The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 12, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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YOU have property for sale or you would
tint be Interested la this column. Our
Fall business has been excellent and we
have not enough property on our lists now
to meet the demand of our buyers; liberal
advertising- and hustle spell success In
elllnc; If you want to sell, all we ask for
1s a reasonable trial. All we charge 1
rvular commission. No sale, no charge
and no extras. Come in and. tal k It over.
West Side property usually turned In 30
tiays If price Is right.
S32 Chamber of Commerce.
WA NT' to trade a dandy 10 -room pressed
brick residence, right on the carllne, in
Colorado Springs, for residence In Port
land: will give a good deal this week on
a cash basis; no Inflated prices considered.
Address this week. Owner, 420 Lumber
man bldg.
WE ARB in touch with parties wishing to pur
chase desirable homes on either East or
West iMe. If your house- 1m for sale call
and see us or phone Main 6719.
286 Oak St., Portland. Or.
WE HAVE been very successful in handling
city vacant. If you have any vacant prop
erty that you wlnh to dispose of kindly call
and see us regarding -same.
86 Oak at, Portland, Or.
WE) HAVE party that wante to purchase
small, improved tract near Portland.
2Sft Oak St.,
Portland, Or.
The best 6 or 6-room bungalow that $3000
cash, will buy. -
250 etaxk st.
X .WANT West Side property from $25,000
$& 0.00O, paying 8 per cent or more,
Centrally located, retail business property
preferred; smaller Investment considered.
Addresa M. 6S7, Oregonian.
WANTKD West Ride Investment property,
930.000 to $40,000. something having in
come and located close In wanted. Z
want to deal with owners. O 597, Oregon
ian. 1 IF you Have anything in Grand avs. prop
erty that you want to sell, tell it to me.
613 Board of Trade.
WANTED 4 -room -house in South Port
land or Fulton for about $1000 cash. Also
- lots and houses on easy payments.
F. FUCHS. 2311, Morrison sU
WANTED At once, ft or 6-room bunga
low near Alberta St. or Piedmont. Must
be cheap for cash. Owners only. A OSS,
X HAVE f0 customers waiting in my office for
homed at a bargain, not too far out, from
$lf00 to $2500; eay terms.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 133 Third st.
I AM going to buy 5 or 10 are. well im
proved, in easy reach of the city by car.
Give description, price and terms. AK 0S6,
HAVE $000 cash to Invest in good income
property In Portland. What have you?
Ofve location and price; owners only. AC
686, Oregonian.
HAVE client who wants modern 5 or 6-room
house, will pay $500 to $1000 down, or will
rent. Phone Main 207. or call on W. B.
Hartley. 411 S wet land, bldg.
Wfc want vacant lota in Vernon. Alberta, or
irvington Park; cash for snaps in any of
them. Rabb & Patton. 90 5th st.
$15,000 TO $20,000 income bearing property;
immediately; on "West Side.
ZIMMERMAN. Board of Trade.
"WILL trade Portland lots for timber r
stump land. AH f6, Oregonian.
' HO acres, close to Gresham, 16 miles
from Portland; good graveled road, 32 in
cultivation, all fenced; running water,
Rood house, barn 26x50, finest of soil, and
will ell for $loo0 on terms, or will trade
for good Portland property.
Lot 06x105, on Main St.. Oregon City;
bouses now rented, bringing in $40 per
month; value $ 12,000, to trade for Valley
farm. Lincoln Invt. Co., 3111 Henry bldg.
WANT Eastern Oregon wheat la ml. Have a
-client that wants to trade 60' acres on the
Willamette River, right at boat landing,
ttbout 30 miles up the river, all in culti
vation: has 2 good warehouses, store and
other buildings, all for $16,000. Will take
or pay difference. Call and see us. Lin
coln Invt. Co., 212-313 Henry Bldg.
FINE Salem residence. $2250. Six rooms, re
ception, bath, electricity, all modern; lot
f4x20O, with barn, chicken park and fine
fruit; close in and one block carllne, 3
blocks to school. Easy terms or trade
for acreage near Portland. Phone Main
2y7. W. H. Hartley. 411 Swetland Bldg.
MOVING-PICTURE show 10-cent) in town of
18.000 13 other cheap shows) for sale or
trade for Portland property or acreage; can
be made into vaudeville show with $JJ0 ex
pense and made to pay $50O per mo $ h ;
price $1200. Call room 40 Mac lea y buig.
21 K ACRES, adjoining McMlnnville, all
fenced and in cultivation, bouse, barn,
chicken houses, cow. team, wagon and
harness; 175 fruit trees; price $00uO. $2000
-mortgage. M ain 2206.
10 ACRES near Greenburg on Oregon Elec
tric, 40 acres apple land near Sandy, Mt.
Hood district to trade for city property.
Equity Investment Co., COS Gerllnger bldg.
2d and Alder.
HAVE- 75 acres of good Mosier apple land.
Will trade for United Wireless or Alaska
Petroleum St Coal Co. stock. This land
is platted in 5-acre tracts. M 506, Ore
gonian. FOR farm home in Oregon, quarter section
good Improved land In Northern Kansas;
food frame house, timber, water, fruit. Ad
dress owner. Box 27, Chemawa, Or.
5 OR 10 ACRES, 5 cleared. T miles out. near
Oregon electric, for residence ; state
price and location. Owner. P 580, Orego
nian. 30 ACRES, one mile from the Columbia
River, all In alfalfa and the best of
fruit land, to trade for rooming-house.
3019 Board of Trade.
10 H ACRES Improved land with buildings,
6 acres beaverdam land, at Metzger Sta
tion on the Salem Elactrlo line, to trade
for wheat land. 1019 Board of Trade.
80 ACRES of land at Cove Orchard station,
on S. P. line, $125 per acre, to exchange
for Portland property. H. Gordon, 210
Henry bldg
CONTRACTS for dtp f erred payments on lots
sold, for property in or near the city ;
here is something good. 340 Chamber
of Commerce.
? FOR EXCHANGE Popcorn and peanut
roaster, cost $500, good as new, to ex
change for land or lot. Apply 139 Holla
day ave.
EQUITY in choice lO-acre tract for ex
change; this is O. K. 340 Chamber of
4,500.000 FEET good yellow fir timber to
trade for city property, improved or va
cant. 1010 Board of Trade.
10 TO 40 acres Hood River apple land for
lots, bouse and lot, first, second or con
tract mortgages. O GS6, Oregonian.
GOOD interest-bearing real estate securities
to amount $5000 for West or Eaet Side
property. G 506, Oregonian.
WILL TRADE equity in Portland lot for
beach lot, jewelry or furniture. H 577, Ore
gonian. HAVB a first-class automobile, this year's
make. Will trade for United Wireless
Telegraph Co. stock. M 507, Oregonian.
