6 TJIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 12, 1909. NEW TODAY. PICK OUT A HOME $1600 $2000 $2000 i;S2100 $2150 : $2400 $2500 '$2500 $2600 $2800 :-$3000 "$30C0 $3200 $3250 $3850 54000 " $4750 "$5000 $5250 10Vxl, with 2-room house, cor ner lfcth and Sumner; part cash, balanoe monthly. 1O0xl 3-room house, corner 1st and Terwilliger, South Portland; part cash. Good 6-room house on Grover St.: $600 cash. $25 per month, fi-room house, corner ' lot, on W'hlttuker St.: $iX cash, bal ance at $16 per month. Nice 5-room cottage, on B. 3nth, near Belmont; IO cash, $20 per month. New bunffalow. 5 rooms, full lot. loth and Alberta sts. : good terms. New bungalow, with latest Im provements, on 1st st.: terniB. Good 2-story, 6-room house, on i'orbett, near Glbbs: $500 cash, $30 per month. New 5-room bungalow, modern. K. 10th. near Alberta; full lot: $1000 cash. $15 per month. Nice modern 6-room. 2-story house, corner lot, at Anabel; part cash. $25 per month. Brand new Califprnia bunga low. E. 19th. near Alberta; $500 caoh, $30 per montli. S-room house, lot 50x90, E. An keny St.; near 23d.; vrt cash, balanc monthly. 10-room bOHrrting-house, com pletely furnished, with piano; on Corbett st.: terms. A snap. New bungalow, E. Yamhill St., near 32d. ; part cash. $20 per month. Good 8-room house, on 1st St., near Meade: easy terms. Modem 6-room house, complete ly furnished, new; on Corbett St.; swell home. Swell modern "-room house, in Piedmont. corner lot 60x100; part cash. 10-room house lot WlxlOO, on Cor bett et., near Gaines. Modern, up-to-date bungalow, 6 rooms, on Tillamook St.. Roflu City Park; $2250 cash, balance to suit. Swell modern 7-rnom house. SOx 100 lot. K. Madison, near 21st.; $3vio cash, balance terms. A $6500 LOT BARGAINS $ 550 $ 700 $ 750 $ 800 $1200 $1600 $2350 50x100. Orchard Place, half cash, balance terms. 50x100. on Virginia st.. Southern Portland: easy terms. 60x100. E. S3d st..' near Clinton; easy terms; snap. 60x100, block and one-half south of Hawthorne ave.; $20 cash and $20 per. month. 100x100. corner Uth and Karl sts.; $300 cash. $20 per month. 05x100. corner on Alberta St.; bargain. 134x210, block on Stanton and Sandy road; beautiful building spot. Grussi & Zadow $17 Boaj-d of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY plose-in. exclusive residence district. .All improvements made and paid for. I ASPHALT STREETS. Within a few months the new Madison-street bridge will be , finished, Hawthorne avenue will be completed nnd the now earline on East Harrison street; through the center of the addi ction, will be built. Do tou realize what this means t LOTS $1900 and Up I.-, NEAR HAWTHORNE AVENUE ; $190 CASH $19 A MONTH 6 INTEREST Warranty deeds. F.W.TORGLER 306 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. '605 Concord Bldg. Also Agents on Ground. 30 ACRES RIPE FOR PLATTING Beautiful level trect adjoining: Conn try C.lub. Thl affords a Jurticlons In vent n r an opportunity to treble his fnovjey. Positively the bet and lowt i priced, close-1 n acreage .In city. An ad 'dltlonal 10-aere piece adjoining; can be optioned at same price, making; a fine tract of 1300 feet eqtinre on Harr road. Just a little east of l.aurelfcurat, where lots cost as much as aereaiee. Present price quoted for short time only, so that ulck action la accessary- Liberal terms. TOSEPHH. JOHNSTON O RtAitSTATEl ElIOlNSURANCE B2-3 1-afayette Bldgr.. 'Wnshlngrton lth. $1450 Cash v- Takes a modern home in Sunnyslde of seven rooms: modern In every way; -near car and not too far out. Three : ' bedroomn, bath, gras and electric flx tures; full cement basement, cement sidewalk and curbs: cement walks around house: irood neighborhood. Call ' and sea this before you are too late. - Rand, Read & Co. R1 Board of Trade Bulldlnir. " Tenth Street Lot near Washington. Price for a few ays, 32,000. Russell & Blyth CommoivvTea-tU Bull dim. Free 42.2 Acres At Orenco, on Oregon Electric, 12 miles out; will cut 75 cords or more per acre; wood pays for land; adjoining: stump land sells. for $150 per acre. If vou want a pna here it Is for one week, $130.00. Must have money. C. HEX ANTIF.R, Forest Grove, Or. Fine 1 5-room modern home, West Side, $25,000. 621 Boaxd of Tirade Bldg. $4500 60x100 . on Northrup- St., between 21st .and 22d sts. No restrictions. Excellent . .. location for flats. Geo. D. Schalk 294 Stvrlt St. EV TOOAT. $2200 A SNAP. Hotel, saloon and barber shop, Van couver, Wash. J. Genteman, Hotel Ten nessee, 4th and Madison sts. LOST If the party who topic luindbag from McAllen & McDonnell's Thursday does not send 4ack same, matter will be placed In hands of detectives; $5 reward, no questions asked. KKAX. EfrTATK PEAIJDBS. ArnlrtM, ti V. Jk Co. M. 8349. 30 Hamilton bids. Beck, William G . 312 FalHnr bldg. Btrr!l, A. H. Co., S02-8 McKay tldj. Real est&te. Insurance, mortgages, loao. ele. Brubak.r B.nedict. 04j2 McKay, bids. M. 649. t Cnapln Herlosr, S32 Cbamber Commerce Cook. B S. 4 Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. fields. C. E. & Co., Board of Trad bide. Jennings Co.. Main 1SS. 206 Oregonlan. KIRK KIKKHAM. Lumber Ex.. 328 Stark. Parrl.n. Watklns & Co.. 230 Ald.r st. Svbalk. Geo. D.. 264 Stark St. Main or A oll2. Sharkey. J. p. & Co., 1224 Sixth st. The Oregon Heal Estate Co., Grand sts. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). Walker, a. T., 004 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Bale Lots. BT OWNER. 100x100 in Westmoreland. 60 feet from new earline, east front, choice location, 1800 below real value, must sell tht. week; easy terms, Phone Woodlawn S2. IP TOTT are looking for an Investment on Orand ave.. I have something that will ba of some Interest to you. TVELDON DARUNO. ' 18 Board of Trade. OVI.T 10IO Trvlngton. lot on 39th, 60x100; $.136 caah, bal. 6 per cent, for home or for investment; Jiiffh-rlass reeidenoe district. Jas. . Logan, 328 W. at., room 404, near 6th. ALBBRTA LOT. S5!15. Only X75 down and $10 per mo. and 80 f"et from car. on 25th St.; 40xlO0: 10-tt. alley. Owner. I.. W. Matthews. 