THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND. NOVE3IBER, 7, 1909 4 NEW TODAY. XEW TODAY. -EVT TODAT. SEW TODAT. NEW TODAT. KBW TODAT. NEW TODAT. $100,000 BOxlOO. on Washington St., east of 16th. Brings in good rental; 100 feet Is on Washington. Good terms. $100,000 We have over 2 lota on Washington t. Absolutely the best buy In Port- land. No improvements. Look Into this. $75,000 ipOxlOO on 20th and Washington. Three-story building; good rental. $50,000 A good 50x100 on Washington, near 16th. Small income. $45,000 T6xl00. near Washington St. Good wpartment site. $45,000 T0xS on Washington st. If Improved I will pay S4 per cent net. $40,000 lflftxlo on 11th and Glisan, near the Smpot ground?. KFAQFY-KIIRnN-.IFFFFRY IlLnULi nu.i.iiuv.i vbiibiii 34 Chamber of Commerce and 220 Stark STORES FOR RENT Fine larpe store on Oak street, near Third. This is a good loca tion for a printer or wholesaler. On First street, near Taylor street, four floors; will give a good lease on this. Sixth street, between Oak and Pine streets, fine long store. See those new brick stores, 18th and Washington. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. NEW HOUSE ONLY $10 PER MONTH NEVER AGAIN will you have such an opportunity of moving Into a spick and span new house and become the proud owner of your own home for only $10 per month. Come and seo it. Fine big lot: splen did view, clos-e in; best surroundings: city water. The best place to live and make vour home. The best place to buy for an Invest ment. Lots not as good sell for twice the price elsewhere. Come to office and ride out In our automobile, or go to office at Gregory Hig!its. lend of East Ankeny-Rose Cltv Park carllne. Seeing is believing. In't take our word for It. And don't Fully Illustrated folder on request. INVESTMENT C0.0,S2f 418 Corbet DldC Fifth and Morrison. 23d Street, North Virion fet. with Improvements, and at Intersection of two carlines. 20th Street, North Close to Washington St.. WOxlOO feet, snd a most desirable site for apartment house. ' Head of Lovejoy Street xlfl0 let n most desiraWe building' site, in a mueh-scuiRht-aftAr location, commanding an extensive view of the city and mountains. Price, $Ha0. Portland Heights lKxli feet, with fine surroundings, and on 13th St.: one of the last quarter block offered for sale in this desirable location. Thorman Street WxlOO feet, corner, at the Intersection Fourth Street Within on block of the City Hall. 50x 10U feet: well Improved. F.V. ANDREWS 6 CO. Hamilton Bldg.. 1S1 Third St. $5000 East Taylor Street ;o. B?o East Tavlor St., between 14th and swell, modern. S-room house; I filer laces, furnace, fine Improve ments, fuil lot. nice lawn and roses, street work paid, good nelchborhood and easy walking distance. 11000 cash. t-o per month: worth $5600; a snsp. See It today, then see The Owner tlT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak $4250 New ;-room house on Willamette Heights: strictly up to date; full lot and fine view. Easy terms. RVSSELL. BLYTH, Commonwealth Bnlldlng. I4IKWA lOOxien, ON 13th St.: wmtiouM rrojertr on thi tr&rk : cheapest SELECTED BARGAIN LIST S2200 One acre, just west of City ark. Last chance to buy It. Villi be withdrawn from sale this week. Buy it. forget It and it will make money for vou. 83000 Fine view, lot -on Montgom-ery-st. drive. Cheapest building site on Portland Heights. 83SOO Over 2hi lots, on East 43d St. Best buy in neighborhood. 8 4 OOO Dandy building site on Port land Heights, close in. Part cash. S7SOO Classy home, on East lsth st. norm. In Holladay Addition. Terms. 89500 Full lot and 10-room house, on 11th street, south of Morrison. Sure to increase. SIO.UOO Less $415 street Improve ments. Business corner on Killings worth avenue. Income. $900 a year. Slii OOO Business property on Thur nian si. Income. a per month. Can deliver for $4000 cash. $12. 5UO Splendid corner on Union avenue. Ripe for business develop ment. S14.500 Flats on 13th street. In come, $175 per month. Will make terms to right buyer. S15.000 Corner lot on North 23d st. Income. $10i0 per year. 81 8. OOO Corner lot on l$th street, close in. Apartment-house site. In come, $900 per year now. 818. oOO Corner lot on 16th street, north, in the wholesale district. One half cash. . 20 OOO Inside lot on West Park street. Will be worth $1000 per front foot in five years. 822. 