The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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; v , . . -
-rv rTrntvr.r. I TOB B.i-r- i i l l
j acres of th. met beautiful Hid. wtrS
acm cleared iJ In cultivation. rlt'V""
orctud or r.riy 1 are r P' i"
lr.; land M level aii shot " t'
rid. from r-orUarxi. with 4 u1m a .car
u ay; 2 , miU. f rum Wwn ami rlv
fine bul.aaj; px-c I--.
House-beat .m 1 rooms. complete fur
nished. loclu.ilr. piano; u-so fin launch -1
It long; wiA erry 8 PP'.. J"
h..uo. valued 1lv. will axcLing tor aar
ax or e'.ultj In r.ty provny.
Washington 6t. Hoora 407.
io iCKF.S, near Vancouver In heart of fnJt
district: Dire, new T-room house. t'j"'"
fine rprlnK. grov. at hoM. 2 county ro
U Mocks flue school, .tor, cnurrh; on
account bod henlth must sej or will 1 ex
caanie f-r city properly. 414 Coucn &.-
Main eO-
J.MK WORTH of sto.-k In U beat lint
vn.llcate en th Peninsula; also
e iulty in IiHiKW oorner In restrict. rsi
duac. d.strlet. for sal or trade tor equity
In house or otter guod property. AUureaa
owner. X ZJ. Urca-oman.
i! f: ok trade.
1 Jot U West FortUad Center: Jz la
I-.S.100; lie fine; soil t t-st. TAfcat nav
you got?
I OUTS A MOOERM 8-room hou. near
Tiiwtharna av.nue. and want to f"
It fir a smaller or va- ant low. Jill
make frm. for me dUfTeranc. AC sJ
1750 EOUITT tn new modern 6-room bnn
syalow witn good barn, , block to tar:
want a g-'xd lot or equity In on,
aioha k old. ;
6-itoOM house, lot WiW, to true, for J""1
acreage with some buiiuincs; this a beau
tiful and Cu location; prtua l.oO. Toung
Bruev. Grllneer blc.
KENNEWICK offera S ana l'KB.r , lm:
proved rlacea In thange for
bomea. Vhat bin you? Addneaa W. K.
'Welael. Kennewlca. W anh.
lxt U Hyla Hrt; WJ1 trad for typa-
BIT Camher of Oornmeroev
CHOICE of or bulne provrty
i.. Anl- and Oe-nui r-ark. CiO.. for
tion ranch, from to W"'"1
G. B. Hannajnan, lit and B. W aaiilnyton.
WHAT hava voti to azctianre for my
equity in t-room bungalow. adjoinlmt
valnnt Park. 1 block from Unlcn ave.
AN B09. Oreon!an.
I2o0 EQUITT In rood lota to trade for email
roomir.r-houa. or anyUilt- of aqua! yaiua.
Main SSS.
WHAT hv. to. to exebancj. for OS
riamond OoaU e Del atooa. D 4J. Oreito-
- lilan .
lOO ACRES for errnlty In house and lot or
contract or mortraee: small farm. o
eaa, TJ1 atorrlaoo. room 6.
( 40 ACRES. S mile, out from l'0"J""J- I?
exrhan.e for reeldenc. or bualneaa. r. B.
rn!!ion. I"l Oerlinser bldg.
Horaea. Teblclee and Harnrsa.
VTa hava Just received a ear of ro . l
work ho, ranslns In woifht Jfro J1
pounds to 1K0 pound.; prl.-e. rea-Wluibla
and horeea K'iranted " rtprented-
We aipo h-iv. on hand:
50 dwilvery wa.ona.
6 farm waffon.
1 furniture wag-on.
7 kuMiel
420 Hawthorn Ave.
HATCHED bay team, weighs t400 lbs., horsa
and mare, new heavy harness, prlca lli0.
team bay horse.. welha liiO los.. heavy
breeohlnit harness, ail complete price
lo; nlca small pair horsfi. weight 1100
each, vour cholo. Iv; gray horse, weighs
i3oo lbs.. rtc : b'e. ,hln. i-'taj"l?
colt. wl(rhs 1400 lbs., sound, pries J0,
or trade for hay: go.d black, welcha 1200
rba. sullabl. for delivery, prloa 110; bay.
ft years old. welfrlis 1100 lbs., price $100.
Call Exposition otAbles, ltn and Wash
ington sta.
I MUQT sell my young. .iund and gentl.
driving horse, name., and runabout at
once as I can't care for It; safe for lady
to drlv. or ride; value S300. but your prlc.
Is mine; I will sell th. horse separate or
entire outfit for th. best price offered be
fore November 8: this Is NO BLUFF I
mean business. E. V. Ferris. room 8.
Washington bldg-
PAIR matched browns, horse and mare,
weight l0 lbs., sound and true every
way; also pair horses, weight 1650 lbs.: 1
bay team, .welrht H00 lba; I sets heavy
double harness; 1 set single harness. I
saddle, and bridle.; 1 top .xpres. truck;
' 1 top Studebaker rubber-tire buggy nearly
new also rubber-tire runabout, pola ana
shstta 400 Washington st.
for BXLJD Pair of graj-s. mare and geiainir.
and 7 y-r. old. weight 80..K; pair of
black 4 and 6 years old. weight SauO; pair
of sorrel 7 and k year. old. 26XO: one aor
rcl m-ire. S year. oid. la foal; one roadster
4 years old. by Lovelace. These horse, are
sound nd gentl broka. Take X. car. get
off at 606 Altwaa. ave.
MUST sell at one, on 16MI-lfc.. 5 jrsar-old
horse, 1 standard-bred combination horse,
one cheep team of mares, on. tn foal. $50
for the pair: one cheap 1100-lb. mule; good
steel-tired buggy, good road cart. 7 heavy
wagon wheis; will exchange for cowa 809
llsot Mih st. Woodstock car to Gladstone
'. HANDSOME thoroughbred chestnut add!
horse, weighs 1100 lbs., perfectly sound
and first-class: also handsome brown hers
suitable for family use; 1 very fast pacer;
will sell reasonable; Inspection Invited.
Call or address. 0i Washington St.
. lit ACRES yellow pin timber: astlmat
nearly t.OOO.sus feet. In Lake County. Or.
Price, 12500. Also 140 acres levej sags
brush school land, unimproved. Price,
li:oo William UcCarty. li Oakes su,
tverert, Wash.
FOR SALE or rent teams with goose
neck furniture wagons, to rent by month
or year: wa also rent any kind of a rig
for business purpose day. week, or
month. Phones East TX B 1S69. Haw
thorn 8tables. 420 Hawthorn av.
