( THE SUNDAY OR EGO XT AX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 31, 190ft SOCIETY NEWS OF THE' PAST WEEK COXTIXVED FROM PAGE THHEE. friends of the bride and irroarn. Mr. and Mn. Capian left for Salt Lake for a fortnight stay. On their return they will reside In Weiser. where Mr. Caplan Is a prominent business man. Mra. Cap Ian i an accomplished vocalist and is well known In muTl circles In her own state. She has recently returned from aevral years" study in New York City. Webber-Webb. A prefy wedding- was solemnized "Wednesday nlsM at the home of the ' trldes grandmother. Mrs. S. Webb, when ilies Maraaret Webb and John Baptiste Webber were married. Rev. Father 'O'Hara offlciatine;. The house hm beau tifully decorated with Autumn leaVes and Mowers and the ceremony was performed Kinder an arch of Aurumn leavs and erns. The brVle. who was Rives away fcy her uncle. Frank Webb, was iwwned lin cream messallne silk and carried a shower hououet of brides rosre. Her (only ornament was an amethyst "''Wr ithe rft "f the groom. Her bndesrna.d. 'Miss Ames SmltV wore a yellow orcn KSe sown and carrTM -ellow chrysw.. e ilnums Miss Ixmise W-bh was maid r Aor.or and wore lavnder rajah ail. " white rhrvsanther-.ms. The poem s atfndfd bv Jack Tomlrsee. Mrs Hob ltTk plaved ihe march and little Xenore and Jack V.Vbb were flower arlrl and ririr-barer. Ilnrhsm-fiwinn. On the a'l-rriw o? October -0. at the re?i1n-e rf the bride", parents. Mr a'ri Vs T'lierv of Pallns. M-. J. A. Barham and Miss Ethel C.wInn were -unite !n marriesre. The -eren-ony was rrformei by. Rev. lir. Silas, pfstor of the rrrir::an Church of that city. The pir s re tastefully de-orated in Autumn "raves and rnrr.s'ions. The bri-ie wo. owr.ed in whit, crepe If chine and carried a briquet f of 4h- vsiLfv. re-eption followed a dalnt. ;u.!i(nn. after h th yo'.ne coup'" on a s'.-.ert trip. Mr. and Mrs E ri A'T will r'f'.d lal".s. tarET-I!Ili!re. An ex" "" .ne.v pretty w'fldlns was that of Blrn -'h- iliid. daucr-er rf Mr. tid "! ' S:dn tlH'ee. of S Fnrg" rtreii. - f.o.ert E. Sturs.-s. The servlr wis 5),n;-!. only ire attendants and ma".f:.ii- "family n-ms presnr The c. ren . nv was p rt".-v-cd by Rev. T V '-' "" ' -i"ivirv PresJ.v terian Chi ' n.em. October 20. wmiw . t ; fff.''i imneill itel- af;v r-.-'a- :e hoc.' of th b'-'ries the f at Elev 11 ,-nd Mr. Sfrws will h ,- er Nrvi :r-e- '." at SIS .- r t . Ilaire-Kdward. p..- Ma is i.r.il Miss M. I.llllan Ed wnr i- to; c u:ii. -d in r.iarringe Wed nesLiv rt-rnir. In tl. stidy of the Secoi-.'l H..rlst Chirr!.. East Seventh ami East Ar.keny str-ets. Rev. H. S. F-lark. p.istor. (T' laiing. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hayes wll make their home in Port land ' Vol'h-Tn!er. Alb-rt Welch and Ms Rub-.- Tayler. both of Tori la nd. were marri-d Mn dav. C-totwr 2".. in the r.4rertion rom of the W!' te Tmple by Pr. .1. Whit comb Broiicher. Mr. and -Mrs. Welch expect to make their home In Is An gelesi Wellt'r-Sievcrs. Brnsrd P. W?iler. of Se-!t.. and Mis Edith J. Sev.-rs. of Kr.nas City. Mo. were merrieil in the r c-p;ion room of th White Temple Wedncydnv. October 57. by Dr. J. Wh:tr mh. H- iigl er. runelleSiinmons. G-oree R. DiiR'tt" and Mrs. Jnsphn Simmonn.- both of Portl-iml. were mar ried Saturday October !7. In the reccn tlon room of the White Temple hy Dr. J. W hitcumh Rroucher. nillon-Fo'lier. Arthur Henry Dillon and Mrs. I.lllljin R. Kosher, both of .Portland, were mar ried In the n-eeption rooin of t!.e White Temple Wednesday, i ictober 27. by Ur. J. Whitomb p.rougiier. Dnrlinctnn-Mi-Kvoy. R. H. Darlington nrd M'ss Hettie Mc Evoy. of Fk.imokp wa. Wi-.sh.. w?re mar ried In t. e reception room of the White Tempie We'itiesrtny. Octfh?r 27. by T'r. J. "Whin-nmb Broug'nrr. "att'ribell-Oren!ns. F.rio Campbell, of Stockton. Cal.. and Miss Rose Orpmi:s. of J-rtland. were marrte! in rhe rocrption rom of the Wbii T--mpl. ficiolx r 27 by Dr. J. Whit COTiib Bronriir. IHxiiii-Crlstcll. Ja-ncs liontu. of King Counfy. Washing ton, ar.d Miss i'armel Cristell. of Port land. wer, ii:arr!ed at the White Tern pi V. e.:;.cs.i;i. ("clobcr 27. by Dr. J. Wl!i;ccmb Bfugher. IJiiN'll-Winii. Clarence J. Russell and Miss Mary "Winn, both of PiH-tland. were married In the reo-ption room of the Wlrile Tom pie Saturday. Octo'o'r Zi by Dr. J. Whit tonili I'.roiixher. Ha um-Hlackstone. . p.