SEVERAL lots In suburbs of Portland, on
new carllne, for good tailoring. H 695,
CORNER lot and 10-room house West Side,
take house and lot East Side in part pay
ment. AN 586. Oregonian.
EVEN EXCHANGE 8-room suburban house,
2 lots, value $;l50O, for improved farm near
city. AE 589, Oregonian, or Woodlawn 2010.
YOU can trade any kind of property at
room 1010 Board of Trade.
BOOKSTORE for sale or exchange for land
or lota J 587, Oregonian.
EQUITY of $1B0 !n Portland lot to exchange
for good furniture. AN 6S9. Oregonian.
ROOMING-HOUSE for wheat or timber land.
500 Tillamook st. C 1132.
40 ACRES, no Improvements: trade for small
business; $800. AJ 588, Oregonian.
40 ACRES fruit land for modern rooming
house. 311 Alisky- bldg.
I6A ACRES. $10 per acre; pert trade. 232
Worcester bldg.
HAVE) a nice country store worth $7000 to ex
change for a good farm.
F. FUCHS. 221 H Morrison St.
$5000 TIMBER as part pay on city or sub
urban property. B 688, Oregonian,
GOOD restaurant tor sale or exchange for
good lot Owner Main 22Q& S87 1st st
000 acres of land that will grow fruit
and walnuts, for $10 per acre. It's in Klick
itat County, Washington, and land along
side of it Is selling for o0 to $100 per
acre; will exchange entire traot for city
property or an established business in
some food town. '
750 acres land near Pomeroy,' Wash.,
on R. R., right at station, all good farm
land; 150 acres can be irrigated. 75 acres
in alfalfa, one of the finest places In the
country for di versified farming; splendid
place to raise hogs; will grow fruit; will
trade for Portland city property and as
sume mortgage.
3 o 00-acre wheat farm, 3100 acres under
cultivation, 20 00 acres In growing wheat
that looks fine, good buildings and plenty
of water; small orchard ; 22 head young
muKas and harness. 8 head work horses
and harness. 2 cows, 1 saddle horse, all
farm implements to handle a farm of this
kind; hay and grain in barns for Spring
work; price $25 per acre, including every
thing; will exchange.
We have a lot of other things to ex
change. Call and see us.
304-305 Henry Bldg., Citv.
$15,000 Sightly hlock close In on Port
land Heights, worth more than
price named ; will exchange for
clone-In improved property, as
suming mortgage if necessary.
$12.000 Large dwelling and half block.
very sightly, will exchange for
v stock ranch equal value.
$ 2,500 An improved o-acre tract, close
Mount Tabor, will exchange for
close-in dwelling or flats, paying
$ 1,600 ft choice Peninsula lots near Ken
ton, will exchange for bungalow
or dwelling, paying difference.
246 Stark tit.
WE 11 IMPROVED Benton County, Oregon,
farm for Iowa land, with personal prop
erty, etc., in very best location, close to
good town, to exchange for Iowa farm.
160 acres of timber and farm land in
Morrison County, Oregon., good buildings,
and over 6, 000,000 feet of fir timber; will
exchange for city property or Minnesota
land ; price $7000.
Well improved valley farm for gen.
mdse. or Minnesota land.
320-acre well improved Clark County
farm to trade for Portland property or
business. y
For trarlo of any kind, see ua,
Henry Hldg.
65 rooms, elegantly furnished with quarter-sawed
goluVin oak, bird's-eye maple
and mahogany furniture, Bigelow, Ax
minster and Wilton velvet carpets; in fact,
the best of everything, almost new. Good
lease, reasonable rent. If you want one
of the best homelike places in the city,
with a steady income of $300 per month,
over and above all expenses, answer this
ad. Will consider suitable real estate.
W 685, Oregonian.
70 ACRES of splendid river-bottom land with
in 40 mile of Portland and close to Oregon
Electric; 30 acres cleared and about 8 acres
set to peaches, balance of land very easily
cleared; land produced 400 bushels of pota
toes to the acre this year and $300 worth
of melons were sold from crop grown be
tween tho peach trees; prioe $IOO per acre;
will exchange my equity of $30tK for Port
land property and will assume up to $3000
additional. F 5S7, Oregonian,
TO EXCHANGE Will trade equity In my
splendid 0-room Sunnyside home for good
lot; $500 cash required, balance payable $25
per month; this is an unusual chance to
secure a good home, convenient to two car
lines, beet service in city; street Improve
ments all in ; corner lot, east and south
front; everything first -class; price $500
under actual value. P 578. Oregonian.
200 ACRES of good land, wlil trade for Port
land property. 40 acres of bottom land, 8
acres in orchard. Water piped to house,
burn and garden. One mile from good
school and stores. Good roads. J. L. Mont
gomery. St. Helens. Or., or Cramer Realty
Co.. 222 Henry bldg. Send for Homeseek
ers Guide.
THREE improved city properties to ex
change for large stock ranches, half
block with house, $5000; block with large
house. $15,000; large double house and
lot. $10,000.
515 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
WILL TRADE 80 acres of timber in Lewis
County, Washington. 3,000,000 feet; taxes
25 per year; near water and mills; also 10
acres of fine land in fruit near San .Diego,
Cal. ; will trade either for $2500 value,
house and lot, or clear acreage. Call 326
Washington St., room &13.
HAVE a country store worth $18,000 and
clearing $4000 a year, to exchange for
good income-bearing property, or farm,
and a line 9-acre platting: proposition in
Portland, worth $27,000 for a good stock
of merchandise.
F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrison st.
WILL sell or trade for good residency or
rooming-house 29 acres of the best soil, ell
under cultivation; six blocks of opera-houe
la ono of the best towns in the Valley; it
can be platted to lots and money doubled.
Owners only call East 5852.
WANTED Ranch hack or buggy, also single
harness, in exchange for filled gold "21
Jeweled railroad watch and chain; used onlv
three weeks: will pass inspection oq, ail
roads; cost $50. Phone Main 6389, or ad
dress 565 Irving at.
WHAT have you to trade for en $SOOO house
and lot in the best part f West Portland?
And what will you give la exchange for a
productive farm ?
411 Couch Bids.,
CALIFORNIA fruit ranch to exchange for s
farm in Western Oregon; beautifully situ
ated in the Santa Clara Valley, 70 miles
south of San Francisco; price $9000. Par
ticulars and photo from owner. O. G.
Dey, Morgan Hill, Cal
FOR SALE or exchange, on Portland
Heights, a beautiful home, built for a
home, strictly modern, 7 rooms ; can put
three full rooms In garret; beautiful vkw;
on carline; never been occupied; price
87500. Owner, 611 Board of Trade.
WILL sell or trade my suburban home in
Oakland, Cal., 80x120. 7 large rooms and
bath, value $4700; equity $2-800; five beam
ceilings, so windows, immense porches. X
676. Oregonian.
Will exchange unincumbered wheat land
in Benton County, Washington, under
Klickitat canal survey for equity In Port
land property. A 580, Oregonian.
