THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 12, 1909. NEW TODAY. Hood River SPECIAL LIST lO ACRES, 1 mile from town on main road; acres In strictly commercial orchard, mostly 5 years old: 6 acres strawberries between trees, Ji acre in pine trees and 5 large oaks, making a magnificent building site. Jfrlce. $12,000. 22 ACRES all first-class orchard lanil; smafl house: 3 acres under culti vation, balance slashed and burned: on main county road, only 4 miles from town; worth $400 per acre. We can sell . it for -8000; $3500 will handle it. A snap for some one. 45 ACRES, 20 acres under cultiva tion. 6 acres in commercial orchard; large house: fine spring; within half mile of railroad, and 40 acres of It is very best of orchard land. Offered at $15,000 for short time only. FOR EXCHANGE W have several parties owning property in this beautiful little valley who desire good Portland property and will exchange if satisfactory. What have you to offer? Devlin S Firebaugh Main Offlrs Branch Office snstlud Bldg. Hood River Portland, Oregon Oregon Speculators and Actual Builders, Look Here! A fine corner of 4 lots, 50x100 each, on Rodney ave. and Skldmore st. Sewer and street improvements in and paid for: 6-room house $6000 100x200 in Irvington, on 28th and Til lamook sts S3200 A full corner lot, 43d and Hawthorne avenue $1800 100x130. corner, in Waverletgh Heights, beautiful view lots ftl&OO A beautiful view lot In Rose Cltv Park on Alameda boulevard, street im provements all in and paid for S1200 8 lots. 75x100 feet, in Northern Mill Ad dition, 40 ft. off Dawson st...SOO A very desirable lot in block 47, Wav erleigh Heights, on Ellsworth St.. 1 block from car $650 A full 'lot on Sixth st., close to Alns worth ave S700 Lot 1. block 6. Highland Park, near Alnsworth 8400 Lot 21. block 6, Highland Park, near Alnsworth S5SO Lot 11. block 12. Highland Park, near Alnsworth K600 Lots It. and 17. block 14, Highland Park, near Alnsworth S600 These offerings are for persons who mean business. We want contractors who know what a good buy is when they see it to look at these, for they will speak for themselves. THE DUNN - LAWRENCE CO. 48 Alder St. Beautiful LeoneParR Level as a floor. Cleared and clean as a garden. Full-grown, bearing fruit trees. Surrounded by attractive homes. Near a new city park. Only 20 minutes' car ride. Car 8 blocks distant on two sides. Graded streets and water. $500 up, and easy terms. Let me tell you how the first 10 buyers can get reduction of 10 per cent from list price and itve in terest. m V. Vincent Jones 3 Commercial Club bldg. M. 1444. A 1444. 27,500 Excellent location, East Side; strictly modern. Pays 10 per i cent. Sll.OOO New 5-room flats, West Side, on carline ; good locality ; 10 per cent net revenue; $6000 will handle. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Beautiful new home on Portland Heights. MORGAN & ROBB, 250 Stark Street, y Holladay's Addition The er.e BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTKR and MOST DESIRABLES restore property c; the city. SEKIXQ IS BEI.TEVl; RTCTTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and tbe tsa rruveenta going en. . Tha Creoon Real Estate Company tiKAA'l AVB. AND MULTNOMAH ST. GRAND AVENUE Three-etory brick, on corner lot, 50x 100: has good Income. I will sell this outright or will consider other property in trade. WELDONDARLING 618 Board of Trade.. Willamette Heights j New 6-room house, hardwood floors, nil modern conveniences; full lot; f ine I all modern conveniences; full lot; view, rnct, 42ou; terms. . RUSSELL A BLYTH, Conunonvreallfc BoJldUME XKW TODAY. $40,000 Fine 60x100 lot on Park, near Oak. Worthy. $35,000 One of best corners on Washington street; brings in good rental. .$75,000 100x100 on Washington ; good loca tion. $25,000 30x100 on 4th; under good lease. 935,000 50x100 on 3d street; a good buy. 18,000 100x100 warehouse, on track'; don't overlook this. $4O,000 50x100 corner on Morrison st. 955,000 100x100 on Morrison. Fine site. $100,000 Over quarter block on Ftark street; close in. $500,000 Absolutely the best 100x100 in the business center. Under guaranteed lease. $300,000 100x100, close to Olds, Wortman & King new site. This is trood. r KEASEY i tlUMASONJEFFERY 1 4 CHAM BER OF COMM LRCE. Cj M. 1189. A 3814 nvestigate Before buying elsewhere. It costs you nothing. Streets graded and grav eled, cement sidewalks nnd -iit-Vik Bull Run water in front tf every lot, and all paid for. No. property bond ed for improvements here. Building restrictions of $1500 and $2000. New houses constantly being built. Splen did car- service. When desirinsr to build, -we will help you. