THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, 'PORTLAND, DECEMBER 12, 1909., Are You Looking For a. Bargain? We have a house for sale which stands on a knoll on the bank of the Willamette River; "can have no-neighbors nor ob structions on three sides within 500 feet. The nearest house would be across the street on one side only, therefore the view cannot be shut off. It has all modern improvements ; has been occupied only six months; is worth $13,000 of any man's money, but we need the money and will sell at a sacrifice. The house is close in. It will pay you to investigate. We have other bargains in houses. Ask about them. OVERLOOK LAND COMPANY 207 BURNS1DE STREET .110 BRIDGE AI BROADWAY? MH. HKNKY RISES AGAIX TO PROTEST AGAEVST PLAN. Csr-nbo Tinder the River, Ho 6y, Is Jnrt the Thing: to Care for AU Traffic ! PORTUVND, Or., Deo. 13 (To the Edl j tor.) The gentlemen on the Port of Port I land Commission have rendered the City : f Portland a great service in endeavor ' log to secure time In which to consider j faTTy the merits or demerits of the pro posed bridge across the. river from Broad way to a landing on the West Side at the ; foot of Lovejoy. and circling to the west i end north of the iwesent Union Depot. These gentlemen have seen that many of ; those who voted tor the bridge were not I aware of Its coming In north and west ! of the Union Depoi. The whole Broadway bridge scheme was : brought through by brass-band methods, i without any fair discussion: In fact, wtth ; out any discussion, for at the meeting i called supposedly Ui consider the proposl 1 tlon any persou who attempted to present another view or side of the question was i hissed and termed a "tight wad" and an ' undesirable citizen. The meeting, in fact. 1 was nothing but a ratification meeting, ! gotten up, managed, handled . and blud ! geoned through by those who were seek- lng office, one wanting to be Mayor, an l other now wanting to be Sheriff, etc. ' The rights and interests of the taxpay ers, who have to foot the bills, have been utterly ignored. The plea has been, "We've got the votes, and we will force I the taxpayers to pay whatever we dic tate." The members of the Port of Port land Commission, realizing this, are paus ing to consider what the effect will be of another bridge across the river, the sup porters of which bridge have shown no business ability whatever, in that they have failed to make or procure any as surance that they can get, or that they will be provided with streetcar service across the bridge. On the contrary, t President Josselyn has declared positively ' that the streetcar company does not want to cross the bridge, and has no use for It, and, as a matter of fact, he Is declaring '.now that he does not want to cross any of the bridges. I would like to know of ! Judge Munly and the few gentlemen with ihlm who have been pushing this scheme, what they have to say to that. They ex pect the taxpayers, at their behest, sud denly to involve themselves in all this . vast expenditure without any business ' like arrangement being rnade for street ) car -service crossing the river. The sensible way would have been to ! have had a fair discussion of this prob ! lem of crossing the river, whereby the i greatest good would lnurs to the greatest number. The writer believes, after considerable ! study of tubes In Now. York, Boston and Philadelphia, that we ought fully to In vestigate and consider the question of putting a double tube under the river. In the center of the city, for streetcar serv ice solely, retaining our present four free bridges and three free ferries for auto itnobiles. teams and other traffic; the ' streetcar company to use the tube, which the city will build and lease to them at Ja. rental that would pay the Interest and provide a sinking fund for the retirement lof the bonds. j Mr. Alodjeskl. their engineer, the same engineer selected by Judge Munly, stated tot the Council meeting In the City Hall pthat such a tube could be built for $1,250, :X, and the writer thinks that it is the 'only