FOR 8ALB cheap, pair of geldings. SSSOO,
years old. true workers, will take $300; pair
of mar-. !) pounds. T and 8 years old,
take ili3 for this even; on heavy road
bury. 4J0; SB light bancs ii$0. 6u6
Aibina av
ssT on bora and spider; been offered $606
for horse: paid $300 for wider; will sell
both for $300: going South. Don't want to
hip tbam. Phone B 1(74. P. O. Box 141.
SPAN young draft horse weighing 82ft0. B
nd year, old; 1 spaa of well-matched
horse 6 and T years old. weighing Satk.
phone East 4904 or B 1477.
GOOD delivery hors weighing about 100
pound 11 yesrs old; price $125. "all
Oarry's Feed Slabl st S4th and Yam-
' hiiL
HCHSE9 taken to board for th. Wlnler;
.talis for rent: one good team for sale.
1100 ea'h. 140 Riusell st. Phona E. lu'A
AT lth and Savler. 26 young dollvery
hone few larger one from $13 to $10.
Take, 18th or S car.
YOL'NO Belgian map age 7. about l0
t-ound for sale or will trado for heavier
horse. Van Horn Transfer Co.
LARGE roan mar 13nf lb, to sell or x
change for good small horsa: no deal era.
tii E. SOth. Sunnyslds or.
SIX head of work horse, at 20th and Bel
mont at. Miller's . tables; stiltabl. for
grading or wood'bauling. B 241.
a-T EAR-OLD bay pony for sale cheap, or will
let reponslbl. party have f r the Winter
lor U. feed. 3 Aark. Main 614. -
GENTLEMAN'S driving horse; has worked
mite In 2:?0. and well city broke. An
derson Bros,' Stables. 241 Jefferson St.
LARG& team young mar mules for sal.
at U. S. Stable Front at.; t&es ar
sound, gentl and wall mated.
WANTED Farm horse In exchang for
hlgh-grad automobile runabout. AC 4S0,
FOR SALE On good saddle pony, cheap;
one m-ton gooseneck wagon, almost nw.
147 East Eta.-k St.
FOR SALE or exchang. for good driving
pony vi0 lbs., a 0-st-claas working hors
about 1400 lb $4 East 25th SU
HUBERT at HALL. ISO Front, buy. sell, rent
horse vehicles; low rates on business rig
HORSES, mare, rirs and harness of all
kinds for sal ?U4 Montgomery.
WILL pny $'S cash for a good plug of a de
livery horse. Phon. Main 774d.
DRAFT horse. 'for sale; 140o to l"o lba
Call 22S N. 14th st. Phone Main 037T.
j-CR RENT Pastur. for younjr livestock, on.
jos) svrssr. in th true,, ajrcoiueav
. I .mat eii v f HELP WAXTED-lUIJi. HELP WAVTKD-MALE. HKI P WA.XTE.MAJHS. , tur .lt.--u.
I rbuM, Ornins MuUal iMlnupatl. I ; Mi-"""""'
FOR BALK Cprlght Chlekerlng piano, used
very little, as good a. row; dark case,
will consider term O 491. OregoDlan.
STRICTLY Al brand nT piano, stool and
scarf, only :5; fli down, and $S-
monthly. Call $50 Alder.
MI VT srll my piano at once: a bargain for
any on Interested; no reasonable oner re
Xued. lbl Eit aoth, cor. YamiiliL
EMERSON' PIANO In mahogany casa. fin
condition, will be sold at bargain. Room
10 Washington bitlg.
5r.O T:prl(ht raahogsny-caa piano, fine
condition, cheap; cash or easy won 4-id
Third St. 3 tar. -
BEAUTIFUL "Hardman" piano, tn i fin condi
tion. Umm than c.f of cost. 4a. Tuylor st.
ffinn UPRIGHT piano, standard rcalce. for
ii-SO. or U-rrr. Main 64!S, B. si- Hanun.
WANT I'SB of piano for storage; good car
no chllUron. T 47. Oregonian
FCR SALli 6l-hors power. T-pas-senger
touring car; fully equipped. In
good rdr: only run a "hort un. Ap
l.v to Jess Manning. Portland Taxicab Co
Chapman and Alder st
A 1507 POPE-TOLEDO automobile In good
condition; will sell on easy terms, or will
exchange for good real estat. Ames Mer
cantile Agcy. 416 Ablngton blug.
MOTORCYCLE. Indian, model 19')9, g'?
condition, cheap It Hatch. Sll Lnion
ave., N.
WANTED To trade for city property. 8
passenger Stowns-Uuryea. A-l condition.
Address AC U, Orenonian.
FC'R SALE S-passoc ger Thomas automobile,
or will f-r city property. Phone
Main 3727. lil North 2ild St.
I WANT a light auto for sow good stock.
4o$ Couch bitig.
Birds. Dog Prt Stock.
I .
WILL at-'.l 40 heads of Angora goats nt $2.50
e.icn. Full particulars, call or piiou Mr
Hill. 66 N. lth St. Main 7021.
UHODfel KUA.NO RDa. cockerel $1 up:
aio trios chop. O oOd, oregonian. or
peon Main 20i.
. sale S bunting dog Address 894
Slsklyuusst. ,
FOR SALK Boston terrier pup, registered
stock. 2U& 14th at. N.
FOR SALE Borton terrier pupplc. J. -Bock.
614 Gomg C
CANARIES, young, tin song and color;
cheap. 231 E. tttll St.. near Salmon.
THOKOUOHBRED Alrdale terrier pup at
a bargain. Phone Scilwood 1010.
FOX TEKKliiit puppia Main 4214. lt4' N,
17th St. .
GOOD fresh cow Jersey, and Durham
248 Front st.
GERMAN canaries, rtager Call Sunday or
Monoay, wo4 El Tayior or phou B 2u03.
BARGAIN Gentle Jersey cow. $26; Hoistela
and Jersey, $06. Phone A 287tL
6 cowa and calf for sale, $160. Inqulr at
Mx Church, phona Woodlawa 114.
SPECIAL OFFER W hove 100 second
hand sewing machines t.'iat must be sold
this week regardle's of price, to make
room for carload; 40 drop-head, all make
Whit. New Home. Singer, Wheeier A
V, llsor, Domeetio and Standard. Do not
forget the place. Whit Sewing Machln
Store. 420 Washington, cor. 11th. H- D.
June proprietor. - '
LAUNCH FOR SALE, with launch house,
a beauty: cost mo over $1000. Sell com:
plete for $4.'5. If taken quick.. Am leaving
town. Phone owner Sunday. Woodlawn
losL or see Vonder Worth boatliouse, east
and Morrison bridge. '
6000 SEASONED cedar fence post 8 feet,
near Lents, for sale at a low price; buyer
can make good' money handling these
post Address L. M. Scott, Mil) Oregonian
bldg.. or phon Main "3010.
Having electrical patents for sal or wish
ing financial assistance should address
General Superintendent, Box 17a, Boston.