-V. rtium anil Miss Jessie Rlack st'iie. bith of Portland, were mairlc Saturday evening. October 23. at 2nl Eleventh street, by Dr. ' J. Whfti-omh Bro'.ichrr. . AXXOIXCE.MKXTS. Mr. and Mr. Joseph Howatson an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter. Emma Malvina. to Herbert Duihle. After a quiet, home wedding at the family residence. 3S1 East Sixth street, on Wednesday. November 10, they will leave Immediately for the Orient, by way of Sarr Francisco. ' Mr. and Mns. Edward Eniett Billings announce the engagement of their daugh .ter Georgina to Herbert Booth-King. The. wedding la arranged for Thanksgiv ing eve. COMING KVKXTS. -The members of the Tuesday Afternoon Club were entertained by Mrs. G.i An thony Bateson. SSij Margin 6treet. The study of Tennyson's1 "In Memoriam" was continued. Mr?. Harry E. C'nipman read several critics' comments at the close of the readirrfis from the poem.- Quotations for the day were .from "The Fight."' Re freshments were served at the close of the meeting. Mrs. M. E. Worrell, now of Medford. but 'formerly of Portland, was a guest of the club. Mrs. H. J. Jackson will entertain the club November 2 at her residence In Laurelhurst. The Portland Froebel Association will have Its regular meeting Thursday. No vember 4. at 3 o"clock. In St. Helen's Hail kindergarten. Chairman. Miss Er mine Owen. Those Interested In child de velopment are Invited to be fresenV A report of the meeting of the State Fed eration will be givn. The suiect for discussion will be "Thanksgiving How Observed In the Kindergarten." There will be a vocal solo by Miss Clara Elizabeth Howell, "Little One a-Crylng." ' The Koxy Klub met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. A. Penney. 25 East Third street. A pleasant afternoon was pent playing five hundred. The prizes were won by Mrs. Ben Bellamy and Mrs. E. Steel. Those present were Mrs. Ben Bellamy. Mrs. W. R. Griffith, Mrs. C. C. ,"Wlse. Mrs. P. Planch. Mrsr- R. Living Stone. Mrs. E. E. Kellogg, Mrs. H. O. Ptipe. Mrs. Murray. r. F. W - Funk. Mra. G. Steel. Mra. H. Lampert, Mr. M. A." Penney. The Erlndell airls will entertain their friends with, a da,ncint party. Wednesday evening. November 5. at Murlark hall. The committee in charae Is made up of the Misses Margaret MadlRan. Anha Ford. Dalsv FlemtiiK. Katherine Foley. Asne.s Lesley. Reta Bates and Gertrude Fprlnirer. Sunrise Lodire No. 105 Ladies" Aux iliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, announce a military whist and dancing party to be given the first PRINCIPALS IN HOME ? : . Vs. T- X S v - ! ' 7- ,Ar r interest wan that of Miss Effle Blanche Houck. eldest daugh A wedding of interest j. as tn or Williamson, which was sol- ,er nig"" at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. arrtas S!"Tr rue Embroidered T'swiss carrvlng p.nk roses. The groom's at '" : ll p i llonck s I brother of the bride. Immediately following the :.;r;rre7. was lfeld Mr. and Mrs. Wi.Uamson wll. be at home at .-9-' Ea-t Sixth for the present. or t'-is seson. Saturday: November . in their- hnll. No.. .1 W. O. W. Temple. U'R Eleventh street. . The Mondav claso of the Shakespeare Club will meet tills week at Mrs. Preb bles son East Twenty-third street, rni-ner Ivori. The Tuesday class will meet with Mrs. Julia I.e Barre, 1189 Tngzart street. George Wright Relief Corps Sewing circle will hold a spe-ial meeting at trie Corpp Hall. Second and Morrison street. Friday. November 5. all' day. Members are urged to be present and visitors will be welcome.' i The Motiiers. Circle of the Eliot School district, will hold its meeting November 5 at 3 P. ' M. at the