The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 17, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. XXVIII. NO. , .
Escaped Convicts Turn
on Posse.
In First Fire, Walter Johnson
Falls, Bullet in Leg.-
After Tracking Outlaws Through
Bruh, Seven Pursuer Come on
Quarry and Meet With leaden
Hail Capture Seems Sure.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. M. (Special. -Jut
t dusk tonight terrific battle wn
fought between the five convicts who
neaped from the Oregon School for the
Feeble Minded laat night and a posse of
seven men. Walter Johnson, a Deputy
Sheriff, reoerved a bullet in the leg from
a. gun stolen from a guard, and fell, with
:a. frightful wound between the ankle and
tth knee.
Over 30 shots were exchanged in the
fight, which took place in the streets of
iBuen Vista, a small town about 15 miles
south of Salem. The posse Included Su
' perintendent James and Warden Curtis.
: Walter Johnson and Duncan Ross,
i Deputy Sheriffs, were in the lead when
Tthe pursuers, after beating around In the
t brush, came upon the outlaws. Without
any preliminaries the, hunted men opened
Are with their three guns, having evident
;ry stolen one during the day, as they
"ajot away from the prison wRh onlytwo.
Johnson Falls at First Fire.
At the first exchange of bullets yjohn
son. one of the nerviest deputies on
Sheriff Minto's force, was hit. He was
placed In an automobile that had been
used in the man hunt and taken to In
dependence, where he Is in charge of
physicians. His wound is serious, but it
is believed his leg can be saved. The
bullet that hit him was from a JO-callber
Luger rifle stolen from Guard Hirtxel.
The news of the battle soon spread.
In a short time a posse of from 50
to 75 farmers Joined the officers and
circled about the spot where-the fight
had taken place. The outlaws retired
to the brush and tried to keep out
of sight, while the posse disposed itself
Ih such a way as to shut off their
tsix or eight more deputies were
loaded Into two automobiles and at 9
o'clock the reinforcements left Salem.
Among the officers were Sheriff Minto
and Chief of Police Gibscn. -
Ammunition la Short.
Fears are expressed that the des
perate men will elude the posse during
the night and break Into a house or
store in the vicinity and secure a sup
ply of arms and ammunition. About
30 to 40 shots were exchanged and
it Is known the convicts are short of
ammunition, for they had only about
15 rounds when they left last night.
Johnson, the injured deputy, played
a star part in the capture last Winter
of Homer Black, a. highwayman .who
held up and shot Dr. Kobertson In this
city. He was also indefatigable in the
chase for young Mevers and has never
shirked any assignment where there
( was a prospect of danger and excite
ment. With the enlarged posse close on
the trail of the outlaws their capture
Is expected to be made before morning,
! but It is feared another battle may
' have to be fought first.
Johnson Describes Shooting, v
Walter Johnsoa was brought to his
home in this, city late tonight. The
bullet which struck him down pierced
his right leg In the center of the shin
bone, going out at the rear In the cen
ter of the calf." Johnson told the story
of his fight with ttie convicts as fol
lows: ,
"I met Duncan Ross, one of the
(Concluded on pace .)
cr-ose .r ,-., Del...t -C.. ... . Ge.tlee..- .. A Prophet ,thOBt Ho.or. J Wby D.d-t Kl.lFHe.dVeU V.t -This RepuHe?-per.tT I. th. . Th.t One of -.y PoUce." Tus, N.rrow Place I. Hi. .. J
I ........ .vr. v , . ........... ,.....-r - - r
- v " 'r rrr v " .. . ' .
" - : 1 r i
Ed Guy. After Hnnter's License,
Gets Bang In E:ye "Needed It,"
Savs Better Half.
Ed Guy. of 4 Union avenue, received
a severe drubbing In the County Clerk's
office yesterday noon at the hands of
Deputy County Clerk Herman Schneil
der. Four hours after Guy had slunk
out of the office with a muchly blacked
eye. his wife appeared In the 'office to
thank the deputy for-the effectiveness
of his job.
"My husband needed a drubbing aw
ful badly," said she. "and I want to
meet the man that did the Job.
Schneider was led forward for her
admiring inspection.
"Why." Mrs. Guy exclaimed, "you
aren't hurt at all. My husband told me
he blacked both your eyes.
