The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 24, 1909, SECTION THREE, Page 11, Image 35

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1 iii - m
Week Closes in Hop Market
With Lively Business.
Feins ml Shows RroatleniiiR Tenden
cy Clem Hnrst Anions tlie
I! u jo I.a-t Year's IIoj-s
jo to 2 0 Cents.
T. hop market. after . .pel! b, rd-rlns
on .taxation, has suddenly developed
marked d-sre. of activity. The last two
days h witnessed rroln demand, not
coming from one source, but general In Its
cop.. At th. previous quiet period
without etTect In weakening values, the re
summon of buying order, has naturally
had stimulating .ffe,-t on nolders. espe
cially thosa who hare chnlc. hops.
Among the buyers In the market Vs
t.rdy was the E. Clemen. ITorst Company,
whose agent. Fred Zimmerman, bought th.
John Buch.nnan lot of 13 bale, at Cor
nelius, at 24 rent.. This is th. first buy
ing reported by th. Horst Ompany .Inc.
th.y cleared up most cf th. Mggles In
Southern Oregon.
McNeil Pro., har- operated heavily In fne
Vlast two days, securing s," ca.e. m v....
. . , ,, r and paying
tat. trom ormm"
op to 23 cents. They also bought 275 bl
,P Ed C. Herren sold a carload
at 23 --i centa A purchase credited to
William Brown, of Salem, was " Fennel
crop, at Independence, understood to have
been bought at 15 centa
A feature of the market was the purchase
by Hal Bolam of SCO bale, of 1!0S hops
from T. A. L-lTaley Co- and Catlln
Unn. at 20 centa This Is tne hthe.t prlre
,rtr paid for last year's crop. B. C.
Herran aold a. small lot of loot. t
Efforts ar. atlll being made by a rew
beara, located In tne East, to d-prc-s the
market. Th following report given to th.
Keir Tor Commercial Is a sample;
-On th. Pacific Coast th. m"k-ta for
choice hop. are very Arm at 19
Jn Oregon poorer grade, are .offered mm
freely and th. market Is at I-t-Some
very poor hop. have been raised In
Oregon, and It la expected that there wjll
, ba considerable difficulty In selling same.
The statement that the Oregon market Is
weak, or baa been weak at any time. Is not
correct. It Is true that ther. ar. a few
lots of poor heps in this state, and they
will not be taken up soon, but It Is prac
tically certain that when they ai. s?ld
later In tha season they will command a
better prlca than tha choicest hops are now
elllnr for.
No foreign news of Importance was re
ceived during the day. It 1. likely that
the official estimate, of the crop of Conti
nental Europe will come down lesa than
400.000 cwt. Austria la the only large
country y.t to report. The preliminary es
timate of Austria was lflo.ono cwt. As th.
official German figures were CO.ono cwt.
under the lowest trade estimate, thera Is
reason to believe' a similar cut will have
to be made In the Austrian figures.
right Wheat Trade F.irected CntH After
First of Month.
Not much business waa reported In the
wheat market yesterday, but prices were
steadily maintained. The country markets
were reported dull. Selling on a good
.rule Is not expected until after JNovetnber
1. when the reduced freight rate, go Into
Weekly foreign shipments of wheat con
s'deraMy eic.d the estimated total. As re
ported by tne Merchants' Exchange, the
thirmcnts wire:
This Wit,
Aicenttna lfi.lnO
.wi'tralia 3:ih.ovo
Russia ....... 7.2T;.vii
llanube Sliu'O
Lust Wk.
7.1H4 oi id
Iyut Tr.
mo i
Local wheat receipts in the past week
wore less -than those of the previous week,
but better than those of the corresponding
week laat year. For the season to dato
the receipts have been 4127 cars. The move
ment In the past nine weeks compares with
lsifto ifo.
..VI 4iU
. i'i:.-. :s
:;l fi-vi
. 4::.- i-s
.'....I 71'.'
, r::i rm
, 51u
479 41S
4:: 411
Week ending August 2...
Week fntl,n September 4. .
We-k ending F.-pterr.ler 11.
Week ending September IS.
Week enolng September 25.
Week ending October 3....
Week ending October II....
Week ending October in...
Week ending October 23...
Total .
Not much Interest was shown In the cats
market, but prices were on a steady basis.
Barley was also tiulet. but local holders
maintained firm vlewa The export barley
market was reported to be easier, with
mere sellers cn the other side.
Hay. especially aifaira, was quoted
stronger locally. Alfalfa prices were raised
II a ton. Receipt, of hay were larga.
amounting to 107 cars for th. week, hut a
considerable part of this went Into storage.
One dealer alone stored 25 tons during the
Local receipts of grain, flour and hay In
th. past week, as reported by the Merchants"
Exchange, follow:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Friday ...
Saturday .
. .. .15"
.... J4
.... 41
.... nl
;i IS 14 18
IS B 7. 14
8 54 32
5 3 4 16
5 10 4 31
1.1 7 3 fl
5 3
70 49 3!) 17(1
44 12 30 76
Tear ago 83
Total this wek.4::ij
Tear ago 411
Front -Street Market Coei to 38 Cents Poul
try Frleea Una
The egg market was very firm yesterday.
Several houses advanced their prlce. to .10
cent, on fresh Oregons and nothing under
SI cents was quoted on th. stre-t. Advices
I from Valley points were that Northern
buyers were making otters as n:gn as is.
cents, f. o. b.
Poultry receipts were light and th. mar
ket firm at Fridays prices.
Ther. was no change In tha butter or
cheese markets.
Bunk Clearing..
Bark rlesrlngs of the Northwestern cltits
yesterday were as folio :
Clearlncs. Bslar.pes.
rortlan.l Sl.07lV.M2 r.!5.29
Seattle 1.777.17.-. Jol.KJl
Taeoma 7".14
-..rinpn of Portland. Seoul nnd Tacoma
for th-? pest week and rorrespor.dinaf week
in former years were:
IMrtlaml. Seattle. Tar'.ml.
io. $:.a-js.2:i.- S13.4U.014 ft 1j:;.:i.:7
uk rt 741.317 tl..t!.2.-S 4.T22.1I4
1....7 ...!. 3ft lt.K2rt.7U 5. IKK. 231
VX, S.!32.247 lOSII.MJ 4.r.4S..-.t
1.S-. s jsii.trt rtio..:.:t :t.7J4.7o
Vi4 " .. 4 .Vlii.77" 3 Ml. . 2.''7 ."rt
lfl 3.7H4.13 4.'-47.7'3 2.l:".5.s:io
1 ..ic . 4 01."..4l'i 4.U"rt.3.17 2.n'..".410
ljol ..... 3.13H.131 3.B-JS.C13 1271.207
Ham Quotatton..Are Lowered.
Declines of S to 1 cent in hams were
shown In a new provision list Issued yes
terday.' This la the first change In a down
ward direction that has taken place In th.
provisions market In a considerable time.
Co cord Grapes Are tower.
