The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Demonstration "Nemo" Corsets by Mrs. Deane, Expert Corsetiere Artistic Picture Framing Watch Repairing Custom Shade Work
Special Bargains for the Needlework Guild of America Members We Are Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications
Thanksgiving Shopping Opportunities at Meier Franks Store
Our Thanksgiving shopping opportunities are commanding the attention of all shrewd buyers The seasonable offerings of wearing apparel and table necessities
are of course of the greatest importance Merchandise of style and quality priced far below value Particular advantages are being offered to buyers of table
linen, damasks, napkins, sets and separate pieces Finest grades at a saving you are bound to appreciate The Thanksgiving spirit has invaded every nook and
corner of the "Greater Store" Attractive displays of the best wares the world produces Everything man, woman and child wears, as well as household effects
$ 2.50 VaL Laces 89cDoz
20c Val. Laces 10c Yd.
. :
$1.50 Embroideries 69c
75c Hosiery 48c Pr
40c Hosiery 2 7 c Pr
75c Kerchiefs 25c
Great Thanksgiving sale of 5000 pairs women's imported Lisle Hose,
full-fashiJhed, with silk" embroidered boots; blatjc and all A C
colore; best 75c values, on sale at this low price, the pair xt
5000 pairs of women's plain black Lisle. Hose, full-fashioned; extra
long; come in silk mercerized finish; double sole; all sizes. A 9
The best regular 40c values, on sale at this low price, pair & ft
A wonderful offering of women's Handkerchiefs in all-linen; hand
embroidered initials, scalloped, hemstitched, lace edges; thousands of
styles to select from ; values ranging all the way from 35c A C
to 75c each,.on sale at this low price, each let us show you 64 -J
75c Flannel Waistings 50c
Great offering of 3000 yards of new Flannel Waistings, in plain col
ors and stripes, with and without borders; the best regu- C A
lar 75c values, on sale at this exceptionally low price, yard J J W
Sale of Women's Fine Shoes
$ 4.50 Values at $ 3. 1 9 Pair
Women's Felt Slipp'rs $1.07
Great Thanksgiving sale of 1000 pairs women's fine Shoes; patent
colt, with green, blue and taupe ooze calf tops; glazed kid with mat
tops, blucher Russia calf, etc.; button and blucher styles; Cuban,
military and school heels; Goodyear welt soles; all fl 7 1 Q
4 a
standard $4.00 f nd $4.50 shoes, at, the pair
2000 pairs of women's felt Juliette Slippers, with fur trimming; in
brown, oxford, grayblue, black, wine and red; me- fi 1
dium low heel, hand-turn soles; sizes 2Y2 to 8; sp'l. JJ A aVSft
Children's Sweater Coats
Sale Misses' White Skirts
Special lot of children's Sweater Coats, white with pink and
blue trimming; ages from 2 to 6 years; best fl 1
regular $1.75 values, on sale at this price, each U
Special lot of misses' and children's white cambric Underskirts,
trimmed with lace, embroidery and tucks; fine 1 '
materials; best $1.75 and $2 values) special, ea. M TP ZV
Misses' Undermuslins the largest and best stock in the city,
and at the lowest prices. Let us 6how you. On second floor.
Women's Flannel Gowns
$2.00 Values $1.49
Special lot of women's outing flannel Nightgown, plain colors
and fancy stripes; well made; extra full sizes. LQ
Regular $1.75 and $2.00 values, on sale at, each 4 1 TP r
Misses' and children's .flannelette Nightgowns at lowest prices.
Sleeping Garments and flannel Pajamas for misses and chil
Jn of all aires. Don't fail to see them. On the second floor.
Infants' Wear Department on the second floor. Take elevator.
