The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1909, Image 1

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    vvviii vn 11 v' '"- ' ' - ,
Desperate Battle Near
End in Illinois.
Hope to Gain Five Wet Cities
in'Dry Territory.
Liquor Interests Fight Hard to Re
gain Iost Ground Drys Have
Advantage in Most Places.
May' Ix so One Town.
CHICAGO. Oct. iO. (Special.) Mu
nicipal and state elections of more than
local interest will be held Tuesday in
many parts of the United States.
Illinois' contribution to the Nation
wide political excitement which reaches
its climax on that day. will come from
bitter and slashing contests over the
saloon in 33 cities and villages.
Twenty-three of these places are now
' dry and the liquor interests are fight
ing desperately to regain lost ground.
Four new counties may be added to
the 36 already entirely dry, if the tem
perance forces carry the day by storm.
" Where Liquor Is Issue.
The cities and villages of Illinois
which are to vote on the saloon ques
tion are the following:
Chandlerville. Cass. vry
Petersburg. Menard ".;
Athens. Menard f;rv
Tallula, Monard
Oakford. Menard ".y
Jacksonville, Morgan
Meredosia, Morgan "
Winchester, Scott -i'
Naples. Scott " "
Exeter. Srott.... "Jy
Kempsville. Calhoun
Hamburg. Calhoun. i -J
Hardin. Calhoun
Beechtown. Calhoun.... t
Coultervllle. Randolph ry
Paid win. Randolph....
Ellis Grove. Randolph vr
Rockwtfod. Randolph
Dnquoin. Perry. f ' '
Plnckneyvill?. Perry
W.illlsville. Perry "
Anna. Union..
Jone.-borp. I nion
r.olconda. Pope "
Brook port. Massac
Metropolis. Mtssac
Joppa. Massac
Pulaski. Pulaski 1
Mounds. Pulaski.... ?ry
Mound City. Pulaski. 'rj
Granri PuUskl ry
I llin. Pulaski ur'
Four Counties May Go Dry.
The four" new counties which may
be added to the large number from
which the saloon has already been
driven are Menard. Morgan. Scott and
pope. Petersburg and Athens are the
only wet cities remaining in Menard';
Meredosla is the only one in Morgan;
Naples is the only one in Scott, and
Golconda is the only one in Pope.
James K Shields, superintendent of the
Illinois Anti-Saloon League, expressed
confidence today that the dry advocates
would be successful in each of these five
.cities and would successfully combat the
"liquor forces who are seeking to gain
entrance in other cities in these particu
lar counties.
Jacksonville is the largest city which
is voting on the saloon question. Two
years ago the city voted dry by 775 ma
jority, and this year the Anti-Saloon
people claim victory by 1000 majority,
although there is a mighty battle on.
Reports From Counties Vary.
Dispatches from the scenes of warfare
today indicated the local optionists are
conceded a shade the advantage in most
places. Reports by counties are as fol
lows: Case Chandlerville may go wet, al
though claimed by both sidesL
Menard Oakford and Tullula likely to
remain dry, while Petersburg and Athens
may be added to the dry column.
Scott Indications point to gain for
drys at Naples, . while South "W inchester
and Exeter will remain dry.
Randolph Rock wood will go dry. while
Ellis Grove, Coultervllle nd' Baldwin
will remain dry.
Perry Saloon interests may regain
(Concluded on Page 2.)
Prairie Fire.
Frank W. Perkins Loses Head, John
J. Gilbert Reduced Mcllarg's
Last orricial Act,
WASHINGTON. Oct. 30.-Frank Wal
ley Perkins, acting superintendent of
the United States Coast and Geodetic
Survey, vas today suspended without
pay, and John J. Gilbert, Inspector of
Hydrograph and Topography, reduced
from 30u0 to 2000 as the result of
charges of administrative irregularities.
The action was taken by Acting Sec
retary of. Commerce and Labor McHarg.
Their cases will be passed upon later by
Secretary Nagel.
