THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 24, 1900. 10 Private Family. Rmim With Bo" ' i excellent taile board: LARGE alcove '""v" ju-t t for easr wa.klng illstuJ . J home com- or?. rJi'rmVaVn.- -t reasonable rat... Call B4 Johnson P.OOM. with board al. c n wa)k. onable. f"r V Vila at. ar Washlng tng dutarce. 41 Ela a ton. . -OM FORTA BLT "Ttarl" "SI H T.Td suitable (or t", I"1 "" ter st. TeL C K'64. tOAHD and room fh ' "r.Tn.b" T2i Hawthorne avc. lr - T , rt And over tu WANTED-! os. 1 "rr.mol.1. board and room. Mrs. " Gladstone. Or. . ,"". VDTU i.h ,t -Boom and board for ,:i W " Phon8 Main 10u. NaTlYI urnl.hed room, f'l'l able for or two "Vo, East 1-th South. Phnru Eg. 3- Pliable for lw .w wl,.n iccti.' Taylor at. or rail 415 E. itn a'. -" SMLL room and brf. .reasonable. 89 East alb. at. N. Phone Last . . ApartmfthB. 4 blocks from Morn-cm i.. f ,.n,a building, o.-mp.e'.clv first -''' J-,Y url. , 2. 3 and "Kat hot ninhG ; rem KING tree., modern 'Tak mern"1 eHor.' l-.r!TrLnd P" Main fi.V.8. APARTMENT with bath for re nc : x M0 fixtures tor sj e. r- 3215 or Mam 7 33.. TiiK STANLEY. New .-.armi-ints- n. st-Us KrvH. rea .aongUn" Cor, Wash. . King us. TH E SIORTON. 7 W-A. .'fT- St. n stress service. free pnone. St.. near Salmon. iHF niVTON-I'ln six-room jnmpnt. 1Hk,U M - Jnj4Jl: 1HS WF.STMINSTBK.' th and MadL-a sta. furnilied :t-room apartment. KJJATP F're 7-rxun flat on -M,r f40" , See' that nice 6-room f. at V . '" This is a r.rrncly tinted Iat- PfHTLANU T Ht ST I.OMPAM t" ol'.EvKN. S. E. Ccr. Third acd OaJc - ..,ml,Kv lower Hat: i rooms: nlcrly fur Vnheu; iarVe'nU frA : frearnroL in. vnZ Bi-vT-t brar.d new -room flat, all pTumbln,? fin- P-rcen beth tart 'cn.trutlon. fine "'"j. Vtore Wtr St.. near liibbs . KJ at cms store, corner Front and ijibbs wta- t VKRT de.lrable unfurnished -rom flat suitable for subletting; gas and electric rtxtu-ea: bath. lare back porch and yard, walkma ui.tance. J0. 30S CoJie NEW. modem S-room upper flat, walklnit d.stance. oet. 15th and lath F.a Alder, noderate rent. James 4: iBt"i. First. Kiln Wi VERY attrartlve five-room rper flat, fire place tinted wall-. aade. ..eeplnr. porch, etc. M6 East Main. I'hone fcaat ao- MCEUT furnished modern 4-room flat. $18. Call after 3 V. M Sunday: no children; reference. 4i!SV4 Knott at. FINE -ron flat. evr- convenlenre. pre place hot water roll In furnace. Iin neigh bor hooiTsJCenrne FLATS. 731 and 7J-.S H' ?" . . S rooms and bath. Inquire 132 fcth -Main C27S. FOR RENT Two mod.rn llata. llklnir distance: exe-Ilent neirhborhood . rent 1S. Geo. Curtis. 7iU Couc.i b.dg. FOR RENT New 6-room upper flat. N W. Cherry und ' blocks from Stel bri.ige; rent 5" I AND 4-room.-d fiat, modern, reasonable, easy walkln distance. 41?'a Sd at. 4 AND -.-roomed flat. llRht. convenient, rea sonable, walking distance. ;3V, Hail. MODERN T-room flat. 4th t near Hoyt Apply 144 N. 24th at. I'hone Main MODERN 5-room flat, walking distance. i;:1 E. -i Wootlawn 362. nr furnished, one unfurnl"hed room, mod "ern. Wul ave. and K. Ilurnsido St. VKRT durable upper flat, on Corbett at. Pnone Jtaln 3C6i. . FIVE-ROOM flat. 3s, 7th at., modern. Inquire 33 14th. Main ISM. COMPLETELY and elegantly furnished loom flat for rent. 70 Kearney. i-KOOM flat, good condition. S35 Northrup St. I'hone Main 32:5. SWELL. 5-room modern lower flat, walking distance. 7y Eaet Yamhill, near 23d t. FOR RENT "-room furnished flat, M. Fhone Main 30.13. MODERN upper 4-room flat on carilnc. S07 Will.ams ave.. YVoodiawn 426. MODERN flat, rent reajol.ablc. Inqulra 314 Eugena St. 13 S-room modern flat. 771 MWvlaslppl va., near Beach at. L car. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ ing gaa ranges, electric lights, hot water baihs. laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments 15 per month up: single housekeeping rooms. 2.5 week up; be- in City lor money; snort uiii from Union Depot. Take "S" or ISth-at. cara north, get off at Marshall at. oNEONTA. 187 17th. near Yamhill; take V. car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week H-.VI, by month 2U and up: hot and cold water, latbs and phonea free. Main 4H7. A 473U. THE HOWUSU APARTMENTS. 6:114 Washington, cor. 2lh Nloely furnished housekeeping rooms: tgae ranfti, not ater. free l-.tth. free phone, both floors; nice suites from 12 up. WELL-FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms. I : month. 1 for (12; cottages tiO. 2; flat. 4 rooms. 116; unfurnished house. $10. S4 rftth North; "W car from depot, on 3d or Morrison to 26th. block north. 1'i.vE furnished rooms and housekeeping saites; ba;h. phone, steam heated, close in. "The Hyiand." 4S0 Morrison. e,i Kjst Morrison, cor. East 8th: completely furnhed housekeeping rooms. reasonaMe. THE M1LNEK. 3."r0'.; Morrison, cor. I'ark. houie apartments, all convenience. $1.2.V week. lean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. XJ car. $1 SO week, large, clean f urn. housekeeping rooms; laundry, lath. gaa. 14 Sherman. SVSLL housekeoplnc rooma In new concrete tulldlng. Phone C 1342. Hoaaekeeplac Koom la Private t a roily. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooma. 2 beds if neces sary. 20s Park. TWO well furnished housekeeping-room. Cs.s. bath and phone. 412 Clay at. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, strictly modern. 100 N. 18th t. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 65 N. 10th et. sVi-IATLY furnished alcorfr. with kitchen, for bouoekeepir-g; phone, bath. 4J2 Bumslde st. JLRN'SUED fcourekceping room. 4C8 4tb at. FOK KENT. Ilonsekeeainx Rooms In prlesnei Family. NEWLY furnished rooms, us of kitchen, gaa range, modern residence, only per month, including furnace heat, cook ing gas. phone, hath, laundry: elegant !n--atlon. walking distance, few steps to ER"t Morrison St. carllne; no children. -Iielmont St.. cor. East 18th. 10 S unfurnished rooms; both. gaa. for light hous-keeplng: i.1 minute from center of -lt. Inquire 2 Hancock at., cor. Hancock and Vancouver. SWELL furnished parlor, uie cf kitchen, rooking gas. light, heat, balh and phone. '.S; attic room fi per month, li .Norm lith st. THREE pleasant front rooms, on veranda, gas ra:i-. bath, phone Ca ly alter o- Main 2 loo. i. fett grove si, THREE nleiv furnished rooml for light housekeeping: gas. i.alh. heat. IWephow; adults. ;'.00 Hawthorne. East 4to. HOISEKFEfING rooms: hot water, ateam heat: very centrally :ocatcl. 