The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 24, 1909, SECTION FIVE, Page 9, Image 57

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OT-r-r-ri ttim tr rtTllr AVT "V Trt T? TT VT O f'T ITF T? 24-. 1 flOf).
Itltj BUJUA1,JCiVs-VJ. w .
Mr Lady of f South, by Randall Parrtsh.
Illustrated. 11.50 A C. McClurg ft Co..
rhi"an. 111.. and the J. K. Gill Co..
Those dyspeptic ons who, affecting a
literary superiority they do not possess
and a critical sense that is only fault
finding. d!tciit in affirming that all the
sreat authors are dead and that all cur
rent novels are trashy eliould take heart.
Mr. Parrlshs "My Lady of the South."
a novel of the Civil War. has arrived, and
. so superior in caliber that It stands
alone among the .VWodd novels on the re
wewer's table. It has all the elements
of a great American novel, from Its
d-amatic narration of stirring- Incidents
l'-ading to a series of surprises, cnm-
bative. fighting spirit in describing war.
throb of sentiment and pulsing love story
told on original lines. It Is painted on
American canvas, and Indeed the inci
dents forming its pint are so typically
American that the scenes could not be
well laid in any other land tnan our own.
Mr. Parrish, born In Henry County. Illi
nois. June 10, tsiS his present address
is Kewanee. 111. has already written his
name in big letters in -When Wilderness
Was King- and "A Sword of the Old
Frontier." but he has given us a more
stirring story in ''My Lady of the South."
In it. he reaches the hish-water mark
of merit, and by' It and others he ousrht
to receive the laurel wreath of the
premier American story-teller. He does
not deal In riFky realism like Hall Calne
or haunts one with funeral pall of mor
bidness mistaken for naturalism, like Ib
sen, but his atmosphere is always pure
and suggests God's own out of doors. His
men and women are worth knowing, and
the action described is usually set Id a
clearly defined, historical picture worth
For instance, take "My Lady of the
South," which, commences with a realis
tic little scene told with a vigor and bold
ness suggestive of Stephen Crane. Ser
geant Elbert King, a Westerner of Rey
nolds' Battery of the Union Army, is
wounded on the field of battle at Miners
vllle. and in the lull of the defeat, recov
ers consciousness to walk to the nearby
home of Miss Jean Denslow. a Southern
young woman, something of a spitfire,
and of Confederate sympathies. She is
about to be married, against her will, to
Lieutenant Calvert Dunn, of the Confed
erate Army, and In his endeavor lo es
cape and reach the Federal lines. King
halts and gags Dunn and takes the lai
ter's horse and uniform. King becomes
so hemmed in by Miss Iens!ow's friends
that he cannot get away, and In the dark
ness of the evening for there was no oil
left for lighting purposes King is mis
taken for Dunn and is married to Miss
Denslow. On the way to her new home
with her husband, the "young bride dis
covers the trick that has' been played
upon her. and leaves King. The latter.
In the meantime, had become possessed
of the news of a new turning movement
of General Johnson's army, and com
municating this discovery to General
Rosecrans. was made a Lieutenant.
Army life and a Southern feud keep the
action lively, and in attempting to cap
ture a gtierrlla chief named Colonel Don
ald. King is brought face to face with tha
girl he married, but she does not recog
nize him. The house where Miss Dens
low lives has a secret passage, in which
people are murdered by an unknown as
sassin, and mystery begins, with plot,
sub-plot and fighting between Confeder
ate and Federal soldiers. Miss Denslow
at last recognizes King, but hates him as
an enemy of the Southern cause. Nearly
.every chapter ends with a change of ac
tion, and the reader is kept constantly
on the Jump wdnderlng what is going to
happen next. Miss Denslow Is enough of
the will-o'-the-wisp to make a charming
heroineatid around her love and war are
artistically contrasted. t
IJttle Sister Snow, br Frances Little. Il
lustrated. 1. The Century Company. New
York City, and the J. JC am Co.. Port
land. If you can think of visiting an aviary
which la vocal with feathered pets bask
In? in the cheery sunshine, and suddenly
discovering and loving the smallest bird
of all. a bird with beautiful plumage,
head slightly inclined to one side as you
wait there, and tender.' questioning eyes
behold the Inner vision of the new Japa
nese love story. "Little Sister Snow."
Just the novel for Impressionable young
girls, and all the mora welcome because
it can be read with absolute safety, any
where. It Is a. prose poem, casting a romantic
halo over the common things of life, and
likely to be hailed as one of the perma
nent story successes In a season already
big with good things in the book line.
Frances Little is the confessed nom-de-plume
of Mrs. Fannie C. Macaulay, of
Louisville. Ky., famous as the author of
The Lady of the Decoration." a novel
published in April, 1906. already printed
3? times because of the enormous demand
for It. and still rated among the best
sellers. "Little Sister Snow" Is also of
Japan, but is different yet so artistically
moulded that It should equal the success
of Its slBter story.
"A quaint old Japanese garden lay
smiling under the sunshine of a morning
in earily Spring. The sun. having flooded
the outside world with dazzling light,
seemed to sink to a tender radiance as it
wooed leaf and bud Into new life and
loveliness. It loosened the tiny rivulet
from the Icy fingers of 'Winter and sped
it merrily on Its way to a miniature lake,
where shining goldfish darted here and
there In an ecstary of motion." So opens
the story. A little Japanese girl, YukI
Chan, Is Introduced, playing with blos
soms blown from a hedge. She is the
only child of a once aristocratic but now
Impoverished Japanese family, and on
the day referred to the Festival of Dolls
accidentally meets an American boy,
Flchard Melton Merritt. Boy and girl,
they pass, but for YukI Chan It was a
meeting of significant Interest.
