THE SUNDAY OREGON! A V, PORTLAXD, OCTOBER 31, 1909. DOGS RUN D01 FLEEING CONVICTS Two Trusties, Who Escape From Salem Penitentiary, Are Caught Quickly. GUARD RAISES HIS RIFLE FngltiTes, Worn Ont by Five-Mile Flight. Readily Surrender and Are Back la Cells With in Few Hours. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.) Prompt pursuit by the prison officials and the splendid behavior of the prison bloodhounds foiled the escape of two convicts at the State .Penitentiary this afternoon. The convicts were Thomas Copp. sent up from Linn County March to serve one year, and 17. C. Alexander. Thfl was received last June from Haker County to serve one year. The men were trusties and were employed n the farm Just across the road from the prison. Soon after being taken out to work after one o'clock the two convicts started on a run toward the south. They paid no attention to the shouts of the attendants, who were unarmed. Guard Mark Gage, who has charge of the dogs, was called and a ifumber of armed guards were ready In a few minutes to take the trail. The dogs took the scent at once and held it until the men were captured, notwithstanding the fleeing convicts waded creeks and traveled through swamps to throw the dogs off the scent. A short distance south of the Peni tentiary the convicts concealed them selves In the thick underbrush, and no doubt would have been passed by but fur the dogs, who frightened the men from their cover and sent them scurry ing on through brush toward the south. When just opposite tne Kerorm School, about five miles from the Peni tentiary, Guard Busick caught sight of the convicts and promptly covered them with his rifle, ordering them to throw up their hands. The command was com plied with instantly, and the nearly ex hausted men were soon on their way back to their cells. The entire episode had consumed less than two and one half hours. Recently the prison management adopted a new method of training and caring for- the bloodhounds, and the result was nhown in the speedy cap ture of the two men today. STYLES BLAMED FOR SINS ourt Thinks Modern Clothes Women Cause Delinquency. for CHICAGO, Oct. 30. Reform of wo men's dress, in the Interest of morals was advocated by Harry A. Smoot. gen eral superintendent of the Juvenile Pro tection Association, In his report pre sented at the annual meeting of the as sociation yesterday. Declaring that prevailing styles accentuated disease and were responsible for the downfall of many young girls and boys. Mr. Smoot urged that the association use Its Influence with the sources of fash ions, as well as with the girls them selves, to Introduce more modest styles. "On walking up and down our streets, espoclaly In the downtown dis trict, cannot help but be Impressed with the belief that the extreme styles In dress which tlio young are prone to wear must surely be contributing" causes to delinquency," said Mr. Smoot. "Frequently every article of dress is so designed and so arranged as to accen tuate the wearer's sex." CAPTIVE BALLOON ESCAPES Photographer Lands .Safely After, Thrilling Experience. SAN FRAXCISCO. Oct. 30. A. G. Plllsbury, of this city, landed safely in Newark, Alameda County,, late today, after a thrilling flight In a captive bal loon which 'broke loose from a launch to which It was attached while th 'aeronaut was taking pictures of the local waterfront. After completing his work Plllsbury signalled to the crew on the launch to draw the balloon in. The windless had turned but a few times when the cable broke. . With the snapping of the strand the balloon ascended so high that it was barely discernible to the crowds watching it In the city. Plllsbury was not injured. ROAD ASSESSMENT STANDS "onclas County Insists $38,000 Per Mile Is Value of S. P. ROSEBURG. Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.) The Douglas County Board of Equaliza tion closed its work this evening, and in a majority of cases It upheld Assessor Calkins in valuations and assessments. Principal among the objectors was the Southern Pacific which is assessed at 138,000 on its roadbed and rolling stock. This vote by the board was unanimous. It Is officially announced by the board of Josephine County that the Southern Pacific has been given the same valu ation there and also in Jackson and Clackamas Counties. In two instances the valuation was, raised and in seven only was it lowered. AuWS WILD RUN FATAL ''tig Machine Gets Away on Hill, One Killed, Two Hurt. NEW YORK. Oct. 30. Speeding to the Vanderbilt cup race today, a big au tomobile ran wild on a steep hill in East New York and crashed into a wall of the National Cemetery, in stantly killing William Burnett, of this city, and Injuring two other occupants. The Injured are not expected to live. PRATT'S RECALL URGED Two Hundred Petitions Circulated in Spokane. SPOKANE. 