4 " 1 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAXfl, OCTOBER 24, 1909. . BLAKESLEY JURY UNABLE TO AGREE HARD TO OUST .v MAN . II STYLISH AIM C OAT Log Chain No Bar to Family From Disputed House. Five Would Acquit Former Court Bailiff on Charge of Blackmail. THREAT PUZZLING POINT mffge Eakln Discharges Talesmen Who Concur on AH Points of Case but One Deliberations Con tinue for Night and Day. ST. HELENS. Or-. Oct. 13. (Special.) Th jury In the Blakesley case was dis charged at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon after being out a little more than 24 houTS. Judge Eakin called the jurymen into court and after questioning them as to the probability of agreement and finding there waa no chance for a verdict, discharged them from further consld?ration of the caee. The Jury stood seven for conviction and five for acquittal on the ground that the letter upon which the Indictment was based did cot contain . a threat that would make a reasonably courageous man believe he was In danger of great bodily harm. This was about Judge Eakin's language In charging the Jury and It Is to this instruction Blakesley V owes his liberty, as the Jury agreed on every other point necessary to base a verdict of guilty. District Attorney Tongue took exception to the instruction at the time it was given, but Judge Eakln aid he had carefully considered the law and believed the Instruction was correct. This morning the Jury asked for more 1-nplIclt instruction upon this point, and the Judge emphasized his first statement. CASE TO BE TRIED AGAIN" District Attorney Tongue Announces He Will Begin Second Fight. HILLSBORO, Or., Oct 23. (Special.) District Attorney Tongue, upon be ing Informed of the disagreement of the Blakesley Jury today, announced that he would prepare to re-try the use Immediately on the same indict ment. He is surprised at the result, be lieving the handwriting evidence against Blakesley to be most convinc ing. It Is the Intention of District Attor ney Tongue to begin the second trial next week if the court docket will per mit this procedure. If this is not pos sible he will endeavor to have the case set for another date to this term of court. In the next trial, it is believed, the state will revive Jack McCarthy, the x -convict Indicted with Blakesley, as Introduction of the co-defendant would allow much new evidence In the case. In the recent trial the state tried to get McCarthy in the case by the testi mony of Tom Word. ex-Sheriff of Multnomah County, but the evidence was stricken out and McCarthy waa later referred to by the prosecutors as a "bogie man." a "figment of Imagina tion." , District Attorney Tongue says be will prosecute the case until either an acquittal or conviction results. . IAWTERS DEEM IT VICTORY Stevenson and Haney Regard Disa greement as Complimentary. Attorneys John H. Btevenson and Bert E. Haney. who defended Blakeeley, consider the disagreement of the Jury as a victory for them as they did not call any witnesses, relying solely on their to-losing arguments and cross-examinations. The Instruction given the Jury by Judge Eakln and which was the immedi ate cause of the disagreement waa sub mitted by Attorneys Stevenson and Haney. It was sustained by Judge Ea kln despite strong opposition by Dis trict Attorney Tongue. This instruct tlon termed a threat to be a written or verbal statement that would cause an ordinarily courageous man to be afraid that he was to be subjected to bodily barm. The Jury. in seeking further light on this instruction, was told by Judge Eakln that the original definition of a threat was amply plain and that it would stand as submitted. The disagreement evidently Indicates that the closing arguments of Attorneys Stevenson and Haney won over five men of the Jury as from first to last the preponderance of evidence a as against their client. Though not yet retained It U believed Attorneys Btevenson and Haney will de fend Blakesley in the second trial. W. W Blakesley. who financed the defenso of his brother on the blackmail charge. sld at the close of the trial that what ever the outcome he was satisfied the -Imported Portland attorneys" as they were called by the prosecution, bad made a remarkable defense out or no evidence favoring his brother. CAPTAIN EDWAflDS BLAMED Macgcn Is Exonerated by Inquiry Into Collision. MARSHFIELD, Or., Oct. 13. (Spe- elsl inspectors Edwards and Fuller have finished their investigation of the sinking of the steamer Alert by the steamer Breakwater, which occurred In Coos Bay several weeks ago. Captain Hacgen. master of the Breakwater, has been exonerated from all blame for the accident and today was presented with papers by the Inspectors showing that such was the tase. No announcement has been made as to what action, if any. will be taken regarding Captain Edwards, of the Alert, who. according to the finding, was himself to blame for the