The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 12, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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OH. JOY! $3$ to flSO per ' week. The
moneys yours. Something nw; goes like
wildfire; takes every family by storm; no
experience required: money floods in; free
sample to active agents. John Muiiro11.
Tenn.: "Sold 6 In 3 days; mad? big pay
ment on house, thanks to you. Mrs. b
Nolka. Me. : "Send 6 ; best thins for
women ever Invented." Reflect. Vacum
leaner for $6. Women have watched,
wished, longed for it. Woman sold 4 one
evening proflt $12. Agents selling 2 to
HI every day proilt $3ti to $180 per week.
Home Vacuum Cleanerone person oper
ates. No motor, no electricity. Cleans
carpets, rugs, mattings, etc., on floors.
Terrific suction does it. Air sucks up
dirt; no more sweeping, dusting or house
cleaning; demonstrated in 5 minutes; seits
on demonstration; show 10 families, sell
; does name work as $100 machine;
weighs 4 lbs. Money back -If not as rep
resented. Agent's profit 100 per cent.
Rend postal tod.V' fur territory, full de
scription. This vVon't appear again. R.
Armstrong Mfg. Co., S50 Alms bldg., Cin-
ctnhati, O.
Main Office. 12 North Second Street.
Open Sunday 10:30 to 2
Wanted M 1 1 1 hands, yardmen, sash and
floor machine men, loggers, laborers,
teamsters, carpenters, wood cutters, etc
etc. Large List of New Work Every Day.
We give a written guarantee to pay your
fare both ways if there Is not -jrork where
we send you.
Main Office. la North, Second Street.
HERB! HERB! This Is what you'ne look
ing for; Try selling greatest invention
for comfort evo produced. Every man
prospective customer. Think of it! Every
office building, business block, factory and
workshop a hive of opportunities just
how men highly advertised article sale's
made; appeals to hard-headed business men
clergymen, laborers and farmers. Make
money honorably! Don't put it off! Men
without experience making $15 to $90
weekly, preachers and lawyers making
more selling Never-Fail automat to razor
stropper ; only machine invented to
harpen every kind of razor; puts keenest
edge on any bl:ide; no experience re
quired ; don't throw away old safety
blades, sharpen "em. Risk a postal, leirn
hew to make $45 .to $40 weekly alt Win
ter. Never-Fail Co.. 132 Nicholas, To
ledo, O. -
Englnemen. trainmen, R. R. men, who un
derstand signals, to act as switchmen: wages
34c hour and overtime while trouble Is on;
board a nd room will be advanced for any
'omnetent man arcepted. who ia tempo
rarily unable to pay In advance.
These men are wanted at on'e to fill va
cancies cauied by striking switchmen on the
N. P. R. It. Further particulars and free
transportation from
20 Nrth Second st.
Portland, Or.
I HAVB ready for the market the best seller
among all the subdivisions recently platted
In Portland; I want to sell this quickly so
as to handle another proposition; in order to
do this I have decided to offer a better com
mlsslnn than any one is now paying to firet
Hasa men; I will engage two such men and
give them my personal assistance; prices and
terms very attractive.
3 Commercial Club Bldg.,
0 to lO A. M.
MAKE- MONEY writing stories for news
WANTEb Young lady or young gentleman
to sell and take ordors for hand-painted
art calendars; exclusive design; ref
erences. Room 4, Arminlus Hotel, 11th
and Morrison sts.
papers. 5pare time or- regular work; earn
$l00-$50O monthly. Send for booklet, tells
how. Prees Syndicate. San Francisco.
PEW more young lAdi and gentlemen to
'Tnplete amateur dramatio club. Call 248
Main st.
THE R. Kohara Co. require 7 experienced
salesladies and 2 delivery boys. Call Mon
day at ."! Morrison at.
CASH girls and boys for the holidays, must
be over 16 years of age.
FI8K TEACHERS AGENCY offers g&od po
sitions to A-l instructdrs. 611 Swetland.
LESSONS In shorthand and tvpe writing by
expert. $5 a month. 200 14th. Main 8813.
LADY solicitors wanted, all Oregon towns.
Call or write. 360 Stanton st. Phone C
WANTED Girl, good cook, for general
housework during holidays. Apply 445 E.
15th North. Phone East 4550.
LADY partner with $2000 for vaudeville act.
singer. Room 10 Hotel Anacortes. 6th
st., between 2 and f P. M.
A MIDDLE-AGED lady for general house
work In family of 2; good wages and home
to right party. , AB 686, Oregonian.
AN elderly woman for general housework,
family of two. 6.2 East 23d st. North. Phone
' East 5130.
WANTED By January 1. a congenia'l elder
ly luUy for housekeeper in private home.
References exchanged. B 585, Oregonlan.
GIRL for housework. 1 hours a day, 6
tlays week; must live near 5th and Har
rison: 25c hour. X 580, Oregonlan.
BUSINESS firm deires & woman, not tinder
80, who U trustworthy and energetic: ex
, perlence not necessary. P 587, Oregonlan.
WANTED Young woman experienced book
keeper for wholesale house; responsible
position. C 59 J, Oregonlan.
WANTED Immediately, good girl for gen
eral housework. 010 Spring st., Portland
STENOGRAPHIC services and $300 secured,
offers you good position. A. 693. Ore
gonlan. WAITRESS for extra occasions. Apply lo
ll A. M., Y. M. C. A. uUmng-room, 6th and
WANTED Middle-aged woman to do house
work; good salary. Phone, Woodlawn
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
must be a good plain cook. Apply morn
ings at 721 Johnson at.
S2tt Washington St., Room 807.
Main 8826 or A 8266.
THR Meier & Frank Stores require 250 addi
tional sales clerks. Apply at onoe to em
ployment bureau, 6th floor.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893.
WOMAN for general housework three hours
daily. 642 Morrison, cor. 17th.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor.
