The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 22

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    FOR KtT.
RMnu With Board In Frrrate smiiy.
A LARGE, rrisht. finely furnished front
room and firi-class board, suitable for 2
L-. nt .'nu n. or married r.iuiil-; choice lo
cation. - Mock :rom W. carline. Apply
::.".. Irving at- bet. 2olh awl 2lt sts.
NICE room-, with twrV,,,inHnri?
lio-j-r 32 Lurretia st . "jcir Hill Hotel.
i:ntlfm-n preferred- also large room on
ihlrd f.oT. nice f-r 2 or 3 ladies or gen
tleman. Main 5H3.
NICE rooms with Rood board, suitable for
I or hV coiiNfriifnre, furnace heat,
homo Tookinr. walking distance 41 Ella
half b!o k n-rth of Wsanlnglon st.
LARGE sb-ow room suitable for three or
four- till conveniences ; home cooking,
meals family styie; easy walking distance;
vf-rv n-jvnable. ii Johnson.
NKVl.V furnished room with hoard. In
nw llat. all modern conveniences; East
Side. n'nr SteW bridr. suitable for 2
gentienvn. phne C 27'.m.
HKiii: ni'v furnlshel n-m, with board,
f -r two your nii:i: electric Lrhts. . heul.
hath, f-home cooking. Phnc Main
T:J:i. 2' I'lh
3:12 P 1H Sunnv num. we!! heated and
Ft?rnihd. g-.ud home cool: inc. Phones
Mum 77P5 : A 4!7.
AX rxfrVr..! laJv wi!" nn infant or child
':- .-( i.,r; can give rcltrence. W 499. Ore
gonUin. "
LARGE, nlctlr furnished f-ont room, also
side room, excellent table, modern, rea
sonable, close in. w 1 Coucerr
NICELY furnihd room. wl'li board, private
family ; mmeo prefer red. 1-4 'a Hall
fu Cull s'tindavrf
1 NICK clean room, with steam heat, finely
furnished, central. 43 Taylor at. Phons
Main 7461.
424 SIXTH ST Front room, with board,
for business woman; reasonable, walking
distance Phone A 272s.
FIRST-CLASS room and board for t, rea
sonable; walking distance; home cooking.
24 E. Morrison.
ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen or ladies,
furnai heat, home cooking, reasonable,
723 Hawthorne li - -0 i -
o'clock di.'int . ;
15th st
room or, breakfast and C
private family. laO E.
ROOMS and board, home cooking, walking
distance. ba'h. boat, phone, very reason
able. 327 West Park St.
FIRST-CLASS room nnd board Jor rent 4i
Taylor at. Phone Alain 7563.
ROOM and boan!. li'j 15th at., between Mor
rison and Alder sis. Phone Main 31-.
ROOM and 2 mealv for 2 gentlemen; modern
house, clone In; $4 50. Phone Kast 1V24.
ROOM and board for young man. Phone
Mam 0343.
404 MAII.X ST.. cor. loth. large room
suitable for family or 2 men. with board.
TWO light, atry rooms with board for two or
fjur pennon; walking durance. East 6t43.
ROOM and board. $2 rr month; gentlemen
preferred. 6o3 6tb, Main 334.
LAKGE front room. I or 2. board or with
out, phone and bath. 370 'i 2d.
"LARGE roum and good family board for two;
$2o each: also sn;.'- L5 1,tn l-
4 blocks from Mori (son st.. new brie
build tn. ocmpleicly nrst-c'ass. furnished
in 2. 3 and 4-rt-m family apartments; pri
vate barh. rpcepiion hail, sieain heat, hot
- water, eicvator. free pi-one. cwnpreseil air
t leaning. Jnilor service; some uiiiur
nihed; rent very reaaonable.
TH t? ION" I A N (1H R T Elegant 4 - room
residence part men each having pri
vate vestibuiu and bath. elctric ia-ii-Sr
elevator. h ar.d cold water, gas.
i an t;e. l:ai'.e,9 and eorvens. Jani
tor trvice. Apply janitor. &7o Couch.
FtR RRXT To party buying -the furnish
ings of a 3-room steam heated modem
apartment ; everything complete. Just
ready to step into; price S-'iMl. Inquire
jnitor. Hanover Apmts., King St., near
The most exclusive furnished apart
ments In the city. 3-room suites, bath and
reception hall, both phones, electrio
lights. Take V or lOtb-at. car to 624
. Marshal St.
MAPISON" PARK apartments. 4 -room un
furnished apartrm nt, 6 minutes" walk
from Portland Hotel. Electric elevator
and Janitor service. on Park and Mad
ison. I'hone Main 5S6. "
TH K PHKKFIELr. 7th and JfIenon st. ;
- unfurr.Lshed apartment, with bath; all
outside rooms; inodrn and only . min
utes' walk from P. O.; very reasonable
rent. Main 4, A 31 4B.
1AI"RETTE apartments, higb-class. new
brick, steam heat, fireless cooker, hot
water, private hall and bath; no wall beds,
one furnished. S.".o; adults; 5 minutes
Portland Hotel. 11th st., near Salmon.
BEAt'TIKUl T.-room apartment, steam heat,
hot and cold water and all ,modern con
veniences. Hra!ntree Apartments, 2"J5 12tb
st. phone Main 7741.
New apartments. liist-clas service, rea
sonable rent. Cor. Wash, ami Kingsts.
THE BERYL. One of the beautiful apart
ments for rent. GOTi Lovejoy. near 21stj
take W car.
UEAlTIFfUiT furnished S-room steam
. h-ated apartment. 469 Jefferson st. M.
l'NFl"RNISHEI apartments, steam heat, all
modern conveniences, Harrison Court, 3th
and Harrison.
WILL exchange my $1100 equity in my new
home near Uuiv! hurst tract for grocery
stock. AL 4yb. Oregonlan.
THR Westminster, rttb and Madison at., fur
nlid siiigie roonu.
THE DAYTON Fine six-room apartment,
heat, hot water, etc. Inquire 658 Flanders.
FOR RENT Newly completed 6-room Hat
on Water street, near liibbs; all modern
plumbing, porcelain bath, etc-; flve-min-i:te
car aervlce on Fulton or "H" car.
Apply to druKKist at corner Front end
;itbs or to I. lievurtg &. gonn, llli-o First
I'NFL'RNISH ED 5-room flat. bath, gas and
electricity; furnace, with hot water coll;
all rooms light; located corner East Oak
and Fifteen t h ; rent. $?5 per month.
146 Second tit.
$22 FOR a modern 4 -room urper flat on
East tfide; built-in china closet, wash
tray, front and back porches, electricity
,and gas; rent Includes water. R. H. Blos
som. BIG Chamber Commerce.