accident. The Inspectors have gone to the Co qullle River to Investigate the case In which the steamer Coqullle struck the gasoline launch Wolverine In the Co qullle River. ROAD MAKES BITTER FIGHT O. R. ""U1 Kef"e to Sleet As sessments in Vnion County. LA GRANDE. Or, Oct S3. (Special.) Declaring that I3.276.075 was an un reasonable assessment upon the prop erty of the company in Union County, and protesting against the assessment with threats of carrying the case Into the courts If the Board of Equalization failed to give him redress. Tax and Site Agent J. W. Morrow, of the O. R. & N, opened fire upon Assessor T. A. Rine hart today. While the Boardi of Equalization has not ruled upon the case, it is understood upon reliable Information that It is the Intention of the board to sustain the As sessor. The assessment was based upon a valuation per mile on the main line of 130.00 for the rolling stock and 137 000 for the roadbed. Protests have been made In Wallowa and matilla Counties. a $3.25 APPLES ON SHOW Hood River to Display Fancy Fruit at Fair. HOOD RIVER. Or., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) Apple-growers and business men at Hood River are busy preparing for the annual fruit fair, which will be held this year. October 28, 29 and 30. The Apple Fair Association haa on ex hibition 28 handsome silver cups, which It is offering as prizes. Three more cups were today received from Steln hardt & Kelly, the New York firm which this year bought the union ap ples at the highest price ever known in the apple world. Incidentally, they paid 13.35 per box as the top prize for Spitzenbergs and 12.40 for four-tier Newtowns and larger. Other varieties sold In proportion. The cups are the handsomest ever seen here. Already over 800 boxes of the fanciest fruit in the valley have been secured for the fruit fair, and it is expected that competition will be keener than ever before. Church societies and hotels are pre paring to entertain the big gathering of visitors expected, and the Woman's Club has selected one of the days as tag day, when everybody will be tagged to help along the free library. The fair this year will be held in the opera-house, to whioh an addition is beingv built, and there will also be other attractions. Professor H. C. Van Deman, of the United States Agricultural Department, will Judge the fruit. BOY SWINGS ON LIVE WIRE Walla Walla Youth Burned to Crisp by Electricity. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Oct. 23. (Special.) Terribly burned, with no hope for his recovery, Reed Crews, a Walla Walla boy, lies at St. Mary's Hospital In a dying condition, as the result of falling upon live eleotrlo light wires shortly afternoon today. Young Crews was employed with the gang of brick layers at work on the new substation and wan assisting them by passing up bricks. While coming down from work on a tin roof and in steadying himself by means of a wet rope, the latter swung against a live wire that Immediately completed the circuit, throwing him onto the wires. T3m VA s,1 hA mrllM his bodv waS burned to a crisp and all his clothing was destroyed. More than 2600 volts passed through his body. PLOW TURNS UP PARAFFINE Farmer Cnearths Big Cake of Wax Near Chinook. ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 28. (Special.) While plowing in a field near Chinook a few days ago, a farmer- unearthed a quantity of a wax-like substance, which while slightly lighter tn color, closely resembles the so-called "beeswax" dis covered .years ago on the ocean beach near Nehalem bay. The article Is said to be ozooerlte. which Is sometimes called mineral wax. er native paraffins, and is said to be a product arising from crude petroleum and gas. which have farced their way up from subterranean lakes, uniting with the surface formations. The wax was covered with a thin coating of crude oil and aephaltum. PIONEER OF WEST PASSES James O. Lyle Dies at His Home tn RllckJtat County. THE DALLES. Or., Oct. 28. (Special.) James O. Lyle, who died of heart failure after a lingering illness at the home place, four miles north of Lyle, Klickitat County, Washington. Tuesday. October 1, was bon In Pennsylvania In 1831. In he came to California, later re turning to Iowa, where he married Miss Martha Snipes In 1857. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle crossed the plains In 1S6I and set tled near The Dalles, and later at Lyle, Wash., In 186& Mrs. Lyle died 22 years ago. Mr. Lyle at one time owned the pres ent townslte of Lyle, and the place was named for him. FARMERS' AGENT GUILTY W. I.'Henxell Is Accused of Selling Grain He pidn't Have. ' LEWISTON. Idaho. Oct. 23. (Special.) W. I- He.izell, former manager of the Farmers Oo-Operative and Educational Union warehouse, at Greer, was con victed of grand larceny late this after noon In the District Court. Henzell was charged with having sold and shipped out grain for which he did not bold the warehouse receipts. He was held to the District Court on two counts. The Farmers' Union has established a number of grain warehouses In the Cen tral Idaho country, and has successfully operated the some for the past two years. STEAMER NEW ERA ASHORE Little Ship Breaks Engines, Drifts on Reef In North. VANCOUVER, B. Co.,' Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) The little steamship New Era, of the Sechelt Steamship Company's fleet, plying on the local coastal run, is hard ashore on Canoe Reef, off Cowichan Gap, and may prove a total loss. The vessel's engines broke down while en route to the Gap and she drifted ashore on the rocks, where she was badly pounded by high seas sll last night. A tug haa been sent from Vancouver to lend aid. Chrysanthemum Show Postponed. ALBANY. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) The annual Albany Chrysanthemum Fair, which was to have been held next week In connection with the third annual Al bany Apple "Fair, has been postponed until November 10 and 11. This action was made necessary because chrysanthe mums are late in blooming this Fall. The programme for the fair and list of awards will remain the same. BACK TO NATURE. Nature supplies a remedy for most diseases, and when sucb a remedy Is found it should be used. Oregon Herbs (s tea) Is a 'combination of herbs pre scribed by nature for kidney and blad der diseases, and should be used as nature Intended her medicines to be used, namely as a tea. No alcohol to irritate, no pills to dissolve and punish the system. Just a good old-fashioned tea, easily prepared and easily taken. All dealers should have It. Price SOc LEGALLY HE IS EJECTE6 After Various Court Proceedings, Henry Zastrow Is Still In House From Which He Has Several Times Been Put Out. ALBANY. Or., Oct 23. (Special.) Displaying unparalleled tenacity of purpose, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zastrow, of Lebanon, have 'disregarded court orders, deputy sheriffs, padlocks and log chains and have moved back into a house from which they were recently evicted by Sheriff Smith under orders of the State Circuit Court. For three years the Zastrows fought for this property through the courts, contesting every step bitterly, and now, unsuc cessful In their legal battle, they have refused to abide by the law, and, thus far, repelling all invaders, are living in the house In which, the court says, they have no right to stay. The case forms one of the most pecu liar strings of litigation which has ever gone through the local courts. Accord ing to the facts which developed In the case, Zastrow made -a verbal agree-' ment with Mrs. Dulsena J. Usher in March, 1806, to buy 20 acres Just east of Lebanon. In pursuance of this agreement he moved into the house on the property. Before Zastrow secured the money to pay for the property and tendered the purchase price to Mrs. Usher, she had received a higher offer for the prop erty from H. Q. Flelschhauer, repre senting the Willamette Valley. Com pany, and sold the property to him, claiming that she had no definite agreement with Zastrow. She ordered Zastrow off the, place, but he refused to go, and after notifying him time and again to leave, Flelschhauer filed an action for ejectment In the State Cir cuit Court here on August 25, 1906; Case Hotly Contested. Zastrow contested this case through all preliminary steps and then filed a sutt In equity, 'sssertlng that he had an equitable If not a legal right to the property. The contest over the proper ty was then fought out in this equity case. Ignorant of the law and oourt practice and very determined In his opinions, Zastrow tried to manage his own case In such a way that two dif ferent attorneys who represented him withdrew from the case and would have nothing to do with It. Zastrow announced In open court at one time that he would try the case himself, but when It actually came to trial he se cured one of his former attorneys and had the benefit of a fair trial. As there was no evidence to show a contract between Zastrow and Mrs. Usher, there being only a verbal agree ment regarding which the parties tes tified differently. Judge Galloway dis missed the equity case. Judge Burnett then granted Flelschhauer a Judgment In ids action for ejectment. By virtue of this Judgment, which was rendered July 1, 1909, the Wil lamette Valley Company notified Zas trow to leave the premises, but he did not do so. Accordingly an execution was secured from the County Clerk's office here on September 18, and Sheriff Smith and Deputy Sheriff Munkers went to Lebanon on September 80 and evicted Zastrow from the place. In spite of continual protests from Mrs. Zastrow they moved all the furniture out of the house Into a county road and locked the doors. Joseph J. Smith was appointed to represent the Sheriff as keeper. Log Chain Proves No Bar. Fearing the Zastrows would