Mas ,
GOOD rubber-tire buggy, single harness and
rifl would trad toward suburban lot
and pay dlfferenc Call 1071 East lam
hilL Phona Tabor 140s.
TYPEWRITERS, all make $20 to $0, fully
guaranteed; easy payments; rental $3
per month. Pacific Stationary st Ptg. Co.,
2vS 2d su
I HAVE a practically new Underwood type
writer that will be sold this week at some
price; If you ar looking for a real bargain
answer this ad. AG 60S, Oregon lan.
GENTLEMAN'S new suit for $8; size 86;
cost $18. Th Hex. lrflh and Washington,
room Id.
A BAKOAIN Pair rwel riding boot size
about A. Leave name and phon num
ber M 603, Oregonla-n.
ONE Fairbanks floor seal capacity 1000
lb, price $37.60. C. D. Hayes A Co..
Vancouver. Wash.
$273 DRAG-SAW outfit complete on skids
with gas engine. Can be seen In opera
tion, worth $400. Telephon Sellwood 1013.
BAUSCH A LOMB, analytical microscope
complete, good as new, will b sold cheap.
Room 10, Washington bldg.
FOR SALE Best dry -ft. fir and oak
wood at lowest market price Hoover,
818 Water St. Phone Main T45L A 6445.
UPHOLSTERING, furniture repairing busl-
ncas; also 9 furnished housekeeping room
4US. Flanders.
Prosper in Oregon. Harris stuffs th
ducks. 6 Wa
Main 1400.
STRICTLY Al brand new piano, stool and
scarf, only $246: $16 down and $3.76
monthly. Call 350 Alder St.
I HAVE 14 novelties for which there is a
good field at big profits: will sell or
trad Address T 416, Oregonian.
BARGAIN Diamond sunburst brooch, con
taining 121 stone Address L . 4J3. Ore
gonian. FOB. SALE Three frejh oow T. R. How
Ill, Gresham, Or. Phone Long Distance,
FOR SALE CHEAP Outfit for candy fao
tory and confectionery stor 156 8d St.
$4,1 Remington typewriter. 18 fid street
$$ Standard make sewing machln all at
tachment S50Vs MorrLeon st.. room 42.
NEW sealskin circular, large bear and buf
falo robe. Phone East 417d.
WATCHAKER ! lathe, ohucks and .tak
ing tool 13 Sd st. North.
TOOL CHEST Will sell tools single or In
lot. In quit 70 14 Lh st. near Everett. Phone
A 2bis.
FOR SA I .K New houseboat. ohee,p, leaving
dtv. luu 7th st. Phone Main S4a&.
Bargain. Phone East $333.
FX1.L-BLOODED. Buff Leghorn cockerel
Telephone East 6743. $7 East 27th St.
HUBBARD bake oven for aal 100 loavea
Phon Main 7766. .
FURNITURE of 8-room house, bargain, own
er going East. 675 Hood.
TWO China hens for sal Mllwauki Phon
Black 4t2.
PRACTICALLY new Singvr sewing machln
Call 27;; Park. Phone Main 45v4-
FOR SALB Good typewriter at th right
prio AD 608. Oregonian.
ONE 40-toot work launch. AH Cra
gonian. FOR SALE cheap, a man's crsvenette over
coat, phane East 2115.
FOR SALE Two China pheasant reasoo
abl Phone Sellwood 903.
FOR HALE A good visible typewriter, price
$26. Call 710 Kothchlld bldg.
CROWLEY A Zon buy. sell or trade all kinds
of property. 2M Morrison . -
FOR BAI.H Thorough A 1 nasi". spUx pup
Phone Tabor 157'A
FOR SALE; 2300 cement block also com
plete block plant. AJ 41M, Oregonian.
ONE 41-foot hunting cabin launch. A J 608,
yolt SALfi Steamer '.ar. Inquire Star Shad
fVs. fiffit rm 01. Board, oX. Trade bid
COOK STOVES and ranges from $7.60 and
up to $45; 4-burner gas range. $7.50; gas
and oil heaters, 5i'o up to $4 50; all kinds
of coal aud wood heaters, $1.50 up to $15;
flat top desk. $10; ruvulvinK ofnee chair.
$3; library table. $6.50: Brie heavy ex
tension tabl 8 fr?et. $15: $75 oak side
board, $25; Iron bed $2 and up to. $15;
bed sprint; $1 and up to $6.50; mat
tresses. $1.50 and up to $20; dressers, 5
and up to 125; folding bed $5 and up to
$5; chiffonier -$'5.50 and up to-$15;
chairs, otic and op to $3.50; rockers. $1.C0
and up to $10. Some of these are new
and some arvj second-hand but all genuine
bargains. We can furnish your house
with either new or line second-band house
hold furnishings and on the installment
plan. too. Our terms are H down and
small monthly payments. We carry tiio
largest stock of both new and seconu
hand household goods In the Northwest.
Come and get our prices first- Western
Salvage Ox, 627, 62. 631, 633 and 3i
Wasmngton an cor. of 20th st- Both
EDISON horn phonograph. 38 records and
ce, $2o, cost V"2 Ou; Remington type
writer No. 7, with metal and rubber cover,
good as caff, $o0; Hammond typewriter
cheap; 25-ioot launoh hull; S. S. White
dental enclne: 3-chair bootblack stand; lirst
clasM vioi.n of good tone; gentleman's B'.'l.d
goid watcn. 414 Dekum bid:. Phone Mun
FOR SALE 1 fancy finish gua cabinot, hold
several gun ammunition diawer. good
holilnil for sportsman, price $15: 1 tiallrack,
$0; 1 sideboard or buffet, $20. Call Sunday,
613 E. Washington et., oor. EV 11th.
6 CHOICE fresh cows. Jerseys and H-ilsteins;
extra rich, heavy milkers; would exchange
for beef cows. Phone Woodlawn lo0, back
of buiuher shop. Ockiey Green, at- John's
car. '
TYPEWRITERS t'actory rebuilt, absolutely
guaranteed, all bargains, $15 to $U5. North
west Typewriter Co.. 820 Ablngton. M Sb70
SAFK3 Nineteen second-hnnd safes, very low
price; new safe all eize. ForC'and Safe
Co.. U2 7th st.
FOR SALE cheap, two fresh cows, Jersey
and Durham. 14a0 Macadam st. Fulton car
to Idaho ex.
2 VET.Y fine fresh cows. Jorsey-Durham, Jer-ecy-Hobi.ein,
very heavy, rich miiAer tt3
K. fiotn. Sunnyslde car. . .
WILL sell fine mission and mahotany furni
ture, valued $400, for $173; snap for some
one 30u Koss st.
TWO enamel beds, springe, mattresses, oak
- dresser, rocker, stamis, toilet set ail new,
at a bargain. 870 Broadway.