Just on the eve of his retirement from
office Mr. McHarg took action on the
charges against the two officials. Pcr
kine was at ttje head of the survey, while
Dr. O. P. Tittman, the director, was in
Europe. The charges. Acting Secretary
McHarg said today, do not in any way
affect Dr. Tittman. i
Terkins is charged with suppressing
official correspondence and shielding em
ployes who have been reported: also
with having refused to forward to the
head of the Department of Commerce
and Labor charges against the manage
ment of the survey and with evading
questions officially asked him. A charge
of inefficiency has been made against
There are also allegations of favoritism
through the pigeonholing of the reports
against certain employes in the bureau.
Delinquent in Water. Assessments,
He Cheerfully Remits Coin.
SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 30.-(Speclal.)-Mayor
Pratt was yesterday fined tha sum
of SO cfents for failure to pay his water
assessment. The Mayor paid the fine,
together-with a bill-for water rental of
.. with all the grace of an ordinary
private citizen caught with the goods.
In speaking of the matter thle morn
ing City Treasurer Peterson said that
the deportment was no respecter vof per
sons. "Everyone looks alike to us here, ' he
said, "and I am glad we had the oppor
tunity of catching Hia Honor, the Mayor.
People will now realize that I have no
discretion In the matter of refunding fines
for the nonpayment of water rentals and
will not ask me to refund the amount of
the fines."
Painter Caught in "Midair Fellow
"Workman Drops to peath.
NEW YORK. Oct. 30. Checked in his
fall from a scaffolding off which a fellow-workman
had just pitched- to
death on the stope abutment of the
Williamsburg bridge, ISO feet below,
James Donahue, a painter, today in the
sight -ot thousands hurlg suspended
from a grappling hook at the end of a
long rope which had caught in his
clothing as he fell.
' Head downward, Donahue swung la
midair . until persons on the bridge
structure above swung htm another
rope. This he grasped, pulled himself
head -uppermost and was drawn to
Owne Finnegan, a painter, was the
man killed.
Forests Burn in Six Places and Loss
Is Immense.
DE A D WOOD, S. D., Oct. 30. No less
than -six forest fires are now burning in
the Black Hills, and damage already
done will run into hundreds of thou
sands of dollars. The most serloua one,
near Pactola, is still unchecked. The
number of fife-fighters has been in
creased. The Deadwood office of the Forest
Service has been notified of a fire burn
ing north of Custer, another east of
Hill City, one between Mystic and Mer
ritt. and still another near Merritt.
The Homestake mine force at Pactola
has been recalled to save Its timber re
Courts-Martial Ordered Dropped
Until Examination Made.
BARCELONA. Oct. 10. Premier Morel
telegraphed today to the authorities
here to suspend the execution of all
court-martial cases until they could be
examined by the government.
October Figures Break
Records of Past.
Building, Banking and Postal
Receipts Set New Marks.
Year Will Be Best in City's History
and Business Men Predict
Growth and Prosperity Will
Know No Lull.
V ith bank clearings surpassing any
thing in tho history of the city, a new
high record established in the issuance
of building permits, postal receipts in
creasing at the rate of from 12 to 24
per cent a month, and grain shipments
smashing all former records, wlt.i as
sured promise of a record-breaking
movement of the same products in No
vember, confirmatory proof is furnished
of the supremacy of Portland as the in
dustrial and commercial center of the
Pacific Coast.
Story Told by figures. .
These corroborative facts are sup
plied in statistics relating to these
various activities for the month of Oc
tober. Statistics from the same sources
for the last ten months .show that the
record for 1909 for the same activities,
a reliable index to the progress of any
community, will exceed all former rec
ords. Not only have the business operations
of the city, for the month of October
broken several previous . high records,
but the same statistics to date prove
convincingly that the record for the
year 1909 will set a new standard by
which to measure the future activities
of a greater Portland. The prospects
for a continued and increased business
activity in Portland, with attendant
prosperity for laborer, merchant, manu
facturer, wholesaler, retailer and bank
er during ' the remainder of the year
and in 1910 never were brighter. -'
Big Projects Under Way.
