n a-, . v. -w 5 '.-f 'L ... .-g- ." T"? ti.. f,'.... j. " S2000 Cash, , beautiful, unobstructed view. Phone C STUDENT ACTORS BURMED Two Girls Perish When Dresses Catch Afire. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 30. Amidst smil ing Jack-o'-lanterns and while making merriment for tne audience during a Halloween entertainment at Lbretto Academy, a Catholic boarding school for Kirla here, last nipht. Miss Virginia Owen and Miss Mamie Tinman, student-actors, were so severely burned that they died from their injuries today. Miss Mary Maley was severely burned while en deavoring to save her schoolmates. A panic was narrowly averted. All the girl actors wore light Esqui maux costumes, covered with cotton to represent snow, when the cotton was set afire by a jack-o'-lantern being lighted. After the tableau had started. Miss Owen tripped over a jack-o'-lantern and in a second the flames spread to the other girls and decorations. n.ULY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, rvt. SO- Maximum tempera ture 5- 7 d jrreeit; minimum. 4.1.9 dfBre. itlvtr reaJtnt. ' A. M.. 4 feet; ohanse In last 24 hours. .-" foot. Total rainfall 15 P. M. to R P M.l. inch; total sin- September I. H'"9 2.57 inches: normal. f..'l" inchee; de-f-iency in--h. Total sunshine October rone: rvibe, hours. 1- minutM. I'sp.nK'tf r irv.iucoi to sea-level), at 5 P. M., Lit i-0 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. rrwervation taken at S P. M.. Taciflc time, fk-u.hor yv: . V : i I- H i , -11 . i 7 Wind :n o "5-3 a f s State t Wtathaf STATIONS. Pakr City Kureka lieirna K am loop N'Tth Head.... P -catello ..... Tortlard Kcd BiUff Roseburir Sacramento..-.. Salt Ike S;in "Francisco.. S:okan Tacimta Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla... Plaine Marhl1Wil...A. Siskiyi.u. . .... . . Tor.opah Kaliieil 46.'Xil 4S T 51- O.ilH 4S 4 V B SB Pt. cloudy Pt. cioudy rioudy (("ear iPt. cloudy I Rain ir.ow tRaln IPt. cloudy Cloudy C.ar C'ear (Cloudy Icioii.ly I Rain IPt. cloudy IClnudy Rain Cloudy Cear ICIoudy 4S o.n ,V o.0) 4.S (t. I J 12 V 4 3 SE 34 O. W 4 S 11 S 4SB S SB .'. O.fi"! 54 O.fl &; n.ioi 4; o.i'o! I!2 T. I 411 0. 'II r. t. i 4 0.14 : 4 NR 6 SV 4'V S W 24 SK 4 S IfiSB 6 SB 4 S 14 NW 4 S I .".4 0.': I SQ rt.oo I .ii o.oi ! :t? o.oi 40 0.00 I 42 U.0OI T. Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. - Another storm ha appeared off Cape Flatter-, moving rapldiv aoutheainiyard. It has ou-'cd r.t'.n along the coast from Cape Men ioclno northward, with brisk to hiRh south erly wiB'ln or? the OreBon and Washington roasts. The Horm over I'tah thU morning Is nK.vlng rapidly eastward, causing snow In Southern Idaho 'and Utah. An area of hlh pressure has moved northeastward over Cali fornia, and Nevada. There haa been a rapid fall In temperature over Southern Idaho and Northern Utah and a rise tn the Sacramento Valley. Elsewhere the changes have been llht. Southeast sturm warnings' are dls piaved along the co.ist from Marshfleld north-. Conditions are favorable for general ra!n In thia olstrlct Sunday, with brisk to high southerly wirolj along the cuast. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain Sunday; south erly wlnos. , , , . , Oregon Rain Sunday; southerly winds, high along the cowt. , ' , . Washington Rain Sunday; southerly winds; high a:or.if the coast. Idaho Rain or now Sunday. f, H WTM.S'V, Forea.