Approaching young womanhood, YukI
Chan now San goes to a mission school,
where she chatters In delightfully-broken
English. It has been arranged by her
father'and mother that she is to marry
one Salto San. a rich officer of the Em
peror's household, "a small, middle-aged
man. with many medals on his breast and
who looked at her with kind, unsmiling
Pack into the girl's life at this time
comes " Merritt. who visits Japan on a
huslness trip and boards with the Tukl
family. He Is now a fine, manly fellow
end tells YukI San who teaches him
Japanese that he Is engaged to marry
an American girl. Ho treats the girl as
a sister, while she secretly falls In love
with him. A heart tragedy ensues, which
Is worked out to a satisfying, proper
Which one of the two lovers did Ykl
San get as her very own?
y Henry lo Search of m Wife, h" Alphonse
Courlander. Brentanos. New Vorlt City.
Imagine one sunbeam, triumphing over
ail others, suddenly forcing; Its way
through the window curtains and light
ing up a room, or one delicious confec
tion sweeter than ie tit-bits surrounding
it. So does1 "Henry In Search of a Wife"
Impress the cultured reader who in
stinctively searches for the best, most
laughter-provoking comedy. As a novel
It Is conspicuous for wit. clever charac
ter drawing and audacious originality
that ought to make a gTaven Image
smile. If you know a woman of uncer
tain age whom the world cruelly calls
old maid or a man whom the unfeeling
ones call a crabbed old bachelor you will
be doing either of them a kindness by
bringing this novel to notice. It has
beta wasied. so cleaa in, tha preparation ,
s J ' , tit r ' , V 7
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i i- f 4
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ft K
Randall arrwHvS Novel
"my lady 5f the south."
mini of authorship that it deservea a
place in the family's reading.
Think of the plot. Henry Tressing
ham. left an independent fortune by the
death of his uncle, owner of a pretty
house and garden jn England middle
aged, bald, sentimental and unmarried.
Hi dearest neighbor and old-time near
sweetheart. ! Mrs. Isabel Jardine,
widow, who decides that her old beau,
Henrv, should marry some one and
thinks that her niece. Phoebe, ought to
become Mrs. Henry Thessingham.
Phoebe, who "looked as If she had
tenned straight from a grandmother's
scrap album, her fair hair overflowing in
little ringlets by the aide or ner tore
head her white neck peeping through
her low-cut collar, her drem of shot silk
that looked now bine, now deep green,
as the folds changed." this fair divinhy
engages herself to a Mr. Inglis.
Then the comedy begins. Henry re
fuses to lay siege, to Phoebe's heart, and
goes to foreign landa to find a wife. He
knows as much about women as he
knows about the man of the moon, and
his adventure's and strange experiences
are so ludicrous that the observant reader
is vastly Entertained. All the time the
reader believes that Henry will eventual
ly marry the widow but not so. Have
you BJen Jamee Nelll In the play "Rose
mary"? This novel is another gentle, ro
mantic "Rosemary," with a happier end
ing. Abaft the Funnel. Br, Rudysrd Kipling.
B. W. Dodge A Co.. .N York City.
Thirty-one short stories written In
the '80s. before Kipling had achieved
fame as a world-celebrated novelist.
The tales referred to were originally
published in now-forgotten Indian peri
odicals, and, now that Kipling is a
bright star, they see the light. They
are unusually interesting because they
show the lowly origin of a gifted nov
elist's mature style. All Kipling en
thusiasts on deck!
Virginia at the Air Lanes. By Herbert
yulrk. lllutrated. $1.60. The Bobbs
Merrlll Co.. Indianapolis, Ind.
Suppose a time, say about the year
1950. when airships will be as common
as autos are now and you have the
kernel of tills airship-novel, starting
with the 'descent of Virginia Suarez,
the heroine, on the Mobile Bay cosst.
Alabama, and landing from the sky at
the startled hero's feet. An entertain
ing, up-to-date story.
American Business By John J. Sulll-vn-
1.60. 1). Appieton & Co.. New Tork
Mr. Sullivan Is instructor In business
law at the University of Pennsylvania and
a Philadelphia lawyer. He has written a
learned but easily understood text-book
for students taking a course in business
law. and also one that will be a friend to
a. perplexed business man. The book de
serves a place in the consideration of our
college authorities.
The Southerner. Ioubteday. Page & Co..
New York City.
A strong, courageous account of the
South since the Civil War. and In which
the negro question Is handled without
gloves. The novelist, who does not give
his name and thinks that the negro
does not desire domination, creates a
Northern-educated hero to protest
against Southern abuses and appeal for
National ideals.
Drake: An F.nllh Epic. By Alfred Noyes.
$1.50. Illustrated. Frederick A. Stokes
Co.. New York City.
Filled with patriotic fire, this magnifi
cently written narrative poem describing
the adventures of Sir Francis Drake, his
voyage around the world and his fight
with the Spanish Armada, will go far
and find permanent place In the high
class literature of our day.
The EnglWh Grammar Schools to 1660. By
F"ter Watson. Cambridge University
Pre. i.0Q. G. P. Putnam's Son. New
York City.
On a bibliographical basis, a learned
account Is given of the development of
teaching In the English grammar
schools from the time of the Invention
of printing up to the year I860. The
pages number 548.