EXCHANGE or sale, millinery and hair
dressing parlors, good location, clean stock;
5 minutes' ride from wholesale house; snap
if taken this week. W 570, Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade, l to 5 lots at Mount
Tabor; will take a good team, wagon and
harness, balance time; give full descrip
tion and price. L 5&5, Oregonian.
$150 EQUITY in fine lot in Westmoreland;
will exchange for diamond or horse and rig
or anything of equal value. . F CSS, Ore
gonian. WILL exchange residence lot for Campbell's
gas burner stock, or Oregon Gold Hill
mining stock or bonds. AJ.5S5, Oregon
ian. A HIGH-CLASS. 7-passeng3r touring car.
used 6 months, line condition, to trade
for good acreage near city ; no agents.
N 59 7, Oregonian.
800-ACRE farm, well improved, boatlandlng
and Ry. station on place; take part city
property; time on balance. 232 Worcester
80-ACRE farm close to Portland, including
40 acres cleared with 14 acres of apples,
to trade for city property. S3 5th st.,
room 1. t
EASTERN OREGON farm or Portland acre
age for stock of merchandise or equity in
Portland property. 10 Lumbermen's bldg.,
5th and Stark.
FIVE-PASSENGER Rett, first-class condition;
will trade for acreage near Portland; cheap
for cash. 1015 Board of Trade bldg.
WILL exchange Tacoma residence lots for
lot or equity In lot in Vernon or Wood
lawn district. N 587, Oregonian. .
HAVB an07 Pierce Arrow auto for ex
change for house and lot or lots, or mort
gage of any kind. O 585, Oregonian.
18'J ACRES near good Valley town, will ex
change for citv residence or small acre
age. Price $2SOO. J 5S4. Oregonian.
G ACRES, near Meldrum Station, on O. W.
P. carline. to trade for auto. 83 5th St.,
room 1.
135 ACRES timber land In. Clackamas Coun
ty to trade for cottage or, vacant lots.
C. Ci Maricle, 769 Gllsan st.
10 ACRES, all In fruit, on streetcar, line,
close to Vancouver, will take automobile
or city property. S3 6th St., room. 1.
WILL exchange fine horse, buggy and har
ness for first-rate roll-top desk and type
writer. AL 580, Oregonian.
80 ACRES, partly Improved, exchange for
house and lot. or will sell ; pnee $2500.
AJ 5S9. Oregonian.
WILL exchange my ne"w East Side residence
for grocery store, uooa vaiue. j 083, ore
WILL trade 160 acres, Umatilla County, for
rooming -house. 314 Gerlmger bldg.
2 city homes, $5250, mortgage. $1000;
trade for farm 80 miles from or nearer.
8-room house, E. 37th, new, $3000;
clear; want partly improved acreage
home close In.
8-room flat, 94500, for $3500 farm.
Will trade my new s-room house for
small house, about 8S000 ; assume some.
8-room fine Irvlngton home, all modern,
$7000, for Improved farm about $5000. -.
11 acres right at Tigard, $3850. very
fine, will Hake home in city to $2000.
30 acres near Dundee, well stocked.
$5003,' for home In city.
49-acre farm 3 miles north of Vancouver,
on Fruit Valley road and N. P. R. R. iwar
station; all fine, tillable fruit land, with 14
acres well improved, bearing orchard; this
is a real bargain at $10,000 cash, but must
be turned soon and will take borne up to
$6000, balance easy. '
CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg.
FOR km.-w.wl
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
PAIR black mares, well matched, weight
25CO, sound, fat and good workers, price
$185; bay team, 1150 each, both go single
and ride, $175; pair sorrels, horse and mare.
2450 pounds, work any place, tor $1H5; pair
large horses, good workers, but thin, $10;
good mare for farm work. $55; 1400-pound
draft horse, age 7, will sell cheap or buy
mate; chestnut gelding, weight 1125. age 6,
city broke, suitable for delivery; $90; an
other for $t5; 10 head of others, all sizes; all
horses shown in harness. No. 1 stables,
Front and Market.
1 PAIR bay horses weighing 2400 lbs., horse
ana mare. 7 and 9 years old, fat and
good workers, slnzie or double. 1
1 pair of bay horses, maro and horse,
will work any place, 8 years old, weigh
ing 2300 lba These horses are In good
shape to go right to work and will have
to be seen to be appreciated. Phone A
3779 or call 266 16th St., near Jefferson.
PAIR blacks, weight 2400 lbs., true pullers,
price $135 ; team, horse and mare, weight
llOO each, price $90; good gray horse,
weight 120O lbs., $55; sorrel delivery horse,
1 1 5o 1 be. , price $SO; bay horse, 1 150 1 bs.,
$65; farm harness, $26.50; single express
harnew, $16; top express truck, $125. Call
Exposition Stables. 19th and Washington ets.
A prize for some one who gets this
Commoawealth colt. Will be 4 years old
January 1. Is not afraid of anything on
earth. Lady can drive him. Is a light
bay four white feet and face. Promises
to be very fast. Address Owner, Post
office Box 480, City.
WANTED To buy 1 mare or horse, 1300.
lba or up; must be active and good trav
eler; I also want to sell or trade well
matched team mares.' 900 lba each; I
also have on exhibition brougham for sale,
price $500. Mr. Rssnrick, 508 Alder st.
Home phone A 4282.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and.
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 420
Hawthorne ave.
BARGAIN Pair matched bays, horse and
ir are. we i gh t 240O lbs. , low , heavy -se t
chunks, easy keepers, sound and gentle
every way. nearly new heavy breeching
harness, all complete, goes at $235. Call
OOti Wuhsington t. Mr. Mayhew's team.
FOR SALES Horse, harness and wagon; Al
aetivery outnt; l sou-pound mare, fetuae
baker hand-made panel-top wagon and
good harness-; will sell separate. ZSA Weid
ler st. Phone East 786.
WILL trade 571 shares Cleveland Develop
ment company's mining stock tor norse,
harness and wagon; mines located at Mor
mon Basin, Rye . Valley, Oregon, near
Baker City; worth investigating. Phone
Sellwood 1437.
FOR SALE Fine big mare weighing about
isw ids., suuaDie ior city or country use;
a fine brood mare; several other Worses
for sale. Kramer's New York Stables, 15th
and Alder sts..