Sale of $8.00 to $35.00 French Gowns at Half Price
Sale of $3.50 and $4.00 Nightgowns at $2.75Each
Sale of Sl.50-S2.00 Chemise at 98c Each
a mum
TJxmTfc1inc Daric and Npw York
Unusual values in women a mc .... . . -
gowns in exquisite styles at prices you cannot afford to pass by A
'very largehowingin all the newest and prettiest effects 2d Floor
Magnificent hand-embroidered French Nightgowns, made of the best quality French nain
sook and percales, and trimmed in lace and hand-embroidered yoke effect; made in low,
round and square-neck styles; short puff and flowing sleeves; values ranging from
$8 00 to $35.00 each, on sale at one-half the regular selling prices let us show you
Women's high-grade Domestic Nightgowns, made of the best quality nainsook, muslin and
cambric, and trimmed in the best quality lace, emoroiuary, iuos .u-
Kdin,r. rihhons: hieh or low-neck styles; $3.50-$-4 vals., garment ft J
c;.i w ff wnmpn's nmhric and nainsook Chemise, trimmed in lace
embroidery, with trimmed skirt; regular $1.50 and $2.00 values, special, each
Special lot of women's cambric and nainsook Chemise, trimmed in lace and Q Q
embroidery, with trimmed skirt; regular $ ana .uu values, specia., eacu w w
Women's $ 1 .75-52.00 White Petticoats 98c
1000 women's white Underskirts, maUe of good material; wide flounces, plain tucked or
lace-trimmed; very large variety; the best regular r-.v .-
ues; buy all you want of them at this extraordinary low price, each see them
Infants' Wear
Infants' fine white Cassimere Wrappers,
hand-embroidered; $3.500 1 A
to $4.50 values, at, each P Ji 1
Infants' hand-crocheted Sacques, all white
'with pink and blue trimming; regular
$1.75 to $2.50 values, on fl tO
sale at this price, each iff 1 J Zr
Special lot of infants' nainsook and lawn
Dresses, with lace and embroidery-trim 'd
yokes and skirts; regular $2.50 and $2.75
values, on sale at this fl 1 AO
unusually low price, each J M 7 U
Children's Dresses
A special lot of children's white lawn
Dresses, trimmed in lace and embroidery,
in Mother Hubbard and French waisted
styles; long and short sleeves: ages from
6 months to 3 years; best O LQ
regular $3.50 values, ea. $&U7
Couch Covers $2.95
Heavy double-faced Couch Covers, knot
ted fringe all around; combinations of
Oriental colorings; best A A C
$4.50 values, on sale at CD & Zf J
$12.00 Velour Couch Covers, green, olive
and red; t0 inches wide, 7 A C
3 yards long; great vals. 5 7 J
$15.00 heavy double-faced Tapestry Couch
Covers." beautifid designs T t?
and colorings; special at J J
Great Thcnkssivmg Sale of
Dinner Sets, Silverware, Cttt Glass
Best Steel Carving Sets, with genuine
stag handles; great values at these prices:
Reeular $3.75 Carving Sets for.. $2.93
Regular $5.50 Carving Sets for
Regular $8.00 Carving Sets for,
Regular $10.00 Carving Sets at
nted SDoon Travs
$6.00 Baking Dishes on sale at.. $4.77
$4.50 Fern Dishes on sale for. .$3.58
.TSO Fern" Dishes on sale for. .So. 98
$6.50 Tea Sets, four pieces, at.. $5.18
$7.50 Fruit Baskets on sale for.
$10.00 Water Sets, 3 pieces for.
$12.00 Coffe Percolators, specl.
$2.00 14-inch Trays on sale for.
$4.00 Macaroni Dishes on sale at
$2.50 Candlesticks, on sale for.
$3.00 cut glass Spoon Trays, ea.
$6.00 cut glass Celery Dishes at.
$9.00 cut glass Ice Cream Trays.
Regular $6.50 cut glass A'ases at.
Rotnilnr iS.i-00 cut class Vases at.
Regular $5.50 cut glass Bowls at.. $3.99
Regular $8.00 cut glass Bowls at. .Jfo.9
$7.00 cut glass Comports, at, ea..S4.95
$20 Wine Sets, on sale at, set..$15.50
$24.00 Finger Bowls, for, set.. $18.95
$22.50 Flower Center, special. .$17.50
60-piece Austrian China Dinner Sets, neat
pink and floral deco- tf? 1 f Af
ration, on sale at, set t?) 1 J Hi J
100-piec set, same as above. .$15.75
60-piece Austrian China Dinner Set, neat
green and pink border decoration, pretty
gold decoration; now 1 9
on sale at, special, set tP 1 ft JJ
100-piece set, same as above. .$26.00
60-piece Austrian China Dinner Set, pink,
rose border design ; a tf 1 t C
great value, at, the set p 1 Kj O -
100-piece set, same as above. .$25.75
60-piece Haviland China Dinner Set, neat
pink rose decoration, with gold edge; a
great special, value, on fl O
sale at, special, set J J J
100-piece set, same as above. .$47.50
60-piece Haviland China Dinner Set, in
green and purple floral decoration; gold
stippled; special valr fl f
ue, at this price, setj)4Vft JJ
100-piece set, same as above. .$41.00
60-piece Haviland China Dinner Set, in
chrysanthemum pattern; heavy gold dec
oration ; special value, tf A,
at this low price, set if) J HP J J
100-piece set, same as above. .$47.00
60-piece Haviland China Dinner set, neat
border design, with gold edge; wonderful
value, on sale at this fl C f
special low price, set JJ J J J V
100-piece set, same as above. .$46.00
Best values in fancy China. Great values
in Glassware. On sale in the Basement.