try to re-enter the premises the officers barred the windows and, cutting holes in the walls, - ran a log .chain com pletely around both sides of the door and locked It with a padlock. Local officers of the Willamette Val ley Company today received word from Lebanon that Zastrow had broken down the front door and had moved his furniture into the house over the locked log chain, swinging in the smashed-ln door, and was again oc cupying the residence. This was not altogether unexpected, for since their ejectment both Zastrow and his wife have made trips to Albany, talking over the case with court officers and attorneys, and they seemed absolutely unable to understand that they had exhausted all their legal rights by contesting the case In every possible way through the courts, and that they now had neither legal nor equitable rights to the place. So the matter now stands in a pecu liar situation. The court records here, with the Sheriff's return on the ex ecution, show that Zastrow has been evicted from the premises and is not there. But according to reliable re ports from Lebanon he is there. The eviction didn't seem to "stick." Legally Zastrow Is off the premises; actually he is on. and how to make the legal and actual conditions coincide is a problem whioh Is bothering WHlamette Valley Company officers and their at torneys. As the Teoord shows that .Zastrow was evicted and Flelschhauer put In possession of the premises, the latter is in legal possession and another ex ecution cannot issue for Zastrow1! evic tion. The company will probably have to begin an action for trespass to get Zastrow off the place, but whatever legal step Is taken It is generally predicted that Zastrow will not leave the house without a fight. JUROR TALKS; NEW TRIAL Man Convicted of Holding Up Jewel ry Store Gets Another Chance. SALEM. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) Be cause one of the Jurors who tried A. B. Smith for holding up a Jewelry store in this city last Summer, is alleged to have expressed anVplnlon of the, merits of the case before the trial, the court may grant a new trial. Smith was found guilty a couple of days ago and Judge George H. Burnett was to have pro nounced sentence this morning, but this step has been postponed until the affi davits filed by defendant's attorneys shall have been- considered. Louis Arstell, who held up Grocer Mc Donald on the Liberty road south of the city, and was later captured by Sheriff Mlnto and Deputy Esch in a grain field near Independence after an exciting chase, was given from one to ten years In the penitentiary. Court has been adjourned until Novem ber 1. Monday, October 25, Judge Burnett will open court at Albany. It is expected that the case of the State vs. George Meyers will come up at the adjourned session beginning, on November 1. Fol lowing the adjourned term in this city the Judge will go to Tillamook to hold a session. rptm lilil 1 ill ''Wo I 1 tT'Xi V. I 1 3ii5 . 'JB X W ,r i v . i. ii ii p i Mm mm mum m CZi ft , L i r Hats Best Knox Silks, Operas, Derbfs and Henry Heath English Derbys and Warburton Derbys Stetson Soft Felts and Derbys Bristol Soft Felts and Derbys. WELCOME TO BE NOISY AXBAXY APPLE FAIR MANAGE MENT HAS NOVEL YELL. Cities of Willamette Valley Will Send Big Delegation Thursday. Friday Albany Day. ALB ANT. Or., Oct. 23. (Special. ) "Albany appffes, Albany pie, apple dump lings. Oh! my, my!" This was adopted today as tl official yell of the Aibany Appls Fair, to be held next week. This will not too the only yell, however, and this and others -will greet visitors to the fair at inoomlng; trains. If the reception committe can't make enough noise It will have a delegation of students from Albany College and the Albany High School on hand to help out. Thursday. October 28, will be "Willam ette Valley day and the big day of the fair. A big excursion will be run from Salem on that day and otlwer valley cities will also send delegations. At a meeting of the Willamette Valley day committee last evening definite plans for the recep tion of the visitors were outlined. The Salem excursion will be met at the depot by a big crowd of local people and the Albany band. When the train comes in an informal reception will be held right at the depot and Postmaster J. S. Van Winkle has been chosen to de liver the address of welcome to the'eity. A parade will then be formed and the visitors will march down-town, through the business section of the city and then up to the Alco Club gymnasium, where the fair will be held. Incidentally the visitors will walk on paved streets all the way. something that could not have been done a month ago. D. O. Woodworth has been appointed grand marshal of this parade and plans to have a large delegation of horsemen and 16 or JO decorated automobiles in line. The committee last evening named Mr Woodworth, Dr. M. H." Ellis and J. J. Collins as a committee