FOR SALE cheap, young, sound team of po-
mes aiso gooa 4 -y ear-oia iho-id. norse, or
exchange the ponies for a larger horse. 8o9
East 28th st. Woodstock car Ken 11 worth
HORSE, suitable for delivery or farm, sin
gle or double. Will loan for his keep
next four months or will sell 20. East end
of Jarrett st. near Kllllngsworth and coun
ty road. Chaa Berger.
FOR SALE at 28 North 15th. Phone Main
one team or horses, good workers
in every way, weight 2400 'lba ; one team,
weight 2200 lbs., both mares, good work
ers and very cheap.
FOR SALE Coupe in good condition. Has
been used very little but must be sold at
once. Price $110, about one-quarter orig
inal cost. Address H. Pohle && Son, Salem,
PAIR matched marea, both in foal to Import
ed stallion; good workers every way. new
breeching harness; price $235. Call 06
W ashing ton st.
A SNAP $165, new rubber-tired buggy, har
ness and 3-year-old driving horse; gentle;
must sell as I am leaving city. 24 East
53d st. Phone Tabor 2S6. ,
FOR BALE or trade, black driving horse, 1050
lbs., young, sound, for all-around service;
would trade for feed, coal, etc. 1109 Haw
thorne ave.
1 AM always in the market to buy horses,
mares, buggies, wagon. harness of all
kinds. Stable. 19th st., between Alder and
Morrison. Main 6788.
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses
always on hand. Sold with guarantee as
represented. U. 8. Stables, 248 Front.
A VERY fine set of double coach harness,
has been used three times. Kramer's New
York Stables, 15th and Alder sts.
I AM IN the market to buy horses from 4
to 8 years old, weight 1300 to- 1800; must
be sound. Paul Brunzel, 505 Albina ave.
PONY, city broke, can be bought at a bar
gain. Inquire Mr. James, 294 Mont
gomery. WILL sell cheap, my team, 5 and 7 years
old, well matched, and good drivers 5th
and Montgomery. v
Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies'
waitlntf-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front.
NEARLY new rubber-tire top buggy and hand
made harness, price $95. In storage at
606 Washington st.
1450-LB black mare worth $250, harness and
-spring wagon; make me an offer. 285 Grand
FOR SALE Good work team. 1000 pounds
each. $1500. McKinn station, O. W. P.
GOOD, active team horses, weight 2500 lbs.;
5 and 9 years old; price, with harness,
$325. Emil Ellera Gresham. Or.
ONE 6-year-old draught horse,- to trade ror
real estate or for a thoroughbred driv
ing horue. 144 E. 2d st. N.
TWENTY head of dlelvery horses, young and
sound, thoroughly city broken, from 1000 to
1300. 505 Albina.
HUBERT & HALL, 380 Front, buy sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rlga
FOR SALE CHEAP Several old horses.
Pacific Transfer Co., cor. 7th and Irving.
FOR SALE A pair of fine Shetland poines.
Call on E. B. Turner at Country Club.
HORSES mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
FOR SALE One good man's saddle, 347 East
Stark st.
FOUR unbroken horses, from 850 to 1100; also
two cheap work borses. ROB Albina ave.
A TEAM of ponies, drive or ride. Inquire
1134 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Delivery horse. wagon and
harness; good condition. 515 Jefferson st.
WANTED A horse for light work tor keeping;
.good references. W 595, Oregonian.
THREE mares, heavy in foal, weighing from
105) to 1350. well broke. 505 Albina ave.
WILL TRADE my automobile for real es
tate or acreage; I have a 5-passenger car.
in good condition, cost $ 1650 new, last
year. H. A. Calef. 366 E. Morrison at.
AUTOMOBILE, the coming business. I can
show you that I can make my proposition
pay good dividends from start, with small
capital; references. H 688, Oregonian.
I HAVE a few second-hand "guaranteed'1
automobiles for sale and want several
more. AH 599, Oregonian.
WANTED Groceries, hay, grain or real
estate in exchange for fine 7 -passenger
- automobile. See Merrill, 7th and Oak.
AUTOMOBILES for sale or trade for lots.
George R. Flora 470 East Burnslde st.
AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re
paired. James D. Fall. 144 2d st.
AITTO MOBILE robes, extra large, mv hstf-
iaw ua uwr; oargaaa. Ji.'a
30 H. P- 4-cylinder touring car, with, de
tachable tonneau, Bosch magneto, top and
extra tire ; will demonstrate and guaran
tee in good condition; cost $1750, will sell
for lllOO. Call, phone or write H C.
Harris, 7th and Couch sts. Phone stain
ALMOST new 5-passenger touring car. In
perfect condition, fully equipped with. top.
glass front, horn. 6 lights, generator, ex
tra tire, tire chains, etc. Will sell very
reasonable, or will consider suitable real
estate. V 688. Oregonian.
WANTED To trade 40 acres of land down
the Columbia, 1 nflle from a good town,
for automobile; must be worth 81200; will
pay a little cash to boot, L 577, Orego
nian. RUNABOUT can be made into four-passenger
car, covered all over, fully equipped
and In first-class condition: price $275;
this car is suitable for doctor or commer
cial purposes. X 587, Oregonian.
SECOND-HAND auto chairs, 34x4, for
sale cheap. Main 8002.
Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments.
Guaranteed mahogany and oak cased
pianos, $185. offered on easy payments.
304 Oak St., Bet. 5th and 6th Sts.
$200 FOR my elegant new upright piano,
which cost $425 in August; only used a
few times; guaranteed for 10 years; must
sell at once. AG 587, Oregonian.
FOR SALE -"New auxetophone phonograph
for nickelodion; will sell cheap for cash.
Apply Erickson's Cafe. 2d and Burnslde st.
BEAUTIFUL new high-priced mahogany
interior player-piano. like mew, for sale
cheap. Address AG 685, Oregonian.
STRICTLY first-class Fisher upright piano,
only $198. $20 down, balance $5 per
month: Call 35Q Alder st.
RESPONSIBLE party will store piano for
A SWEET toned mahogany case, in pood
condition. Price $50. 851 Northrup at.
ESTEY organ in good condition, only
Call 350 Aider st. between 7th and Park.
PIANO, fine upright, good as new, cheap.
175 17th. cor. Yamhill.
BEAUTIFUL. Hardman piano in fine con
dition, less than half of cost. 487 Taylor.
ALMOST new $400 piano for sale, $225 cash.
ISO 14th st.
STECK Ktby grand piano, p. O. box 753.
Birds, Dogs, Pet Stock.
1000 CANARIES to select from. Roller's
English and Andreasburg fancy birds and
pets; the largest stock on the Coast.
Portland Bird Co., 91 Union ave. Phone
East 6391.