true, feasible and practical solution jof the problem. The streetcars could jthen go under the river free from any delay and not interfere with any river itrlfflc. This Is what the city should pro ceed to do.' What we really need is not more bridges (that obstruct and lessen our harbor facili ties, but better car service over the ( bridges wc now have, or through tubes (Under the river. If we must liave any .more bridges it would seem to the writer to be far more sensible .nd businesslike llor the streetcar company to have a ibridge of its own near the center of the Iclty, Instead of paying many tolls or lease charges, strictly to tuko passengers to and fro from which to radiate out north and south after having crossed the river. iThls would do away with the delay oc casioned by teams and automobiles that interfere with the passage of the cars. lf that were built this side of the Burn Iside bridge. It would not Interfere with :te boat tralTic so much. They can ascend at pretty good grade, and It is this plan lor the tube plan that should be adopted. The writer believes that our commercial tbodles, or the City Council, should ap point a small committee of representative business men and have them make a careful investigation as to which plan would be better, and the probable cost thereof, before attempting to build any more bridges below the Steel bridge, which would Interfere with and lessen our harbor facilities. Messrs. Adams. Williams. Wheelwright and others of the Port of Portland Com ion, believing that tho new railroad bridge. 71 feet in width, with Its car aervice separate from the wagon road way, will suffice for some time to come, .re no doubt right in their position, as the completion of the bridge will demonstrate. CHARLES K. iHBNRT. Salem Plans New Schoolbouse. SALEM. Or, Dec. 11. (Special.) The ainnual meeting of the taxpayers of school cUstrlct No. 24. which comprises) the City of Salem, will be held Monday night, iwhen plans for building a new brick ichoolhous and remodeling the school tulldlng. tho largest in the city, .will be Kllsoussed. The Garfield school was built thto year and is already filled to over flowing, necessitating another new build ing. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ,fnAl CHURCHJLE7Y BROS., wood &nd coal 'V dealers, offlc and yard lata and i Mar. bail, phonei Main 3I 3031. Vlnviflt Cut Fiowara always frsh fro: w jw our nwn contrvttoriei. Martin A rorbw Co MT Waatoiastoa Richmond and Wallaand Australian. .Ual independent Coal 4. Ice Company, oiav t Jhr ww. Rota n h one. MEETISO NOTICES. ATTENTION COMRADES All comrades of the G. A. K. are requested to attend tbe funeral of our late comrade. A. Matteson. Company C. Eishty-third Illinois Infantry, which will be held from Zeller & Byrnes. 503 Williams avenue, today, Sunday, at 1:3U P. M. lutftrmeut Rivervievr Cem ery. H. A. SEVERANCH, . A. C. SLOAN'. Commander. Adjutant. TO ALT, A. O. XT. W. LODGES IN PORT LAND The meeting called by Fidelity Lodge for Wednesday night. Dec 10, la of such Importance to the order that we feel Justified in urging all members to attend. Lods Hall, East Pine street and Grand ave. J. H. ZANB. Recorder. GEO. WRIGHT RELIEF CORPS. No. 2. Annual supper and bazaar Friday.-December 17. Supper frem 5 to 7 P. M.. 2." cents. Bazaar in evening free. G. A R. Hall, ad floor, N. E. corner 2d and Morrison MAUD C. GILMAX, Chairman. CRE6CEST LODGE, NO. 10. A. O. 17. W.. will give a card and dancing party Decem ber It), at Voelker's Hall. Mississippi avenue and Beech street.