35?a Alder. corner Park. TWO roo.ns. newly furnished for light housekeeping. Ill; free phone, light and bath. 721 1st at. Take 8 car. WELL-FURNISHED connecting housekeep ing rooms: bath. gas. free phone, large yard, sewing machine. 421 2d at. 4 NICE housekeeping rooms: S-5 month, includlns water. 375 Union ave. Phone 424 s (TH ST. Phone A 372S. Desirable front suite housekeeping rooms, modern, new, clean, reasonable. TWO nice unfurnished rooms for rent with bath and gas. at 214 N. loth at. o.u0 a month. ,, rP Hot water. Hectrrc, gas. furnace heat, ft minuter of P. O. 3o ith st. A 5Q43. TWO modern furnished housekeeping rooms. close In; private family; moderate rent. Phone B 212. 4i E. Davis at. NICELY furnished front aulte of housekeep ing rooms cheap; all conveniences. 34Di, Morrison at. THREE neatly furnished rooms for hotise kejlng. strictly mouern. Inquire 4-2 Jef ferson. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; kitchen, bedroom pantry, closets, porch, storeroom, balh and jteei range. 2.".2i 7th t FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: best of lo cation. 450 Hall bat. 12th and I3lh. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 375 14th. Phone M. Z4o'. ONE or two rooms for light housekeeping. 133 North 18:h. SUITE of housekeeplnir rooms. 24V N. 10th street. yCL'H NICE. light housekeeping rooms; pri vate family. 44S 6th. ' Hoi. rTH ST. Suite of furnished houeekeep lnc rooma. NEWLY furnished front room with kitchen privileges. 348 Clay St.- ALL or part of upper floor, furnlshtd. Adulta. 24'J Grand ave. N. FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeeping rooma 270 Market, rent 110 per month. SUITE of 2 rooms, furnished for housekeep ing. r,12 Alder. HOUSEKEEPING rooma on 27th St.. near Clinton; reasonable. Phone Sellwood 832. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping roomn. 164 Grand ave. North. Phone East 490. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. 1"4 11th at. YOUNG girl to share housekeeping room. Inquire after 6 P. M.. lor. North 20th st. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, modern: reasonable. 403 1st St.. flat K. 2 NICE, cheerful housekeeping rooms to parties without children. 114. 334 Ith St. TWO clean, jilalnly furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 47 E. l.'.Mi St.. N. House. ACRE or more, hou. fruit trees, good for jrarden. cow. chickens. $10 month. Apply SUI North 26th. W car from depot, on Third or Morrison to 2.tth. block north. FOR RENT 5-room house In Holladay' Ad dition. I blocks from Broadway or Irving ton carllne; cement basement and bath. Pbone East 141 for particulars. NICE clean 5-ro'm cottage; bath, gas. trees, fence, cheap; 3unnyiue carllne. Ill E. 35th rtreet. NEW 5-room cottage) porcelain batfi, on corner lot near Archer Place alation; rea sonable. Phone Main IC6S. 6-ROOM modern house, moflern plumbing. 2 fireplaces, in good repair. $15; located at 82 Vermont st. Fulton car. S-ROOM cottage with bath, northwest cor ner lBth and Clifton sts., Portland Height. CHEAPEST good houses West Side, near Portland Academy; Hi-story, gas. bath, basement: 22. Call 470 Hall, phone A.SUIX. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. 6 East 19th st. North, near Everett. Inquire 132 6th at. Main 6278 6-ROOM house, modern and in first-class condition. Apply ill Front, cor. Whlt aker. TO RENT 7-room house, with large sleep ing porch. Large rose garden, cor. 4th and Llnculn. I'hone Main 4263. FOR RENT In Irvlngton. three houses, 820 to $25. Some furniture for sale. Ap ply 146 K. 3uth. near Helmont. $13 RENTS modern 6-room house; high and sightly; yard and Mowers. No. Clj E. 7th South. Phone Sellwood I. FURNISHED or unfurnished 5, 6 or 7-room hou. on "The Peninsula'" at $9 to I'Jb each. Ilagley. 407 Gerllnser bldg., 2d and Alder. UNFURNISHED houses may be furnished complete by Calef Hros. easy rent plan at Eastern prices. 3At-370 East Morrison st. 6-ROOM house, corner Vancouver ave. and Monroe st. Apply 412 Tillamook at. Phone East 5910. STRICTLY modern 6-room house. perfect copdillon. 11 E. 17th; beet house in the city. Key at 33 Eajet 18th. MODERN houe. 6 rooma; furnace, two fire places, double lighting. Ban 12th. near Stark: I3U. Apply 3nl Dekum bldg. FOR RENT 5-room house. $10 month. In quire Mrs. Lovegreen. Archer place. Ml. Scott car. FOR RENT New six-room cottage. one block from car. $18. 1006 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 2363. FIVE-ROOM cottare. ll2 Orover street, near Front. Inquire room 633 Chamber Com merce. SBVEN-ROOM modern. 210 Broadway. Walk ing distance; $20. FOR RENT Modem six-room cottage, clos In. . 687 E. Alder, near 14th st. HOUSE. rooms. Marshall. $42.50. O. H. Korell. 251 Washington St.. cor. 23d. MODERN 5-room cottage, close In. 915 per montii. Phone Woodlawn 362. HOUSE. 4!M) Columbia. 7 rooma. good order. Gaa 3'.3 14th. 2 LOVELY cottages; rent 110. $12. 40! Free mont su. ose block Union ave. MODERN, nearly new 6-room house. 781 East Yamhill: 120. Phone B 2383. FOR KENT 7-room house. Irvlngton Addi tion. 4BO E. 8th at. North. NEW. nvern 5-room flat. 22d and Belmont eta. : open from 1 to 4 o'clock. Rent $25. 6-ROOM cottage with gas. electric light and bath. 4.10 Harrison at. Key next door. 4-ROOM cottage on 4::d t.. south of Haw thorne ave. Phone E. 6164. HOUiiE, 742 Irvine st., near 23d, for rent Nov. 1st. Phone Main Oi24. $3 4 rooms, graded street. 2 blocks car. Anply 450 Magnolia. Woodlawn. 7-ROOM house, near carllne; rent $25. In quire room. 40 Washington bldg. NICK clean, modern ft-room house, reason able rent, close in. Phone East 3304. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, Nb Hill. Ap ply Mr. Armstrong. Ionian Court. B-ROOM residence. 792 Lcvejoy, near S4th; $55: aristocratic neighborhood. 6-ROOM houee, all modern Improvements, 20 per month. 513 Beacon St. 7- ROOM home In Irvlngton, partly furnished. Call Sunday. Phone C 1640. East 4654.. 