MODERN 5-room flat, with bath, closet-,
lance hall, basement, small yard; rent 23;
al-o tore for rent. 33i E. ttth st. North,
corner Rroauway.
NEW. modern, 3-room flat. SIS'.i 20th St..
Portland Heights; rent 2-1. Call W21.
2uth st., or plioaeMaln 4473.
MODERN FLAT I rooms. 14 month. In
cluding gaa and water; 10 minutes' walk
from 1. O. 335 19th St.. cor. Market at.
FLAT? One unfurnished 4-room flat, mod
en., electric ligbls. East 6Uth st. Tabor
MODERN flat 5 rooms. 12r East 17th. bet.
E. Morrison and E. Alder. $-3. Donald
; O. Woodward, 104 Second st.
FOP. RENT New 6-room upoer flat; every
thing up to date; N. W. comer Cherry and
Rods st.. 6 blocks from stetl bridge..
6TH AND HALL 7-room flat. S.V: atrictly
niuern. A. J. Brault. 2lS Stark.
n V E-ROOM modern f 1 a t. r lose in : furnace,
ruti ranite. beater. Inquire iiC? 14th st.
NEW 3-room flats, every convenience, Bel
mont and 22d sts. ; rent, S2.V
MODERN five-room flat; good condition.
S'S Nortkrup st. Phone Main
NICELT furnished 4-room flat, adults only.
Phone Eajjt 4i.
UPPER corner 5-room flat, 22d and Kearney.
Key next door.
MODERN upper 4-room flat, on carline. S14.
S7 Williams are. I'hone Woodlawn 426. ,
MODERN 5-room flat. walking distance.
172 W East 2d. North. Woodlawn 362.
MODERN flat, rent reasonable Inquire
14 Eugene St.
FOR RENT 0-room flat. SIS. 4l Ben
ton st
FOR RENT Iywer flat furnished: references
required; no children. ft4l Williams ave.
rLEASAN'T 2 -room flat; also 4-room; mod
ra. central, reasonable. 2i3 Hall it.
Fine 7 rooms op 23d st., near Johnson,
only $40.
6 rooms. Just tinted, on corner or ..a
and Kearney sts.. $.".5.
ft rooms, Irving, near 23d St.; this is a
flne lower flat.
E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts.
FLATS. 7314 Hoyt sr.. near 22 d. rooms
and bath. Inquire 13-' 6th at. Main 6-7ii.
Housekeeping Rooms,
THE BEAVER. 12th snd Marshall n--T
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water
baths, laundry reception-room, all r7'
famished apartments $13 per month up.
single housekeeping rooms. $2.. week up.
be' In ity for money; short diataiwe
from Union Depot.. Take "S" or loth-9t.
cars north, 'get off at Marshall st.
WKLL-Fl'RNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2
W month. .1 for $12; cottages $20, $-;
flat 4 rooms. $10; unfurnished house $HJ.
364-Sdth North; "W car from depot, on
3d or Morrison to 26th, block north.
ONEONTA. 1ST 17th. near Yamhill; take
W. car at utpot; furnished 2. .4 and 4-
room housekeeping suites n - w a.
bv month $2 and up; hot and cold water,
laths and phone free. Main 46'.7. A 4-ii.
W ashington. tor. 2nh Ni-ly furnt5heti
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free hath, free pnone. both floors;
nice suttes from 12 tip.
Cor. Front and Madison streets, under
pew management; furnished housekeeping
and single rooms at reasonable rates.
SINGLE MAN", .to years, good habits and ad
dress, d'-ires road i-.Asition with packing
house." is yean" experience, in grocery and
meat butdneiM. B 411, Ortgonlan.
NEW up-to-date unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, rent reasonable. Belmont apart
ments. 4 so Belmont st.
THE MILNER. 330 ' Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences
$1.23 wek. clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car.
233 13th st., suite of front rooms, fur
r lined for housekeeping. Reasonable.
$1.30 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, lath, gatf 1S4 Sherman.
THREE housekeeping rooms, desirable, to
permanent tenants. $13. 674 E. Salmon.
SWELL housekeeping rooms In new concrete
ruilding. Phono C 1342.
ONE nice, large, modern housekeeping
room. 4o3 2d st.
FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
$23 per month. 2-4 Clay st
Hon r keeping Iftooms In Private Family.
LARGE room, completely furnished for house
. keeping, including gas, bath, wood and
phone, ?12; a)A pmall, $3. 211 Sherman,
corner lt.
THREE unfurniahed housekeeping rooms,
hath. sink. t'5 East Morrison and isth
sts. I'hone East 3374. Call Ml' Mor
rison. 1HR.EE clean well furnlahed housekeeping
rorns with bath and phone; In private
family: reasiabie to couple without chil
dren. 163 Morris ft. PhoLe C 1173.
Hol Si;Ki:PIN(J rooms by week . or month;
steam heat, hot water, free bath, free
phone; very centrally located. 33U1.- Alder
t.. cor. Park.
3 WElr furnished housekeeping rooms,
thoroughly renovated, pantry, sink, hot
water In kitchen ; also ' single housekeep
ing. 430 Yamhill.
233 TAYLOR. Vor. Park, furnished, unfur
nished or partly; housekeeping rooms, gas.
Fol'R furn I shod modern housekeeping rooms
complete. 083 Overton; no children; can
occupy Nov. 10. 9
NICE front suite, furnace heat, gas range,
sink, free phone and bath, $17 per month.
6 ('9 Johnson at.
1 LARGE connecting rooms, nicely fur
nished, choice location, walking distance.
40T Holiaday ave.
TWO modern furnished housekeeping rooms,
close In; private family ; moderate rent.
Phone B 2432. 466 E. Davis t.
WELL-Fi;RNISHED lower ilat, 3 rooms-,
bath, hot water, phone, gas; walking dis
tance. 424 Jefferson.
TWO unfurnished rooms or 1 furnished
room in private family. Phone Main 12UV
or call at IKS 14th.
424 H SIXTH ST. Light housekeeping, large
room, sleeping porch, modern light house
keeping; walking dlstatice.
PARTY with pleasant 4-room flat, away
for Winter, would rent, very moderate;
gas, bath. AC 306, Oregonian.
TWO connecting rooms furnished for house
keeping, sink, wash tubs, wood stove or
gas. Call Monday. 50 W N. 9th st.
FOR RENT Furnished light housekeeping
rooms In Irvlngton. 31'1 East 8th North.
I'hone East 2bl9.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance., reasonable, gas, bath,
phone. East 2370.
THREE newly furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; private entrance. Mill
TWO or three furnished housekeeping
rooms- modern in every way; no children.
720 Aniwaukie at. Sell wood car.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite, very rea
" sonahle to married couple without chil
dren or dogs. 321 7th st.