$ 1 .50 Kid Gloves $ 1
$2.50 Umbrellas $1.49
50c Fancy Ribbons 29c
Great offering of women's Kid Gloves in suede, mocha and
glace; pique and overseam; two and three-clasp styles; black,
white and all colors; sizes 52 to T1,; regular 1
.$1.00, $1.50 values, at this low price, the pair 1 XjKJ
1000 women's and men's Umbrellas, fine rainproof union taf
feta covering; tape edge; best paragon frame, and a very large
assortment of handles for your selection; regu- flO
lar values up to $2.50 each; your choice, each 9 1
5000 yards of high-grade' fancy Ribbons, Dresdens, warp prints,
fancies, stripes, plaids, checks, also plain heavy taffeta, for hair
bows, etc.; black and a complete line of colors, and in J Q
widths from 4 to 6 inches; 40c and 50c values, yard V
Women's Neckwear 25c
5000 pieces of women 's - Neckwear, in all the new styles of
rabats, jabots, collars, stocks, linen collars, etc.; im- ff
mense variety; values from 35c to 75c piece, special wtf J
1000 dozen round mesh and mechlin Val. Laces and Insertions,
34-inch to 2 inches wide, suitable for trimming holi-Q A
day articles, etc.; values to $2.50 per dozen yds. O J
2000 yards of Plat Val. Lace and Insertion, 1 to 4 inches wide,
for undermuslins, fancy work, etc. ; regular values up 1
to 20c the yard, on sale at this special low price, yard I J V
3000 yards of swiss Corset Covering, eyelet, floral and appen
zelle designs; great assortment for your selection;
regular values up to $1.50 the yard, on sale at, yard O
$4 Embroideries $1.69
Great clean-up of Batiste Flouncing and Bands, designs in baby
Irish, suitable for lingerie waists, gowns and underskirts ; come
in beautiful styles; regular values up to $4.00 0 JjLQ
a yard, on sale at this special low price, yard J) 1 U7
Great sale of real Irish and Cluny Lace Edges and Inserting, '2
to 2 inches wide; pretty for neckwear, etc.; splendid bargains:
Regular values to' $4.00 a yard, on sale at, special, yd., $1.69
Regular values to $1.00 yard, on sale at, special, the yard, 59
500 Women s T
rim me
d Hats
Values to $8.50 for $4.25
Great Thanksgiving sale of Women's and Misses' Trimmed Millinery
500 new up-to-date hats in velvet and silk to be sold at about one-half
their realvalue The very latest shapes and effects trimmed in ostrich
and fancy feathers Black and all colors are included Attrac
tive jaunty headgear by far the best values of the Season and
assortment large enough to please every individual fancy .
ya!uesiip to $8.50 each - Take advantage P A C
of this remarkably low price, choice, at each JJH? J
Paris Pattern Hats selling regularly at prices' from $25.00
to $75.00 on sale at half price An advantageous offering
Great clearance of all untrimmed Felt shapes, in the newest fashions and the best shades;
values ranging up to $6.00 each, on sale at this ' special reduction
Great special values in misses' and children.'s Millinery,
Don't fail to take advantage.