There are many public improvements
under construction and contemplated
which will employ thousands of la
borers and disburse great amounts of
capital. Among these enterprises mar
be mentioned the construction of rail
roads into Central Oregon, to Tillamook
and the completion of the -Klamath-Natron
.. .nslons of the Southern Pa
cific system, which already have been
begun. . Numerous extensions of elec
tric r. "way lines which have been
planned, the completion of the Gov
ernment irrigation projects and the
continuation of many private irrigation,
projects, particularly In Central Ore
gon, will make for the further devel
opment and prosperity of the state, in
.. Men every citizen will share directly
or indirectly.
Promised settlement of the affairs of
the two Portland banks which suspend
eu during the financial disturbance
1907 will serve further to Improve pros
perous conditions locally and return to
circulation many thousands of dollars
which have for over two years been in
volved either In a receivership or a
plan of reorganization.
Banks Gain 21 Per Cent.
Portland bank clearances for the
month of October. this year show an
increase of 21 per cent over October a
year, ago. Throughout the year the
clearances each month have been show
ing an increase over the similar period
in 1908 of from $8,000,000 to $10,000,
000. The total of these clearances for
this month was $40.9O8.54'8. For the
same month in 1908 the clearances ag
gregated $32,713,00$. being an Increase
of $8,195,642. For the week ending yes
terday the clearances show an Increase
over the total for the corresponding
week of 1908 of $2,278,601, a gain of 37
per .cent. The clearances In October,
1908, aggregated $6,058,292. as" against
$8,336,893 for the month which ends to-
ermits for the construction and lm-
(Concluded on Page 5.)
MU2.T-LE D EX-CON fa-WlLL Ifl M 50 N .
Holds Distance' Balloon Record and
Will Ely Across Continent
With 20 -Ton Load.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct: 30. (Spe
cial.) After 60 years of activity in the
field of Instruction Professor Thaddeus
S. C. Lowe, of Pasadena, announces that
he is about to complete the labor of his
Tire and give to the world a practical
freight-carrying air craft. y . '
'The day of experimenting has passed,"
said Professor Lowe today, "and I hope
before long to be "able to start the larg
est practical airship the world has ever
seen on a trip to the Atlantic Coast."
While the plans of the aifship are as
yet a guarded secret, the inventor has
shown them to General Allen, chief of
tie United States Signal Service, and
to i the practical minds that have con
ceived and- revievaed them they contain
no flaws destined to prove fatal in the
final test.
"If you will Imagine that I had In
my balloon car when I went up for re
connoissance with General McClellan the
100 or 150-horsepower motor engines of
1909, you will see that I could have ended
the Civil. War in 'a week. I will be able
to carry 20 tons on my experimental air
ship," he said.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 52.7
degree; minimum, 4.1.9 degrees.
TODAY'S Rain Sunday,; southerly winds,
Professor Wheeler lectures at Berlin before
Kal&er and distinguished audience. Sec-
. tlon 1, page 3.
Students make uproar at closing meeting of
Royal University at Dublin. Section 1,
page 4.
La3t ct Greek mutineer vessels surrenders
and Thibaldos Is fugitive. Section 1.
page 2.
Census Bureau shows year 190S had lowest
death rate on record. Section 1. page 2.
Plans for O.. R. N. bridge held up at
Washington awaiting information from
Bourne and Ellis. Section 1, page 2.
Taft speaks for bond issue for rivers and
harbors and suggests radical measures.
Section 1, page 4.
Politics. -
Desperate battle on liquor issue to be fought
in Illinois Tuesday. Section 1. page 1.
Loss ot liquor revenue forces Alabama to
borrow money for salaries. Section 1,
page 2.
Gaynor's election probable, but Fusionists
wll: win other offices and control -funds
. In- New York. Section 1." page 1. '
Speaker Cannon at New Orleans calls.Jj"
Of insurgents ittnwiiywi nuu )Dnv,
Other persons may be Implicated with -Me-Mahon
In Van Royen murders. Section
- 1, page 1.
