 30 seconds near Potsdam on October 29, establishing a distance, record for German aviators. . . j Sale Tapestry Couch Covers at $1.55 A special sale of Tapestry Couch Covers, shown in a large variety of de sirable styles in rich Oriental stripes; they are well made and finished all around "with deep knotted fringe. They come full tf XS'C 60 inches wide and three yards long. . .t t . J) X iOO Mail Orders Carefully Filled. Express Prepaid on $5 Purchases Sale Tapestry Couch Covers at $2.50 A very special offering of Tapestry Couch Covers of excellent quality, shown in a large variety of styles and colorings jin Bagdad and Orien tal stripes-; they are reversible and finished all around tf0 f with knotted fringe ; they are 60 ins. wide, 3 yds. long J) t 9 O J tiggefiii in Your (kisbn "What shall I give for Christmas?" This very pertinent question is answered suggestively, exhaustively, thoroughly, comprehensively i and relatives. And with the selection as varied and attractive as it is this year at this store, Christmas shopping and gift selecting is more of suitable gifts for loved ones in mind that you are happily perplexed in not knowing which one of the hundreds to purchase. We offer you ways desirous of selling just as low as we possibly can, yet quality is first considered by us. 'Best assured that any article bought here for has occasion to use it. The days between now and Christmas are not many. The time will slip by very quickly, and before you realize it pers and stocks depleted "eleventh-hour buyingwhich at best is most unsatisfactory.. Now is the. time. No great crowds to hinder you. lists. If what's wanted isn't included, you will surely find it here if you come now. at this store. We mention gifts for every member of the household, for friends a pleasure than a task. You come in this store and see so many things that are the result of years of experience in selecting Christmas goods. While we are al- a present will give satisfaction and pleasure to the recipient every time he or she you will have to make your selections when everywhere you'll find crowds of shop Stocks are large and varieties broad. Goods fresh and unhandled. Study these Come and Roam at Will Through Santa's Headquarters And See What Gladness He Will Bring $1.00 unbreakable Toy Tea Sets 79c Pastime Puzzles, over 100 pieces 5CC 11- inch Doll Trunks, with Tray .25c Children's 1 0-inch Express Wagons . ....25c 12- inch Express Wagons 4 9c 20-inch Express Wagons 89c 22-inch .Express Wagons 98c 24-inch Express Wagons $1.25 16-inch two-wheel Carts'.... 49c 25c ABC Blocks 15c Full line Card Games 5c Bradley's Toy Villages 25, 50 and Sl.OO Comical Animal Masks, set of 6 25c Children's Doll Buggies 39c Toy Barg-ains in Basement SmQausMaKes His Hedquartersnere! Bargains in Hosiery for Christmas Shoppers Fall and Winter weights for women and children at greatly reduced prices. Such sat isfying qualities, such small prices, rarely ksep company. Outfit the whole family now for the Winter. There'll be no chance like this. These specials Monday and Tuesday: The famous Kyser plain -black silk Hose, priced for this sale at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 ,?Sv WOMEN S HOSE, 75c VALUES 50C - i j a av.Liu miciiu . u u ' . ii o lam nunc) shown in all plain colors, in lace or beautifully em broidered effects; full-fashioned Hose that will wear splendidly, regular 75c values, special for Monday and Tuesday at 3C WOMEN'S SILK HOSE SUPPORTERS SPECIALLY PRICED, S1.50 A fine showing of women's plain silk Hose, shown in all colors, including black. Extra good tf values, priced for this sale at X tOU Another Special Sale of Xmas Haudfi 2 "SS, V'. A 1 - -rr TT J3 -ri aiuittB ox Auioro auiu- . kerchiefs for women rv. csjlt. and children; asnort- jk ? nr-. w joz. . : 22llW Stfe gAf2$k eiy 01 sryies is so ex- AjSThSsirSSh,. .AitfJP tensive that we can ft mSaW suit every taste, and 9; 0MmS M JT they are arranged so vnn fin select sneerlilv and flfferrfciv. Iv. The greatest lot of Holidav Hand- tne greatest values to be found any- whcre- r. m C; 1 fill MnviX rnifkiA4a r--w - I (tt r.A tr u:.-p i ca. SOTv $2.25 box Handkerchiefs. spl.S1.48 i V3X--g-- MOO box Handkernhiefs. nl.S2.!2S U-13553' 10c Handkerchiefs, embroidered cor ner 5? 