500 14th-street corner, 100x100 feet. Present income, $1920 a year. 825.000 Corner containing nearly 3 Tots, on 14th st. Splendid for apart ments. Present Income, $840 a year. 837. SOO Corner on 11th st-. close In. on tne way td the Great Northern's new depot. Can swing for $17,500 cash. Present income. $135 a month. 842. 500 Business property on Front street, close to the heart of the city. Always a good producer. Present in come. $3600 per year. S50 OOO Corner on Front street. In come. $3900 per year. S50.000 North Third street proper ty. Income. $4200 per year. Keep your eye on Third street. REED A IRWAS. , 637 Chamber of C'omnieree. Phone Main 8535. iverlo Do you want to make some money? If so, buy a lot in OVERLOOK, because our prices are today 50 per cent below the market value. Where else can you buy a lot as close in as this for $700 ; improvements com plete $300 1 Take East Side R.S. carline, going . north. Agents on the ground. We have for sale a very fine house with unobstrucetd view, at a bargain. Office 207 Barnside St BURNSIDE STREET CORNER 50x100 100 feet frontage on Burnside, in downtown business district. Price $40,000; can be handled for one-third cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699, A 2653. FOR SALE Beautiful Residence and Quarter Block Holladas Addition Southwest corner East 11th and Clackamas streets, close to Irvington and Broadway cars; price, $15,000. third down; includes carpets, light fixtures and sanitary cleaning ma chine. Investigate at once if seeking ex tremely desirable home. Further particulars, inquire M'CARGAR, BATES AND LIVELY, Failing Bldg., City. East and West Side Very desirable residence property, .re stricted districts. modern In recent con struction. Inside arrangement and fine finish, built lor owners, 6 to 10 rooms each. Chief features of these fine homes, at tractive surroundings, built under close supervision for comfort and refined taste, close to the best carlines, prices reason able. It you are looking for a home call on A. H. BIRR ELL. CO. 208 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. ARDENWALD Have a good home of your own at rent price or less. Ardeiiwald is most attractive of all the new additions and prices the low est $350 to $550 per lot. All improve ments paid by us; 10 per cent down, 3 per cent monthly. KVAFP MACKEY, Sia and 213 Board of Trade Building 30 NET Hotel on the Columbia. Ptaine Main 8. Room 732 liarquam CiKOBGB BLACK. FCBL1C ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches. HIS Worcester Bld - rboaaa ltalJI-SU. A 4011 Mdienna On the Peninsnla WORK ON THE TUNNEL And kailroad YARDS BEING RUSHED CLOSING OUT THE ADDITION . In order to close out the addition, I can sell you a bunch of lots at McKenna Junction that will make you rich. ONLY A FEW LOTS LEFT Remember that there are no other lots'for sale at McKenna Junction. Remember that these lots are on 100-foot boulevards. In 12 months these lots will be worth three times present prices. Remember that there is more ac tivity on the Peninsula at present than in any part of Portland. The city map will convince you that McKenna Junction is the key to the future of the Peniusula. For plats and particulars call or address W. H. Grindstaff 510 Commercial Block Tel. Main 6009 Is growing rapidly. Two houses are already under way, and more will soon follow. In no other district can a choice lot be had for only $3.00 cash down. We want you to see this tract, compare it with other subdivisions, and you can readily see that lots will soon sell for more. Our office at Lents will be open every day. WESTERN" OREGON TRUST COMPANY 14 Chamber of Commerce Cowperthwait & Cnristensea Agents, Lents WAREHOUSE SITE 100x100 on 15th st. 200 ft. trackage $30,0OO. Geo. D. Schalk 264 Stark St. Main 392. A 2392. 's Tfca one BEST piaca In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE resUunce property ot the city. SEEING 19 BEL1BV1SO BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dence under construction and lb ! nroveinenta coins The Cregon Real Estate Company GKANO AVE. AND MtIT3fOMAH ST. A Bargain 100x100, S. W. Cor. Front and Columbia. $10,000 cash will han dle. .Present income will pay in terest on balance. This corner will double in value in four years. If buyer wants to build I can get party to lease building for a ho tel. See me at once. V. VINCENT JONES 146 5th St.