27th and Alberta sts. Phone Woodlawn 2280. PORTLAND Here's agood buy; a full lot TRUST on East 22d, near Clinton st-. Co. only $750; this is close in. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. K. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IF you are looking for an investment on Grand ave.. I have something that will be of some Interest to you. WELDON DARLING. 818 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND West Side lot; TRUST on Ulisan St.. near 23d at.; Co. 33xlt0. Only $330. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. 'Third and Oak Sts. BAST SIDB PROPERTY. If you want to buy or sell East SIda property, see J. J. OEDER, Corner Grand Avenue and East Ankeny. APARTMENT SITE. 100x100. $17,000. some income, line loca tion, walking distance. West Side. " ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. $1150 Full lots, near Union ave., close in; a.sphalt streets, cement walks', beautiful parking, eewer, gas and water all in; one third cash, balance eay terms. MARTIN J. H1GLEY. 132 Third St. FOR SALE cheap, a few more beautiful building Jots; tine view, good location; Improvements paid for; terms. 3 per cent cah. 2 per cent monthly, no Interest, no taxee. Address K OSS. Oregonian. EX MAlalSON ST. Choice comer, nearly H block west of 25th St., fine for home or investment; away under prevailing prices, $30OO, part cash. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. IRVINGTON Hurry If you want this beau tiful building lot. Stanton and Siskiyou sts.; all street Improvements in; 3 feet above grade; $1100 If taken at once. Walker & Lewis. 422 A.blngton bldg. CHEAPEST AND BEST LOTS IN PORTLAND. Reservoir Park. Mt. Scott. 6c fare; $800. 110 down. Call 301 Henry bldg. A SNAP A flue lot on 24th. near Thurman St.; fine car ewrvice; size 50x100; a splendid location for Hate; for price and terms see O'Brien Realty Co., Abington bldg. SPLENDID IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Weil-balanced plan and deelgn. with every feature of a nrstvolas modern home. Ad drees owner, G- 597. Oregonlan. VERY desirable Portland Heights lot. on rarllne, splendid north and east view and only $1000. W. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVF1 a few good lots In Rose City Park, with improvements ail la and paid for. I will sU very cheap and on easy payments. W 688, Oregonian. LOT $300. 10 PER CENT CASH. Close to earline. north of Piedmont. OILMORE & HITTER, 226 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. I NEBD MONEY. And for a few dos wilt eacrinoe close-in vacant business corner, Enst Side. V 698, Oregonlan. ALAMEDA PARK, extra large corner lot. cl) improvements. Very desirable for res idence or Investment. A bargain. Wood lawn 2201. 1 DON'T PASS THIS. Will sell for $60O cash my $800 equity In fine corner lot. Address owner. J 5S2, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL building site. Irvlngton. 100x100; owner will sacrifice his equity; this Is a bar gain. Hartman & Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. INVESTIGATE. 82x100. close in; Central East Portland; fine location for apartments; price low. See owner. 309 Lumber Exchange. CHOICE . corner lot, seven minutes out; central; East Side; suitable for two houses; $2000. W. M. O'Neill. 229 11th st. LIST YOt'R property with North Pacific Realty Co., t05 Commercial block, 2d and Washington. Phone M. 6120 and A 6655. IP TOU own lot will build you a house oi terms. Eastman Co.. 203 Abington bldg. Main 323tt EQUITY in good lot in Elmhuret. $160. bal unce $16 month. Owner. 302 Swetland bldff. Main 34iO. FOR 8 A IE By owner, ne lot 50x100. for $rO0, on '27th t., near Frances ave., east front. Phone Kast 2354, C. "Manning. QQITTY BurllriKton business lot. or would tra4A for equity Irvlngton lot or high-grade Diano. u oregonian. SI250 BUYS fine block with natural growth trw; is high and alghtly. See owner, 4lO FaiUng bldg. $1500 Corner lot, 24th and Oregon streets, large barn 20 stalls; good income. 5iy Bwetland bldg. AOO DOWN. S10 rwr month, buys a modern cottage near Denver ave. Call 410 Falling bldg. FOR SAT..E By owner, two fine lots on boulevard, opposite Overlook, 100 feet from car. Terms. A ool. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 12 lota In Portsmouth Addition. $'950 each, easy terms. H, Oondon. 21t ti onry oiag. IRVINGTON" Choice building lot, east fac ing, $850 below value. Phone East 394. s&OOO Half block, close tn. stable site, owner. Fuhr, 3 ST 14 Kast Hurnslde. IRVINGTON low. $1100 to $1260; paved street. A. Backus, oiv lioara or xraae blag. LTfci in Swinton, 50c on- the dollar. Phone Main S849. FINE corner lot. near Alberta, small house. 1124 E. 28th st.. -V. $ 2 2 1) 0 BUYS 50x120 on Rodney ave., between Graham and Stanton, inquire 426 Shaver. GRESHAM, 3 lots, $450 each. 50x100. S 6S i . Oregonlan. J2. CASH. $5 monthly, fine lot in North Mt. Tabor; price $450. 61 W Swetland bldg. CI.TNTON st. lot 50x100, high anti sightly. 11000. Queen Inv. Co., 4lO Failing bldg. Willi's accept anything of value as part pas ment on a good lot. AK 59 7. Oregonian. CHOICE lot. Rospmere. $700, $20o ensh, bal ance $15 month. ;102 Swetland bldg. $2V .Txr 4xl2R, Mt. Soott car, terms. Phone i anor $700 Choice Mt. Tabor Phone Tabor 2Sft. lot. 40x150. Owner. IN Redlichten. 100x100, $800. Call 410 Fa IziM bids. THE OREGONIAN Has a Complete v "Want Ad" Telephone Service Anybody -who has a telephone can call np The Oregonian, Phones: Main 70 70, A 6095r And have their Classified. Advertisements printed as ordered. Bills for advertisements will be sent after publication. Phone Your "WANTS" Today and Every Day KATKS. Situations Wanted Male situations Wanted Female For Rent Rooms Private Families j Rooms and Board Private Families Housekeeping Rooms Pri vate Families 7c Per Line Each Ins rtion lxeptlons. Situations Wanted, Personal, Medical and Employment Agen cies advertisements not- accepted over the telephone. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. $lu3t PER ACRE. AND ON' ALBERTA STREET. Tou mean that? You bet 1 do. I'll sell you a fuil aero on Alberta street, right in the midnt of lots'- some of which sell as high as $1000; abstract furnished; terms cash ; If you want an acre here, this is the chance of a lifetims, but there are only a or 4 left, so "beat it." JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 7215 Chamber of Commerce. $11,500 Corner lot on 11th St., South, good for business or apartment; $1000 will handle. If you want something good, see this. J6O00 100x100. E. 7th and Irving, $150O cash. $4500 100x100, 25th, near Nicolal. $ot 100x100, in Irvlngton, $.J50 will handle; this is certainly good. THO8. M'CUSKER, 203 Couch Bldg. FULL LOTS, $30 cajh. bal. $270, $5 per montn. on Ait. sjcou canine, oc rare; re stricted district ; Buil Run water, graded lreels; this joins lots that are selling for $450 ear-h, and worth, every cent of it. THEY ARE GOING FAST. Come In and make your selection "BHJ FORB YOn ARE TOO LATE!. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third t. GO LOOK, CLOSEwIN CORNER East tiaimon and East 18th, pared street, cement walk. Must have money for East- ern Oregon. Intended to build fine, close-in bungalow; lot is narrow but 117 feet long; walking distance or- 5 minutes' ride on new Madison street bridge. Call Monday, 516 Abington Bldg. WANTED A man to bu 3 lots, build 4 bungalows on them and pocket a profit of $3000. We have the lots to aell you and the price Is so low that It is a snap. We will expect to sail the bungalows Tor you. CHAPTN & HERIjOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HALF BLOCK 300x200. Including two corners on Ttn?rt St., 2 blocks from car; thin property is six feet above the street. Is level and has a magnificent view ; an ideal residence site ; price $7500. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS VIEW CORNER. A quarter block, with large trees, splen did view, within 3 blocks of Washington t. ; It Is surrounded by fine residences and is the only property in the vicinity for aale; price $12,500. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. APARTMENT OR HOTEL SITE 1 00x100. close In, near Washington St., situate in center of best residence and family hotel district: 2 good houses on the property bring in $75 per month; prios $20,000. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. BIG LOT, LITTLE MONEY. T4xl00. prominent corner, above grade, Knott St.. Jrvington, $1000 plus improve ments; thts Is the- best that beautiful Irvlngton affords for the money. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 82-3 Lafayetts Bldg.. Washington and 6th Sts. ' GOODWOOD. IS minutes' ride on Sellwood line;' best buy In city at the price; lots $650 and up; 10 per cent down, 2 per cent monthly; take Sellwood car to Caywood st. ; agent on ground Sunday 2 to 4, or Equity In vestment Co., o0 H Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE- One of the best-located lots m A tameda Park, on Alameda drive, facing -ity. Hard-surface street, cement curb and sidewalk, sewer, water and gas mains, building restrictions, all included In price of lot. Price will advance first of year. Phone East 4850. 60 E. 81st N. PORTLAND Lot of ground for little money; 92x230 that's some TRUST lot. Price only $1250; terms easy; location Woodstock. CO. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 6-ROOM new, strictly modern bungalow space in attic for 2 m o7i.rge room?) , with big corner lot; elevafT right; one block from Belmont st., Sunnyslde; $4000, $1400 rash, or good city property In exchange, balance term?, CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE LOT 50x100, on paved street; within three blocks of car; well above grade; the best lot In Irvlngton for the money; price $1200. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. , 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SAX,I3 The prettiest quarter block on the East Side (faring east) high and slghftly. next to a $30,000 residence; after January 1 It willoost $1000 more than w can sell today. STAVB A SAWTELL. Corner Slid and Belmont Sts. SUNSET PARK ADDITION Cornier, 60x114, at East 67th and Bum side sts., within 6 blocks of two carllnes; price $650. H. P. PALMER JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. IR VI NGTON, a nne 50xlOO lot within, walking distance. All improvements in and' paid for. Nie elevation, arc light in front of lot. -.Near Thompson and East 10th. Only $156o, one-third cash. C. F. Pfluger & Co.. rooms 4-6 Mulkey -bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. BAY-OCEAN LOT. Will sell a choice lot in block 1 of this, the coming beach resort of Portland, very cheap ; $&0O cash, balance $6 a month. 605 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227, Main 1963. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS View lot, 60x112, surrounded by fine hoiiHva; all improvements in; one block from car: price $2fi.TO. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-21S Commercial Club Bldg. IT costs too much money to advertise all the bargains In propertj-; come In and In vestigate my list and save money. JOSEPH II. JOHNSTON. ,"2-3 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and 6th fcHs. SPLENDID new 4-room bungalow, full lot, near KllHngsworth ave: basement, bath, toi let, fireplace; 24'X, f700 cajta, balance easy. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. All Oiber Claaaif Icntlons. One T!m 12c per line Two Times 22c per line Three Times SOc per line Seven Times 56c per line Six woj-W ave ra ere a line, but on all charge ads the actual num ber of lines will be charged-re-gardless of the number of words. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale Lots. PEOPLE ARE RUSHING INTO THE DALLES, OREGON. We have only a few lots left. The two new railroads building up the Deschutes are creating a world of "busi ness prosperity for The Dalles. Not only Is The Dalles a base of opera tions for the construction of the new Hill and. Harriman lines, but before this work . is completed, the Hill 'bridge across the Columbia River and probably work on the Gpvernment locks will be under way. -All thla ins urea a big future for1 this city. As & supply center for Central Ore gon It is bound to grow large and. pros perous. Think of the big stretch of ter ritory behind It Just bein opened up. Furthermore, the Milwaukie road Is threatening to cross the Columbia River here and enter Portland, from the south bank. A The Dalles is the natural base of opera tions for all of this work, a source of sup plies for all this newly -developed territory. It has a big future. Don't you think so? Dalles lots are a good investment. They are bound to become higher-priced. We are offering these lota in settlement of an estate. Here is an opportunity for you. Come and. see us today. Th-ese lots will not re main long at present prices. $10 down, balance $10 per month. THE SOUTHER-ALB HRTSON CO.. 26 Oak Street, Portland, Or. 65x100 Irvlngton. near earline; beautiful lot ; price. $ 2000. 40x50 West Side. $2750. 60x100 Kings Heights, $6000. 50x100 Mississippi ave., business loca tion. $2500. 50x100 Minnesota ave., $900. 50x100 2 lots $lO0 each. 65x100 $2000. 9Oxl00 $2750. 60x100 $2600. ZIMMERMAN, G21 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE IN LOT $1750 Must have the cash, have mortgage for $50 at 6 per cent, balance . must be cash, 50x100. 1 block from. Broadway car, walking distance, only finest homes. You will never get a chance' to buy full lot for any such - price. Don't phone unless you have the money. EaM. or B -1804. PORTLAND Nice lots on Hawthorne ave. are getting scarce. When the TRUST new bridge is finished there will be a big advance. We CO. havo a fine lot near East 40th, 50x120. Price $1500. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E..'Cor. Third and Oak Sts. LOTS. LOTS. ' LOTS. $150 "buys lot. new addition on Oregon City earline, 25 minutes from business center, $3 or $5 per month; best soil on earth; Rood place to keep chickens and ccw. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., 326 H Washington St., Room 516. IRVINGTON-HOLLADAY DISTRICT. ' 100x100 cornor $2700. near Hancock, faces east; people who know values in thls district will know this won't last long at this price. R. F. BRYAN & CO.. 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227, Ma,in 1963. IRVINGTON. a beautiful U block cloe to Union ave.. on Thompson st, ; hard surface pavement on one side. Can be bought for only $4OO0 if taken at once. Tou can't Iomr on this as an investment, but its great future won't benefit you, unless you own It. C. F. Pfluger &. Co.. rooina 4-6 Mulkey bid., 2d and Morrioon sts. PIEDMONT LOT. $950. iHalf a block from AInsworth avenue, near the ocw $ 14.000 stone house, surround ing lots held at SHOO; little over a foot above the side walk ; cash wanted. Phone Sunday East 728; store phones, week days, B 1362, or East W2. PORTLAND Irvlngton tot; we have just one fine lot In the center of TRUST Irvlngton; It's on 18th, near Thompson st. CO. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, " S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. ALBERTA AND VERNON LOTS. The best buys In this section that's what we have and if you want to be con vinced of It, we'll show vou. JOHN B. M ATTHEWS, 722 Chamber of Commerce .-nd 27th and Alberta. a W. CORKER, 50x115. Kast Gllsan and - East 26th st.. established district, build ing restrictions; $700 cash, balance on terms. CHAPIN A HER LOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD INVESTMENT 132 feet, on Bryant and High streets 300 feet deep), and make eight 33-ft. lots; near St. John car: nlv $2700. terms. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32-8 Lafayette Bldg., Washington and 6th Sts. DO YOU WANT THTS BARGAIN T Waverleigh Heights lot worth $O0. will sell for $5.0, close to car and close in, near 27th st. Phone SOtlo. or A 7574. W. J. BAKER, 519 Board of Trade Bldg. ('HOICK BUILDING LOTS. $1500. 50x100, VSth, ber-. Thompson and J pi .v.'. -vi 11, uci . t-i razee 1 nnd Knott; $950,-50x100, Michigan, near Fremont. Ruf f-Klelnsorge Land Co.. 415 Board of Trade bldg. I MOUNT TABOR LOTS. Most sightly, handy to earline; west slope; Improved stroet; facing towards the city ; easy terms. HBXKLB & HARRISON, . 611 Gerlinger Bids. FEW 10-acre tracts $125 each: $15 down, $10 per month, without interest : also ft choice lots at Cannon Beach, Or. For particulars call 427 Worcester bldg. from 10-12 and 2-4. A FINE- quarter block on TO. 3d st. end Clackamas; one of the best locations on the Eoe't lde for flats or apurtmeuta. For price and terms call en O'Brien Realty Co.. Ab ington bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. NORTHROU ACRES, only 15 minutes' ride, G-cent carfare. West Side, no drawbridges to delay you and you do not Interfere with river transportation, which is mak ing Portland. Buy an acre in Northrop Acres now. It will make you Independent in a few years. Price only J1O00, terms within the reach of all. M. E- Lee, 411 . Corbott bldg. TWO FTXB BUTLOTXG LOTS. flOOO SOxlUO, East 7th st. 1150 50x100, East 8th st. ClcwB to rSer. jod neighborhood and walking" distance to . busineH center. FRBD C. KING. 506 Commercial Blk.. 2d and Wash. Bt. $100O ACRE, close in, on West Side, 5-ccnt fare, no drawbridges to delay you. only 1 3 minutes car ride; worth more money. M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. TWO GRAND VIEW CORNER LOTS In Irvlngton Heights; the highest point and best view 100x100 on the entire East Side; my equity for sale. Phone Sellwood 1283. $lftOO looxlOO. near Hawthorne avenue, in district of fine homes, half cash. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. For S.)e Houses. I MODERN CALIFORNIA "BUNGALOW. Brick B'ireplace. Porcelain Bath. $2.-00. No. 33j Located in University Park. cJoBe to fine car service and surrounded by homes ranging in price from $30O0 to $5000 ; there are five rooms with bath; the living-room is large with brick fire place and two built-in window seats, wood work stained mahogany: dining-room has beamed celling and plate 1 ail ; walls throughout are artistically tinted. We have inspected this home and pro nounce It a bargain, small payment down, balance to suit. THE SOUTH ER-ALBERTSON CO., 2 SO Oak St. Phones Main 6719, A 7374. NO FIRST PAYMENT. Just pay $30 a month (including interest) and I will turn over to you as pretty a 5-room cottage as you ever saw ; al 1 conveniences, double floors, cement -basement, big fireplace, bookcase set in; the lot is full sixe and It's two block from the M. V. ckr; $2:&0. See me today (Sunday A. N. Searle; take Monta vlUa car and get off at E. 76th st. (My office is on the corner.) MODERN" 8-room residence. HOM E All convenience s. MODERATE) Hardwood floors. PRICE Two hand?wnie fireplaces. Beet of locations; terms. Call for our illustrated tw free. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 212-213 Commercial Block. $3000 Six-room house on East :t2d st., near Morrison. This Is a comfortable home and an excellent buy. $2000 Six-room house with south front on Brooklyn at., near 25th ; full lot. ce ment sidewalk and retaining wall. A good, buy; terms to suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Just completed, 18th street, near Bra see, large living-room, fireplace, dining room, beamed and paneled, Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms on second floor, large closets with windows, basement, cement floor, furnace; $5500; terms. RUFF-KLEIN'SORGK LAND CO.. 418 Board of Trade. AM leaving city ; $2875, $500 cash, balance ' to suit, 6 rooms and hall, plastered, gas. sewer, cement walk, basement, graded street. 10 bearing fruit trees, strawberries, raspberrfc?s, rose bushes, lawn, vines, good barn, house faces east, large porch, good car service; near Highland School. Owner, A 594, Oregonian. RIVER VIEW. Manhattan Heights, situated at the bead! of Grand ave.. South, this is the only river view residence property in the city, grand unobstructed view of the river and city, building restriction; walking distance. W. H. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO., 233 Alder St. BLEU ANT 8-room modern Irvlngton home (10u8), full basement, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, large- grate furnace, garage; house, is too large for owners, therefore priced low; 1 block trom car; half cafh, bal. terms to suit. M. EL Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts. Phones A 3S2T, Main 6084. A GREAT BUY! Modern six-room house, finely built, best corner In Sunnyside, faces east, 2 blks. from earline ; way under value at $3000; $1800 will handle; must be sold In next few days. Call 210 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. $5oOO NEW Irvlngton home, street Improve ments ail paid, a very desirable 6-room bungalow, modern in every way. full base ment; cash $2000, bal. terms to suit. M. E. Thompson Co., or. 4th and Oak sts. Phones A 3327, Main 6084. See our llat of offer ings. WEST SIDE HOMES, CIjOSE IN. $5000- 50x100 corner, 10-room house. $6200 53x100. 2 nearly new live-room cot tages . FRBD C. KING. 506 Commercial Bbk.. 2d and Wash. Sts. CLOSK-TN HOUSE, S000. Between Richmond and Brooklyn cars and a nice little home: fine renting prop osition; see 'me at once. JOHN K. MATTHEWS. 722 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $.JOO down, bal, $25 monthly, nice 5 room modern bungalow, basement and attic; It's a good one, only 2 block to car; Im proved .streets; extremely low price if taken before owner moves In. Jas. CN Logan, 326H Wash. at., room 404. near 6th. BEAUTIFUL NEW IRVINGTON HOME. 9 rooms, large sleeping porch, plastered, panel walls, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, 2 toilets, built-in buffet, clothes and dust cHutes. elegant location, neat Irvlngton I'eanis Club; $7500.--AJ 587, Oregonian. HERE'S A HOME. rooms, lot 76x100, 2'i blocks to oar, only $2400; $600 cash, balance $15 a month. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 33-23 Lafayette Bldg., Wash, and 6th Sts. SELLWOOD. 6-room modern house, lot 50x100. 2 blocks frdm car. $150 down, $20 per month. Price $2350. W. H. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO., 233 Alder St. $3500 For a splendid new 8-room bunga low, every th Ing modern and f i rat-class, only t block from car. In a nice resi dence district. W. J. Smith, 438 Cham ber of Commerce. WKST SIDE HOME. 10-room house. West Side, all street Improvements In. full lot; SS0O0; easy terms. 'Howard Land Co., 519 Swetland bldg. ARBOR LODGE BARGAIN. 6-room modern hnuse, twa lots, fine river view ; price $250 ; terms. WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO., 6O6 Lumbermens Bldg. OOTTAGK AT IDEAL VIEW. New. modem and up-to-date, lot SoxlOO. Owner will make a bargain to any one who means business. Call 410 Falling Bldg. KIMBALL piano for Christmas or New Year's present for son or daughter; $250, half cash, or lew if all cash. CULVER. 623 Chamber . Commerce. HALF ACRE. Mt. Scott district: good soil, ho gravel; cleared and in garden; 5 carfare; $600. CULVER. 