on parade features. Rev. W. S. Gordon. C. H Sox, H. N. Cockerllne and Rev. F. H. Geselbracht were appointed by the general committee as a special committee, on yslls and in addition to the official yell they have adopted they are preparing other yells and songs for the occasion. All arrangements for the fair are pro gressing satisfactorily and a big ex hibit Is assured. The fair will bo open to visitors all day and each evening of the three days the fair is In progress a programme will be rendered. There will be special features on Willamette Valley day and on Friday, which will be Albany day, and a home-coming for all Albanians. A feature of the fair will be a big football game on Thursday between the Alco club of this city and the Fort Stevens soldiers' team. FIRST CASE DRAGS ALONG Judge Wolverton Goes Fishing After Court at Medfn MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) The plaintiff in the case of George W. Light vs. the Southern Pacific Com pany, now being heard in the Federal Court, which convened for the first time Thursday in Medford. has not as yet completed his case, although three days have been consumed. Probably all of next week will be used in this case. Light lost a leg in 1904 and is suing for $30,000 damages. - W. D. Fenton, of Portland, is appearing- for the defend ant, and Senator Horton, of Grants Pass, for the defendant. The Federal Court is attracting much attention here, and each day finds the room crowded with interested spec tators. Only four cases are on, the docket, three of them being damage suits against the Southern Pacific. Federal Judge Wolverton is proving himself an adept with the rod and line, and spends much of his leisure mo ments in luring speckled beauties from the waters of tne Rogue. ' Lebanon Plans to Boost. LEBANON, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) Lebanon will hold the biggest booster meeting In Its history next Friday evening, October 29, in the local opera house. The principal speaker will ba Tom Richardson, of the Portland Com mercial Club. The following committee on general arrangements has been named to prepare for the meeting: Bert A. Millsap, chairman; M. A. Hlller. J. L. Underwood, N. D. Keefhaver, a. M. Garland, E. O. Alexander and N. M. Newport. This oommittee has appoint ed the following special committees: Reception Seymour Washburn, N. M. m i 1 i 111 jir,. ." j- ;i i. - xmimifommk Obtainable Soft Felts. .$5.00 to $10.00 Soft Felts. .$5.00 - 5J55.00 $4.00 to $15.00 $3.00 Newport, S. P. Bach, S. M. Garland and M. A. Miller. Music J. L. .Underwood, Joseph Benner and Sigurd Landstrom. Programme M. A. Miller, E. C. Alexan der and N. M. Newport. NEGRO PORTER TO BE TRIED Prisoner Still Awaits Indictment by Grand Jury. THE DALLES, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) Judge Bradshaw will convene the No vember term of Circuit Court In The Dalles Monday, November 8. The criminal docket will be short. Only twe prisoners now m the County Jail here are likely to be Indicted by the grand Jury R. E. Brooks, the negro Pull man car porter, who last Spring shot two Illinois Central railroad officials at Shaniko, and E. E. Wilson, charged with larceny and Jail-breaking. The latter and George Robblns, who was convicted of killing Emallne Casto, his father's housekeeper, at Hood River, and Is now serving a lite sentence In state's prison for second-degree murder, broke Jail on the night of. August 21. after overpower ing Jailer John Fitzgerald. The civil docket will be heavy. BRANT GUILTX SAYS JURY Convicted In Second Degree for Shooting Neighbor In Bock. LEWISTON, Idaho, Oct. 23. (Special.) Robert A. Brant was last night con victed of murder In the second degree, the Jury reaching a verdict about mid night, after eight hours deliberation. Brant is a rancher of the Potlatch sec tion and was charged with the murder of his neighbor, Henry Steffens. The crime was most cowardly. Steffens being engaged In the preparation of the evening meal when he was shot through the window. Suspicion pointed to Brant and he was placed under arrest the fol lowing day. Bloodhounds were used to trace the assassin from the Steffen yard to the Brant cabin. TROLLEY KINGS ON TOUR Bay State Managers Visiting Electrlo Lines of Coast. LOS ANGELES. Oct. 23 A party of about 90 persons consisting of presidents, general managers, engineers and other representatives of the electric railroads of Massachusetts, and their wives, arrived here tonight In a pedal train over the Southern Pacific The street railway men are making an extended tour of the United States after having attended the annual convention of the American Street and Interurban Railroad Association In Denver. Monday night the party will leave for the North. - KING SEEKS CANAL ROUTE Portland Man Interested In Glen wood Irrigation Project. OLTMPIA. Wash., Oct 23. (Special.) William R. King, of Portland, today filed with the State Land Office an application for a right of way for an irrigation and power ditch across state lands In section 23, township 7, ranee 13 east, which is in Yakima County, about 18 miles northerly from Glenwood, Klickitat County. Albany Itealty Men Dine. ALBANY. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) All of the real estate dealers of Albany met tonight in a "get-together" banquet in the St. Charles Hotel, and discussed a splendid menu and the real estate busi ness'of this city at the same time. Wal lace R. Struble, manager of the Albany Commercial Club, presided as toast master, and responses to toasts were made as follows: "A Look Backward," C. G. Burkhart; "A Look Forward," W. E. Pears; "Dirt," J. A. Howard; "Greater Albany," J. J. Collins; "IJnn County: An Orchard," C. W. Febault; "A Forward Movement," G. R- King. Pastor Seeks Coin, Let Out. SEATTLE, vash., Oct. 23. Rev. D. O. Bean, who came here from Minneap- oils last year, has been removed from the pastorate of the Woodland Park Presbyterian Church because he de voted part of his time to selling real estate and raising poultry, and also be cause he declined to show his letters of transfer from the Minneapolis pres bytery. Mr. Bean will now beoeme' a real estate " ' 3 Well dressed men and young men are putting these pop ular garments to many uses. They, of course, have a heap of practical features to recommend their use for nearly any occasion, and we know of numerous instances where men have worn them during the entire Winter. J A-Raincoat to bo shower-proof must necessarily be per fectly tailored; at the same time, to be attractive enough to wear, when the weather is fair, a coat must be made on stylish lines strictly in keeping with the fashion. I One style is quite conservative; the other has a tourist collar effect. J Numerous patterns to select from. PRICES RANGE FROM $20 TO WE INVITE YOU TO STEP IN AND TRY ONE ON BUFFUM& PENDLETON 311 Morrison, Opposite Postoff ice IN SHOT FOR SKUNK PARTNER SHOOTS AT MOVING OBJECT IN DARKNESS. Body Filled With 84 Buckshot and Doctors Give No Hope of Victim's Recovery. OOQUILLE. Or.. Oct. 23. (Special.) Mistaken in the darkness for a skunk, and fired upon by a comrade Harvey Terrill, of this city, lies at the" point of death tonight. Terrill and two others, fishing partners, at their camp on the lower river last night had a mishap which may cost Terrill his life. Skunks had been stealing fish and otherwise dep redating the camp, and a Bhotgun loaded with buckshot was kept handy. Terrill had left camp on an errand, when the camp dog was aroused and ran barking through the brush. Tobin, one of the partners, with the gun, followed the dog and, seeing what he supposed was a skunk over a log. fired. The shot was followed by a scream of agony, and he ran to the spot to find Terrill writh ing on the ground. The injured man was hurried to Ban don and it was found that he was shot through both forearms and the calf of one leg. Eighty-four buckshot were taken from the wound by the physicians. He was brought to his home here today, and now lies in an unconscious condition with no hope of his recovery- NONUNION MEN RUN MILL Wilcox Sningle Plant Opens With No Violence at Aberdeen. ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) With a force of non-union weav ers, the Wilcox Shingle Mill, in South Aberdeen, started yesterday, and is run ning without trouble today. In order to take proper precautions, police were sent to the plant, but nothing occurred out of the ordinary. It is said before the plant resumed, several union shin gle weavers appeared near the mill and signified their intention of remaining and using all' their power of persuasion to induce the non-union weavers to quit their Jobs, although they did not attempt to enter the mill. The Wilcox mill is equipped with a ten-block machine, and will not change for the present to the upright ma chines adopted by the Shingle Associa tion oi Chehalls County. MEDFORD TO HAVE CARLINE Franchise Will Be Asked of City Council This Week. MEDFORD. Or., Oct. 2.1. (Special.) John R. Allen, of New York, owner of the Paolfio & Eastern Railroad, will apply at the next meeting of the Med ford City Council for an electric rail way franchise in this city. He will also apply in Grants Pass and Ashland and intermediate points, and proposes to build electric lines con necting all points In the Rogue River Valley. Mr. Allen has formed a syndicate, known as the Southern Oregon Rail ways Company, capitalized at $1,500,000. He says work is to begin as soon as the franchises are obtained. Carter Held on Scrous Charge. OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) W. G. Carter is in the County Jail charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He was ar rested last night by Night Officer Shaw and Constable Miles and a formal com' plaint was made against him today by Deputy