- All Workmen and their friends cordially Invited. Ladies, free- aen tlemen, 25c ' FIVE HUNDRED SOCIAL GIVEN BY THB Homesteads, Wednesday evening, Dec 15 In their hall. Grand ave. and E. Burns"id 'wts. Refreshments and price. Friends of the order cordially Invited. Admission 16c. Committee. MARGl'BRITTB CAMP. Royal Neighbors, win give Its five hundred party and dance Thursday evening. December 18, In Savoy Hall. 3S7H Ea Burnslde street. Prizes and refreshments. Admission 15c. QUEEN ELIZABETH HIVE, NO. 24. L. O. T. M.. -will hold their annual election of of ficers Tuesday evening. December 14. All memberi requested to be present. By or der Lady Commander. LADIES' AUXILIARY, B. I Grand masquerade ball given In Foresters' Hall, Marquam bldg., Sunday evening, December 12, llKU). Admission BO cents. Valuable prizes. PORTLAND CIRCLE Whist and '500" party Tuesday evening. December 14. in tht Woodmen Hall. 128 Eleventh street. Fine prizes for both. Refreshments and good music for dancing. Admission, 20 cents. FOR RENT Eagles' new hall. Marquam J'ldg.. for dances, entertainments, end lodges. Reserve your nights early Inquire i.V nkln. 205 First St., or I. Fogel, 220 Third st. WHIST PARTY AND DANCE BY WEB foot Company. No. 05. W. O. W.. Friday eve ning. Dec. 17. Woodmen's Hall, 128 Eleventh street. Cards. 8:SO; dancing, 10. Union music; refreshments. Adults SO cents. EUREKA COUNCIL, NO. 204. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY will give a (.hrlstmas ball December 20, In W O W Hall, East 6tli and Alder sts. . ' KArY MACCABEES, PORTLAND HIVE BOO party Thursday sfternoon, Dec 16. "Ad mission 15c. Prizes. Selllng-Hirsch bids. 10th a ad Wash. sts. GOLDEN RULE HIVE will give a BOO Jt.ey, "rW' ? W' TemP'e- 128 Eleventh street. December 16. Admission- 16 cents. Refreshments. , NEW HALL FOR RENT. Ill Zd. near Washlagtoa. Hows. Davis Co. DIED. 8CHADE In this city. December 11 st the family residence, 5.13 First st., Louise Schade, beloved wife of Martin Schade. mother of Herman, Henry C. Schade and Mr. O. A. TUton. Funeral notice hereafter. HODGKINSON In this city. Dee. 12. at 427 Stark, et.. Joseph W. Hodgklnson. aged 69 years. The remains are at Flnley'a parlors. rtXEHAL NOTICE. WINDERS In this city. Deo. 10. at ths family residence 50 Union avenue. North, John Winders, aged ST years. Friends In vited to attend funeral services which, will be held st Holman's Chapel. Third and Salmon sts.. at 1 P. M. today Sun tery' D'C"- 2" Interment Rose City Ceine- SHIELDS At 438 Market St.. Dec 3 Geo w- Shields, aged 42 years. Funeral services will be held from Erie-son's chapel, 400 Al der st.. today (Sunday), Dec. 12. at 2-30 P. M. Friends Invited to attend. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. BARRETT Dec lO. at 709 Oswego St.. Merle Buyu. Barrett, aged IB years. Services at above residence today (Sunday) at 11 A. M. Carriages will leave Zetler-Byrnes Co. parlors at 8:30. Interment Columbia Ceme tery. STANGLAND At her late resldenoe. 8 Vaughn St.. Dec U, Mrs. Hanne Stangland. agd 28 years. 27 days. Funeral services will be held from the above residence today (Suaday), Dec. 12. at 2 P. M. Friends in vited, -interment Greenwood. M'CLURE At Mill City. Or.. Dec. . A. M McClure, aged 30 years, 7 months. Funeral services will be held Monday. Dec. 18, at 2 P. M.. from Bricaon's chapel, 4O0 Alder t. Friends respectf illly invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir. MATTESON Friends ars respectfully in vited to attend the funeral services of the late Adelbert Matteson at Zeller-Byrnea Co.. 84 Williams ave., today at l:SO P. 11. Interment at Rivervlew Cemetery. MATTESON- Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services 'of ths late Adelbert Matteenn at Zeller-Byrnes Co., 5!)4 Williams ave.. today (Sunday), at 1:30 P. M. Interment at Riverside Cemetery. DAY The funeral services of Clara D. Day will be held at the family residence. 618 Powell St.. at 2. P. M. today (Sunday). Friends Invited. ; Interment Lens Fir Ceme tery. Dunning, McEntee Gllbaugh, Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 4.(0. l-ady Assistant. Oflios of County Coroner. ZELLKK-BVR.NKS CO.. Funeral Directors. B04 Williams ave. j botlt phonen; lady attend auts most modem establishment In the city. EUWARD HOl.MAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors, tiO 3d st. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 601. J. P. FINLEY SON. Sd and Madison. "Lady attendant. Fbons Main 9, A 1598. KAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. Dunning. Inc. K. 52, li 2523. EKICSON CO. Undertakers; lady asslst ant. 40S Alder. M. 6133. A 223S. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY rRJiSIDEST. Main M. M-tKMAElt. Mala IN. Hl'MAXK OFFICII K. Bast 477. t NEW TODAY $4200 100x100 on the S. W. corner 19th and Knott sts, Irvine-ton. Geo. D. Schalk Mala 302, A 83a. 2(11 stark St. HAND-PAINTED CHINA AUCTION At 484 Washtngtoa St.. near 13th. Artist Geo. Jeffrey's famous work, ths balance of a year's labor. Is being slaughtered to ths pub lic at auction at less than 10c on the dollar. Come early and get a present free. Sales 1:30 and 7:30 daily. FOHD BROS., Auctioneers. -. FURNITURE AUCTION SALEB At 211 First St. Tuesday and Thursday, at 10 A. M., all kinds of house- furnlehlngs will be sold -without reserve at these sales:' It's your own loss If you don't attend these sales, bs the goods must be sold to someone for cash. FORD BROS.. Auctioneers. NEW TODAY. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Regular Sales Days, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. OUR SALES THIS WEFSC WILL IN CLUDE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF" ALMOST NEW FURNITURE, ETC., SUITABLE FOR XMAS GIFTS. COM PRISING extension tables, buffets, china closets, center tables, parlor deska, book cases, music cabinets, cellarettes. smok ers, shaving stands, davenports, dreesers, chiffoniers. dressing tables. PIANOS, MISSION HALL CLOCKS, large mirrors, pictures and other numerous lots. If you have not the time to attend auc tions, our salesman will price you goods at private sale. , Preliminary Notice Of SALE of elegant IMPORTED CHINA, curious bric-a-brac. TURKISH and NAVAJO RUGS, etc., during CHRIST MAS WEEK. Full particulars In next Sunday's paper. Auction Sale Extraordinary At 88 Sixth Street Daily 2 and 7P.M. The entire remainder of the FRENCH, GERMAN, SWISS and AUSTRIAN EX HIBIT from tho ALASKA-YUKON FAIR, consisting- In part of BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, all kinds of EANCY STEINS. CUCKOO and OTHER CLOCKS. Imported toys, purseK, all kinds of fancy poods. pipes, smcfrs'- sets, FANCY JEWELRY; in fact, too many things to mention in detail. Sale will commence MONDAY AT 2 P. M. and will continue DAILY AT 2 AND 7 P. M. until the en tire stock is sold. THIS SALE will be conducted under the personal supervision of Mr. A. Schubaek. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. SPOT CASH paid for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc. Main 1626, A 4243. REMOVED FROM THB WEN DOVER PRIVATE HOME TO OUR SALES ROOMS FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE. ON TUESDAY NEXT COMPRISING several choica upholstered parlor chairs In MAHOGANY in VARI OUS PERIODS. GENUINE FISCHER UPRIGHT PIANO in mahogany case, lady'a parlor desk, very massive oak hall seat, larKe mirrors, upright Windsor fold ing bed, library tables, combination book case and desk. ROLL-TOP DESK, oil painting and several pictures, English breakfast table, WILTON and AXMIN STER rugs, massive BRASS and IRON BEDS, new style bed in quarter oak, waxed finish, with dresser to match; sev eral other dressers and chiffoniers, quar-tered-oak dining-room suite, gaa range and other effects. ALSO Mission dining room table and chairs; parlor tables, wal nut bedroom furniture, Turkish rockers, bronze finished beds, springs and matr tresses, steel range, linoleum and othel efTects. INTENDING PURCHASERS will kindly call and Inspect the above goods tomorrow. SALE ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 O'CLOCK. BAKER &. SON, Auctioneers. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall sell for parties concerned house hold furniture, etc., removed from the Overland warehouse. SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. Preliminary Notice ON MONDAY. Dec. 20, we shall sell the nearly NEW FURNITURE of modern l!at. Particulars later. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. GILMAN Auction and Commission Company No. 126 Second St., Between Washington and Alder. THE GREAT SALE OF CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES Of all descriptions and at much less prices . than elsewhere is now going on. Call in and look over this great line of Christmas goods. . N. B. Auction sale of household furni ture - : Tuesday and Friday, at 10 A. M. S. L. N. GILMAN, Manager. OH MERCY!!! I have for sale a bunch of 25 of the fin est view lots that ever lay out under the blue sky, at a price that will make you gasp. The right party can resell these singly In 60 days and make from six to seven thousand dollars. Only 15 minutes' car ride. Good, easy terms. V. Vincent Jones 3 Commercial Club Bldg. M. 1444. A 1444. HAVE YOU LINO TO IRRIGATE? THAT IS OCR BUSINESS. The Lester Hydraulic Ram pumps water with no cost of operation. Will Irrigate from 1 to 1000 acres. Write us the conditions and for catalogue. Lnnter Hydraulic Ram A Irrigation Co., 603 Commercial llldK-, Portland, Or. GENUINE BARGAIN. IRVINGTON . PRICE $6000 New. large and ele gant; eight rooms and sleeping porch. No modern detail omitted inside or out. Handsome and artistic In design and color schemes. Nothing so fine to be had In the city below . I0. 000. 12500 cash, balance easy. Owner, L 597, Ore gonian. Some Fine Acreage for platting, close to city, on car; a rare bargain if taken now. BRONG-STEELE CO., 110 Second St. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rates. CLARK -COOK COMPANY, 6 Board of Trade Building;. Phot Main S4Q7, A A FINE HOME For sale at a bargain. ThS best house, most beautiful grounds and sightly sit uation in Riverside Terrace, 893 Kelly street. Phones Main 4454 and A 4454. SHOO FOR S850 CASH. Full lot hi block from Union ava. worth 1100, for I860. Quick action. J. D. KENNEDY, H.1H Union Are, N. Phone Woodlawn 1713. . $3500 For 5 1-3' lots near Irvington Club. Suf ficient ground for a handsome home. 267 OAK ST., ROOM 2. $450 Lot 42x55, near Irvington Club. Buy be fore you. lose this opportunity. 267 OAK ST., ROOM 3. NEW TODAY. The Endorsement of our guaranteed certificates of title by the BANKS OF PORTLAND is evidence of their many advantages over ''abstracts It will pay those who deal in real estate to investigate. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Paid-np capital, $250,000. Chamber of Commerce. INVESTMENTS SSOOO BuIIdiiK site, ,91x84 feet, on East Madison street, close in; street assessments to be assumed. S50OO High and sightly lot In Nob Hill; beautiful location for a home. . S8000 Well located quarter block on East Third St.; In line of business de velopment. S9500 Best apartment location In Portland; contains 8000 square feet. JBIO.OOO Less $415 street Improve ments. Business corner on Killings worth avenue; one of the coming: traffic streets of the Bast Side; In come, $75 per month. $23.500 Corner lot, close In: con stantly Increasing in value; present rents $170 per month, part cash. S25.000 Quarter block on Sth street, within 5 minutes' walk of the Post office; nothing better In Portland for apartments or flats. Present Income, $110 per .month. $37.500 50x100 lot. close In, not far from Morrison street. Can deliver for $17,500 cash. S-ll.SOO An Inside lot on Front St., 60 feet from where the cltv of Port land originated; 3-story brick build ing; .Income, $300 per month. HENRYE. REED I37 Chamber of Commerce. (Everything: in Real Estate.. 100x100 FEET Southwest Corner 14th and Couch Sts. Wakefield, Fries 6 Co. 85 Fourth Street IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME We have One In Piedmont that it will pay you to look at before buying-. 100x100, with 7-room modern bungalow, all newly tinted and In fine condition. This place Is cheap at $5000. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE Kirk & Kirkham A 7470. 22 Stark St. Main 8045. ACREAGE FOR PLATTING 20 ACRES ADJOINING WEST MORELAND 19 ACRES ON AINSWORTH AVENUE - 5 ACRES ON 'RAYMOND AVE. STOP! THINK! ACT! IT WILL PAY GHAPIN 8 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. HAS GOTTO BESOLD OWNER NEEDS MONEY. Magnificent View Lot in Most Exclusive Residence Section Willam ette Heights. Graded Ready for Building. ( 60x112 Vi. Room for Uarage. SPOT CASH PRICE $2500 We're Going to Sell Thla for Sure This Week. Kirk & Kirkham 22t Stark St. Phones Alain 8045, A 7470. Sixth-St. Corner 50x100; income. Price, $60,000. Fine buy. ZIMMERMAN 621 Board of Trade Bldg. . NEW TODAY. WASHINGTON STREET Corner, 50x100. Income, $110,000 Corner, 100x100, good income, 375,000 Well improved, 50x100, . 