THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. DECEMBER 12, 1909. RKAL ESTATE. Tor Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME. HIGHLY IMPROVED DISTRICT. EAST SIDE. CLOSE IX. No. S10-A We ar just finishing a de lightful homo on Belmont St., one of Port land's finest thoroughfares and offer it for al now so. that buyer can select" light ing fixtures and tinting. There are 7 rooms, nicely- arranged; Hv-fnp-room is large, has excellent fireplace, 1th bookcase on eai:h side, beamed ceil ing and paneled walls. The dining-room Is finished in mission, with beamed cell ing and large built-in buffet; off th- dining-room is a cozy den with high leaded glass lights. A more convenient kitchen, and pantry could not possibly be planned. On the second floor there are three chambers with bath and sleeping porch 8 x 6 . Taking into consideration the const ruc tion . which is double throughout, with concrete foundation and full cement base ment, together with improvements, includ ing hard-surface street, cement walks and sewers, which are In now, this home is an excellent buy at $."3O0. THE SOpTHER-ALBERTSON COMPANY, US6 Oak St. Tel. Main 6719. A 7374.- DESIRABLE HOMES. Portland .Heights. new seven-room house, bui It by owner for his home, on carline, fin view, all, modern conven iences; price $6500; easy terms. Residence, 10 rooms, strictly modern, hloi-k from Union avenue, full lot. welt improved, desirable in every respect; price $4oOO; very easy terms. Ladd's Addition, 7 rooms, strictly mod ern residence, beautifully finished; excep tionally desirable; price $7000; terms. $1000 cash, balance to suit. Modern bungalow, ft large rooms, full basement, electric lights, fine plumbing, corner lot. well Improved; price $200; terms, $500 cash, balance 8 years at 7 per cent. JN'ESTMENT CORPORATION. LTD., Room 612. 286H Washington St. 1 $350. ' 6MALL PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE HO SUIT. MODERN. WELL BUILT 6-ROOM HOMR No. 399 A home with as delightful sur roundings close to excellent car service is hard to find In Portland at this price. Come in at once, we have photograph and will gladly furnish full description. THB POl'TH ER-ALBKRTSON COMPANY, 286 Oak St. Phone Main 6719. A 7374. MLST BE SOLD. 100x114 and a strickly modern 9 -room house, with auto garage; plenty of choice fruit trees and beautiful flowers and shrubbery. This property is close, in on t he East Side, being on the southwest corner of East Ash and East 20th. Can make VERY easy terms or might take trade 1n smaller h ome. See us about it. We will make a price which will sell It. EDWARD P. MALL CO.. 80t and 310 Abington Bldg. NEW WEST SIDE RESIDENCE, $7000 With most magnificent, unobstructed view in the city. 1 block to car, 14-th and Hall, 5 fine bedrooms, hardwood floors, 2 toilets, fine bath and shower, living-room 22x26, dining-room 1Sx2o, French doors to large yorches all around house, large - furnace and fireplace, bullt-Jn seats in bedroom. Owner unable to keep. This la sacrifice; place easily worth $SOO0. HETLMAN A LATHROP, 516-516 Ablngton Bldg. 42000 CASH, $15O0 2 years' time; a well furnished, 6-room house, hall. 3 closets, 2 porches, patitry. modern conveniences, cement floor basement, lot 43x137 feat; fruit trees, rose and other beautifying hushes, a Is small, fruit In abundance; place for garden and chickens. Inquire at 1143 Hawthorn ave. and East 3Sth;.will be on market only a short time; rented for $30 per month ; must sell or rent soon. K 597, Oregonlan. FINE furnished residence near carllne. two stories, attic, 8 large rooms, bath, pantry, furnace, electricity, strictly modern; lot ROxl 20 feet, fruit, roses, fine lawn and garden. Snap this up quick, a home ready to move into for $4500. Easy terms. Phone Main 297. W. B. Hartley, 411 Swetland bldg. LISTEN TO THIS 10-room house, all mod ern Improvements, porcelain bath, elec tric lights, all rooms neatly papered and tinted, lot 80x100 corner. 6c car fare, suitable for boarding-house; price $400O; $."i00 cash, balance $30 monthly. J. O. Elrod, owner. 620 Corbett bldg. XDEAL neighborhood. Ideal home. 6 rooms; corner, ftOxlOO. full cement basement, recep tion and living rooms hardwood floors, par lor paneled, both rooms stem-lied, bath and toilet eparate. woodlift, laundry tubs. etc. ; $345rt, 2-3 cash, ba lance easy payments; lot worth $ir0O at least. Owner. 941 East Davis ft. B 1.S80. $2250 N RW (1908) 5 -room house, bath, toilet, full basement. 1 block from Mount Scott car: very good property, priced low owing to owner going on farm. See our list be fore purchasing. -M. Fl Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak ate. phones A 0327, Main 6084. FOR BALE AT BARGAIN 7-mom modern b 2-story house, full cement basement, gas and electric, lot 50xlO0, very best Ioca tlon. in Vernon, little over 1 block of carline. west of ltith st. ; will eell with furniture, nearly new. cost over 4 1400; owner going East. 11 592, Oregonlan. NICE. WARM HOME. 6 rooms, modern, barn and woodshed, 1 block from carllne, roses; $1600. or $1900 furnished ; terms; owner leaving for the East; see me at once. C L. BAMBERGER. Main 5124. B08 Chamber of Commerce. ELEGANT NEW 1RVINOTON HOME. 10 large rooms, separate accommodation for servants, beautifully arranged and finished, handsome Illuminating fixtures, occupied by owner; $8750. Call 489 East 17th, near Thompson st. $7 BOO New home with 10 large rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, and every modern convenience, situated in Portland's most exclusive residence dis trict and surrounded by irruoslng homes. W. J. Smith. 43$ Chamber W Commerce. MONTAVILLA. 5 -room cottage in good condition, lOOx 300 lot, 200 feet from carline. Price $190O; terms. W. H. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO 233 Alder St. $250 DOWN". New, ft -room modern bungalow. one block to HawUiflrne ave.; paneled dlnrfng rootn, clalna. closet, fireplace; lot 60x100, uly 92T50; thia is a well-built place. Call 104tJ Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 8S. $2400. New six-room bungalow, modern and up-to-dat. at Plrland Station; $000 down aad balance like rent. SULLIVAN A GATHER, 4,21-422 Henry Bldg. ' , GOOD INVESTMENT. Large lot. facing two streets, with resi dence and public garage; income $30 a month; $4000; $500 cash. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. -82-33 Lafayette Bldg., Wash, and 6th Sts, 2A50 MODERN 6-room hniMe with large hal atory In which 2 more rooms can be made, on corner 77x100, opposite Alameda Park, on E. 24 th st. See owne, 410 Falling 1 bldg. ST. JOHN SNAP. f 5-room, new modern ottage. full lot, H block to car; prico $1400; terms. WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO., 606 Lumbermcns Bldg. Fl NR. new, five-room bungalow, fireplace, attic, cement basement, &teps and walks. East Side, restricted and Improved dis trict, mar streetcar; $2o0 cash, balance I monthly, owner, L ous, Oregonlan. S4TH AND Marshall; eight-room modern house, south front. In thts excellent lo cality. A very comfortable home. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. BUNGALOW". Several new. modern. 5 and 6 rooms, prices and terms attractive. Call on A. H. BIRR ELI CO.. 3Q2 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. PF3XINStriA fi . carman ! Do you want a nice new, modern bungalow -cottage near the oar barns? If so see me and I will show you a good buy on terms to suit. Owner. 410 Failing bldg. TO RAISE MONEY Owner of 6-room, mod ern, new dwelling, near Hawthorne ave., will take lease at $20, allowing liberally on price of $2850, part cash. 307 Cliam ber of Commerce. MODERN home on Nob Hill, close to 22d st., convenient and liomelike. it ia offered by the owner for a short time; $7000. Call 410 Failing bldg. PIBDM0NT hoinej modern alld new, for con siderable less than cost.. Queen In v. Co., 4H Failing bldg. $22&o For a very nice modern 6-room house ulth 100x100. on carllne. W. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce. MT 5 -room bungalow, E. 52d St.; a siire frargaln; $2000. $o00 down. Owner. C 601. rKOTilan. t-ROOM cottage, completely finished, if ds iisd. l Uoas wetk days. A- S324, Main 477v REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hons NEW IRVINGTON HOME. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. NEVER HAS BEEN OCCUPIED; recep tion hall, living-room, dining-room, kitchen on first floor; BEAUTIFUL CHIPPED BRICK FIREPLACE with built-in bookcases on either side; INLAID OAK and MAHOGANY floors; beamed ceilings, and nicely paneled walls, large built-in buffet, den, doors opening on THB SCREEN DINING PORCH; three airy bedrooms with full length MIRRORS in each closet door; tiled bath, fitted with SANITARY floor and fine outdoor sleep ing porch on second floor, full cement basement containing fruit room, a No. 1 furnace, toilet and stationary tubs. Situated on E. 3 0th. between THOMP SON AND BRA ZEE; paved street. 8 blocks to car; price only $6800; terms. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th St. A SNAP THAT HAS NO EQUAL. 6-room house and 25x100 lot, close In on the WEST SIDE, can be had if taken at once, for S ."00 LESS THAN IT 13 WORTH; good Income' property, and values in this neighborhood are increas ing rapidly. For price and full particu lars, call. DTETZ-MUELLER CO., 315-310-317 Abington Bldg. ' I For Sale Business Property. A GOOD BUT. Close 4n, West Side, income property, now under a well secured lease for a term of years; paying 12 per cent on the price asked; no phone information. Call and see. Henkle & Harrison, oil GerHn ger bldg. $T5.00 Fine investment, TjT per cent In come; will pay 20 per cent; apartment housa of 111 rooms, with stores on ground floor; one-third cash, balance terms. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Corner Fourth and Oak Sts. Phones Main 60S4, A S3 27. 15 MINUTES' walk from post office, the N. E. cor. 50x100 of 17th and Market fta. ; im proved with dwelling and store building, bringing $." per month. Only $&XK. Terms. C. F. Plluger & Co., rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison ots. IF you are looking tor an Investment on Grand ave., I have something that will be of some Interest to you. WELDON DARLING. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. H BLOCK of warehouse property, owner wi:l exchange for a well improved farm. M. E. Lee, room 411, Corbett bldg. . $14,500 Choice Income property, one of the best buys on the West Side, worth $16,000. M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. BIG SNAP Business lot, 50x100; J 10.000; on terms. F 596, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. Fins 6-room house, modern in every way, well located; must be sold; Investigate. Fine corner lot with fine- new neat 6-room bungalow, well furnished; must be sold at once; parties going East; $2000, $500 cash. Fine 5-acre tract, wood enough to pay for It; $1000, $200 cash, balance on or before S years, 6 per cent; near carline. - CHARLESON & CO., 411 Commercial bldg. GOOD APARTMENT SITE Close-in East Side Residence District. $2500. No. SlO A This is a corner lot, three feet above grade on East 24th St., close to Hawthorne ave. ; both streets are im proved and sidewalks In. THB iBOUTHER-ALBDRTSON CO.. 2S6 Oak St. Phones, Main 6719. A 7374. IF YOU want a nice little investment In acreage down the river in the Burlington district, call and see us, we have them. No section of the city and county has the future this has, but you only live to sea somebody else reap the benefits, unless you get into the bandwagon and Invest. C. F. Pfluger A Co., rooms 4-6 Mulky bldg., - 2d and Morrison streets. INVESTORS INVESTIGATE. Two choice pieces of business property. Improved, on main thoroughfare. East Side; price $10,000 and 111,000. Archibald. 253H Washington. NEAR MORRISON Corner, improved, east of 15 th St., best down-town apartment site; price $20,000. Archibald, 258 Wash ington. Acreage. "HERE YOU ARE!" 6 acres, 6 blocks to station O. C. Ry. 5 acres, 2 blocks to same station, In bearing orchard, a real snap at $525 acre; very sightly; come in and pick these up. hut hurry. 11 acres right at Tlgard station; nearly all cleared; less than $350 per acre. CLODFBLTER BROS, 414 Couoh Bid. WANTED. 4 people to buy 1 acre each on Oregon City carllne; highly improved property, all in grapes and. berries; will make beau tiful homes, close to the city and with an Income from the beginning; first appli cant gets first choice; only $1500. O. W. P. LAND CO., Waiting-room. First and Aider. . ACREAGE. 10 acres, 9 miles out on Schools Ferry road, near Oregon Electric line; $160 pe acre; terms or will trade for lots. 40 acres, best apple land In Mt. Hood! district, near Sandy, $50 acre; terms; will trade for city property. Equity Investment Co., 508 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. A TRACT of 1 9-100 acres of beErutiful land, and only 40 minutes' ride from 3ourth and Stark sts.. within 600 feet or statton. where new store Is now being built and can be had for $327, and that payable In easy installments, too. A homesite for you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 Stark St. 25 ACRES. 6 miles from the city limits, and half a mile f cam electric line, de. rich soil, all in cultivation, house, barn, and other outbuildings ; a snap. 80 acres close to city and electrlo 11ns. fine for subdivision; all In cultivation. SULLIVAN & GATHER, 421-422 Henry Bldg. 12 ACRES, on carline, 20 minutes from cen ter of ,clty, beautiful residence and Im provements; all in cultivation, good spring water piped to house; fine soil, if you want a home or investment, you will be pleased when you see this place and hear the price. 602 Buchanan bldg. 1 1-3 ACRES, on Heights, near new City Park; for $10,000. 