THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 31 1 1909. 12,(1 FUND GOAL Sellwood Y. M. C. A. to Start Campaign Tomorrow. Enemies of Broadway Project to Attack It in Courts. New Things In Furniture SPECIAL MEETINGS TODAY SUIT IS BEING PREPARED TVHI Seek to Nullify Act Providing for Bond Issue Complaint In Friendly Suit Covering Same Ground Already Filed. WILL FIGHT BRIDGE Court yesterday, he sets up that she has long had an inordinate fondness for one John Marts. In fact she liked him so well as to Inform the neighbors that Marts was a better man than her husband, so that worthy avers. She finally grot to think ing; so much of Marts that she left her home in Clackamas and hasn't been back since. This was a year ago. Hence Thomas insists that he is the one who ought to receive any divorce decrees that happen to be distributed In the family. He wants. In addition, their two minor children and a third of his wife's property. Court Reporters Announced. Five court reporters were announced yesterday for the State Circuit Court to serve in. a semi-official .capacity. Thev are D. S. Dufur. A. M. Wing, C H. Sholes. A. W. Person and Alton Rog ers.1 They will be designated from day to day for the various trials and will not receive fixed salaries. Sholes, Par son and Rogers have long been engaged In the court work, while the others are additions to the fold. STUDENTS VISIT PRISON Vniversity of Oregon Football Boys Feel Inside of Penitentiary. I , II rii 1 1 - J --f ll - I . ff L I - i VI . w4? ti S .11 ; . - tt1. . ... I I.... The Broadway bridge bond issue has become the storm center for two different varieties of litigation and the matter bids fair to be extensively threshed out in the courts shortly. A friendly suit was filed yesterday against the city, asking a re straining order apainst the issuance of the bonds. But an unfriendly suit will be filed either tomorrow or the next day, asking the same thing. The friendly suit was filed yesterday DT JUSejJIl PlU-uiw I of the bridge. Those opposed to the J : - t . , ..U . Kt AnA that suit U 11 DnuKe ins". ' "" SALEM, Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.) Led by Trainer "Bill" Hayward and Assist ant Coach George Hug. the members of the University of Oregon football squad visited the State Penitentiary and Insane Asylums this morning while passing away the time before their Speakers From City Association Will Present Cause In Churches ol Suburb Banquet Will Be Held Monday Xlght. ' This morning addresses will be de livered in the Sellwood churches call ing attention to the campaign which will be started Monday morning to raise $12,000 to establish a branch Y. M. C. A. In that suburb. The follow ing are the appointments for the day: At 11 A. M. In Spokane-avenue Presby terian Church and Church of the Naza rene. Secretary Stone, who will divide his time between the two churches; Methodist. Charles Wonacott and R. C French; Christian, J. C. Clark and J. B. Jeffries; Baptist, I. H. Rhodes. To- MEN PROMINENT IN CAMPAIGN TO SECURE Y. M. C. A. BUILDING FOR SELLWOOD. mate - I A. W. M ills, Chalrmaa of Execu tive Committee Rev. n. A. Thompson, Who Das Been Behind Movement From First. Dr. II- C. Flxott, Chairman of Campaign Committee. hoax and declared that the real action will develop shortly. The complaint Is now under course of preparation by At torney R. R- Duniway' on behalf of Frank Klernan and will be submitted to the court with as little delay as possible. The friendly suit filed yesterday was for the purpose of settling a number of disputed points. In his complaint Mr. Buchtel sets forth a number of alleged defects In the bridge bonding Issue. He picks it to pieces In most unfriendly manner, averring that It has serious shortcomings. No notice. - he complains, was given the electors of Portland that such an election to decide the bonding question was to be held. A second com plaint is that the City Council did not formulate the plan by ordinance but by A.AitiAn ITiirther than that it Is averred that the matter, In the form of a proposed amendment to the charter, was ; not proposed by initiative petition bear- ing a sufficient number of names. Final- i v. It is set up that the Issue will add to I the burdens of the taxpayers, especially I 1n view of the fact that the sum involved. J..WV.UW. IS greater uuui fcuo " revenues. This complaint, throughout Is very business-like. It was lodged admittedly for the sole purpose of having the points referred to passed on in court. By ob taining a favorable ruling It was hoped to rut at rest for all times the rumblings of trouble that have surcharged the at mosphere ever since the amendment passed at the past city election. Messrs. Duniway and KJernan, repre senting the antl-brtdge element, claim : to be very much dissatisfied with the friendly suit and for that reason will put through one of their own. Mr. Dunlway was at the Courthouse shortly after the friendly complaint