Government surveyor questions truth of
Cook's claim to have climbed Mount Mc
Khiiey. section 1. page 2.
West Point cadet probably fatally injured
In football game with Harvard. Section
2, page 3 ' - .
Multnomah defeats Catholic -'Club 0 to 0.
Section 2. page 2. - I '
More big league teams are expected to
visit Coast in future. Section 1. page 11.
Big league teams play tie contest In Port
land. Section .4, page 6.
Only three Northwestern League players bat
better than .300. Section 4, page 4.
Portland auto firm will try co-operative
plan. Section 4. page 5.
Oregon defeats Willamette 29 to 0. Section
2, page 2.
Washington overwhelms Idaho. 50 to 0. Sec
tion 2. page Z-
WlIMs Brltt, pugilist, dies poor. Section 1,
page 11. .
Pacific Northwest.
Hood River apple fair attracts 500 people
from 'Portland. 200 from The Dalles;
awards are made. Section 1, Pgo 6.
Prize box of apples at Albany fair sell for
21.50. Section 1. page 6
Washington County farmers urged to in
creased dairy herds; milk supply inade
quate. Section 1. page 7.
Albany prepares to entertain Al Kader Tem
ple of Mystic Shrine. Section 1,
President Campbell speaks good words for
college ' fraternities. Section 1. page 6.
Sanitary conditions at Nampa filthy. Section
3. page .
Logs capture two escaped convicts at Salem.
Section 1, page 7.
Three Judges may act as majority in Wash
ington Supreme Court. Section 1, page 7.
Real KMute and Building.
Hotel deal Is feature of week's realty mar
ket Section 4. page 7.
October total for "building sets new mark.
Section 4, page 11.
Marshall-Wells Company to build $400,000
warehouse. Section 4. page 9.
Portland and Vicinity.
October breaks all records for business In
Portland. Section 1. page 1.
Alienists to examine little Ernest Harps,
who Is suspected of weird power. Section
' .1. page 7.
Enemies of Broadway bridge to light bond
issue In courts. Section 1. page 8.
Oregon Trust officials and Gus Lowitt In
dicted by grand jury. Section 1. page 5.
Milk famine may result in Portland from
Baileys crusade. Section 1. page 4.
Moffatt will confer with directors before an
nouncing Oregon Electric extension. Sec
tion 3. page 10.
All Portland smiles and buys tags for Baby
Home. Section 2j page 12.
Mayor Simon becomes voluntary milk in
spector. Section 4, 'page 12.
Rose Festival seeks recognition abroad.
Section 3, page 12.
Sellwood will begin campaign Monday to
raise $12,000 for Y. M. C- A. Section 1.
page 8.
OCTOBER 31, 1909.
Speaker Defies Those
Who Oppose Him.
Stalks Around Stage Set for
Pugilistic Match.
Smoker at Xew Orleans Enlivened
by Speech Ridiculing Idea That
He Is Colossus Astride of
Neck of Congress.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 30. Speaker
Cannon uttered defiance to his enemies
the insurgents, tonight, and declared
recent attacks upon him to be "pea
nut politics," and "tomrayrot."
The setting Tf the Speaker's utter
ances was picturesque. Ho stood on
the stage of the Athenium, where Pres
ident Taft had appeared a .few hours
earlier to advocate Improvement of
waterways. Withui a few feet of
Speaker Cannon was a pugilistic ring
set up-Xor the use of a pair of boxers
who were to entertain the crowd later.
In the wings nearby in their abbre
viated skirts sat three or four dancers
who were also to take part in the pro
gramme. The occasion was a smoker
arranged by the business men of New
Orleans for the amusement of visitors
to the waterways convention.
Just before the Speaker rose to his feet
in response to loud yells of "Cannon, 1
he was handed a gavel as large as a
croquet mailed and a cigar that looked
like a fence rail.
'There has been," said the Speaker,
'a whole lot of foolishness! of 'tommy
rot,' indulged in by a few fellows of
the minority who. have not been able
to swing majority-fellows who have
said that if we stood still we were
blessed and'if we moved we were damned
fellows that said that this autocratic
personage (here the Speaker threw back
his coat and strutted around the stage)
that, this autocratic personage was a
Colossus astride 400 members of Con
gress and 90,000,00 people.