Tha fruit market waa rather quiet yes-t.rdr-
rfiraVa wer ker spe!"!'
Concords, which declined to llfcOlo cents
per basket.
A letter from California says th. late
crop of apple, have been cut down 73 per
cent by worms. Prices ther. hav. teen
advanced 10 cents per box. Stocks of early
apples ar. reported to b. In very heavy
6itar Frleea Reduced.
To meet the competition of outside Job
bers, the local wholesale trade yesterday
cut prices on all grades of sugar 20 cents
per hiy.dred.
Grain. Hour. Feed. Etc.
WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. 119
1 n2; rlub. c; red Russian. fl"c; a'ey.
IHc; Fife. f'2c; Turkey red. 82c; 40-fold.
9"baRLET Feed. S2650C27: brewing. S27
27.30 per ton.
FI.OLK Patents. S3.10 per barrel;
straight. S4 33; clears. S4.3S-. exports. S3.U0;
Valley. S4 !K; graham, S4.70; whol. wheat,
quarters. 4.0.
OATS No. 1 white, I282S.30 per ton.
rnnx Whole. 33c; cracked. S36 per ton.
MIM-STrFFS New crop bran. S26 per
ton: middlings. SS2; shorts. S27.50; rolled
barlev. Si' soa 20 jo.
HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley. $14 9
17 per ton; Eastern Oregon. S!S20- alfalfa.
Sl.'.l: clover. S14". cheat. S131 14.50; grain
hay. S14B15.
Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER City creamery, extras. 3c:
fancy outside creamery. 33rr3Bc per pound;
storo 22 4 fi 24c. (Butter fat prices averags
l"ie per pound under regular butter prices.)
E(78 Oregon. 363flo per dozen; East
ern. 305 31c per dozen.
POULTRY Hens. 15915c; Springs. 144
13c; roosters. P310c; ducks. 13911c;
ge-se. 10c; turkeys. 10'i'317c; equabs.
S1.7.".5;2 per dozen.
CHEESE Full cream twins. lT4filSc per
pound: Toung Americas. 1814 ft 19c.
PORK Fancy. flH'ic per pound. '
VEAL xtra. 10 ft 11c per pound.
Vegetable, and Fruits.
FR1CSH FRUITS Apples. Sit? 2 per box:
pears. S11J per box; peaches. Tile? SI P"
crate: grapes. e.Oc61.2S crate. 12-813c
per basket; casibaa Sl.23fil.30 per dozen:
quinces. SI a 125 per box; cranberries. Wit
8.60 per barrel.
POTATOES Buying prices: Oregon. SO'd
63c per sack: sweet polatoes. 2c per pound.
TROPICAL FRUITS Valencia.". S-18 3.50:
lemons, fancy. St) 5 6 30; choice. S5.30; grape
fruit. $3-50T4 per box; bananas. 5T3'4C per
pound: pomegranates. fl.50fr2 per box.
SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. 73c-81 per
sack; carrots. SI; beets, S125; rutabagas.
S1.23 per sack.
ONIONS Oregon. $101.25 per sack.
VEGETABLES Artichokes. SOc per dozen:
cabbage. 401a per pnund: cauliflower, 40
, u.. nr riiiMn- rnlrv. sorriTH.-.c per dozen;
ccrn. Sll-23 per sack: eggplant. Si 30 per
box; garlic. 10c per pouna: narc:auisii.
10c per dozen; hothouse lettuce. SMil.23 per
box; peppors. 5ii Oc per pound, pumpkins. 1 tf
IHc: radishes, ir.c per dozrn; sprouts. gfrWo
per pound; squash. S14il-10; tomatoes, 40tf
Grorerlra, Dried Fruits, Etc.
PRIED FRUIT Apples. 9ic per pound;
peai-hcs. 7ij&c; prunes. Italians, & Vi 'd
Vc: prunes. French. 4ti6c; currants, un
washed, .cases. S'tc: currants. washed,
cases. 10c: fls. white fancy, iO-lb. boxes.
Sc: nates. 7fi7,c.
SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound talis,
S2 per dozen; 2-pound tails. 2.5; 1-pound
flats. $3 10-; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails,
sue; rod, 1-pound tails, $1.45; sockeyes,
1-pound talis. $2.
COFFEE Mocha, 2472Sc; Java, ordinary,
17tf20c: Costa Rica, fancy. 18S-0c; good.
1Sj.1kc; orriinarv. 12lc rer pound.
NtTS Walnuts. 14 'a ISc per pound: Brazil
nuts. lSfiHc; filberts. 15c: almonds, 16c;
chestnuts, Italian, He; peanuts, raw, 6ic;
plnenuts, 10i:c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoa
nuts. 1.10 per dozen.
BEANS small white. 7c; large white.
t,c; Lima. ric; bayou, S'ac; red kidney,
4Vic; pink. 4",c.
SUOAR Granulated. S5.S5: extra C, $o.3j:
golden C. S6.25; fruit and berry augar.
:..S5; beet. SS.7.1; cubes (barrel), JU.40;
powdered (barrel). 14.10. Terms, on re
mittances within 15 days, deduct Vic per
pound; If later than 15 days and within
30 days, deduct o per pound. Maple
sugar. 1518c per pound.
SALT Granulated. 1S per ton. $1.90 per
bale; half ground, 100c, $7.60 per ton; 60s,
JS per ton.
HONEY Cn'olce. $J.25S 60 per case.
Hon., Wool. Hides. Etc.
' HOTS lnna crop. 23fi2Sc; 100S crop, 17c;
1307 crop. 12c; V.HMJ crop. 8c.
WOOL Eastern Oregon. lf?23c pound.
MOHAIR choice. 24c pound.
CASCAKA BARK 1 41 5c per pound.
HIDES Irv hides. lSl'Jo per pound:
dry kip. 17ilSe pound; dry calfskin, 19'i
21c pound; salted hides, WHSllc; salted
calfskin. lr.Cltic pound; green, lc less.
Fl'lii No. 1 skins: Goatskins. 15c?
SI 2.".- badger. 2.'.."0c: bear. $fift20; beaver,
Sivr.iWiS.30: cat. wild. 73c6 $1.50; cougar,
perfect head and claws. $3fflO; usher,
dark. t7.30tfll: pale. $.0fi7; fox. cross.
$:;ai.'.- fox. gray. 60uS0c; fox. red. $33;
fox. sliver. ::ztlo0; lynx. S4f15; marten,
dark. $S'312; mink. S3.30$3.30; muskrat.
1." it 25r; otten S2r,o4: raccoon. 00f73c;
sea otter, lino's 230. as to size and color;
skunks. 55 Hi !0c ; civet rat,- 10 15c; wolf,
S3 9S.50; coyote. 75c iifSl.2.". : wolverine, dark,
So 'tf 3 ; wolverine, pale, $22. 30.
Reserve Holdings Increased in the
ra?t Week Small Expan
sion In Ixians.