Sale of Jewelry
Brooches, Rings, Cuff Buttons, Collar Pins,. Purses
Manufacturers' sample line of Brooches,
all new, pretty styles, in immense assort
ment; warranted 10-karat solid gold, 1
$1.50 to $15.00 values, at, the piece "2
Gold Signet Rings, warranted 10-k. solid
gold ; best regular $2 val- (VIA
ues, at this low price, ea. M 7
Gold Signet Rings, $3.00 values. .$1.98
$2.50 solid gold Scarf Pins, with genuine
stone settings; great values, ea..$1.49
Solid gold Links, large variety, both pol
ished and Roman gold; fi 1 Q
best $2.50 values, special H M "J 7
Solid gold Beauty Pins, with finest catch
and hinge; great value at, special -.98
Wonderful line of gold-filled 1 Q
Beauty Pins, special values at m w
Fancy Gold Clocks and pretty brass and
gunmetal Clocks, special price.. $1.39
Large oak frame 8-day Kitchen Clocks,
strike half-hour; every rt O
one fully warranted ; ea. JJ & J Zr
Fine 8-day Mantel Clocks, pretty enameled
designs, strike every half fl A AO
hour; great spe'l. values iJ tsf jf 3
Genuine Metalized Rose Hat- A A
pins, best $1.00 values, each Z9
Special line of imported Hat- A, O
pins, best 50c values, at, each '
2000 beautiful Belt Pins, faufcy designs in
green, rose and tinted finished; regular
values up to $2.50 ea.,
on sale at, special, each
Brooches and Dutch Collar Pins, 100 pat
terns, in all finishes ; values O A
up to $2.00 each, on sale at Zr V
New adjustable Jet Bracelets, A CI
pretty novelties, great values Zf
All pearl Opera Glasses, . finest quality
lens ; marvelous values 9 (
at this special price, pair f) ft 71
Sil,ver-plated Jewel Box, silk-lined, with
sterling silver thimble, on sale at.. 39
Great special lot of Alarm Clocks, nickel
cases, fine timekeepers; every A
one fully warranted; special at w
One-day Time Clocks, special, eaeh..59f
German Silver Mesh Bags and Purses, 4-in,
frames ; with good strong
mesh ; wonderful values
Jet Pendants and Necklaces, $1.50 to $25
values, special at ONE -FOURTH OFF
Special lot of high-grade German silver
Mesh Bags, finest quality mesh ; plain and
fancy frames, kid-lined ;
$8.00 values, special, ea,
$2.50 German silver Purses and
Card Cases, on special sale at
Three big special values in Jewel Cases,
both gold and silver finishes ; new designs,
beautiful patterns, at these special prices:
?1.00 values, . 69 $1-50 values, 98
Regular $2.50 values, on sale at. .$1.49
3-piece Toilet Sets brush, comb and mir
ror, in quadruple silver plate; new, heavy
desisrns; best $8.00 val
ues, on sale at, the' set
3-piece sterling silver Toilet Sets, brush,
comb and mirror; $15.00 fl A AO
value, on sale at, the get J Z9 ZP
Sterling silver Manicuring Articles nail
files, cuticle knives, shoe horns, A O
etc. ; great special values, each f J
Sterling silver Sewing Set, five pieces
scissors, thimbles, emery, CJ , V 9 A
darner, etc. ; special, set ft 7
$45 One-Piece Dresses at $20 Each
$9.50 BlackTaffeta Waists $4.85
The big second-floor Garment Store offers for tomorrow and Tuesday a great
special lot of 200 One-Piece Dresses in moyenage and princess styles All
new, up-to-date garments purchased from a leading New York manufacturer
at a great concession from regular prices Materials in serge, henriettq cloth,
voile, broadcloth, messaline and crepe de chine Dainty yokes of lace and new
bead effect, others have bodice embroidered in silk and braid pattern Skirts
yoke-pleated, or pleated from the belt The sleeves are full length and either
fancy trimmed or tucked The color assortment includes tans, champagne
mode, green, reseda, raisin, pink, blue, white, navy, black, gray, etc. Well
made, best styles, matchless values Dresses in the lot selling d
re?ularlv at n rices ud to S45 each Choice at this low price P & J JJ
Take Advantage of This Offer See Our Big Fifth-Street Window Display
Suits at
300 Tailored Suits at a popular price, in wide and narrow
wale cheviots, tweeds, homespuns, serges and broadcloths;
coats medium and long length; semi or tight-fitting; strictly
plain tailored or in braid and button J A A A A
trimming; navy blue, black, raisin and gray; all sizes; best values, at, the suit g&ViUV
100 dozen women's black Taffeta Silk Waists, made of the best qualityblack taffeta, with fancy
round pointed or square yokes, trimmed witn narrow iancy oraio. ana appiiqum w- a
)lain or tucked net; French knot, pin or 1-4-inch tucks ; values up to $9.50, for JJ "S' O
I ininfT Offers ready-made Flounces for underskirts at special prices. Take advantage of sale.
Lvinillg Tucked Flounce, 9 inches deep, embroidered edge, on sale at low price of. .65
a Sateen Flounce, bias band trimming, 12 inches deep, on sale at this low price. .85
C U I Xearsilk Flounce, 18-inch, accordion-pleated and trimmed, special at, each..$1.2o
New assortment of Moreens, for underskirts, on sale at the unusually low' price of, yard.. 50