A GOOD late style Smith-Premier typewriter
for sale cheap. Call Sunday or Monday.
Tabor iSe.
WE have two typewriters, will sell one, any
reaMiable offer considered. AG 607) Ore
gonian. FOR PALE! House-bout, with furniture, $-tt;
without furniture $226; permanent location.
Inquire foot of Clay St., on river.
65 YARDS fine Teprac Wilton carpet as good
as new at 54 of cost; a bargain. 607 Beck
FINE new mahogany desk, cost $300; first
offer takes It. IH7 Beck bldg.
600 EUSIN'ESS CARDS, S1.2H. Pyder Ptg.
Co., 337 Burnslde St. Main 0039.
FURNITURE of 5-roora house for sa.1 1S2
East 47th .t. Phone B 2SD2.
CONCRETE MIXER, or will trade for team
of horse 1104 L'elmonL Tabor 11S1.
NATIONAL cash replster total and detail
adder; cost S20G, for 83 North 3d su
$1.10 WORTH cedar siding and moulding
less than half pric Main 4835-
F1NE alrtlcht heater, good condition. $6. 128
Grand av. North.
13 STANDS of bees for sale with, all belong
ings. Phone Main &004-
FOR SALE Good family cow, cheap. 809
E. 28th. Woodstock car to Gladstone av
GOOD milch cow for sale. 1900 East Wash
ington sr.
A GOOD Jersey milch cow. 1858 Exeter st,
Portsmouth, St. Johns carllne.
ALL who are Interested In the International
auxiliary language. Esperanto, call or ad
dress L, E. Merchant, Rose City Business
College, on or before Monday evening,
November 1, where classes will be or
ganized at this time.
WANTED Some person who has fenced
yard and good quarters. West Side only,
for pet Cocker Spaniel dogs, owner will
pay welL Address by mall. Mr Hansen,
Hotel Ramapo.
WANTED Men', cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the ."Fair
Deal." 47 3d St. North. Phone Main 9272.
Pheasant season half over. Avail youf
s self of opportunity . to have a pheasant
mounted by Harris, taxidermist, 4y5
Washington St. l'hone Main 3600.
MAN and' wife would take care of small
&partient-houe for use of two furnished
rooms. Phone M. bo8 after 10 A. M.
WAXThVD Second-hand cheese-cutter and
ti-foot counter showcas F 49., Oregon
ian. FOUR-OAR r?D row-boat, good condition. Ap
ply Mr. Kuhnc, construction supu. East end
Madluun-srreet bridge.
CASH paid for second-hand electric ma
chinery.. Stabs what you have and your
price. AD 495. Oregonian.
HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni
ture; w buy all kinds second-hand men's
and ladles' clothing, hi. 105L 04 Grand av
SEI-L your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co., or you'U get las Phone. A
2443, Main S961.
WANTED A disk phonograph; must be In
good condltlou and cheap for cash. Phone
C llsw, today from 1 to 3 o'clock.
PRIVATE party want $2000 worth of seo
I ond-hand furniture; highest cash prlc
paid, phone Main 1117.
WANTED 1 or K horsepower alternating
motor In good oo-ndltlon; give particular and
prlc C 497. Oregonian.
BOILER 20 to 30 H. P.. good condition,
reasonable. O.' El Panzer, Box 110 K,
R. No. 1-
HIGHEST prlcee paid for cast-off clothing,
snoes, hats, jewelry and furnltur 68 N
3d. Main 9243.
WANTED Two flnt-top desks. Answer today
or tomorrow by mall. Cha' Harrl Gen.
Del., Portland. Or.
18 OR IB-Inch handbag In good condition. AL
6oo, Oregonian.
WANT to buy U. S. cigar store coupon W
&', Oregonian.
SPOT cash, paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 10t7.
WANTED An 8x10 view camera outfit.
Phone Main 84S8 or Tabor 1317.
WANTED TO BUT A second-hand steam
engine. 6 to 10 h. p. Apply 304 Everett.
WANTED Angora milch gnat. Call at 683
E. Irving st. Norman Ramsdal
WILL pay cash for cheap piano; state
prlc V 493, Oregonian.
WE buy, sell or exchanpe anything: pay high
est prices; sell for lea M. 8297.
WANTED To buy camera, state make and
prlc M 477. Oregonian.
I WANT to buy a good billiard tabl Ad
drees AB 60S. Oregonian.
WILL trade two lots near Country Club for
furniture. Inquire 1019 Board of Trad
SECOND-HAND hot-air furnac D 505. Ore
WANTED Carpenter. $3 per day. 44th St.
near Broadway. Take Rose City car.
WANTED Experienced packer.
Candy Co.. 110 North 4th su
HIGH-CLASS hustislg salesman: big wages;
permanent. 215 commercial block.
WE secure position, for our member
Special membership, T. M. C A.
COATMAKER wanted. Call 'at John- Not. A
Co., St. John. Or.
LIVE photo coupon portrait agents; good
money-maker. Davl 842 Washington at.
WANTED Barber to buy shop. 1 chairs;
$2v0; terms. lu$ 1st st.. The Dalrea Or.
SHINGLER: arrtly Monday morning. Petty
grove, near 3aaa.
. tfUUrea ,AK tsyyOrfigonisa. - ;
270 aiadlson. Bet. 8d and 4th.
Hundreds of men and women '
'Call at this ofilrs
dally, looking
; for work.
Last month we filled nearly 3000
position No charge to
employer or employ
THATT-rLING salesmen earn from 81OO0 to
$"25,000 a year. - Over 6X.000 employed In
United States and Canada. The demand
for salesmen exceeds supply. We will
. teach you to be tpert by mall and as
sist you to secure position through our
free employment Bureau. We receive calls
for thousands, of salesmen, have assisted
thousands of men to secure good posi
tions or better salaries; great many of
them who earned from $25 to $75 a month
have since earned from $100 to high as
$1000 a month and expenses. Hundreds of
good positions open. If you want to se
cure a good position or Increase' your
earnings, our free book. "A Knight of the
Grip" will show you how. Write nearest
office for It today. Dept. 6S3, National
Salesmen's Training Association. New
York. Chicago. Kansas city Minneapoll
San Francisco.
Solid rock $1.20 cn. yd.
I ax .o rock .........a...... 60 cu. yd.
Earth SOeu. yd.
Clearing $50 per sore.
O-ubbing $io per station
Tunnels $55 lineal ft.
Camps run all Winter; heavy work, side
cutting. Write for full particular
M. J. HENRY. Contractor,
614 Cobnan bldg., Seattle, Wash.
POSITION open In our factory for 1 hench
man (cabinetmaker), 1 tinner, 1 plumber
and 1 finisher (painter) ; prefer men who
wish to Invest a little money in business;
sound Investment,, jrood wages; neatest
factory In city. Cail. at factory office,
R B. Ins. Mfg. Co., Tor. B. 9th ., and Aider
sts. Phones E. 409, BIlSl.