FA'RNISHED housekeeping rooms, also
warm barement rooms. t8 7th St., near
Pine. .
2 MODERN" furnished housekeeping rooms;
nic? location; no children. 134 East
18th. S.
TWO front rooms. unfurnished. clean,
sunny, convenient, walking distance. In
quire 233 Vs Hall.
DESIRABLE (upper flat), kitchen, bed,
dining-rooms, cheap. Inquire om 3,
Lumbermen s blug.
3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping .room-; . must
be warm; vicinity Willamette Heights; no
children. R 3oti, Oregonian.
TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms;
rent reasonable. 27 N. 11th st. Main 3702.
TWO housekeeping rooms In lovely home,
flne relghborhood. Phone B 107.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, also furnished rooms,
$6 up. 2V2 loth st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, reas
onable. 340 2d. cor. Market.
"TWO connecting rooms; well furnished for
housekeeping ; rent $23. 433 6th.
2 FURNISH En housekeeping rooms; no
children. i32 Williams ave. Woodlawn.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
ground floor. 215 loth, corner Salmon.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, all
conveniences. 349 Morrison at.
FOUR large furnished housekeeping rooms on
first floor. 149 13th. near Morrison.
2i4 JEFFERSON Large front alcove room,
furnished for housekeeping.
2 UNFURNISHED bane men t rooms. 2o6 13th
t. I'hone Main 7648.
FURNISHED sleeping and housekeeping
rooms. 4334 Washington st.
NICE housekeeping rooms, 3 minutes' walk
from Postoffice ; reasonable. 309 7th st.
TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms
in modern home. 544 Flanders st.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping; rooms.
373 14th at.
SUITE, completely furnished. $15: gas rang,
furnace heat. 146 N. 16th. Main 3T73.
NICELY furnished lower flat; modern.
Phone Main 2616. Call 414 7th st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, light,
bath, phone; $11. 243 Stanton. "U" car.
SUITE furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable; upstairs. 486 East Washington.
NICELY furnished
Call 269 7 th at.
housekeeping rooms.
2 LA ROB front rooms, newly renovated and
furnished: reasonable. 303 Everett st.
jl,) Two fumishM housekeeping rooms;
gas. bath. 127 E. 16th. near Morrison.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping-room.
I'hone Sell wood 3rtS.
2 OR 3 light, airy rooms, fujnrshed or unfur
nished. Phone East 5173.
ONE room for light housekeeping. 421 7th,
cor. Hall. Phone A 3972.
WHEN YOU MOVE you'll need new furnt
- ture. Buy it Judiciously ana tne saviuys
wll lexceed vour moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICKS made uj one of
the largest furniture houses in the city
in les than two years.
Lookers are shown the same courtesy
as buyers.
Grand Ave.. Cor. East Strk St.
East Ankeny, Monta villa and East Side
line cars pass our door
With our organlration. llmlnctlrg mid
dlemen's profits, we can build you any
priced house for cash or on eaty terms and
save you money; plans and estin.atea free;
a postal will bring full details.
R. BAILEY. Postoffice Box 473.
FOR RENT Nine-room flne modern house,
be corner on East Side, for roomer or
b-iarders; beautiful ground. l'axlo"'. all
kinds of fruit trt-es. and loses; ten mlnuteV
walk to center of city; all or part of nearly
new furniture for sale. P 4S6, Oregonlan.
NEW 6-room modern cottage. $15.00; U-rooni
apartment. $10. PO; e.tabilihed hotel. 23
roorru. partly furnished, $23.k); all on car
line. South Portland, and 6-room modern.
Se.tnd st.. walkir-g til-nance. $!2. C. H.
Piggoil. owner. 14 Mulkt-y bldg.
VERY desirable S-room "modern house with
gas. electric light, hot-air heating, large
attic, concrete basement, large garden,
one block from carline and school; rents
for $5 er mo., or will sell for $2600.
Apply 13U0 East Taylor st., near 4flth.
FOR RENT A modern !-room house, double
et of plumbing up and down stairs; beau
tiful grounds, looxinu. with all kinds of
fruit; all or part furniture for sale; flne
location for roomers or boarders. Apply
O'Brien Realty Co., 3ul McKay bldg.
A very desirable modern 12-room home,
lOoxlQO ground. N. W. cor. 12th and Clay.
Full information see
F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg.
Brand new 5-room bungalow cottage,
modern nnd coxy, furnace, etc., on car
line, 50th and East Harrison sts.; rea
sonable. Inquire 16 Second st.
4U4 MORRISON, flnt 10. opp. High School;
comfortably furnished housekeeping-room,
two and pantry, also large front sleeping
room. 332 CLAY ST. Two furnished housekeeping
rooms, private entrance. bath gjod
kltciitn. pantry, etc.. hot and cold water,
yard; $4 per week; no children.
4 ROOMS, large hall, bathroom, gas; good
neighborhood ; no children ; 12 minutes
to Washington at. ; $10. 40 Morris st.
Take any Union avenue car.
NICELY-FURNISHED front rooms, house,
keepsr.g; niodorn residence; furnace heat;
sewing machine; elegant location, on car
line;, reasonable. ;si East Morrison st.
$10 MONTHLY, housekeeping room, laun
dry privib'es; central. 270 Montgomery.
Muln 44tl.
$20 Nicely located 6-room cottage with
trees, barn and small fruits, within loo
feet of two carlinea; on East 21st. near
Ladd's Addition. B. S. Cook & Co., 303
Corliett bldg.
ONE or more acres. East Side; houe, chicken
house, lots fruit. ;ood -for ganien, cow.
chickens; $10 month ; snap. Apply 364 N.
26th. W car fi'jm depot, Third or Morrlsan
to 26th. block north.
A NICE, modem Ik use- should have modern
furnishings throughout; Eastern prices and
asy tennc at Caief Bros.. 30O-37O East Mor
r.icn St.
IF you want to rent A house SEE ME
If you want to rent YOUR house SEE ME.
That's my business. S. D. Vincent, Rentals
Real Estate and Ins. 420 Lumbermen Bl.
1 HAVE a s'ven-room house to rent In Irv
ingtou, partly lurnished; has carpets, range,
three beds, chairs and a -dreaer. I'hone
C 1649, Eat 4634.
YOU w ill go away satisfied and well paid
If you call cn us.
Rent Department. Chamber Com.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, 7 rooms,
strictly modern ; would leaso to responsi
ble tenant. Phono R 2228. or call person
ally at room Ootf Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT A modern 4-room bunpalow In
tine condition and rlm location; see this
Monday. Call 621 Corbett bldg.
HOUSE of 3 rooms and bath. 0 East
lPih st. North, near Everett. Inquire 132
ttth st. Main 67H.
FOR RENT Two new cottager. 1 six rooms, 1
seven rooms; chf-jp on account of leaving
city soon. Phone Tabor 504.