WANTED Hairdressers; high salary. Grand
leader. 5th and Alder.
PRIVATE lessons, shorthand", typewriting;
expert method. K04 12th st. Main 0890.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
38 32d at., Willamette- Heights.
GIRL wanted for general housework in
family of 3. Apartment 1, 666 Flanders.
SCHOOLGIRL to assist general housework,
room and board. small compensation.
Phone C 2773.
WANTED Glr! to assist in general house
work. Phone Tabor 1009.
WANTED A girl or woman for housework;
small family. Phone B 2490.
PLAIN cook for general housework. 27
YOUNG girl to assist in care of children.
Woodlawn. SSI.
WANTED Chambermaid, who can also help
serve dinner. 53 JSth. cor. Davis.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
family of two. Phone C 1182.
WANTED Help to sew canvas gloves Y 6i6,
WANTED A dining-room girl. SO N. 17th
WANTED A first-class milliner trimmer.
Apply at the Chapoau. 115 7th at.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone
East 1103.
PRACTICAL nurse wanted; wages $12 week.
P 698, Oregonlan.
GIRL to do general housework to go ta
rla; wages $20. Phone East 2907.
For various departments In stores, rib
bons, handkerchiefs, neckwear. - laces,
chin aware, books, leather goods. Jewelry,
stationery, art, specialties, underwear,
etc.. etc.; wages $20 to $41 a month; per
sons proving specially apt or experienced
will have a chance for permanent employ
ment after the holiday trade has passed.
3 assistant bookkeepers who can count
and write a plain hand.
Family cooks, second girls, nurse girls,
girls for general housework and to as
sist. Boarding-house, hotel and restaurant
343 fc Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Competent and experienced. Wanted In
a number of our departments. Apply at
once to
Large list
Call early.
of new positions Monday.
Ladies', Dept. 20 5Vi Morrison L
WANTED At once, saleswomen for notion
end- toy departments, also cash girl a Roberts
Bros., 3d and Morrison.
G-IRLS wanted to make shirts. ML Hood
Factory, Second and Couch.
LADI ES and girls anywhere can earn good
steady pay writing advertising letters for
us at home; send 10 cents for forms and
full instructions; no more money required;
no canvassing. American Sales Co., dept.
12, Delaware City, Del.
WANTED Middle-aged lady as housekeep
er, who desires good home near town,
with small, wages in return for assisting
with housework in family of three adults,
child no objection. Address Box 78, R. F.
D. 2, Milwaukie, Or.
WANTED Immediately, young lady stenog
rapher and bookkeeper, experienced in
loans, real estate and Insurance ; county
seat Idaho town'' State age. experience,
references and salary. Telephone Address
and answer Monday. AF 586, Origonian.
SENSIBLE! middle-aged woman or girl
assist in general housework ; plain cook
ing; no washing; good home and reason
able wagesj family of four. Phone Tabor
WANTED Companionable, healthy, middle
aged woman, who desire good home near
town for Winter, in return for assisting
with housework in small famllv of grown
people. References. B 584, Oregonian.
GIRLS 16 years of age, wanted. Apply at
once to
MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety
for Young Women. Advice or assistance
gladly -given to all young women. Mrs.
Lola G. Basiwin. Supt.. room 87 Y. W. C.
A. bldg.. 7th and Taylor sts,
WANTED By large financial institution, a
woman of high standing to compile lists of
names in her neighborhood. Address in your
own handwriting, Thomas Wood Secretary,
806 Chemnut St.. Philadelphia.
EXPERIENCED woman for general house
work in country near The Dalles, good
wages. Inquire Young Women's Christian
Association Monday; hours 10 to 4.
GENERAL housework in family" of 4 adults,
good wages. Inquire Young Women's
Christian, Association Monday; hours 1
to 4. .
CAPABLE nurse girl for young children,
permanent position at good wages and
home privileges to right party. Call today
at 090 Tillamook st.. Irvington.
BY city Jobbing house, young lady book
keeper and stenographer; apply own hand
writing, stating experience; will pay good
salary if competent. M 589. Oregonlan.
LADIES, make dress shields at home; good
pay ; material furnished ; stamped en
velope particulars. Mutual Supply House.
Dept. 92. Chicago.
WANTED First-class millinery trimmer;
state where trimming last and how long
experience; steady employment to the
right party. Address K 5S6. Oregonlan.
WANTED First-class saleslady for suit
dept.; must be experienced and state ref
erences as to ability, etc Apply care AE
5S1, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cook for delicatessen; must be
neat, able to take charge of kitchen; no
others need apply. Call Sunday afternoon
at City Hall Delicatessen, 273 6th st.
WANTED Experienced lady solicitor, city
work two months, possibly permanent to
right person; references required. Call
10 to 12 A. M., 418 Abington bldg.
GIRLS for light, clean laboratory work,
must have good reference and live at
home. Clarke, Woodward Drug; Co., 8th
and Hoyt sts., 3d floor.
WANTED Capatble young women to enter
training school for nurses. For particulars
write Hoquiam General Hospital, Hoqulam,
WANTED An assistant bookkeeper; roust
be experienced. Salary to start, $50. An
swer in your own handwriting. O 61)9,
GOOD girl wanted to assist with general
housework, A good, permanent place for
right girl. Call 5d Lucre Ua at., near 22d
and Washington.
EXPERIENCED chocolate and bon bon dip
pers wanted. Day or night work, Swet
land. 269 Morrison.
EXPERT stenographer can secure desk space
and machine moderate rental. Established
business. AH 694. Oregonlan.
WANTED A competent nurse for 2 children,
4 and 6 years old; references required. Phone
East 4082 or call 439 East 10th ft. North.
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on porcelain. $1.60 doi. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
WANTED Capable-family cook; $35; Ger
man preferred ; also experienced, second
girl, $3. tit. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039.
GIRL to sweep and duet a few hours eve
nings. Call at 7 Monday evening, Grand
ave. and Caruthers.