FOR SALE English bulldog, female; fine
watch dog; cheap if sold at once. Address
Y 599, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Beautiful St. Bernard dog; ood
watch dog; tine for on ranch: want a good
home for him. Address AB 596, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE! A flock of. fine Brown Leg
horns, 50 or 75 hens and pullets and 3
roosters; cheap if taken at once. Apply
C. P. Harris, Meldrum sttion, Oregon City
Thoroughbred registered bulldog pups
from the finest stock in America Screw
talis and brindles. J. J. McCarthy, Abing
ton bldg.
WILL trade 9-room house. 10 acres best
fruit land In California, for city or coun
try property. Laura Winkler, Box 85,
Lents, Or.
THOROUGHBRED White Pomeranian pup
pies for sale, 7 weeks old; nice Christmas
presents. Apply Centennial Art Studio,
203 First st.
FOX TERRIER p"ups, 6 weeks old; they are
beauties, come and see them. C- C. Cain,
lOO North Fir at.. Laurel wood Park
FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow, 3 gallons
per day; gentle, rich milker. 998 E. Yam
hill, Sunnyside carf
WANTED An English Bull or Boston
Terrier pup; price and particulars. AG 586.
FOR 'SALE One thoroughbred Buff Orchar
die cock. -54 East 17th. Brooklyn.
FOR SALE A Spits pup 4 months old.
East 2783.
FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies; pedigree
stock. J. A. Beck, 514 Going st.
WANTED Highest price paid for fresh
cows. Address AE 506, Oregonian.
SINGER canary birds for sale cheap; fine
Christmas presents Phone Main 5273.
FOR RALB cheap 5 Orpington bens. Phone
A 1246. :
FOR SALE Male Spits dog. 360 Ainsworth
ave. Phone C 2791.
FRESH young cows, 4 and 5 gallons. Wood
lawn 1650.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn
cockerels. Phone Woodlawn 1100.
FOR SALE Fox terrier pups. 1423 80th.
Phone Tabor 1772.
396 TANTON Fresh cow for sale.
AM obliged to sell some beautiful oil paint
ings very cheap ; Oregon scenery and In
dian pictures. Phone A 2169.
FOR SALE Hand-made fancy work and
Xmas novelties of all kinds, at 347 East
8th st. East 3704.
PRINTING PRESS (hand, self-inking), type
and outfit, less than half cost. Call to
day. 305- 1st st.
FOR SALE New automatic computing
scales. For particulars address 876 Mal
lory ave., Portland.
FOR SA,E 7H-H. P. General Electric motor,
as good as new, at a low price. V 585, Ore
gonian. WILL SELL photo studio, beet location In
town, low rent, part cash. AM 585. Ore
gonian. FOR SALE: Several hundred cords of fir
stumpage at Tigard Station. D. J Brace,
808 Board of Trade bldg.
$225 BUYS old traction engine; perfect or
der Oregon City Machine Works, Ore
gon" City.
FOR SALE Live cougar, 12 months old,
measures 7 . feet from tip to Up. In
quire Fred Cramer, Rainier, Or.
TWO rlgh-grade pianos, used one month,
oak and mahogany, 5195 cash, on pay
menU $7 per month. 569 Williams ave.
100 BARNEY & BERRY roller skates and
electric piano. 308 W. Sth, Vancouver,
FOR SALE Dark mink stole, anlma1. ef
fect; new; worth $80, will take $25. J 586,
SLIGHTLY used violin, guitars, mandolins.
j uurnein, wic, a. u j uur u w ii price. Xitf w
UNDERWOOD typewriter, first-class con
dition, $40, if taken at once. Address O
595. Oregonian.
COMPLETE furniture of 7-room house. 675
Multnomah st, cheap, or will rent to de
sirable tenant. T. H. Edwards. 131 1st.
FOR SALE cheap. 500 shares Alaska Pe
troleum Coal stock. Phone Tabor 2S6.
FOR SALE Pair diamond earrings, $100
cash; cost $150. AF 596, Oregonian.
UNREDEEMED diamonds and jewelry cheap
for cash. 311 Alisky bldg.
FUR coat, same as new, size 36, cheap.
Mrs. Tanner. 43 North 9th.
FOR SALE, CHEAP karat lady's dia
mond ring, perfect. N 598 Oregonian.
FOR SALE A four-hole cookstove; wood or
coal. Phone A 1840.
WILL sell S1000 Portland Home Telephone
bond for $750 cash. AE 607. Oregonian.
Price $25. Phone Main 1463.
A FINE nair of K pure white diamonds
at a snap, $70. Room 413 Macleay bldg.
500 BUSINESS CARDS, $1.25. Ryder Ptg.
Co.. 357 Burnslde st. Main 5536.
PEDIGREED Scotch collie, pups for sale
5O0 BUSINESS cards $1 if you mention this
ad. Rose City Printery, 192 8d.
MANURE Best old manure for gardens.
$1.50 a load. AN 582, Oregonian.
WHEELBR Sc WILSON machine, used two
months; very cheap. J 579, Oregonian.
I FOR SALE 170 N. 18th, an excellent Suck's
raB Jn g f" vm iM-ff tl 4U.M.
FOR this month w will sell watches, dia
monds and jewelry for the amount loaned
and interest at Uncle Myers, 143 3d st
WE have a fine lot of useful houeehold arti
cles suitable for Xmas gifts, such as
rorkers, $2.50; Morris chairs. $9 ; center
tables, $1.50 and up to $10 ; extension
tables, $4 ; ladles desks. S10; roll top
desks. S17.50: clocks. $1.50 and up to $5;
sideboards. $7. BO and up to $30 ; buffets,
$12 and up to $32: china, closets, $13 to $2o;
dressers, $7.oO to $30; chiffoniers. $6.50
to $1S; ladies'" dressing tables. $9.50 to
$13.50; rugs. $1.50 up to $15; dinner sets,
$5.25 to $14; toilet sets, $1.50 to $6; jar
dinieres, 25c to $i; fancy glass and china
ware In endless variety; sewing machines.
$5 to $15; steel ranges, $15 to $40; cook
stoves. $5 to $18: heating, $1.50 to
$0; children's chairs, $1 up to $5. It
w-ill pay you to visit our stores when look
ing around for something useful. We sell
on the installment plan, too. Western
Salvage Co., 627. 629, 631, 633. 635 Wash
ington St., corner of 20th st. Both phones.
I have on band all kinds of ready
made sets of my own design and fine
work, very reasonable.
Also sealskins, marten, mink, etc. ; I
can make to order on short notice.
I redye and remodel old seaskln and
mink in the latest styles and to look like
See me before buying; elsewhere, as I
can save .you monev. '
14S Fifth St., Bet. Morrison and Alder.
FOR SALE The following miscellaneous
articles: Rugs, silk petticoats, silk waista
si 1 verware, rol ler skates, underwear,
plumbing supplies, rolltop desk, printing
paper, blue print paper, glassware, dead
ening felt, kitchen secretary. May be seen
at S. p. depot, Monday and Thursday aft
ternoons. Phone Private Exchange one
house 45, or address A J 586. Oregonian.