NEW TOR K. Oct. IS. The Financier will
The statement of the associated banks of
the City or New York for the week ending
October 23, was rather favorable In char
acter, the report of actual conditions hav
ing revealed a moderate Increase of $;1-TSt'.-200
In loans and a gain of S2.313 400 In
cash. Deposit. In consequenca of the
change Just mentioned, expanded $4,977,
7iHV which, while It fcrouprht up reserve re
quirements by nearly $1,200,000. did not
wipe out the full effect of the cash ex
pansion, and the reserve, therefore, rosa
Sl.ons.97S. the surplus of Saturday standing
at $i,w7.S'-
The report, based on average was quite
different In character. Indicating a heavy
decrease In. loans, amounting to S-747.300,
an Increase of about $.1,000,000 In rash,
with about the same amount of a decrease
In deposits a! an increase In reserve of
S6.S32.700. The surplus reserve, however,
both In the statement of averages and
actual operations, worked oit about tha
same o that the average can be taken as
reflecting the previous week s transactions.
In the statement of the associated banks
and also in the statement of the trust
companies not affiliated with th clearing
house, there aeems to he no Indication of
the transfer of loans from London to New
York, aa the loans of the trust companies
decreased $t0.SlO.0O. while their net de
posits decreased S12.7SO.700.
The statement of averages of the clearing-house
hanks for the week shows that
the banks hold Slo.n43.S2.". more than the
requirements of the 23 per cent reserve rule.
This is an Increase of SO.352.700 In pro
portionate cash reserve as compared with
last week. The statement follows:
Loans l.34.r.00..700 $'.747.30O
lepois 1.2ti 417. 10O '5.4O7.600
Circulation 52.614.0O0 ft7.i.aoi)
Legal tenders 71.on3.0oo :14.2"0
gr.J,-le 2.-..-..HS-..100 4.:;
l'cserva 3jn.74S.100 S.OllO.000
pVservo required .. Slo.104.273 1.3S1.90H
Surplus Ml.ni3.s-.!.-. .3.-.2.700
Fx V. 8. deposits.. 17.lXil.12j 6,35ti.U.3
The percentage of actual reserve of the
clearing-house banks today was 11V.37.
The- statement of banks and trust com
panies of Greater New York not reporting
to the clearing-house shows that these In
stitutions have aggregate deposits of 1.2S0.
714 300 total cash on hand l.M.00S.6h) and
loans amounting to 11.210.323.300.
w York Cotton Market.
NFW YORK. Oct. 23. Cotton futures
closed strong. Closing bid: October. 13 82c;
November. 13.78c: December. 13.05c; Janu
ary 13 00c: February. 14.03c; March. 14.03c;
prll. 14.02c: May. H.wii'; June. 14c; July.
138c; August. 13 55c: September. 12.63c.
pot closed quiet. 25 points higher. Mid
dling uplands. 14.2oc; do gulf, 14.45c. No
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOflS. Oct. 23. Wool Firm. Terri
tory and western Mediums. 24 2 29; fine me
diums, 23 S 26c ; fine, 14S20a
Heavy Selling of Stocks for
European Account, t
1'orcign Money Situation Still Dom
inates Wall Street German
Bank May Raise Discount
Rate Monday.
NE7Vr TORK. Oct. 23. It was still mani
fest today that the foreign money position,
rather than conditions at home, is dominating
the New Tork stock market. Heavy selling
orders were executed here for foreign account,
and while these were In progress there was
selling also for ih home professional account
to get the benefit of the declining tendency In
prices. The telling preasure relaxed again
when the foreign orders had been executed, but
was renewed in the expectation of what waa to
occur next week.
The sharp reaction in foreign exchange
rates, which occurred yesterday, left a hope
that requirements for remittance abroad had
been covered with the approach of the period
within which obligations maturing In London
on November 1 could be covered. This hope
was belied by the strong demand which
e-prang up for further remittances, not only
to London, but to Berlin. The latter move
ment was in response to expectation that the
Imperial Bank of Germany would advance Its
official discount rate from S per cent to 8
per tent on Monday. There was a small
withdrawal of gold from the Bank of England
today for shipment to Egypt, which raised
tha Question of tha efflcac? of the present
bank rate to protect the London gold supply,
and a decline cf a fraction in the private
tin-count rate in London.
Increasing attention is turned to the Bra
zilian demand for gold In connection with the
heavy exports of eofee from that country.
It is thla demand that- the London market
appears to be able to shift upon New York.
The added likelihood of further gold ship
ments from New York to rtraxll, growing
out of the violent recovery In foreign exchange
rates today, furnished the motive for the later
acute weakness) In tha stock market.
The final and lowest prices for stocks were
Immediately followed on the tape by the fig
ures of the bank statement, showing increased
surplus reserveii under both the average com
putation and the actual statement. The sub
stantial loon decrease, shown by the daily
averages, contracted with the Increase In actual
loans, showa the growing effect during the
week of the transfer of loana from foreign
banks to New York.
Bends were Irregular. Total sales, par value
f2.S2O,0OO. United States 2s and the 3s reg
istered have declined ana the 4s 4 per
cent on call during the week.
Sales. Hith. Low. Rid.
Allls Chalmers pf "0 Jo's :x'i in
Amal Copper 2H,5!0 b 7u!ii 7IIH.
Am Agriculture 44-fc
Am Beet Sugar .. 1.90 40 45 4ft
Am Can Pf l.loo S MVi M
Am Car & Foun. 8.3'D W"s M Ks
Am Cotton Oil .. 2.IKO 7i 75',B 7o"-i
Am Hd & Lt pf. 2"0 4014 411 44,k,
Am Ice Securi... Goo 20 2; 25'".
Am Linseed Oil .. 1"0 13i 15 lul-j
Am locomotive .. 1.6ou r-s r.7 fi
Am Smelt Ref . . 12.4CO 5 !l3',!i K3
do preferred HI
Am Sugar Ref .. 1,400 12Vj l-'S'S 2'4
Am Tel Tel 8,1(1) 140i4 130' 1X0
Am Tobacco pf 's
Am Woolen foo' 30H 85 ; ii
Anaconda Mln Co 2.2oo 45Vj 45' 4o
Atchison 13,900 120 1101, llu
do preferred ... 100 1"4V lo4Va K'3
Atl Coast Line ... 1-WI 137Ui 13
Bait & Ohio ...... 3,700 114T4 H!i 11 It
do preferred ' 3
Bethlehem Steel .. 100 32 H 32'i 32
Brjok Rap Trail. 4.0"0 70V T0U, ibVi
Canadian Pacific. 1.400 lH2!j JSlMi 181
Central Leather... 6,oO 45 4314 43"
do preferred ... 100 1C 10a 108
Central of N J
Ches & Ohio 13,400 6 M WT
Chicago & Alton .. 2O0 67 6'4
Chicago Ot West. 3r'0 18', lf li
Chicago N W.. 200 1S 1X6! IHtlh
C. M & St Paul.. ll.WHI 157 S IK !
C. C. C & St L... 2.100 77 71it4 iVt
Colo Fuel & Iron.. 1.40O 44s, 43-; 43--
Colo Southern .. 300 51 61 6o
do 1st preferred 78
do 2d preferred. SO IS 78 .8
Consolidated Gas.. 1.1O0 142 140i 14,114
Corn Produces .. 1.200 21! 21 21
rel & Hudson ... eoo 183 1S2 181
D & R Grande ... 1,500 4-.4 4.1 43!J
do preferred ... 100 84", 84 84
DlHtillers- Scurl .. 700 30 35 85
.Erie 3,000 33 'i 82 32!
