The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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    - .
Watch Repairing-Artistic Picture Framing-Custom DrjpjWor on Exhibition on the FifthFloor ,
ales at
Frank Store
reader Meier
her S
Hhe G
Sale Drug
Toilet Articles
At prices that mean a great, big sav
ins to -the shrewd nml economical
shopper. Look to your needs, and
profit by these unusual offerings.
Mail orders will be promptly filled.
Lifebuoy Soap., on sale at, eake..4
Fairy Soap, on sale at 6 cakes.. 25
Lava Soap, special price, each..7
"4711" While Rose Soap, at..l2
M. & F. Special Soap, at, doz..23J
2."e boxed Toilet Soap, special. .12
La Premier Castile Soap, at, eake.7
4-lb. bars French Castile Soap, CO.
on sale at this' low price, bnTJJK
Armour's Sylvan Soap, at, box. ..23
Transparent Glycerine Soap, bx.l2
Woodbury's Facial Soap for. .14
Packer's Var Soap, at, the cake..l6
La Blache Face Powder, special. .37
Gosnell Powder oa sale at. box..23
Swansdown Powder, at, the box..O
Sanitol Powder, on sale at, box. .16
Java Rice Powder, special at..25
Pozzoni's Powder, on sale at..36
Dree's Violet Talcum, special.. 12
Tctlow's pound cans of Talcum. .19
Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder for..l2
Sanitol Dental Powder, special.. 16
RubLfoam Tooth Wash, special. .17
Pompeiian Cream on sale for..33J
Sanitol Cream on sale for, sp'I..19J
Robertine, on sale at, bottle.. 33
Benzoin and Almond Cream at..l9Cs
Hinds Honey and Almond at..36
Espey's Cream on sale at, sp'1..14cs
Danderine, on sale at, special. .39
Herpicide, on special sale, bot..69cs
Coke's Dandruff Cure, special. .69
Pure Bay Rum, special price.. 19
Witch Hazel, on special sale..l2cs
Imported Tooth Brushes, special.. Q
35c French Tooth Brushes for..l9
75c solid back Brushes for, ea..49J
Cloth Brushes, black bristles, OQ
at this special low price, each'O'
35c Hand Scrub Brushes, each. .23
Fiber Hand Scrub Brushes, each. .4
Ideal Hair Brushes, on sale at..79cs
Large, fine Chamois, at, each..l6
Large jJath Sponges, special, ea..l9J
Regular 50c Nail Polishers, ea..28
Powder Puffs and Pads, spI..12
65c Rubber Dressing Combs for..33
Drug Specials
Regular 10c Rochelle Salts, sp'1..7
10c Flax Seed, at, the package. 17
Reg. 10c Powdered Orris Root at..7
10c Sulphur, on sale at, package.. 7
10c Powdered Alum, on sale for. .7
Regular 50c Mellin's Food for..41
Regular 50c Nestle's Food for. .44J
50c Eskay Food on sale for. .41
50e Horlick's Milk on sale for. .41
Regular 25c Sweet Oil, special. .19
Regular 10c Cotton Oil, special.. 7
Regular 10c Camphorated Chalk.. 7
Rubber Goods
Women's all-rubber Syringe,
at this special low price, each 'C
Whirling Spray Syringes, ea..$1.49
Eagle Fountain Syringes, two-Q
quart; special value at, each
Premium rapid-flow Fountain Syringe
with serew-pips; special, ea..$1.09
Columbian Comb'n Foun- I1 OQ
tain Syringe, 3-quart, for P'
Eagle Hot-Water Bottles, two- CQ
quart size; great value, each-'C
Tyrian Atomizers for medicinal A Q
purposes, on special sale, each
Syringe Tubing, at, special, yd..8
Family Bulb Syringe, at, each..33
Specials in the
Lining Dept.
New Plaid Moreens, in greens, blues,
reds, black and white; 32-in.; Cf
splendid value, special, yard UC
36-inch black Moreen, regular 1 Q
35c. value, on sale at, the yard AOC
Fancy striped mercerized Coat Lin
ings, exact imitation;, of silk; all col
ors, 36-inch, on sale at, yard..40
Venetian silk-finished durable Coat
Lining; light, medium, dark CZ(n
shades; 32-iueh, at, the yard''"'
Mercerized Sateens, just the thing for
holiday fancy work; all shades, on
sale at from 25c to 40c the yard.