school building of Knot street and Rodney avenue. Mrs. H. N. Scott will address the meeting The veteran organization of G Coin- The veteran organization of torn- , -i n v- K".rll InfnntrV Kf N. vi.. Will llt'lU . & annua, "union Friday. -November is. Captain I C. Farrar. tc -old com- mandrr. has promised to be present. . , . , Mr .ano Mr, Jacob H. Emmert enter- . taine,! the I.ustige Five" Hundred Club " ?Lr home Ian Thursday evening. , Three tables were played. Mr. and Mrs. S Samson winning the first prizes, ... ! The Catholic Women" League. Its friends and ,H Interested In the help- ful work it is promoting are Invited to attend a card party at Sherman Clay iioii or, Vnvemher 4 nt 2 P M . Hall, on Noemter . at z r. M. , -e,. .fc. Tn Women's' .l . ; .. : .. A M..n will finvA nn Inter- I esting session, with stories by the fire sUle, to which all girls- are lnvuea. SOCIETY PERSONALS. . - .. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bajham. of Dallas, i k;" ' "" particulars call -pen, the lauer par, of ,as, week In Port- j tr r and Mrs. E. D. Gaze have returned ' V-rquam building. ro Portland after a two" months' sojourn R)V,fprn and parisette Corsets. Marie In California. j Zeltfuchs. 34fi Alder street. Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Page of Minn?- ) ' nt . also dressmaking and ladies' tai anolia are the guests of Mrs. J. W. Col- 1 ,-. v-aii milllnerv. lins of Rossmere. i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gllert will leave next week for an extended trip through Southern California. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moffett have returned from a pleaRapt visit to Puget Sound and Victoria, B. C. tl.vii.J n ilhlntAti ftf Rromo JltB. i un o' u . . ....... ...... ton. formerly of Denver. Colo., is the guest of Mrs. J. S. Malchester. Mrs. Frank Nau and her daughter. I Hermlene. returned during the early week ; from a two months", sojourn in-the East, j Mrs. J. C. Saunders, of Portland, Is visiting her son. W. S. Saunders, in Van- j couver. Wash., 509 West Seventh street, i Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Levy and i their daughter. Miss Edith, have re- i turned home, after a pleasant visit In : California. ! Mr. and Mrs. George N. Becker and I family, of Woodburnr are spending a few j days In the city, and are registered at the Hotel Drexel. " ' ! t nn . a r siArn imi rAturnpfl from an . extended visit In the East, and will oc cupy his new residence on Prospect Drive in November. Mr. William A. Pomeroy has re turned after a three months trip to j New York and Boston, and is tne guest of Mft A. F. Wheeler. Mrs. Neil O'Kare. accompanied by her son. James, and 'Miss N. V. Mclntyre. left .on Friday for an extended visit with relatives In California. Mrs. A. J. Fanno. of this city, has re turned lome after a two weeks' visit with her daughter. Mrs. Thomas M. written, or spoKanV Wasn. Mrs. W. H. Leah of 51S Twenty-first street, entertained with a masked Hal loween party in honor of her guest, Mrs. M. J. Craig of Los Angeles. Miss Emma R. Doscher will leave for Spokane this evening, where she will All a position as teacher of higher English and -algebra in one of the schools. Mr. F. H. Walters is In the city fpr a few days. Mr. Walters .accompa nied by Mrs. Walters, is enroute to California for the Winter months. Mrs. Sarah F. Greene and daughter,,Al berta. of Pittsburg, Ea., have arrived to spend the Winter with Mrs. Green's sis ter. Sirs. H. E. Kozer, of SGI East Salmon street. . Miss Leta Minkler. niece "of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Coolidge. of this city, is spend ing several weeks with friends and rela tives at Ashland. She will return for the holidays. L. o. Weom, of Houston. Minnesota, hss been the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. L. Bantam, of 902 Michigan avenue. Mr. Weom " has lnveaNd In a larra apple farm In Oregron. The. Men's Club of the Hawthorne Pork Presbyterian Cmirch. East Twelfth and East Taylor