5 acres on Estacada line, $500 per acre. 2 acres at Bell Station. 1500 per acre. 10 acres, Portland Heights, $330 per acre. THOS. M'CUSKER, 205 Couch Bldg. 20 ACRES RIPE FOR PLATTING. Less than mile from city limits; few blocks to Bo electric station ; property all around It now platted. Act quick if you want this. $10,000 cash required; balance terms. S. T. WALKER, 004 Corbett Bldg. PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage on the West Side, 20 minotes from center of city. In l?fc and 2H-acre tracts; this will make you a liv ing and pay for itself; $30 cash will start you; price to suit all. Call on Trustee, 410 Falling bldg. FOR SALE by owner. XYj acres in Beaverton; line onion or garden land; 0-room house, large barn, wells and lots of fruit; 8 miles from Portland; two carlinee 450 E. 11th t. North. Phone East 6205. BEAUTIFUL COR.VER East and South front, 00x100. East 28th. 3 block to 'car. swell neighborhood; high and sightly. $3000; terms. S. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett Bldg. FOR BALE 20-acre tract in truck farm, close In; a regular Christmas gift, as own er must sell. Don't miss this. ' BELMONT M. O. & I. CO., 2 2 7 H Wash i ng ton s t. HAVE ft 10-a ere tracts still left, near Port land, 2 miles from city limits; finest apple land In state: no irrigation needed; terms. Prices $250. $275 and $300 per acre. Owner, AL 5M. Oregonlan. ACREAGE fin large or small tracts cn ear line, close in; choice river front; 600 acres to subdivide. Kinney 4k Siampher, 531 Lumber Exchange bldg. A 48S1. HAVE some choice ten to 40-acre tracts close to Portland: $100 per acre up. ROSE CITY REALTY & INVEST. CO, 615 Lumber Exchange Bldg. 58i ACRES on the Oregon electric line, be tween Portland: and Hillsboro. It ia all cleared and in high fftale of cultivation $ll,7O0. Queen Inv. Co., 410 bldg. -ACTt KS on Base Line Road, near Monta v 1 1 la, fdoOO. Queen Inv. Co. , 410 Faili ng bld Wl ACRES 8 mile from center of Portland, $250 per acre. Has orchard and buildings. Queen Inv. Co., 41t Falling bldg. 10 ACRES, close in; all In cultivation; bar gain at $750 an acre; easv terms. & D. Vincent, 420 Lumbermen's "bldg. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. DO YOU KNOW That the residence part of the West Side will be on the hills within three years? King's Heights will be developed as well as the Goldsmith tract for which the famous Olmstead Bros, have been re tained ; car lines will be built and the price of property quadrupled. I have 60 acres- adjoining city limits, and 5c fare, for $6O0 per acre. Nothing better on the market THOS. M'CUSKER, 205 Couch Bldg. 10 OR 20 ACRES. SECTION LIN HI ROAD. 20 acres on Section. Line road, 8 miles from city; H under cultivation, balance easy to clear ; 2 acres tn tra wberrrles ; f?m-a.ll house and land that will grow any thing; 2-acre tracts across the road selling . for $500 per acre; price of this is $300 per acre for quick sale; part ash; will sell 10 acres or ail of It.. See THB- OWNER, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. RUBY ACRES, ft. 10, 20-acre tracts, choice walnut and fruit land, level. Improved, In high state of cultivation, on the Willamette. 1 hour's ride on Salem Electric; steamer transporta tion; fare Sftc; fruit belt of Oregon; $150 per acre, 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 years, 6 per cent; larger tracts with or without Irriga tion; don't lose this opportunity. DEAN" LAND CO., 622 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. NORTHROU ACRES, only 15 minutes' ride. 6 -cent carfare. West Side. zi drawbridges to delay you and you do not interfere with river transportation. wlUch is mak ing Portland. Buy an acre in Northrop Acres now. It will make you independent In a few years, price onl y $ 1 004), terms within the reach of all. M. E. Lee, 411 Cortett bldg. 17 ACRES near car. west of 60th eC level land. 334 Mill st. Homesteads. RELINQUISHMENTS wanted. We pay cash for timber and homesteads. What have you ? We are in a position to sell your farm. We have farms and city property for sale and trade. Give f ul 1 particulars In your first letter. N1MMO, RUN'ET & DAVIS, Room 13 Hamilton Bldg., Portland, Or. . CENTRAL OREGON MAP (Crook. Lake and Harney counties) and detailed description of . land subject to homestead entry. It is through the HEART of this section the Hill and Harriman roads are now build ing; price $1. DE3HON A HAWK. Surveyors and Locators. 407 Lumbermen's Bank Bldg. INVESTMENT Near 13th and E. Pine, for apartment site or home; 50x100. with mod ern 5-room house ; $4000 to person mean lng business; terms. Ja. C. Logan, 826 Wash, st., room 40. near 6th. TWO good relinquishments adjoining, near Portland, running water and the best for stock raising; homesteads in Tillamook, Lincoln and Jackson Counties. Nlramo, Runey & Davis, 13 Hamilton bldg. THREE bargains in relinquishments, one 7.000.000. one 4.500,000. one 3.000, OoO. all on good trail, good neighbors in Slletz; $1200, $600 and $300. 733 Marquam Mdg. Main 8314. WILL relinquish desert claim 320 acres Northern California, 7 miles from rail road, for cost of filing fees. T. S. Byron, 26 Market St., Portland. TWO relinquishments for sale on Siletz, one 5,000,000 and one S, 00,000. AM 586, Ore gonlan. THREE fine homestead locations In the Siletz, well timbered. 527 Corbett bldg. YAMHILL County farm. Improvements, build ings; apple land; terms. 334 Mill st. for Sale Fruit Lands. CASCADE FOOTHILLS. 62 acres excellent apple land, 35 acres ready to plant. In 5 years If is worth $1000 per acre. There are good fences and buildings now on the place. An orchardiet offers to care for the trees until they "come to bearing for the use of the place. Only 1 mile from the carline; $6500. , 41 acres, 2 miles from Oregon City carllne; partly Improved, will trade for city or suburban property. 80 acres apple land, 2 miles from Es tacada; $55 per acre. 160 acres, 40 cult.. 60 fenced; good Im provements; 3 houses, good barn, .6 acres young orchard; mile to school; $3000. Farms, large and small, for sale and others WANTED. O. W. P. LAND CO.. Waiting-room, First and Alder. FOR SALE Best fruit ranch In Thurston County, two miles from Olympla; 10 acres orchard. 500 Italian prune trees, 800 red Svinter apples, ail in be axing and In good health; 20 acres land fine for berries and all crops; good ublldings. Including fruit dryer; owner's experience furnished in fruit drying free. Owner desires to pay en tire attention to fruit buying is reason for selling.. Last year cleared $1400 profit on prunes alone. Bargain at, $9S0O. Would sell ot.e-half or whole, inquire of August Wise, Olympia, Wash.. R. F. I. No. 1, box 22. 