do 1st preferred. 500 41 47'i 4.
do 2d preferred. . 6o0 3!'! 38 .1R
Oeneral Electric .. 4M lf.l 3 tin 139
(It Northern pf .. B.SrO 146 143 145
C.t Northern Ore .. 3.700 80 7!" 7P
Illinois Central .. 1.3O0 148 14(1 141,
Interborough Met. 10,:"0 17 l7i 17
do preferred 2,4oO 4 48'4 4S
Inter Harvester .. 6o) OS MS . S,
I inter--Marine pi .. ' - - -
Int Pair 200 IC'4 10' 10
rint Pump 100 4U!a 4b'j io a
Iowa Central ;- -"ri
K C Southern ... 2oO 43 42- 43V,
do preferred ... 2K 70 "o h
Ix.ulavIllo A Na.-h 1,V 181 160 14
Minn U N louis. 2O0 641 64! 62
Missouri Pacific... . 90 9 6S 684
iu. Kan & Texaa T.300 4'4 4514 4.-j
do preferred ' ' 74
National Biecuit 2i0 1131 jia (
National Lead ... 1.000 SCV4 83 !
Vex Nat Ry 1st pf ..... f
N Y Central 8.700 333 132 1.114
N Y Ont & West. filsl 4, 44i 401
Norfolk Went. 1.200 B5 91! 4'
North American ;;; .ll,.
Northern Pacific. S.loo 14Si, 14.1 14r.!4
Pacific Mall l.Oi'O 3S' 38 37
rennsvlvania 21.5"" 34BV, 144 144-,
People's Gas Boo 114 114V4 114!,
r, C C St L... lOO 941, IM4 94
Preesed Steel Car. 8110 47 !4 4! 461
Pullman Pal Car. 100 191 101 100
Rv Steel Spring.. " 4 45 45
lVaalng- ' , 800 10 1S . 1581
Republic Steel ... 2,300 45V. 44H 44!j
do preferred 6"0 104 104 14
Ro-k Island Co.' .00 . 37, 37 3. -4
do preferred ... 2.9iO 7S 77 7.
l t s r s pf. 400 5B en s..1-
St L Southwestern 300 2S- 2St 28
do preferred ... .100 7!, 67 4 77
Sloss-Sheffield - 40O P0 SO 884
Southern Parlfic... 21. I'M) 127 1204 12f.
Southern Railway. It") "4 2!' 2014
do prefened ... 20O 9 est RS4
Tenn Copoer .... 344 . 34 33
Texa.s & Vaelflc . . 2.5O0 ' 354 3S 3.1
Tol. t L ft West. 20 r.24 524 52!
do preferred ... 'B00 70 4 4 f!
I'nion Paclfl- 97.800 . 2"oi 107 107
do preferred ... 1..VO 107T4 1024 1024
V S) Realtv 3"0 82 80 4 80
1- S Rubber 4o0 47 46 45
U S Steel ....170.70O S74 804 811
do preferred ... fi.Sno 120 1254 J26
Ttah Corner 30O 47 0 4 46
Va-Caro Chemical. 400 46 46 4.M
Wabash 1..WO 204 111' 194
do referred ... 12. 600 524 51 !4 "1
Western Md loo 21 21 21
Westipghoup, Elec 100 55 84' 84 '
Western tnlon ... Soo 76!, 70 7n
Wheel & L Erie , 8.
WLoconein Central. 700 50 60 49
Total sales for the day. 670.000 shares.
NETW TORK. Oct. 23. Closing quotations:
V. 8. ref. 2a reg.l0O4N YOG R4s.. 91 !4
do coupon. .. .3004 North Paeioc Ss. 73
F. S. 3s reg loik North Pacific 4s. 1024
do coupon. .. .101 a, 'rnlon Pacific 4s.10.14
V S new 4s reg.116 'Wlscon Cent 4a. 94
do coupon 117 Japanese 4s 80
T& R G 48 064;
Stocks at London.
T.ONDON. Oct. 23.
S2U: do for account.
82 15-16
47 4
20 4
53 4
Amirt Copper 71
Anaconda 94
Atchison 1224
do pt 1O04
Bait & Ohio 1174
iN. Y Central...
, Norfolk & West.
I do pf
Can Pacific I81
r-he Ohio 89
'Pennsylvania ...
Rand Mines
Southern Ry . . .
do pf
Snnthprn Pnrlflp
Chi Grt West . . . 1!4
C. M. & S. P 1O04
Pe Beers IS 4
D & R G 48
lo Tif 801
rLnlon pacific...
I do pf
Erie 83
do 3st pf 484
do 2d pf 40
L". S. Steel
do pr
. k
n-nnd Trunk... 2!
Ill Central 1514
L & N 13 H
i An Txf
Spanish 4s
Money, Exchange, Ete.
jBrw YORK, Oct. 23. Money on call
nominal. Time loans, very firm and
active; 60 days. 90 days and six months. S
Prime mercantile paper. 5 5'. per cent.
Sterling exchange strong with actual busi
ness in bankers- bills at 4.S3,10'a'.4.6375 for
00-day bills and at . 8770 34.877 J for de-
""commerclal bills, I4.83S4.S3U.
Bar sliver. 50c.
Mexican dollars. 43c.
Government bonds, steady; railroads. Ir
regular. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 23 Sterling rn
London, no days. S4.83 4; sight, $4.87.
Silver bars. 50c.
Mexican dollars. 45c.
Drafts, sight, 3c; telegTaph, Tc.
LONDON, Oct. 23. Bar silver, steady.
23 4 d per ounce.
Money. 344 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is 4 per cent; for three
months- bills, 4 per cent.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON', Oct.. 23. The condition
of the Treasury at the beginning of busi
ness today was as follows:
oZrioT'-.: ?!-X5
Silver dollars 487.1 55,000
Silver dollars of 1890 4.O40.OOO
Silver certificates outstanding. . 4S7,05j,000
General fund
Standard silver dollars In gen-
eral fund 2 ?VVii
Current liabilities ' 108..46,18i
Working balance In Treasury cf-
flee 37.071,061
tn banks to credit Treasurer of M,..
United States IHIS'SII
Subsidiary silver coin
Minor coin .VSoooSt
Total balance In general fund. . 87,802.987
Cash Prices Prop in the Southwest.
Large Offerings of West--'
ern Wheat.