$43 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 1692.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. S83
32d St.. Willamette Heights. Main 7582.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
A BOOKKEEPER of wide experience,
thoroughly, versed in all kinds of' office
work, who can t urn ish beet of references,
desires posit km. Phone East 2786 or ad
dress XX i)0. Oregonlan.
LAWYER. 8 years practice, doslrea co
partnership or work along lines of credit
man, collections or bookkeeping; thorough
experience In all these lines; must have
work. W 682, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN of 25- would like any kind of
ciencai worn; nave baa a years expe
ence in, office and 6 years in store. AB
99, Oregonlan.
ACCOUNTANT, cashier and general office
man with 10 years' experience, desires
position with ' opportunities; competent
to take charge of office. C 587, Oregonlan.
POSITION in grocery or gen. mdse. store by
thoroughly experienced man; best references
city or country. N. S. Berg, Portland, Or.
BOOKKEEPER would like another eet of
books to keep afternoon or evening. Address
AF 597, Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, employed, desires
set of books to keep evenings. References
furnished. K 582, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by young man, college
graduate, six years' experience in lumber.
Best references. P 086. Oregonian.
MAN stenographer and bookkeeper, exper
ienced, careful and accurate. V 505, Ore
gonian. BY EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with
knowledge of typewriting; reasonable
salary. Phone A 5440.
SALESMAN now employed on salary wants
better paying proposition, Y 587, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG MAN. married desires position as of
1 flee clerk, experienced. N 675. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER would keep books at odd
hours. .AG 533. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, married, desires position as
office clerk; experienced. N 575, Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
ADVERTISING- man. window-trimmer and
card writer of exceptional ability and
years' practical department store experi
ence, desires to make change after first of
year; capable and hustler; competent to
conduct Bales successfully: understands
merchandise, how to display it artistically
and ad vertise it cleverly. Are you inter
ested in bright, original, up-to-date money
getter and money saver? L. E. Baker,
722 West Pine at., Missoula, Montana.
POSITION, by Jan. 1. Am married, have
. had 12 years experience In practical of
fice work, thorough in general accounting
and correspondence; can operate type
writer and adding machine; handle men
sticcessf ully ; I am sober and steady ; no
bad habits; will take position as book
keeper or manager; holding position, at
present but desire to make a change; A-l
references. AB 680. Oregonlan.
A THOROUGH accountant, office manager
and credit man, will be glad to communi
cate with new corporations Just start
ing. Propositions under $125 per month
not considered. Will also open or close
books. M 595, Oregonlan. - ,
YOUNG MAN. exceptionally accurate and
fast with figures, experienced timekeeper,
bookkeeper and commissary clerk, wants
position with wholesale firm or corpora-
. tlon, lumber and logging preferred ; ref
erences. AH 598. Oregonian.
WOULD like to position as branoh
manager. -Have had 5 years' experience:
thoroughly acquainted with office work;
can furnish good references. J 598, Ore
gonian. Miscellaneous.
SOBER MAN wants steady place to. do.
chores around place; can do janitor work;
will do anything; small wages with room
and board for Winter. Wm. Younghouse.
Phone Main 3863.
SMART up-to-date farmer, single, success
ful with stock and poultry is open for po
- Bltion; full charge or foreman. Would
batch. B 580. Oregonlan.
RESIDENT JANITOR, married, no children,
thoroughly reliable and responsible, very
beat references; permanent. 343 Yam
hill. Main 4i344.
GOOD, all around, sober, economical cook,
camp preferred. G N-, 331 . Glisan st.,
Portland, Or.
COMPETENT man. with references, wishes
work around store or shipping-room dur
ing holidays. AC 587. Oregonian-.
GOOD en or brush letterer would like to
work evenings and Saturday afternoons.
-AM 5S9, Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN (1 willing to work, wants
start in wholesale house. AN 6SS, Ore
gonlan BAKER wants work In country ; good on
bread or cake. J. Voelpel, 406 East 76th
St. North, Portland, Or.
POSITION wanted by Chinese, private family
and boarding-house cook. AG - 596, Ore
gonian. A FIRST-CLASS inside finish man or cab
inetmaker will work reasonable. C. G.
Sheppard. Main 5133.
JANITOR, apartments, offices or rooms; best
of references; or -man and wife. Y 597, Ore
- gonlan.
SITUATION wanted by colored man, cook
porter or Janitor work; references. AH
597, Oregonian.
CrviL ENGINEER wants position aa drafts
man: will take piece work; have references.
V 598. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants situation evening; many
years" experience as waiter. AB 593, Ore
gonian. HOUSE and window cleaning: floors re-
waxed. Thomas Green. Phone Main 6573
, u
FIRST-CLASS dairyman, milker or pan
house man; strictly sober. AE 682, Ore
gonian. RELIABLE man who thoroughly under
stands horses wants position private fam
ily. Y 686, Oregonian.
JAPANESE, evening school student, wants to
do any kind of work in day time; speaks
English. H 587. Oregonian.
TOUNG MAN wants position offering oppor
tunity; graduate university; references. C
579, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR. 8 years' experience In repair
ing cars and driving cars. Good habits. A
No. 1 references. U &87, Oregonian.
A STEADY Japanese wants a position as
porter, chamber worker or even dish
washer. D 588, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN attending business college
wants work for room and board. T 574,
WANTED Employment afternoon or even
ings; collecting preferred. AK 589, Ore
gonlan. TEAMSTER want position,
X 588, Orego-
WANTED Contract to grub land. AG 689,
JAPANESE wants position as schoolbov or
evening work. K. S., Main 9361, A 1569.
WANT janitor work In return for room
rent. AG 0S4. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE, good cook, wants placa in good
family. AB 5SS. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wishes situation as a school
boy. John K-, AK 578, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wants position at house
work. AN 583. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE help furnished promptly; day's
work a specialty. Home A 3030.
help. Main 4659, A 4073. 268 Everett st.