3PITZENBERG SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS in 10, 20, AO-acre tracts are sell ing to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 23 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300, $400, $50O per- tract. BETTER HURRY and go with" us by appointment. Call Or write for full particulars. Liberal terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 10-811 Corbett Bldg.. Portland, Or. Merritt & Palmer, Sales Agents. I AM STILL Selling MOSIER apple land on small monthly payments, no better investment; no better OPPORTUNITY for the man of small means to get in where his money Is safe and will grow like the famous Ttlosier apple, and the price is only $20 per acre. Make yourself a Christmas gift of at least 20 acres; only a few pieces left at this price. THOS. M'CUSKER, 205 Couch Bldg. GEORGIA FRUIT AND PECAN LANDS. Don't buy lan-d anywhere till you get our illustrated maps and literature on our South Georgia lots and farm, truck and pecan lands. It will tell you things you never heard of. Write today. Will come next mail. FRUITL.VND COLONY CO., Desk 8. 167 Adams st., ..Chicago, ill. APPLE LAND 160 acres of Ideal apple land within 3 miles of the O- W. P. carline. We have a price on this until Dec. IB of $25 per acre; It's . a big bargain at this prloe. - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. . KLICKITAT NUT AND APPLE LAND. 6500 acres, in" same vicinty where land ,1s being sold for $50 to $10O per acre; come In and be convinced; will exchange for other good property ; price$10 per acre. L. K. MOORE, 517 Board of Trade. Portland. 13 ACRES on the Reedvllle prairie, within 1H miles of Reedvllle, on good county road; exceptionally well improved; a home for somebody, and now offered below the market price; will take in good city resi dence up to $4000 on this property. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, ' 245 Stark St. 14 ACRES at Gresham, all set to fruit. 30O Spitseenbergs, 200 Baldwins. numerous other varieties, some cherries, plums and English walnuts; very fine land for fruit, on good road close to station; $425 per acre, $1500 cash handles It. First State Bank, Gresham, Or. SPLENDID 10-acre fruit tract. Yamhill Coun ty, near station of North Yamhill, all ready for the trees; only $150 per acre; easy term; an Income forever. J. O. Elrod, own sr. 620 Corbett bldg. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN 160 acres In the heart of the Valley; half in clover; this is a snap; can be had at the old prices; favorable terms. SALTMARSH A SNODORASS, . 802-3 Lumbermen's Bldg., 5th and Stark. ft. lO, 20 AND 60-acre tracts; choice apple and pear land ; elevation 80O feet ; no irri gation needed ; above froe line ; southern slope; soil deep; 2 miles from city limits; price $250 per acre. Owner. AM 5S3. Ore gonlan. ROGUE RIVER fruit land, 300 acres planted to pears, peaches and apples, to sell In tracts to suit and easy terms MOBSMAN & M'NAIR, 408 Commercial Club Bldg. MIDDLE-AGED man and wife would like to rent a small farm on shares or wages; good references. Call or address 303 H Stanton st. T. B. Wlrtz. WANT farm about 30 acres, located within ten miles of Portland; let me have full par ticulars in first letter. Address s. Haya ehi. Hillsdale, Or. R. F. D. No. 1. 831 ACRES, fine fruit land. it the Lacomb country; unusually fine soil; $9000. SALTMARSH & SN ODOR ASS, S02-3 Lumbermen's Bldg, 5th and Stark. LET ME sell you 40 acres of MOSIER ap ple land for $670; terms. THOS. M'CUSKER. 203 Coucri Bldg. TWO 4 O-acre tracts. 8 miles from electric line; a. -big snap at $80 etcli, cash. 420 LumbernMK r REAL ESTATE. ' For Sale Farms. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. 468 acres, 4 miles from Koseburg, 1 mile to R. R. ; 76 acres good bottom land. In cultivation; 30 acres burnt, 130 acres fine upland. 3,000,000 ft. of good oak timber, good family orchard; first-class improve ments; 75 acres fenced with Page wire fence; 10 acres of young apple orchard. 40 acres. 6 ml E. of Vancouver, 1 ml. st. -carline; 18 acres in cultivation, bal ance 10.000 cords .of wood; two-story 6 room house ; good barn and other out buildings; all fenced; fine fruit, prunes, apples and small fruits: a fine well. Th?s Is a fine buy and $3500 will handle this, balance on time. HOG RANCH IN LINN T30UNTY. 1B8 acres, 130 in cultivation 3 acres or chard, 2 aores loganberries; all fenced; running water; spring water piped in house; 7-room house, fine wood house, milk house, potato house holds 6000 bush els ; cat tie barn, good horse barn ; could be Irrigated; h ml. to school; 2 ml. to creamery; R. R. cuts off 3 acres of farm. This Is a snap at $7000. 200 ACRES IN LINN COUNTY. 90 acres bottom land in cultivation, all fenced; well water; 40 acres lays on river with good piling. 2 acres of good or chard ; 6-room house, 2 old bams. 1 new barn cost $1500; lAfc ml. from creamery; R. R. runs through place; school, on place; 3 H mi. to town; all land level. A good buy at $6500; terms! ON O. W. P.. AT EAGLE CREEK. 219 acres. 26 mi. from Portland'; 70 acres cleared, BO acres In cultivation; family orchard, fine house. 1 new barn 32x48. 1 old barn; 2-story tool house, 32x 80; other good outbuildings. Eagle Creek runs through farm. This .would make a good Summer resort and camp grounds, and would be a money maker for the right man. There is 5,000,000 ft. of tim ber good for wood. This Is a good bus, and $8000 will handle this; balance on time, v CHICKEN RANCH. 6 acres In Vancouver; small 2-room house; part cleared; close to carline; land Is good for all kinds of fruit; $700 down, balance on time. CHICKEN RANCH. 15 aores. 8 ml. from Lents. 7H ml. from Portland ; ft acres In cultivation, 5 acres ready for plow, 6 acres In timber, will cut 650 cords of wood; 1-room house; spring on place: fine for fruit; $1000 will handle this: balance on time. NIMMO. RUNEY & DA-VIS, 13 Hamilton Bldg., Portland. 389 ACRES; 125 cultivated, 10O heavy tim ber, balance pasture: 40 cows and calves, 4 hogs, 60 goats, plenty good buildings, complete farm and dairy outfit, fine soil; first-olaes place for dairy or stockralslng. well located in Polk County; $10,500; one third cash, balance time. 75 acres; 70 under plow; close to North Yamhill ; $100 per acre. 90 acres; half in cultivation; fair house and barn; near North Yamhill; land roll ing; $80 per acre. The finest dairy farm Irt the stated 820 acres; 2O0 cultivated; 80 head of regis tered Jerseys, horses and complete outfit; lighted by electricity from own power; " close to town of 8000 and only 25 miles from Portland; $6500 annual income. See us for particulars; $30,000; terms. Have good list of Tillamook dairy ranches. ROSE CITY REALTY INV. CO., 515 Lumber Exchange Bldg. LAST CHANCE. Now is the time to cinch the best bar gain, 12 acres, 114 miles from Camas, Wash., on good road, R. F. D., adjoining lake where good flshir-g, boating and duck shooting may be had. Land level and deep loamy soil. Two houses, three barns and large poultry house ; nearly all in fruit ; Incubator, brooders and small tools includ ed. This will make one or two good homes, only 20 miles out with good R. R. and steamboat facilities. Owner has poor health and must leave this climate at once, and will sacrifice for quick sale. Price $2200. Owner, 1298 E. 8th st. N. 43 ACREfT of beautiful land, 25 In cultiva tion, good home improvements, only 40 minutes out on the electric line, T min utes from the station, and in a commu- nity where the development is very rapid; a second railway within a mile which in sures general development ; also about $1200 worth of personalproperty ; a home - that Is ready for immediate occupancy and yielding a revenue from the first day. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 Stark St. 649 ACRES, wheat ranch, 575 acres under cultivation, orchard, fine house, good barn, good fences, plenty of water piped, to the , house. In the famous rain belt, east of Condon, $22.50 per acre; S6600 or $7000 will handle this. HO acres of good farm land, lO miles from Oregon City, 70 acres in cultivation, balance In timber, 14 acres in orchard, vrood house and barn, on county road. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., Room 610 Board of Trade bldg. FARM SNAP. $3200 for a nice 41-acre place, near Newbeny, about $1800 worth of improve ments; excellent fruit land; $2200 cash, balance easy. We have all kinds and sizes of choice farms throughout the Northwest and par $10 a day and expenses If not found as represented. Investigate before you buy elsewhere. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. 19 ACRES, lies perfectly, good family or chard, level gravel roads, rich land, used as dairy, beautiful location. 8-room house, scratch shed and yards, good shade, big barn, root cellar, machine and wagon sheds. 2 wells; would make fine truck ranch; $8000 ; half cash, balance easy; Srice includes mowing machine, plow iao cultivator and wagon. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, $$-33 Lafayette Bldg., Wash, and $th Sts. FOR SALE 40 acres Improved land which contains enormous clay deposit; awarded di ploma; big fortune for any brick plant- ft acres will be planted in orchard in Spring four acres In Fall. 7 acres in chicken fence water, house, barn; two miles from Lyle W ash. ; price $5000. Paolo Bettinl, Lyle. Sash. SO ACRES, near city, situate only 8 miles south of heart of city and 1 mile east of Oregon City carllns; land contains best of soil. Is all level, has nice spring and an ideal location for a vegetable farmer; fine vegetable ranch right alongside; only $300 per acre if sold now. C. F. Pfluger & Co., rooms 46 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts APPLEDALE FARMS. One five, one ten aad one 20-acre farm for sale In this beautiful location; 22 trains end two boats dally; walk to electric line- land has fine water and air drainage, and Is ideal both for fruit and for berries or gar den; 14 miles from Portland; easy terms. G. M. M'BRIDE, 250 Stark a. DANDY dairy or stock ranch, close to Cor vallis; has 3 houses, 8 barn, all fenced with hog-tight fence: there are 1550 acres In this place, and fine soil, lots of saw timber and wood, enough to pay for place. Will sell for $40 per acre or trade for Portland income property. Lincoln Invt. Co.. 313 Henry Bldg. 30 ACRES 4 miles from Vancouver, on main road.. 1 mile Trom boatlanding and -North Bank depot; all level, 6 acres wood, 12 acres prunes, the balance in meadow; liouse and prune drier; owner will sell at a bargain; tor cash, or part cash and rent able city property. Write for particulars and terms, stating what you have 31 E 18th st Portland. Phone B 2021. " FRUIT LAND. 00 acres rich land in Yamhill County, close to good town, one-half cleared and balance has timber enough to pay for it when cleared; fair buildings and for $37.50 an acre Is a bargain. Will give very easy terms. ALLISON-WOOD CO., Suite 417 Board of Trade Bldg. 40-ACRK COMPLETE FARM. 12 acres cultivated; on good, road and creek, near town, railroad: make nice home or chicken ranch ; half million feet good timber; good bouse and barn for 8 head stock; $1500; will take half cash and half trade; like finding .it. Owner, AB 697 Or-gonJa-n. 10 ACRES finest garden land. 6 acres best beaverdam, high state of cultivation ; can all be Irrigated by natural flow of water; good buildings. 8 miles from Portland, at electric line station; a snap at $4500. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. CHEAP LITTLE FARM. 11 acres, rich black soli; ft acres In or chard, close to good school; fair build ings and price only $1750 to sell at once. ALLISON-WOOD CO., Suite 417 Board of Trade Bids. E XCELLE NT FARM FO R S ALE. 820 acres of rich bottom land near Van couver, Wash., plenty water and all Im provements, at sacrifice If taken this week; terms. Addrass owner, V 599, Oregonlan. THE K. AND L. OF S. will give their BOO and dance Monday evening, December 18. I. O. O. F. Temple, corner First and Alder, at S:S0 P. M. Good prizes and re freshments. HOYE & HOPKINS, SALEM, OR. Largest Ust of valley farms In the state. FREE RIGS ALWAYS ON HAND. BEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying ; lands shown free. Olmstead Land. Co., Salem. Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale FIVE MILLION FEET FIR. 24 MILLION FEET HARD WOOD ; 203 ACRES WIL LAMETTE VAL LEY LAND. $3000. This 203 - acre timber proposition contains 40 or 50 acres of farm land when the timber Is cut off. The timber - alone Is worth more than the price asked for it- The tract lies within sight of a fine town In the Wil lamette Valley, 4000 population, and within 1 miles of the Southern Pa cific R. R. station. For a wood prop osition It lies just right with -a down . grade to the rail road and the river. There are about 15 acres cleared, a small house and barn and about 150 . acres under fence. Here is a chance to make $200O on an in vestmen t of $3000. 240 ACRES FIRST-CLASS FA RM LAND. $10 AN ACRE WTTHIN 24 MILES OF PORTLAND. This Is the finest of bench land, lies just right for fruit, grain or general farming purposes. It is a good, deep rich soil with less than 3 acres of gravel land on the whole 240 acres. It Is watered wtth several fine trout streams, lies on a county road. Part of the land has been seed ed to clover affording the finest of pasture. This with the unlimited outrange would make it a dairying layout which should com mand your attention. This Is the only tract of rich, deep soil of which we know within 24 miles of Portland that can be had for $10 an acre. If you buy now you will double your money -several times over on this property within the next three years. This place is not on top of a mountain or clear out of the country where no one can live, but is connected with a good valley. We nave no hesitation anteeing this place Xto even better than described. Only $2490. 