- $36,000 Very choice lot on 10th street, near Washington. RUSSELL & BLYTH COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. Portland Heights Corner lot, 50x100. and modern bungalow, with every convenience. Price. $10,500. Rountree $ Diamond 241 Stark St., Corner Second. tRrCK Beautiful apartment site and modern a-room house. St John. cor. Jersey St.. inniinO feet. Owner 161 fast -17 Oi au. corner Belmont MENTONE Holladay Addition SPECIAL BUYS S18.000 New, modern dwelling, bun galow style; close in on West Side, select location; terms. 815. OOO 100 acres, cultivated; level land; in town ot Gervals. Will take some Portland property i exchange. S12.250 acres, right in Beaver- ton; 12 acres orchard; some beaverdam; all in cultiva tion. A snap for some one. Let us show you. S6.000 acres, now in berries, on Powell Valley road, just , south of Waverleigh; but a few blocks from car; terms. 85. OOO 100x100, with nice dwelling, East Sixth and Going. S4.200 Large colonial dwelling, two lota. East 40th near Haw 1 thorne. This Is a splendid buy and can be had on terms. 82.850 New 7-room dwelling, full lot, near Walnut Park; vary easy terms. C2.500 6 acres, all in cultivation; mall house, good well, and a buy not often found. Lo cated Section Line road, east of Mount Tabor. PENINSULA BARGAINS 81. OOO Four lots. Peninsula No. 4. Nothing better. SSOO Four lots. Peninsula No. 2; .1200 cash to handle. S600 3 lots, same addition; easy terms. S600 2 lots, corner, near Penln ' Insula Station; half cash. Nothing for like money in vicinity. SoOO 2 lots, Peninsula No. 3, Just off Peninsula avenue. " 8500 2 lots. 100 feet on Willis boulevard; terms if desired. MONEY TO LOAN 830.000 Term of years, inside prop erty, 6 per cent. 88. OOO Three years, 6 per cent. 83. OOO Two or more years, 7 per cent FOR RENT Four large stores, grood basements; also basement barber shop. In modern building", 2d and Yamhill. Also, 96 rooms, 7 stores, with basements. In new three-story brick on 5th and Flanders; electric lighted and steam heated. Various investments, warehouse sites and business locations, too numerous to mention. Jackson 6 Deering Phones Main 345 ( A 3457 246 Stark St. Ever Given a Thought to Suburban Living? It' the true and healthful way to be happy. The prosperous families of the future will live away from the turmoil and danger of the city. Each will have Tils Garden, Fruits and Flowers; his horse or automobile, and the cost of living will be reduced; no rent, low taxes. Families will move suburb anward in droves when they real ize that on Suburban Homes Club Tract they can have all the city conven ienceg on one to five-acre tracts, abundance of water under pres sure, electric lights, telephones, mail delivery, fine school. Rood car service; 35 minutes' ride from Morrison st., 10c fare; macadam ized road. Prices are low, consid , eringr that these conveniences are already provided and our terms are easy. Come and see us. The Whitcomb Company 502-003 Lumbermen's Eulldlna;, Fifth and Stark , A SIX-ROOM Bungalow With hot and culd water, bwth and patent toilet, wood lift, sleeping porch and quarter block of ground; 2 blocks from car. Everything complete to make a modern home for 2800. Terms if desired. , For further particulars inquire of THE Dl'NJi-I.AWRENCE CO, 24S Alder Street. WE FURNISH LAND YOU PLANT ORCHARD EACH ONE-HALF INTEREST We have a client with choice fruit land, all cleared, who is ready to set It in trees and care for it for one year; he will deed you a half interest if you will pay the expense of planting and care; it s the best proposition we have seen; if you are wanting an orchard or an investment, we recommend this for your consideration. F. W. Power & Co., 225 Henry bldg. FOR A GOOD HOiME Look at that swell 9-room home and Bars tie with 100x114 feet of ground on tlie S. W. cor. East 20th and East Ash streets. Has plenty of good fruit trees. To make quick sale can offer this at a very low figure and easy terms. EDWARD P. MALL CO. 308-310 Ablngton BUc. WHEAT LAND I handle my own wheat land; will take small cash payment, good Port land property or secured notes for first payment, and take ONE-HALF of crop until land is paid for. J. O. ELROD, 510-520 Corbett nids;.. Opposite Poat office. 