"Only two blows were struck, and I
was fortunate enough to get those in
first." Schneider said, with pardonable
"I'm mighty glad of It though I wish
you'd given him a few more. He's been
needing this beating for months. I
knew some one would do it. He's the
most abusive man in seven counties,
and the only reason he don't get a beat
ing every day Is because I'm not big
and strong enough to give it to him."
Guy was thrashed for getting into
his "home" mood while In the Clerk's
office. Because he was asked to wait
his turn for a duplicate hunter's license,
he began abusing Schneider, . who ac
cepted an Invitation to come from be
hind his desk. Guy swung at the deputy
but missed, and Schneider landed two
quick blows that sufficed to end the
bout then and there.
Western Hotel Men's Convention
Won After Hard Fight.
aVN FRANCISCO. Oct. 16. (Special.)
After a hard fight by Phil Metschan in
the Western Hotel Men's Association
convention here Portland was chosen as
the next meeting place.
Endeavoring to pcotect western hotel
men from the "dead beat" and the bad
check passer, preliminary plans for a
detective bureau were formulated. A
special committee was ' appointed to
work out the details.
At the annual election the following
officers were chosen: Sam F. Dutton,
of Denver, president; Rome Miller,
Omaha, ' vice-president: Kdward T.
Mahles, San Francisco, secretary-treasurer.
Sultan of Morocco Sells Mines That
Brought on War.
PARIS. Oct. 16. The Matin's corre
spondent at Oran, Algeria, telegraph
that Mulai Hafld, the Sultan of Morocco,
has sold the Riff mines, which were the
cause of the trouble between Spain' and
the Moors on the Riff coast, to a German
The correspondent explains that such a
transaction was now perfectly feasible,
as the Spanish held the mines by reason
only of a payment of $15,000 to Roghl,
the pretender, who was recently put to
death by the Sultan.
Should the fact be confirmed, conse
qences of the gravest character would
appear inevitable.
New York Politician Holding His
Own Temperature Normal.
XEW YORK. Oct. 16. State Senator
Patrick H. McCarren. who'has been crit
ically ill since Wednesday night last,
when he underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis, .is holding his own and his
physicians believe he has passed the
Dr. Peter Hughes said tonight that the
patient's temperature was normal, as
was his pulse, with the exception of occa.
slonal flurries.
Death List Increased to 1 SEIeven
More Bodies Found.
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Oct. 16. The total
death list of the destructive wind storm
of Thursday was Increased today by
the belated reports to 46.
Eleven more dead were discovered.
Two Presidents Meet
on Rio Grande.
Typify Strength of Bonds of
Amity Existing.
Boy Stabs Another, to Death In the
Crowd Brilliant Scenes at El
Paso and Juarez Toasts to
Each Nation by the Other.
EL. PASO, Tex., Oct. 16. The long
expected meeting between President Taft
and President Dias of the Republic of
Mexico occurred here today. Outwardly
it was attended with a display of sol
diery, a flare of trumpets, a boom of
cannon and a pomp of ceremony sug
gesting supreme authority, but in the
actual handclasp of the two executives
and in the exchange of courteous words
that passed from Hp to Hp. there was
simple but cordial Informality..-
President Taft was the first to speak.
He assured President Dias of his warm
personal regard. President Dlas assured
President Taft of his high esteem of the
American who had accomplished so much
In the Philippines, In Cuba and else
where, and who had now the honor to be
the Chief Executive of so great a Na
tion as the United States. .
Typify Strength of Bonds.
President Taft, in simple. American
fashion, declared he was glad to 'meet
President Diaz. He was glad to know
the President of such a. great nation;
canedallv aiad to know the President who
-had-made the nation great. Both Presi
dents dwelt upon the ordlallty oi me
relations existing between the United
States and Mexico. President Taft de
clared that today's "meeting was not
necessary to make stronger the bonds of
friendship; it merely typified the strength
of the bonds as they already exist. Less
than a score of persons were permitted
to witness the meeting of the two execu
tives. - i
1 Later President Taft and President
Dlax withdrew into an inner room of
the , Chamber of Commerce Building,
where the historic meeting occurred
and where they were attended only by
Governor Creel of the State of Chihua
hua, ex-Ambassador to the United
States.- who acted as Interpreter.
Gorgeous Banquet at Juarez.