FOR RENT Rear cottage, S3 N. IHh. lar-e
basement ; rent cheap. Apply Wakefield,
Fries & Co.
MODERN houw, 6 rooms; furnace, two flre-pla'-ea,
double Mg tiling. East 12th. near
Stark: $3o. Apply 3H Dekum bids;.
$2o Nine-room house, first-clas condition,
two lots. 227 Eust 41Kh. between Belmont
and Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 323.
FOR RENT I -room heated, furnished flat
with bath, $25 per month. Inquire 120 N.
23d, cor. Ghban.
6-ROOM house, best location. East Side,
walking distance. 11 East J7th st. Key,
33 East ISth.
NEW, modern 6-room house; furnace and
gas range ; partly furnished. 3h3 Mar
guerite ave.
UNFL'RNISHED houses may be furnished
complete by Calef Bros.' easy rent plun at
' Eastern pricte. 36O-370 East Morrison st.
COTTAGE. 4 rooms. 2 lots, stable, chicken
house. Mrs. Muxiey.. second block west of
Tremont station.
N E W 6-room modern house, 629 16th, E.
Belmont : bathroom., basement; $2:;. In
quire 630 Belmont.
HOUSES, Hats and apartments for rent. Na
tional Realty & Trust Co., 32C4 Washing
ton st., iifth floor.
FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern and cozy; 1236
E. Madison, 1 block from Hawthorne-av
car; reasonable. Inquire 106 Second st.
6-ROOM modern house, lot 50x1 oo, for rent,
on East 10th st. ; $20 per mnth. A 1213.
Main 3S73.
FIVE-ROOM house for rent. Base Line road
and East 41Uh st. Phone A 3362 or apply
at nurserj'.
$35. MODERN house on Holiaday avenue,
close in. Inquire :31;3 First St., room 2,
or phone East 6113.
5-ROOM house with bath, stove not needed.
730 Gantenbein ave. Key at room 417
Tourney bldg. Rent $12.
NEARLY new, modern 6-room house, easy
walking distance, reasonable. 431 East
rR RENT 5-room cottue, 409 Columbia st.
near 11th. Howard Land Co., 510 Swetland,
bldg. Main 7776.
6-R'OM cottace. West Side; reasonable. 294
lfth st.
COTTAGE. 4 rooms and bath, 21st and East J
biarK.'none t.asi i.:.
FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, gas, bath,
electric lights, etc: Phono B 1089.
MODERN 6-room house; no children. 052
Williams ave., Woodlawn 1932.
MODERN 5-room cottage, close In. 101
Morris st. Phone Woodlawn 362.
6- ROOM modern house, Holiaday Addition.
Inquire 329 E. 7th st. North.
$2" Modern 6-room house. East 37th and
Belmont. Phone East 1221.
7- ROOM modern house, Nob Hill, $27.30
Apply Mr. Armstrong, Ionian Court.
LARGE 9-room house, with yard; rent $30.
Call 293 San Raphael..
7-ROOM modern house. $16. Phone Wood
lawn 1799.
$13 5-room cottage. 461 fI Flarfders. J. J.
Oeder, ttrand and E. Ankeny.
7-ROOM house. 210 Broadway; electricity;
near Steel bridge; $20.
9-ROOM residence, 792 Lovefoy, near 24th;
$33; aristocratic neighborhood.
FOR RENT. 4-room cottage $10. II. Hat
held, 163 Fourth st.
IRVINGTON" Modern 8-room house: Was
co St.; $40 & month. Phone East 294.
5-ROOM cottare on Russell-Shaver carline.
Inquire 840 Kerby st.
MODERN H-room house. Holiaday Addition.
Inquire 2S6 East 7th st. North.
7-ROOM house and barn for rent. $15. Phone
Tabor 7911.
6-R.OOM houso. bath, gas, electric lights.
Apply 42S Harrison at.
FOR RENT Modern six-room bouse,, close
in. 3S7 Ev Alder, near 14th st.
pUSE for rent. $16 vr month. 394 Hall st.
73 UNION AVE. 10 rooms, arranged for
2 families; $40.
East Everett, near Union ave.. 10 rooms;
"iJ-room flat, 434 Larrabee, near Steel
bridge; $1T.30.
FINR new 6-room house, Multnomah and E -27th
st., $23.
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak sts.
BUNGALOW 5 rooms and bath. new. strlct
lv n odern; 36th and E- Main sts.; rent
$22.50. Inquire Main 2240, or 2005, or
call 515 Oregonian bidg.
HOUSE 7 rooms. 490 Columbia near 14th;
good codition. 393 14th.
Furnished Houses.
NEWLY-TINTED 5-room. steam-heated
apartment; cabinet kitchen. Janitor serv
ice, all modern conveniences; furnishod
new, in old mission, two rooms, suitable
for sub-letting; rent $7.50; furniture.
$175 cash, balance easy payments. Apply
Mrs. Williams, 663 Kearney. No objection
to children.
FURNISH ED 6-room house, modern, gas
and electricity, bath, large lawn, cement
walks; rent. $33; if taken for 1 year, $.;".
This is a beautiful home. Call at 1110
East Lincoln. I'hone Tabor 1126.
FURNISHED house, 6 rooms, gas and wood
range, gas heater, fine furniture, all
modern conveniences, near high school
and two carllnes, $30 per month. Main
FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, $27.50. or part;
flat 4 rooms, $16; housekeeping rooms, any
combination, $1 week each. Apply 3H N.
26th, W car from depot, on Third or Morri
son to 26th. block north.
LADY and daughter wish to share a nicely
furnished 6-room house in Ladd's Addl-
. tlon. 628 Holly st. Phone B 1673. Call
after 5 during week.
NINE-ROOM modern home In northwest part
of city; tine view; well furnished; for rent
from November 1; special terms to desirable
tenant. AK 494, oregonian.
YOU will go away satisfied and well paid
of you call on us.
Rent Department. Chamber Com.
LARGE 7-room house, No. 675 Multnomah
st. and East lhth. In Holiaday Park;
furnished, $30; or will sell furniture and
rent house. $30. T. II. Edwards. 191 1st st.
COMPLETELY furnished modern 5-room
bungaiow, hardwood floor, fireplace, to rent
for room and board of owner. Phone East
5j44. Call Monday.
PARTY to share fl-room cottage with moth
er and daughter, every convenience. Phone
Main. S322, or call 331 Harrison St., near
6-ROOM modern house, newly furnished,
excellent location, bst .transportation; 10
minutes from P. O. Crowley & Zorn,
291 2 Morrison st.
$13 PER month, 4-room furnished; cottage,
with wafer, yard and chicken park. 33S
E. 2d, end of gravel pit.
b-ROOM modern dwelling, completely fur
nished. 3S7 East 13th st. North; rent $33.