street, gave, on October 15. a banquet at the church parlors., the honor guests being the Bequeaith orches tra of 14 members. Mrs A. L. Danziger. who will shortly depart for California, will receive her friends on Tuesday. November I. be tween the hours of 2 and 5 P. M.. at the residence of Mrs. Harry Meyer, 332 Twenty-third street North. Miss Emma Brune. t The Dalles. Is visiting with Mrs. h: F. Elliott, 3M East Thirty-seventh atreet. Mlsst Brune and WEDDING ON EAST SIDE Mrs. Elliott, who was Iela Johnson, were rchoolmates at St. Helen's Hall. Miss Rrune is a very attractive girl with many friends in Portland and much entertain ing has been planned for her. Mrs.E. M. FarryNwho has recently resigned the position of superintendent of the Graduate Nurses" Club" and Reg istry, at 374 Third street, was the re cipient of a" beautiful set of silver from the nurses, to whom she has greatly en deared herself. A very appropriate let ter of appreciation -accompanied the gift. Mr. and Mns. F. C. Dunlap are receiv ing felicitations over the arrival of a babv boy on Monday evening. Mrs. Dun lap ' was formerly Miss Alice Taylor, a teacher in the. North Central School. Several years ago she was a successful candidate In a contest given by The Ore gonlan for a trip through Yellowstone Park. A. Danriger. of 774 Lovejoy street, 1 1 1 ...rnriM nflrtv on TUesdaY evening by the employes of the Rllverfleld u uuu f r Ta nttitTPf hHB -Pf :",rnanage? for six ii-tii nt - - m- years. The party a farewell prior to Mn Danzig eri s fle partu.e for California, where he goes to engage In business for hlm.ieir. Mis Mary E. Cony-r. of Cla tskanie left Friday for New York Cit. where he will spend the Winter stuping o ice culture. For the past two years Miss Conyers has-taught r'asees Khiler and Clatskanie. where her work has been blghly successful h ,rS Wture she was gl ven f r, 1 party by the ' 1at d'rer-torT byterlar, choir, of which s he Kn route to New ork .mips i onyers win Jn cheyennei Kansas City and Chicago. . ..SPECIAL. AXXOCXCEMEXTS. Madame Henderson, of Mesdames Go"odale Henderson, millinery par Jors. suite 424 Marqnam building, wyi .,i.,ir.tinni in millinery, begln- Boby Is Scalded to Death. EUGENE. Or.. Oct. 30. The two vearrold daughter ofr E. R. Black, of this citv. died yesterday as a result of F. P. YOUNG 290 Morrison St.. Corbett Bldg., Between Fourth and Fifth. LADIES' HABERDASHER. - Real Suede Mocha Gloves $1.23 Grays, browns and tans. . Special J1.23. $1.25 Centemeri Gloves 98c Black, white and colors. Neeliwear $3.50 Fancy Stocks andJabots$1.69 Assorted lot i-orth from 2.60 to $3.50, special $1.69. $1.50 to $2 Neckwear 75c Each Embroidered Jabots and Lace Bows, worth $i.00. $1.25. $1.50 ( and $2.00, special 75c. Lastforever Hosiery, Box $1.25 For women end children. Every pair guaranteed to wear for one month without darning. 4 pairs in box $1.25. " i 111 J ? r:, V' sir ' " " " ' ' P' In' 1 1 111 i $ f -f 11 A Model of Our $49.50 Suits falling. Into a tub of hot water. On Wednesday of this week the child was playing near where her mother was scrubbing the floor, a tub of scalding wnter .setting nearby. The child fell backwards into the water, and was I terribly scalded on her back and limbs. NEW ORGAN IS DEDICATED Musicale Held' In First Methoflisi , Kpjscopal Church, South. One of the notable events of the lo cal musical season took place last Wednesday nli?ht at the First Methodist Episcopal Church (Southl. Union ave nue and Multnomah street, when a con cert and orjran recital were eriven to mark the Inauguration of the new J7000 Kimball pipe ors;an Installed by the Eilers Music House. The church ui filled to th. doors hv an aoDrecia- rtive audience. Vocal music was ren dered in .artistic style by Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, soprano, and Dom J. Zan, baritone, and Waldemar Und jrave vio lin solos and K. Sorenson cello solos, all with excellent effect. Frederick W. Goodrich, organist of STEINWAY AND OTHER PIANOS