'Wash.. Oct. 30. (Special.) Two hundred petitions for the recall of Mayor Pratt were placed in circulation this morning by a citizens' committee, acting In conjunction with the committee appointed at the Kenwood mass meeting last week. No petitions will be placed In saloons. To secure a recall election 33f") "or names will be necessary. The petition says: "The grounds on which the removal of the said N. S. Pratt, as petitioned, are his utter failure to meet the wishes of the people in the matter of the building of the extensions to the city water plant. Viewing the proper solution of the water question as the issue of the greatest mo ment now facing the .people of this city, wo are convinced that the said N. S. Pratt is no longer in sympathy with the people on this question and. therefore, is not longer fitted to be identified with this undertaking, most rvital to the pros perity of the city. "We further believe that the domina tion of the said N. S. Pratt by the I Snokesman-Review and the Cowles news- ! paper interests, contrary to the best in J tercsts and general welfare of the city, has greatly impaired his usefulness in 1 - I " ' SEW INDIAN AGENT APPOIXT ED FOR THK 1'HATILL.l ' HESEKVATIO.. Major E. L Snartslander. PKNDLETON, Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.) Major E. L. Swartz lander has Just been appointed Tndian agent for the Umatilla Reservation. He Is the man upon whom the Indian Service will de pend for the enforcement of the rules recently promulgated to govern the leasing of the Uma tilla Inv-n lands to white rent ers. the office and rendered him incapable of longer fairly and impartially administer ing the duties of Mayor of said city." FARMERS' VOICE HEARD PROTEST AGAINST ACTION OF SEATTLE MARINE LEAGUE. Movement to Comicl Foreign Ves sels to Return in Ballast Is Aid to Shipping Trust. PE.VDLETON', Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.) Declaring the efforts of the Mer chants' Marine League, of Seattle, to se cure an order compelling foreign ves sels which bring coal to Pacific Coast points for use of the Navy to return to their original loading port In ballast, is in the Interest of a shipping trust, the farmers and citizens of Umatilla Coun ty, in mass meeting assembled, this aft ernoon voiced their protest against the scheme. Resolutions were adopted which are to be circulated generally throughout the county, and copies of which will be sent to every member of the Oregon Congressional delegation and to the Secretary of the Navy. All farmers and commercial organizations of the Pacific Coast ar called upon to co-operate with the local people in their protest Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of this city. was named as chairman of the meeting, while State Representative C. A. Bar rett, of Athena, jvas made secretary, Congressman W. R. Ellis was present and made a short address. He heartily approved of the action being taken by his constituents, and promised his un qualified support and co-operation. Speeches were also made by the pres ldent of the Inland Gralngrowers' As soclation and the county organization of the (Farmers' Union. All were of one mind, and the resolution of protest was adopted without a single dissenting voice. It is pointed out in the resolu tions that the wheatgrowers of the Pa cific Ooast are compelled to rely upon the export trade for the disposal of their wheat, and that the shipping rates constitute a vital element In fix ing the prices. It is also declared that there should be the freest use of all available ves sels for transporting the wheat to the markets of the world, and that It is to the best interests of the growers that the present shipping conditions be maintained. Included in the resolutions is a vigor ously worded protest against the action of the Marine League, and against the Government or any officers granting the application of the league. FAKE' DUEL IS STARTLING New Stunt Introduced by Newly-In-Itlated Elk. SPOKANE. Wash.. Oct. 30. (Special.) Turning the tables on the Elks, who were Initiating candidates. Sam Cone, special officer of the United States, and J. H. Love, a mining man from Pierce City, caused a small-sized panic in the Lewlston. Idaho, hall last week and caused more real sport for the candidates than the members had secured from their initiation of candidates. The Incident has just leaked out. After putting on the regular work. Love proposed that the "third degree" be administered. Cone came to the res cue of the candidates, declaring that some of them were his friends, to whom he had recommended the order, and that he would object to further initiation. Love rose angrily and declared