A PLAIN Japanese cook wants position In
family. C 6S6, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED fruitgrower, familiar with
farm produce, G 588, Oregonian.
JAPANESE first-class cook ' wants position
in private family. Main 93fil.
JAPANESE schoolbuy wants housework In
family. D 589, Oregonian.
PAPERING or tinting done, $3.50 per room.
Phone Main 8374.
MIDDLE-AGED man would like to run ele
vator; good reference, AK 588, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants to work on farm. N
f5, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boy wants situation for
schaolboy. M 599, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG lady desires employment Saturday
evenings and Sunday; experienced office
work or clerking Jn store; references. G
587, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants position. refer
ences. Main 8225. Irene Miles, Lents, Or.,
R. F. D. No. 2.
YOUNG business woman, 10 yeans experi
ence in general office, work, billing, etc;
good at ngures. AE 6 77. Oregonian.
NEAT, attractive young lady wishes position
in dentist's or doctor' office. N 588, Ore-
EDUCATED young German lady would like
position in office or store; speaks German,
- "s"" nii rimn;u. t ob3, oregonian.
LADY stenographer, several years' expe
rience, desires position. N 589. Oregonian.
ADDRESSING of envelope or New Year an
nour, cements solicited. AB 584, Oregonian.
COMPETENT experienced photographer wishes
Ltwi , uivuri ixuitLi y . raune ias t 4:46.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition. Phone A 5209.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; law preferred. K 585, Oregonian.
Dressmakers. .
SHIRTWAISTS, skirt, plain sewing, infant's
and children's clothes, dolls dressed. Main
GENERAL dressmaking by competent and
experienced seamstress; goes to homes
references. A 4901.
YOUNG woman with some experience wishes
employment in dressmaking shop. AN 584
Oregonian. '
WANTED More customers, all kinds of
sewing; princess gowns specialty. 36 21st
st. North.
DRESSMAKING Shirtwaists 75c. skirts $3,
Prlncess $5. 471 Alder or Phone M. 4508.
CHILDREN'S sewing, dolls dressed, work
guaranteed. Phone mornings East 4642.
CAPABLE dressmaker by day, $2. Call Mrs.
Heed, Main 5133; references. .
5Vnr?Jttn uarantd-
i$2.50 per day. Main 3266.
WOMAN with experience acquired in large
dressmaking establishment wants sewing
by the day: prices reasonable. Phone Main
5148. Apartment 9, Harrison Court.
MAN-TAILORED skirts that fit, $3, your own
m ater i a 1 , also suits, coats, pri noess d resses
at reasonable prices. Elite Ladles' Tailors,
646 Wash. Main 3250. A 2667.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes few
more engagements by the day; city refer
ences. A 5732.
LADY wishes work by the day, shirtwaist,
suit or general sewing. Phone Main 4110.
323 Main st. .
DRESSMAKING Children's work by day.
Cail for Miss Cooper, evenings only.
Phone Main 2591.
REFINED mother and daughter would keep
. house for young men in modern apart
ment, or take charge of house whlleam
lly is away; references giv-an; reasonable
arrangement. S 589, OregonianX
POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house;
will go to country. Phone Main
7285. between 6 and T P. M. or F 579, Ore
gonian. RESPONSIBLE woman wants position as
housekeeper in widower's family or for
elderly couple or to manage rooming-house.
P 588, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by first-class hotel
housekeeper. 15 years' experience, 6 years
with her last employer; highest references.
Address Housekeeper, AN 580, Oregonian.
LADY of refinement and experience wishes
position as housekeeper in roomlng-hotue or
hotel; bost of references. Phone A 5684 or
Call at 306 Columbia sU
SCANDINAVIAN girl wishes place as house
keeper In widower's or bachelor's home;
city or country, AF 580. Oregonlan.
WANTED A position as housekeeper by a
respectable middle-aged woman. W 587,
POSITION as housekeeper, chamber work,
care linen, sewing, mending, family hotel,
or home. Main 9215, 50O Gllsan.
CARE of rooming-house by experienced lady
who Is strong and healthy. Address Y 681,
LARGE else, straight arm talking machine
and ao records. $8; or will trade; what
have you? 569 Williams ave. Phone C 1139.
MARRIED couple wishes 2 furnished rooms
in exchange for taking rare of furnished
flat or house.. Main 1922.
CAPABLE woman desires situation as
housekeeper for 2 or more gentlemen. AD
584, Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman wants general house
work, fair cook; no small children. AK
587 Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman as working housekeeper
with little girl. Phone A 6323. Main 2728.
WANTED By reliable. elderly woman,
general housework. Phone M. 8003.
POSITION as housekeeper In rooming-house
or hotel. Phone Main 7285.
WANTED By refined, capable woman, po
sit Ion to care for children ; good needle
woman; excellent references. Address AN
581, Oregonlan. V.
PROFESSIONAL nnrse, best city references,
will tak cases $13. $10 per week. K 699,
TRAINED nurse. Eastern references. Mod
erate terms. Main 3203.
GERMAN girl looking for housework:
, take 23d st. car. 602 North 24 h St., near
EXPERIENCED cook wllf work by the day
or hour and serve and cook dinners and
luncheons. Main 6S42.
GIRL wishes position, housework or any
kind ; can give reference. AG 688, Ore
gonlan. ,
2 GIRLS want chamber work, hotel or lodging-house.
X 699. Oregonian.
REFINED, talented young lady, singer,
would like to Join a high-clas vaudeville
company; has good, rich and well-trained
voice; only good company. O 6S9, Ore
gonian. WOULD you like to leave your children in
the care of a refined, reliable girl when
you go out of an evening? If so, phone A
NEAT colored lady wishes chamber work or
position in manicure parlor, has had ex-
, perience. Phone Main 8300; call morn
ings. CAPABLE woman wishes position as cook
and light housework in family adults; best
references. Q 599, Ocegonlan.