was filed to 'look It over. "That will not do at all." he asserted. "That doesn't set out all the weaknesses of the proposition. It doesn't go into 1 the law at all and we do not intend to . let the issue rest upon any such suit. Among: additional defects that will be set up in the unfriendly suit is one to the effect that the preliminary steps In the evolution of the bridge Issue were Irregu lar In that they were not carried out within the period prescribe by law. VALUABLE ESTATE PROBATED Mrs. Morris' Property to Be Dlyided Among Four Children. By the will of Hannah Rodney Mor .i. " nt Plshnn Morris, block 275. Couch's Addition, Is to be divided among her four children. Louisa Mor ris, Mary Rodney Adair, Benjamin Wls tar Morris and William E. Morris. The I -will was filed for probate yesterday In ' the County Court. The block Is the one ! bounded by Nineteenth, Twentieth. Everett and Flanders streets and has not yet been appraised. The sum of ' J400 is also left to Hannah Adair, a grandchild, and the sum of $100 each goes to four other grandchildren. J. N. Teal is named as executor, without bond. S. D. Adair. R. G. Jubitz and R. M. Doble were appointed by the court as appraisers. VACCHX MTST SERVE SENTENCE Habeas Corpus Writ Dismissed by Judge Cleland. C. C. Vaughn's hopes of getting out of a four-months' term In the County Jail on a writ of habeas corpus were shattered yesterday when Circuit Judge rleland dismissed the writ and directed that Vaughn proceed to serve out hla time on a charge of assault. He hinted at an appeal to the Supreme Court, his grounds being that the court had no jurisdiction. Inasmuch as Vaughn had once been permitted to leave the city " under a suspension of sentence. He Is later to be tried on a charge of sending poisoned tea to Mrs- Lola O. Baldwin. HUSBAND TURNS THE TABLES Accuse His Wife of Faults Ascribed by Her to Hint. In a cross complaint filed in his wife's divorce suit. C. H. B. Thomas de nies having ever deserted Mary E. Thomas and accuses her of the matri , monlal weaknesses she ascribes to him nd many more. In his cross com plaint, as filed with the State Circuit game wHh Willamette In the afternoon. It was the first time most of the men had been Inside the grim oia ounoius where the state keeps its offenders. - At the Penitentiary the football play ers were met by Warden James, who made a special exception in their favor of the rule against visiting on Satur days and gave them the freedom of the place. Guards Bengen and Woolery escorted them through the grounds and buildings. When the students, visited the exe cution chamber, Louis Plnkham. the big All-Northwest tackle, was consumed with Interest to know how the cord was fixed for a hanging. He was given a practical demonstration of the feel pt the rope when a noose which had hanged nine men was placed about his neck. Big Elmer Storle, of Pendleton, the 200-pound guard, was the comedian of the party. Storle was so anxious to be locked .up In a cell for a few min utes. Just to see how It seemed, that be came very near being left behind when the party passed through one of the locked off partitions. He was res cued in the nick of time by "Bill" Hay ward. He made even the guards smile when he asked whether a convict got service stripes for each extra year. Jack Hickson, the end, became so ln terested in seeing how several of th convicts were baking bread that he was advised to enter the " Penitentiary an learn the trade. Hickson is one of the best ends on the varsity eleven. After leaving the Penitentiary the party thanked the guards and, the War den and started for the Asylum. On the way over, some excitement was caused when a brindle cow with a calf charged half-backs Sullivan and Main, who in advertently walked too closj to them. They had to leap a rail fence and place It between them and the enraged ani mal before they were safe. f Tree Swindles Must Cease. MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. 30. (Special.) The Latah County Fruitgrowers' As sociation and the Moscow Packing & Cold Storage Company, at a meeting of their principal stockholders yesterday, passed resolutions to the effect that they propose to take the necessary steps to protect themselves against fruit-tree swindlers, and to this end there Is to be established a "fruit-tree agency" In this city, and when any of the association members want fruit trees they will order them at the proper time through this agency. PIONEER OF 62 CELGBRATliS JUS 86th BIRTHDAY. i i I ! Jsf-m. i .. . If I ' t x !r-"''-s i& : ! ii w 1 John BlrCIunn- Scott. John McClung Scott celebrated his 86th birthday October 14, last, at his home at 264 East Eighth street. North. Mr. Scott, with his family, crossed the plains with oxteams in Captain Kennedy's company In 1S62, and arrived In Portland October 8 of that year. In 1S63 he settled on the Colum bia River bottom, where he re sided until 1S&3. when he moved to Portland. He has