"That's all tommyrot and peanut pol
itics. '
"This is called a smoker. Let's smoke."
Seven Burn to Death, Two Fall
From Upper Stories.
ST. JOHNSBURT, Vt., Oct, 30.-When
the ruins' of f.,o ultizens Savings Bank
block were thoroughly searched today,
it was learned that nine lives had been
lost in the Are whicll practically de
stroyed the principal business building
of this town early today.
Two other persons were probably fa
tally burned. The property loss is esti
mated at S0.O0O. Of tne dead, two per
sons fell from the upper stories while
eeven were burned to dath.
leath of Ruler of Abyssinia Con
sidered Probable. .
ADDI3 ABEBA, Abyssinia, Oct. 30.
King Mennlik was stricken with apoplexy
on Thursday night.
His condition, is considered serious.
BERLIN" Oct. 30. A dispatch to the
Taseblatt from Addis Abeba says that
King Menellk's condition has suddenly
become worse and his death is consid
ered probable.
Philadelphia Man's Skull Fractured
During Match.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 30.-Michael
Murray, 25 years old, died tonight from
a fracture of the skull, received ' in a
boxing bout in a tournament held by the
Philadelphia Athletic Club.
His opponent was Harry Haber, 21 years
old. He was arrested.
Grabs Her From TTnder Horses Feet
and She Sleeps . In Station Crib
With None to Claim Her.
Tucked away in a crib safe from the
rain that pattefed on the walls of po
lice headquarters last night, a little 3-year-old
baby girl, who was picked up in
the early evening, journeyed into slum
berland while Police Matron Simmons
softly crooned a lullabye. Two floors
below on the blotter of the sergeant's
desk, the facts concerning the waif were
inscribed on the roster of the criminals:
"Unknown" and "hold" follow the entry
made by Patrolman Leisy. who found
the little wanderer at East Eighth and
East Burnside streets.
Spying the little girl dodging among
the congestion of traffic, the officer res
cued the baby as she came dangerously
near being trodden beneath the hoofs of
a draught team. Her little garments were
soaked by the drenching rain. The offl
o. ith th bahv clasned firnily to his
Abreast, hailed a passing automobile and
hurried to police headquarters witn xne
blue-eyed 'stranger still folded In his
arms. A warm bath and a change of
clothing were soon forthcoming from the
resources of the matron.
While the child slept peacefully in her
crib in the women's ward, the police
tried to locate her parents. Up to mid
night her slumbers had been unbroken
because no claim had been made by a
solicitous mother or father for her.
Court Says Dentist Must Get Money
First or Take Chance.
CHICAGO, Oct. 30. (Special.) Teeth
are a good savings bank for one's sur
plus gold if one has the usual quota of
teeth, and not too much gold. A Chi
cago jurist intimated today that gold
in the teeth 'could not be seized for
debt, even if that debt were for gold in
the teeth; in other words, once the gold
was put in the molar it ceased to be a
commodity which voluntarily or by or
der of the court could be used in barter
or exchange.
C. E. Douglass, a dentist, alleges that
Miss B. Woolf owes him J25.50 for serv
ices. Miss Woolf was summoned be
fore Judge HImes to-tell about it. She
e-jumerated for the court several items
of assets, the total of which was not
appalling and one item was tha gold
which Dr. Douglass had put in her
"I will not issue any order to assign
the defendant's savings account," sTiid
Judge Himes, to Dr. Douglass. "I do
not see what else there is left you un
less it is the gold teeth". I do not know
that there is anything in statutes cov
ering just this case, but I should say
it would be governed by the same sta
tutes as improvements on "real prop
Government Will Allow Individuals
to Build Malheur Project.
ington, Oct. 30. Secretary Ballinger, in
response 'to telegraphic inquiries from
Oregon, has declared that the-Government
cannot build the Malheur irriga
tion project because it has no available
funds. This leaves the project at the
disposal of private enterprise, if still
desirous of undertaking its construc
tion. It is understood that if the money
could be had. Secretary Ballinger would
authorize the construction of this proj
ect Immediately, but the condition of
the reclamation fund Is such that there
will be no money available for at least
a year, and perhaps for a longer period.