623 Chamber of Commerce. $10O0 ACRE, close in. on West Side. 5 -cent fare, no drawbridges to delay you, only 1 5 minutes' car ride; worth more money. M. ET. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. $5500 Good 8-room house, corner lot. West Sfde: might suit you. M. E. Iee, room 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 6-room house in Sunnyslde, new and modern-f price $:;200, easy terms. H. Gordon. 210. Henry bldg. FOR SALE ."-room cottage, new and mod ern. 1 block from car; price 5 2250, easy terms. II. Gordon, 210 Henry bldg. SAVE) money; plans and tpeolflcatiors fre If t may build your home on on1 of mv choice Mt. Tabor lots: terms. T 588. Oregonian. GOOD 5-room plastered house, fractional lot. East Side, not far out; $1000, terms. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce $14.500 Choice income property; one of the best buys on the West Side, worth $16,000. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. NEW MODERN 6-room house, corner Bos ton and Lyman sts.. near Ktllingsworth $2000. A snap. 83 5th St., room 3. COTTAGE- at Woodlawn. lot 50x100, with modern 5-room cottage, $lK."0. Queen Inv. Co.- 410 Failing bldg. SMALL house Jot. Kern Park, $600; terms. 826 Board of Trade bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, near Union ave.. strictly modern. $2550. AC 597. Oregonlan. ELEGANT home. Noh Hill, Jf rooms; owner. O 598, Oregonlan. REAL -liSTATE. For bale Houses. PORTLAND Price $C500. TRUST Location East Flanders St. CO. " We have a buy for you If this location and price suit: -room house, built 1907, fire place, gas. electric light ; this is a nieo home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 1 6-ROOM modern house. Bull Run water, lot lOOxUH), rruit trees. Mowers, etc.. nie neighborhood, near trolley. 25 minutes ride to postoffice, a cosy little home and a ?nap at $1SGO cash. No agents. Address owner, A 5b5, Oregonian. $150 DOWN, balance Just like rent; one of the bejwt California bungalows in town, double walls and f loons, concrete basement. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, built-in eat; bookca.e and buffet, ineide finish white enamel and niiwlon. plate rail, wails pnneled. electric lights, statlonarv tube, on the corner, faces) ea-"t; aoo fet from car In Rose City Park; all cement walks in and paid; don't let the weather etop your seeini; it. 1 Chance of a lifetime. Owner, room 4o4, 26'V Washington. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT TABOR. We have a fine home on &Mh and Bel mont: a grand view of the city, and In a fine neighborhood: fine lawn and frutt trees; 7 rooms, all modern and complete. $3O0, on easy payments; call and let us tell j'ou Hbout It. !' CHAPIN & HER LOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES, only 10 miles out and within 3 la miles of the station; this can be cleared for $40 per acre and is a beauti ful piece of land for fruit, nuts and vege tables; would make an ideal homesite. Come in and take this at $125 per acre, payable in easy installments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 Stark St. WILLAMRTTQ HEIGHTS HOME. Six-room modern house, on carilne; No. 11H Thurman, near 2tth. Call and look at K; must be sold immediately; $4500; full bawment. stationary tub. furnaxe with hot water coil. gas. and electric, light; wlndmv hadet-. linoleum on both kitchen and pantrv; gas water heater, etc. MARTIN .1. HIGLEY, 132 Third st. NEW MAPS. 1. Latest map of Portland. Or., giving new additions, electric lines, etc 2. 25-miki circle of Portland surround ing giving townships, ranges and section numbers, new electric lines and railroads, etc. Price 50 cents each. Send stain pa The Crosslcy Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. BUNGALOW. On 39th and East Harrison 5 rooms, on corner; film fixtures; nice, big fireplace; Dutch kitchen. This is a fine home. Only $2S0O, on easy payments. Call and let us tell you about it. "P CHAPIN & HE It LOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME 8-room modern Queen Anne house, large verandas and sleeping porch, fine view of river and mountains; on paved street, 1 block from car; price $75uo, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. A REAL CHRISTMAS BARGAIN. I own a beautiful new seven -room house In a choice residence district, which I will ffell for less than it can be reproduced. House Ug exceptionally well built, hand somely finished and has every modern con venience; will deal - with principals only. V 587, Oregonian. A BEAUTY. 6-room house with sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace, elegant fixtures, full lot. 1 block from good earline, nice residence surroundlnga Price, with terms, $400O. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. EAST 20TH and Salmon sts.. in best of neighborhoods, within walking distance of West Side; fine lot 40x15. all street improvements in and paid for; good 5 room cottage with bath; price $L'5O0; $1500 cash; lot alone worth $2000. Kauff mann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains and rivers; beautiful, commodious, convenient, new; nicely Improved grounds. 100x100, front ing hard-surfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner, 502 Corbett block. $100 CASH Buy beautiful 5-room bungalow. Woodstock earline: lot 60x100; soil the best in Oregon, with full cement basement, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; prettiest home in Portland; pav ment $20 per month. National Realty Jk Trust Co.. 326 Wash. St.. room 616. $350O. I o-room weii-bullt, modern bungalow, b. 21et st. N. ; bath, china, closet, beamed 'cell ing in dining-room, oak dNv.ra, w7id brass knobs, fireplace, large porch, full cement basement, carpet on three rcms; a bargain. B. Bloom & Co., 400 Couch bldg. BUNGALOW. On 84th st.. near Hawthorne earline: can be purchased for $300 down and $20 per month, and It la one of the best oxjys on the East Side. RAND. READ Jfc CO.. 316 Board of Trade Bldg. WEST SIDE. Beautiful 8-room modern house, furnace, fireplace, two baths: everything to make a fine home; price. $so00. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. APPRECIATE warm house? Examine East Salmon, near 2od; full basement, furnace, laundry trays, porcelain bath, fixture; gas for cooking, electricity ; lean than half cash .balance easy terms. Phone B 2483. AJ 576, Oregonian. A FINE, perfectly modern house on a splen did corner. K tllingtrworth. ave.; worth inves tigating; must bf) sold at once; also a fine new, modern house on Iknm ave.; 7 rooms, with sleeping-porch. Call on O'Brien Realty Co.. Abington bldg. A BARGAIN. Price reduced from $5250 to $4500 for quick sale of 50x1 00 lot and modern house of 7 rooms, situated on E. Tay ior St., near 16th; terms. W-. O. Waddell, 309 Lumber Exchange. A DANDY. r ' 95x100, 8-room house, finely furnished, modern, for only $45oO; will sell one lot and house for $:uioo. ZIMM ERMAN. f 621 Board of Trade Bldg. $5KO Elegant large new 6-room house. East lJKh near Washington, modem In every way; terms'. NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO.. 605 Commercial Block, 2d and Washington. QUITTING housekeeping, will sell new house, six large rooms, every modern con venience, corner, on earline. East Side, low price, eaev term, with or without furniture. P. O. Box 538. $2400 5-room bungalow, ball. den. bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, full basement, stationary tubs, wired for electricity, con crete walks; lot 50x100; half cash. Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON bungalow for sale by owner. Six rooms and sleeping porch, all improve ments in and paid for. Thoroughly modern and complete. K. 5SI. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow with large basement and attic, lot 50x126 feet; good lawn, fine variety of roses; a splen did buy at $3000; terms. Call at 845 Harold st. $4000 Good 8-room house with 50x50 feet on corner, South Portland. See us for par- tieulara. Parrish, Watkina & Co., 260 Aider st. 10-ROOM HOUSE! Corner lot. fine location on East Side-1 new ana sir.oc.iy moaern ; 50 .; cash. Phone Maih 5124, or X 5S6. Oregonian. BBAIT1 FUTj country home near Portland, overlooking Columbia and Willamette ; must be sold Immediately ; real bargain for cash. AB 582, Oregonian. TIME to buy, not build, new 6-room house, corner lot. east Side, walking distance, leaving city, deal with owner A 686, Ure go.nl an. $1700 6-room house, not finished, on Williams ave.. full corner lot. $350 will finish It com plete; $1200 to handle it. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third t. . ., x . $3750 6-room house, two blocks of Steel bridge, good term. NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO.. . 605 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. BUY a home from me on easy terms. I have a dandy fi-room bungalow, bard wood floors. $3600. S, D. Vincent", 420 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SiALE Lot 50x106 with one 3-room and a 1i-rn'im house and bam. on West Side, very reasonable. Phone East 3440. EQUITY In store building. East Side, pays 3 0 per cent- Must sell, $25O0. B 587, Ore gonian. IRVINGTON Select home district; beauti ful modern residence; must sell immedi ately. Phone East 304. g NEW Trvlngton home, 7-room house, oa JOOxtOO comer; a bargain if taken at once, AM 584, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE.' l or gale -Houses. HOMES FOR HOMES EEKBRS. -" AT BARGAIN PRICES. $6000 An S-room modern rtartdenoe on a desirable corner lot with bam or garage, con crete walks, improved streets, on E. 20th. cloe to Ankeny car. $55 A 7-ro-nn h.juse. with furnace, and everything convenient and complete with 61X 10 lot. fine lawn and roses. This is In. the line residence district of Walnut Park, clvse to Williams ave. Thl Is offered at a sacrifice price, as oft ner 1j leaving city. $5500 An 8-room residence, ail modern, with furnace, and 95x1 uu ft. corner on 2hth ft. ami Belmont ; vacant lot taken as paxi pavment. $4tKo A real home in the beautiful Haw thorn residence district; 7 rotms and re ception hall, tine basement, wash tr:iys. fur nace, etc., a beautiful corner lot. ereet Im provements all in and paid for, wer connec tions, etc. , $4.h)0 Investigate this. Fine reidence, all In tirs'.-claf condition, 8 rooms, porcelain bath. lavatoTie.s. furnace, wood elevators, china closets, on -I5th St., near Hawthorne avo- " 1 $2650 5-roum, modern cottage. only Z blo-ks to I'nion ave.: $:wn down. $2500 Here is your opportunity to our an a?re of ground all In cultivation and a. 6-room plaenered houfe. right at siation, 25 lnlnutc Hue from center of city. $2'!oo A 6-room modern house, baeemer.t. laie porches, flue lawn and roje. a beau tlf'il view of mountains and rivr. $2.TK A 5-room cottage, modern pmmb Ing. newlv tinted. large lot 76x1 lo, close to W. R. car. $17,ki . new 5-room plastered cottage, walls tinted, corner kt, close in. 1 block W. It. or W. W. csr. THE DUNN-LA W RENCE. CO., 24S Alder st. HOUSES AM LOTS. 4-room house, plasterod. good basement, two full lota with over a dozen fruit trees. Price $2100, Small house, good lerel lot. several fruit trees, lot 35x145. Price $1200. $50 down and $20 per month. One block from car. 7-room modern bungalow, lot 5m 100, In Irvlngton, near earline; price $2600, $500 down, balance $15 per month. 7 -room modern house in Irvlogt'm Heights, lot 60x100. Price $2100. $S00 down. 520 Lumber Exchange BMg. PORTLAND Ready to mow into: a little beauty ; living-room wit U TRUST large window and fine flr- plaee ; easy I o do Uie work ; CO. kitchen pleasant, dining-room and 3 nice-sized bedrooms all on one floor: content porch, brick pillars, east f ron t. full basemen t. furnace, within 2 9. blocks of the car. Price $3600; casv terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and oak Sts. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. 6-roorn house, piped for furnace, fire place, walls tinted, gas and electric lights, full basement, pass pantry, woodlif t. nice hall, bath. largo closets in bedrooms; small corner lot. tlr.. lawn and roses ; handy to High School and walking dis tance to- business; easy terms and only small pavment down. HEN KLE & HARRTSON, oil Gerilnger Bldg. A UOOL BUY. 89th and Kast Ellsworth, 7-room cot tage; lot 50x100. on corner, cement aide walks; 2 fine fireplaces; full cement base ment, and in a fine neighborhood. Only $3150, on easy payments. Let lis show . you this place. "P" . CHAPIN & HER LOW, 332 Chamber of Oomaierce. ' WE ARE BUILDING MORE HoUSKS THAN AN Y CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE! IS A REASON; WH SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS "MONEY, BIMLU WKLu BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WIL FURNISH THH MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FRBK. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 3OS-0-10 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. $6500 Elegant new -room house, Ra.it Side, corner lot, 75xloO. larse attic, living-room 18x21 and solid paneled large fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, pof- . ish ed floor?, built-in book ca se a nd china cabinets, buffet kitchen, sleeping porch; $1000 will handle. NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO.. 605 Commercial Block, 2d and Washington. IRVINGTON. A modem home on Broadway, in the heart of that splendid district, wltli everything up to date; corner lot. lOOxloo. beautiful lawn and the best of neighbors. Must be sold In the next 30 days, at a bargain. RAND. READ & CO., 31 6 Board of Trade Bldg. WEST SIDE. Corner, on earline tW, nice 8-room house, $6500. Corner, pretty 8-room house, $4'n 100x100. fine home, corner lot, $10,000. Beautiful homes in Nob Hill. Portland Heights, Irvlngton and Hawthorne. ZIMMERMAN". 621 Board of Trade Bldg. PIEDMONT. Lovely new 6-room bungalow, modern : lot 50x100; only $4400. Elegant 2-story house, fireplace, large porches, only $4600.. Good terms given on these fine homes. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME 7 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buffer, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch; .lust completed, new and modern in" every de tail; faces east, within one block of Broad wav car; price ftono. terms. H. P. PALME Ft-J ONES CO-. 212-2 13 Commercial Club Bldg. $10 A MONTH, HOUSE. Reedy to move Into; 2 good lots; j-ou can get It for your own at the price of $10 a month ; order the transfer man to move you right In. Call at Gregory's office Jn Gregory Heights. Take Rose City car at 3d and Yamhill, t off at end of earline; ofT;c on the propertv. PORTLAND Looking for a 5-room home with a grand view, for little TRUST money? We have it on East 5-d st.. near Hawthorne av;. CO. It only takes $1$00 cash to handle thts. Price $3100. ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. STRICTLY modern 5-ronin bungalow, Sun nyslde; full cement basement, wood lift, wash trays, beamed ceiling, paneled dining-room, plate rail, built-in buffet, good plumbing, double floors and watls; a gen uine snap at $2850. on easy terms th Is week only. Phone Tabor 431, B 20SO. WE ARE confident there -are no better hMies for sale anywhere In the citj', t the price, than wome we are offering at. from $2oH to $3oo0, email payment down nd any sort of ternu?. BROWN-WELLBR-ANDREWS, 411 Couch bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE. On Thurman st rect. between 24th and 25th streets: low price for few days and reasonable terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. NICE HOME CHEAP. $1650 for a nice lot and neat 5-room bungalow, $350 cash, $15 a month Ilka rent. K. PUCHS, 221 14 Morrison St. ROOMS and finished attic, moaenf -esl-dence on Morris st. near Union ave. Will sell this homo for a reasonable price and good terms. See me Monday. J. J. Mc Carthy. Abington bldg. $2600 Half cash, house. 7 rooms, well built, small basement, on lot 100x166. lots of ber ries, good well, t wo blocks from Ients school. Call on or addrese Ira Kilbom, owner, Lents, Or. $3500 New 6-roorn bungalow In Holladay Park Add., full lot. f ml basement, fireplace, cement walks, etc.; easy terms. NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO., 605 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. JRVINGTON. Fine home, very complete and attrac tive, full lot: onlv $.ln00. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. $D0O A good 4-room house and lot 50x135, on Mt. Scott earline; the be?ft bargain to be had on 5. fare; only $300 down. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st. $260O 6-room new bung-alow, mod-rn, two blocks to car; $250 will hanol". balance easj . NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO.. 605 Commercial Block, 2d and Washington. SIX-ROOM modern house, furnished : terms. Call 21'L.East 25th st. X. Phone East 5074. Owner. BUNGALOW at Arbor Lodge. 7 room.' on! y $22oo; stationary tubs, china closet, full ce ment ba.Kment, electricity. 12-foot alley. MARTIN .7. HIGLEY, 332 Third St. MOD ERN. up-to-date house. 7 rooms, 2 lots, 100x100. 1M0 Willamette boulevard, Ockley Green. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., M- 1618. A 19S4; all covered wagons, and experienced men. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow In Irvlngton. 496 East 20tb st. North. Call and see it. $10.000 Improved quarter block close in. Terms. Owner. Fuhr, 587 '4 Fi. Bumslde. $375 TWO blocks Steel bridge. 6 rooms, i 30 7 Crosby. Owner. East 2227.