YOUNG lady wishes to work In private
family; also privilege of practicing on
' piano and some foe. F 584, Oregonlan.
PLAIN, fancy dressmaking, alterations a
specialty; will accept engagement by day.
M. 4521, A 1644. room 33.
AMERCAN woman, who has lived abroad
several years, would teach Spanish for
room and board. K 5SO. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by English woman as
experienced dishwasher. Mrs. Robinson, 83
Seventh st.
WOMAN Wants work cleaning and wash
ing; full days only. References. East 1259,
room 26.
MIDDLE-AGED lady would like care of
Invalid lady or gentleman. B 593, Ore
gonian. LADY wants position in moving-picture
show as cashier. Phone Main 8353. Room
COMPETENT and thoroughly experienced
laundress wishes permanent work by day;
good references. C 6SQ, Oregonlan.
COLORED woman would like chamberwork
mornings. Call E. 6663.
LADY wants position in small restaurant as
waitress. Phone Main 8353. Room 211.
WANTED Day work, washing and ironing.
311 17th st. s.
WOMAN wishes cooking, cleaning, etc Bast
1269, room 30.
LADY wishes position as clerk In Jewelry
AN experienced demonstrator now ready for
position. AM 580, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED arm waitress wants work
Phone Setlwood 1183, Miss Irwin.
Phone B 1068.
EXPERIENCED woman would like work
by day or hour. Main S427, room 14.
FIRST-CLASS laundry lady wishes work by
day. M 5509 or A 3104.
WANTED Washing and house cleaning.
Phone Main 6427. room B.
YOUNG lady gives piano lessons. 50c per
lesson; inferences given. Main 8l8:t
DRAWING, oil china painting taught. handr
painted calendar. SOc up. Main 8183.
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Woodlawn
YOUNG lady gives music lessons to begin
ners. Main 4419.
WASHING end ironing done it home. 107
N. 14th st. Main 83S7.
WANTED Day work by capable woman.
Phone Main 4304.
COLORED woman wants day work to do or
take washing home. Main 1100.-
WOMAN wants steady day work: washing
and Ironing -Monday. Main 220.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched. 40c
a pair. C 1658, East 5337.
GIRL wishes position, office work or ex
change board. E 597, Oregonian.
GIRL wishes position as general housework.
E 5!8, Oregonlan.
GOOD woman wishes work by the day
Phone Main 6633
WOMAN wants work by the hour or day.
Phone East 5470. y
GENERAL and special, wanted by large old
lme. health and accident company, new,
liberal, easy-selling policies; choice ter
ritory big pay., Royal Casualty Co., St.
DROP everything and write us for special
terms on latest office specialty; sells Use if
greatest money-maker in years. Amerl
can Lock-Crank Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
MEN. sen good article every twn In Ore
gon. 334 Mohawk bM.
WONDER Incandescent 100-candlepower coal
oil lamp. Best, cheapest, brightest- illu
mination known for homes, stores or
churches. Enormous sales. BIg profits.
Sells everywhere. Great repeater on sup
plies; 70O0 agents now making big money.
Write quick for free exclusive territory.
"United Factories Co.. 814 Factory bldg.,
Kansas City, Mo.
- ing $20 to $75 per week conducting parlor
or office agency for our high art, guaran
teed service, dress shoes; 30 new, sight
selling health and comfort features; fac
tory to wearer; great possibilities; no risk;
free catalogue Marvel Shoe Co., Summer
st.r Boston, Mass.
START in business; be independent; I
started as an agent; am now big manu
facturer making household necessities ;
have hundreds of agents working. I'll
start you won't let you fail. Agents of
ability wanted to open branch offices and
' employ sub-agents. Write me fully and
frankly. X E. Swartzbaugh. Toledo, O.
fcEND for free copy of "The Thomas Agent"
the greatest agents paper ever published;
filled with money-making plana 'no
. license tax" decision of Supreme Court;
tpolntecs to agents;- every agent in the I J.
c. should have a copy at once. Today.
Thomas Agent, 4015 Wayne ave.. Dayton,
STORES, DECORATORS We carry largest
stock of holiday decorations, bells, garlands,
wreaths, festooning, post cards, booklets,
art novelties, toys, dolls, masks, glass Xmas
tree ornaments, confetti, canee. horns,
celebration and fair goods; catalogue free.
Miller, 15 8 Park Row. New York.
WONDERFUL Big money selling Canches
ter incandescent kerosene lamp, burns with
or without mantel, li times brighter than
electricity, gas . or acetylene, at 1-10 cost ;
burner tits standard lamps; saves 75 per
cent oil; no trimming wicks: beware of
Imitations; outfit free. Canchester Light
Co., 26 State St.. Dept. 111R, Chicago.
AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell the only
successful pinless clothes line ever In
vented, write quick for exclusive terri
tory; profits $25 to $75 per week; freight
prepaid; sample 25c. Address Pacific Pin
less Clothes Line Co.. 508 Lumber Ex
change bldg., Portland, Or.
AGENTS wanted everywhere, selling t em
broidered waist patterns, novelties' and
ladies' neckwear; easy money for you;
, write for catalogue P. Leopold Mandel
Co., 721 Broadway, New York.
WANTED Reliable agents to handle new.
high grade, guaranteed articles ; quick
sellers in homes, offices, stores, shops; $2
to $10 per day. The Phillips Co., 248
Phillips bldg., Dayton. Ohio.
THE Phoenix ironing board clamps are wonderful-
sellers, especially with lady agents;
100 per cent profit; brand new. Phoenix
Supply Co., sole manufacturers, box 335,
Providence, R. L
GOOD SALES AGENTS for Canadian lands;
good . commission and territory for sight
man; state experience and references. P.
O. Box 1219. Vancouver, B. C.
WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound;
year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
78, Parsons, Kan.