8- ROOM house In Fulton Park Main 73'- FOK RENT. House. WHiCN YOU MOVE vou'll need new furni ture. Huy it Judiciously and the savings wil lexceed vour moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in the city In less than two veara. Lookern re shown the same courtesy as buyers. MOP.GAN-ATCI1LEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand Ave.. Cor. Efsi Stark St. East Ankeny. Montavllla and East Sid line cars pass our door $:t5 Eight-room houee. residence section of Holiday's Addition. 411 Ea 12th ft. N.. two blocks from the Broadway carllne; houre JuM repainted and. papered: furnace, grate, rat and electric fixtures. warm h iuse; can use four or Ave bedrooms; large cloc-ets. Pnone nt my home. Eafft at the stcre. B 13C2 or Eat l2. WHY RENT? With our organisation, ellmlnatlrg mld . dle.nen's proflu we nn build you any priced house for cash or on easy terms and save you money: plans and estin.ntes free; a posta.1 will bring full details. R. BAILEY. Poslofflce Bjx 173. NEW fl-rcom modern cottage. $13.00: IVroom apartment. $10.IK; e.-tabilshed hotel, 23 roon-s partly furnished. $25.00; all on csr llne. South Portland, and 6-room modern. Se.-nnd St.. walking distance. $12. C. H. Pisg'itt. owner. 14 Mulkoy Bldg. VERY desirable S-room modern house with gas. electric lirht. hot-air heating, large attic, concrete basement, large garden, one block from carllne and school; rent for $20 per mo., or will ell for $2600. Apply i:ij(" East Taylor St.. near 49th. MODiTRN 7-room houae for rent; first-class condition. 40 Oregon St.. near E. 7th. Verv accessible to town end three car lines. Inquire 8S3 E. Taylor St.. cor 20th. oi phone Tabor laoO. 6-ROOM plastered house, two lots, threo blorkj car, $8. 5-ruoin plastered house, modern, three lots, two blocks of 'car. Nashville. $12.50. L 483. Oregonian. or phdne Main 6253. FOR KENT. A verv desirable modern 12-room home, lOoxlOw ground. N. W. cor. 12th and Clay. Full information see F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg. THREE sirictly up-to-date 7-room houses, with furnace and fireplace, on Kat loth North. Call at 510 AILerta at-, or 102i East 17th st. North. Vs block from car. Phone Woodlawn 2433. 73 UNIONs AVE. N.. near Everett 10-room h'juse, $40; E. EverefT st.. near Union ave., lo rooms. $25; 4.".4 Irrabee st.. nar Steel bridge, fiat 3 rooms an.! bath. ,$17.50. Louis ' Salomon & Co.. 233 Stark St., near 2d. BUNGALOW 5 rooms and bath. new. strict Iv n odern; S8th nnd E. Main sts.: rent $22.50. Inquire Main 2240. or 2U0S. or call 31. Oregonian bldir. FOK RENT Modern g-room house, large lot planted to fruit and flowers; on Wil lamette bouk-vard. overlooking the river; only $;0. Call 511 Swetland bldg. A NICE, modern house shouid have modern furnishings throughout; Eastern prices find easy u-rina at Calef Bros.. 360-370 KaJJt Mor rison et. YOU vUI go away satisfied and well paid If ycu mil on us. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON. Rent Department. Chamber Com. FOR RENT 5 rooms on ilrtt floor of house, 7.n First St., corner 1st and Meade; $18 per month. C. F. P.'luger C;., rooms 4-6, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sis. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage; aome furniture for sale. Apply between 10 A. M. and 4 P M. Phone C ,1878. 758 Will iams avenue. A NICE, new 3-room house; 33 minute out on Oregon Klertrie; rent only $8 00 till March 1st; Also one 10x14 house; rent. $L'.50. Phone Sell. 1 1()9. 504 E 0th St. MODERN. 5-room bungalow, fine lawn, good neighborhood. Winter wood in basement, can be had at cost: rent $17. Call 965 Vancouver, near Going. Furnished Houses. WELL-FURNISHED modern house. 8 rooms. Willamette Holirhts; 2 blocks from car; splendid view; to rent ' for 10 months; adults only; state aixe of family. AG 487, Oregonian. LADY and daughter wish to share modern 6-room House, nicciy lurnnueu, in uvuu Addition. Call Sunday or after 5 P. M. during week. No. 628 Holly st. Phone B 1673. FOR RENT Furnished houso cn East Oak, 7 rooms, large grounds, furnace, dry wood In basement. East 3470. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, elegantly fur nished, all modern improvements at $40 per month; references required. 5 minutes' walk from the P. O. Call Main 52S8. 8 ROOMS, modern, completely furnished, 3.S7 E. 15th st. North: rent $55. Phone Exchange 71. room 225, or Parrlsh, Wat kins 6c Co., 250 Alder st. YOU will go away satisfied and well paid of you call on us. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON, Rant Department. Chamber Com. 6-ROOM cottage, furnished completes. 409 Stark t. ; rent $35. Inquire Western Salt age Co.. 20th and Washington st.; reference. WELL furnished cottages. 7 rooms. $27.50; 5 rooms, $16; unfurnished house, $10; flat, $12. 364 North 26th, W car from depot on Third or Morrison to 26th. block north. 0-ROOM residence, close In, garden, piano, furnace, steel gas ranges. $40 to small family adults. AH 4S2, Oregonian. MODERN 7-room home, close in on the East Side, well furnlsr.ed; has piano; $45 per month. Call 410 Falling bldg.' FURNISHED 4-room modern flat; . steam heat: walking distance; reasonable. Cottell Drug Co.. Cor. lt and Sherman. FINE 6-room furnished house for rent for the Winter. cle in. on the East Side. $.13. Phon Eas.".452. 7-ROOM nicely furnished modem house, piano. den. Rent 520. Cail promptly. Main 3463. FOR KENT New, modem. 6-room home, fur nace, fireplace and laundry trays; $30. Phone Tabor 163. COMFORTABLY furnished new house. 710 Overton st. Telephone Main 6308 or A 3347. VERY desirable modem furnished suburban home, reasonable; will lease. Inquire 111 ISth N. FURNISHED house and 1 acre cleared, fruit; within 15 minutes' walk of Coun cil Crest carllne. V 4S7. Oregonian. FOUR rooms, completely furnished with bath, pantry, laundry, etc. phone Wqpd lawn 218U. NICE, furnished 7-room houso. Inquire No. 1 Grand avtnuc; rent $35. FLAT for rent. $44 Columbia St. Call to day. Phone A 2094. i-KOOM furnished house, Irvlngton. In quire 458 E. 13th St. N. Phone East 3534. 64S E. HTH 7-room house, furnished; terms reasonable. . ' FIRST floor private house, Portland Heights. Nov. 1. Main 4844. MODERN 6-room house nicely furnished; piano Included. Phone Tabor $34. NOV. 1. 5-room cottag In suburb. Inquire 542 Morrison. NEW 6-room. desirable. 27 E. 18th St. N. Phone E. 458. FURNISHED four-room cottage; electric lights, bath, central. Inquire 273 H 7th. Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE 2 rooms and bath, complete and elegant furnishings. Including Navajo rugs, at sacrifice. A 1181. 6-ROOM cottage for rent and furniture for sale; will sell cheap if taken at once. 430 Davis st.. cor. 11th. 6-ROOM house, nieoly furnished. 8th and Shaver. Key at 853 E. 8th N. FIVE-ROOM cottage, bath and pantry: close in; a bargain. W 489, Oregonian. FOUR-ROOM cottage. furrNshed. gas, electric light, no bath. 483 East Clay. FURNITURE f r sale. 5-room house for rent. 27 East 80th st. NINE-room house, with steady rcomers for rent, furniture for sale. Call East 390S. FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale. 429 Clay st. Call afternoons. FOR SALE Nice'v furnished 10-room house. Good location. Main 4338 FINE oak folding bed with mirror, only $10; second-hand man would ask $20. 347 Hall. FOR HALE A rooming-house, paying welL E 477. Oregonian. f ROOMS nicely furnished. Hearing $60 a .mt.ntii above all expenses. 'aiO 10th t. FOR RENT. House for Rent. Furniture for Sale. HERE ARE SOME SNAP BUY 3. 9-room house on Morruson et.; nice yard, rent only $45: 6 rooms .rented; clear $-o per month above your rent; three nice ropma for yourself; price $650. terms. ONE OF 8 ROOMS. Close in; rent $30. bringing nice Income, where you can have your rooms and be in dependent. cn be bought for $300. $50 cash and r"st like rent. HERE IS THE SWELLEST YET You must see this to appreciate It; rooms, srweli furniture; cost over $1500: in clorve walking distance, and if taken before the 1st. $7.V) takes It; rooms all rented, bringing good Income; enough wood In base ment to last all WlKter goes with lt.;r these snaps see Lincoln Invt. Co.. 280 Wash. St.. room 301. HOUSES FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE. 7-room. 10th st i-n 9-room, Taylor, furnace $u00 1 7-room. 11th st., rent l0 00 12-room. Morrison St.. well furnished. $8o0 Others all sizes and prices. MRS. LENTS AGENCY. 86 Washington St.. Room 407. FLEMISH OAK dining set. rockers, carpet, hnil mirror, chlifonier, center table, large steel range. Bralntree Apartments, 12th and Columbia sts., apartment 1. Call bet. 2 and 5. BARGAIN Must sell this week furniture 8 room house, excellent location. 2 suites rented all the time; makes your own rent; gas and water free. Call 34S Montgomery st., or phone Main CS13. ONE of the nicest 5-room flats, close In, for rent and almost new furniture oi four rooms for sale; two of them rented pays greater pnrt of rent. Will keep part of furniture If desired. Phone A 1460. HERE IS A BARGAIN. 6-room flat, modern, close in, 390 7th St.; swell furniture, quartered onk. Brus sels, carpets, bras bedstead; quick sale, $375. $45 10-ROOM house In desirable locality. 7 minutes from postoffice. for rent to parties buying furniture; could be used to advantage for roomers. Y 487, Orego nian. 7-ROOM flat: rent $40; five minutes' walk from Postoffice; part ot furniture for sale. 228a loth St., between Salmon and Main. Do not call Sunday. Phone Main S584. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for saie. fiat for ront $27.50. This furniture Is almost new. At a bargain. See ownjrsat 609 Cor bett bldg WANTED To buy the furniture of a 6 to 8-room flat: must be modern and cer.tra-ily located; can pay cash. Phone M. 9393 or A 1321. FOR SALE Elegantly furnished 2 rooms, bath and pass pantrv, furniture brand new. Rent. $15. Phone Main 7159, or call 306i Montgomery st. DON'T MISS THIS. Fine cosy 4-room cottage for rent, fur niture for sale; reasonable. Call 284 4th St.. or A 34.12. NICELY furnished 5-roomed cottage, rent $22 per month. Inquire of owner, 352 7th, cor. Mill. A 5292. FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale cheap: can rent house; leaving city. 106 N. 17th st. 7-ROOM strlctlv modern house, 62 21st St. North; will lease to desirable partyi C. B. Lucas, Corbett bldg. FURNITURE like new. cheap for cash; 8 rooms, modern, walking distance. Phone Main 8383. Owner. THOROUGHLY renovated modern e'rrht-room furnished house; excellent neighborhood. 233 22d st. North. Call between 4 and 6 P. M. FURNITURE for sale. Including beds, dres sers rugs, dining table and chair. 364 Couch St.. flat 1. Phone A 76.15 AT A BARGAIN Furniture of a 5-room flat. Call from 1 to fl P. M. 302i Hoiladay. FURNITURE 6 rooms for sale; $40. 766 Savler st. Stores. STORES. Fine location for a printer or wholesaler on Oak st.. near 3d. New bricks at ISth and Washington sts.; rent reasonable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP , OREGON, 8. E. Cor. Third and Oak sts. FINE store room 40x90. with basement, good location, new building, ch-sap rent; will lease -for trm of years; Just ttus place for a furniture store or other large busi ness. R. F. Cooke, Beverly Hotel. FOR RENT Store at 424 Morrison St., bet. J 1th and 12th sty., opposite Bungalow The ater; best location for tailor shop In the city: rent $35 per month. Main 1806 or A 3240. 28X4S-FOOT, centrally located, gas, light. 4th floor, elevator, steam heat, suitable for llsht manufacturing or sample rooms; rent reasonable. Call Oliausse-Prudhomme Co., 142 M 4th t. FOR RENT Four-story and basement brick store building, 100x193, S. K. cor. Front and Pine at. Apply C- A. Dolph, Mohawk bldg. EXCELLENT LOCATION For drvgooda, hardware or shoe store. In quire at 2O0 Mohawk bldg., bet. 2 and 5 P. M. FOR RENT Large store with basement. In the best business part of EAt Portland, on Grand ave.. close to Morrison st. V. Schmld. 