CHICAGO. Oct. 23. Wheat prices here
todfry showed a f-ing tendency, renglng to
lc higher early In the day and falling off
later, December closing c below yester
day's final figure. Local stocks Increased
In volume and Winnipeg quotations showed
weakness, which offset strength In other
markets. Southwest oash r.rtces Cropped
and large offerings of Western wheat were
made, which also had a bearish effect. For
eign cables told of Irregular prices. Local
cash sales aggregated 150.000. May closed
4c lower and July 4c lower than yester
day's finals. .
Corn reflected the action in the wheat
market. December closed 4 6 c lower nnd
May e lower than yesterday.
Trade In oats was extremely light, Decem
ber and May closed 4c higher than yes
terday, while July finished 4c lower.
Provisions were easier. Pork closed un
changed to 10c lower and ribs and lard
were each 2 4 to 7 4c lower.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
J 1.05
.59 T4
.61 4
Dec. . .
May. . .
July. ..
Dec. . ..
May. . .
Dec. . .
May. .
July. .
Oct. . .
Jan .
May. .
1S.624 18.70
18.42 4 18.47 4
12.55 12.55
12.02 4 12.02 4
11.124 11124
10.524 10.824
18.37 4
Nov. .
May. .
Oct. . .
Jun. .
10.77 4
11.20 11.20 11 124
9.85 9.85 9.774
9.80 9.80 9.75
May. .
ni.ntat1r.nS were BS follows:
Flour Firm. Winter patents, $5.2.-. d.60 ,
straights, $4. 60S 5.30; Spring straights, $4.65
4) 4 .80; "bakers, S.254j5.10.
Rye No. 2. 7Sc.
. Barley Feed or mixing, 53i3'56c; fair to
choice malting, 576 63c.
Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, S1.58; No.
1 Northwestern, $1.68.
Timothy seed $3.T5.
Clover . 50 14.60.
pork Mess, per barrel, 0S.7524.
Lard Per 100 pounds, $12.50 12.55 4.
Short ribs Sides t loose), $10.7611.
Hides Short, clear (.boxed), $11.5018 12.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 431,000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 1,901,000 bushels, compared with 1,105. 2.
000 bushels the corresponding day a year
ago. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
33 cars; corn, 106 cars; oats, 158 cars; hogs,
-m mm head.
Flour, barrels.!
Wheat, bushels.
Corn, bushels...
Oats, bushels. . .
Rye. bueheis. . .
Barley, bushels.
.... 29,900
. . . .196.200
.... S.0O0
.. ..103.500
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, Oct. 23. Flour Receipts,
36.221; exports. 13,300. Nominally higher
with business quiet. Minnesota patents,
$5.305.80; Minnesota bakers, $4.504.90;
Winter patents. $5.35(85.75; Winter
straights, $5.25 5.40; Winter extras, $4.40
590; Winter low grades, $4.30.80;
Kansas straights. $4,854! 5.13.
Wheat Receipts, 06,000 bushels; exports,
70.118. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. $1,234 nom
inal elevator; No. 2 red, $1,234 f.o.b. to
arrive asked, afloat: No. 1 Northern Du
luth, $1.1.1 nominal f.o.b. afloat; No. 2
hard Winter, $1,23 4 nominal f.o.b. afloat.
There was another jump In December
wheat today, due to foreign buying and
active covering of shorts. Offerings were
light, world's shipments smaller and out
side markets firm. Last prices here
showed c net rise. December closed
$1.13 and May closed $1.12.
Hops Steady; state common to choice,
1909. 83i839c: 1908. l321c; Paoiflc. Coast,
19IHI. 24 SOc; 1908. 1721o.
Hides Firm: bogota, 2122q; Central
America. 2222ViC. 0
vvool Steady; domestlo fleece, 86S7C
Petroleum Steady.
Grain at San Francisoo.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23. Wheat and
barley firm.
e?pot quotations: v
Wheat Shipping. 11.75 1.80; milling,
Barley Feed, 1.424 S 1.45; brewing,
Oats Red. $1.8581.75; white, $1,574
1.624: black. $2.40S'2.75 asked.
Call-Joard sales:
Wheat No trading.
Parley May. $1.4S: December, $1,44 9
Corn Large yellow. $1..0'S1..5.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. Oct. 23. Cargoes, quiet and In
active. Walla Walla, for shipment, at 30a.
English country markets, d cheaper;
French country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 23. Wheat December.
7s 8d: .March, 7s 74d; May. 7s 6d.
Weather, cloudy.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 23. Close Wheat.
December. $1.03: May. $1,034- Cash No.
1 hard -Winter, 1.0T4 ; No. 1 Northern,
f.1.00; No. 2, $104; No. 3, $1.02
. Grain Markets of the Northwest.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 23. No milling
quotations. Export wheat: Bluestem, $1.03:
club, 9Sc; Russian. 91c. Receipts: Wheat,
nine cars; barley, five cars; oats, ono car.
TACOMA. Wash.. Oct. S3. Wheat Blue-st-m.
$1.02; club and red fife, 82c; red Rus
sian, 90c.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Oct. 25. Evaporated apples,
firm; 104Hc; choice. 96S 10c;
prime. S4-9Sc: common to fatr. ViS4c.
Prunes, firm; California. 24 7c; Oregon.
6ii 9c. . .
Apricots, firm: choice. llS?114c: extra
choice. 114'911c: -fancy. 12S124c.
Peaches are in light supply. 54 54c: ex
tra choice, 24c. and fancy. 84P4c,
Raisma, dull, with the Coast market
nnsettled: loose muscatel. 31?44e; choice
to fancv. 4S4c: seedless. 3ffl54c; Lon
don layers, L201.25.
Open. Hish. Low.
. ji.06 n.ob $1,054
1.05 LOG 4 1.05 4
.984 -99 - .984
.V97i' .60 .59
; .61 .61 .01
.614 -614 -60
.404 .40.4 .40
.42 .4-'!2 .4-'
.40 . .40 .J9:
Good Tone Shown in Local
' Livestock Market.
Tiill Prices Realized on Best Quality.
Advantages Portland Yards Of- ;
fer to the Farmer and
Small Shipper.
Th livestock market yesterday wai only
fairly active, as offerings were not "heavy,
but a tone steady to strong developed.
Most of the business wba In hogs and
top prices were realized on the stock. Most
of the hos arrivals yesterday were from
Wallowa County and were of excellent
Packers were not ready buyers of cattle
yesterday, yet the feeling In the cattle mar
ket was very steady. Sheep were quiet
but firm.
The day's receipts were 161 cattle, 485
sheep, BJ4 hogrs and 17 horces. Shlpperst at
the yards were J. H. Bowen, of Albany,
Or., with one car of horses; 1. E. West,
of Corvallls, four cars of sheep: C. It.
Springer, of Glendale, two cars of cattle;
Combs & ..Hotchkins, of Enterprise, four
ears of hogs; . C. H. Allen, of Wallowa,
one car of ho?i; W. B. Fordyce, of Wallo
wa, one car of hogs; Bud Cram, of Shanl
ko. two cars of cattle; Mr. Hancock, of
Welser, Idaho, one car of cattle, and Mr.