NEW Portland cbrporation, handling won
derful inventions, .desires four stock
salesmen; proposition enormously profit
able, demand being immense and world
wide; company's plan and character of
the hlshest: most liberal compensation
tn ag'tote, Addres giving reference AC
WANTED Bookkeeper and general office
nsy-n. capable of taking full charge of
books and correspondence in glowing con
cern; applicant must stte age, experience
and salary expected, otherwise no con
sideration will be given. P. O. Box 137.
SALES MANAGER to take charge of sales
room in this city for manufacturing com
pany with factory in Portland; the posi
tion requires an Investment up to $1500
In -business; this Is gilt-edged. Call B 11.S1,
or address manufacturer, AK 607. Orego
nian. SPLENDID opening aa manager of agents for
going Investment company for live, reliable
man; right man will receive gilt-edged
proposition; strictly confidential, M 609,
WANTED Candy ..salesman to travel Pacific
Coast, principal cities; specialty package
line; permanent position; not local candy
manufacturer: correspondence confidential.
Address Y 605, .Orogonian.
MAN and wife, man to take care of land
. scape garden, wife to care for child and do
little w;uhlng; top wages for right partie
O 605, Oregonian. " -
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer for out-of-town
position, young married man pre
ferred; salary. $90 to $100. Room 29, 82a ft
Washington st.
WANTED Steady man, able to check goods,
etc.; pay $25 week now; can increase this
with Interested help: $250 required. Par
ticulars 417 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED A good, pv.ber and lnduattrioue
Janitor, one who understands apartment
house work. Call Monday after ,180 at
624 Marshall.
EXPERIENCED carpenter will exebanero
work for plastering or plumbing. S 6O0,
AN exierieneed men's clothing stock man,
with reference Apply between 9 and 11
A. M. Monday. A. li. Steinbach & Co.
WANTP3T Husky boy to learn automobile
business; one not afraid to work. Inquire
840 Union av N.
IALE5MBN, all line bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial
Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg.
COATMAKETtS Steady Jobs, noi rush sea
son work; vou will be wanting steady Jobs
in about six weeks; better locate now.
Acheson & Co.
WANTED a middle-aged man that under
stands about horses, good wages and
board and room, O 609. Oregonian.
WILL exchange dental work for carpenter
work or cabinet work; can be don at spare
time AK 60 Oreronlaa.
WANTED Good, all-round man. steady Job.
Call Mein 5504. Lakevlew Hotel, Linn
ton road.
WILL exchanpe dental work for plumbing.
AJ 607. Oregonian. '
BANK bookkeeper for country; not over 83.
Room 29, 823 Washington St.
BOY to run freight .levator. Inquire Lang
& Co.
A ItEOISTEKED druggist wanted. .Box 885,
Forest Grove. Oregon.
LATHERS wanted Monday morning, Parton
house, Missouri ave. and Fay at.
YOUNG MAN. stenographer, beginner. Room
23. 32.1 4 Washington St.
COOK at Baltlmor 1S7 Washington st.
' Growth
Each day, month and year
sees an enormous growth in the
"want" columns.
Each day, month and year
6ees a decrease of "For Kent"
signs, Whyf People are too
busy to tramp around looking
for signs, and the majority re
fuse to live in a house plastered
up with them.
Moral: Advertise your va
cancies in The Oregonian.
touth on the Natron-KIama.tli PhI1i w.k
teamsters, laborer rocknum, iam fiivH
laborers,, "tunnimm; ftK - -'a
to M a day. . . .
Eairt on th Deechnrej Ry., laborm ana
dr ! I lera. $2. i!6 an d $J. Ho.
"Wert on th Tillamook llrve. laborer 4
, teamsters. $2.25 and $1!.D0.
Station antca for a w U. R Jub un,
m cuts from 1500 to -to.CKO yajrAii cluarlntf
FInWh carpenter city. $1.73; prnrnl
fcowe carpenter. $3.r; brMff cariu-ir.
$3 ,V, $3 and $i! 73; Km fro far.
BOIL ERMAKKRS f o r R. H . oo n tract i n ft
firm, standard wrto 420 hour, free faro
both ways IX finlen Job.
Ednerman $:.; ratchet aer 3; nlKht
-watch, arteum aliovel, $7.tV); aawmltl an4
yard hands. rlfctffnir aUiiJCH. bucket-,
chasers, donkev fireman. pl.lrlvr hanfts,
city laborers and teamtsters, concrete 1jUop
erd, cooks, kitchen help and others.
2d N'. 2i St., portlan-d.
Esrabllshd 1876.
Portland ui Fmnciaco ftpokan
2 frraii foremen, $75 and, board.; camp
bteciternith, $75 and board. .
"Wanted, reliable, middle-aped farmer,
family, to purchase ten-acre tract a.nd ac
cept emplovment; must know how to
handle timothy ranch and general farm
Iiik; 500 cash required; good wages, con
tract, position permanent. Call or write
at once. x
2S0 Oak Street.
Portland. Oregon.
SAN FRANCISCO firm, doing larpe volum
In OreKon in imported china enam
eled ware and reneral Import goods de
dlrea representative on commission for
etate of Oregon, with headquarters at
Portland. Applicants must know the
crockery business thoroughly, and be well
acquainted with the trade. References re
quired. Applications will be considered
Btrictly confidential. Line open January
1. 1910. S 479. OregoniaJ.
"WI3- have some exclusive territory open on
our traveling Bales force for 1010. Our
line is exceptionally strong, imported and
domestic calendars, advertising novelties
and specialties of every description. In
usual and winning premium articles. The
opportunity will be- given only to men who
can convince us of their honesty and abil
ity. Address Gartner & Bender. Dept. A.
WAaVTBD Salesman of middle age who la
morally and financially clean, with good
record behind htm, can find permanent
position; must have energy and a desire
to make good; none others need apply.
Address D 400p Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, resident of Portland, as lo
cal mfuiager; be willing to hustle; ex
perience retail book stone desirable but not
necessary; moderate salary at first but
chajice for advancement; competent, faith
ful services will ba appreciated and paid
for; state age, nature of present employ
ment. AK 4y9, Oregonian.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year,
men and women to learn barber trade la
eight weeks, help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $23 weekly;
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 34
North, 4th St., Portland, Or. ,
WANTED Sub-Inspector, experienced la
' heavy concrete and masonry construction,
st per diem; a competitive examination
will be held November 30, 1!09. to fill the
above posl tion. For further In formation
ad Ore ss Co mmandan t. Navy- Yard, P ufet
Sound, TYaeh.