12 feet of office rail, with gate and
posts, 10 feet of counter, with doors and
shelves: 6-foot office counter, with posts;
all In first-class condition, with necessary
iron braces. Address M. L. Graves, 615
Beck bldg. Main 7920.
FOR CHRISTMAS presents buy "La Gran
Qulhira. a Musical Mystery," $2.50. of the
, blind author. Mrs. Corbyn, room 77, 350a
Morrison, between 3 and 7 P. M.
FOR SALE One Cornish organ, new and In
first-class condition; may be seen at S.
P. depot, foot of Jefferson St., Monday and
Thursday afternoons. Phone Private Ex
change or Home 45, or address AJ 586,
LAUNCH, 22 ft., complete equipment, can
opy top. magneto, S-h.-p. Smalley engine,
guaranteed first-class condition; also fine
boathouse for sale at a bargain. Particu
lars 90 Fifth st., near Stark. Phone Main
SAFES 14 second-hand safes very cheap on
monthly payments. We have moved from 7th
st. to 87 6th st., near Stark. A complete
stock of new safes. Call or write today.
Portland Safe Co., 87 6th st.
FOR few days only, for sale, furniture four
room cottage, with five oords dry fir wood
in basement, all for $175; cottage for rent,
$10 per month; West Ride. ea?y walking
distance. Address Y 508, Oregonian.
ONE heavy 2-horse gooseneck wagon in goofl
condition, $75; one good Hall safe with
Inside door; cost $125; will take $45. 313
Water st.
COMPLETE office furnishings for sale;
large double dek. two tables, typewriter,
desk, chairs, office railing; reasonable. 423
Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. M. 1196.
SEWING MACHINES Second hand ma-
chines, drop head and box top, of all
makes, at very low prices. White Sewing
Machine Store, 420 Washington, cor. 11th.
NEW complete popcorn crisp outfit for sale.
Reason for selling, cannot find desirable
location. Will teach you to manufacture
popcorn crisp. 108 First st.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to 60. fully
guaranteed; easy payments; rents la $3
per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co
203 Sd su t
FOR SALE Small safe, containing compart
ments; no space for books; will sell cheap;
ready for delivery to purchaser about Jan.
1. AK 561, Oregonian.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4 -ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451,
A 5445 t
BARBER shop, seven chairs, two years'
lease and fixtures; $1000 cash, balance
on time; owner going back East; big
snap. A 591, Oregonian.
FINE sealskin coat, little worn; 34 bust,
nearly length; hood and muff cost about
$400; sell or trade. Address AF 508, Ore
gonian. ROLL-TOP oak desk, practically new; also
two office chairs, very reasonable. Call in
morning. 603 Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE Underwood typewriter; prac
tically new; cheap for cash. Address K
6S8, Oregonian.
HIGH-ARM. hand sewing machine cheap:
fine for lady boarding or one unable to
rund standard. V 5SU, Oregonian.
GOOD bedding, best hair mattresses; little
used ; refined family. AB 589, Oregon
ian. THE only place In town you can get Alaskan-and
Hoopa Valley Indian baskets. E.
H. Moorehouse. lOth and Wash. sts.
EVERGREEN trees; Sullivan. Wilson's auc
aion house, 2d and Yamhill. Main 1626.
A 4243.
BARGAIN L. C. Smith 12-gauge double-barrel
hammerless shotgun, almost new. Phone C
WILL sell or exchange . on lot. beautiful
white diamond ring, nearly 1 karats.
Address 33 North 3d st.
FOR SALE A diamond sunburst brooch,
valued at $1000,. for $65t cash. Phone
Tabor 19J( or address AL 581, Oregonian.
2 BENCHES for sale, very cheap, suitable
for hall. 750 i Thurman st.
A GOOD visible typewriter for $20, leaving
the city. Address N 599, Oregonian.
FOR SALE. CHEAP Handsome new tuxedo
coat. 40-Inch bust. Call up Main 50O4.
HANDCRAFT dining-room rug, 9x11 feet,
$5. W 589- Oregonian.
WANTED Private lessons from public
schoolteacher In grade work. AM 5S7,
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents second-hand clothing
and shoes 200 First St. Main 2080.
WANTED To buy combings;-, switches made
to order. 551 East Yamhill st. Phone East
10OO CUBIC yards excavating. 21st and
Northrup St., to let. Call E J. Grahs. 36S
Victoria st. Phone East 2848.
WANTED Fresh and beef cows, calves, bulls,
steers; highest prices paid. Phone Woodlawn
1650. 1175 Gay st.
HIGHEST prices paid, ruber. copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool. furs. Phones A 7618,
Main 5198. J. Leve. 186 Columbia
WANT to buy taxicab or automobile with
Limousine body, cheap for cash. 270 East
6th, near Hawthorne.
SPOT cash paid for your furnitures prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED Diamond earrings; must be rea
"sonable; state sise. O 579, Oregonian.
WANTED To buy a lunch counter 26-80 feet
long. AS 678, Oregonian.
WANTED Diamond earrings, l carat stone
or more each. AL 59, Oregonian.
WE buy. sell or exchange anything; pay high
est prices; sell for lesa Main 6297.
WANTED Steam or hot water boiler, 3000
feet radiation or over. Phone Sellwood 591.
PUPPY wanted, fnx terrier or other small
breed. Phone East 2227.
WANTED To buy hand cart to peddle veg
etables and. apples. Phone Main 7392-
BLACK and tan puppy, male, medium, size.
aA a.. Orgonian
OLD COINS $5.75 paid for rare date 1853
quarters. we pay a casti premium on nun
f dreds of old coins; keep alt money coined
before 18SO. and send 10 cents at once for
our new illustrated eo4n value book, size
4x7. It may mean your foutune. C. F.
H. Clarke & Co., coin dealers, Le Roy, N. Y.
WANTED Men's castoff clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED To buy or lease 500 to lOOO-gal.
power pump for 30O lbs. pressure; also 80
to 100-horsepower tubular boiler, together
or separate. K 595. Oregonian.
HOISTING ENGINE Want to buy or rent
good second-hand hoisting engine; state
make, size and price, p 598, Oregonian.
WANTED Latest Improved Wheeler &
Wilson sewing machine; good guitar,
Washburn preferred. A 7690.
HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furnl
utre. Woodard's Auction House. Phone
Main 8078, B 1034
HIGHEST, price paid for second-hand furni
ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's
and ladies' clothing. E. 1015. $4 Grand avo.
SELL 'your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones
A 2445. Main 8951.