238-ACRE FARM RIGHT ON ELECTRIC LINE, SUITABLE FOR CUTTING UP, CAN BE HANDLED ON $6000. 130 acres of this fine farm are under cultivation, having - been farmed by practical farmers and kept in A-l condition. There Jls not a foot of waste lands on the place. The balance Is timber 'pas ture land, which contains some good saw timber. It stretches for more than a half mile along the electric line. A county road paral lels the electrlo line for the other boundary and a fine stream runs through the place midway between the railroad and county road. It has a fair 8-room house, good big bam, fine granary, four fine work horses, 2 colts, 8 cows, ft brood sows, 14 shoats, etc., 100 chickens, 2 good wagons, 1 buggy, 1 set slngl.e harness, 2 sets double harness, mower, binder, cultivator, rake, 8 plows, 2 harrows and all small tools. There' is a fine, large double hophouse on the place. 23 tons of hay go witkw it. 1000 bu. wheat and oats Included. The land has Just enough slope for drainage. It is fenced and cross-fenced. There is a strong demand for 10 and 20-acre tracts on the car line. This is the most suitable place for cutting into such tracts that has come to our a ttentlon. Price, $20,000; $6000 down. RALPH ACKLEY. 605 Corbett Building. "ATTENTION. BUY KR AND HOME SEEKER." We have re llab le an d acenrat e In forma tion on all Oregon and Washington lands; thousands of fine bargains in every coun try; mines, timber claims and homesteads. No fee. no commission. OREGON .LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, 604-606-608 Board of Trade Bldg-. Portland, Or. 814 acre s : 1 50 acres In c u It I vat ion. bal -ance pasture; good 8-room farm house, large bam, $800 fruit-dryer; water pipes in all buildings; 1ft acres bearing orchard; 4 miles from town, on S. P. R. R., good roads. Ad dress HemenwaV & Lockwood. Cottage Grove. Details at the OREGON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, 604-606-608 Board of Trade bldg. We sell orchards, planted and cared for to bearing period, on small payments Ad dress Grant & Staples, Ashland Or., or OREGON LANDS INFORMATION BU REAU, Board of Trade bldg. 165 acres good fruit aad hay land; 500 young trees, water right; will trade for good home in, Portland. Details at OREGON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, 606 . Board of Trade bldg. Dairy farm, 14 miles from Portland, at a bargain. The home of the world's prize-winning ap ples; 160 acres, cleared, 15 acres in al- falfa, 35 acres just set out to fruit; all free soil; 8-room house, good outbuildings, 2 miles from one town and 6 miles from Central Point; mile from school : price $12,Ooo, down. Address W. B. Whiteside. Cen tral Point. Details at the OREGON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, 606 Board of Trade. 280 acres under cultivation, 60 acres wood ed pasture; living water, good improve ments; 1 miles from town; $50 per acre. Address Corbin & Young, Junction City Or. Details at OREGON LANDS INFORMA TION BUREAU, 606 Board of Trade bldg. A fully-eqnippped dairy ranch at a snap; 300 acres; no waste land ; fair buildings, cows, horses and hay, grain and Implements galore, all Included at $50 per acre. Too large ? How would a fine 140 acres suit you? Good land, good buildings, right at town, at $16,000. Still too large? We have a fine 20-acre home, good buildings, close to Albany, for $4000. We have others, large and siub.11. For complete description, location and terms, address the Linn-Ren -ton Real Estate Co., Albany. Or., or ORE GON LANDS INFORMATION" BUREAU, 606-606-004 Board of Trade bldg. FARMS THAT ARB CHEAP. 68 acres fronting on the Willamette River, all fine bottom land; best of peach land ; 30 acres cleared, lO acres planted to peaches, 1 and 2 years old, balance light timber and. brush; price $60 per acre. 12 acres. mile from Dilley Statton. on the Southern Pacific Railway; good school and churches all level land ; 2 or 3 acres in fruit and berries; new 5-room house and ood big barn; price only $250O. Also 12 acres 4 mile further out. nearly all cleared and In cultivation; splendid gar den land, good- 4-room house end splendid well; good big barn. Price $1800, If taken at once. Inquire of THJS DUNN-LA WHENCE CO.. 243 Alder St. SACRIFICE IN APPLE LANDS. Owner must have money at once for 120 acres of valuable apple land, near White Salmon, exactly same soitfand con ditions of Hood River; White Salmon River runs through land ; 2-room house and 8 acres cleared; all land can be easily Irrigated : R. R. surveyed through, county road adjoins: must have $55 per acne. cash; adjoining land positively sold for $125 per acre. Call 516 Ablngton bldg. WE HAVE , 1, 2. ft, 10 and 20-acre tracts, only 10 miles out, 40 minutes ride from Fourth and Stark sts., some with improve ments, either buildings or orchards, and all of the very best of soil. These we are now selling at from $ LOO to $300 per acre and payable in Installments to suit your convenience. V THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 Stark St. 80 ACRES. 5 -room house.' barn and build ings, 4 springs, orchard, apples, grapes, peaches, English walnuts; adjoining land $100 per acre; price $55 pur acre; easy terms; a bargain; see it. J. J. RE ID LAND CO.. 340 Chamber of Commerce. FOR K A1E 400 acres good stock and or chard land, 9 miles from Lebanon, Or. ; finest soil you ever saw; right in the garden spot of the "West; price $30 per acre. . Address Geo. Moray, Lebanon, Or. .Details at the Oregon Lands Information Bureau, OO6 Board of Trade. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY farm of ISO acre?, four miles from Ashland, li0 acres in crop, nearly all can be cultivated, all fenced, email house and barn, a splendid proposition for fruit. $65 per acre. cash. MOKSMAN & M'NAIR. 408 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE A good Sherman County wheat farm at a bsxsain; r- Areata, R 687. Oregon! RiEAX E8TATE. For Sale -Farms. OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARMS. $400O 40 acres, 2V4 miles from R. R. station and boatlatidlng. In Clark County, 19 miles from Portland; 22 acres in fine state of cultivation, several acres more very easily cleared, all level, on main county road, near school, fine location, level, gravel road to Portland, 2 acres bearing orchard. 5 acres timber, new 4 room house, fair barn, team, new wagon, harness, all farm Implements, 2 cows, 75 chickens. 20 tons of hay. some grain, 3 acres spuds ; all crops, good soil ; this is a snap. $5000 SO acres, 1 mile from good town, on the Columbia River, all fenced and best of soil, 50 acres in fine etate of cultivation, free from stumps, family orchard, 2-story 6-room rustic house, bath, water piped Into house and barn, fine chicken park, good team, years old; 17 head cattle, 7 pigs, poultry, etc.. wagon, harness and all kinds of farm implements and machinery; terms. 153 acres, 4 miles from Washougal, Clark County. 