resided in his present residence for 26 years. night a general mass meeting of all denominations will be held In the Meth odist Church. The real campaign for raising the $12,000 will begin Monday morning from the headquarters which have been established at Umatilla avenue and East Thirteenth Btreets. . Fifty canvassers divided into five committees of 10 each will work under the general direction of Mr. Rhodes, state secretary; H. C. Fixott, chairman, and Rev. D. A. Thompson, assistant chairman, and will continue through the week, and longer if necessary. Monday night a banquet will be held for the canvas sers and friends in the Methodist Church, and every night luncheon will be served in this church to the can vassers by the women of the various churches. Options on Two Lots. It Is now five years since a group of boys gathered In the rooms of the Sell wood Branch Library to discuss the organisation of a boys' athletic club and to erect a gymnasium if possible. The result was the purchase of a lot on Umatilla avenue and East Thir teenth street but until recently the matter has rested. It is now proposed to erect a building for Y. M. C. A. purposes that will be a credit to Sell wood. The city Association will make this a regular branch work, and send out trained experts to aid In every way in building up a strong organization for men and boys In the community. Options have been secured on two lots at Spokane avenue and East Fifteenth street, and on these lots ltIs hoped to erect a commodious structure for about $12,000. This building will Include gym nasium, baths, swimming pool, run ning track, reading room, class room, chapel for religious meetings, boys' room, and several dormitories. It ma be possible also to house the' Sellwood Branch Library In this building. This will be a building In which the entire community may share. The main As sociation is too far away for the young men of the community to enjoy its privileges. The object is to bring Its advantages to their door. Privileges In City T. M. C. A. , Membership In the Sellwood Associa tion will entitle the holder to privi leges of the fine new building of the i..iiHnn Tt Is further nlanned. In order to'meet more widely the needs of the community, to close uw ouuums to men and boys once each week, and open It to the women and girls of the suburb. A special feature will be made of the boys' wort Any man, or boy . n n a n m ra mnv hAnnmA a. over x b jfiso., w o . j member of the association. The dues will conform to tnose or orner associa. ll - -. .Iml- 4A UUU, VI O""'"" Preliminary plans show a two-story building, Wltn run Dasemem. u main floor are. the following: rooms: Gymnasium, 60 by 40; public lobby. 80 by 40; library. 22 by 20; three class rooms, 20 by 20; office of the secretary and business -office. Second floor: Gymnasium with track and 15 dormi tories. In the basement there will be lockers, swimming pool, 20 by 30; heat ing plant. 20 by 30; kitchen. 20 by 30. The plans are tentative, and may be changed. It has been mainly through the ef forts of Rer. Mr. Thompson, of the Sell wood Presbyterian Church, that the movement has finally assumed its pres ent form. He has been deeply Inter ested In the young people of Sellwood, and has persistently urged the erection of a building for their use, securing the co-operation of the Portland Y. M. C. A. and leading business men of the suburb. The executive, committee of the Sellwood Association is as follows: A. N. Wills, chairman; Rev. D. A. Thompson, secretary; H. L. Germain, assistant secretary; . Ralph Blosser, treasurer; Fred Bauer, J. W. Caldwell and A. C. Mowrey. Dr. H. C. Flxott is Chairman of the campaign committee. mestic science at the O. A. C, Ig a guest at the Cornelius. W. M. Russell, proprietor of the Port land Theater, is at the Ramapo. t firhell. a. merchant of Steven- eon, is registered at the Imperial., E. A. Stuart, a reaj estate dealer of Seattle, is registered at the Portland. George W. Brledwell, a land owner and merchant of Amity, Is a guest at the Perkins. w A RhdfAr n. Tos Aneeles hotel man ainmnnnted bv Mrs. Shafer. is registered at the Portland Hotel. H. C. Holmes and family, of Los An r dthI "Vf rti r' p. Richards, of San Francisco, are guests at the Lenox. J. R. Burke, who Is engaged in the fishing business at Cathlamet and is a member of the Washington Legislature, Is at the Imperial. W. A. Graham, of Des Moines, la., who has recently sold out a drug busl ,,.1Vi 1 Inontinn nf lnnatine" in 1 1 T .3 .1 1 .. . . . ' Oregon, is registered at the Hotel Ore gon. 1 L Justin "McEachren, editor of the Valve World, an Eastern tecnnicai puDiicanon, has .arrivea in roruauu w bchu Winter and will make . his home at the Nortonia. A. T. Haben. a nephew of Hulett C. Merrltt, the Pasadena millionaire who was- In Portland last Summer and made some large investments here, la a guest at the Cornelius. ' H. T. Hendricks and family. Sol Hart, Levi May and family. Miss Hollub, Mr. and Mrs. John McCraken and Robert McCraken.