105 Grand ave. Phone B 1557. FINE STORE. P-'tl Union ave. North; plate glass front; also upstairs. Offices. HALF nicely furnished outside office, good light, heat. Janitor service, central. In cluding roll-top desk, only $10. CIO Bu chanan bldsT ONE SUITE LEFT In the Oregonian bldg.. very desirable office rooms. Call early at room 201. FURNISHED office for rent or furniture for CHOICE business location for doctor and dentist. Phone C 1342. FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg. Apply Room 501. Hall. TWO large rooms, suitable for small or ganisation to meet once or twice a week; . rent reasonable; light and h-eat; central location. L 484. Oregonian. HALL hard maple floor for dnnelng. canvas for lodges. Phone East 2367. FOR RENT Frame building, three floors, 50x100; long lease. East 152. BALLROOM, good location. In good condi tion, reasonable. B.. F. Jones. S00 Front. Miscellaneous. WILD DUCK LAKE. Sophey Island, for rent. Dr. c. E. Brown. Phone East 3440. Office 234 Flanders. TO RENT Piano; no children. Will take best of care. Call Tabor 420. GARAGE for lirge machine, vicinity 25th and Johnson. Wakefield -Fries 4: Co.. N 4th. tOST AND FOUND. LOST Sterling silver belt buckle, between Columbia bldg. and Postoffice. Return to 808 Columbia bldg. Reward. LOST Gold watch, open face, filled case, new watch with fob attached bearing let tera L. F. East 1726; reward. EBONY-HANDLE embrella; gold cap; mon ogram B. K. G. $5 reward for return to 307 Stearns bldg. No questions asked. LOST Between October 0 and 15. lady's gold filled open case watch. Elgin movement. Re turn to 223 Marquam bldg. Reward. LOST Multnomirh wlnged-M pin. Initial C. W. '07 on back. Finder pleae phone C. Woltrlng. Private Ex. 43. LOST Child's white pique cape on fair grounds Sunday afternoon. October 17; leave same at Orogonian office. LOST Gold locket and chain, initials L. H. ; valued as keepsake. Return to P. B. Lent, 417 Corbett bldg.; liberal reward. BROWN fur collarette on 3d, between Mor rison and Washington. Saturday P. M. y Phone Main 654S or A 3605. 1 LOST A diamond screw earring between nam anu ramus, ioo.. j-uoiic wooo. lawn 21 28. LOST Green enameled four-k?af clover pin. pearl center. Reward. Main 537. LOST Scotch collie dog at Fulton; reward. 370 4th t. I,OST Fox terrier pup. female; strayed 1210 E. Madison. Return for reward. FOUND Watch works. Call days at Town send Creamery. 20 Front st. LOST Lady' hunting case gold watch, Hampden movement. Reward. 166 E 3Hth. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between Washington st. and South Portland, package containing pink silk, and several pieces of lace. Reward if brought to Piummer's Drug Store. 3d and Madison ats. or phone Main 292., LOST Will the young lsdy who found a pair of gla.scs. advertised to be returned to Dr. Dallas, Falling b'.dg.. please return them to E. J. Daly. 222 Failing bldg.. and re ceive reward. WILL the party who took the overcoat from the smoking-car on train N. 14 'on Saturdav. October 2. return It to room 200 Oregonian building? $10 reward and no questions asked. STRAYED Small bay pony. having on lady's saddle, last seen on 30th and Bel mont. Notify Exchange 65 and receive reward. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 22S Front st. Phone Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. LOST Works of a ldy s gold watch. Sat urdav noon. bet. Tull & Gll'bs and Meier & Frank's. Reward. Main 32U4. 14.. V2 11th st $10 REWARD for purse, containing money, specks, car book, etc.; on or off "B" car Tuesday eve. East 464i. Valued as a keepsake. 626 6th St. LOST Black silk umbrella, dropped from car. on Morrison, re-ar 2d: owner's name on handle; return; liberal reward. M 45. Oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Prapohsls Invited. CALL FOR BIDS. Notice 1 hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Town Council of the Town of Washougal, Clark County, Wash ington, at my office In said town, for fur nishing all materials and constructing and laying about U700 feet of cement side walk in said town upon a giade already prepared; all bids to be accompanied by a deposit of $. and to be in on or before Saturday. October 29. 1909. The Town Council will let the contract to the lowest and bidder, but re serves the right to reject any and all bids. e. GEO. Y. MOOD?. Town Clerk of Washougal. SEALED proposLla for furnishing lockers for the Jefferson High School will be ac cepted until 12 M.. November 6. 19u9. at the School Clerk's office. City Hall; plans ar.'f specifications may be seen at archi tect's office. M. H. Whitehouse. room 522. Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark sts. Master's Notice. TO masters of steamers operating in Wil lamette River above Portland: West chan nel of Oswego bridge closed to navigation; boats ehould use east channel until further notice. ROBT. WAKEFIELD. Miscellaneous. $150 CEDAR siding and molding, half price. Phone Monday Main 4S35. Architects, -contractor, engineers, get Pacific Bu:!der A Engineer. 401 Board of Trade. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND. 44 rooms, fine modern building. In CLOSE IN RESIDENCE SECTION; a swell ROOMING-HOUSE, the furnishings and lease for sale at a reasonable figure; profits. $200 to $250 a month above all ex penses: lease at very low rent. $3500, handles it. . O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 326',4 Washington st.. Rooms 201-202.- PARTNER wnnted to help manage old-established' business, must be sober and in dustrious; business will average $1600 per month; $10oo cash, balance out of profits of the business: salary $25 per week until the $2000 is paid; thorough Investigation solicited. Austin, 362 Washington st. BARGAIN Cigars, confectionery and grocery store, exceptionally well located, with 2 living loc-ns; rent $20 per month; price $319; this is below Invoice. Particulars 286Mi Washington St., room 612. FOR RENT Reasonable, an up-to-date Russian-Turkish bathhouse, with ladles sep arate department and 12 housekeeping, furnished room above; all rented, good paying business; reason, poor health. Main 451. FOR SALE H interest In 6 mining claims, 3 parallel ledges, assay test from $4 to I140.3S. bet. 12.000,000. and 14,000.000 feet standing timber, plenty water for mill purposes. L 476. Oregonian. I WILL sell 2O00 shares American Differen tial railroad axle stock, all or any part of same at 35 cents per share. Address Lydla E. Gray, 630 H. W. Hellman bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. $2750 WILL buy a good cash business in a good location, with a 6-year lease; will make easy terms, or trade for house and lot; must soil, owing to other business. Owner, S 489, Oregonian. I HAVE 3500 acres under contract at $20 per acre, 100 sold on contract. 1-5 cash for $17.00; $5000 on every $1000 Invested If you act now, no dream; investigate. E 487. Oregonian. FOR SALE The best buy in the city in a grocery, cigar and confectionery store; liv ing rooms, furnished; cheap rent: very lit tle money required. 