Parrish. Watkins & Co., 2."0 Alder st.
NEWLY furnished five-room house with
bath.- Inquire 7K Quimby St., West Side.
Phone Main 3M73. Call after 10 A. M.
FURNISHED 6-room. modern cottage, large
yard, at 363 Eugene St., near Union ave.
Phone C 2310.
FOR RENT A new 5-room bungaiow. com
pletely furnished: on car line; healthful
and beautiful location. Phone Ex 65.
7-ROOM cottage, nicely furnished, bath and
gas. $30. so E. Salmon, between 29th
and 30th; references.
BUSINESS woman wants to rent new 6-room
f urnitf hed house to couple who will board
self and daughter. G 497, Oregonian.
MODERN furnished flat, every convenience,
with sleeping porch. West Side, on car;
rent $23. Room 15. Hamilton bldg.
FURNISHED cottage, with good 6 rooms; 4
blocks from City Hall; rvmt, $30. 34 7
6th ct.
NICELY furnished 7-room house 2 blocks
0 to school and car. C 1132.
FURNISHED house for rent. Inquire 500
Alberta st.. cor. JOth.
4-ROOM cottage, furnished, gas, electric
lights, no bath. 4S5 East Clay.
IN IRVINOTON, 6 rooms, furnished complete.
Inquire 438 E. 33th north.
FLAT. 5 rooms, furnished, close in, 344 Co
lumbia st. Call today. A 2194. .
6-ROOM furnished house. Call mornings.
Woodlawn 78S.
COTTAGE, beautifully furnished; bath, elec
tricity; would sell at bargain. Tabor 48.
Houses for Kent, Furniture for Sale,
BARGAIN Furniture 8-room flat. West Side.
fln3 location ; rent $3S and all rooms
rented. Call 514 S wetland bldg. I'hone
-Main 4S35.
IF you want to buy or sell rooming-house or
flat see us. Oldest established business
chance firm In city. Both phones.
li. W. GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th St.
7-ROOM house, perfect condition and loca
tion. 4 zooms completely furnished and
$20O will handle. 384 College, cor. West
7-ROOM flat, rent $40; five minutes walk
from Postoffice: part of furniture for swie.
22 U loth at., between Salmon and Main.
Phone Main 33S4. Doit call Sunday.
FURNITURE of a 5-room house for pale,
Winter wood, fruit and potatoes; will well
on account of sickness; modern houe; rent
$10. 491 Bid well ave.. Sell wood.
5-ROOM flat, close in. West Side; rent
$27.50; furniture at a bargain. The Ames
Mercantile Agency, 416 Abington bldg.
FOR SALE Nicely-furnished 1 r-roon
house, verv cheap; cios to H igh School ;
rent $10. This is a snap. Main 4388.
FURNITURE of nicely furnished cottage for
sale, house rent $22 per month. Inquire
' of owner, 352 7th, cor. Mill. A 5392.
HOUSE for rent; furniture for sale; rvnts
for slo; walking distance: bath; cheap.
470 East Belmont st., bet. Sth and 9th.
$.T75 Furniture 11 rooms. 3 housekeeping
suites. Owner. 64 Thurman st.
NEARLY new furniture of 5-room house,
part of house can be re-rented. Main 3740.
NEW furniture of a 6-room cottage for sale
cheap. Inquire 252 Sheridan.
$275 BUYS furniture 7-room house, three
rooms upstairs pays rent. 106 N. 17th.
ALT or nart of furniture of 4-room flat,
reasonable. Phone A 1469.
5-ROOM cottase for rent, furniture for sale;
fl.W will handle. Phone Main 3S70.
$2!K BUYS 5-room flat. c!'e In, 344 Colum
bia st. Call today. A 2vR
NEW FURNITURE of five rooms for, aale
cheap. 074 Ea-st Ankeny.
FURNITURE of 4-room cottage for sale,
. cottage for rent. SS4 4tb. or A 5432.
NEARLY new furniture ot 6-room house,
cheap. 732 E. Ankeny.
FURNITURE of a 5-room flat, 3U2'i Holla
day ave. East 2t.")4.
6 ROOMS, nicely furnished, brings in $100.
rent $30; lease. 310 loth St.
You will find it harder
each week to find something
desirable to rent; so it be
hooves you not to lose an
Anything really worth hav
is always advertised in The
9-room hoiw, close in. Wash, st., modern,
rent only ?33; swell furniture, only $.w;
8 rooms. 4 of them housekeeping, now
rented for $30; walking distance; quick
sale" $450.
12 rooms, all housekeeping, cheap rent,
long lease, rooms all rented, good furniture,
$0 taken it ; easy terin.-. Lincoln Invt.
Co., 2Mi Wash, st., room 301.
FOR SALE The entire furnishings of mod
ern 3-room steam he-ited apmt.. every
thing complete; just ready to step, into;
silver, linen, sewing machine. 40 pints
assorted fruit nnd all other necessary fur
niture; $200 cash. Inquire, janitor Han
over Apartments, King St., near Wash
ington. SEW this If looking for a birgain for cash:
good furniture -room hou.e; swell neigh
borhood: 4 rooms rented; am leav'ng city.
Call 34S Montgomery st., orM. 6815.
7-ROOM hoi:se for rent, furniture for sale;
walking distance; West ide, at 332 Grant
at. Phone Main 1430.
6-ROOM house for rent and furniture Tor
aale. Woodlawn 7S3.
STORE space. 60x70. also "OxSO. on 2d floor,
with elevator. nt Grand ave. and E.
Stark, being vacated by Morgan-Atchley
Furniture Co., who move Into new build
ing covering quarter block across the
street; will rent the above, as a whole or
subdivide to suit; splendid location for
piano, department store, Rcntlemen's fur
nishings. Jewelry, boot and shoes, or any
legitimate line of good stock Is carried
if vou need a location call to see me and
I can ".show" you what can be done at
thl location. a
W. L. MORGAN. 503. Abington Bldg.
Fine store on Oak St., near 3d st.
6th St., store between Oak and Pine.
New brick. ISth and Washington.
Rent reasonable on these.
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts.
FINE storerooms. Grand ave. and East
Stark; 90 feet deep; excellent bas
ment; finished very soon; any size to suit
tenant; splendid location for big furniture
store, or any large businer.: rent Theap;
Icing lease. R. Cooke, Beverly Hotel.
Phone Main 70S 2.
FOR RENT A larse storeroom with five
room mod-em flat above, located on the
VP8t Side; rent very reasonable; splen
did locality for grocery, meat market,
hard war or iool hall. Otto & Harkson,
133 First st.
STORE with good business. Oak st., brick
bldg.. opposite Commercial Club. A. H.
Hirrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and
FOR RENT-r-Rear room. 13x110 feet, high
ceiling, glase doom window 6x8 feet, suit
able for barber, printer, cigar-maker. 329
South- First st.
FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick
.store building. 100x165, S.- E- cor. Front
and Pine sts. Apply C A. Dolph. Mohawk
bldg. ,
$10 PER month for corner store living
rooms in rear; Bull Run water, barn, fruit
ti ees, etc. and on carline, C 509. Ore
gonian. .
NEW modern brick stores; good location
for grocery, market, light mfg., any retail
trade; Jow rent. Main 7157.
FOR RENT Large store with basement. 1J7
Grand ave., near East Morrison. Phone
B 1337. V. Sehmid, 105 Grand ave.
STORE for rent, best location on East Side.
for hardware or men's furnishing. Inquire
33" WilMams ave.
t V
STORE for rent, 249 Alder st. Inquire in
hat store.
A GOOU-SIZED storeroom for rent. Ad
dress Union ave., corner of Ash.
Nice front office, with window, on grade
110 Second St.
EXHIBIT space and de.-'k room adjoining
Chamber of Commerce; both phone, sten
graphic service. Room 3, Commercial Club
blug. -
ONE SUITE LEFT in the Oregonian bldg.,
very desirable office rooms. Call early at
room 201. '
DESIRABLE ground floor desk room, cheap;
use both phones. Room 3 Lumbermen's
DESK ROOM on 2d flood and corner, with
office conveniences. 209--10 Commercial
block, -d and Washington Bts.
TO RENT Dosk room, both phones. Includ
ing desk. 517 Board of Trade.
CHOR7E business location for doctor and
dentist. Phoue C 1342.
FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg.
Apply Room 501.
IVES K ROOM for rent. 40S-41t Couch hldg.
EILERS RECITAL H ALL for high-class re
citals, lectures. meetings; splendidly
t"hted. ventilated, heated, free from
str-ft noises; seating 3K; equipped with
pipe' organ, grand pianos and automatic
musical devices. For rates apply Adv.
Dept.. 2d floor. Ellers Piano House, 353
Washington st.
EAGLES NEW HALL. Marqtiam bldg.,
furnished new with a stage, for lodges,
dances and entertainments; reserve your
nights earl v. Inquire J. V. Lankln. 203
First, st. I. Fogcl, 220 Third st.
HLL hard maple floor for dancing, canvas
for lodges. Phone East 2367.
NEW HALL, Second St.. bet. Washington
and Stark sts. Howe-Davis Co., Ill 2d st.
13A.LLROOM. good location, in good condi
tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones, S00 Front.
WAREHOUSE storage for rent In brick
bui!ding; clean and dry. trackage facili
tiess; good location, phone A 3372, or
Main C34S.
! iscrUnnrona.
GARAGE for large-machine, vicinity 25th and
Johnson. Wakefield -Fries & Co.. S5 4th.
YOUNG man. with ten years experience
in the drgoods business would consider
any good proposition in that line an 1
mii-ht invest to the extent of $34H0. What
have you to offer? Principals only. Dry
Goods, No. 7, Oregonian.
A VALUABLE Sell wood corner, nearly 130
feet square, at a bargain for cash, by the
owner. I need the money In my businefS
and tehall name a price that will seU it at
tight. If you want a genuine bargain,
answer at once. H 307, Oregonian.
WANTED A. man to Invest $1000 and take
active part in manufacturing a ready
sllin'atiele, factory in operation. J. M.
French Co.. 412 Abington bldg., 3d Pt
near Washington, ask for Mr. Poucher.
GROCERY, cigar, fruit store, restaurant in
rear, Eat Side, clofie Li; living-rooms, do
ing good business; rent $25 month; lease,
long time; will trade for house and lot or
vacant, lot. T 490, Oregonian.
SNAP Butter, eggs and cheese stand for sale;
"fine Ftand msO'ublic market; average daily
sales- $;; this Iw an exceptional opportunity.
Call 264 Washington St., room 612.
WANT About $1000 to push money-making
proposition, new in Portland ; you handle
your money. Sunday afternoon, Monday.
Snidow, 402 Board of Trade.
Close in, with 2 living rooms, gas range,
stovef. all furniture: mixet eell immediately;
price $330. 26 Washington st., room 4o7.
Cleaning- and pressing, repairing busi
ness, eheap rent, good' location, at 100
First st.
WANT man with $100 or $500 to back ''a
money making proposition. Inquire 1019
Board of Trade.
WE have a moving-picture business which
, will net a man $2n0 per mouth; price $1400.
Call 248V, Staik" st.
WANTED sober man with $1000 that under
stands timber and sawmills; guaranteed
$200 month. 410 Henry bldg.
WANTED Partner in a well-established
dressmaking business. Address J 495, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE County eeat abstract snd real
estute business. North Dakota, Realty Com
pany. 324 Security bldg., Minneapolis-. Minn.
BOOKKEEPER wants set of books to look
after, spare time. N 509, Oregonian.
SMALL hardware store with li-lng-rooms;-no
agents. AN 507. Oregonian.
CIGAR and confectionery very cheap; food
location. 272 Stark et.
16 rooms, just the right size for a
money maker and close to business center:
rooms always rented and clearing the
owner $S0 a month above all expenses;
cheap rent and long lease.
Oregonian Bldg., Room 518. t
A GOOD opening for anyone with a small
amount oi money. A good family grocery;
good location; -good trade; $35 per day;
rent. $20 per month, including five living
rooms; sell at invoice, about $10o0.
For a restaurant man or woman, a first
class downtown restaurant, clearing $500
per month; furnishings first class; about
$3000 wilL buy this.
A first-class commercial hotel at Cot
tage Grove, Or.; brick building, 53 rooms;
modern; new furniture; 7 years low
rent; lear profit $300 to $4U0 per month;
An FI bought for 4750 If taken within
a few davg.
304-3 Gerlinger Bldg.
WANTED A business man who is a worker
and willing to put Ms shoulder to the wheel
with the rest of us and help make a gd
thing a reality; no get-rlch-in-a-mlnitie
proposition, but a good, straight manufac
turing business that has already gained
recognition in accordance with its financial
strength. The kind of man described will
iind this a big opportunity; $7500 required
and your services. R 3u9. Oregon iaii.
$2500 cash, handle one the bert paying
rooming-houses in the city; new brick build
ing, containing 40 rooms; hot and cold
water, eteam heat. Janitor service included
in the rent; cheap rent, which is only $-60;
this place is netting $250 monthly and la
the first time offered,
2S6U Washington St., Room 407.
9 rooms, corner location, closo In. hot
nnd cold running water in all rooms; elec
trie lights. Well furnished throughout.