-' are among thruw who have PERSONALMENTION. W. II. Jensen, of CorvaUIs, is at the Seward Hotel. E. S. Redeker, a tlmberman of Duluth, Is at the Perkins. B. Ferry, a capitalist of New York, is registered at the Ramapo. F. W. Settemier, a fruitgrower of Woodburn, Is at the Oregon. W. F. McGregor, of Astoria, collector of customs, .Is "at the Cornelius. M.lss Juliet Greer, an instructor In do- Inlaid Linoleum The cele brated Staines, Rixdorfer and Greenwich makes, are represented in our stocks of inlaid linoleum. "We show dozens of patterns, many of them exclusive. Prices from $1.15 to $1.80 per square yard laid. FIFTH AND STARK graperies and Decorations ' The extraordinary success of our drapery section is due in part to large stocks of the very latest fabrics; in part to unexcelled workroom facilities; but chiefly to training and experience of our decorative salesmen, which qualifies them to speak authoritative ly of all phases of interior decoration. No matter how simple or inexpensive your drar peries may be, you will find their, advice and help of the utmost value. J. G. Mack .& Co. Special to Order In cases where our regular Tnrfc stock of over "fe2 500 carpet- sized rugs is inadequate, we can supply special rugs in any possible size or color or design. As sole selling agents for lead ing European makers and several factories in the United States, wo can supply rugs to meet any re quirement. Prices range from $2.00 to" $60.00 per square yard. FIFTH AND STARK taken apartments at the Nortonia for the Winter. "F. D. Fisher and wife, of Muchwang, China, arrived in .the city last evening and registered at the Seward. . Mr. Fisher's American home is in Albany, Or., and they will go there to spend a two months' vacation. Mr. Fisher has Spent 12 years in China. Looking towards a general Improve ment of his health. Walter Smith, of the firm of Smfth & Watson Iron Works, had a minor operation performed by Dr. J. A. Stewart at the Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday morning. Mr. Smith came from under the. anaesthetic sat isfactorily, although at some Incon venience. His physician pronounces him in excellent condition and It is' probable he will leave the hospital today. Premature Halloween Pranks Few. The entire second day relief of the Po lice' Department was held In reserve for duty until midnight last night to with stand the onslaughter of mischievous youth usual on Halloween. No serious depredations were reported, although sev eral Indignant citizens in various quar ters of the city complained of minor pranks of gangs of celebrants. The rain which fell almost IncessanUy during the evening had a tendency to dampen the ardor of the youths. Halloween Is to night, but because it falls on Sunday this year. It was thought some boys might attempt a premature celebration. Debt Brings Water Famine. NEW YORK, Oct. 30. Unless the city quickly meets the" demands of a man who has been pumping and supplying about one-tenth of the water consumed in Brooklyn, that borough will suffer a water famine. Claiming that the city owes him 30,0W, the contractor has closed down his pumping station until he receives full payment. Certain parts of Brooklyn have already felt the lack of water, and Borough President Coler de clares that unless the Controller quickly pays the bill one-tenth of the population will be without water. - Rain or Shine, Come. Ho, for free excursion Rain or sWne. Everyone wants to see Alameda Park, the "Tuxedo" of Portland, Sunday, Octo ber 31, and many have already announced that they will take Broadway cars to Twenty-second and Thompson streets, where free autos will meet them between the hours of 1 P. M. and 5 P. M. You'll sure Join them. CARD OF THAMTCS. Mrs. V. S. Blakney and family, of fl East Stark street, wish to thank the friends for help and sympathy in.- their recent bereavement. Charcoal Lozenges Powerful Absorbents Offensive Breath and Stomach Gasea Cannot Exist When They Are Used. Charcoal, by virtue of Its porous na ture, takes up gases mechanically just as a sponge takes up water. Its ca pacity In this respect is in proportion to the number and fineness of its pores. Charcoal made from poplar, beechwood, vegetable Ivory, cocoa-nut shells and willow-wood, Is a compact, heavy sub stance, having a metallic luster, the pores being quite Invisible. Chemical tests of various kinds-performed by expert chemists have re vealed the fact that charcoal made from willow wood, is not " only absolutely harmless, but that It is by far the most powerful absorbent of .all kinds of gases. Certain other woods, mentioned above, are used by some manufacturers in making charcoal, and besides not being half as effective in absorbing Btomach-gases, have also been found to be positively harmful to the digestive system. Willow-wood charcoal Is, then, the Very best for the purpose of absorbing excessive gas of