District Attorney Stipp. Car ter was arrested upon complaint of Fritz Grfessen, proprietor of the Wil lamette Hotel, and the girl in the case, aged 14. years, was a nurse girl In Grlessen's family. Tide Expected to Float Lilly. . MARSHFH3LD, Or., Oct. 23. (Spe- 0jal.) it is reported that the schooner Lilly, which went on the beach at the mouth of the Umpqua River, will likely be saved. Her rudder Is lost, but it is thought that she will not be otherwise damaged and will be carried by the tide over the spit Into the river. Burglary Charge Likely. OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) Jack Reynolds and James Mc- $40 Claren, who were arrested yesterday afternoon at Mllwaukie after being the victims of a hot chase by practically the entire male population of the town, will probably be given a hearing next Monday. It Is likely that a charge of burglary will be made against them. CATHOLICS TO LAY STONE St. Joseph's Hospital at Vancouver Will Cost $125,000. VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct. 23. (Spe cial.) Laying of the cornerstone of the new J125.000 St. Joseph's Hospital, a Catholio institution, being built at the corner of Thirteenth and Reserve streets, will be celebrated at 3 o'clock, Sunday, November 7. . The ceremonies will be In charge of Bishop O'Dea, of Seattle, and appro priate exercises will be held. Judge McCredie, who It is expected will be elected Congressman from the S'econd Congressional District, en November 2. has accepted an Invitation to deliver an address. ) m An elcht-track wlnr brldics across the main channel of the Chicago drainage canal, near Tlilrty-nrst street, will ba operated by electricity. Constipation And Appendicitis The Latter Usually Caused by the Former, Which, in Turn, Has Its Origin in Intestinal Indigestion. Chronic constipation is a disease which is about as prevalent as dyspep sia and indigestion. Nearly every one suffers from it occasionally, but there are millions of people who endure it habitually, and who are accustomed to resort to the use of laxatives and cathartics daily. Many people seemed to have devel oped a perfect mania for taking pills, and Instead of trying to ascertain the latent cause of the disease, and remov ing It by appropriate treatment, they are content to continue the reckless use of laxatives, aperients, drastic cathartics and violent purgatives, until finally inflammation of the bowels oc curs, which reaches the appendix, and the result is appendicitis. In investigating and tracing the causutlve factors of constipation and its frequent sequel, appendicitis, it has been noted by physicians that the ma jority of cases were preceded and ac companied by a long-standing gastro intestinal indigestion. The Idea that appendicitis is brought on by foreign bodies, such as seeds, etc, becoming lodged In the appendix, is an exploded theory. It is now defi nitely known that constipation Is the most prolific cause of this dread dis- ease, while the constipation itself is j previously Induced by Intestinal tndf- gestlon, or amylaceous dyspepsia the inability to digest starches so the re- j lation between cause and effect la readily seen and appreciated. The absurdity of attempting to cure constipation by the use of physio should be apparent to every one. Lax ative drugs and powerful purgatives will never cure a disease of this sort, ; and those who make frequent or regu lar use of them will, sooner or later, set up an inflammatory condition ' of the Intestinal system. . A person with first-class digestion will never be annoyed with chronic constipation, and when this trouble does exist, instead of slugging the system with pills, liquid laxatives, candy cathartics, etc., use a remedy which will cure the gastro-lntestinal indigestion, and you will find that the constipation no longer bothers you. and with its removal, the risk of de veloping appendicitis will be reduced to the minimum. STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS have been the means of curing numer ous cases of constipation, by first cur ing the intestinal Indigestion. They digest every kind of food, a single grain being capable of digesting 3000 grains of alimentum, and In addition to pepsin and other powerful diges tives, they also contain diastase, which converts starch into sugar, and readily euros amylaceous dyspepsia and Intes tinal indigestion. If you are suffering from dyspepsia, constipation, and, in fact, indigestion of any kind, don't run the risk of get ting appendicitis, but strike at the root of the trouble the original cause by using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which will quickly rid you of all functional disorders of the alimentary tract. Secure a box of this digestive reme dy from your druggist for SOc and send your name and address to the F. A Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich., for a free sample package.