Addington, of Weiser, one car. of 'cattle.
B. Cram was on the market yesterday
with two carloads of cattle which he sold
before shipping at $4-50. If these same
cattle had been offered on the open mar
ket thoy would have brought, according
to buyers, from $4.60 to ?4.05 per 10
pounds. Shippers should realize that con
ditions now prevailing and the competi
tion offered at the Portland Union Stock
Yards makes It safer to" ship and sell on
the open market. It goes without saying
that no buyer Is going to take cattle from
the country unless he gets special advan
tage in the matter of price.
Th e day's sales were :
Av. lbs. Price.
102 hogs 10.1 l.on
10S hogs Son
7 hogs " 27 H.nn
10S lings 20U
cows 830 li.iVO
US steers 1021 . 4.00
steers li:to 4 in
1 steer 10-iO 4.:'.5
24 steers lJn! 4.:in
HI hogs l!iri 8.00
XI hogs ' 1-1 7..V)
3 2 hogs 145 7.00
2 cows 87. 3.00
Opportunity for Small Shipper.
I. O. lively, general agent of the stock
yards, says that farmers ana other sellers
of livestock in small quHntities should in
vestigate the facilities offered them by the
yards. Mr. Lively said yesterday:
"Farmers, dairymen and stockmen who
live near Portland overlook a good oppor
tunity for marketing their hogs and calves
at the Union Stock Yards. What we call
wagon' hogs and calves and driven-in"
livestock form a considerable part of the
receipts at most stock yards, nd I have
been surprised that so little of that sort of
business is done here.
h "It may be that the Impression has gone
UUl L1IH.V Ul'lMtiiK uui vnii'iouJ ' v- " " '
but there is such an active, insistent de
mand for hogs and young veal calves that
the man with the wagon-load or even a
single animal will get just as much atten
tion as a man with a carload.
"I notice that hogs are killed In the
country and . sold on the streets of Port
land for Oc a pound dressed. Aside from
the trouble and danger of loss incurred
by the farmer or dairyman, he Is not get
ting as much out of his porker as if It
was sold on foot. I am told that dressed
hogs are sold for 9c and that this price
only applies to fat animals. At Sc on the
hoof, the present top price In the yards, a
dressed hog would cost 10 He P" pound
and the man who sells for 9 cents loses
1 c per pound, besides the trouble and
danger of loss connected with killing It
at hi home place.
"At r-Fort Worth, Ter., last year, the
wagon-hog receipts were 11,S22; the sheei
driven in were 7017 head and the cattle
driven in amounted, to 39,339 head. We
have had some driven -In cattle at these
yards but no hogs or sheep and I think
that the people tributary to Portland who
have livestock are overlooking a good
chance to market their animals at a
profit." . M M
Prices quoted at the yards yesterday
were as follows:
CATTLE Best steers, $4.75; fair to good,
$4$4 50; medium and feeders.. $3.23 f& 3.75;
best cows, $3.(W; fair to good, fa ft
common, $2.502.75; bulls. 122.50; stags,
92.50 0' 3.50; calves, light, 5.2o' f& 5.uf);
heavy" 944.75.
, HOGS Best, 97.75 g S ; blockers, i.2G
7.50; stockers, &(t.
SHEEP Best wethers, 94.2.1(4.50; fair
to good, 93.T5$4; best ewes, S3.75&4; fair
to good, 93.503.75; lambs, 50.
Eastern Livestock Markets.
CHICAGO, Oct. 23. Cattle Receipts esti
mated 1000; market, steady. Beeves.
s.75; Texas steers. 93.75g4.8o; Wern
steer. $467.25; tock-m and feeders 53vu-10;
rows, and heifers, 24i5.50; calves, 9.r9.6o.
Hugs Receipts, estimated. ll.Ao: market,
steady; light. 97.157.70; mixrd. ?7.3ofc i..;
heavy, 97.25S7.UO; rought Vi- 3-?Tv
to choice heavy. 9T.45fri.90; pigs, o.2o!
bU?bi-SJSllpE -f Jlma.ed. 2500: market
wenk Native. 2.4fKti4.Wi: Western, 2.09
48-v' yearlings. 4.4t535: lambs, native,
f4.23i.20; Western, f 4.603".15.
KANSAS CITT. MoT. Oct. 23. Cattle Re
cefpw. 1000; market, steady Native steers.
n.SstU.50; native com end
4 40; stockers and feeder? $ . 5 .2.. : I bul Is.
2 75e:i75; calves, 3.&lft T.50; Wester steers,
t.T505 4O: Western, cows, 2. 5S4 2J.
hobs Receipts. GOuo: market steady to
7$!FiA fee-ler en
route. Market, steady. Muttons. 4fc4..3:
lambs, 5.75ft7.25; rar,Se wether- and jear
lings, $4.25Ji5.2i; rant ewes. ftjo.
SOUTH7 OMAHA. Oct. 23. Cattle He
lp"sT 400. Market, urn-hanged steers.
4 f0T.0i: cows and neifers.
Western steers. 3.50 B.2.J: cannery i-i.Jo
3.00; St0cker3 and feeders. .o J-l:'
J-aUes, 3.257.0O; bulls andstags. S-!...0
'"' rteeelnts, 2SO0. Market, steetn' to
J Havv $7.50 i, 7.60; mixed. S7.S0
7 5V "light. i7.45i7.55: pigs. ?6.O04, 7.00;
stM".? Market, steady.
YelinpT $4.755.40: wether, .JOr.oO;
ewes. $3.7S4f4.2;.; lambs. $0.2'5 6S3.
EiiMem Mlnlna; Stocks.
BOSTON, Oct. 23. Closing quotations;
Adventure 0 J,,"!1 " h "
Allouei 54V, Mont c & C J
AmalKamated .. TttVsi.Nevado,
Arls Com 4i old Dominion. . . 4
Allantic JO Osceola ISO
Butte Coal at; iParrot 9
Cal & Ariz S iQulncy M
Cal & Hecla....640 shannon 1.V4
Centennial 3 Tamarack 05
Copper Range... 78 Trinity '
Daly West 7 'A, I. S. Mining.... ..4.4
Franklin g. Oil -j ' 14
Greene Cananea. 10 Victoria -j 4
rsle Movale 24 Iwinona
Malimfng.::: 3North Butte....; 5UA
Michigan 0 1
NEW TORK. Oct. 2-3. Closing; quotations:
Alice 175
Brunswick Con. 5
Com Tun stock. 32
do bonds 20
C. C. & Va 150
Horn Silver 70
Iron Silver 185
Leadvllle Con.., 5
Little Chief 6
Mexican 170
Ontario 22S
Oohlr :100
Standard ;0
Yellow JacKet. . .nu
Metal Markets.