Carlotta's Intended. By Ruth McEnery
Stuart. Illustrated. S1.Z&. Harper
Brothers. New'Tork City.
A dainty, forget-me-not edition of a
story about the Italian colony of New
York, the principal character being Car
lotta. daughter of a fruit-seller, who
has several lovers. A story of quaint
humor, tinged with romance.
The Man In the Tower, by Rupert 6. Hol
land. Illustrated. $1.S0. J. B. I.lppincott
company, Philadelphia. Pa.
Love. Intrigue and rebellion In a
mythical country called Altenstein. sup
posed to be In the Balkans the whole
forming a romantic novel of fervent yet
galloping interest.
The Secret of "ex. Br Dr. E. Rumley Daw
n. ten's. Cochrane Publishing Co.,
New York City.
Dr. Dawspn Is a London physician,
who, altaxAi clinic&l. elimination, of nu
merous cases, met with In the years of
his professional experience, has evolved
a theory by which he says it is pos
sible for parents to determine at will
the sex of the child that is to be horn.
But it is not possible within the col
umns of a newspaper just to explain
what this Dawson method is. Suffice It
to say that the male parent Is disasso
ciated from any influence In sex causa
tion. rieasant Day Diversions. By Carolyn Wells
$1.00. Moffat, Yard & Co., New York
A dazzling vision and guide to playtime,
for children and grownups.
The Conquest of the Isthmus. By Hugh C.
Weir. Illustrated. f2.Q0. G. P. Putnam's
Sons. New Tork City.
A red-blooded recital of honest, pres
ent-day work In digging the Panama.
Canal. Muckrakers, take a back seat.
The Greater Power. By Harold B radioes.
J I SO. Frederick A. Stokes Co., New
York City.
"Nasmyth, a broken man. Is made a
new one In the lumber wilds of the
Canadian West. A healthy, pulsing tale
of the open.
The Wiving of Lance Cleverage. By Alice
MarGowan. Illustrated. $1.3&. G. P.
Putnam's Sons. New York City.
Of the Tennessee Mountains. An al
luring picture of sweet fasnininity, rug
ged, fighting masculinity and love.
The llrl Who Barns Her Own Living. By
Anna SteeM Blrhardson. 11.00. B. W.
Dodge & Co., New York City.
A series of sensible, business talks
for girls on stenography, bookkeeping,
teaching, salesmanship, etc.
The Shadow Between Ills Shoulder Blades.
By .loel Chandler Hfcrris. Illustrated.
Small. Maynard & Co.. Boston.
A well-told story by a Confederate sol
dier about old times with General For
rest. Nerves and Common Sense. By Annie Pay
son Call. II.2o. Little, Brown & Co.,
Boston. Mass.
Practical suggestions and help In ban
ishing nervous strain and bringing back
Old Rose and Silver. By Myrtle Bed. J1.50.
G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York City.
Not only a good novel, but a poetical
study of love and music.
Tnixton King. By Georite Barr McCutch
eon. Illustrated. 51.50. Dodd, Mead &
Co.. New York City.
More Graustark. tJVs good.
Through the Wall: A Parisian Ieertive
Morv. Bv- Cleveland MofTett. $1.60. D.
Appieton & Co.. New York City.
Sufficiently exciting.
The Trimming of Goosie. By James Hop
per. $1.10. Moffatt, Yard A Co., New
York City.
Books Added to
Bpnle Dorothea Beale of Cheltenham;
bv Elizabeth Kalkes. 1909. -'
riunn-Pattinon. Napoleon's marshals.
Fox-Davies. Heraldry explained. 1!07.
Lincoln Unnoln and the sleeping sentinel-
a true story, told by L. E. Chittenden.
Jtalelgh. Great Ralelifh; by Hugh
Salincourt. 1WOS. .
Thomson. James Thomson; by G.
Macaulay. 190S.
Bourget Essals re psychologic contempor-
Si Fuvuhe'rt La tentation do Saint Antoine.
Kraple M'nme Preclat.
Masson Napoleon et sa famine. v
Overbeck Geschichte der Grif chlsclien
plastlk. 2v.
Rc-nan Dialogues et fragments philoso
phloues. Roujon En marge du temps.
Barcey Journal de jeunegse.
Taul-Dubols ContemDorary Ireland. 1!)0S.
nay The repeal of the Missouri compro
mise; Its origin and authorship. ItHiO.
Chamberlain Coast of chance.
Oliphant Maya.
Barker France of the French. liHlO.
Breasted Egypt throuKh the stereoscope;
journey through the land of the Pharaohs.
"jd'nerv & Olson Norway through the
stero scope; notes on a journey through -ne
land of the Viking.-. 1907.
Herbert Two Dianas in Alaska. 1!W.
Holmes Travelogues. 10 v. 11K8.
Ivman The Columbia River: its history,
mvt'lm. ucenerv nml pommer'e 1 0OP.
Richardson Greece through, the" stereo
scope. 1807.
DannreOther Wagner and the reforms of
the opera. Ed. 2. 1904.
Mach The art of painting In the 19th
century. 1908.
Balnt-Gaudens. Augustus Saint-Gaudeus;
by C. L. Hind. 1908.
Selous hunter'j wanderings in Africa:
being a narrative of nine years spent
amongst the game of. the far Interior of
South AfTlca. 1907.
Somervllls & others Ski-running. Ed. 3.
Crotners By the Christmas Are. 19"S.
Knight, comp Pipe and porich: the smok
er's own book of poetry. 194.
Madarh Tragedy of man; a dramatic
poem; tr. from the Hungarian by "W. N.