52,500 $3250 buys a 7-room up-to-date new. modern home, full base ment and attic, laundry trays', and everything finished in first-class order, including lighting fixtures and shades. Lot 50x100, solid concrete walks ; block from car line. Fine location. Terms. We have 10 new modern Tip-to-date 5 to 7-room houses in fine locations. The owners say to sell regardless of price. Come and see them. - . Gibson & Holliday - 304-5 Gerlinger Bldg. RoseCityPark PROPERTY IS BEST. PRICES' ARE LOWEST. $3200 Only $500 Cash See These .Bargains. Six rooms, full cement basement, furnace, fire place, Dutch kitchen, buffet, wood lift, large closets, large porehe: cement walks around the house. Balance of $2700 the same as rent. This same house will be built on a corner lot for $3500. $2800 Only $500 Cash The best built and best equipped bungalow m the city for the monev. There are two of them, and each lot is 50x100. One faces east and one south. $1600 for a choice 100x100 in the Alameda. "It will pay you to see our list." Chamber- of Commerce Bldg. EAST SIDE RESIDENCES 13S7 Rodnrr tvr. 5 rooms on first rioor; second floor unfinished: will mane iour rooms. Two lots. 100x127 Solid hardwood floors. Faces north $5000. 10S8 East 1Kb St., near Alberta 5- room ounsralow, new; lot 40x100. Beau tlful finish. $3000. . 1201 Haleht St., Piedmont This Is a beautiful 8-room house, new. We have a detailed description of each room, which would fill a half column of this' paper. Call at office and see descrip tion and photo. If you want a house of inai size ana quality you will buy It A bargain at $6600. 1628 Belmont, Mount Tabop 9-room house,- with lot 100x130; 6 sleeping ivuiiib. ii you nave a larRB iamily, tnis win sjuii. you; iirst-ciass residence, $8000. East J!fh street 2-flat residence: each 5-room and bath, new and com plete, ?4U00. East 19tn, between Wtmhlriftrtoii anj Starlt 6 larfre rooms, modern in every respect; fcedroomj large, with large 41 Gladstone ave 6 - room house, with lot 72x140; fruit trees and berries. $1800. 41st street, near Gladntone 4 -room nouve. .with 4 lots, 100x189; fruit trees and berries. $2500. If the above do. not suit you, call and see others on our list. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark Street. I Headquarters for Union Ave.Property A splendid buy for quick sale. Quarter block, eorner Union 'avenue and Davis Price, $25,000; reasonable terms. A chance to double your money in three years. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 STARK ST. Apartment Site The best buy on Upper Washington st. Elegant site for an apartment house. See me for particulars. V. Vincent Jones 3 Commercial Club Bids. A 1444. M. 1444. GET READY FOR SPRING BOOM! Bee me about platting proposition. Must invest $10,000 or more. S. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett Bids. J.-KW TOD AT. BURNSIDE STREET CORNER $70,000 100x100, in down-town busi ness district. Burnside is to be the Big Street, nd this quarter is the best invest ment north of "Washington st. Price $70,000. One-third cash will handle it. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 'Commercial Club Building. GLISAN STREET 100x100, comer, near 20th. Fashionable apartment dis trict, close in. Price - $20000 WASHINGTON STREET 100x100, corner, near 12th. $150,000 50x100, near 12th, $60,000 72x92, near King - $26000 23d Street 200 feet south of Washing ton full lot, 50x100, $11000 Tenth Street near Couch. Corner, 50x100 $21000 Russell Street Upper Albina. Lot 50x145, Buildings leased term of years, $1200 yearly. Bar gain. Half cash required. $10000 New Flats Corner 7th st., West Side. Rent $125. Building new. $14500 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing 'Bldg. That Irvington investment dupli cated in You made an Irvington investment two years ago, and you've more than doubled your money. You know that Irvington property is gilt edge. You have made money on it. Here's your second chance in the Irvington district. Make 200 Per Cent in the next 18 months on an OLM STED PARK LOT.. Prices are low now. Seven homes being built. Ask for a folder. Columbia Trust Co. 