NEW TORK. Oct. 23. The metal markets
were practically nominal today, as is usual
on Saturday, when both the New York and
London exchanges are closed. Tin -was re
ported steady at 30.35 5J 30..tOc Lake cop
per Is quoted at 13.00 13.25c; electrolytic.
12-62H12.87?4c. and casting at 12.o0'if
12.76c- Iead. 4:SeH4 - RpelWr.-8. 15
6 4o. Iron remains steady at re ent
We have several good issues on hand. Buy direct
from contractor and save broker's commission.
317 Beck Building, Portland, Or.
Downiog-Hopkins Co.
Bought and sold for cash and om margin.
Rooms 201 to 204, Couch Building JrTr
Large Stock of Grapes Is Carried
Over Heavier Receipts of
Egss Expected.
PEATTI.K, TVa.'h.. Oct. 2.1. (Ppo.-ial.)
Rain today hurt tra.le on Western nvenne.
Business In all divisions was the llKhtcst in
weekff. What little trade did develop wis
purelj- necewnrj-. A California boat brought
in 1H00 crates of (trapes, nearly all ot which
will be carried over until next week. The
demand for s.rape was only moderate. A car
of navel oranges Is reported to be due Monday.
The fruit will come from Northern California
and Is stock usually shipped to Australia,
where very hiKh prices are realized.
The sacked refutable market Is a little
firmer on fancy stock, beets now selling as
hifrh as 1.25. Sweet potatoes sold all day at
$1 r.ii. There was talk that prices would be
higher Monday, but nothing definite was done
in the matter this afternoon.
The grain market was unchanged today In
all departments. Receipts are moderate,
practically representing actual requirements
pending the going into effect of the lower
rates the first of the month.
Toultry dealers report a good demand for
squabs and some houses this afternoon sent
out special quotations. In order to secure ship
ments' next week. The buying price of
voung squabs was placed at J2.M2.I) ind
in old pigeons at 1.25jil.50. The buying
price of geese was advanced from 9 to 10
cents, owing to a good demand. Springs
and hene chaned up.
Some dealers, looking for heavier egg ship
ments next week, cut egg price to 42 cents
In the country.'
Price Faid for Trodae In the Bn City
AV FRANCISCO. Oct. 23 The follow
ing prices were quoted In th. produce mar-
""e'getables Cucumbers. 40 63c: trlmj
beans :f 5c; tomatoes, B5&0H-; gar lc. 4
5c? green peas. 3ttc; eggplant. 40&k--.
0kMi!isiUu?fI-Bran. 28.5O03u: middlings.
,3Butter'-r?ancy creamery. 3:!c; creamery
seconds. Sl'ic: fancy dairy. -Sc.
Poultry Roosters, old.
J6&U: broilers, small tS.5(l; large
?5; fryers, I5I&B; hens, JielO; duck
old. 4j6; young, t68.
PgsStore, 47c; fancy ranch. !KS4c.
Cheese New. Iil6c; young Americas,
18Sav Wheat. $1(S21c: wheat and oats,
J14& 17 ; alfalfa, J 12; stock. 74,10; bar
lev S10&12: straw, per bale. SUitfiOc
leFl.ts-APples. choice. Hrl,;.u: com
mon 4iltf!t0c; bananas, T5ci .-Vou; limes.
Sr.50i'6.50; lemons, choice. 3.504; com
mon. $2 ii 3: pineapples, 2f(2.7o.
xj0T,8 I4i 7c pr pound.
Wool South Plains and San Joaquin.
810c; Spring Humboldt and Mendocino,
13(i'15c. .
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. f()r5$ri:
Salinas Burbanks. 11.25 1.40; sweets. J1.-5
akeceipts Flour. 23M quarter sacks;
wheat. :i:k cental; barley. ls,a:io centals;
oats, 8S.15 centals; beans, 774 sacks; corn,
oi) centals; potatoes, 340 sacks; hay, iU
tons; hides. 1)0.
Coffee and Sngar.
NKW YORK. Oct. 23. Coffee futures
closed dull. 10 points lower. Pa a were
reported of 15O0 bags. Including November
at 5. Hoc: May. 6.10c; September. 6.2SC. Spot,
quiet; JS'o. 7 Rio, 8c, nominal; No. 4 San
tos. 8kc. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 0ll',4c.
Sugar Raw. steady, firm; fair refining.
3.80c: centrifugal. W3 test, 4.::0c molasses
sugar, 8.Kc; refined, steady; No. fl. 4.tfcc;
No 7. 4.rtOe; No. 8. 4.65c; No. , 4.0c: No.
K 4.4Sc; No. 11. 4.40c: No. J2. 4 .Sftc; No. 1.1,
4 30c No. 14. 4.3c; confectioners' A. 4.n.-,c;
mould A. 5.rxc; cut loaf,; crushed.
5.S5c; powdered. 5.23c; granulated, o.l.ic.
Imports and Exports.
iCEW YORK. Oct. 2S. Imports of general
merchandise from the Port of New York
for the week ending October IB were valued
at $ir..71H.34l.
Imports of specie at the Port of New
York for the woek ending today were f !2,
217 silver and I114.67 gold.
Exports of specie from the Port of New
York for the week ending today were ol.
H13 silver and 1220.000 gold.
Ia!rv Prodnce In the East.
CHICAGO. Oct. 23. Butter Steady.
Creameries. 2(S,.1e: dairies. 2352Sc.
Eggs Steady. Receipts. S21B. At mark,
cases Included, 18c; firsts, 24C; prime firsts,
Cheee Firm. Daisies. 1af16Vic: twins.
IjHG-lSlic: Young America, 1016Vc;
long horns, 1 H t ff 1 0c.
invite vour
eral banking
count. To this
end, they offer the
advantage of re
liable, careful and
modern methods.
VnKmiUd Terminal ZMNZttf
The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port
land every Wednesday. 8 P. M.. from A ins
worth dock, for orth Bend. Maraoflla ana
Coo Bay point. Freight received until 4 P
M on day ot eailinB. Passenger fare, first
class, $10; second-class. $7, Including berth
and meals. Inquire city" ticket office. Third
and Washington street, or Ainswortn dock,
phone Main 68.
Southern Pacific.
Leaving Portland
Anliland PasjienKr
Cttase drove 1'assenger. . .
Sh.-.sta Limited
(."alifornia Express
fisan Franrisro Express
West Side
I'orvulUs l'asseniter
Sheridan PasseiiKr
Forest (4 rove pasenper. . . .
Forest tlrove passenKer. . . .
Forent Grove Passanger
Arriving Portland
Orsron Express
CottRRe (Jmve Pusacnfor. . . lnrK passenRer
Portland Fxpress
Shnta Limited
West Sid"
Cor va Ilia Passnur
Pht'ridan l,asenger
Fore ft Grove passenger.....
Forest Grove Passer. Rer. ... ,
Forest Grove Pa?yeiifrer
ft : 1 5 a. m.
4 : 1 5 p. m.
6:00 p. m
7:43 p. m.
1 .30 a. m.