that he knew Cone, who had searched his grip on the reservation for booze and that he proposed to tolerate no more insults, even if Cone was a Government officer. With that he pulled a big revolver and fired point blanly at Cone, who Is a dead shot. Cone immediately pulled his revolver and began firing. Members made a mad rush for the doors, knocking one another over, almost breaking the doors In an effort to get out of range. While the two men were firing some one In onthe play turned out the lights for an instant, and when they were flashed on again. Cone and Lore were shaking hands and hooting the frightened members, who returned to their seats considerably abashed. $SO REWARD For any case of Kidney, Bladder or Rheumatic trouble Hall's Texas Won der cannot cure if taken In time and ? riven a fair trial. One bottle often per ects a cure. Sold by all druggists or mail, Sl.f'O. Send for testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive at, St. Louis, Mo. T if ft. "FIVE DOCTORS -TO PROBE WEIRD CASE Ernest Harps, Said to Have Odd Power, Will Be Quizzed by Medical Men. MOTHER TAKES LAD AWAY I Examination of Boy, Blamed for Disturbance in Sanders Home, to Be Held Today in West Side lodging-House. Little Ernest Harps, the 11-year-old boy said by his uncle to be the cause of the strange upheaval of the rurniture ana fittings of the house, at 546 Marshall street, occupied by the lad's grand parents, last Thursday afternoon, will be examined by five physicians today. None, of the doctors would give his opinion of the case or assert why examination of the lad had been determined upon by them as a body. The examining board will be composed of Dr. V. C. Birney. who has attended the boy for several months; Dr. P. S. Kaadt, of Clinton. Ia., an alienist visiting Port land; Dr. J. A. fettle. Dr. J. Allen Gilbert and Dr. Robinson who is associated with Dr. Gilbert in practice here. "We will not only examine the boy. said Dr. Birney last night but will In vestigate every phase of the strange case." . Peace and quiet reign in the home, at 546 Marshall street. Mr. and Mrs. J. r. Sanders, grandparents of the lad. saying the strange disturbance which rent their home last Thursday afternoon ceased at 6 o'clock that evening a sofa Jumping higher than a foot in the air being the last of the odd movements that had con tinued intermittently beginning at 1:30 o'clock. The sofa was one of the first articles of furniture to be impelled by the strange power early in the afternoon. At 5:30 o'clock the end of the lounge raised three times and after absence of all movement In the house for half an hour the sofa, without the aid of any human agency, .raised itself in the air and dropped with a thud that was heard next door. Said Boy Had Devil in Him. Throughout the night. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders reported to neighbors, not an unnatural movement stirred any article in any room of the house. Friday after noon Ernest Harps, the boy blamed lor the weird rumpus, was taken away by his mother to a West Side lodging-house where ho will be examined by the quintet of physicians this morning. R. Sutherland, owner of the house which was subjected to the odd manipu lations of the unknown prestnee, did not insist on the boy's removal from his property. His words to the grandparents of the lad. Mrs. Annie Harps, his motner. and George R. Perry, the boy s uncle were: I feel that the boy is the cause of the strange disturbance but, if he is not, he may remain with his grandparents in the house. If he is the cause, I will have to ask you to find another home for him." That afternoon, after the boy had been prescribed for by Dr. Birney, his mother led him away from the house of mystery. Night Passed Quietly. "Mr. Perry, the undo' of the boy,' said Mr. Sutherland yesterday, "firBt told me that the boy was possessed of the devil. He came t my house and made that statement voluntarily in the presence of my family. I would never have thought of blaming the little fel low if it had not been for his uncle. The boy's grandparents and his mother have since admitted to me that the boy has been most peculiar ever since his birth. I did not actually tell them to take the boy away, but left it to them. He left "with his mother yesterday afternoon. I feel positive that th Harps boy was the cause of the strange movements In the house, but for the sake of -giving everyone a square deal. I will have the house examined by an expert electrician, although I am posi tive there is not a live wire in the house." Inquiries among neighbors, at A. J. Allen's drugstore across the street, and among people who had vilited the house of mystery during the furniture and crockery shakeup, elicited the Informa tion th-t little