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Room 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5407, A 3252 JONESUE Lots are 50x100 $soo TO $700 ; EASY PAYMENTS COMPLETE ABSTRACT WARRANTY DEED On Montavilla Carline GEO. D. SCHALK 264 Stark St. Main 392 A 2392 We have-for sale 100x100. with that Tine residence. No. 712 Main street: a bargain in this exclusive residence dis trict; for price RUSSELL & BLYTH ' Commonwealth Buildings Must Be Sold 100x114 and a strictly- modern 9-room house, with auto garage: plenty of choice fruit -trees and beautiful flowers and shrubbery. This property is close in on the East Side, being on the S. W. corner of East Ash and East 20th. Can make VERY easy terms, or might take trade In smaller homt he nKmt, i will make a price which will eell "it. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309 and 310 Abington Bldg. Williams Ave. Snap Cheapest quarter block on Williams ave., 100x100, with fine, large, 6-room house. Owner must have money. Price is $8000, but we want your offer. Look at it today before someone else snaps It up. $2000 caeh will handle. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak Speculators and Agents p. f , a r,n Quarter block en t-ast 3d St.. near new hrlriri Fn warehouses. factory or apartments. Good terms. Will double in value in side two years. Agents protected. F, Fuck, 221 H Morrison SU Kings B MW TODAY. AND- YOU WILL WANT A HOME We'have secured 8. large tract of im proved land in Northern California, a section of the state that will grow any kind of grain, fruits, or vegetables. Mutr peaches produced this year $460 per acre. Pears, prunes, oranges and lem ods are a great product, as well as all kinds of berries. These lands border on the banks of the Sacramento River and are a sediment loam, with a soil 12 feet deep and an abundance of water at a depth of 12 feet. A portion of the lands is at present producing the king of all crops, ALFALFA, 3 crops a year, without Irrigation, yielding 6 tons per acre, and selling for $14 per ton. We are arranging these lands in tracts of o. 10. 20 or even moVe, to suit the pur chaser, at prices of $125 for raw lands ready for the plow, $1R0 for the alfalfa and $250 for bearing fruits. On terms of 20 per cent cash, balance in four equal payments at .6 per cent interest. They are close to a good town, on the main line of tha Southern Pacific rail road and San Francisco, a splendid mar ket. Bear in mind this Is the great state of California, no cold Winters, no floods, no pioneer work, and is fast be coming the home of the retired Eastern rich man, and these prices are nothing to what they will soon be. It's an in vestment you will be proud of In a few short years, as well as a home in a sunny climate. We will be glad to fur nish you any Information or talk with you at our office. Wallace Investment Co. OrcKODlan Building, Portland, Or. Quarter Block 17th and Morrison Sts. 25 or 50 Years. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY (Douglas County, Oregon) For - Sale 1700 acres choice land, on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land is very suitable for platting and Is at present In good con dition; price $25 per acre. For partic ulars and terms apply to William MacMaster 302 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. BVSIXESS CORKER OX N. 23d Street PARTLY IMPROVED. - With additional improvements, at small cost, can be made to pay. 8 NET price, $25,000 LOUIS SALOMON & CO. 23.1 Stark. St., near Second. SAFE INVESTMENT Two-story brick building in center of business district, near Washington street. Present lease has two years to run at $300 per month. Price $41,500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bid". $14,OQO Income Pays 12 Net One-half down, balance at 6 per cent' 60x100 feet, with four modern five-room flats, situate on north side Hovt st be tween 21st and 22d sts. Income"pavs over 12 per cent on amount of cash invested. F. V. ANDREWS 6 CO. Hamilton Bldg.. 121 Third St. OEORGB BLACBT. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches 333 Worcester Bldg. ' Vfaonea Main 38J1. A. 4014, FOR LEASE SEW TODAY. DoYouOwnaHome? IK NOT, CONSIDER OUR PLAST FOR SECUR ING ONE AND Stop Paying Rent! We will aid you In buying or build ing your own home by allowing you to pay for it In small monthly install ments. Our Return Payments are ,0nly$1.25aMonth On each 1100 borrowed, which will pay up the entire amount of loan and in terest in 108 months. The privilege, however,' is given of paying up at any time, interest onlv being charged for the number of years that loan is re tained. 5 per month will pay back a 1400 loan and Interest in lMi months. $6.25 per month will pay back a $500 loan and interest in 108 months. $10 per month will pay back an $800 loan and interest in 108 months. $12.50 per month will pav back a $1000 loan and Interest In 108 months. $18.75 per month will pay back a $1509 loan and interest In 108 months. $25 per month will pay back a $2000 loan and Interest in 108 months. $50 per month will pay back a $4000 loan and interest in 108 months. Like ratio on loans of other amounts. We charge only 5 per cent Interest. D.S.R. WALKER AGENT FOR The Jackson Loan & Trust Co. Office 518 Abington Bldg., Portland, Oregon. WILL LEASE Brick Building Four floors and good basement, electric elevator. This is a fine location for a furniture store. It's on First, near Salmon. Re member that all the O..W. P. cars and some other lines -will pass this location when the Madison bridge is finished. Portland Trust Company S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. PLACE YOUR FIRE INSURANCE WITH JOHN P. SHARKEY CO. ' Agents for GLENS FALLS INSURANCE CO., Glens Falls, N. Y. SECURITY INSURANCE CO., New Haven, Conn. MELDUM! WHY? Excellent car service: 12Ac fare. Beautiful homes: fine soil; ideal surroundings. Nothing to equal it for Acreage Homes ASK ME. G. M. McBRIDE 50 Stark St. Invest in Portland Or .will buy, build and lease to respon sible tenant. J 585, Oregonian. INVESTMENT SNAPS $1 7,500 Income $175 per mo.; secured lease. See me about this. It Is worth $20,000. On 4th St.. close In; worth $30,000; lot SOx 100; some income. Full corner lot; a good invest m e n t; near depot; worth $26 ,500 ,000 $23 MARTIN J. HIGLEV, 132 Third St. EUCLID AVENUE A few lots left on Euclid avenue, just south of Hawthorne. 50x120 feet Prices from $800 to $1000 per lot. Easv terms. Splendid residence district, with a $1500 residence building restrictions. KXAPP di MACKEY, 212-213 Bonrd of Trade Building. DO YOU WANT A HOME? If so. I have several new houses, rang ing in price from $5000 to $8500. in restrict ed residence district; modern, with all latest improvements; terms to suit F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. ACREAGE Within the 5-cent limit, on the O. W;,p- ,Ry" we nave acreage; excellent soli: sll cleared and cultivated. From $000 to $1000 per acre. Easy terms. K.VAPP & MACKEY, 212-213 Board of Trad Building. TO NEW TODAY. THIRD STREET Invest in Third Street Property Don't Hesitate AboutThird St. BUY ON THIRD STREET AndYouWUlOoublBYourMoneyonThird SL $55,000 Corner, 4-story brick, on Third St.. pays 79 net. Come and in vestigate. $100,000 Quarter block, with substantial improvements and paying 6C now; lease expires. $50,000 will pay l'29e when Full corner lot, with 3-story building, 3d St.; pays 7 on in vestment. dOES ff kot on 3d St., 50 feet J O If II II from Burnslde street. Pays now about 7 "To ; will pay big returns if improved. $25,000 num income, lonj $18,500 60-foot lot on Front street, with 2-story brick: 12200 tier an num income, long; lease. Quarter block apart ment house site. Nob Hill, extra choice. $6200 50x100 ft., Kearney St., Nob Hill, with 2 houses; pays interest. GOLDSMITH & CO, 103 Sherlock. Building;, 3d and Oak Sta. THE WATER IS NOW READY TO SUPPLY Better go out and select your lot now. We know of no other tract whera lots may be had on such easy terms. Prices of a number of choice lots Only $195 At $3 per Month WESTERN OREGON TRUST GO. 14 Chamber of Commerce. Cowperthwait & Christensen, Agents, Lients. SOUTH PORTLAND 50x100, on the N. P3. corner of Front and Oibbs. Income, $90 per month. Price, $9000. CENTRAL PORTLAND 100x100. close In on 7th st. For price and terms see us; it's a snap. NORTH PORTLAND 100x100 on 16th and Savler; fair Income. 