7 20 a. m.
4 :0t p. m.
S:S0 a. in.
1 :00 p. m.
6:40 p. m.
7:30 a. m."
lfl:40 p. m.
5:0 p. m.
11 :o a. m.
9:30 p. m.
R :35 p. m.
10:30 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
11 :50 a. m.
4:40 p. m.
N orthern X'acinc.
Ieaving- Iort!and I
Poitiand and Seattle Express
Portland and Vancouver Special.
Pupol Sound Limited
Yacolt Passenger
North Const Limited, via Sound.
North Const Limited, via North
Arriving Portland
North Coast Limited, via Sound .
North Coast Limited, via North
Yacolt Pnnengor
Seattle and Portland Express
PuRet Sound Limited
Portland-Vancouver Special
j 8:16a. rru.
l0:0O a. m
I 3:00 p'.
; 4:00 p. tvu
12:15 a. nu
8:45 a. rru
7:00 a. m.
8:50 p. rru
9:00 a. m,
4:00 p. m
8:3K p. m.
1U:80 p. m.
Oregon Railroad St Navinotlon Co.
Leaving Portland
Fenrtleton Passenger
Chicago-Portland Special ....
Orecon-Waihlnstnn Limited .
Eastern Express
Arriving Portland
Fast Mail
Oregon-Washington Limited
CrVgon Express
Local Passenger
Chicago-Portland Special
8 :00 a. m.
1 0 :00 a. m. 1
6 33 p. m
7 :oo p. m.
8:00 p. nu
7:50 a. ni.
8 . 00 a. m.
8:40 a. m.
9:00 a. m.
6 : 1 3 p. rn.
8:00 p. nx
Astoria & Columbia River.
Leaving Portland
Seaside Express
Astoria 10 x press
Rainier passenger
Rainier Passenger
Arrivinir 1'i.rtland
8:00 a. m.
6:30 p. nu
1 : 1 5 p. m,
6:10 p. rru
Poi tlan 1 Express J2:15 p. tru
Portland Express 10:00 p. m.
Rainier and Portland Passanger. . :1(:5 a. m.
Rainier and Portland Passenger. 5:20 p. m.
Canadian Pariilc Rnlluay Co.
Leaving Portland I
C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane T:00p. nu
Via Seattle 12.15a. m
Arriving Portland
C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane) 9:00 s. m.
Via Seattle 7:00 a.m.
Southern Paclfle.
Leaving Portland
Dallas I'assenger
Dallas passenger
Arriving Portland
Dal' as I'assenger
Dallas ParsenKCr
7:40 a. m.
4:30 p. in.
10:15 a m.
) fi:05 p. in.
FXEVENT1I And hoyt streets pas
senger STATION.
Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railway Co.
. Leaving Portland
Inland Empire Express 8:45 a, m.
For Chicago St. ltjiul, Omaha, Kansas
City, St. Louis. Hillings, Spokane, Cheney.
Lam ont, Washington, Kahlotuc, Pasco.
Hocsevelt. Granddalles, Lyie. White Salmon,
Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate sta
tions. CoiumMa RiverToral 4:1.". p. m.
North Dank Limited 6:40 p. ni.
For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas
CMtv, St. Louis. Billings. Spokane. Cheney,
Lamont. Washington, Kahloun, Pasco, i
Roosevelt, Granddallea. Lyie. White Salmon,
Steventon. Vancouver and intermediate sta
tiors. rrlvlng Portland
Noith Bank Limited 8:30 a. m.
From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas
City, St. Louis PI! lings, Spokane. Cheney,
I.arnoiit. Washington, Kahlotuc, Pasco,
Roosevelt, Uramldalles, Li le, GoMendnle,
White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and
intermediate stations.
Columbia River Local 12 non
Inland Empire Express 8:5o p. m. '
From Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansss
City. St. Louis. Pililngs, Spokane, Cheney,
Lamont, Washington, Kahlotus, Pasco,
Roosevelt. Granddailes, Lyie. GoIdendaH,
White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and
intermediate stations. ,
Timft Card Oregon Electrlo Railway CH
Leaving Portland for Satem and Int.
stations 0:30. 7:40, 9:5.". 11:35 A. M ; 2:0K
3:45, H:20. 11:00 p. M. Limited for Tualatin
and Salom S:f0 A. M. Local for Wilson
vllle and int. stations 5:15 P. M,
Leaving Portland for Forest Grov snS
Int. stations fi:4.". 8:30. 10:10 A M. ; 12:15,
2:10, 3:30. 5:35. 8:25. 11:15 P. M-
Arriving Portland from Salem and Int.,
stations 1:00, 11:H A. M.'. 1l:05. 1:15. fl:05,
0:13, :-'0, 10:40 R. M. Limited from Balem
nnd Tualatin 5:0.'. P. M. Local from Wil-sonvllle-
anl Int. stations 6:55 A. M.
Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and
Int. stations 7:50. 9:35. ll:l5 A. M. ; 1:30,
2 55 4 35. 5 25 8:10. 11:00 P. M.
Portland Railway, Light A Power Company,
Cars Leave.
Ticket Office and Waiting Room,
First and Alder and East Water ,
and East Morrison Streets.
Oregon Citv 4:oo. 6:.:0 A. M . and every
30 minutes to and including 9 P. M. then
10 0O ll:O0 P. M.; last car midnight.
,.wA inlormmliii to nAlnti A-Sf
5:45. 6:45 P. M- Ai a.
8 4.-.. 10:43 A. M.. 12:45, S:45. 4:45. 6:4S
P. M.
For Vinwover
Ticket orflce and Wnltlng Room. Second
and WasIitnBton Streets.
M 6:ir.. 0:5O. 7:25. 8:00. 8:35. 8:J0.
0-50 10:311, 11:10, 11:51).
p si 12-ao. 1:10. 1:30. 2:30. S:10. 3:50.
4-30. 0:10. 5:50. 6:o0, 7:05, 7:40. 8:15. 9:25.
10-35, 11:45.
On third M'inday In every month ths last
ar leaves at '7:05 P. M.
Dally except Sunday. Dally except
I eavinr Portland for Burlington and Int.
stations. fi:15. 7:13. S:13. !:lo. W:1B. 11:15.
A M 1:13- 21V 3:H. 4:13. 5:13. 8:15. 8:10.
10 P. M. Local for Llnnton ana Int. stations,
1145 P- M
Arriving Portland from Burllnrtotn and
Int -stations, 8. . 10. 11 A. M.. 12 noon. 2.
i. 4, C, fl. 7- 8. 9:50, 11:33 P. M. Local from
Linnton and Int. stations, 7:13 A. M.
ores ii am " "v
7 45 8-45, :45. 10:43 A. M.. 13:45. 2:43,
3.4V 4 45. 5:45. 0:43. 7:43. 11:15 P. M.
"Palrview and Troutdale 0:55, 7:43, 8:45,
in-4 A. M.. 12:45, 2:4., 3:43. 4:45,