Ernest Harps was not allowed to go down into the cellar throughout the disturbance. The cellar was the only part of the kouse not visited by the mystifying phenomena. Mr. Sanders, It seems, fearing heavy articles stored In the basement would fall on his aged wife or the little boy cautioned them not to descend the steps, saying he would Investigate. He returned upstairs, reporting nothing had moved below. This quiet was maintained in the basement through out all the odd doings of the after noon and evening. DESCHUTES APPLES WIN Oregon Fruit Carries Away Hill's Prize in Montana. In a telegram received yesterday from Louis W..HU1, president of the Great Nortnern Railway it was stated the first prize for the individual dis play at the Farming Congress Just held at Billings. Montana, was won Dy resi dents of the Deschutes Valley. The tel egram was sent In care of William Har der, general agent of the ureal isortn ern Railway. Mr. Harder said yesterday that L. W. Hill gave a cash prize of $1000 for the individual display in addition to tne trophy. A sample Wolf apple from the Deschutes Valley in possession of Mr. Harder measured 16 inches in cir cumference and weighed 27 ounces. The telegram from Mr. Hill read as follows: Minot. Oct SO. To the Editor: we are nleased to advise you that Des chutes Valler has taken the largest sil ver cup prize for best Individual dis play at Farming Congress, tunings; also other prizes and cups. LOUIS W. HILL, Pres. Great Northern Ry. TEAMSTER HIT BY AUTO Alexander Goffin Run Over by Ma chine, but Not Badly Hurt. Alexander Gotn, a teamster, was struck last night by an automobile driven by Dr. A. E. Rockey, and after being carried for a few feet on the run ning board of the car. he fell to the pave ment and the machine passed over one of his legs. His In injuries proved not to be of a serious nature. Goffin had been drinking before the accident occurred, and this is believed to have been responsible for it. He was crossing Morrison and Sixth street when Constipation And Appendicitis The Latter Usually Caused by the Former, Which, in Turn, Has Its Origin in Intestinal Indigestion. Chronic constipation is a disease which is about as prevalent as dyspep sia and indigestion. Nearly every one suffers from It occasionally, but there are millions of people who endure It habitually, and who are accustomed to resort to the use 'of laxatives and cathartics daily. Many people seemed to have devel oped a perfect mania for taking pills, and instead of trying to ascertain the latent cause of the" disease, and remov ing it by appropriate treatment, they are content to continue the reckless use of laxatives, aperients, drastic cathartics and violent purgatives, 'until finally inflammation of the bowels oc curs, which reaches the appendix, and the result is appendicitis. In investigating and tracing the causative factors of constipation and its frequent sequel, appendicitis, it has been noted by physicians that the ma jority of cases were preceded and ac- rompamed by a long-standing gastro intestinal Indigestion. The idea thaappendicitis is brought on Dy roreign Doaies, sucn as seeds, etc., becoming lodged in the appendix, is an exploded theory. It is now defi nitely known that constipation is the most prolific cause of this dread dis ease, while the constipation itself is previously Induced by Intestinal indi gestlon, or amylaceous dyspepsia the Inability to digest starches so the re lation between cause and effect is readily seen and appreciated. The absurdity of attempting to cure constipation 'by the use of physic should be apparent to every one. Lai atlve drugs and powertul purgatives will never cure a disease of this sort. and those who make frequent or regu lar use of them will, sooner or later. set up an inflammatory condition of the intestinal system. - ' A person with first-class digestion will never be annoyed with chronic constipation, and when this trouble does exist, instead of slugging the system with pills, liquid laxatives, candy cathartics, etc.; use a remedy which will cure the gastro-lntestinal Indigestion, and you will find that the constipation no longer bothers you, and with its removal, the risk of de veloping appendicitis will, be reduced to the minimum. STUART'S DYSPEPSIA ' TABLETS have been the means of curing numer ous cases of constipation, by first cur ing the Intestinal indigestion. They digest every kind of food, a single grain being capable of digesting 3000 grains of alinientum, and in addition to pepsin and other powerful diges tives, they also contain' diastase, which converts starch into sugar, and readily cures amylaceous dyspepsia and intes tinal indigestion. If you are suffering from dyspepsia. constipation, and, in fact, indigestion