1 00 acres in fine state of cultivation. 2.000.OOO feet of good saw timber, near sawmill ; 5 acres bearing orchard, mostly apples; small creek, 'i good springs, water in house, new 7-room rustic house, 3 large -barns, one new; this land is nearly all level, very best of black soil, no rock or gravel, on main county road, R. F. D. and telephone, near school and- church, fine location: personal prop erty. 6 cows, Ii goats. 4 dozen chickens. 15 tons hay, 20O bushels oats, 25 bushels wneat, 2 wagons, one new hay press, new hack, mower, rake, disc, all farm imple ments: price, including all personal prop erty, $90 per acre; terms $3000 cash, bal ance ft years at 6 per cent. This is one of the best buys In Clark County. Guaran teed, as advertised. J 2 OO IS acres. 16 miles from Portland, one-quarter mile from good town on S- P., in fine state of cultivation, balance very easily cleared ; S -acre orchard, mostly apples; 4-room house, good barn, chicken house and park, good well at door, land all level, all fenced and cross-fenced, very best of soli, fine location; a snap. $250O 40 acres, 2 miles from good town on Northern Pacific, 1 mile from boatlanding, mile from school; 25 acres , In alder fiat, balance slightly rolling; 15 acres clear. 18 acres slashed and burnt; 4-room house andyood bam, 2- chlcken housea and partes; family orchard, all kinds small berries, farm Implements, "4 acre potatoes in ground; root house ajid all outbuildings; good welt and pump; this ia a snap; Investigate before buying. TERMS OR CASH. J. H. SHIELDS, 205 Gerllnger Bldg., Cor. 2d and Alder. Office. Main S430, residence. Wood lawn. U169. Portland. ONE OF THE CHOICEST FARMS IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 78 acres. 45 acres under cultivation (upland), and 33 acres of river bottom land, 7 or 8 acres of which are under cultivation, balance In good ash and maple trees; finest kind of vegetable land ; also A-l fruit land; there are about 200 peach trees set out, one-half of which are bear ing this season, 8-room house, barn 40x 44. good team of horses; new mower, rake, disc plow, wagon, harrow, large cream separator and 6 good milch cows. This Is a splendid place for a truck or dairy ranch, only 3 miles from the county seat. Price $7000: $2500 cash, balance easy terms; wouW consider trade for vacant city property to the value of about $1000. OTTO & HARKSON, 133 First St. 820-ACRE RACH FOR SALE. X have for sale 320 acres of fine farm ing land, 270 of which are cleared and in cultivation, without a stump or store; this land lies In the famous Roguo River dis trict and there isn't a better buy In the State of Oregon; good barns, outbuildings, fine young orchard, farming Implements, cattle, horses and 125 head of hogs all go at $40 per acre, and $400 0 wlU handle. C. E. STONE, Room 425 Chamber of Comro-eroe, Portland. FINE FARM. 280-acre farm, 18 miles from Portland, within mile of railway and river; 160 . acres In cultivation, balance in pasture and timber; good house, fine barn. lOox 150-foot family orchard ; live water; 28 head fine Jersey cows, 2oo chickens, 5 fine horses, 1000 bu. wheat, 1000 bu. oats, 3 700 sacks of potatoes, 1O0 tons hay, all farm implements and tools; school across road. Personal property worth $3000 thrown In at $98 per acre. Terms G. M. McBRIDE, 250 Stark St. $5 PER ACRE Great wheat country, 100 acre farms in the rich delta of the Sonora River, near American line, in Mexico, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most excellent climate, deep garden soil, corn, wheat, cotton, beans. alfalfa, dates, oranges, lemons; all vegetable products; good market; 150,000 acres now opened to American farmers: first 10.000 acres at $5 per acre, half cash; this is really $loo land. See or write us immediately. C. M. Wooster Company, 702 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. 3600-ACRE wheat ranch, Klickitat County; part now seeded to Fall wheat; the best buy In wheat land on the Coast today; will take Portland property in trade or will sell on easy terms. 1600-aci-e wheat ranch . GUI lam Coun t y ; ftOO acres now in Fall wheat: all stock and Implements; $42,000; will take $10,000 In Portland property in, trade, balance on good terms. SULLIVAN & CATHER, 421-422 Henry Bldg. FARM for sale, 1S9 acres 9 miles from The Dalles. 80 acres in cultl vation, 11 acres in grass. 9 acres of orchard, 12-room house, large bam and sheds, water for Irrigating SO acres. $45 per svere, good terms on one-half the price. 20 acres, 6 miles from The Dalles, planted to apples, cared for and taxes paid three years from next Spring, $150 per acre, $1XM cash, balance easy terms. MOSSMAN & M'NAIR. 408 Commercial Club Bldg. -"s FINE FARM. 162 acres, 1H0 In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; buildings not very good, but the soil is very rich and black, located in good district, close to good valley town; price $9500; terms. ADLISON-WOOD CO., Suite 417 Board of Trade Bldg. TEXAS FRUIT LANDS. A small fruit and garden tract will make you a tremendous annual income; Illustrated literature on the great Gulf Coast country sen t free on r eq ue st ; w rite for on r p I an , how to secure a farm home for f2.50 down and $2.50 per month. Security Land Co., 942 Ridge bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. 8 ACRES FOR SALE. Most In cultivation, mile east of Hillsboro; price $2350; no agents. Ad dress. Owner, Route 4, Box 32, Hillsboro Or. 57 ACRES. A good platting - proposition; will be on new electric line; only 4 miles from city limits; atl clear; no hills; terms. HENKLE & HARRISON. 511 Gerllnger Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, 120 acres In Yam hill County, 80 acres cleared, oak grove. 3 fine springs, deep loamy soli, finest fruit land; modem bungalow, porcelain bath tub and sink ; water piped to house; all stock and Implements; telephone; $6000. Phone East 520. $SOO. $HOO $800 FARM $H 0O. $800. $800. 40 acres, houee, barn ; 12 ares in crop; on road and stream, 4 miles to good town and railroad : make swell chicken ranch ; SOO.OOO feet of timber, fenced. Owner, P. O. box 317. Portland. on ACRES of land short distance from Portland; nothing bettor In land or price on the market, from $50 to J75 per acre; terms. Deal with the owner direct. Room 619 Board of Trade bldg. 900 ACRES, near Portland, cultivated, all or any part of it, $50 to $75 per acre; good ,for fruit oj- any kind of farming; terms; you deal with the owner. Room 19 Board of Trade bldg. HOOD RIVER. $50 per acre, 220 acres near M osier, fine platting proposition ; snap for quicrf sale; $40O0 will handle. Howard Land Co., 619 Swetland bldg. WE are located in new and growing district. Great opportunities hero for land and town investments. Northern Investment Co., Williston, N. Dak. IMPROVED 400-acre farm near Souris, in famous Mouse River Valley. North Dak., for sale or trade. Northern Investment Co., -Williston. N. Dak. 3-0-ACRE farm, improved, team, harness. Im plements, cow; tako one-third cash or trade; time on balance. 