.Lease at $30 per month. This is a snap
at $610. Can arrange terms,
B 10-51 1-512 Swetland bldg.
L. X. ROSEN" BAUM. lawyer, financial agent,
promoter and develoier of corporations, en
terprises and syndicates. Constructive
work for Insolvent and losing concerns;
loans and bond issues $100,000 up negotiated;
gas. water, railway and eleotric plants sold.
ruite' 215 Fern block. Seattle. Wash.
16 rooms, brick building, well furnished,
does fine transient business; receipts $15;
rent only $50. Price $1100, $1000 cash re
quired. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO..
326 Washington St., Rooms 01-"02.
GOOD honest partner with $3000 or $400 take
half -itm rest in up-to-date general tore;
thoroughly eetablished; highest class trade;
a.rtner now retiring; will show books and
give very highest bank references. Write
Box 266, Pasco, Wash.
Partner wanted in a hay. grain and coal
business that, is clearing $30 per month;
man is alone and has more work than he
ran attend to. Call room 315 Lumber Ex
change bldg.. 2d and Stark sts-
WANTED Partner In solid cash business,
owner has more busiiu is than lie can
handle alone, and wanTs sober young
man that can furnish good references.
For particulars call Room 523 Lumber
PARTNER WANTED in a cash business;
will make you $50 per weekrial given
before vou invest a cent; experience not
necessary; will teach you the business;
$350 required. - Call room 3iu Lumber
Exchange- bldg.. 2d- and Stark sts.
A M USEM ENT proposit ton ; half In tcrest for
.ale; exceptional location, long least;
clearing $:i(H per month; to a party with
cash we can certainly cfrr an attractive
prop..; ltion. Particulars 2h0-j Wahinj;ton
pt., room 612.
HOTEL BARGAIN One-half block from depot,
32 furnished rooms, all full; big transient
trade, new building, long lease; owner to re
tire. Call or address Willamette Hotel,
Oregon City, Or.
OLD established saloon man wants a re
liable man as partner: tired of hired help
and will sell or trade a half interest in
established business; experience not neces
sary. Cull room 315 Luiiiber Exchange
bldg., 2d and Stark sts.
A GROWING Willamette Valley town has a
first-class opportunity for a good black
smith: this is a live wire opportunity for
the right man. Addrosd AC 433, Ore
gonian. MANUFACTURING Partner wanted able to
invest little money with services; this will
pav $123 month salary, also share of profits;
exjrience not neVe&sary. - Call room 417,
Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE Drugstore, well established. In
good college town; cheap rent, good loca
tion; outside interests take all of owner's
time; Invoice about $0000; good terms. Ad
drttv Box 201. Eugene, Or.
PARTNER wanted In a small cash business:
w ill guarantee $25 per week; experience
not necessarv; ti v it before you buy it;
$230 required. Call room S15 Lumber
Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark st.
MANUFACTURING business for aale at
bargain; profits large, investment small.
Smith-Wagoner Co., Chamber of Com
merce. WOOD and coal business; reliable partner
wanted to check wood, tend office, etc.;
will pay active man $150 month. Call room
417. Board, of Trado bldg.
MANUFACTURING business, hnusehold arti
cles of merit; working partner wanted to
enlarge business; little money required.
Particulars 2$01y Washington et., room 612.
WE can locate you in paying business. Be
fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney
& Stampher. 531-132 Lumber Exchange
bldg Phone A 4SS1.
PART Interest in one of the best businesses
in the city; email amount of money re
quired. Particulars Spencer & Co., 102
fecond st.
GOOD opening for man with $'00 and serv
ices; investment positively secured. J. C.
Poucher. 413 Abington bldg., 3d St., near
Washington st.
GfiOCERY STORE Nice clean stock of gro
ceries at invoice, takes about $3000 to
handle; net profit about $-'00 per month;
a snup. Room 427 Henry bldg.
CIGAR and grocery, established 1 4 years.(
never changed hands; living-rooms, good
location, cheap rent, $ loo. P 50j, ore
gonian. BAKERY FOR -SALE One of best In city,
fine location, big business, long lease; best
of reasons- for scllinfi: see this quick. N
480, Oregonian.
WE have a one-half Interest In a business
placf-d- with us that Is easy to handle and
is paving big money; flimo required.
SPENCER & CO.. 102 Second St.
DO YOU want -supplies or rent film? We
are independent, do not belong to the
trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchild bldg.,
Portland, Or. t
C1G K STORE, down town location, rent
only $12. leai-e. sales $12 per day; goes
for $300. F. A. Beard & Co., 326 Wash
ington st.. room 215.
NEW Independent American films, the kind
' that gt you the money: film service, $12
week. 6 reels. Independent Western Film
Exchange. Swetland bldg., Portland. Or.
A LADY wis1". to Invest small amount of
money and her service in some business.
C 4UD, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Light manufacturing business.
Inquire C. F. Siemsen, 44th st. and Kili
ingsworth. HALF interest in restaurant doing gocd bu!
neps; $S0'.-o; a practical cor-k preferred.
24b Stark st.
WANTED Partner, $230 for Interest in
good paying business; must be sober. Call
&fter 4 P. M. Room 507, 102 3d street.
DENTAL OFFICE for sale with $3000 prac
tice, in Washington town of 10,000, near
Portland. G 493, Oregonian.
BARGAIN--Snap grocery and market for
sale cheap and living rooms; rent, $35 ;
leaving city. E 496, Oregonian.
FEED business; energetic man can clear $2K
month and no bonus asked. . Room 417,
. Board of Trade bldg.
WO RK1 N'G M AN S hotel, good bargain, long
lease; must sell now; investigate. AD 506,
HAVE two restaurants and must have good
assistance; will i?ell or all of one. 272
Stark st.
IF you want to sell your business or buy one,
come and see us. 248 M, Stark st.
A GOOD, clean grocery with living rooms, at I
bargain If sold at once. sia ssiarg si.
$350 buys a nice little lunch room and
bakery in a nice uptown location, with
living-rooms and plenty of furniture;
clearing better than b0 a month.
$750 buys a depot restaurant feeding
lots of people; cheap rent and good lease;
If you understand the grub business, jump
In; it's a chance to make real money.
20o buys a good little place, well lo
cated in center of business, rent is very
cnetin and doing a good business.
Oregonian Blurf.
properly invett in Portland enterprise should
call on tho old reliable firm of Win. David
son & Co.. fourth lloor, 84 Sixth st.. whore
no proposition i. recommended that 'nva
not bear the indorsement of the local bank
ing trade community. Parties seeking in
vestment for thWr capital, or investment
with services, will find it to their advan
tage to consult Allen Todd. 413 FenP-n
bldg. Any business proposition wo m:iy
recommend niLHt carry the indorsement of
the highest banking snd trade, authority.