15c Handkerchiefs, good quality swiss lOc 25c Handkerchiefs, all linen 15c 35e to 40c Handkerchiefs, good quality swiss 23 50c to 60e' Handkerchiefs, all linen and swiss embroidered ...33c 75c to $1.25 Haudkerehiefs, all linen, embroidered 48c Headquarters for Men's Practical Christmas Gifts Our popular men's section, just inside the Third-street entrance, is crowded full of -Just the kind of gifts that men like best, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Ties' Mufflers, Smoking Coats, Umbrellas, etc., etc. Men's Smoking Coats at $3.98, $5.50. $6.00 and $7.00 ALL EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT THESE PRICES Of all appropriate and appreciative things for Christmas giving, nothing can fill the place of a pretty Smok ing Coat. Men always need them, too, and where will you find values equal to these. A great assortment of these coats. to choose from. They are made of excellent quality material and shown in all the latest designs and colors, with pockets, cuffs and collar trimmed in plaid to match. You can't afford to overlook these offer ings in Smoking Coats. All special values at these prices: SILK MUFFLERS, BEST $1.00 VALUES "... 79 c "A special offering f men's silk mufflers, made reefer style, with hemstitched ends; they come full 36 inches long and 20 inches wide, and are shown in plain gray, black and white. J ( Best $1.00 values, special at J C A fine assortment of President Suspenders, put up one pair in a fancy box, special ..50 MEN'S TIES, 50c VALUES, f g SPECIAL AT C A" special holiday offering of men's silk Four-in-Hand Ties, made French fold ; they come full 50 inches long and 2Vi inches wide, with open ends; they are shown in stripes, plaids an? plain colore; all new, and sell regu . larly at 50c, priced for this sale at... 29c 50c HANDKERCHIEFS, REAL 25c VALUES, 3 FOR A fine showing of men 's plain white Handker chiefs, made of good quality material aBd finished with neatly hemstitched bem y or 32 inch wve; guaranteed pure liueu Hand kerchiefs, and are equal in value to most handkerchiefs sold for 25c- price of 3 for -, 50 Furs Make Suitable Xmas Gifts What could be more appropriate and accept able for the Christmas present than a nice fur? Our fur department should figure prominently in your selection of a present, for the prices are reasonable and the styles are right. A big showing of sets, Muffs and Scarfs, and only the most select furs are used in their making. They include real Jap and brook mink, Isabella, fox black " fox, French coney and others. . Plainly finished or with heads and tabs; the finest of satin . lining, plain, brocaded or shirred. Uue qualed prices from $2.50 to $27.50 Women's and Misses9 Suits Three suit values that are without their equal at the prices quoted. A great many styles form this choice collection. Coats are all tailored effects, varying in length from me dium to seven-eighths length; skirts are in several styles, including the newest pleated effects; several fabrics are used, including serges in plain and fancy weaves, cheviots and mixtures; all desirable colors of todav. Priced at... '..... $10, $15 and.$19.50 A Christmas Gathering1 of FancyGoods FANCY NECKWEAR AT 25 C An extra special offering of fancy box Neckwear, put up one in fancy box; well-made, dainty pieces, that sell at 35c to 40c each, Q your choice tomorrow at '. 3C FANCY NECKWEAR AT 50 An immense assortment of all the latest novelties in Neckwear, put up one in a fancy box; suitable and useful Christmas gifts. They r f sell regularly from 75c to 85c each, your choice tomorrow... OlJ C KNITTED MUFFLERS AT 50 A great assortment of the celebrated Bradley Mufflers, full fashioned, perfect fitting, and shown in all colors. Very useful garments, as' they afford great protection to the throat and lungs. See our f nice line. Your choice Monday and Tuesday i3vC We have an immense line of the popular Crown Mufflers, priced at LACE COLLARS AT SPECIAL PRICES A great assortment of Lace Collars, made of pretty baby Irish and Venise lace; dainty, new designs; latest and most serviceable neckwear, suitable for either waist or coat. Ideal Christmas gifts. Make your choice now from these specials : All 50c Collars, special .23 All $1.00 Collars, special 68 All 75c Collars, special.." SO All $1.25 to $1.50 Collars, spl.9S Fancy Aprons for Gifts i x - An extraordinary showing of fancy Tea and Chafing Aprons, shown in all new styles and designs, made