Special odd lot of Linings, 25c 1 1
to 40c Values, on sale at, yard
Sale of China and Kitchen Goods now
in progress in the Big Basement Store.
Values that will please the econom
ical housewife. Don't fail to see them.
$ 1 Messalme Silks 83 c
$ 1 Plaid Suitings at 83c
5000 yards of new Messnline Silks to be sold at a special low price
lor vard a complete line of new tints, including olack'ft3c
white and cream; best $1.00 value, on sale at, the yard JJ
Special lot of new .Plaid Suitings, in silk and wool and all-wool;
rome in all the new clans and fancy colorings, for wom-ftV
en's and' children's apparel; the best regular $1.00 vals., yd.
Great social values in fancy Silks, also. You should see them.
$1.75 Embroideries 79c
$3.00 Allovers $ 1 .39
$ 1 Net Top Bands 39c
5000 strips of Swiss and Nainsook
Embroideries edges and insertings, 1
to 4 inches wide; splendid patterns
for children's and infants' wear; iV2
yard strips. A great special purchase
house enables ns to offer values to
f$1.75 a strip, at this low price, "7Q
strip take advantage of sale 7C
t -y9 Be.j &s-m
tsf&hA !Sl KS3ia35a tom large New York
!&ZMZ& 1500 yards of 20-inch
LW:;3 of lace, embroidery, insertion, tncks;
S-SM est regnlar $3.00 values, a. q
P8e this special price, yard jpl.Qg
gpata $l.Q0 Net Top Bands at, yard.. 391
Allover Em
broideries for waistings ; combinations
November Sale of Hosiery
For Women, Misses' and Children
3000 pairs of women's plain black Cotton Hose, full fash- 1
ioned, with elastic ribbed top and double sole; 35c values, pair
Women's fine black lisle-thread Hose, with wide double tops, cotton
split sole and high spliced heel; come three pairs in a bs;QCf
$1.50 values buy all you want of them at this low price, box
Misses' and children's fine ribbed black Lisle Hose, seamless 1 Q
and full-fashioned, mercerized finish; regular 35c values, pair
Sale Blankets
$6.50 Values $4.98
$5.00 Values $3.37
1000 pairs of full size Oregon white wool
Blanket, with colored borders; superior
weight and quality; best regular $6.50
values, on sale- at this un- QQ
usually low price, the pair P"'tJ
1000 pairs of white wool Blankets, with
pink and blue borders; best regular $5
values; buy all you want of CQ 7
them at this low price, pair
1000 pairs of dark gray Oregon wool
Blankets, full size; best regular $5.50
values, on sale at this spe- I Q
cial price, the pair see them P
Great Sale of
Mil! Samples
Of Carpets
Great special sale of Mill Carpet Sam
ples; pieces suitable for rugs; Axinin
sters, body Brussels and tapestry Brus
sels, all nicely finished, ready to use.
Three lots. All are 27x45 inches in size.
The best patterns and colorings. Prices:
Axminsters, on-sale at, sp'l., ea., $X.27
Body Brussels, special price, each, 9&
Tapestry Brussels, special at, each, 72t
Room Rugs
Great offering of room-size Axmin-ter
Rugs, Hartfords, Sanfords and Bigelows.