100x100 on 17to and Savier; fair income. ALBINA 65x100 on Russell st., near Mississippi et. ; income, $65 iper month. CENTRAL EAST SIDE 200x200 on East 2d St.. East 3d St., East Starto- and East Oak sts. We can make a very low flgrure on this. 150 feet front on Grand ave. and East Hoyt. Price, $17,500. Hurry this is a snap. 60x100, S. E. cor. East 9th and East Stark. Thia is the best buy on the street. Price, $4750. STEPHENS ADDITION 100x100 on the S. E. cor. East 9th and East Lincoln. Price will interest you. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309 and 310 Abington Bldg. WAREHOUSE SITE 100x100 on 15th st. 200 ft. trackage, $30,000 Geo. DSchalk 264 Stark St. Main 392. A 2392. Hood River Orchard 66 acres of best Hood River orchard property: east side of river and only 1 miles from depot; 17 acres In fruit; will be sold cheap if taken at once. Terms given. Price of entire tract, $26,250. Will divide. This is a snap. See S. V. Carter's display at Apple Show, 5th floor, Meier & Frank's, and then see us. F. & F. Commercial & Realty Co., 403 Merchants' Trust bldg-. Apartment Sites ?e,PnA107100 corner 830,000 SOxlOO, fine SIO.SOO 50x100, Park block $10,000 SQUARE DEAL, REALTY CO, 619 Board of Trade. GOODWOOD 15 minutes' ride on Sellwood car; get off at Caywood st. Lots $650 and up, 10 per cent down, 2 per cent monthly; building restrictions; fine view. Lowest-priced, near-in property. Eftl'ITY INVESTMENT CO, K08 Gerllnsrer Bids;, 2d and Alder. AtiEXT Oft WtOlM) SUDAY 3 TO 4 MENTONE MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms t suit. Special rates for business properties Funds loaned for private investors. M. K. THOMPSON CO., Real Estate and Insurance. Corner Fourth and Oak Stm, Hain 6084 A 8327. j . NEW TODAY. NEW STATION A new station; the best on the line of the O. V. P. Ry has been built at ARDENWALD And cars are making regular stops there. Land values in that vicinity are jumping in consequence, but we can sell you.lots in this beautiful suburb at the pricfes and terms that were estab lished two months ago. ARDENWALD Is essentially a home addition, where we have a suitable building restriction, and our prices are absolutely at the head of any real estate opportunities of the year. ARDENWALD Lots are 47 H to B0 feet wide and from 95 to 100 feet in depth, and can be bought now on easy terms of payment at $350 per lot and up. Understand, we are building sidewalks and grading streets, and have already established an excellent water system, with an abundance of pure spring water, taken from a depth of 75 feet from the sur face. All these improvements we pay for. and furnish an abstract of title to all purchasers. 1 ARDENWALD Is the first station east of the Golf Links. 5c fare, with transfers to all parts of the clOy. Take Cazadero or txresham car. Agent on the ground. KNAPP & MACKEY LML'-'J 13 Board of Trade BulldlnR. Four-Story Brick Building Corner Lot, Third St., Close in . INCOME S3T5 PER MIH PRICE $55,000 A GrealBarp,ain GOLDSMITH & CO. 103 Sherlock Bldg., 3d and Oak Sts. WE WILl PLANT YOUR ORCHARD AND CARE FOR IT If you can't live at APPLEDALE But you are missing HALF THE PLEASURES OF LIFE if you don't make it YOUR HOME. Every condition is ideal. Fine land, fine drainage, fine water; 14 miles from Portland, 22 daily trains and two boats. Easy terms. ASK ME. G. M. McBRIDE 250 Stark St. FRUIT LAND 800 acres, 550 ready to plant. Yam hill County, 45 miles from Portland, a broad, gently-sloping ridge at edge of valley on a eplendid road, 1 mile from a town and on line of survey of electric road. Soil deep rich red-shot forma tion, practically adjoining orchard tracts of Hon. H. B. Miller and a num ber of professors of horticulture of Ag ricultural College. For ready planting this would make one of the largest and most beautiful tracts in the state. Will make a bargain price. See photographs and owner. ' GEO. E. WAGGONER OL'3 Board of Trade Bldg. MANUFACTURING SITE Wanted, about 10 acres with trackage; owners only. MORGAN & ROBB, 250 Stark Street. Your Fire Insurance With M. E. THOMPSON CO., Ileal Estate, Cor. 4tb and Oak Sts., Henry Bldg. Phones Main 6084. A 2327. We Have Money to Loan. $12,000 50x50 lot. 100 feet from Morrison. Here Is a money-maker. F. O. Northrup 315 Couch Bldg.. 4th. near Washington. Quarter Block Grand avenue, $27,500 WELDON DARLING t 618 Board of Trade) 1 JfEW TODAY. DEPENDABLE BUYS $9o.OOO A fine new four-story briclc building, corner lot. paying: about 7 per cent net: terms. 