Loow. 1908.
Moulton Poems and sonnets. 10O9.
O'Neill Recitations for assembly and
class-mom. with sucgested programmes. 1909
Mabie Christmas today. 1908.
Service Ballads of a Cheeehake. 1oo.
Service Songs of a sourdough. 1UU9.
Thomson What Is physical life; Its origin
and nature. 1909.
Cutten The phychological phenomena of
Anson Law and custom of the constitu
tion. V 2. 1907.
Flack The adoption of the 14th amend
ment. IOCS.
Barr Principles of direct current electri
cal engineering. 1908. .
Haenssgen Suction gas. 1904.
National association for the study ond
prevention of tuberculosis. The campaign
against tuberculosis in the United States.
Dickens Character portraits from Dick
ens: selected and arranged by Charles
Welsh. J 07.
Duff. ed. A textbook of physics, inns.
Illinois. State Geological Survey Mineral
content of Illinois waters; by Edward Bar
tow and others. 1909.
Lyons Plant names, scientific and popu
lar. Ed. 3. 1907.
C. S. Agriculture. Dep't of Replanning
farm for profit; by V. B. Smith and J. W.
Fralev. lo. (Farmer's bulletin :!7o. l
PARTMENT. Overton Nature study; a pupil's text
book. SrhaulTler Thanksgiving; its origin, cele
bration and significance, as related in prose
and verse. .
The Southerner being the autoblography
of Nicholas Worth, a reprint. $1.29; Wrndel.
Phllltp. by Lorenzo Sears, a critical review;
The Leonard and the Lily. by Marlorle
Bowen. a reprint: Warrior the I'ntamed. an
amusing circus story reprinted from a mag
azine (Doubleday. Page A Co.).
A Maid and a Man, by Ethel Smith Dor
ranee. II. ."0 (Moffat. Yard & Co.).
The Pleasure of Reading the Bible, by
Temple Scott. 50 cents (Mitchell Kennerley
Mr-. justice Raffles, by K. W. Hurnune.
a thrilling cracksman's story. 1.50 (Scrlb
neCsi. ' ,
Marie of Arcady. by F. Hewes Lancaster,
$1. '-." iSmall Maynard).
Captain Chubb, by Ralph Henry Barbour,
a heajthv varn for boys. $1.B0 (Centry Co.).
The Involuntary Chaperon, by Margiret
Cameron. S1..KI: and A Fantasy on Medi
terranean Travel, by S. G. Payne, a lively
tourist's story of a lively pilgrimage, ll.&o
Harperls). . ,
Mr. Jackson, by Helen Green. $1.2fl: ana
The .Vutoblograp.iy of Methuselah, by John
Kendrick Bangs. $1. an amusing Joke book
creating laughter (B. W. Dodge i Co.).
The Dupe, bv Gerald Bliss, a thrilling,
English detective story (Brentano's).
r h Marches, hv E. PhllllDS OP
penhelm. an English story with plenty of
life and color. $1.50 (Little, Brown).
Green Ginger, ny uruiiir mi"".
a bunch of short stories generating good
humor (Stokes & Co.).
The Socialist bv Guy Thome. $1.35. a
splendidly constructed presentation of So
cialism as seen In England; and Fernando
Copies, by Francis Augustus MacNutt, $1.39
Now These books were received for re
view through the kindness of The J. K. Gill
Co . of this cltv: Fernando Cortes. The So
cialist. Green Ginger. Captain Chubb. Marie
of Arcadv. Mr. Justice Raffles. A Maid and
a Man. Warrior the I'ntamed. T.le South
erner Wendell Phlltlps. and The Leopard
ntirl the T.llv.
First, the White Temple. Twelfth and
Taylor streets Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher.
D. D., pastor, lo A. M.. one-accord prayer
meeting; 10::!0 o'clock, morning worship,
with preaching by Dr. Brougher; subject,
Christianity's Storm Center"; solo. Mrs.
Kathleen Lawler Belcher; 12 M.. lemple
Bible school, classes for all ages; fl P- M
P Y. P. L" meeting in lower temple; Rev.
John Bentrlen will lead in a discussion on
"Who Is Jesus Christ?": 7:30 o'clock, even
ing service. opened with organ recital;
preaching by Dr. Brougher; subject, "In
the Llmtlight." Special music by quartet
and chorus; gospel solo, Mrs. Lulu Dahl
Milter. Everybody welcome.
Central. East Ankeny and East Twentieth
streets Rer. W. T. Jordan, pastor. 11 A. M.
services: Sunday school. 9:30 A. M. ; B. Y.
P. V.; 7 P. M., services; topics. "A Present
Privilege" and "The Measure of a Man."
Mount OlKet. Seventh and Everett streets
Rev B. B. B. Johnson, pastor. Services,
11 A M and 7:30 p. M.. by the pastor.
Immanuel, services In Jones' Hall, Gibbs
and Front streets, during the rebuilding of
the church Rev. A. B. Minaker. pastor.
Services. 10:30 A. M.; Sunday school and
Baraca and Fhllathea claes meeting. 12 M.;
B Y P U. 6:30 P. M. : prayer meeting,
Thursday. 7:30 P. M. In the evening union
services will be held at the Fourth Pres
byterian Church, to continue until further
""crace-, Montavllla Rev. A. E. Fatch. pas
tor. Sundav school, 10 A. M. : services. 11
A. M. and 8 P. M. ; topics. "Our Business
and "How to Be clean."
Calvary. East Eighth and Grant streets
Rev I N. Monroe, pastor. Sunday school.