the stomach, removing Intestinal flatus, and purifying foul breath. Charcoal to be effective against gastric flatulence must be Introduced among the gases of the, Btomach In the same state as when, fresh from the crucible. The means of effecting this Is to compress them Into soluble loz enges, so that after being dissolved In the mouth and swallowed, the char coal Is "set free," and at once begins its work of oxidizing and absorbing foul gases, and also, through Its anti septic properties, of purifying the en tire alimentary tract. It is definitely known that the ab sorbent and cleansing action of char coal Is protracted and continued through the intestinal syBtem as well as In the stomach, and it proves bene ficial there also. IN STUART'S CHARCOAL LOZENGES we have a gas-absorbing remedy which r6adlly takes precedence over all others. The charcoal used in them is the very best that can be obtained. They are composed of the finest young willow wood, converted into charcoal by the special, carbonizing Stuart Process, and before being compressed into Lozenges, the powdered charcbal is rendered sweet and thoroughly agreeable to the taste by being mixed with pure honey, and the result Is a product equally as palatable as candy. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges have at tained a wide popularity among the people, millions of boxes being sold every year. They have, over and over again proven their efficiency as rapid and powerful absorbents of foul stomach-gases, relieving and curing flatulence, belching, or the eructation of gases, and finally in the purification of offensive breath. Buy a package of .these little lozenges from your druggist for 25 cents and forward us your name and address for free sample package. Address, F. A. Stuart Co., 200 Stuart BldK.. Marshall. Mich. i A GROWING INDUSTRY About three years ago V. E. Campbell, then residing In Goldendale, Washington, ex hibited in the office of The Oregonian his first Automatic Gas Cut-off, mention of which was made In the columns of this paper at the time, and later the same device was at tached to a'jet in the offlce of the Portland Gas Company, in this city, and was also demon strated during the last, few days of the Lewis and Clark Exposition In the space occu pied by the Fairbanks-Morse Company, in the Machinery building. Patents having been ob tained on the device, a com pany was organized for the purpose of manufacturing the devices, with a capital stock of J500.000, and Portland was decided on as the city in which to develop the Industry. The attention of certain Californlans having been called to the Invention, Mr. Campbell was Invited to visit San Francisco, for the purpose of demonstrating the utility of the device, with a view, if found practicable, of enlisting capital In the enterprise. The visit was made and the device tested thoroughly by O. M. Tupper, Light and Water In spector; W. C. Hassler, Chief Sanitary Inspector, and T. J. Farrell. ;Chief Plumbing In spector, of that city, who each gave strong indorsement of the device as a life and gas saving appliance, and one that would make accidental gas as phyxiation absolutely impossi ble. Within twa days after the final test was so made and promises of ample capital had been secured, San Francisco was devastated by the earth quake, and Mr. Campbell es caped, but all his models and devices were lost, and any fur ther effort at San Francisco was abandoned. The company again took up the work, which has been pressed forward as fast as conditions made It possible, and now the company has pur chased all of block 16, at the corner of Twenty-second and Thurman streets, with a three story factory building, cover ing a floor space o( 23,520 square feet and equipped with the best tool and die-making machinery on the Pacific Coast. , The company has a large force of skilled mechanics em ployed In designing and mak ing all the special tools and machines necessary to manu facture these Automatic Cut offs, to be applied to both gas and gasoline burners, on which they have secured many pat ents in this and foreign coun tries, and will soon be turning out these safety appliances in Practically every part of these devices will be manufactured here, and a large force of skilled and unskilled labor will be constantly employed. The officers and directors are all well-known business men, and the future prospects of this company ap pear without a cloud. . .fc ,,' The company made an exhibit of their devices as applied to gas-burners and gasoline stoves, in the Ma chinery Hall at Seattle during the A-T-P Exposition, and was awarded the highest award gold medal lor all of their automatic devices, a cut of which appears for the first time in todays Issue of this paper. The company has withdrawn Its stock from sale while selling 100 per cent above par, and Portland holders of this stock are being congratulated on their investment. It.- , , - . i & . s x N V H . (a))