It Is the understanding of the de
partment that private enterprise stands
ready to build this project, and if a
practical private project, acceptable to
landowners, is .undertaken, there will
be no opposition from Washington.
Heart Disease Suddenly Carries
Away Son While Mother Away.
OAKLAND. Cal.. Oct. 30. Arthur
McArthur Funston, the 8-year-old son
of General Frederick Funston. died of
heart trouble this morning at the home
of his grandfather. Otto Blankart. in
this city. Mrs. Funston, the mother,
had left for Kansas City but three days
previous. ;
Fusionists to Control
New York Funds.
Minor Offices Likely to Go to
Tiger's Enemies.
Drives Away Votes by Abuse of Op
ponents and Inability to Take
Hearst Jledicine Without
Flying -nto Rage.
NEW YORK. Oct. 30. (Special.) In
dications are that Judge Gaynor will be
elected Mayor on Tuesday by 42,000
plurality. The fusionists will carry the
other city offices and Tammany's coun
ty ticket will probably be defeated. A
careful canvass made by representa
tives of Wall -street plungers indicates
a vote as follows: Gaynor, 266,000;
Bannard, 224,000; Hearst, 115,000. This
is based on a poll of 16,000 voters and
is the sixth -year it has been tried,
heretofore with great success.
Murphy's Figures Ixjok Bad.
Tammany Boss Murphy received to
day figures from district leaders. Pri
vate information is that they show 70.
000 plurality for Gaynor in New York;
County, with 20,000 lead for the fusion
candidates on the combined Republican
and Hearst tickets. This would indi
cate Tammany's defeat .all along the
line. Murphy, however, claims the elec
tion of everybody, but gives no details.
Republican Chairman Tarsons claims
Bannard's election by 45,000. Gehrlng,
Hearst's chairman, figures the editor'e
plurality at 60,000. Both are convinced
that Gaynor can be beaten and are
straining every nerve to drag over the
anti-Tammany vote to their particular
Gajnor's Tongue Hurts Him.
The campaign practically wound up
tonight with big meetings of all par
ties. The Democrats had planned a
rally in Madison-Square Garden, but
canceled it at the last moment. Gay
nor's utter lack of tact dismayed the
leaders, and they figured that the
more he talked the more he hurt
himself. His recent abuse of Al
bert Kerr, president of the Bannard
Campaign Club, whom he addressed in a
letter as "cur," cost many votes
this week. Gaynor's recent meetings
have been poorly attended, and thle
week he was unable to fill Carnegie
Hall or Cooper Union, although every
other candidate lias done so. Gaynor
also antagonized his Independent sup
porters by a plea for the election of a
straight ticket. '
Fusionists to Control Cash.
One thing that seems certain is that
Tammany will not control the incom
ing Board of Estimates, which-will dis
pose of nearly a billion dollars in four
years. The fusionists seem certain of
the following: Controller, president of
the Board of Aldermen, presidents of
the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Rich
mond, who collectively have nine of
the 16 votes in the board. Other places
are doubtful, but Indications favor .the
fusionists carrying every estimate
member except the Mayor.
Gaynor Loses Ground Daily.
If surface indications mean anything,
then Judge Gaynor has steadily gone
back ever since he accepted the nom
ination. On the day that his name was
placed at the head of the Democratic
ticket, the opposition freely admitted
that the only question in dispute was
the size of his majority. But then
Hearst butted info the limelight, and
conditions rapidly changed for the
worse, from a Democratic standpoint.
Gaynor on the bench was Vn impress-'
ive figure. On the stump he was shova
to be a querulous old man, who took a
wrong position, and then stuck to it, de
spite anything that his frlepds might
say or do.
The taunts of Hearst and Ivina
(Concluded on Page 2.)