10 A M.; services. 11 A. M. and 7 :". P. M.-.
topics. "God s Associates" and "A Sanctity-
'nEastelFortv-flfth. corner East Main street
' Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; services. 11:15
A. M. and 7:ot P. M- Preaching by Rev.
Arl'eta Rev. E A. Smith, pastor. Sunday
school, 9:45 A. M-; Junior Union. 3 P. M.;
B Y P. L, 6:45 P- M.; Superintendent J.
R knodell will conduct morning services
and the topic of the evening sermon will
be "A Coward Showing Hie Back."
Third Vancouver avenue and Knott street
Rev R. Schwedler, pastor. Sunday school,
10 A. M.; services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.
St. John Rev. C. L. Owen, pastor. Sun
day school, 10 A. M. ; preaching. 11 A. M.
and 7:45 p. M ; B. Y. P. V.. P. M ;
tortcs. "God First in Our Affections and
The Tragedy of a Great Nation." A series
of revival meetings will begin Monday even
ing; preaching by Rev. E. A. Smith, of Ar-
Highland. Alberta and Sixth streets Rev.
E A Leonard, pastor. Sunday school. 10
a' M.: preaching. 11 A M. and 7:43 P. M.
First German. Fourth and Mill streets
Kev. J. Kralt, pastor. Preaching. 10:45 A.
M and 7:30 P. M. : Sunday school. 9:45 A.
M.: B. Y. P. V.. 6:45 P. M.
Sunnyaide (German). Forty-first street and
Hawthorne avenue Preaching by Rev. C.
Feldmeth. 11 A. M. ; Sunday school, 9:4$
Swedish. Hoyt and Fifteenth streets Rev.
Eric Beherstrom. pastor. Preaching. 10: 4
A M and 7:45 P. M.; Sunday school. 12 M.
Sollwood. Tacoma avenus and Eleventh
streets Rv. D. W. Thurston, pastor. Sun
day school. 10 A. M. ; services. 11 A. M. and
8 P M
Second' German, Rodney avenue and Mor
ris street Rev. F. Buerrmann. pastor.
Preaching. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P M.; Sun
day school. 9:45 A. M.; B. Y. P- L.. b:45
P. M.
"Lents, First avenue, near Foster road
Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; preaching. 11 A.
M. and 8 P. M., by Rev. B. C. Cook; B. Y.
P. V... 7 P. M.
llniversity Park Sunday school. 10 A.M.;
worship, HAM. and 7:30 P. M. ; B. Y. P.
TJ.. 7 P-
Woodstock. Forty-nrst and Holgate streets
Services. 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M.. by
Rev. F. E. Dark; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.;
prayer meeting Wednesday. 7:45 P. M.
Second. Seventh and East Ankeny H I
Black, pastor. Study hours. 9 to 12 A. M.
Kesiaence, cam ini.i . .... ,
Preaching 10.30 A. M. subject. "How to
Behave In Church." Sunday srnooi iim..
V K. Hall, superintendent: lesson. Acts
xxv:12 to xxvi:2: B. Y. P. U.. S:3 P. M-.
subject "Whv Some Men and Women do
not Succeed In Life." Adolph Gantenbeln.
leader. Preschlng at 7:30 P. M.. subject
"Our Psrt in Feeding the People the Bread
of T.lfe." Prayer meeting Thursdsy. 7:30
P. M.
St- Stephen's, Forty-second and East Tay-
lor Rev. W. A Wsltt. Low mm 8:30 A
M.; high mass and sermon. 10:30 A M.
St. Stanislaus. Maryland and Falling
Rev. C. Seroskl. Low mass. 8 A. M. ; high
mass end sermon. 10 A M.
fiu Alaxy;s Pro-Catnedi ai. Fifteenth and
Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low
mass. . 8 and 9 A. M. ; hish mass and ser
mon, 11 A. M. vespers, instruction and
benediction, 7:45 P. M.
St. Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and
Couch Rt- Rev. James Rauw. V. G. Low
mass. 8 A. M.; high mass and sermon, 10:S6
A. M. ; vespers, benediction. 3:30 P. M.
St. Francis'. East Eleventh and Oak
Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass 8. 8:30 and
8:30 A. M.; high mass and sermon. 10:30 A.
M.; vespers. Instruction and benediction.
7:30 P. M.
St. Lawrence's, Third and Sherman Rev.
J. C. Hughes. Low mass. 6, 7 and 8:30 A.
M. ; high mass and sermon, 10:30 A. M.;
vespers and benediction. 7.30 P. M.
St. Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savler Rev.
IS. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8AM.; high
mass and sermon. 10:30 A. M. ; vespers and
benediction. 3:30 P. M-
St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill
Jesuit fathers. Low mass. 8 Jt. M.: high
mass and sermon, 10:30 A. M ; vespers and
benediction. 7:30 P. M.
Holy Rosary. East Third and Union Very
Kev. A. 8. Lawler. Low mass, 6. 7 and 8:30
A. M.; high muss and sermon, 10:30 A M.;
vespers and benediction. ' 7 :30 P. M.
Sacred Heart. Milwaukle Rev. Gregory
Roble. O. S. B. Low mass, sermons 8. s.
and 10:30 A. K.'; vespers and benediction,
7:30 P. M.
Holy Cross, University Park Rev. J. P.
Thtllrasn, C. S. C. Low mass, 8:30 A. M. ;
high mass and sermon, 10:30 A. M ; ves
pers and benediction, 4 P. M
Holy Redeemer, Portland and Vancouver
Rev. Ed K. Cantwell. C. 8S. B. Low
mass. 8 A. M. : high mass and sermon,
10:80 A M. ; benediction, 4 P. M.