451 Washington st. Phones A 7782, Main 4231. BARGAIN Fine grocery store, living rooms, only $800. Ring up; list all kinds business; lots of customers. Lillian De Keater, 4 26 Taylor st. POOLROOM. 5 tables. National cash register, cigars and tobacco, good money-maker; will sacrifice if taken soon. Phone Main 7591, after 10 A. M. NEW Independent American Alms, the kind that get you the money: film service, $12 week. 6 reels. Independent Western Film Exchange. Swetland bldg., Portland. Or. SACRIFICE- sale; best located butter, cheese and egg stand in Washington-st. Public Market; doing good business; 4H-year ieaoe; owner going away. C. H. Woodward. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STtfRE Well established In a growing town; stock in ventories $15,000. Owner wishes to re tire. Address AG 475, Oregonian. FOK SALE St. John, Or. .confectionery, ci gars; central; also opening for first-class lunch counter . man. Phone Richmond 1081. FOR SALE $100 Home Telephone bond and u share stork. What will you offer? Address F. C. Tilden. room 1, 224 4 Washington st. WE will build and lease apartment-house for satisfactory tenant on choice of sev eral locations on favorable terms. Apply to Mr. King. 325 Failing bldg. BARGAIN Valuable lunch counter for sale, bin profits, stcr.dy business, low rent. Investigator can keep tab on rales. Owner sick, maist sell. C 4M. Oregonian. GROCERY STORE: splendid location, fine cah buslnees; low rent; will take partner or sell entire. Particulars 2S6V Washing ton St.. room 612. WANTED Office man in sawmill as part ner: owner can't attend to business alone; will' pay good salary besides profits. Koom 523 Lumber Exchange. MANUFACTURING Partner wanted able to Invest some money with services; will pay $125 month salary, olso share profits. Call room 417 Board of Trade bldg. GROCERY BUSINESS doing $'10 to $40 per day, rent $16.50 monthly; tak?s $1400 for stock and fixtures, wagon and harness. 248V) Stark st. CLEANING and pressing room. furnished complete for work, for rent; $20 per monlh. 167 Park st. BAKERY -Long lease: centrally located; do ing good buflneiS In city. Y 4S2. Ore gonian. SMALL RESTAURANT, fine location, bar gain 1: sold at once. Owner, L 463. Ore Ionian. FOR SALE A good paying drug business; will take part In Portland property and give time on balance. F 4i6. Oregonian. FEED STORE in a fine location, at invoice; making good profits; good reasons for sell ing. F 479. Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, bakery and confection ery at woodlawn. end of Woodiawn car line. AN 479. Oregonian. WANT to hear of opportunity to Invest $250 with services; give details. A J 477. Ore- gonlan. OPENING for fuel, feed or lumber business on Mississippi ave. AM 468, Oregonian. CIGAR STAND Comer, good lease, $650. Hall ft Bloch, 266 H Stark. WANTED Partner with $2000; sawmill, 10 years' run. 416 Henry bldg. SALOON Best proposition In the- city; grill connections. Call at 234 2d. FOR SALE High-grade rooming-house; fine . ...... ana U,nn Kl locution. -tiv w. a FOR SALE One-half or all of 2-chalr bar ber shop at Lents. C. F. Cabe. prop. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 3000 Alaska Pet. & CoaU treas. . .snap 1O00 Almeda Con 1000 Automatic Gas Light ceap 2000 Black Eagle (Santiam) -.,-' 3 Bonville Pub. Co : 5000 B. C. Amal. Coal ...bargain 10 Burlingame- T. T. stock $ Ij.oo 10 Burlingame T. T. receipts... 15 Campbell s Safety Gas Burner . ." 10 Chi. N. Y. Air Lme H f" 100 Collins Wfreless 500 Comstock Golden Gate ''- 10)0 401 Orchard & Land Co 250O Fidelity Copper - ,"7V 5O0 Homo Tel. Portland 300 Home Tel. Puget Sound U a 5000 Improved Smelter. Just make a bid 5 Marconi (England) 2000 Morning CMetallne) "-; .1000 Mt. Pitt JJI 1700 National Copper fl' 4O0 Omaha Tel. bonds J rt 5mio Oregon 1Mb. Coal ,2,. 500 Picket's Cont. Adv. Mach 1 1 Vj , 30 Portland Coal & Dev bargam 10 PortHml Concrete Pile & E. .$ c i.'" 10 Radio Telephone Parent Co.. 20.00 ."OO0 Ilalty Associates Portland bargain OOoOO Smuggler G & C bid S'X'O Trevor Mines 63 lo V. S. Llyht A Heat pfd. & common bonus $ 9.50 All other stocks and bonds. See me be fore buying; mav be able to do better. 1 WANT Alaska Pet. & Coal Portland Tel. stock Almeda Con. United Wireless H. O. Perk Automobile Wheel. Portland Concrete Pile & Equip. -225 Ablueton Blug. SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT-HOUSE. 50 rooms, fine new- modern building, elegantly furnished, best location in the city, private baths, cheap rent and a long lease; this Is a big money maker and an excellent proposition for a woman to man age; see us at once for full particulars. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 316 Abington Bldg. WILL STAND YOUR CLOSEST INVESTIGATION. $2600 for bakery with school tupplles, clearing over $2.':0O & year. $lloo For a solid manufacturing busi nes in Portland. $3500 For a neat country store with P. O. and public telephone, would take the biggest Tool who could not make money In that business. $65v0 For a well-established 135-room ho tel in Portland .with bar. F. FUCHS. 221 'i Morrison St. FINE BUSINESS OPENING. STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Situated In a splendid growing Valley town, surrounded by fine farming country: nice clean stock, will Invoice about $8'Hio; doing a caeh business of $2000 to $2500 per month best brick corner of the town. If you want a good, paying business and have the cash to pay. shall be pleased to give you further details. HENKLE HARRISON, 511 Gerllnger bldg. $no PATENTS no PAY no$ Patents procured or fee returned. Easy payments. 15 years official examiner U. S. Patent Office; over quarter century actual experience guarantees thorough familiarity patent practice, prompt, efficient service. Gold meual and other awards for best In ventions. Patents advertised for sale free. Send sketch or description of Invention for free examination Patent Office records and report as to patentability, also for GUIDE BOOK. E. P. BUN YEA CO., Washing ton. D. C. BAKERY for sale, lunchroom In connection; population Sr.OO, best railroad center In State of Washington, in business 13 months, doing good business, average 1500 loaves dally: also good cake trade; best location In city; low rent, five-year lease, everything new: brick oven 10x12 inside; horse and wagon. If you want something good for making money, investigate this; good reason for selling. For further In formation. Thomas & Halstrom. Centralla, Wash. MODERN EUROPEAN HOTEL. 