-:er CLASSinSD ADVEETISINQ BATE In Eflert November 1, 190S. Daily or bunday. Par Line, One time mg BJ two consecutive times. ....... .x- hauie ad three cnieculiv times 3e banie ad six or xvesi conieeutlve times. .64io Hi words count as one line on casb al vcrUfccmeett and no ad counted for less than two lines. HbrD an advertlsemeat la Dot run conaccutlvo times the ooa-tlme rate applies. . The above rates arply to advertlaemenU under ".New Today" and all other daaalnca tinns excepting' tile following: Mtuatious Vauted. Male. Mtuuiioos Wauled, leiaale. Kor Kent. Koui!. Private Families, Rooms and Hoard. Private 1 wnlllrn. Housekeeping Rooms. Private lanilllea. The rate of (lie alove clauiuralion Is 7 cruts a line each Insertion. spare In the "New Today" columns la figured by measure enlv I lines to the ""lO OrT-OP-TOWX PATRONS The Ore Konian will receive copy by mall, provided sufficient remittance lor a definite number of Issues is sent. Acknowledgment of sues) remittance will be forwarded promptly. On chance of book advertisements the rbara-e will be based on the actual nniWi't of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the Dumber of words In each line. In case box otTlce addree Is required. ose regular form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to adertLsementH will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. A receipt will be given for alt pald-ln-advanee advertising. 1 he Orca-onlan will not undertake to correct errors or refund money unlMs this receipt Is returned. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS I'nal CHUKChLfT BROS., wood and co. "' dealers. oCEi and yard l&tn. ud MarliaIL phones Main 93 L A 3931. 1'lnrict Cal Fiowara always fresh from lUIlSLour own conservatories Martin A Forbos Co., HI WaaolngtoB t phunea p-.i Richmsnd and WallMnd Anstrallaa. vUnl independent Coal A Ic Com pa ay. oppostts Dty l.lhrarr oth ptaon OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ' PRESIDENT. Mam Stst. stCRKlaKV. Man lit HIMANE OFFICIB. East 4T?. DIED. pOWKI.Ier-ln lr-liaiii. (Kl"lr So, Dr. . T. M..eii. Funeral notice later .V- 'r rirv . i. Injifiilll S ; i! i h i I- id .wi;'',,y,;vf, . .V ..-ww-r , Balance Long Time at 6 on or Before i t.A nxvoAA a hnvp terms If taken before January 1, 1910. 1913 or bal ttwo. It i Tl "Watch OVERLOOK Grow" WHY? We have now the best car ser- vice in the city, we are on a hundred foot boulevard, we sell you a lot for $1000 com plete with all improvements no extra, no bonding. Broadway Bridge will help, as it brings us nearer to the heart of the West Side. Don't be surprised if values double in less than a year. OVERLOOK LAND COMPANY Office 207 Burnside Street Agents on the Ground FOR R Flats and Stores Several five and six-room flats antl two stores are near ing completion at corner of Gibbs and AVater streets, and reservations may now be made. Flats have porcelain baths, all modern plumbing, and every convenience known to up-to-date apartments, and will rent from $20 up. There is a pood opening for a small hardware store and also a dry goods and notion store in this neighborhod. There are al ready in the block a drug store, meat market, grocery, barber shop, confectionery and shoe shop, which tends to prove this to be a good business center. On carline, five-minute service. For particulars inquire of druggist, corner Front and Gibbs or I Gevurtz, 173-175 First street. BUILD AN APARTMENT HOUSE OR A FLAT A New Building Will Rent or Sell at Sight It is the older buildings that are passed over by the Investor and the renting: public. WHY IS j u wuuiu iay " i DuiiitTiiiiiijs - - ase an apartment-house for a lone term of years. Monev loaned for huililinK purposes. Artistic residences and bunga iws our specialty. All plans and specifications free of all charge. Houses built small payment down balance liko rent. SPENCER-McCAIN. CO. Arch Herts and Builders. 43-414 Lumbermen's) BldK. MEETTSd XOTICES. I O O F. The iceneral relief committea ill meet at OddMlovrs Temple. 