Best designs - and colorings,, florals and
Orientals, at the following low prices:
9 by 12 feet, regular $30.00 d O 1 QC
M. m S
and $35.00 values, at, each
8 feet 3 inches by 10 feet ffOA C
6 inches: $30 to $35 values Vf.VIJ
$2.50 Drawers $ 1 .49
- 1 1
Outing Flannel Gowns
2000 pairs of women's cambric and nainsook Drawers, very pretty
styles, trimmed in lace, embroidery, tucks and inserting; tf! ACt
regular $2.00 and $2.50 values, on sale at this price, pair V
Two big special lots of women's outing flannel Gowns, all white aniW
fancy stripes; Mother Hubbard styles, braid-trimmed; wen maile ana
finished. On sale at the following very low prices take advantage:
Regular $1.50 values at $1.19 Regular $2.00 'values at $1.49
Special lot of children's outing flannel Gowns, .ages 2 to fiOr
years; great special valwes buy all you want of them at, each vJVfV
ale Extraordinary
000 Pairs. Corsets
$1.75 Vals. 69c
: -
Sale extraordinary of a great odd lot of our
celebrated "Estelle" and "La Grecque" Cor
Bets about 1000 pairs in the lot all good,
desirable models; white only, in all sizes; cor
sets selling regularly at $1.25 to $1.75 a pair;
your choice while they last at this low
price, the pair take advantage of sale Q?C
Nemo Demonstration
Continuation of the special display and dem
onstration of "Nemo" Corsets by Mrs. Dean,
expert corsetiere, direct from factory. 2d floor.
$ 1 2.00 Petticoats at $4.98
Sale Combination Garments
Special offering of women's fine white Petticoats, made with wide
flounces of lace and embroidery tucks, inserting, beading QQ
and ribbons; $7.50 to $12.00 values, special price, each
400 Chemise and Combination Garments, trimmed in lace and embroi
dery, tucks and inserting; very neat and pretty styles, E?1 QQ
selling regularly at $2.50 to $3.50 each ; your choice, each YlrtU
Great values in women's Pajamas. See them on the second floor.
The Great Amuia! Thanksglvm
- i, , i ; - ' , , . ,
j v 111 1 11 11 il. 1 11 1 mr 1 mm wm .11. irn 1
An all-important event to the shrewd and economical buyer The Great Annual Thanksgiving
Linen Sale starts tomorrow and continues through the month-The season of the year when all your linen wants can be supplied at a bigavnig
Table linens of auality and style priced at a point where every housewife will anticipate her needs for many montns to come-mcim, Wu
fonnd matchless bargains in fable Damasks, Napkins, Table SAs and Linen Pieces of all kinds-Get your share of these unusual values tttatweoner
5000 yards of bleached Table Damask, 72
inches wide; best patterns in very large as
sortment; our best $1 damask, on 7C
sale at this special low price, yard
250 dozen Damask Napkins, 24x24-inch; su
perior quality, best patterns; OA ff
regular $5.00 values, at, dozen V'
72-inch Pleached Damask, in the very best
patterns; regular $1.50 value, t"l OQ
dn sale at this special price, yd. A
66-inch bleached Table Damask, in the very
best patterns; regular $1.25 value, QQC
on sale at the special price of, yard v
72-inch all-linen Bleached Table Damask '
best regular $1-25 values, at, yard.. $1.05
500. dozen all-linen Damask Napkins, size
22x22-inch, best patterns; $3.50 tfO 50
values, on sale at, special, dozen r
500 dozen all-linen dinner size Napkins,
24x24-inch; best regular $5.00 CO JEZ
value, on sale at, special, dozen P
1000 dozen fine Huck Towels, 30x36-inch;
best regular 25c values; buy all you "1 Q
want of them at this low price, ea.
Special lot of 100 fine Damask Sets 9-4
cloths and 26-inch Napkins to match; best
regular $22.00 values, on sale fl 1 O ff
at this very low price, fhe set P O.wVf
200 best quality all-linen hemstitched Table
Sets, best patterns, fiue quality; unusual
values, on sale at the following low prices:
Regular $10.00 Table Sets, special $ jXM)
Regular $12.00 Table Sets, special $10.00
Special lot of 100 Damask Table Sets, 8-4
cloths and 22-inch napkins to match; best
regular $8.00 values, on sale at CC 7
this unusually low price, each
Great sale of 2000 Bedspreads, full size';
Marseilles patterns; best $2.00 1 CQ
values buy all you want at, ea. P
100 dozen full-size Crochet Bedspreads, the
best regular $1.75 values, at, ea. .$1.30
Mail orders promptly and carefully filled.
Special lot of 200 Damask Table Sets, 8-10
cloths and 22-inch napkins to d0 ff
match; best $10 values, at, set POVU
Special lot of 100 fine Damask Sets, very
best patterns; 8-10 cloths and 26-inch nap
kins to match; regular $22.00 fijl Q ()(
values, on sale at, sp'l., set P 1 CJ.VTV
200 dozen best quality all-linen fancy Huck
Towels; best $1.75 values, at, each.. $1.00
500 dozen large size Turkish Bath 1 Clg
Towels, best 25c values, special, ea.