St. Andrew's. Ninth and Alberta Rev.
Thomas Kiernsn. Low mass. 8 A. M. ; high
mass and sermon, 10 A. M. : vespers. In
struction and benediction, 7:30 P. M
Immaculate Heart of Mary. Wil'-lams and
Stanton Rev. W. A. Daiy. Low mass, 6. 8
and 9 A. M. ; high mass and sermon. 10:80
A. M. ; vespers and benediction, 7:30 P. M.
Ascension. Montavllta Rev. J. P. Fltr
patrlck. Mass and sermon. 0 A. M.. In
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
St. Ignatius. Forty-second and Powell
Valley road Rev. F. Dillon. S. J. Low
mass. 8 and 9:30 A. M ; mass, sermon and
benediction, 10:30 A M.
First, Park and Madison streets Rev.
Luther R. Dvott D. D. , pastor; Rev. Guy
L. Dick, assistant, pastor. 9:45 A. M., Bible
echool; 11 A. M., and 7:45 P. M.. special
services for commissioning Edwin Dwight Kel
logg and Alice Roprs Kellogg for the mis
sionary ministry to Foo Chow, China; an ex
traordinary event in the life and growth of
this church: a memorable day In Portland;
everybody Invited; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:45 P. M.
Hasealo-Street, Bast Seventh and Hassalo
mreels Services 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.;
Rev. George K. Paddock will preach his first
sermons as pastor of this church; Sunday
echool. 10 A. M. ; mid-week prayer meeting
Wednesday, 7:45 P. M.
Highland. East SAxth and Prescott E. S.
Rolllneer, pntor. Sunday school, 10 A. M.;
worship. 11 A. M. ; "Life's. Best Investment";
Y. P. S. C. F... 6:30; praise service. 7:30 P.
M.: G. M. Parvln, musical director.
Sunnyside. East Thirty-fourth and Taylor
att-eets Rev. J. .1. Staub. paslor. Services
11 A M and 7:20 P. M. ; Sunday school. 10
A. M.: Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M ; topics
of sermons, "The Theme of the Christian
Song" and "Your Life's Great Architect."
.OSieee;otmemorningM.P. etrlMCuln
Central. East Twentieth and Salmon streets
Themes for consideration today by the pas
tor, Francis L. Cook. a follows: 11 A. M..
"learning Chrtot"; 8 P. M., -The Heavenly
Gladstone Bible school at 10 o'clock. Mrs.
Hull, superintendent. Preaching by the pas
tor at 11 and 7:45. The morning theme. "An
All Man's Religion BeveaU-d by the Gospel;"
evening, "The Immense Scope of the Gos
pel." Rodnev Avenue. Rodney avenue and Knott
streets T. G. Plcton. minister. Bible
school 945 D. T. Short, superintendent.
Classes for all. Preaching by T. G. Plcton
at 11 A. M. and 7:3 P. M.
First. Park and Columbia streets w. F.
Reagor. minister. Bible school at 9:45. J.
Albert Enrich, superintendent: classes for
alt. Preaching by Bruce Wolverton at 11
A M.. theme, "Fsrward to Christ." In the
evening Rev. Charles A. Phipps. secretary of
the Oregon Sunday School Association, will
deliver the address at the graduation exer
cises of the teacher training class. Song and
praise service. 7:30 P. M.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Scottish
Bite Cathedral. Morrison and Lownsdale
streets. Services. 11 A. M. end 8 P. M. :
subiect of lesson sermon. "Probation After
Death"; Sunday school at close of morning
service; Wednesday evening meeting, 8
Second, Caurch. .o Christ Scientist, Woods
men's Hall, East Sixth and East Alder
streets, services, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.;
subject of lesson sermon. "Probation After
Death"; Sunday school, 11 A. M. ; Wednes
day meeting. S P. M.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr,
Thirteenth and Clay streets Rev. H. M.
Ramsey, vicar. Holy communion, 7:30 A.
M. ; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. ; morning
service, 11 o'clock; evening service, 7:30
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets
Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services at
8 and 11 A. M. - and 7:30 F. M. ; Sunday
school, 9:45 A. M. ; service of song Sunday
night. Strangers cordially Invited.
St. David's, East Twelfth and Belmont
streets Rev. Henry Russell Talbot, reptor.
Holy communion. 7:30 A. M.; Sunday school,
9:45 A M.; morning grayer and sermon, Jl
o'clock;, evening prayer and sermon, 8
All-Saints'. Twenty-nsth and Savler streets
Rev. Roy Edgar Remington, rector. Morn
ing prayer and sermon, 11 o'clock; Sunday
school. 12:15 M. ; evening prayer at 8
o'clock. '
. Good Shepherd. Graham street and Van
couver avenue Rev. John Dawson, rector.
Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.; morning service,
11 o'clock; evening service, 7:30 o'clock.
St. Andrew's Chapel, Portsmouth Sunday
school 10 A. M. ; holy eucharlst and sermon
at 11 A. M. ; evening prayer and sermon at
7:30 P. M. Archdeacon Chambers will of
ficiate. Grace Memorial. East Seventeenth and
Weldler streets George B. Van Waters,
1). L., clergyman In charge. Morning prayer
and sermon 11 A. M., at which service the
bishop of the diocese will preach. Even
ing prayer and sermon 7:30 P. M. Sunday
school 10 A. M.