141 s Kirst street, corner Alder, to cor.durt the funeral of our late brother Emner c. Wlsmer. of Porter Lodpe. No. .nf I. p O. K.. Oakland. Cal. Members of the order are Invited to meet with us at 11:30 o'clock A. M.. when we will proceed to the Crematorium, bell wood ears, xihere the service of our order will be conducted, after which the remains will be cremated. ' Services at 11.-30. J. C. JAMUSON. Sec. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A M. A lecial comlnun.ca tlun wlli be held on Monday, at 8:15 ' M. for the purpose of conductinK the funeral f our Iste brother. Isani White. Members are requested to i -1 ... . v..t.Mn anionic. Br or- dcr of the W. M. EILER8 RECITAL II AT. I for hl?h-c ass recitals. lectures. meetings; splendidly llihted. ventilated, heated, free from street noises, seating iiOO; equipped with pipe organ, grand pianos and automatic musical devices. Kor rates apply Adv. Dept.. 2d Boor. Ellers rlano House. 3J3 Washington st. LINCOLN ANNUITY t'NION There will ba a joint meeting of Portland Asserablv. No 2t. and Columbia Assembly. No. .. In Easles' Hall. Second and Yamhill streets. Mondav evening. November 1. to welcome Supreme President Ernest Dudcn. Members requested to be present. CENTENNIAL COUNCIL. NO. 1311. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY The sick benefit members are requested to meet In the Hamilton bldg.. 129H Third St.. room 17. Monday evening. Nov. 1. By order ol president 'Holm. trNRISE LODGE. NO. 1"."'. L A to B. of R. T.. would like to C V. B. A. guest at their military whist and dancliig party tnt urdav. November u. In hall No. 3. W. O. Temi,le. 128 r-leventh street. Cards, 8 13. Burchard's Orchestra. MAffABKES. MI-LTNOMAH TENT 67 cisl Tuesday eve. Nov. :'. Cards and JtOC dancing. - cum m ii&a THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 31, 1909. - , "J - 1 ,-ENT THIS? Phone Main GOOO. Corner Fifth and Stark Sim. MEKTIXt. MITK liS, ROYAL CIRCLE. NO .VJ. W. O. W. 500. whist and dance. Wciinesday evening. November :. Woodman Temple, 12$ llttl st. Ten dollars season prizes and six even ing prizes. Fox orchestra. Admission 10c Cards :45 sharp. COMMITTEE. ASTRA CIRCLE Whist snd 500 will be played next Thursday evening in the Wood men bhig.. 12H 11th at. Prizes f"r both. Re freshments and good orchestra for dancing. Admission 2".v. COMMITTEE. 1XXHKAL NOTICES. KKKCE The funeral services of the late Sherrod W. Reece will be held at the chapel of the Portland Crematorium at 2 P. M. today (Sunday). Friends invited. . Donning. McKntce Cllbaugb. Funeral Directors. 7th and l'ine. l'liono Main 43U. Lady Asslstatit. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD IIOLMAN CO.. Fnneral Direct ors. 220 3d st. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607. J. P. FINLEY SON. 3d and Madison, Lady attendant. Pbone Main U. A 16!)0. McENTEF.-EKM'KSON CO. Undertakers; lady assistant. 4U9 Alder. M. G13S. EAST SIDE FunerM IMrectors. snrressors to t. H. DtinuuiK. Inc. E. S. B 8525. ZEI.LE8-BYRNE8 CO.. Funeral Direct ors. ZT Kussell. Both phones. Lady assistant I.KKCH I ndertnkrr.. 420 - East Alder. Phones East 781. U ffcsa. I.sdr assistant. NEW TODAY, INGLESIDE PARK . $130 to 'J0 a lot. S10 down. $5 a month A.MF.S-PHKLPS-'WINX C0. 