WANTED Salesman with ability to sell coun
try merchants and doctors for reliable fast
growing St. Louis firm ; for a successful
salesman a good opportunity, and also many
chances for advancement; positlos. pays $2j0
month above expenses. 6 491, Oregonian.
WANTED Honest, faithful man at once,
to take $300 interest in poultry farm near
city; money secured by the land ; steady
work with fair wages. Columbia Poultry
Farm, City office 326 4 Washington sU
room 512.
EITHER sex can made $4 daily all year
raiding mushrooms for hotels and restau
rants with my spawn In cellars, sheds,
boxes, etc. Free illustrated Instruction
booklet. Hiram Barton. 329 W. 46th st-.
New York.
POfeTOFFICB clerks and carriers. Examina
tion held In Portland and other cities
In November; particuiars free. Washing
ton Civil Service School, Dept. 869, Wash
ington. D. C.
BIG MONEY Start a dyeing and cleaning
establishment; splendid profits; unlimited
field; we teach you by mail ; particulars
fnee. Ben-Vonde School, dept, 156 Staun
ton, Va.
WANTED Young man with $200 cash as
fartner in cash business. Give full part
iculars In first letter, also phone number.
AF 491, Oregonian.
COLLECTOR, experienced on delinquent ac
counts and soliciting biielne for collection
asency; state experience, salary, references.
AM 493, Oregonian.
A Urst-class man with a special knowl
edge of alterations on collars. '
$100 A MONTH or better to good live agents
to write health and accident Insurance; bet
policy written. Fidelity Mutual Aid Assr'n.
604 Worcester bldg.
Barn $15 to $35 week, watchmaking, engr'g.. op
tics; learn in few months; positions furnished
or start business without capital. Watchmak
ing School. 825 Kearney st., San Francisco,
TWO experienced advertising- mn; special
edition of unequaled merit. Apply Monday
0 to 11. German Publishing Company,
128 Front st.
RAILWAY mail clerks, postoffice clerks,
carriers, examinations Portland. Nov. 17.
Preparation free. Franklin Institute, dept.
424 G. Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Salesmen to carry our line of
perfection wajon umbrellas on commission;
strongest umbrella made and easy to sell.
The Perfection Mfg. Co., 9t. Louis. Mo.
AMBITIOUS salesmen, control staple line; po
sition worth $2(KH yearly, reorders
are sura. Tayior, Dake bld., Rochester,
N. Y.
BOY with grammar school education for
office work, chance to learn newspaper
business. Apply in own handwriting. Ad
dress AM 497, Oregonian.
W A NTE D Boy, 1 7 years old, to do chores
round, machinery house; enlarv $1 a day.
Call 7:30 A. M., Monday, 182 Morrison, a&k
for Mr. Tom pi a.
GOOD-PAYING situation open, cash weakly,
checking, attending advertising material for
your locality; Inclose stamp for reply. Dept.
204, Pandora Mfg. Co., London, Ont.
WANTED AT ONCE Al Showcard writer.
Apply tvday the National Advertising
Co., Hamilton bldg., bet. 10-12 A. M.
WINDOW-TRIMMER for men's clothing,
hat and furnishing goods; first-class man
wanted. Y 472, Oregonian.
PHOTO ooupon and portrait agents: extra
commission on sales. Hubner Studio, Swet
land bldg.
LIVE eido line fnr live men working small
towns. For particulars address. 20ih Cen
tury Mfg. Co., ltiua wens st., unicago.
WANTED Flrst-clas boilormaker for out
of town. Answer, with age, experience and
referencea AH, 400, Oregonian.
STUDY LAW Enter now for new classes be
ing formed. Portland Law School, 30
Worcester block. Phone A 5446.
TWO men lunch waiters at once; short hours;
also 1 vegetable roustabout. Auto Restaurant,
628' Washington st.
STRONG young man to give evening treat
ments to mem; instruction free. E 409, Ore
gonian. MOTION picture operators ears $25 weekly;
learn In short time; easy Inside work; les
sons reasonable. Particulars, 626 Wash.
GOOD coatmaker at onoe; or boy who has
had some experience at tailoring; good
wages to right party. 105 Russell st.
FERMANBNT poeitloa for best clothing
salesman; good wages. Address direct.
Herman Wise, Astoria, Or.
WANTED Four flrst-class finishers; Al ref
erences required; no other need apply. Room
2. Lumbermen's bldg.
BOY with wheel to deliver, and collect; steady
position. Fidelity, 2C9 Salmon st.
WANTED Men to clean up moldings. Ore
gon Planing Mill, 19th and Vaughn.
five-cent cigars.
PANT and ves:mfiker wanted 3 ua, Andrews,
A tf Berra. stGwMMfc-jpWs -
Ap'fO L-unOTMCNT company.
sMj irr;., 12 N. 21 St.
CiA unA-y 10:50 to 2.
W..ii - MdrWttr m jrtinr table. $3: 2
f.m la ., mill mil j mo.i,
t-' rx. i t.iat.trt tr4rm, $2.2fi; eiger t li,:!., $2 ' to $2.7.': 2
t.aif-.ogK t'tr,, i't l'tc man. $2.P0;
h.M i M.oii, 12 00, hu.t.4 no7'l ?2 W
nt.'i rf-i, $;i. a pot.'l rutin, $2.25;
iniil f .xi'1ntl, 2.25; ,wo ax-
jii. t-.t u v y tt,tt, y aii'i !ard.
Miii nni.K,, .y uy, s:nai boy. $2.
I''t. riu U an, V i t: Wifrm, $2 25 to
$2 fy; isUf, 2 'A op, W'jod- out tors,
i fd
. T. CalJf'.ir.ia vry dy Fr fare
VxT Uist ittiittt nm.tuv of N'rtttern Cal
'Mneu 12(10 up. ' V.'otfy 12 50 tip.
l''r fujs. Fim fars.
Nf iT A f V K RTI H Ki 1 i UAi ri. CALL AT
O.NCB AT Ot;it omi'K AST; EKlt FULL
W glw a written guartvn' to PT
tr n if nation lth way Jf liter is sot.
work where we snd applicants.
Main Office. 12 S. 2-1 St.
$2000 TO $10,000 yearly easily mad in real
estate business; no capita! required; we
will teach you the business by mall, ap
point you special repreiectativ of leading
real estate company, list with you readily
salable properties, co-operate with and
assist you to a permanent success; a
thorough commercial law course fr to
each representative. Write for 62 -page
book free; It will be sure to Interest you.
The Cross Co., Dpt 127. Chicago.
TAILORING salesmen who are bustlers can
make $35 to $00 week right In their home
town and vicinity with our samples big
handsome line: free, attractive advertirlng
matter furnished In large Quantities. Our
tailoring is positively best at lowest prices
This Is opportunity for energetic men to
prove their worth and start in a perma
nent and profitable business. Be quirk.