6" rooms with GROUND-FLOOR OF FICE; all LARGE OUTSIDE rooms; no better location in the city; running hot and cold water In every room, steam heat, all NEW UP-TO-DATE CARPETS and FUR-viTt'TtK- verv cheaD rent:' long lease; clears ABOVE ALL EXPENSES $500 a month; price $8250. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 326 V4 Washington St., Rooms 201-202. F6R SALE Light manufacturing business In corporated for $20,000, can be bought be low par; market for product fullv estab lished and a practical monopoly; clrwly con ducted by anyone of ordinary ability; will show annual profits now of $5000 and stead ily increasing; clean proposition and -highly satisfactory in every way; unusual oppor tunity for tafe and profitable investment in legitimate and growing enterprise. Ad dress Box 283. South Bend. Ir.d. NICE GROCERY BUSINESS. ONLY $8C0. Washington street, cheap rent, only $30 a month; w-ith good lease, nice clean stock and spot cash trade and making nice pronts. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO.. 517-518 Oregonian bldg. WNTED A first-class showcase-maker; If you have some money to invest, can make you a big offer; this is a chance to get in with a good concern, where you may make money in addition to your wages. E 489, Oregonian. BUTTER eggs and cheese stand for sale; good stand In public market; average daily sales $40; this is an exceptional oppor tunity. Call 286H Washington t., room 612. i - MANUFACTURING agency. having more business than they can handle alone, wants partner; owner will guarantee business is isvylng 400 monthly. For particulars call room 523 Lumber Exchange. INVESTMENT If you desire to make an investment wherein you are assured of 100 per cent profit in 1 year I have a proposition that will appeal to you. Ad dress E 486, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted, manufacturing special ties, exclusive control, good money from start; man must have office ability and salesmanship. unordlnary opportunity. See owner. 010 Buchanan bldg. MERCHANTS If wanting to sell your busi ness or if wanting reliable partner, see us at once; have buyers with the money. Room 417 Board of Trade bldg. MVJL ORDER business, pays several thou sand dollars annually, new Improved plan; $25 to $100 neccss.ry. J. & P. Lackey, 2232 La Salle St., Chicago. CIGAR, confectionery and light grocery; 4 living-rooms In back: rent $10 per month: stock and fixtures only $225. Call r:4SVi Stark st. ARE you looking for the best Investment In Central Oregon? Write the Harney Valley Oil 4 Gas Co., Burns. Oregon. POOLROOM, 8 tables, down town, good money-maker. This is a snap. Call 301-302 Lumber Exchange. Phone 7290. . CLEAN stock gen'l mdse.. inv. $4000; good tewn big payroll, permanent resources. Owner. Box 167. Falls City. Or. GROCERY store for sale at Invoice or lump; living-rooms In connection. 405 E. 6th si., city. A SNAP if taken at once, bO acres, with 2 000,000 feet- of pine and flr, 1 y miles from R. R- 517 Swetland bldg. WOOD and coal business, l-a Interest for sale; fine opening. Particulars 28654 Washington St.. room 612. FOR SLE Half Interest in .well-established transfer business. Inquire room 508 Fen'.on bldg. FOR SALE Well-established book store In Coast city : price $5000 and cost price of stock. AE 468. Oregonian. WANTED Small grocery or confectionery store Koom 30 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington. A SNAP One of tha. best located brtcher shops or. the Eant Side. Long lease, low rent. B 4S1. Or'gonian. FINE suburban grocery, established trade. $45 day, no better business proposition in Portland; cheap rent. V 480. Oregonian. PHOENIX. Tucson or Los Angeles business enterprise by which I can pay part of your railroad fare. P 4S3, Oregonian. DRUGSTORE, long established, paying well. H 476, Oregonian. WANTED Money to put a salable patent on market. B 47S. Oregonian. $2 FOR 1000 business cards; 100. 50c. Rose City Prlntory. 192 H 3d St., near Taylor. ART store and picture-framing business for sale: best location. AIJ 478. Oregonian. WANTED Partner in saloon and rooming house. 361 North 14th. EQUITY in good cleared lot to trade for anything. Hall Bloch, 266 yj Stark. PARTNER wanted in well established real estate office. D 487, Oregonian. $900 BUYS interest in small manufac turing business. 248 stark st. 50c ON the dollar; millinery stock and fix tures. Box K 4S3. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $300 PER MONTH PROFIT. AND A NICE HOME. For the luckv owp of this beautiful, homelike 65-room modem hotel, newly and elegantlv furnished with mahogany. jlrds eve maple and golden oak furniture, royal Wilton velvet, and high-grade Axminster carpets, well supplied witli baths, heat, running water, call bells and. in fact, every modern convenient; splendid location, house is full all the time, with a waiting list. If you want a nice home and a clear i.'1-oflt of over S-'li-o per month, talk to us about this. Price $!2,0o0, one-half cash and balance in city reelrienee property. DEVLIN & FIRBBAI'OH, 510-511-512 Swetland bldg. JUST WHAT YOU WANT!! MONEY MAKER. 51 rooms, new modern corner building, close to Washington St.. excellent loca tion, beautifully furnished, running hot and cold water in every room, private baths, steam heat, cheap rent and a long lease; this can be handled on $3300. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 316 Abington Bldg. BUSINESS chance department Amea Mer cantile Agency, established 1802. Only legitimate propositions, listed. Numerous applications for business openings. citv and country. Information furnished In all mercantile, manufacturing and investment linos. THE AMES MERCANTILE' AGENCY. Abington Bldg, PRTCE REDUCED DON'T WAIT. 14 rooms, all on one floor, all in house keeping, completely and wen furnished, water in kitchens, gas ranges: always filled with good-paying roomers: clears over $50 a month; cheap rent with leas; price $900; $600 cash down. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 326 t Washington St., Rooms 201-202. PARTY going on farm will sell from $1000 to $50OO interest in growing manufactur ing plant within the city where the pur chaser can have a permanent position at fair wages; experience not necessary; would take some good stock or Portland property. Address at once. Box 241. Arleta. Or., or call up East 1426 aiter 6:30 P. M. NOTICE TO PHOTOGRAPHERS. Splendid opening for ttrst-class man, two galleries, ground, buildings and equipment; one in county seat, no opposition, doing splendid business, the other branch gallery 4 miles. 10 minuted' ride on two R. R. In vestigate it ; will pny you. Genuine bar gain for cash, or will trade half. AG 464, Oregonian. GENUINE BARGAIN. 15 rooms, partly arranged in housekeeping apartments, very nicely furnished, electrlo lights and porcelain bath; clears $90 per month: rent only $40: few blocks trora P. O. Price $900. DEVLIN &. FIREBAUGH. 510-511-512 Swetland bldg. L. N. ROSEN BAUM. lawyer, financial ageat. promoter and developer of corporations, en terprises and syndicates. Constructive work for insolvent and losing concerns; loans and bond issues $HK.00o up negotiate.!; gas, water, railway and electric plants solo. Suite 215 Fern block. Seattle. Wash. MUST BE SEEN TO BK APPRECIATED. 23 roon'e-. newly furnished with highest grade carpets and furniture; finest location in the city; strictly modem; steam heal, hot and cold water; this place will soon pay for Itself; terms. Call 407 Lumbermen bldg. I HAVE the lot, full size and In good neigh borhood, worth ."O0; will deed it to purty wlth $1200 to build thereon. We can sell the house and lot In OO days for $220o, which will net us $500 profit. A. N. Searle. E. 76th and Gllsan, Montavilia. Tabor 1419. OWNER of cement business while looking after the men at work wants a partner lie can depend on to taku i-aro of the shop, etc.: this requii'.s $750, and will pay en ergetic man $150 month; previous ex perience not necessary. Call room 417 Board of Trado bldg. WANTED A man to Invest $10,000 in the best-paying contracting business In the City of Portlund; pays large profits; no competition; only parties with a cle:in business record will be considered, 1'. o. Box 435. FOR SALE A blacksmith shop doing a splen did business, In one of the best towns in the Willamette Valley, on reasonable term; reasonable rent will be asked for the bulid Ing. Address John Strlblch, Forest Grove, Or. WE can start you In business for small cap ital; experience not necessary, only good Judgment needed! Wo are our own agents; investigate this; it will cost you nothing. Rooms 54-66 Labbe bldg. 227 4 Wash ington St. COUNTRY HOTEL. $2 rooms, hot-air heat, electric light, good building. 2 acres of land, $10,00 0. 24 rooms, nicely furnished, doing good business. $7000. 286 Washington St., Room 407. MANUFACTURING business; something en tirely new; has never been offered for sale; energetic partner wanted; little money re quired. Particulars 26Vj Washington St., room 612. i. , GROCERY, confectionery and delicatessen with living-rooms; good comer location; rent $25; lease; bargain at $450. F. A. Beard & Co., 326 Washington at., room 215. PARTNER wanted, honest, capable, middle aged woman to Join another woman In conducting a small restaurant and lunch : counter; partners to begin on very small capital: references. AG 482, Oregonian. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Shares In concern doing business which will pay dividends and double your money within one year; absolutely safe, sound and legitimate; investigate. N 484, Oregonian. MAN TO take half Interest In a very sub stantial business; will bear the closest in vestigation: man familiar with office work preferred: $2MM required. sJpencer dk Co., 102 Second st. $5000 REQUIRED on orchard tracts, $17. 00O sold on contract, 480 acre left; you double your money in one year. Write me today. Your money fully guaranteed; no blue sky. - E 4t8. Oregonian. PARTNER for real estate office having es tablished business: an excellent chance for a good man to make $150 monthly; very little money required. Call room 323 Lum ber Exchange. BUILDING 31x88. suitable for store, com mission houae storage, mill, etc.; on car line, with ample room for switch and on corner; will alter to suit tenant; make offer for rent. 129!, 12th st. ROOMING-HOUSE. 10-room house, close In, good neighborhood- snap at $0OO; terms, 510 Swetland bldg. PARTY with capital to finance construc tion of a new harvester, can show you this machine is O. K. ; good Investment to right party. X 480. Oregonian. WANTED By restaurant man. established restaurant paying $300 monthly or better; state price and location in answering. AM 482, Oregonian. AN active, reliable partner with $5000 in an established lumber brokerage business; worth investigation by live business man. H 486. Oregonian. $3000 BUYS old established manufacturing business, clearing $500 a monlh: bears closest investigation. See owner. 520 Lumber Exchange bldg. EQUITY In ne'-v close-in Est Side resident- to exchange for grocery stock; $2300, bal ance on resldtnce. eusy payments. L 475. Oregonian. SALOON Will sell my half Interest tn good saloon on Washington St., fine trade, cheap. AG 489. Oregonian. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, cigar stand; fine new fixtures, long lease, cheap lent. Call 112-i 4th st. BUSINESS man having $1000 to Invest, can get a really good proposition an'i money secured. AH 481. oregonian. FOR SALE Poolnoom and cigar store do ing a good business. Call at 708 Union ave. N. FOR SALE Photograph gallery, most cen tral location, fine business; don't reply un less you have the cash. K 475, Oregonian. SALOON and billiard-room, $100 per day receipts, centrally located, long leass, must sell. Boggess, 221 Vj Morrison. PARTNER wanted In a well established business. Services and little mor.jy re quired. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. MOVING-PICTURE business; a real good buy for a man with the money. Address 248 V, Stark st. WANT small grocery stock in exchange for my $1200 equity In new home on East Side, close, in. K 479, Oregonian. TO buy small store' on terms, with living rooms in connection. AK 480, Oregunlali. WILL pay cash for timber land and saw mills. 416 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Meat market; receipts $125 day. 416 Henry bldg.