732 Maruam Buildins;, WANTED Experienced salesmen. Good year Raincoat Co.. 22.1 Morrison et WANTED" Experienced salesladies. Good year llaincoa- Co., 22i lorrison st. JfEW TODAY. TOMORROW, MONDAY At SALMON ST.. corner 10th St.. the furniture, etc.. of the late Mr. Kohn, comprising large pier glass, walnut sec retary BOOKCASE. HAND-CARVi-D OAK CHAIR with red leather seat, par lor chairs, lounges, oak sideboard, sev eral nictures. walnut bedroom suites. onrina nH matire.SSPS. WOOL BL.AN- i KETS and other bedding, extra wide I WALNUT CHIFFONIER, mantel clock, ( i cane chairs separate dressers. Cooker . . nA i . ; . . l . . . .. .1 1 "j o I curtains, stepladder. garden hose and other effects. SALE STARTS AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. ON TUESDAY NEXT We are instructed by Mr. E. U Street to sell the furnishings, etc.. of his pri vate home REMOVED TO OITR SALES ROOMS for convenience of sale at Ui PARK ST., comprising beautiful DA -EXPORT covered in i leather, parlor rockers, UPRIGHT PIAXO in quarter oak case, just :i new as the furniture, bookcase and desk. LADY'S SECRE TARY in golden wax finish, several room-size RUGS, PRETTY IRON BED. good springs and mattresses, feather pil lows and beddiner. Princess and other DRESSERS. CHIFFONIERS, oval French plate MIRROR 1Sx40, quarter-oak DINING-ROOM SUITE (right up to date), hall tree, gas range, linoleum, kitchen cabinet and other effects. AIO THE FOLLOWING FURNI TURE: Large LEATHER ROCKER, li "brary table, roll-top DESK, bookkeeper's desk, office tables and chairs, etc Sale will start with office furniture at 10 O'CLOCK (SHARP) on TUESDAY NEXT at 162 PARK ST. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. ON THURSDAY NEXT At our salesrooms we shall have several consignments of good furniture for pos itive Bale at auction. SALE STARTS AT 10 O'CLOCK. BAKER & SON. Auctioneers. NOTE. "We have received a car of Eastern Dressers, which we would be pleased to have you call and examine If you need a good article at a fair price. Don't fail to see them. They are finished In the golden wax on genuine quarter sawed oak. This in our retail depart ment, where we sell new goods all the time, at 152 Park st. GEO. BAKER & CO. $5000 East Taylor Street No. 590 East Tavlor St.. between 14th and loth, swell modern, 6-room house, 2, fireplaces, furnace, fine Improvements, full lot, nice lawn and roses, street work paid, good neighborhood and easy walk ing distance. J1000 cash, 25 per month: worth J5&00; a snap. See It today, then see The Owner 31T Board of. Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. Irvington Lots 100x200 feet, between Tillamook and Thompson streets, for J3200. Beautiful building sites. This Is an offering which will hold good only for a short time. All street improvements and con crete sidewalks in. Close to car. Don't fail 10 investigate this. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder Street. On United Railways 2" miles from Turlington, 50 acres of land. The carline horseshoes on the place. We can deliver this land at J12o per acre. How about this time for an investment. Surely you can't blame times or opportunity If you die poor, when such opportunities are offered to you. To be had at C. F. PFLUGER & CO. Rooms 4-6 Mulkey Bid.. 3d and Morrison. 20th and Lovejoy 100x100. on tho N. E. corner of Lovejoy and 20th. 50x100. adjoining. ' Can make a price on these properties that will interest you. No phone Information. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 Abington Bldg. MUST SELL QUICK! That swell 8-room modern home and garage and 100x114 on the southwest cor ner of East 20th and East Ash streets. Hurry. Some one will beat you to it. Price and terms will sell it quick. EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 Abington Bldg. SPECIAL OFFERS THIS WEEK Modern 6-room house, centrally located, near East Morrison carline, will sell at a great bargain this week. Must be sold. Make offer. 5-acra tract near in. near caitline. will sell 15 per cent cheaper than adjoining lands have been sold at F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. For Investors Have a few attractive and safe Invest ments In business property with a great future. You will do well to Investigate. F. FUCHS. 