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. Good Sa
maritan Hospital Rev. W. R. Powell. chap
Iain. Holy communion 7 A. M. ; ward serv
ices 3 P. M. Evening prayer and sermon
7:15 o'clock.
St. Matthews, First and iCaruthers
streets Rev. W. A. M. Breck In charge.
Holy communion 7:30 A. M.; Sundaj' school
10 A. M.; services and sermon 11 . M.
Service at Forest Gro$e at 2:30. .
First German. Tenth and Clay streets F.
Benz. pastor. Preaching services 10:45 A. M.
and 7:45 P. M. ; topics. "The Things Which
John Saw" and "Wishing to See Jcmis"; Sun
day school, 9:30 A. M : Mlsslonhand, 2:30 P.
M.': r. P. A., 7 P. M.: protracted meetings
every evening except Saturday.
St. James" English. West Park and Jeffer
son streets J. Allen Leas, pastor. Services
11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; morning subject,
"Was Jesus Christ What He Claimed to Be?";
evening subject.' "Hell! What Is It? Where
Is It? Who Are There?": Sunday school 10
A. M. : Luther League, 7 P. M.
St. Paul's German, East Twelfth and Clin
ton treetf A. Krause, pastor. Sunday school.
9:30 A. M. ; services 10:30 A. M. and 7:30
P. M. ; St. John's Church. Peninsular avenue
and Kllpatrick street, 3 P. M.; Rible lesson
and Yonug People's meeting. Thursday, 8
P. M.
Second Evangelical, Kerby and Fargo streets
Services .In Englisk 11 A. M. : Sunday school,
12:10. Rev. O. HaSties. pastor.
Norwegian Svnod, East Tenth and East
Grant streets Rev. O. Hagaes. pastor. Serv
ices at 7:45 P. M. Ladies' Aid festival
Thursday evening.
M-ErrironisT. '
Taylor-Street Dr. Benjamin Toung. pastor.
9:30 A. M-. cls.'wes: 10:30 A. M., morning
sermon "The Glory of the Grand Canyon
of the' Yellowstone; 12:15 P. M., Sunday
echool; 6:30 P. M., Epworth League; 7:30
P. M.. evening Krmon, "Tongue and Temper.
Centenary, East Ninth and Pine streets
Clarence True Wilson. D. D.. the pastor, will
preach at 10:30 on lessons from the Tempta
tions of Christ, snd at 7:30 his topic will be
"Why Is Oregon Going Dry in 1910?"; Sun
day school, 12:1S; Epworth League, 6.SO;
chorus led by Robert Boies Carson and a
quartet, I Miss Ferguson, Mrs. Hammond and
Messrs Carson and Rasmuseen, will sing at
both services; Mrs. Edward Drake at the
Grace, Twelfth snd Taylor Dr. Cudllpp
will preach In the morning on "Christian Lib
erty," and in the evening on "The Homeless
Woman." Quartet morning and evening and
large male chorus In the evening. Profefeor
W M. Wilder will play "The Pilgrim's
Chorus" (Tannhaueer) In the evening: Fred
R Peirce will sing a solo in the morning;
Sunday school. 12:1S: Epworth League, 6:15.
First Norwegian and Danish. Thirteenth
and Davis streets H. P. Nelsen, pastor.
Preaching 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. by the
pastor: Sunday school. 10 A M. ; Young Peo
nies Bible hour. P. M.
Trtnitv East Tenth snd Grant streets
t.wi. r. Smith, nsstor. Sunday school. 10
i jli .public worshiB. 11 A subject!.
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First and Alder Streets
"Fe Filled With the Spirit"; class meeting.
12'15 P M ; Epworth league, 6:30 P. M. ;
evening service. 7:30 P.'M.; revival services.
Mr. Brayman and wife, singing evangelists,
will assist the pastor in both services.
Swedish. Beech and Borthwlck streets Rev.
John Ovall, pastor. Preaching. 11 A. M. and
8 P. M.; toplos, morning. "The Fatherhood of
God and the Brotherhood of Men," and In the
evening. "The Sure Foundation for Eternal
Happiness"; Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; Ep
worth League, 7 P. M. v
Central, Vancouver avenue and Fargo
streets, C. L. Hamilton. pator: preaching,
10:3u and 7:30; Sunday echool, 12 M. ;
E. L., 6:30; morning. holy communion;
evening subject, "Types of Churches."
Epworth. Twenty-elxth and Savler streets
Rev Charles T. McPherson. pastor. Services
Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; morning
"The Minority Report": evening, "Working
Out Our Salvation"; Installation of newly
elected Epworth League ofTlcero; Sunday
school, 10 A. M. : Epworth Lcsgue. 6:45 P.
M. : mid-week service, Thursday, 7:45 P. M.
First, Union avenue and Multnomah street
E. H. Mown, pastor. 10 A. M.. Sunday
school: 11 A. M.. preaching, subject, ."Why
Men Do Not Accept Christianity as Readily
as They Do Science" ; :30 P. M., Epworth
League: 7:30 P M., preaching.
Norwegian Danish, Vancouver avenue and
Skldroore streets lev. C. J. Larsen. pastor.
Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday
school at 12:15 P. M.
Sunnvslde, East Yamhill and Thirty-fifth
streets W. T. Euster, pastor. Subject for
the morning will be "The Personal Leader
ship of Jesus Christ." In the evening the
second of the series of sermons on city life
will be given, entitled "The Institutions of
Evil the Theater."
First, Twelfth and Alder Rev. W. H.