of any kind, don t run the risk of get ting appendicitis, but strike at the root of the trouble the original cause by using Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets, which will quickly rid you of all functional disorders of the alimentary tract.. Secure a box of this digestive reme dy from your druggist for 50c and send your name and address to the F. A. Stuart Co., 160 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich., for a free sample package. the machine hit him. As the car was slowing down at the time, Goffin dropped onto the step and sat upright on it for a little while before he fell under the wheels. Dr. Rockey picked Goffln up and drove him in his automobile to the Marquam building, where he treated the man' wounds before sending him to the Good Samaritan Hospital. A few bruises be low the knees were the extent of Goffln's injuries. PRIZESj EXHIBITS TAKE Pacific County Proud of Showing; Made at Seattle Fair. SOUTH BEND, Wash., Oct. SO. (Spe cial. H. J. Hubler and George Foster Pacific County A.-Y.-P.-E. Commission ers, have returned from Seattle and brought with them the official list of prizes awarded to Pacific County and several of its citizens. Including Pacific County, there were 20 Pacific County exhibitors, and, all together, they received two grand prizes, seven gold medals, six . silver medals, 11 bronze medals and one hon orable mention. The exhibits consisted of salmon, other fish, native and East ern oysters and clams; general dsplay of county resources; fruits vegetables. small fruits, fir and spruce lumber. collection of wood samples, manufac tured furniture, model of oyster dredge Doat. , In addition to these. Eli Roekev. nn. ident of the Pacific County Good Roads Association, won three first prizes on his fine team of English carriage horses ana also won a blue ribbon on the same team at the Seattle Horse Show. Hardly a county in the state made as good a showing. Ten jars of shellfish. prODerlv la beled, were left to become a part of the state Inlversltys museum. The balance of the exhibits will be brought home ana placed on exhibition in ths city. Evangelist Van Marter Coming-. RAYMOND, Wash.. Oct. 30. (Special.) Lvangelist Van Marter, who has been holding meetings In the Methodist Ecis- copal Church here during the past week. nas been greeted with large audiences nightly. Mrs. Van Marter, who accom panies her husband, assists him In his work and in singing. The next engage ment of these evangelists will be at the Sellwood Methodist Church, of Portland. Mr. Van Marter is the conference evan gelist of the Oregon Conference of the Methodist Church.' and will spend most of tne coming season in and around Port land. AVater Users Lay Campaign. PEiNDLETON, Or.. Oct. SO. (Special.) In order that nothing mav be left undone to secure an appropriation from tne Reclamation Service funds for an extension of the Umatilla nrolect . in this county, an important conference is being arranged for the very near fu ture. It will be held in this city under tne auspices of the Pendleton Commer cial Association, and an effort will be made to have the Oregon Congression al delegation present. These men will be communicated with and a date fixed which will be satisfactory to .all of them. Marriage Licenses. EI.I.13-FTEISK FVitnlr Ellis, 21, city; Kdith Helse.- IS. cltv. GREENE-NICHOLS Ezra Orcei.e. 33, Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. Ada M. Nichols. 2u. 21, city. PERKINS-GRAY Clean N. Perkins city; Grace W. Gray. 18, city. MALAR-HI ACOCK Anton THnlni- 2i Baring Or.: Nina Heacock. 22. city. e(JU TT-CHAMBERS Horace R. Si-ott 2T. 19. Corvallis. Or.: Leonora V. Chambers. city. LAFREN-SPARM EA N-Carl Ijifren 28, city: Anna hotla Hparmean. 1. nlly. JOHSS-BKUNKEN C aude M. John. 24 city: Rose Bronken, 23. city. WEKTi-oRIANT ID. J. WrrtZ. 88. !ltv: Lillian Bryant. 85, city. UU GAB-MATH EWB LeOU H. Dll as. 21. city: Nora A. Mathews, 1V. city. HOI.KMTON - SHEFARD GorE W ' Houghton. 29. lty; Mabell V. Shepard. 21. city. Wedding- and vtaltlnr cards. W. O. Smith Co.. WMhlngtoa bide., 4ta and Wua. Facts About Senium in fmtms ...Suits... $25.00 TO $45.00 Burr urn 311 MORRISON i fJEED MORE COWS Condensers Close Down Be cause of Lack of Milk. FARMERS SELLING HERDS Hillsboro Board of Trade Is Aroused to Seriousness of Situation and Mass Meeting in Courthouse. Brings Ont Big: Attendance. HILLSBORO, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) The big dairymen's meeting at the court house today taxed the capacity of the Circuit Court room, and scores were un able to secure seats. The occasion of the meeting was the diminution of Washing ton County's milk supply, and the fact that many who have engaged in dairying have been selling their herds this