References furnislud, and required, whore
the clrvu instances demand.
If you liavi $2Co to put the busl
ms and you are a thorough sash and dor
mill man, "the opportunity wo have to olfer
will provide fr your future the balance of
your life. S 3o9. Oregonian.
$no PATENTS no PAY no$
Patents procured or fee returned. Easy
pavments. 15 years official examiner U. S.
Patent Office: over quarter century actual
experience guarantees thorough familiarity
patent practice, prompt, efficient service. f
Gold medal and other -a wards for best In
ventions. Patents advertised for sale free.
Send sketch or description of invention for
free examination Patent Office records and
report as to patentability, also for GUIDE
BOOK. E. P. BU.NYJSA CO., Washing
ton. D. C.
BRICK. In one of the htst locations, and
is DOING the BUSINESS; stcaiu heat,
running hot and cold water in rooms,
furnittfre NEW ami ELEGANT; rent only
$5 a room; lease 5 oars; it is clearing
better than $JoO a month over nil ex
penses; see t'n is if you want a FIRST
CLASS proposition for $5 500.
O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.,
32CH Washington St.. Rooms 2O1-202.
60 rooms', steuin heat, good; rent
$3 per room; always full; $1800 can han
dles; clears $15t ier mo.
24 rooms, heart ot city; lease; good buy
for $1WH) cash.
22 ivtorr.e. best housekeeping proposition
on tho market; West Side; rent $05; $H3o,
91S Board of Trade.
lease, win trade ior noon i.ivcr in o. i
land real estate. House shows a n:t profit
of $:XK monthly. This Is a bargain at the
5141-311-512 Swetland b I d . f
W A NT ED Good live concern with big mcr
cantile acquaintance, to act as Portland rep
resentative i'r a big firm of sale cont rai't- is.
as a side line. Wo want a live hunting
concern with a g-od effb-e, organization and
references and an ability to do business
with big people; a first-das- business propo
sition with libernl commission and no ex
panses to the ricnt people; nil answers con
fidential. AF 4&9, Ou-Krniun.
FOR SALE Half Interest in old established
real estate business in Portland's best sub
urb: large of choice city, suburban and
farm property; g-od office, on carline; r'iu
only 10 per mont h. including hat and
wates; good office, f urnii ure ; owner has,
other business. Addivss Y 4 9 S . Oregonian.
AN established real estate office can h
bought Monday, fr but a little mom than
the furniture and maps cost; owner must
look after other business; a fln rhanco
.for two good hustlers to get into business at
once. inquire at 326 Washington St.,
room 204.
HAVE you $1000 to loan on good socurity
and are you a business man ? Then you
can secure a position guaranteeing $1500
per annum ami bwter. Th Is proposal
will stand any investigation desirable. K
41t, Oregonian.
Why starve tho rest of your life, when
you can have a copper mine tin a copper i
country) of your own, for the location fo ;
which will make you big money? Appjy to
431 Mohawk Bldg.
DO YOU want a good paying clothing and
shoe store in good live town In valley ?
Invoice $:tooo, cheap rent; will sell at
once at 75c on the dollar, cash, on ac
count of sickness Address P. O. Box
l: 1, New-berg. or.
, Shares in concern doing business which
will pay dividends and double your money
witmn ono year; absolutely ento, sound and,
legitimate; investigate. S 490. Oregonian.
MAN wanted to take charge of our buslnoss
chance department; smail capital required;
mfist have H.tdlit y and references.
434 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
GROCERY, confoctlonery and delicatessen
with living-rooms ; good corner location. .
rent only $25; lease; bargain at $450.
F. A. BEARD & CO.,
326 'i Washington St., Room 21B.
FOR SALE By owner, only exclusive cloth
ing and furnishing store in one of th
best Willamette Valley towns; good busl- i
neps and good reason for selling. N 4SS,
WANTED Dealer or user of lime in bulk
or barrels w ho la able to contract for 250
to 500 barrels per day; we can make tho
1-Ice to a responsible firm. Address AF
4SS, ""Oregonian.
On Washington St.. with living rooms;
doing nle . business; big snap; $:oo.
2869 Washington St., Room 4'7.
REAL ESTATE office, with good business.
will sell half Interest to first-class bust-.
' ness man capable of closing deals, only
such need apply. E 494, Oregonlnn.
CORNER cash grocery, doing business of
$100 d-iily wants sober partner as owner
can't depend on hired help ; for pari Icu
lars call Room 523 Lumber Exchange
BILLIARD and poolroom: everything new;
Just opened ; w ant managing; w?!l
ofiVr attractive proposition. Fart rati la i s
2"ii',j Washington wt.. room 612.
HAVE a little money to Invest. with serv
ices. What have you to seil? Will con
sider partner. Address room 37. Beaver
Rooms, cor. Marshall and 1 2th sts.
A GOOD bargain in grocery store, with
over loO customers; on corner in good lo
cality; wlil take part in good Portland
real estate.- AG 491. Oregonian.
1 H A YE well located store vacant for the
next 3 months, finest location to sell
Xmas goods or anything. 249 Alder st..
hat store.
ON E-HAI.F Interest in furniture and hurd
wara store for sale cheap, as pmpristor
has a Government position and w ishes to
sell immediately. Inquire 74S Thurman ii.
WANTED General merchandise store good
business, modern house, acre land good
carline. vacant fots part payment. W. I!.
Eddy. Run City Park, Portland.
MAIL ORDER biw-incss pays several thourand
dollars annually, new improve. i plan; $23
to $HH"v rectwsnry. J. P. Lackey, 22:;j
La Salie s-t., Chicago, 111.
PARTNER WANTED in carh business; owner
guarantees $5 per day; little money required.
Particulars 26' Washing ton et.. room 63 J.
$300 CASH and services, Hober young man
to work In real estate office. Call today
from 10 to 12. 145 V2 First st.. room 10
AN investment of $rnn in a retail business
will pay you $1 to $5 a day. Room 4 27
Henry bldg.
CEMENT business, partner wanted; duties
eawlv learned and will pay $150 month.
Call 417 Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE 2-chalr barber shop, baths; a
snap. $2o; terms. Umatilla House, The
Dalles. Or.
IF YOU want to buy established furniture
business. tjos Bay. about ?15.i0o; some
thing uood. Address R 503. Oiegonian.
CIGAR stand for eaie. Price $225. Inquire 232
3d st.
SALOOON business for sale. Inquire 248 V4
Stark st.
Lents, Or.
14 or all of barber shop at
O. S. Cabe, Lents, Or.
P.OOMING-HOUf'E down Jowp . jonT lease;
traoe ior ni
60 rooms, near the high school, steam
heat, eleeirb- lights and all modern con
veniences ; be.-t grade body hrussels car
pets. Rent only $250 per month, with