211 Morrison St. $17,000 Investment 100 feet business property on Hawthorna ave.. Income. Best bargain in Portland; loOOO cash. FREDERICK C. FORBES, r.lii Lumbermens, Fifth St. WANTED TO RENT. Small furnished house or flat, close in on West Side, bv family of two adults and two children: prefer vicinity of I.add School. Address, giving full particulars, to E 302. Oregonlan. W.'NTED Room (with board preferred) by two vouns nten (Drotners). wnn tl ought. liberal-thlnkinir family: rent reuscnable and not over 10 minutes' walk Irom Posmrfice; no Catholics or reliirioua cranks need answer. E 60S. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman and others, wlll Inc to learn the real estate business, big Inducements to hustlers. Call between 10 and 13. Woodlawn Orchard Co., Inc., 505 &0i Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. IN CITY, No. 2i7 W. Park at., C C. Palmer has a cedar fence for sale at your own price, there .Is in all 22i feet long, all good as new Call any time, you can see It. C. C. Palmer. WANTED In vicinity of Portland Academy. 2 nice furnished or unfurnished rooms on first flour, with board for business man. wife and 2 children. Address E 504. Ore gonian. " WANTED Experienced girls to work on men's coats, and good buttonhole makers. United Coatmakcrs. S3 Fifth st. CANDYMAKER'S tools and candy store flx tures. Call at 203 Alder. Mr. Cohen. BOY 18 years old, to work In store. Arply 171 3d st. TWO furnished and four unfurnished rooms. SUi N. 17th St.. near lxjvejoy. NEW TODAY. Great Auction Sale of (Consignment from the East) Thursday Next Nov. 4th, at 126 Second Street, Be tween Washington and Alder, at 10 A. M. This fine stock of valuable furs in cludes coats, capes, muffs, collars, etc., in latest designs. Now on exhi bition at place of sale, 126 2d street. S. L, N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. AT GILMAN'S SALESROOMS No. 126 Second Street, Between Washington and Alder. TUESDAY'S SALE includes splendid rugs in Axmiuster and Brussels, pure Wilton rug, fine oak extension tables, dining chairs, leather couch and leather rocker, oak rockers',' chairs, curtains, portieres, 1000 fine white and colored blankets, the best bed comforters (sateen and white floss). Also sale on Friday, 10 A. M., at 126 Second st. , Also valuable furs, Wednesday. Also, at private sale, the Emmet stock umbrellas,, bedding, sweaters, hosiery, overshirts, underwear. At 126 Second street. Call in and share the bargains. S. L. N. GILMAN, Manager. AUCTION SALES At 211 First Street TUESDAY AND THURSDAY At 10 A. M. Sharp For positive sale Tuesday 4 Navajo rugs, various sizes, beadwork. drawn work, hand-made sofa cushion tops, wedgewood ware, filigree pieces, silk patchwork for qiults, brass candlesticks, antique jewel cases, violin, hand-made pillow shams and many ancient and an tique articles, as well as a full line of up-to-date house furnishings of various designs and quality. Come early. Best goods sold first at 211 First street. THURSDAY NEXT. 10 A. M. We will sell a complete stock of furni ture, just as good as nsw. as well as other Items you can't find elsewhere. You are welcome at 211 First street. AUCTION Private Residence, 61 N. 9th St. THURSDAY NEXT, 2 P.M. We will sell the complete furnishinRS of this 7-room residence, including all the comforts, sheets,, blankets, pillows. Iron beds complete, dressers, commodes, lace curtains, center tables, couches, carpets, cookstove. heater, wardrobes, bookcase, chinaware, beautiful chiffo nier, a Windsor bookcase, folding bed with large mirror and other items too numerous to mention. Sale 2 P. M. sharp. Best eoods sold first. 4 FORD BROTHERS, Auctioneers. If you want the most for cash for what you have to sell, TALK TO US. Main 8951, -A 2443. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S SALESROOMS 173-175 Second St. Cor. Yamhill Regular Sales Days Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. We shall sell a general assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, office desks and chairs, carpets, rugs, linoleum, steel ranges, heating stoves and other ef- feGOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALK at ail terms; general assortment of GRO CERIES, CLOTHING. ROOTS and SHOES, etc., at our store, 173 Second st., adjoining auction room sold daily at private salo. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Cash paid for furniture, etc. If you have anything to sell call Main 1KI6, A 4243. AUCTION Sales at WoodarcTs SALESROOM: 201 Second Street, Cor. Taylor TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Each Day at 2 P. M. Our sales Include fine golden oak buf fet, square extension table, chairs, fine Davenport and Morris chair, chiffoniers, dressers, stands, brass and iron beds, of fice furniture, stoves, china closets and fine oak hall tree, sewing machines, car pets, dishes and kitchen utensils. Cash paid - for furniture, etc. Phone Main 8078. Goods sold at private sale at out store, corner 2d and Taylor sts. Fine Investment Finely 'improved property bringing big income on the amount Invested. There is no better proposition offered the investor today than thia. R. F. BRYANT, SOS Chamber of Commtree. IRVINGTON A neat and most complete new- resi dence in this popular district, large rooms and sleeping porch, elegant light ing fixtures and shades, near car. It must be sold. Therefore the price is low. One-half cash down. Owner. Y 606, -Ore-gonian. WANTED Newspaper carriers In every part of th cltv to file applications for Ore gonlan routes. Room 203 Orcgonian bldit. SEW TODAT. 8100,000 50x100 oil Washington st. close in. Pays 6 per cent. $85,000 50x80 on Sixth st. near Stark. Good buy for future. 75,000 00x100 on Washington st. Good improvements, and pavs fair interest on money. 845,000 75x100, half block from Washington st., east of 16th. S50,C00 100x100 oil Morrison and 16th, Can ge't 8 per cent net on investment. ?45,C00 70x98 on Washington st. Good locality for 4-story brick. Will pay 81,. per cent net. ' $30,000 50x100 on 10th st. Can lease for 3 -ears at 10' per cent. Only 2 blocks from Olds & King. S26,O00 69x100 on Washington st. A fine apartment-house site. 820,000 75x100 on 13th st. near Main. Apartment site. 18,000 25x100 on 3d near Glisan, at end of new bridge. KEASEY- HUMASON -JEFFERY 14 Chamber of Commerce, 226 Stark. i. Seven-Room House on a Half Acre 25 Minutes Out on a. Good Car- - line; $500 Down, Easy Terms on Balance. This modern home has 4 large bed rooms, clothes closet and reception hall, bath, living and dining-rooms with open ings, fine kitchen with pantry, porce lain sink with back, front and rear porches, cement walks, well built full basement, nice lawns and shrubbery. There is no gravel. This would make an idea place for gardening and chicken raising. 4 blocks from tho car, with o minute service. Price $2650 ralph"ackley S05 Corbett Building, Portland. Or. SACRIFICE Good Up-to-Date Farm H3 acres. 45 acres in high state of cul tivation, fine 9-roora house 4 years old, fair big barn, good windmill with tank, water piped to house, ood outbuildings. IS acres of fine peat beaverdam, ail in cultivation; 14 miles from Portland. i mile from R. R- station, 2 miles from electric station, on main county road; cows. 2 calves, IS head tine hogs, m) chickens, " tons of hay. 200 bushels oats, 50 sacks of potatoes mower, rake, disc. 3-eeated hack 2 double harness 1 sinsle harness. 