rail owing, It is said by those so doing, to the high prices for feed, and tle lack of profit in the business. H. H. Stuart, president of the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Company, wnicn has condensers here and at Forest Grove, took up the question as a result of a call by the Hillsboro Board of Trade, occa sioned by the fact that the condenser closed down here early this month, and will not resume unless the factory is fur nished milk in larger quantities. He "advocated putting in better strains of milk cows and more producing of green feed, which, in turn, means less purchase of mill feed and a better profit to cow men. He stated that as com pared with two years ago the Forest Grove condenser had received 600,000 pounds less milk in October, 1909, and that If this decrease continued it would be but a auesVon of time until the conden ser at that place must close and this not withstanding the fact his company is now starting to build a factory at Whatcom, Wash., and has more orders for cream than can be filled. Portland Creates Demand. One great cause of the milk reduction In the condenser supply is due to the in creased demand for milk in Portland, where the dairv disturbances has thrown many dairies out of commission, coupled also with the closing of many -dairies Dy the high water. The Portland buyers have canvassed east Washington County nnd offered what is deemed a better price for cream than that paid by the con densers, ar.d this leaves the dairymen their skimmed milk, which is an Import ant factor in raising of calves and swine. Dr. James Wlthycombe, of the Corvallis Agricultural College, addressed the audi ence on the topic of dairying, ' and dwelt upon the fact that through the dairy in terests Washington County had jumped from eighth to first place in production; had rejuvenated the soil by fertilization incident to keeping large herds of cows, and that today the farmer is much better off than under the old regime of hay, grain and vegetables. Home Market to Be Developed. The Hillsboro condenser will remain closed until the milk supply is materially increased, and the Board of Trade will make an endeavor to interest farmers in sending their product here Instead of to an outside market. Judge W. H. Hallis, president of the Washington Oounty Development League, presided over the sfsion. Other speak- ' era were Dr. J. P. Tamlesie, president of "Benjamin Clothes," being designed and made in New York by the most skilled tailors in the world, are cer tain to be of unsurpassed distinction, they- are not like, any others, and are not intended to be. The exqui site finish, exclusive patterns, the noticeable elegance of style, the su perb, quality and faultless' work manship are features which cannot be successfully imitated If you seriously consider the question of dressing correctly, we will be glad to have you consider us and the Benjamin Clothes. Overcoats $20.00 TO $60.00 & STREET, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE the Hillsboro Board of Trade; J. W. Hughes, of Forest Grove; Mayor J. W. ConneU,, Hillsboro,. and H. H. Stuart, former manager of the Forest Grove and Hillsboro condensers, now of Seattle. COOS BAY IS ENCOURAGED Hears Humors That Northwestern May Build to Coast. MARSH FIELD, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) A press dispatch from New York, stat ing that the Northwestern was planning a bond issue for the completion of the lines of the company to the Pacific Coast, has created some interest here, because rumor has connected the name of the Northwestern with one of the local rail road surveys. " There is some hope felt that the North western may make Coos Bay a terminus. Raymond Business Man Weds. RAYMOND, Wash., Oct. 30. (Special.) Word has been received here of the marriage of Jacob Siler. president and manager of the Siler Mill Company, of this city. The wedding was celebrated at Riverside, Cal., the bride being Miss Sarah K. Miller, librarian of the Univer sity of Southern California. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Freeman D. Bovard, president of the University. Mr. and Mrs. Slier are expected home In about two weeks. This Bridal Tour Unique. ALBANY, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.)" Jesse a. South and Addle C. Attrldge, of Waterloo, who were married in this city yesterday afternoon by Rev. W. S. Gordon, started today on a unique weu ding trip. They will make their home In Crook County and will drive across the mountains by the Willamette vai lev and Cascade Mountain wagon road As it Is unusually late in the year for trlns across the mountains tney win probably encounter considerable snow. . Eugene Business House Sold. EUENa Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) The Crescent Dry Goods Store, on Willamette street, between seventn ana nagnin, nas been sold to George McMoran & Wash burne, who will take possession of the business on January L The Crescent is om of the big local dry goods stores and has been conducted by Oscar Camp bell. The new owners have conducted the S. H. Friendly store. Convict Foundry Rebuilt. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 30. (Special.) The shops destroyed at the Penitentiary early in the Summer have been rebuilt and the new buildings will be ready for oc cupancy on Monday, November 1. The buildings will again be occupied by Low enberg. Going & Co., employing convict labor in the manufacture of stoves and ranges. Coos Invites Kentucky Pastor. MARSHFIELD. Or., Oct. 30. (Spe cial.) The Christian Church of Marsh- field has extended to Rev. w. u. Barnes, of Lexington. Hy., a call to be come nastor of the local church. The congregation is rushing the preliminary work for a new cnufen ouuaing to oh erected here. Editor's Home Burns. GF.ANT3 PASS. Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) The residence of C. G. Coutant, editor of the Rogue River Courier, was burned last night, together with a portion of the contents. The loss is aDout pariiany covered by insurance. Judges Go to Pendleton. -. SALEM, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) The Supreme Court justices will leave Mon day for Pendeton, to hold tho regular November session of the court at that plaorv Raincoats $20.00 TO $40.00 Pendleton THREE JUDGES DECIDE WASHINGTON' ' t'OlUT 1,AVS DOWN" MAJORITY Kl'tK. Case Sent Back for Rehearing Is Af firmed and Precedent Pirm ly Established, OLYMPIA', Wash., Oct. 30. (Special.) Threo Judges may bo a majority of tho nine judges of the Slate Supreme Court, is the unanimous decision of the nine members of the present High Court In a decision rendered today, in a caso where in it was contended that under the state constitution It would require a majority of the entire bench to render an opinion. When the Court some time ago decided that Matt H. Gormiey whs legally en titled to retain the office of Treasurer of King County because the Treasurer elect ed had failed to qualify, the decision was signed by but four judges. Application was made to the court for a rehearing on the contention that tho new law dividing the court into two de partments of five judges each, of which a majority, or three, could render a de cision, was in violation of tho constitu tion. To settle this question the court grant ed the rehearing and today reaffirmed by a vote of seven to two t lie decision sustaining Gormiey in office, and by unanimous vole hr-ld that tho constitu tional provision fixing a majority of the court required only three members, that number being a majority of the original bench. The constitutional language reads: "The Supreme Court shall consist of five Judges, a majority of whom shall be nec essary to pronounce decision." Later the constitution provides that tho Legislature may. increase the number of Judges and may provide for separate departments. Horse Kicks Child. SALEM, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) A lit tle daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Adam 1-Yoli-maer was seriously Injured this after noon by being kicked by a horse. The child is expected to recover. $100,000 Given Away FREE To Prove to You How to Get Strong at Once A Marvel. Ton will never nnrt a tonic an marvelouiij effective as this in your life: yea marveloua. We prove it by Bending you a 50c box of Make-Man Tablets, free, and let you e for yourself. They are an safe as brea'i, make you feel "as strong as a lion," and do it quick. If you have that draggy. droopy, laxy, quit-work feeling they, will chang It in a hurry. Especially if you are a nervous vreck. can't sleep, have brain fag. melan choly, nervous dyspepsia, rheumatism, ca tarrh, kidney and liver trouble, any blood or nerve disease, Make-Man Tablets will" build, you up, cure you, make you over. If this Is hard to believe send coupon belowr or a free 50c box, and you will see for youreelf. Make-Man Tablets are the great est all-around tonic, nerve and blood remedy known for both men and women. Tou will be satisfied or back comes your money. Make-Man Tablets sold by all druggists st 50c a box or six for a50, or sent direct, by mail, on receipt of price. CUT Oil REE COL' POX Make-Man Tablet Co. . 184 Make-Man Bldg.. Dept. I.. Chicago. As I nave never used Make-Man lab lets before, please send me through my druggist (Druggist's name) (AddresH) a full size rifle box Make-Man Tablets: also your valuable booklet. I enclose 4c to partially pay mailing expense. My name Address (Write plainly. Only one box to family.)