WANTED Agents1 covering outside territory
to handle patent cornbags on liberal commls
1 sfion. as side line; references. AL 580, Ore
gonlan. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem, Oregon.
NEW. 4-sTeve strainer and "no splash" sold
agents. Samples free.. Send 2c stamp cost
of mailing; $5 profit daily. Seed's, 164
uuane sr., wew x orK.
AOENTS covering outside territory to handle
. patent coin bags on liberal commission,
as side line ; references. AL OhO, Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED land and townstte sales
men ; liberal contract. Winnie Townsite
Jo., 822 Security bldg., Minneapolis.
AGENTS You can know about the promts
maae supplying perfumes to families. Ad
dress Lefller & Co., St. Louis. Mo. -
HOUSEHOLD article, good profits,' send to
day for particulars. M. E. Norton, Dept.
A, Winsted, Conn.
WE are in touch with several parties wish
" Ing to rent desirable homes on either
East or West Side. If your place is for
rent, kindly call and see us 'or phone
Main 6719.
286 Oak St.,
x Portland. Or.
WANTED Will care for residence, flat or
apartment during ownersr absence; respon
sible party with the best .city references. X
Otfo. oregonian. ,
WANTED To rent 7 -room modern flat,
close in. Main 4632.
WANTED 5 to 6-room apartment or flat,
completely furnished. West Side, by respon
sible party with best city references. X 597,
WANTED Furnished room -in private fam
ily by young man, employed during day ;
give phone number and price; West Side
only. P 596, Oregonian.
BY responsible party, furnished 6 -room
apartment or flat; must be well furnished,
and in desirable location; will nent for 4
or 5 months. Address K 89, Oregonian.
WANTED 3 or 4 neatly furnished rooms
suitable for light housekeeping; walking
distance. Address R 589, Oregonian.
TWO or three nicely furnished, modern house
keeping rooms in resnectable neighborhood
for two. Answer today. E) 599, Oregonlan.
REFINED young man desires light, warm
room; private family ; electricity; reasoxw
able. II 586, Oresoniao...
WANTED One or two modern rooms, part
ly furnished. J 588, Oregonian.
WANTED Nice housekeeping rooms, close
in on West Side. AL 586, Oregonian.
WANT room in exchange for Janitor work.
AG 582. Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
YOUNG MAN, appreciative of nice home,'
desires room with or without board, in
Strictly private, refined home, where are
no other boarders; state terms, etc, K
59S, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady would like board and room tn
country, or Estacada line, at reasonable
rates. State particulars. AF 575, Oregon
ian. WANTED Room and board by young busi
ness man In private family,- close in, on
East Side. East 654 Sunday A. M. or
ELDERLY lady wants warm room and
board where few boarders are taken, or
private family, $20. AK 579, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants room or" board private
family. Catholic preferred. F 597, Ore
gonian. Business Places.
REAL ESTATE man wants desk room with
use of one or both phones; has his qwn
furniture; prefers . ground floor, tut might
go upstairs in good building; state location
and monthly rental when answering. AH
5S6, Oregonlan.
FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, very
suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg.. First
and Pine.
Furnished Rooms.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
ONE room furnished for housekeeping, $10
per month; also rooms suitable. for one or
two. 25o 13th st.
125 14TH. between Washington and Alder,
clean furnished rooms reasonable; mod
ern, bath, phones; $3.50 up.
NICELY furnished steam-heated suites; free
phone; handy to all carlines. Savoy Hotel
387 V4 East Bumatde. $
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
bath, heat; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
THE REX Modem rooms. $2.50 to $5 per
week- 548 Vi Washington st.
THE BRAE-SIDE, 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, $3. $4. $5 per week ; transient.
FURNISHED rooms, Kim Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
STEAM-HEATED rooms $10 and up per
month. 494 Morrison st. ; flat 12.
ROOMS Light, airy, running water, fur
nace heat, 94 and up. 1S1 6th st.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS 2-roora bungalow,
bath and pantry; no utilities, A 4017.
Furnish ed Rooms.
140 ROOMS.
New. modem, fireproof bulidinf. steam
heated, hat and cold running water In all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house;
nice large office on ground floor; every
thing rirst-class; rates, 50c. 75c and $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see ua 128 61 h st. North.
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redecorating, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who Rpprocaiie cleanliness
and comfort. Free Bus Free Phones.
131 Eleventh St.
NEW. modern brick building: lust opeaed
water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location, just off Washing
ton st. ; special rates by week or month.
B02 East Stark, cor. Grand ave., modern
furnished rooms, telephone, hot water,
steam heat, electric lights, bath and ele-r
vator service lor every room; rates, tran
sient. ,75c to $1 per day, $3 per week up.
Private Exchange 5465.
New apartments, just opened; newly and
neatly furnished rooms, single or en suite,
transient or housekeeping ; hot and cold
running water, shower -bath. Call early.
741 Gllsan st.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly nenovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $2 2.50 to 930; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
New management. Grand, Hawthorne;
modern, hot and cold water, elevator, free
phone, E. 291. tn every room ; largest
rooms in city for permanent people, baths;
transient 60c-l. W. M. Robinson, mgr.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts.
Rooms, single or en suite; SPECIAL low
monthly rates; steam hbat, private baths,
hot and cold water in all rooms; beautifully
furnished; tourist trade solicited.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
THE MERTARPER, 126 13th, cor. Washing
ton, brand new. handsomely furnished;
every modern convenience; hot water la all
rooms; very reasonable terms.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, singlo or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 8d and Main sts..
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
conable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
THREE nicely furnished fropt rooms; fur
nace heat and bath. 221 13th st.t The
Hawthorne. Phone Main 6302.
ONE elegantly furnished room in fiat, all
'conveniences; rent reasonable. 4 70 Yam
hill st.
Unfurnished Rooms,
UNFURNISHED rooms, Fairmount Hotel,
qulto reasonable; 26th. and Upshur sts.