2 plows, cultivator, .elder mill, good blacksmith shop with all tools. H milo from good churches and school. I Every loot or mis son is one i-h pm ' deniiig. We absolutely guarantee this 1 inlace a sacrifice on account of illness i and just as advertised. Sec this at our expense. Price J7000. Terms are very reasonable. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Modern 8-Room House Within 10 Minutes of the Center of the City for ,$503.00 Down' Modern 8-room house, within 3 blocks of 6 carlines. It li.ts !! large bedrooms and a children's room, nice large clothes closets, reception hall, bath, wash bowl and medicine cliest. living and dining room witli openings, china closet, fine kitchen with pantry, porcelain sink with back, gas fixtures, front and rear porches, cement basement and stationary tubs. Nice terraced lawns and roses, good neighborhood, lot 10xlOC. Price $4000 RALPH ACKLEY t."i Corbett Building. Portland. Or. Holladay Avenue 18,000 100x100 Corner K. Second. Business property will pay 12 per cent or it is a good speculation; Hnlf Cash. Sengs tage & Lyman !0 Fifth 'St. 50 Acres 30 acres, can be irrigated from creek on the place; 10 acres of rich beaverdam land. 1 acre of orchard, a acres of hardwood; quarter mile to school; 20 miles from Portland; mile from S. P. depot. tOOO terms. - J. S. Sl.LXIVAV, Henry Bids., 4th and Oak ARDENWALD Have a good home of your own at rent prices or less. Ardenwald is most attractive of all the new additions and prices the low est 1350 to 550 per lot. All improve ments paid by us; 10 per cent down, 3 per cent monthly. KXAPP & MACKKY, 212 and 213 Bonrd of Trade Bulldlne Must Sell. Make Offer On business block. MxllT, new 2-story building. Income 12 per cent. A guar anteed investment. Call Main SOtil. 3 NEW TODAY. our office from the old stand to 'MS Bonrd of Trade Building, cor ner of 4th and Oak. whore we will he gl;id to welt-on' all of our customers and friends, as well as to talk to those who are interested in farm lands of any sort. Our irrigated lands at $1:13 per acre, with perpetual-water right, cannot, be surpassed anywhere on the whole Pacific Coast, and with its transportation facilities, is the most prosperous, new little city that there is anywhere in the Northwest. One year ago this valley was practically a desert; now there are over 1000 people located there, and between 5000 and 6000 acres under cultivation. Nearly, all in ten-acre tracts. Those who got their land early enough in tho Spring to have crops have made a good income from their places this season. Call af the office or write for one of our new booklets. LAND COMPANY! A. W. Hover, Manager. :: 908 Board of Trade Building. $ CORNER On Yamhill Street Pays 7 Net Now Can be made to pay a handsome in crease. 332 Ch. of Com. &l. lit ' "A HOME," NOT "A HOISK." Pec thia today' A beautiful home. Every convenience you can think of. In walkine dlstanoe. Key at 819 Belmont St., cor. East if.Lh. North Portland BLOCK Factory or warehouse site, 200x200 feet, oil trackage, within Northern Pacific Terminal yard limits. Price $80,000; terms. R. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 f'oiiimerclnl Clnh Bldg. First-Class 20.000--Apartment-hotise site, up per Washington, just around the cor ner on 2Sd st., tin; high-rent district. Fronts on 2 streets, which makes tills a very valuable piece of property, containing nearly 2 lots. $iuoo, Da' ance to suit, 6 per cent. 1,. A. PATTKRSOX, It mini 10, 2S Stark Street. 10 CHOICE HOMESTEADS NEAR PRINEVIILF, OREGON THOMPSO.-V-MAt l.KOD & VKII.I., 011-612 Snctland IMds. $2000 Splendid 5-rooni bungalow, corner lot, popular location; $100 cash, bal ance like rent, except that it goes Into your own pocket. K ABB & PATTO.V, 1M FIFTH STRKKT "WE lave loved