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. APARTMENT SITE 85 by 125 ft. corner, in good loca tion and with fine view, near 14th et.; within easy walking distance and close to cars. v $11,000 v Terms. Some Income. A splendid Investment. KAUFFMANN S MOORE 324-826 Lumber Exchange. (Ik f Mortgage Loans $7500 to place on first-class improved city property, business preferred. Address proposition to H. A. MOSER, 250V4 Third St. NEW TODAY. Spitzenberg Apples CATV BE GROWS TO PERFECTION 03V OIR OR HAT SCAPPOOSE SPITZENBERG flrrhsvrH 'Trarfc 1 0-20-30 Acres $400 and $500 Each Tract Railroad runs throuprh renter of bur lands, onlv 35 MII.KX KROM POIIT LAXD. i001 WAfiOV KOAIIS. Best of volcanic ash. clay loam noil, suitable lor API'I.ES PKHS H K R R I E PEACHES and BERRIES of all kinds. AO IRRIGATION MEKOED. To tract buvers. town lots fre in new townaite, SPITi8EBER(i, on Port land Ac southwestern Railroad. These tracts are all situated 600 to R00 feet above Columbia River. Klonlnar i finely for drainage, and with proper cultivation fruit trees of ajl kinds will ' yield the most excellent grades with ! beautiful "hand - painted" cheeks.. Nothing finer can be grrown. Regular trips Tuesday. Frldav and. Sunday every week. Call or -write for complete- portico- ' lars. Easy terms of payment. McFarland Investment Co. 310-31 1 CORBETT BLDG. MERR1TT & PALMER, Salea A Rents. 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR UNION AVENUE PROPERTY $3300 $2750 62'ix70. corner Alberta. Inside lot, 50x100, near Pres cott . $6000 Inside lot, 40xirA near Knott; income, mo... 50x125, with bouse and store, fair Income, 509-511 Union ave.. near Russell; Vtfy easy terms. 100x100. corner Union ave. and Davis st. See special adv. in other column. $25,000 GODDARD 6 WIEDRICK 243 STARK ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT 50 feet wide, line building site, com mandiner good view, on carline. Price, 1S00 cash, balance 6 per cent. This will make monev for you. CHAPIN & HEPtXOWV 332 Chamber of Commerce, f WarehouseProperty , EIKTEE.NTH STREET. S15.000 Lot 50x100, facing east. 50 feet of trackage; high ground; close in. S25.000 Cor. 100x101': ground lio high; 100 leet trackage. A great bargain. $20.000 lot. south of Marshall; railroad trackage. M. E. Thompson Co. Corner Fourth anil (ink Sin. I'D one Main t(OS4, A Modern Houses KST SIE. 95300 8 rooms, hard-surface street, in center Nob Hill, west of 23d. 810,000 J-"lat.. southwest part city. walking distance, paying 10 per cent. 820.00 Corner flats, best street in souciiwest district. Paying 8 per cent net. , . HtVI.MiTIO. $7000 7-room home, lot 75x150. on Tillamook street, near Broadway car. F. O. NORTHRUP 315 Couch Bldg;., 4tb Near Wahlnj?fon. AUTO BARGAINS Buyers who wan good cars at moderate prices are rinding real bargains in used cars we are selling for customers who have purchased 1910 Pierce "'Sixes" and Cadillac "Thirties." Kranklln. li10. model D, complete equip ment, almost new, cost about $3200; our price. .J2SU0. Cadillac. 190, Thirty, complete: $1400. Pope Hartford, 1907, Thirty, complete; 1900. Cadillac, single cylinder, runabout and touring cars; $250 and up. Besides these, we have several others, all bargains. Covey Motor Car Co. Seventh and. Couch. SPECULATION Right in the heart of the Warehouse District a corner lot for onlv .(i.00 ; lot di rectly opposite held at $13,000; $3000 cash required ; balance 6 per cent. Dabney & Dabney 412 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. LOOK HERE! A fine corner on 23d st. A (rood Ineome Troduofr and a property with a future. See me for prices and terms. V. Vincent Jones 3 Commercial Club Bldg. A im. , - M. lm.