A 5468.
ONB unfurnished room, modern. Phone Main
7730. 107 North 17th.
TWO large rooms for housekeeping. 206
13th st. Phone Main 7648.
S UNFURNISHED rooms; light and bath;
reasonable. ztJ is. zist.
Furnished Rooms In Private Foanlly.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
rent $12 a month. 140 Bu 2bth st. N.. cor.
Hoyt. Phone E. 4163.
FRONT room, suitable for 2; heat, phone,
piano ; w. a Ik ing distance; $3.50 per week.
268 12th.
NEWLY-FURNISHED, modern, walking dis
tance, very reasonable; single or suite.
Phone Main 7815.
FINE corner room, large closet, hot and
cold water, heat, bath, phone, etc. Strict
ly clean. 542 Morrison.
NEWLY furnished rooms, hat, bath, elec
tric lights; under new management. 90
11th at.
BRIGHT furnished room to young lady;
use of kitchenette in morning ; close in i
$8.50. A 4403.
FURNISHED room with kitchen privileges,
use of phone and bath; walking distance;
business woman preferred. 494 Jefferson st.
FRONT bedroom, bath and heat;- walking
distance. Jefferson car, $10 per month. 32ti
Chapman st. Phone A 5450.
213 13TH ST., nice furnished suite and
single rooms ; modern conveniences; suit
able 1 or more persons.
FOR RENT Large front room in private
family; heat, light and bath, 546 Marshall
st. Phone A 3386.
NICE frunLshed rooms; furnace heat, all con
veniences; -$9 and $10 per month. 415 7th,
cor. Hall.
FURNISHED rooms, neat and clean; one $8
and one $10; furnace heat and bath. 311
Main st., between 5th and 6th.
LARGE furnished room, ground floor, fur
nace heat and fireplace. 181 14th St., cor.
COSY small furnished room, $2 per week
to responsible gentleman only. 2t 10th st.,
355 TAYLOR and Park, furnished or un
furnished or partly, housekeeping rooms.
Cull afternoons.
MODERN room, neatly furnished, close In,
$3. 514 Couch st. Phone A 7605.
NICEtLY furnished room walking distance, $6
per month. 429 Sixth st.
LARGE, well furnished room, all conven
iences. 223 West Park, near Salmon.
$10 Pleasant corner room, suitable for 2;
also smaller room, $7. 4?5 Clay st.
A NJ5ATLY furnished room for rent, reason
able. 4o5 First" st., flat K.
$10 Warm, clean room; . furnace heat, hot
water. 366 7th st.
WILL rent parlor or sleeping-room with use
of kitchen. 535 Montgomery.
LARGE front room, - close In; heat, running
water. 214 13th.
THHKK large furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern, phone, piano. M2 E. Salmon at.
NICKT -Y furnished rooms, heat, gas and bath.
390 North 21 st.
E02li PARK ST. Nicely furnished room
with heat, $9 per month; gentlumen only.
NICELY furnished large room. heat. bath,
phone, $10; private home. 26t N. 10th st.
258 18TH ST.. nicely furnished room, new
house ; every convenience ; gentlemen only.
NEATLY furnished room, gas, heat, phone,
bath. $1.75 week. 510 Hoyt.
TWO pleasant rooms, modern, use of par
lor. 371 12th su
CLOSE IN. 529Vi Couch St.. bet. 15th and
16th ; modern, neat and clean.
PLEASANT furnished roomn private fam
ily; reference. 412 Main. Phone A 5497.
231 6TH "Sleeping and housekeeping rooms;
close In; $2 per week and up.
3 NICE furnished housekeeping rooms; res
idence, 13 East 7th. Phone East 1929.
215 12TH ST. Sunny front room. $12; pri
vafca family; gentlemen only. A 5692.
NICELY furnished room, heat. 429 Taylor
st.. Phone Main 8063.
NICELY furnished rooms; one suite suit
able for 4 gentlemen. 190 West Park.
NEWLY-FURNISHED room, 59. East Oak
st., cor. 15th. Phone B 2619.
LARGE front room, electric light and hot
oath. 194 3 2th.
IF you wish a fine room, bath, furnace heat,
etc., close In. East side, call up B 2074.
NICE furnished rooms, close in. steam heat,
$3 to $4 per week. 473 Alder.
$9.00 MONTH, nice, clean room, heat and
bath; splendid location. 452 5th.
$7 Pleasant room, large closets, walking
distance. 170 N. 18th. Main 3170-
Furnished Rooms in Private Families.
IN IRVINGTON A very select neighborhood,
choice of four handsomely furnished roomy;'
everything strictly modern ; phone, piano,
furnace, grates, etc.; young ladie. or man
and, wife preferred; dinners If desired; rent
reasonable. Phone East 3u59.
FINELY furnished large front rooms; fur
nace Meat, bath, phone; for gt-ntlemen; mod
ern home; $lo to $16 pr month; elegant lo
cation, few steps to East Mrrison-st. car
line; walking distance. 652 Belmont St., .
cor. Ea.t lMh. Phone B 273. e.
170 NORTH 1STH-Front parlor, very pleas
ant, well furnished, excelU-nt neighbor
hood, wa f king distance ; private family.
Main 3176.
LARGE, comfortable parlor in private fam.-.
Ily, strictly modern, for 1 or 2 gentlemen v
meals optional. 13th and Taylor. Main
432 7TH, near College, furnished front
rooms. 1st ttoor. large enough for 2 peo
ple, has open bed and coal stove; $6 -a, -
i month. v .
HOM E in a steam heated apartment for
four or more, with private family, use of.
parlor and piano, home cooking; walk.-,
ing distance. A 4536.
FOR RENT Newly furnished and tinted
room, walking distance, reasonable, mod
ern conveniences. Phone l;it 1940, e?