Now Is the time and season for profits
with our line. Address Sales Manager,
Dept. 27C. Lock Box 4S3, Chicago. 111.
A CORPORATION engaged In the manu
facture of a machine whereby one man
dot the work of aight men with present
appliances, desires the assistance of an
A-l salesman in disposing of its capital
stock; good man can make from $200 to
$600 per week; no better proposition In the
world today than this marvelous -epoch-making
invention. Address AK 496, Ore
gonian. -
PROMINENT manufacturer about to open
branch office and distributing depot at Port
land desires services trustworthy, responsi
ble manager to take charge; will pay $2400
yearly, payable monthly ; also additional
commissions; applicant muft furnish ref
erences and hate $2000 capital secure. Maji
ufacturer. Box E. Ev, AUieboro, Mass.
A WELL-known. reliable corporation needs
a broad, deeply experienced man as
sales manager; one' who can organize,
direct and dictate; such a man can
make a satisfactory connection. Address
R 493, Oregonian.
CIVIL service employes paid well for easy
work; examinations all kinds soon; expert
advice, sample questions and booklet HG9
describing positions, telling easiest, quick
est way. Secure them free. Write now.
Washington Civil Service School, Wash
ington. D. C
convene November 8, 9 and 10, at 1074
First St., this 'city, to examine all those
holding permits issued by said board. If
said applicants do not appear for exam
ination, their permits will be revoked as
provided by law. T. M. Lea bo, Secretary.
WANTED Young men, honet aad Indus
trious, to prepare for Civil Servloe positions;
clerk, carriers, railway mall, etc ; thou
sands appointed; good entrance salary, with
promotions. Call or writs, Paclflo Stated
School, McKay hid.
WANTED 10 experienced newspaper solici
tors who can produce results, straight
salary to right men. Apply M. F. Ho le,
with the American Weekly of the San
Francisco Examiner, room 402, Hotel Ore
gon SALESMAN Experienced in any line to
sell general trade in Pacitlo Coast. Unex
celled specialty proposition. Vacancy after
November 1. Commissions with $o5 weekly
advance for expenses. Continental Jewel
ry Company, Cleveland, Ohio.
GOVERNMENT positions by thouRands tn
census and other departments. Examina
tions soon In Portland. ' Full particulars
to salaries, dates, etc., free. Circular 161
of National Correspondence Institute,
Washington, D. C
WANTED Traveling salesman making
Grays Harbor or Southern Oregon to handle
side line of Chinese silk handkerchiefs,
etc., on commission. Address particulars
and stating for whom- traveling. J 4io
ONE or two flrst-class mattress makers
wanted. We have flrst-class filling machine.
Plenty of power. W. II. Burtless Lounge
& 11 attress Factory. 1319 J St., Sacra
mento, CaL
WANTED At once, two first-class salesmen
to sfll lootse leaf systems in Oregon and
Washington. Slight knowledge of book
Tceeplng required. Firat-cla.M8 proposition
for hrst-clasa men. State last line. J 4u9,
WANTED Ft rut-class tinner and all-around
Jobben capable of managing country
shop ; references required; married man
preferred; steady work; state salary. G.
W. Hornbeck & Son, Ellensburg, Wash.
EXPERIENCED salesman to cover Oregon
with staple line. High commissions with
advance for expenses. Permanent position
to right man. L. fcL Drake, Asst. SupU
Detroit, Mich.
WANTED Flrst-class upholsterers, box
spring and mattress makers; steady work
and good pay. Address C. J. Nlcboll, care
Barker Bros., 420 South (Spring at., Los
Angeles, Cal.
WANTED Experienced solicitor for city
and Coast towns; those having experience
in hank and Insurance soliciting pre
ferred; nothing; to sell. Address- A.N 4 'J 7,
SA-LESMEN Beet accident health policy,
old-Hr.e company; $1Cmh, death; $5. weok
lv; $100, emergency; $2, yearly. Saal wal
let free. German Registry Co., N. 7th
st, St. Isouis, Mo.
SPLENDID openings for men of character and
ability to wrile life Insurance for one of
the largest companies.; previous experience
in that line not essential. Address H. L.
R., Box 555. New York City.
MAN wanted to take charge of our business
chance department; small capital required;
must have nbillty and references.
484 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
MAN Must be willing to learn and capable
of acting as representative; no canvass
ing or soliciting; good income assured.
National Co-operative Realty Co., 702
Marden bldg.. Washington, D. C
600 MEN wanted to attend my special sale
of men's overcoats and suits, men's Fall
suits, Just come, $18 to $25 values. $9.73.
Truly Warren, 815 Oregonian bldg.
SPLENDID aide line of staple goods for sales
men calling on general tsade la Oregon and
Eastern Washington; trade established. Se
attle Cap Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash.
TRAVELING men are earning from $5 to $10
per day carrying our pocket side line. For
particulars ad-Iress 20th Century Mfg. Co..
13iS Weils st... Chicago.
SALESMEN furnished for St. Louis and vi
cinity; reliable and competent; no charges;
established JSS2-- Addrew St. Louis City
Drummers' Association. St. Louis, Mo.
I WANT to start you In business. Spare
time Most 1 ingenious moneymaker ever
devised. Free particulars. F. E. Abbott,
desk AX. Omaha; Neb.
SALESMAN wanted to sell white goods and
dress good from factory to retailer.
Strong side line, liberal commission. Bryn
Mawr Mills, Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTED Experienced groom to take 'care
of horses; must be strictly sober and in
dustrious. Apply before 10 A. M. at the
office. Oriental bldg., 27th and Vaughn sts.
SALESMAN wanted to sell stock In an Iron
clad proposition. Big commission, 30 per
cent paid. Call at 725 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Salesman to sell Duntley pneu
matic Cleaners, city and road, salary and
commission. Apply 6v2 S wetland bldg.
WANTED Boy to work In bindery; excel
lent opportunity to learn trade. Bushong
St Co.
A MAN experienced tn orchard and farm
work. W. F. Edwards, S16 Chamber of
A SHOEMAKER who ran use a Goodyear
machine. A pply I D. Seal Shoe Store.
Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED Partner to manage poultry and
show same; must be honest; some cash
required. AF 499, Oregonian.
PHOTO coupon agents; something strictly .
.t.oo d CisUrlf iTt i .p f-gsVPihfrfr rflkT."rr hlgy
STENOGRAPHERS A business institution lo
cated is Portland, employing a tarce clerical
force, wishes to compile a wajiing list of
stenographers, both male and female, subject
to cull as vacancies ocur or as additions to
lt staff are required. Examinations to de
termine ability of applicant will be give
at hours eultaJble for thow already em
ployed; papers will be graded and selections
made according to efficiency demonstrated.