96 miles of heavy solid rock side cutting
to be let to station men at $1.20 per cubic
yard; loose rock, 60c; earth, 30c. Splendid
opportunity for good rockmen to make big
money. Fare, $15 Shipments list, 6th,
Sth, 16th, 20th and 24t.h of each month.
Call or write for full particular
614-15-16 Colman Bldg.. Seattle, Wash.
For work on the N. P. Ry., at wages of
34c per hour and overtime, taking places
made vacant by striking switchmen. Free
t ran portai ion and further information from
AN OPPORTUNITY If you are a hustler out
of employment and will call from house to
house with a new patented device that will
quickly repair a household belonging, in
variably out of repair, and which housewives
are very anxious to have fixed, you can
easily earn from $8 to $15 a day. This is
a legitimate, truthful statement, and not In
the least overdrawn ; experienced operator
unnecessary; very simple ; energy and some
canvassing ability all that is required. Write
for particulars. C. E. Fierce, 301 Humboldt
ave., Detroit, Mich.
WANTED Man who can make good in the
real estate business; no money required,
but must furnish references and be able
to handle outside business.
523-5 Board of Trade.
Main 0340. A 722.
WANTED Salesmen, county managers, dis
trict managers, state managers, the larg
est proposition of its kind in America,
public utility, world-wide publicity, good
men can easily make $100 to $5u0 weekly;
ct.sire men of Integrity, good standing
and references. E 540, Oregonian.
GOVERNMENT positions; chances never bet
tor to -secure one of the appointments to le
made: particulars as to salaries, posit ion ,
dates of examinations in Portland, sample
questions, etc.. sent free in circular i tl
Nat'l. Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C.
WANTED A responsible locger to take con
tract to log about 6.000.000 feet of red fir
into tne Columbia reiver, cioso haul.
521-523 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 8550, A 5580.
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat ap
pearance U call on all merchants in their
territory ; elegant side line, convenient u
carry; good commlatJlone; prompt remit
tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.
SAL'ESMA-N wanted by well-known St. Louis
firm to travel in country towns; man of
good business ability can obtain a perma
nent position in good territory ; good pay
to start. J. 0b7, oregonian.
WANTED man willing to learn and capable
or acting as our representative; no can
vassing or soliciting; good income assured.
National Co-operative Realty Co., 792 Mar
den Rldg., Washington, 1. C.
WANTED A young man for assistant
bookkeeper and clerical work ; must bo
thoroughly experienced. Answer In your
own handwriting ; state salary wanted.
P 595. Oregonian.
WANTED An experienced solicitor and
salesman to take orders for an article that
must go into every home in Portland; an
easy proposition and fine returns to the
man who gets tnis. AB 600, Oregonian.
FEW high-grade salesmen to handle ex
clusively complete line advertising novel
ties; liberal commissions; choice territory.
Particulars, CV F. Gardner Co., Princeton,
CITY SOLICITOR to sell household fixtures
direct to builders and homeowners; $6
commission- on each sale. Apply at sales
room, 316 Alder st.
MAN for theatrical company, with $300;
ompany has been out since September;
this will bear close Investigation. R 585,
WANT to start you In business. Spare time.
Most Ingenious mony-maker ever devised.
Fre particulars. F. E. Abbott, Desk X,
Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Reliable man used to farm pro
duce; will pay good salary, aiso share of
profits; small investment required. Par
ticulars 417 Board of Trade bldg.
ANY rustler wanting position and interest
money-making business for services and
small capital, call 10 to 12 Sunday, 326i
Washington st., room 417.
A GOOD piano salesman wanted to work city
trade. Address AK 508, Oregonian, giving
name and telephone number.
MAN with good covered wagon and team
would like to conn-act himself with re
liable firm delivering. E 5S5, Oregonian.
SOLICITORS in all parts of Oregon to sU
concentrated food flavors; good proposi
tion. AL 583, Oregonian, or phone A 1 UN
WANTED Photograph and portrait agent;
new, winning offer. Cutberth, Dekum
MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25 week
ly; easy inside work; learn business in short
time; lessons reasonable. 526 H Wash.
GOOD home to middle-aged man who is
willing to do chores. Small salary. Call 264
Main st.
$90 MONTHLY and expenses to advertise,
leave samples and collect names. Silver
ton Co., E. 76th, Chicago.
BOOKKEEPER; experienced; good oppor
tunity; state age. experience; references;
phone number. L 500, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man with $250 can secure, inter
est in business established 4 years; investi
gate; give phone. AG 508, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN; illustrated singer that can
play piano. Address, Mary Loundry. St.
Helens, Oregon.
SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial Ab
stract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Two good farmhands, who are
good milkers; wages, $30 a month with
board.' F. II. Yeaton, Ilwaco. Wash.
WANTED Man of neat appearance and
good address to solicit for milk delivery
company. Address L 599, Oregonian.
$100 A MONTH easily without capital. Val
uable information free. Write now. Home
Supply Co., Dept. 20, Bristol. Ind.
FIVE specialty salesmen only hustlers
who can deliver the goods need apply.
Room 27. 303 Wash st.
WANTED Sign solicitors. Zerngiebel, sign
painter. 66 1st at., near Pine.
SALESMAN for new line good ttrritory, big
money. Call 66 6th st., room 8.
EXPERIENCED advertising man wanted at
622 Henry bldg. No novelty pro7osltion.
five-cent cigars.
SOBER married man for Janitor. Address AC
5S8, Oregonian.
WANTED A tailor to do bushcllng in
clothing store. Address Box D. Eugene. Or.
BENCH moulder wanted, must be first
class. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg.
WE secure positions for our xnembera
Special membership. Y- M. C A.
A-l all around salesman country store.
313 y Washington, room 18.
BOY to learn harness trade. 129 1st st.
BY wanted at Lennon's, 809 Morrison st.
Open Today.
Free fare today.
300 men wanted for new R. R. construc
tion, .ship daily until further notice; no
fare is deducted from your pay on this
Job; it is FREE
Section foreman, $65; extra gang fore
man, $S0.
Bridge carpenters, $2.75.
10 sawmill and yard handf, $2.25.
" Chief cook, country hotel. $100 up.
Man and wife, as cook and waitress, or
helper, small country hotel, $90; free fare,
see party here 8 A. M. today.
Tall. gentlemanly-appearir?g mn as floor
walker In a store : salary $75 up ; no ex
perience needed, but must haye creden
tials as to character.
26 North Second St. PORTLAND
44 Front Ave., SPOKANE. Wah.
87-S9 Fourth St., SAN FRANCISCO.
Established 13 76.
dreds of good positions open for the Sprlns
season. No experience needed to get oivj
of them. Salesmen csrn from $10 to
$1 0,000 year and expenses. Over 700.000
employes In the United States and Can
ada, and thei demand always exceeds tho
supply. Hundreds of our graduates who
formerly earned from $25 to $75 month,
have since earned from $100 to $.00 month
and expanses. Many earn as high as $100
a day.- Jf you want to secure one of these
positions, our free book, "A Knight of the
Grip." will show you how. Write today.