6 Rooms, Hew, Slriclly Modern, Cement Floor In Basement, Furnace and laundry Trays, Electricity and Gas. Large ball, wittt eat; large pantry, bath room and closets; first-els, plumbing. Im proves ftrset, cement walk all paid. Beat Bide 15 minutes out. Broadway car. X30O0: terms. AB 511. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Splendid Home and Fruit Ranch Property close to North Bank R. R. Located in White Salmon Valley. Inquire Xor iiiiibtr particularly 410 Henry Bldg. The Portland Heights of the East Side. Genuine view lots are going rapidly. If you want to secure one of the finest home sites in the city today and make money at the same time, you must act quickly only a few days will pass before a blanket raise will be put in effect Olmsted Park lots are terribly low in price, "and terms are easy. - BETTER THAN IRVINGTON Take a trip to the tract in our car and be surprised. Columbia Trust Company Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th st. ' If you will take the Montavilla car and go to You will see one of the prettiest additions in the city. Ask the residents why they bought in JOfiESHORE We will give you the same easy terms and help you own a lot for your future home. GEO. D. SCHALK 264 Stark St. Main 392, A 2392 My Fool Client My fool client wants to get in debt. He desires to buy a farm and convey as lirst payment two prospective business lots on Patton avenue., near Kenton, and give mortgage back on farm for bal ance, ipayable on or before five years at 6 per cent interest. On behalf of this chump. I propose to see that the land he f ets will not cost more than $100 per acre o grub, and will be worth not lees than J25 an acre when grubbed. The land must not be more than 1000 miles from rail road, nor over the altitude of Mt. Hood. Briefly, tell about what you have for sale, but tell nothing about why you de sire to sell. It is land, not hard-luck etory. my client wants. He is an optlm iBt. He can pay the interest and princi pal when due. Will take all the land he can get on above terms at satisfactory price. FRANCIS Tm'KENNA 617 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. AKE LaYTLE (On Garibaldi Bach.) Th ctoest-to-Portland Beach Resort, on the new P. R. & N- Railroad, to be com pleted next Summer. Streets graded and mountain water, purer than Bull Run, piped to every bloclc- LOTS 10O UP. On completion of railroad these Iota will be worth three times present price. Why pay the waiter's penalty? REMEMBER, L&ke Lytle will be first topping place on the beach on new rail road. ... Full particular and folder from Ralph Ackley 60S Corbett Building. Apartment Site 100x100, N. W. Cor. 12TH AND CLAY STS. Easy Terms. PHILIP BUEHNER, Owner 516 Lumbermen Bldg. Choice quarter block on Grand ave nue and East Oak St.; Vs cash: balance on terms. Jno. P. Sharkey Company 122 Slxtk St. Roethe River Front $1250 to $1800 WIM buy a home on the Willamette River, close to Covell and convenient to city 35 minutes' ride from First and Morrison streets. Some of it is cul tivated in fruit In full bearing- You cannot buy a home as good as this anywhere for the money. For further particulars, address THE DrW"-I.AWRE"CE CO, 248 Alder Street. J MORE Read Our List Carefully! $9000 lOfixlCO feet.' warehouse site. Wilson St., North Portland. Hold this until K. R. switch is extended; you will double your money. $5000 7-room house, 50xl00-foot lot, all in good repair. Second St., close in. $55,000 60 feet frontage, on corner Third and Everett sts.; brings g per cent net on investment: building S stories, covering the whole lot. As the R. R. bridge Is an established fact, watch Third-st. property grow in value. $100,000 A very large piece on Third St., close to Washington sL; corner, almost a quarter block: brings large income on Investment; Improvements substantial; Investigate this. $20,000 Quarter block, splendid apartment slta, walking distance. GOLDSMITH 6 CO. 103 Sherlock Bldg., Third and Oak Sts. Are You Looking For an Investment IN PORTLAND We have a choice list of inside business property direct from the owners. Also RIVER FRONTAGE, WAREHOUSE PROPERTY and FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY both East and West Side. We also write FIRE INSUR ANCE and do a GENERAL MORTGAGE LOAN business It will pay to call at our office or write us before Buying. M. E. THOMPSON (Established 25 Years) Henry Building, 4th and Oak Sts. nvestigate Before buying elsewhere. It costs you nothing. Streets graded and graveled, cement sidewalks and curbs, Bull Run water in front of every lot, and all paid for. No property bonded for improvements here. Building re strictions of $1500 and $2000. New houses constantly being built. Splen did car service. When desiring to build, we will help you. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Room 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5407, A 3252 (Douglas County, Oregon) 1700 acres choice land, on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land 4s very suitable for platting and is at presenf in good con dition; price $25 per acre. For partic ulars and terms apply to William MacMaster 302 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. East Side Business Properties 65x100, on Russell, near Mississippi street. This has a good future and good Income. - East Stark Street 60x100, S. E. corner East 9th and East Stark. Income 115 per month. Price $4750. This is the cheapest property on the street. Grand Avenue 100x150 on Grand ave., near the new Steel bridge. Price $17,500. This is cheap, all Improvements in. ED W. P. MALL CO. JO'J-310 Abington Bldg. Rooming Houses 11 rooms, 16 rooms, 17 rooms, 19 rooms, 20 rooms, 25 rooms, 28 rooms, 30 rooms, 33 rooms, rent $35, rent $40. rent $75, rent $, rent $46, rent $:5, rent $175, rent $170, rent $100, price $1000; terms, terms, terms. terms, terms. terms. terms. terms. terms. pi HJC rjV, price $700; price $1250; price $675; price $1850; price $3600; price $00; price $3000; NORTHWEST TIMBER CO. 520 Lumber Exchange Bldg. mm home Corner lot, 50x100. on Lovejoy street, and modern home, in splendid condition. Price. $12,500. Rountree & Diamond 241 Stark Street, Corner. ale The finest body of irrigated land in Washington, the greatest irrigation t state in the Union. Lowest irrigated altitude north of Central California, and is just as early, in the CENTER. OF FOUR MILLION PEOPLE All within 500 miles. 10 acres for only $312.50 cash, balance in 6 j-ears; will pay for itself and keep a family of 8, and after the third year will clear $5000 per year. Call or write for free booklet. A. W. Hover, Mgr. 908 Board of Trade 4th and Oak. Phone Main 7466. Always leads, and never follows, la their motto. It sets the standard for j valueB and its product sells for the highest prices in the world, and the market Is at their door. We will sell you 20 flexes, 4 miles south of town, on the main county road. Soil is the very best; all planted to trees 10 years old and bearing Bald wins. Arkansas Blacks, Newtowns. Spttzenbergs the very best kinds, the kinds that will keep you in comfort in your old age. Just think this over If you are interested. In five years' time this land will be worth 2500 an acre. Part caBh. RAND, REED 6 CO. 316 Board of Trade. Irvington Lots 100x200 feet, between Tillamook and Thompson streets, for $3200. Beautiful building sites. This is an offering which will hold good only for a short time. All street improvements and con crete sidewalks in. Close to car. Don t fail to investigate this. THE DIXS-I.AWRE5ICB CO, J4H Alder Street. 20th and Lovejoy 100x100, on the N. E. corner of Love Joy and 20th. 50x100, adjoining. Can make1- a price on these proper ties that will Interest you. No phone information. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 Abington Bldg. IRVINGTON New and modern dwelling, with four bedrooms and sleeping porch. Just fin ished and never occupied. Lot oOxlOO. on asphalted street. Ten minutes' ride from 6th and Washington streets. Can make easy terms. Rountree 8 Diamond 241 Stark Street, Corner Second. NOTHING DOWN NOTHING FOR 3 YEARS We will sell choice residence lots at University Park, without any payment on the purchase price for three years, to those who will build modern resi dences. Money to loan to homebuilders. FRANCIS I. MCKENNA. 617 Commercial Block, Second and WaMhlnirton. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to ault spe cial intra and favorable terms on In rare loans on business properties). F-nada Loaned for Private. Investors. A.H.BIRRELL CO. SOS McKay Bldac 3d Stark. 1 KING'S HILL We have for sale one of the most desirable residence properties in this, exclusive neighborhood; house con tains 10 rooms, with. 100x100 feet of! ground. mTJggEliL iu.YTTJ, J( Conunonwealtk Building. ...jU LAND CO. Hood River