i THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 17, 1909, n ' YN T H I'A N A L Y T H E LSraarincrs ezre-X" rru &rant (L)art. 1. When Cynthia came back to town She learned that "Theodore' Had disappeared in mystery A month or so before. For weeks she'd longed to romp with him And when the news was told, ' In tears of deep distress sheburst And wouldn't be consoled. 2. A guilty conscience papa's face Most vividly outlined, And he repented when he saw How Cynthianna pined. He tried his best to get "Ted" back, And advertised each day; But all his efforts were in vain, For "Teddy" stayed away. 3 While grim remorse still clung to him He strove to make amends, By bidding Cynthianna and A group of little tnenas To be his guests at vaudeville; And in the foremost row -. We find him with a bunch of tots,. All keen to see the show. -They screeched at Dutch comedians, They laughed at tumbling turns, And guessed how many million cents "That spangled lady" earns. They sat in awe through mother songs And. vapid monologues, But hearkened when a card announced "DRAKE'S EDUCATED DOGS -And when each dog had done his stunt, The house with laughter rang, For printed placard told the crowd A culprit was to hang. This criminal, in soldier clothes, About to be strung up, A Inrklecs mastiff nun , III 1,1 "VLtit ' AsJ rtB i vt iw vv . v ss -a "T' SL-rW M 111.' S ft r IVV-, LXAI ! W t T Irl 11 T I ' " . . V 6- Now, Cynthia, to view him well, The opera glasses took; For he did certainly present A most familiar look; And when he was about to hang, The house burst in a roar To hear our Cvnthianna cry. Come here, my I heodore! He leaves the cops and sheriff dogs Upon the stage all heaped, . And to Miss Cynthianna's side He frantically leaped; v While papa with three taxicabs Z Was planning to dispose Of ciin4r7 ctiMit-inrr Knve onrl mrlc. And dog in soldier clothes. When Cynthianna got him home She made him understand That he must never leave the yard, Except by her command. "You ought to be ashamed," she said, A doggy of your age, To just escape the gallows tree And life upon the stage.