Foulkes. D. D.. minister. Moaning service,
10:30; eubject, "Hidden In the Heart"; Sun
day school. 12:10 P. M. ; Christian Endeavor.
6:30; evening service. 7:30, subject, -"The
Man With Iron in Hie Blood"; a service in
the Interest of men. Special music by quar
tet and chorus. Music as follows: Prelmfe:
"Hymn of Morning" Vely); anthem. "Blcesed
Be the Lord, My Strength," (Burdett); an
them, "Sing We Merrily ITnto God," (West):
postlude, "I.arghetto Cantablle," (GelsMer) ;
prelude, "March From Nasman," (Costa);
anthem! "The Lord Is My Rock," (Rogers);
postlude, "Andantino," Rlnck).
Westminster Music, lO:30: Organ, prelude
In G (Mendelssohn); anthems, "The Heavens
Declare." (Beethoven); "How Lovely Are Thy
Dwellings," tSpohr); offertory. Motto Ariaglo
(Bizet); 7:30 P. M.. organ. Allegro Cantahile
(Wldor); contralto solo, ") Rest In the Lord."
(Mendelssohn); anthem, "Father. O Hear I'a."
(Handel); offertory. Largo In G. lHandel).
Third Rev. J. A. P. McGaw, D. D.. will
preach In the morning on "Iove the Broth
erhood." and in the evening on "Elements of
Retribution in the Soul"; Sunday echool at
Hawthorne Park. East Twelfth and Taylor
streets Rev. E. Nelejn Allen, pastor; 10:30
A. M.. "A Man's a Man for A' That"; 12
M.. Sunday school; 6:30 P. M.. Y. P. S. C. E. ;
7:30 P. M. "What I Saw at Monte Carlo and
My Impressions of the Vice of Gambling";
special music by a large chorus and the Be
queath orchestra.
Calvary, Eleventh and.Clay streets Fervlcee
10:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; Rev. Thomas
Holmes Walker, pastor, will preach: morn
ing subject. "The Mission of the Church";
evening. "For or Against"; morning solo,
"Seek Ye the Lord" (Lynes), Miss Julia Claus- I
genius; evening solo, "The Way of Peace,"
(Lloyd). Mr. Caughey: Mips Margaret '
berson, organist; Mr. Caughey, precentor; Bible
school, 12 noon.
First. Kant Sixteenth and Poplar streets
11. A. Deck, pastor. Preaching services and
topics. 11 A. M.. "Lights In Dark Places";
and 7:30 P. M.. "Why Men Hold Aloof from
Christianity"; Sunday school at 10 A. M.
Ockley Green. Gay street and Wil
lamette boulevard Kev. J. Bowersojc. pastor.
Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M-; Sun
day school at 10 A. M. ; K. L. C. E. 6:80
P. M.
First. Sixth and Montgomery. Frank D.
Findley. pastor. Public worship. 10:30 A. M.
and 7:30 P. M.; morning subject. 'The
Church and Her Prayer Life"; evening sub
ject, "A Taste of Wormwood"; pulpit editorial
in evening programme on "The Sacrifice Hit";
Bible School assembles at 12 o'clock; C. K.
meeting at b:3 P. M,; leader. Miss Johanna
All; subject. "Doubting Castle"; special muiio
at all services.
Church of Our Father, Seventh snd Yam
hill streets Rev. T. L. Eliot. D. D., minis
ter emeritus; Rev. W. p. Eliot. Jr.. minis
ter. Morning service, 11 o'clock. "Art and
Character"; evening musical service at 8
o'clock, with brief sermon on "The Present
Status of Psychotherapy"; Sunday school.
9:45 A. M. ; adult class. 12::0' P. M.; Y. P.
F.. 0:30 P. M.
Y. M. C. A.
City Association, gyninaelum new building.
Sixth and Taylor street.-) 3 P. M-, public
meeting for men. Address by l)r. J. Whit
conib Brougher on the subject, "Heads 1
Win: Tails You Lose." Special orchestra
music. Bible classee at 4:15.
Truth Students' Fellowship Rev. Victor
Morgan. minister. Services In Selllng
Hlrsch Hall. Tenth and Washington streets.
Dr. C H. Chapman will preach at S P. M. ;
subject. "This Heavenly World": free class
meeting In spiritual healing Tuesday even
ing. Office open dally from 12 to , 64-H5
Selllng-Hirsch building.
Church of Good Tidings. Universal!!,
worshiping in Vnlon Hall, Grand avenue and
East Pine street Rev. James Dimond Corny,
minister. Divine worship. 10:4A A. M.. with
sermon: topic, "The Business or Religion
and Religion In Business" The pastor wtll
be assisted by E. S. Hooper, a prominent
business man of Denver. Sunday school lor
Bible study at noon.
y. W. C. A. programme for girls at 4
P M. Vocal and piano solos by liss Cecil
Hardle and Miss Margaret Caldwell. The
Altrul Octet will sing "The Lord Is My
Shepherd." Dr. Luther R. Dyott will give
the address. His subject will be "The Com
plete Life.''
Cutting; Weeds to Prevent Hay Fever.
Chicago Dispatch.
The task of saving Cliicagoans from hay
fever next Summer will be undertaken
this week by an aldermanie committee
and the Health Department. The Alder
men have decided that the cutting of all
the weeds within the city limits will pre
vent the malady. An ordinance has bepn
prepared requiring every one to mow their
weeds under penalty of a fine. This mea
sure places upon the Health Department
the duty of seeing whether the measure
Js complied with.
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Medicines which merely check the symptoms or a time, because of their
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