Address, Dept 6S3. National Salesmen's
Training Association. New York. Chicago,
Kansas City, Minneapolis. San Francisco.
$3000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made In real
estate business ; no capital required ; we
will teach you the business by mail, ap
point you special representative .of leading
real estate company, list with you readily
salable properties, co-operate with and
assist you to a permanent success; m
thorough commercial law roursa free to
each representative. Write for 62-page
book free; It will be sure to Interest you.
The Cross Co., Dept. 127. Chicago.
salaries are high, steady, and sure. Work
is pleasant and promotion easy. Liberal
vacations. No pull needed- Hundreds "C
vacancies every week, in all part of U S.
Our paper tells you how you can get one.
Ten cents for 6 months' trial. Money
back on request; or stamps today to Desk
369, Civil Service Record Washington,
D. C.
500 STRONG YOUNG MEN wanted imme
diately for firemen or brakemen on near
by railroads; good vision; account in
creasing business; 10OO men sent to posi
tions last three months, $75. $100 monthly.
Promotion Address, stating age, weight,
height, send stamp. Railway Association,
care Oregonian.
WANTED Capable, reliable voung man ai
office assistant; one- having practical
knowledge of typewriting and copying pre
ferred; permanent position; moderate sal
ary; character references desired. Ad
dress in own handwriting, stating age. ex-perK-noe.
etc. AK 5S6, Oregixnian.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates, last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks, help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $10 to $25 week1 :
expert Instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Moliler System of Colleges, 34
North 4th St., Portland. Or.
WANTED Men at Los Angeles, electricity,
automobillng, plumbing, bricklaying, car
pentry, sign painting, trades taught in tw
months; no cash expense; actual contract
work. Write for catalogue. I'm ted Trade
School Contracting Co.. 230 Allso, Los An
eles. WANTED Reliable reprewntatlve by estab
lished concern manulaeturing line of hoiif--hoM
necessities; excellent opportunity J"r
live man to stnrt permanent businf.i mi
sms-11 capital. Electric Compound Co., SJ'J
3. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal.
for easy work; examinations of all kinds
soon; expert advice, sample questions anil
Booklet 3t9, describing positions and tell
ing easiest and quickest way to secure
thorn free. Write now. Washington Civil
Service School. Washington. D. C.
FIRST-CLASS salesman for Oregon terri
tory to sell staple line on absolutely new
and exceptional terms. One having spe
cialty ex3rience preferred. Contract for
1910 containing liberal weekly advance
clause. References required. Miles F.
Bixler Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
WANTED Young men, honest and indus
trious, to prepare for Civil Service posi
tions; clerks, carriers, railway mail, etc. ;
thousands appointed; good entrance sal
ary, with promotions. Call or write. Pa
cific States School, McKay bldg.
EITHER sex can make $4 daily all Winter
raining mushrooms for hotels and restau
rants with my spawn in cellars, hed..
boxes, etc. Free Illustrated Iru-truction book
let. Hiram Barton, West 4tth St., New
WB can use few good men on the road, sell
ing exclusively our imperial line of calen
dars and novelties; liberal commission
basis. Making contracts for Smart.
ambitious men only at once. Spotswood
Specialty Co., Lexington. Ky.
SALESMAN Experienced in any line, to sell
general trade on Paciile Coast, unexcelled
specialty proposition. Vacancy after Jan
uary 1. Commissions with $"5 week ly for
expenses. Continental Jewelry Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.
SALESMAN An old, welNestablished manu
facturer of plumbers' brats goods wants
salesman for this territory; none but high
grad man need apply : attractive propo
sition. Y 5S3, oregoumn.
SALESMAN wanted by largest European
manufacturer to sell popular lace and em
broidery specialties. Samples 35 pounds;
10 per cent commission; weekly drawings.
Wilson. 4!M Broadway. Nrtw York.
Free fare for R. R. construction men;
ship daily ; the fare is "free," not taken
from your pav.
C. R HANSEN & CO., 20 N. 2d St.
BY city jobbing hou young man as b-Kk-keeper
and stenographer. Apply own hand
writing, stating age, experience and salary
wanted. Splendid opportunity. M ib'j.
WANTED An honest partner in a good
paying business, very littlo money re
quired. Phone tttt4. or call 4" Metarpr.
1 :ith and Washington, between 10 and
12 A. M.
an experienced young man for responsible
position. Com mercial Abstract Co., 408
Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Young man for wireless and
railway telegraphy; railway wires in
school; day and evening classes; investi
gate. Oregon College, bo 5th, near Oak st.
SALESMEN acquainted with retuileis in
small towns, to handle on commission,
first-class side line of dress fabrics. Schuyl
kill Mills. Box 1192. Philadelphia. Pa.
health policies ; best on the Coast ; good
contracts to live men ; rapid promotion.
Inquire 14ft 2d st., g round floor.
SOLICITOR One who has hal experience in
the printing or advertising business; salary
according to ability to make good. F-&bi,
WANTED Experienced solicitors; hu? tiers
can earn $25 week ly ; nothing to sel I.
Apply between 10 and 3, room a25. Lum
ber Exchange bldg.
SALESMAN wanted to Bell real estate; good
commission ; experience unnecessary. Call
at ofrice, Gregpry Heights, end of Rose
city carline.
WANTED 500 men at "Knew" Sample Suit
Store, 31a Oregonian biUjc . Speciu I sa!
men's overcoats and suits $li and $ 15,
$20 to $30 values.
WANTED Good coatmaker for countrv;
ranrrifid man preferred; steady work. Ap
ply Monday. D. B. McBride & Cu.
A YOUNG MAN as assistant bookkeeper and
stenoKrapher; btate age and salarv AF
588. Oregonian.
WANTED An experienced cigar drummer.
Address, with references, M 5S6. Orego
nian FIRST-CLASS Ironer wanted. Call Mon
day A. M.; wages 2 per day; out of city.
Room 1. 205 Morrison st.
HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages;
permanent. 215 Commercial block.
TWO good solicitors to sell Superior coal.
Union Transfer Co., ;i24 Flanders.
BOY wanted to learn plumbing; one with sorre
- experience preferred. 463 Washington sr.
WANTED Draftsman, experienced in ma
chine design. 5 OH Commercial blk.
EXPERIENCED shoe salesman. country.
313 Washington, room 18.
STENOGRAPHIC services and $300 secured,
offers you good position. D 591. Oregonian.
WANTED A window-trimmer also experi
enced solicitor. Spring Valley Wine Co.
EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper for cut
of town. SlSi Washington, room 1&