Application should be typewritten and
sijened personally w:th pen and Ink. stating
the age or the applicant, number of years
exper.ence. positions held, and salary that
would be coni:derp.l uff lcit?nt to Justify a
ctane. All applications will be regitrdod
as confld.-ntlal and no reference will he
made to present or former employers with
out applicant's consent. To any stenog
rapher desiring for any reaAin to make a
chunge this should be an excellent oppoi
tunity. All 405. Oregonian.
WANTED Man and wife to take charge of
a ranch in Clackamas fount y, over 3m)
acres, on share; everythii g furnished;
houses, barns, stock and lm pi omenta Ad
druii 501 East Oak St., Portland.
SA LEtfM AN Resourceful, energotic. and
tactful men on our circulation proposition;
." to $ lO per day to the men w ho are
willing to work. Review of Keviows Co.,
Zi KUedner bldg
WA YTEi Man to care for horses, salary
$;( and room per month. Call early,
u4 Washington st.
LADIES' tailors and fitters, steady work;
you will bo looking for steady work in
a few wo;k. Acheson A CO.
WANTED Laundry driver, good stabliahed
route. D 500, Oregonian.
CORNS removed free every evening except
Wednesday. 25oL.j ANIer.
EXPERIENCED cook In small family of
adults, some housework, no washing or
Ironing, second girl kept ; references re
quired. Apply 416 West Park st. or phon
A or Malu 2619.
TEN A-l finishers and talloresses. steady
work j not "nish-soason" work ; you will
be wanting steady Jobs In about seven,
"weeks; better locate now.
WANTED A German lady about 40 years ef
flue to go out in the country and keep house
fur two old people; reawnabi wages and
good home. AF 506, Oregonian.
WANTED Nurso girl, one who lives at horns
preferred. Call titration Hotel, room 4, Sd
and Pine sts.
WANTED Girl not under 14 Attending
school; room and board for help. 615 E.
Couch st. Phone B 1995.
EXPERIENCED lady for general housework,
family of 3; excellent plaoe for competent
person. Apply ioS Broadway.
843 & Washington st., cor 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2i02.
GIRL for filing. Indexing and stenography,
good, accurate penman, permanent ponl
tlon; give references. B 4fi, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER for bachelor and mother
on place In country; good place for right
party must be neat. M 4U5. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, small family; no washing;
best of wages. Apply 7S3 Flaudors st.
COMPETFNT girl, hair dressing parlors;
also apprentice. Hudson, 26 Washing
ton st., after 10 A. M. Room 207.
LADIES at home flay or evenings, applying
tranHfera on porcelain, $1.50 doz. upward;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg
WANTED Retired, capable woman for re
sponsible position- Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WOMEN and girls to work In fruit cannery.
Holmes Canning Co., East 8th and Divi
sion sts.
32ti4 Washington St., Room Bu7.
Main Sstl or A 3206.
ENERGETIC woman, over 25. for position
with wholesale house, experience unneccut
sary. E 4lS, Oregonian.
WANTED Middle-aged lady to keep house
for small family : good home, mod orate
wages. JC 405. Oregonian.
WOf A .V for irftnral hoiisfwnrlr in wmnl 1
P family; permanent position, good wages.
Phone Main 4lJ. 70 Cornell st.
WANTED Mlddre-atrod woman, god plain
cook, housework for two, $20. 47 Mar
guerite ave.
WANTED Saleslady at once, one acquaint
ed with alterations of ladles' suits pra-
furred. Apply 215 1st st.
GIRL for light housework. 2 in family, with
good borne. Cail at 254 N. 2ath St., apart
ment D.
WANTED A girl to assist In reneral house
work, one that sleeps home at night. Call
at Si.1 Trinity Place.
WANTED Good competent girl for general
housework in family of two. Must be good
cook. Phone East 1910.
GOOD home for nice girl to assist with house
work, good wages. 107 Ea,t 37th St.; call
2 DEPENDABLE maids, one general house
work. 605 Davis, between 2lst and 221.
EXPERIENCED housemaid, permanent po
sition. Phone Main 6K79.
GIRLS, 16 years nf ago. Apply at one to
Olds. Wortman & King. ,
GIRL for general housework; small family,
i call mornings 526 Weldler st.
WANTED Mllllnerv apprentice. Celesta
Hyde, room 804, 820 FUedner bldg-
TO LADY t-nnvaser, salary and commission.
Call Monday, bet. 4 and 5 P. M. $4t 1st st.
WANTED A good girl for general heuse-
work. 304 College st.
GIRL for general housework, out of city.
302 Clifton, cor. Park.
4 ENERGETIC lady agents, goods opportunity. ;
Phone A 2M5, Monday.
WANTED Girl f'T general housework. 483
East 23d North.
GIRL to assist with housework, small fam
ily. Call 247 Morrison st.
GIRL or woman to dn light housework. Ap
ply 737 East Madison
WANTED Young glr to assist with house
work; pleasant borne. Tabor 1470.
YOUNG G1R L for general house wrk; no
cooking. Apply 36!) i(h st., near Mill.
YOUNG girl to assist in general housework.
Call forenoon, 725 Weldler.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages. 354 10th St., cor Mill.
GIRL? WANTED Apply Standard Factory"
No. 2. Grand avs. and East Taylor.
WANTED Experienced seamstress. 475 Sal
mon, apartment L
GIRL wanted, housework. C91 East Mor
rison st.
WANTED Young girl to assist with house
work. Apply 20 E. 16th st.
WANTED -Girl for general housowork. Ad
dress 144 N. 22d St.
WANTED Experienced second girl. Call
18 North 22d.
WANTED Experienced chocolate d Ipper.
Apply Odul Candy Co. 110 X. 4th st.
WANTED Experienced bon-bon dipper. Ap
ply Ode! Candy Co., 110 N. 4th st.
WANTED Girl to assist la light house
work. 4S North I5th st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. Co4
9 051 Irving.
GIRL to assifit with houfework. 776 John
eo st.
EXPERIENCED skirt, waist and coat hands.
Moore Trading Company, 415 Alder.
WANTED Good plain cook. 610 Spring St..
Portland Heights.
WANTED An experienced waitress at the
Hill Hotel.
WANTED An experienced waitress at th
( Weaver. 710 Washington st.
NICE, mlddlo-agd lady, good home, small
wages. Call 4u9 Everett st.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid at Norton la
Hotel; referencea
GIRL for housework. No washing; small
family. 410 i Morrison st.
PRIVATB lessons 1n shortnanl and typewrit
ing; expert method. 3'H 12th. Main 6.-iSX.
WOMEN wantod to' assist In tailors' repair
shop. 2i'Hi Alder, room 13.
GIRL, or (feneral houivwork: smntl family ; -.
good wapes. 5MJ Tillamook st.
CIKL wanted for general housework. Sick 13,1
umfad t, tkcui, ast Xwu '