The scene of the day's ceremonies
shifted from time . to time from the
thriving little American ,clty across
-the shallow, wandering Rio Grande to
the typical little Mexican settlement- of
Cludad Juarez. In the customs house
there President Diaz received a return
call from President Taft, and again late
In the evening entertained the Ameri
can President and a large dinner party
at a state banquet, which, In all its
surroundings of lavish decoration, of
brilliant color, of wealth - of silver
plate handed down from the time of
the Emperor Maximilian, probably was
the most memorable feast ever served
on the American continent. .
It was at this banquet that the more
formal and public expressions of re
gard between the two executives as the
representatives of the people of the
United States and of Mexico were ex
changed. The banquet, also marked
the end of the "day of international
pageantry a day of cloudless skies."
Boy Stabbed In Crowd.
. The day was marred by but one un
'toward Incident. A lad of 15 years was
stabbed to death by a school companion
just as President Taft was stepping
from his special train upon Its arrival
in the center of the city at 9:30 o'clock
this morning. The boys were in the
crush of people gathered in the plaza
and. In . pushing forward to catch a
glimpse of the President, became In
volved in a fight. Noll Morgan, aged
(Concluded on Page 2.)
The Weather.
TEST BiR DAY'S Maximum temperature. 63
decrees; minimum. 42 decrees '
TODAY'S Fair, northwesterly winds.
Codv's airship smashed at Doncaster and
Sumner makes longest flight seen In Eos
land. Section 1, Iage 2.
Ferrer derlared no revolutionist but only
promoter of free education in Spain.
Section 1. page 5
. National.
Stuvveaant Kish likely to be appointed
Minister to China. Section 1, page 1.
Taft and Dial exchange visits with murli
ceremony and pledge International
friendship. Section 1. Paire 1.
Taft Fternly rebukes New Mexicans who
question good faith as to statehood. Sec
tion 1, page 2.
, Politics.
Gaynor refuses to answer Hearst's charges.
, Section 1, page 4.
Domestic. ,
Dr. Frltch arrested for killing and cutting
up Maybelle Millman. Section 1, page 4.
Willie Boy found dead In desert, having shot
himself. Section 1. page S.
Chicago may get commodity rates to Puget
Sound country. Section 1, page 8.
Woman says Harris stole life Insurance
money collected for her. Section 1. page t
Police Chief plays judge between father and
mother claiming child. Section 1,
page 1.
Gypsy Smith only allowed to parade Chicago
red-light district under restrictions. Sec
tion 1. page 5.
Coast League scores: Portland 10. Vernon 1:
San Francisco 4. Oakland 1 ; Los An
geles 5-3, Sacramento 0-2. Section 1,
page lV
Johnson knocks out Ketchel In 12 rounds
after game fight. Section 1. page It.
Loxler wins auto race with new worlds
record. Sectlorr1. page 2.
Pittsburg wins decisive game for world's
championship. Section 1. page 1.
Oregon and Washington football teams loom
up best among colleges. Section 4.
page 4.
Portland and Vernon to play last game of
baseball season here today. Section 4,
MAtfk 4.
Road to Mt. Hood is ambition of Portland
Automobile Club. Section 4. page 6
Portland and Vernon players to vie in field
day sports before game today. Section 4,
page 7.
Schedule arranged for grammar school foot
ball league. Section 1. page 11.
Multnomah Club beats Willamette It to 0
In first football game. Section 1, page 11.
O. A. C. defeats Pacific University 21 to 0.
Section 1. page 10.
Pacific Northwest.
Deputy Sheriff Is seriously wounded in bat
tle with convict near Salem. Section 1,
Page 1.
Alairka-Yukon-Paclflc Exposition closes at
midnight amid scenes of revelry. Sec
tion 1, page 1.
Attornev-General Crawford assails validity of
act which increases membership of State
Supreme Court. Section 1. tpage 6.
Work of awarding premiums at Gresham fair
not yet completed. Section 1. page T.
Expose of Pantan cabrtl starts fifht in Spo
kane Council which blocks all business.
Section 3, page 10.
Mysterious North Coast Railroad may be
Great, Northern project. Section 1,
page 6. . .
Mother carries ' dying child in arms from
mountain home miles to civilization.
Section 1, page 7.
Portland and Vicinity.
Abusive citizen trounced by Deputy County
Clerk; wife thanks., (.he drubber. Section
1, page 1. .