100 dozen 'fancy Huck Towels, 15x24 inches
in size; a new importation, ea., 35c, 40c, 60c
lot of 100 fine Damask Table Sets,
8-4 cloths and 26-inch napkins to match;
very best patterns: regular CI f5 f)0
$20.00 values, on sale at, set P A vf.v
Great special lot of odds and ends in Tow-'
'els; plain and fancy hucks; values to 25c
each, to be. closed out at, sp'l., ea..l2V
John S. Brown 8c Sons
Fine Linens on Sale
Three great lots of fine satin Bedspreads,
beautiful quality, best patterns; great bar
gains, at the following very low prices:
Regular $6.00 Bedspreads, at, each, $4.00
Regular $7J0 Bedspreads, at, each, $5.50
Regular $700 Bedspreads, at, each, $6.00
l-Piece Dresses $1.6to$ 50
New Line Capes $ 1 0 to $50
Tailored Suits $25 to $55
New arrivals in the big Second Floor Garment Store The per
sonal selections of our cloak chief Mr. Ludwig Hirsch, just re
turned from Eastern fashion centers New suits and costumes,
new one-piece dresses, new capes, new coats Very latest styles
Entire new line of one-piece Dresses for women and misses; splendid styles for
street wear; medium and dark colorings, in broadcloths, serges, cheviot, henrietta
clotS, prunella and jersey; either plain or fancy braid trimming; all the very latest
effects ; a large showing, at prices ranging from $16.50 to $50 each. Second floor.
Attractive new line of Capes, in golfing cloth, storm serge, broadcloth and crave
netted materials; lined with flowered silk or satin; also double-texture materials;
some made military effect with standing collar and gold-braid-trimmed ; prices
range all the way from $10.00 to $50.00. On sale on second floor. See them.
New arrivals in women's Suits and Coats. The popular navy blue suits in broad
cloth, erge and diagonal wide wale materials; short coats with braid edging; also
50-inch coats,in semi or tight-fitting effects; standing collars of velvet or self
material; also Tuxedo and shawl collar coats, fastened at the waist with three
large buttons. Prices range all the way from $25.00. to $55.00. Second floor.
tty C T I n erinS f new Veds at a sPeeial low price. New
Ip.rfJ VeilS mercerized Chiffon Veils, made with two-inch hem-
stitched borders, two yards by one yard; come in all
C 1 tQ TT;fTl colors; the best regular $2.25 values, on sale CI "2Q
at tnis special price, each take advantage
"Baby Things" at
Special Low Prices
Infants' Quilted Crib Pads, best 75c gO.
values, on sale at this low price, each VJJ
Infants' cambric and nainsook Dresses, made
Mother Hubbard style; tucked and lace and
embroidery - trimmed yokes; all agcsjOQ
best regular $1.50 values, on sale at, ea. "uv'
Infants' Cheesecloth Comforts, white, tufted
in pink or blue; all very pretty style. QQ.
Best regular $1.25 values, on sale at
Infants' hand-made Dresses and Slips, made
of fine nainsooks and lawns, hand-embroidered
beautiful dresses; $3.50' and $4 flJO 79
values, at this special price, each
Infants' Wicker Sleeping Baskets, with sep
arate stand; $8,00 values, on sale-C7 7C
nt. this low Drice. each see them I J
$27.00 Oriental Rugs $ 1 3.85 Each
$40.00 Oriental Rugs $23.65 Each
Special November sale of Cabistan and Shirvan Oriental Rugs aver-a"-e
size 4 feet 6 inches by 5 feet; exquisite designs and C 1 J
colorings; $27.00 values, at' this special low price, each V -
Antique Cashmire and Sennah Oriental Rugs, size 4 feet E93 65
by 6 feet; magnificent specimens; best $40 values, ea. V-,
Special lot of 20 Sennah. Oriental Rugs, 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet;
beautiful designs and colorings;" regular $90.00 values, at.. $51.45
Gauntlet Gloves
Very Low Priced
Great November sale of- 2000 pairs
women's and children's Gauntlet
Gloves, plain and fringe cuffs; best
styles and grades, in black, tan, gray,
brown and natural; all sizes; great
values, on sale at the following prices :
1.25 Ganntlet Gloves, at, pair, 95
$1.50 Gauntlet Gloves, pair, $1.20
$1.75 Ganntlet Gloves, pair $1.39
$2.50 Ganntlet Gloves, pair, $1.87
500 pairs of women's Rubber Gloves,
in red and white; ever ypair OQ
guaranteed; all sizes, the pair
Great Sale
of Ribbons
Lot 1 Narrow Satin Baby Ribbon, in
10-yard pieces, full line of the best
shades for your selection. Anticipate
your Christmas needs, at these prices :
No. 1 12c value, at, the piece..