of the finest and daintiest of materials and trimmed in very pleasing effects. A full line to choose from. All prices. These three specials for Monday and Tuesday: FANCY APRONS, 35c-40c VALUES 25 "What shall I give sister for Christmas?" If you want a gift that is both dainty and useful, don't fail to see our nice line of fancy Aprons, made of first-class materials and trimmed with embroideries, laces and ribbons. Well made and neatly finished. Gifts that will y surely please; 35c and 40c values; special for this sale.... 4f3C FANCY APRONS, 75c AND 85c VALUES 50 Another nice line of Gift Aprons, made of sheer or fine lawn, organdie India linen and dotted swiss, daintily trimmed with embroideries, laces and ribbons. Dainty little garments that will please even the most fastidious.' Regular 75c and 85c values. Specially priced rf f for this sale , '. . OvIC FANCY APRONS, SPECIALLY PRICED, $1.00 An extra nice assortment of dainty new- Aprons, made of only the finest materials, such as swiss trimmed, with lace insertion and edgino-; cm- broidenes, swiss flouncing and other fine materials. Prettiest line ot Aprons you will tind anywnere. An extra tine value. Special at .'. $1.00 DRESS GOODS IN EVENING SHADES, 50 An unsurpassed showing of 38-inch all-wool dress fabrics in the season's -best weaves and the most desirable shades for evening wear; French albatross, French batiste, French henrietta, nunsveiling, etc., etc. such fabrics as will wash satisfactorily. , BLACK GOODS IN SATISFACTORY WEAVES, $1.00 A remarkable showing of 42 to 46-inch black Dress Goods, fine all-wool fabrics, perfect in weave, color and finish, warranted spot and acid proof. Included are ocean serges, wool taffetas, French batistes, satin eoutille, Knglish voiles, chiffon Panamas, French henriettas, wool satins, English prunellas, etc., etc.. A skirt, suit or coat length is a very appro priate thkig for Christmas giving. $2.25 TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS, $1.50 . About 250 Tapestry Table Covers of splendid quality, full 8-4 size, shown in pretty two-tone styles, in shades of green, red and brown. They are finished 'with deep knotted fringe, and have sold regu- d 1 rj larly at $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 each. Special holiday price J. O vl $1.25 TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS, T5 This assortment consists of about 100 Tapestry Table Covers in 6-4 size ; attractive new two-tone styles in shades of green and red; they come with deep knotted fringe and are fully worth , $1.25; special 7 . holiday price 3 C REGULAR $5.00 AND $6.00 VALUES, OVER 500 TO ? r rf CHOOSE FROM, ONLY UjJ The assortment consists of all the latest novelties in women's Umbrel las ; they are made from fine quality silkj and wool covering on a par agon frame, 'with steel, rod and finished with silver and gold handles; they come, with a close-rolled silk cover, and sell regularly at '$o.00 and $6.00 your . choice of an unlimited number of rt g f fancy handles at the special price of. y J Christmas Slippers Few things give as much genuine pleasure to the mother or father as a pair of comfort able slippers; few things would delight the sister or daughter more than a pair of fancy slippers. Our Christmas stock of slippers foi men, women and children is the fullest and best we have ever had. A FEW OF THE SPECIALS: Women's .ilir-trimmed Juliettes, $2.00 values ...551.T5 Men's kid-lined Slippers, $2.50 values $2.00 Women's felt Juliettes, plain or fur trimmed, $1.50 values 89c Women's Slumber Slippers,, $1.00 values 69c Men's, youths and boys embroidered Slippers, $1.00 values f9c Little gents' Shoes, $1.50 values . 99C Men's kid Slippers, black and tan, $1.50 values "!.!99c Holiday Sale of Gloves FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Including fine kid Gloves, Cape Gloves, wool-lined Gloves and Mittens, wool knit Gloves and Mittens, in all sizes and colors, from the best makers at the lowest prices. Women 's and children 's Golf Gloves and Mittens f at 25 and tUC Women's Cape kid Gloves, made by Dent, at the J O f f special price of J J OUR STOCK IS AT ITS BEST La France Kid Gloves, all sizes The Eudora Kid Gloves, all sizes and colors, rtfc -k and colors, t w special at J) 1 UU special at ....... J) J, The Meyers Cape Gloves, tan color, all sizes, & 1 O special at J) 9&