232 Worcester bldg. WANTED. Farms, large and small and suburban homes; Improved and unimproved. O. W". P. Land Co.. 1st and Alder. FINE stock ranch : over 600 acres; flowing water; would take city property in part payment; owners only. Phono Wood lawn S58. OUR SUPPLY Of farms both large and small is run ning short. What have you? O. W. P. Iand Co., 1st and Alder. 22 ACRES, all cleared. 9-room house, good barn, 2 miles from Newbergx $4'f0. AH 595, .Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. $1600 4.000,000 feet timber, yellow - pine, with I60 acres splendid fruit land, in Southern Oregon, near Klamath Falls; any investor can quadruple his money within a year on sale of timber, leaving land for orchard culture. $3000 cash, balance long time, will buy a lovely fruit farm 20 miles from Port land, on railroad: improvements are worth $3000, b-asldes the land with bearing or chard would be a bargain at $6000;- all for $5000. $300 0 12 acres, cleaned orchard land. $2000 10 acres cleared orchard land. 82000 20 acres partly cleared land. $5000 10 acres with new house -and barn. $4500 30 acres cleared apple land All above tracts near. Portland. $2500 30 acres In Clark County. Wash ington. $5000 40 acnes, fine farm, ditto. ' $8500 80 acres, dairy farm, ditto. $5000 80 acres, dairy farm, ditto. Also a large list of fruit farms in Hood River Valley, Oregon. Several tracts of choice apple land, dairy and chicken ranches for sale. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT COMPANY, 3d Floor Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. 80 ACRES fronting on Columbia River, buildings, and all ready to move Ixlc forced sale, $3000 see It. J. J. REID LAND CO., 340 Chamber of Commerce). FOB BALE TTMRFTR LAATDcV 6.OOO.-O00 feet of yellow fir In Yamhfil County. 10,000.000 feet yellow fir, near R, JL asd Columbia River. 10,000.000 feet yellow fir. on Trask River lu Tillamook County. 4.OO0.0OO feet yellow fir on Wilson Creak. In Tillamook County. feet yellow fir on Lewis and Clark River. The above timber fee a bargain tt closed Immediately. NIMMO, RUNEY & DAVIS, yl3 Hamilton Bldg. OVER 12.000,000 feet of large Port Orford cedar and yellow fir; several million feet of small timber not -counted; price, $780O; terms given. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y & CO., Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle, 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, FOR SALE 20 million feet timber on the Nehalem, Tillamsbk County. Oregon, close to R. It. and tidewater; no promoters want ed. AF 595, Oregonlan. ABOUT 3000 acres near tidewater and mill . cruising 6O.O0O per acre; large per cent Port Orford cedar. Price $80 per acre. Zimmerman 621 Board of Trade. OVER 45.00O.000 feet fine Santiam timber, tributary to river and R. R. ; price, $29,090. ZIMMERMAN", C21 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS and homesteads located and guaranteed; location Southern Oregon. For particulars call at room 004 Board of Trade bldg. Call from 2 to 4 P. M. WILL sell 160-acre timber claim. Jackson County, at Assessors' valuation, $1600; ad Joining claims held at $2500. AE u9S, Ore gonlan. SOME attractive buys fn large and small tracts yellow fir., yellow sugar pine. If In the market call on E. Bloom 4b Co., 409 Couch bldg. - . WE are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher, 631-632 Lumber Exchange bldg. 160 ACRES timber land, near Nehalem. Clatsop County. Oregon, cruising 4.04)0. 000. 341 Russell. $11,000 takes sawmill and 8,000.000 feet tim ber on railroad. 416 Henry bldg. TIMBER and homestead relinquishments. $27 Worcester block. FOR, RENT FARMS. FOR SALE OR TRADHL Fine 60-acre tract, near Gresham. all In cultivation, good house and barn, orchard; a real snap; $2oO per acre. If trade, must be good city property. Fine 20-acre tract, well located, at Gresh am; fine house and barn, good orchard. A real snap. $10,000. Fine 1 5-acre tract. Bear Reedvllle, all In cultivation; must be sold; $250 per acre; $250 cash. Fine . 2 good houses. East Taylor st. ; $0500; a good buy. CHARLESON & CO., 411 Commercial bldg. TO RENT SO aores. all fenced, 40 . acres In high state of cultivation, 40 In pasture; good house and bam; apple, pear and pruse trees; 6 miles from town, one mile from electriq line survey; rent $22ft cash. Brown, 411 Couch bldg. TO RENT 36 acres, In cultivation, 4 miles from Gaston, Or., good 8-room house, barn, chicken-house, brooder, lncobator, etc.. lots of fruit. MOSSMAN A M'NAIR, 40S Commercial Club Bldg. AM IN market for 200 -acre dairy farm, some upland, to $14,000. Have money. Got 50 head cattle to put on. Give full description of buildings, etc L 595, Ore gonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. RELINQUISHMENTS wanted. We pay cash for timber and homesteads. What have you? We are In a position to sell your farm. We have farms and city property for sale and trade. Give full particulars in your first letter. NIMMO, RUNEY A DAVIS, Room 13 Hamilton Bldg., Portland. Or. TIMBER land in Jackson County. Give lo cation and price first letter. K 587, Ore gonlan. I AM buying from owners, timber claims In Klamath, Crook and Wheeler Counties; . give description. AN 587, Oregonlan. IN WHEELER, Crook and other counties. Murdoch A Young, 411 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. MoCracken. 304 McKay bldg. FARMS WANTED. WE HAVE parties looking for Improved farms in the Willamette Valley ; send description, quote price and terms. THE SOUTH ER-ALBERTSON CO., 286 Oak St.. Portland. Oregon. BLOCK of warehouse property, owner will exchange for a well improved farm. M. E. Lee, room 411, Corbett-bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED for cah. rmall acreage or .lots, small cottages, good renters; inuM be snap; all information first letter. AE 5S7, Ore gonlan. 6-ROOM house, or lot to build on, in good location for cash ; give price and loca tion. E 689. Oregonlan. I WANT to buy a modern 5 or 6-room hnme on the easiest terms possible. What have you? AE 585, Oregon tan. WANTED Today, full lot. between East Ankeny. Hawthorne. 20th and 12th sts. Give location and price. H 589, Oregonlan. FRACTIONAL lot or modern house, walk ing distance. If cheap for cash ; owners only. Write M., 026 Ktrby street. I WANT to buy a good property cheap, on Union ave.. of owner. What have you? AK 585, Oregonlan. WANTED Modern bungalow. West Side. $;VmX to $4000; owner only. 3H Henry bldg. WANTED Small farm of 20 or more acres near Portland, on terms. Howard Laud Co.. 519 Swetland bldg. MORTGAGES or real estate in Nebraska or Omaha. F. D. Wead. Omaha, temporarily Seward Hotel. I WANT lot between E. Stark and Holi day ave., west of 3 2d, at once. AH ftSS. Oregon i an.