No. 1V2 -0c value, at, piece.. 14
No. 1 20c grade, at, the piece.. 14
No. IV2 25 grade, at, piece.. 170s
No. 2 30c grade, af, the piece.. 21
No. 3 40c grade, at, the piece. .29
Ten-yard pieces of Wash Ribbon in
the best grades, patterns and color
ings; matchless values at these prices:
No. 1 20c value, at, the piece.. 15
No. IV2 25c value, the piece.. 18
No. 2 30c value, at, the piece..22
No. 3 40c value, at, the piece.. 33
No. 5 65c value, at,-the piece.. 53J
10,000 yards of plain and fancy Silk
Ribbons, 3 to 5 inches wide; complete
line of colors; regular 25c val- 1
nes, at this special price, yard "
10,000 yards of plain and fancy Rib
bons taffetas, satins and warp prints
5 to 6 inches wide ; beautiful styles,
large assortment for your se- O 1
lection ; regular 35c values, yd.
10,000 yards of plain and fancy Rib
bons, 6 to 8 inches wide; ext-ra heavy
quality, best regular 6.5c val- 9Qp
ues, at this low price, the yard
5C00 yards of fancy Ribbons in warp
prints, satins and shadow effects;
handsome stvles, large variety; CO
$1.00 and $1.25 values, at, yd.
Lace Collars
$2 Values 97c
Great special sale of women's white
Point de Venise Lace Collars, Yokes
and Coat Sets; new and pretty styles
in very large assortment; Values in
the lot up to $2.00 each; )ol,rQ7c
choice at this special price, ea.
at Low Prices
1000 pieces of beautiful Bohemian
Glassware to be sold at an exception
ally low price; all sizes and- styles;
best values ever offered, as follows:
$1.00 handled Nappies, at, ea..74
$1.25 handled Nappies, at, ea:.94tf
$1.50 handled Nappies, each.. $1.1 4
$2 Comports on sale at, each.. $1.44
$3 Comports, on sale at, ea..$2.25
$4.00 Bohemian Bowls, each.. $2.05
$5.50 Bohemian Bowls, each.. $3.95
$8.00 Bohemian Bowls, each.. $5. 95
$10.00 Fruit Plates, at, each.. $7.45
$2 00 Rose Bowls, at, each.. $1.44
$3.50 Rose Bowls, for, .$2.47
$5.00 Water Jugs, for, each.. $3.49
$2.50 Bon Bon Baskets, ea,..$1.79
$3.50 Bon Bon Baskets, ej..$2.47
New Ideas in Arts
and Crafts Dept.
New Jewel Boxes, each, $1.75 to $14.
Book Supports, Egyptian and Re
fousse designs, in plain hammered
brass and copper, from $1.70 to S6.00.
Trays and Bowls, in brass .Tnd cop
per, at prices from 50c up to $7 each.
Match Boxes, on sale at 50c to $3.25.
Candle Holders, each, $1.75 to $3.00.
Writing Desk Sets, $10.00 to $17.00.
Desk Lamps, at, each, $7.00 to $12.00.
Hand-made Jewelry, including Belt
Pins, Watch Fobs, Brooches, Hat
Pins, Scarf Pins, etc.; in exclusive
styles, and on sale at popular prices.
We are exclusive agents for the Frosts
Arts and Crafts Wares. See them.
Portland agents Butterick Patterns.