812.500 A choice corner lot. close In and on carline: one of the best for apartments: excep tionally easy terms; soma income. 910,000 Two flats on 16th, rent $85; can be made $110 with small outlay. 85. OOO 100x100. with modern dwell ing, on Bast 6th and Going, or will sell house and one lot. Terms either way. S2.850 New 7-room dwelling, mod ern, never occupied, west of Jefferson High School and near car. ACREAGE. S12.250 24 Vi acres, liighly improved. good orchard, some beaver dam, all excellent for gar dening, in Beaverton. Stt.OOO 4 acres, just south of Wav erleigh. on Powell Valley road, close to car. VACAM LOTS. 92.-100 Two -choice Irvington lots in select localltv. S1.250 5 lots on Willis boulevard; remarkably low priced. SS l.OOO 4 lots. Peninsular No. 4, ad joining Kenton, near car; half cash. S600 2 lots, a splendid corner. on Delaware and Farragut; near two carlines and an ex ceptional buv. 9500 Two lots just east of Pen insula ave.. In Peninsular No. 3, and a snap. Jackson 6 Deering Phones Main 345, A 3457. 24 STARK T. Union Ave. And the 2V2 before Portland has the two million and a half population rightfully " predicted by our discerning U. S. Senator, lots on UNION AVEXUK will be worth as much as 1n the heart of Washington st. today. UNION AVENUE will be the great, long, broad, rustling business thor oughfare running through the heart of the Peninsula, connecting the Willamette with the sea. At its northerly end, a mighty high bridge will span the great Columbia, or an underground tunnel will connect it with the great State of Wash- . Ington. Think of it what a banking proposition an investment on UNION' AVENUE Is now likely to treble in three years. We have a few SPECIALS THAT W1L.L. MAKE YOU RICH for this week. Here Is One for $8500 100x120. heart of business; 2 fine houses, worth 12500 each; room for 2 stores and fiats besides. It has taken six months to get a ehort contract on this property; part owners in China and California; worth J12.000 today. First monev over tha counter gets It. No phone information. $3000 Buys 50x100, fine business lot, 6-room house on it at present. WB .HAVE THE INSIDE ON SEV ERAL. FINE LOTS ON UNION AVE. J.D.KENNEDY S38 Union Ave. N. Phone Woodlawn 1713. Safe Investments $45.000 Quarter block right in the wholesale and manufacturing1 district on the Wst Side. Has some income. $7000 Corner lot, 50x70, splendid ly loc.aed for apartment-house; 7 blocks from City Hall. Has fair income now. $750055x100 on East Piue st., close in. Has some income. $3500 Quarter block, East 27th and Morrison streets. OTTO & HARRSON .133V2 First Street. HERE ARE A COUPLE OF ) GOOD HOUSES CHEAP One Is In Maegly Highland, near Al berta: has 7 rooms, large reception hall, fireplace and full lot. with beautiful lawn and roses, for 13500. The other Is in Piedmont, near Killingsworth and -r Union ave.: is a new 6-room bungalow, piped for furnace; has fireplace and ' everything modern and convenient, . with first-class plumbing. Asphalt paved street, cement walks. Price $4100. THE DENN-LAWREXCE CO. 24S Alder St. SCATTERED HOMES FOR SALE COCn'n ll-room double house, full lot: t JUU east slooe. lit Tabor: rnt fr.- y.X) prr month; $1(U0 cash, balance eaFy. COCnn 2 houses and lot near Alberta 2 houses and lc car. on 17th st. 8 rooms, moder wwuu car, on i mi st. CCncn 8 rooms, modern, near Haw- thorne carline, on S7th st. Martin J. Higley 132 Third Street Two Quarter Blocks We have two quarter blocks on tho East Side for sale at a price which will pay you to take notice. 100x100 feet, N. E. corner East 3id and Market. 100x100 feet. !?. W. corner Bast Grant and Marguerite ave. Price for either, $2500. One-half ca.h. KIVAPP A MACKEY. 212-313 Board of Trade HnlldinK. Close-in Business and Apartment Property For sale and lease, by Sengstake & Lyman 90 Fifth Street. MORTGAGE LOANS; Lwtl rates and terms to ult pe- clal rates and favorable terms on lara- -loana on business properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investors ' A.H.BIRRELL CO. 202 McKny Bide 3d A Stark. 31750 ACRE, ALL IX CVLTIVATIOX. and a b-room house, with porcelain bath, patent toilet, lavatory, basement,! en.-. . o -j uiuims to car; oc tare. THE DUM-LAWRKXCE CO, 248 Alder BU -A rv.