43 East Burnside st.
FURNISHED room in new residence; alo
room in attic. 57 Trinity Place, bet. l&th
and 20th, near Washington. Main 6337. A
WANTED One or 2 men for large well
heated mom, good light and bath. $18 per
month. 225 5th st.. opposite Courthouse.
FRONT alcove room, very central, house
modern, private family. 38S Salmon, between
West Park and Tenth.
FURNISHED room for one or two girls;
reasonable 355 Sixth st. ; home priv
ileges, use of piano. Phone A 2S74.
LIGHT, pleasant front room, well heated, hot
and cold water; desirable for gentlemen;
West Park. Main 9000.
ONE cozy room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, walk- j
ing distance to both bridges. 41 East Stb, '
street. Phone EftBt 49K5. ,
ONE light, warm front room for one or two
gentlemen; $12 per month. 352 32th st. i
Phone A 5392.
WANT ED Two young men to room; every- j
thing new and modern; N1 Hill district, i
Phone Main 3317. n I
FRONT ROOM, close In, bath, phone and use
of piano, $3 per week; other rooms, $L0;
to $2. Phone East 4396.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without ;
housekeeping, free bath, furnace heat. !
714 h Washington St., near 22d.
TWO nicely furnished sleeping-rooms, fur
nace heat, light, bath and phone. il, I
8252. 126 N. 10th St.
PLEASANT front room for one or two; !
modern; reasonable. 146 East 30th, near1
Rooms With Board.
710 Wash Ing tjn St., near King, brand
new. legantly furnished ; every room has
a private bath, telephone; the maximum
of convenience and excel ience, the mini
mum of expense. If you want the best
in the city for the money, call and In
spect; dinins-room in connection.
THE MAGNOLIAS, Kearney st., lt. 18th
and 20th ; elegantly furnished rooms; best
homo cooking ; modern ; flues t location in
city. '
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
wjth board, use of t-'ewlng-room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 166 5th
st. Mrp. M. E. Bretherton. Supt.
HOTEL EUCLID. 18th and Washington; eie
gantly furnished room with private bath;
excellent meals.
THE OLYMPUS. 141 15th St., cor. Alder,
rooms and board; strictly .home cooking;
hot and cold water; free baths.
ELEGANT front rooms, will heated; tine table
board; beautifully located. Main 2940. 37
Park st.
THE COLONIAL. 163 and 107 10th St.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
KOOM and board for one gentleman; cen
trally located. 294 Clay street.
"THE CALVARD" Suites or single, with or
without board. 452 Morrison, cor 13th.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen, front
room. 294 Clay street-
GOOD home, board and rooms for J3, $5 -week.
195 N. 17th.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
ROOM and board f tv two gentlemen. $5 per
week each. .Bath, phone, heat, walking
distance. 74 K- 8th st. cor. Everett. East
FURNISHED room with board, reasonable ; '
modern conveniences. 673 East Salmon
cor. 14th. E. 2&01.
FURNISHED room suitable for two; first
class tabl board; private family. Main
8174. 76 North 14th.
LARGE room, with or without board, for
2 gentlemen ; gas, bath and heat. 5js
Taylor st.
NICE front alcove room, suitable for two,
good home cooking, piano, all t-onveu-lences.
5i5 East Taylor. Phone East 20Wk
WANTED Children to board; good home,
best of care.r Phone East 3285. 13th and
E. Washington.)
BOARD and room, private family; best home
cooking; gas, bath, phone; references. 39
Benton, phone Eact OST.
2 GIRLS, employed, can find good homo
very reasonable; home comforts. 148 K.
15th, near Morrison.
ROOM and board for working people, home
comforts; nice location. 148 K. 15tft, near
IF YOU want a nice, clean-kept room, with
2 meals, modern conveniences, call at 703
First st.; walking . distance.
FINE suite rooms, or single, everything
modern, 10 minutes' walk to P. o. Mala
PRIVATE board and room, free bath andtf
phone; 15 minutes' walk to 3a and Wash-'
iugton sts. phoue East 431:9.
THREE well furnished rooms, with board.'
for rent; everything modern. 248 20th.
st.. N.
258 11TH tT. Large room, all convenience.
jui table for 1 or 2 gentlemen, with board.
A 1679.
1SS TENTH ST. Large handsome front
room, with or without board, suitable for
COZY, warm front room, very nice for 2.
all home comforts, excellent meals. Call
549 Johnson st.
LARGE, Well-furnished front room, suitable
for two; aUo smaller room, on West Side;
meal a Phone Main 2071.
BOARD and room ; bath, phone, parlor,
piano, home cooking; $t; week. 11)1 11th,
near Yamhill. Phono Main 5y3.
FURNISHED room with breakfast and din
ner. Gentleman. Object company. X 586,
LARGE, beautifully furnished front roonj,
warm, modern, pleasttnt; A-t board, strict
ly private, reasonable. 521 Couch. '
ALL home comforts, 1 or 2 gentlemen,
home cooking. 286 Tillamook, c I4i7.
NICELY furnished room witli board in pri
vate family. 912 Kelly st.
ROOM and board for business people in pri
vite family. 712 Hoyt st.
ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen. 447.
v Main st.
GOOD board and room, private family, $5.
per wc3k. 4 7 North 7th st. "
FURNISHED rooms with or without board
In privaue family; reasonable. 315 bth.
ROOM, with board, clone In, modern, reas--onable.
89 East 8th, North. East 722.
ROOM and board, 653 Washington SU, $5 ,
per week for two. $5.50 for one.
FRONT room, suitable for two; heat; piano;
laundry privileges. 268 12th st.
FURNISHED front room, with or without
board. 547 Yamhill st.
3-RKM suite of housekeeping rooms, $15.
2US Park st.
N1CQ front room and goon home cooking; for
two gentlemen. 674 Gllsan, cor. 18th. , ,
FURNISHED rooms with board. B55 11th
st. A 1636. A
REFINED home, splendid room for couple. ;
choice board. 761 Marshall t, 23d car,