Have You Not Often Envied the Performer Who Draws From the Keyboard the Most 'Beautiful Musical Passages? Perhaps in your youthful days you did not have the opportunity tb secure an education of this nature Suppose, by some magically wonderful method, it were possible for you to secure the opportunity of rehinthe Terfecti6n and result of several years of study, including touch, technic, musical history, etc., " . ,'. in a combination lesson 01 rnirty min utes,' without being obliged to master the scales, exercises and many obstacles infesting the path to musical culture. In the Cecilian Player Piano are of fered -you, in concentrated Nform, the above-mentioned years of study, at your service, capable of producing the same results attainable by the human player. ' This ability to play is incorporated inside the Piano, completely concealed, permitting the playing of the, piano by anyone. ' - ' It is an artistic instrument on which anyone can render any selection with the same precision, convey the same feeling possible with the human per former. And you can do it. You are invited to call at our warerooms and investigate this wouderful piano note the metal action and many other points of merit. Price $500 to $1000 Your Silent Piano Taken in Exchange, St. Mary's Cathedral, who designed the new pipe organ, played a number -of solos which showed very satisf actorily ihe capabilities of the instrument, and the latter was pronounced to be one of the best and most up-to-date pipe organs west of Chicago. Each num ber sung or played was received with warm applause. 'Uie new pipe organ referred to has three manuals. 1078 pipes, nboflt SO stops of movement, Sev eral combination pistons, and its tubular-pneumatic action is most admir able and easily operated. One of the special features of the registration is one beautifully speaking vox-celeste sto"p. and when it is played, one uncon--sciously thinks of better things and the glory of a cathedral service. Mr. Goodrich is also drawing specifications- for the new pipe organ which is shortlvfto be installed jindpr his di rections at St. Francis Catholic Church, East Eleventh and East Oak streets. The plans show that the instrument will he built in two portions, one played in the gallery and another in the sanctuary, and botli played at the same time when the organist so wills It. Tail End of Oath Stays. WASHINGTON. Oct. W. "So help me Sherman Sixth and Morrison II.!.. i tl 11 acues. Why buy ready-to -r wear factory-made suits at exorbitant, prices, whefi you can secure a GENUINE TAILORED COS TUME FOR $49.50 UP, made vfrom the choicest materials ? No two suits alike. This work is under the supervision of a cutter and fitter of high standing. All our work is completed in ten days from time . of taking order. No disappointments. REMEMBER We employ reliable and skilled workmen and pay the highest price for labor ALLISON'S LONDON LADIES' . ' UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGB. GOWN AND HABIT MAKERS' - Second Floor Welis-Fargo Bid?. . God" Is not to be stricken from the formj of oath in the courts of the District or Columbia. That the words be omitted was suggested by B. P. Moore, of Mary land, recently, but the District Commis sioners have informed him that they see no reason for such a change and will not make the desired recommendation to. Congress. Chief Justice Sheppard of the District Court of Appeals, in commenting upon the proposed change, wrote: '"What is needed is not a change in the form of oath taken by witnesses, but in the observance of the same after it has been taken." ' AND CALLING CARDS RUSHTON'S f Buchanan Bldg, Wash. St, Bet 4th S mmsmam av& Co Opposite Postoffice ' ' " fi , -.,i 2. ''KfirK I )t J hr-i-v TAILORS -WW WWIWg J I i:-JM3:iiiiryj; AND FLORAL DESIGNS CLARKE BROS. FLORISTS 28 T Morrison St. R. F. P R E S C 0 T T & CO. ENGRAVING. WKDDIXft ANNOUNCEMENTS, CALL ING CARDS, ETC 271 1-2 Morri.o Street Portland Oregon VICTOR TALKING MACHINES . St. Cecilia