Mayor Simon announces apeolal etectlon to
be-held January 1. Section 3. page 12.
Oregon-Trunk company to bridge Columbia
between Celllo and The Dalles. Section 4.
. page 13.
Harry Squires, prominent, turfman, accused
of attempting to kill woman fromwhom
h was divorced 18 years (ago. , Section 1,
'page 2. . '
Attoney D. E. Powers threatens to prose
cuto pair who waylaid and' robbed htm
as, a Joke. Section .1, page. 8. , ,
Prohibitionists confident state will be voted
dry. . . Section, 3. . page 10.
Rules of traffic ordinance signed by Mayor
to keep streets clear, are easily followed.
Sectlun 4. page 14. -- - -
Hop prices are expected 4o soar this season.
.Section 2, page 2.
Waverly-WoodStock Improvement Club
adopts resolution favoring vote on sys
tem of Installing water mains. Section
2. page 12.
Woman accused . of defrauding fiance, in
Jail, tries to make up. Section 1, page &
Boy. 14 years old. badly beaten, father put
under arrest by Juvenile Court. Section
1. page S-
Head Consul Boak. of Pacific Jurisdiction,
W. O. W., visits Portland. Sestlon 1,
page 8.
Funeral of the late Professor Motrin to be
held tinder auspices of two lodges today.
Section 2, page 2.
Drs. Walker and Wolf discredit Cook in
North Pole controversy. Section 2,
page 2. .
Studebaker Company entertains its agents in
banquet at Hotel Portland. Section 4,
page 7.
Dr. W. T. Williamson explains his absence
from city while the trial of Mrs. Collins
was In progress. Section 4. page 14.
News of the Portland theaters. , Section 4,
page 2-.
Experts' report blames directors for wreck
of Oregon Trust. Section S. page 12.
Dead baby brought to life by Dr. Short.
Section 1, page 1.
Two lives lost In tenement-house nre. Sec--.tlon
1.- page 5.
Real Estate and Building.
Realty market passes very active week. Sec-
- tlon 4. page 8
Imperial Hotel annex be completed this
-year. Section 4,. page M.
Contract awarded for $40,000 building at
East Burnslde and East Eighth streets.
Section 4. page 'J.
East Side building active, sales many. Sec-
. tlon 4. - page 10. -Multnomah
Mohair Mills to build plant at
Sellwood. Section 4. page 10.
Many sales of farms are recorded In the
week's realty record, section 4. page 11.
Wells-Kargo building Is one foot higher than
the projected Spauldlng structure. Sec
tion 4. page. 11.
Seventy-four acres, mile west or Portland
Heights, to be platted. Section 4. page 11.
Union avenue - Is becoming most important
street on the East Side. Section 4.
page 12.
Site long bare at Enst Ninth and East Ank
env streets., now occupied by flats. Sec
tion 4. page 12.,
Pittsburg Wins Honor
for Nationals.
Young Phenem Has Americans
at His Mercy.
Donovan Allows Passes and Hits
Galore and Mtillin Proves Easy.
Byrne Sprains Ankle and Is
Carried From the Field.
DETROIT. Mich.. Oct. 16. Pittsburg
won the world's baseball championship
at Bennett Park today by defeating De
troit by 'the overwhelming score' of 8
to 0 in the seventh and decisive game
of one of the greatest battles ever
fought for the world's title.
This gives the National League cham
pions the victory by "the count of four
games to three. It is the third succes
sive defeat of the American League
champions in the world's series, and
consequently'the third straight victory
for the National-League, the Chicago
team having defeated Detroit In 1907
and In 1908.
Adams Eclipses Other Stars.
To Charles Adams, the phenomenal
young pitcher from . the Louisville
American Association team, belongs the
lion's share of the credit for the vic
tory, and his wonderful pitching has
crowded Wagner, Leach, Clarke and the
other Pittsburg stars into the back
ground. Today's victory was the third
of the series and he held Detroit safely
throughout the game. He allowed but
six hits, and in only one inning the
fourth did Detroit get more than one
safety; '- Adams allowed only one base
on balls, and in four Innings he re
tired the hard-hitting American
Leaguers In one, two,-v three order.
Crowd Proves Disappointing.
The crowd was a distinct disappoint
ment, as there were only 17,562 paid
admissions. It was expected that the
game would break all local attendance
records, because of Its Importance. The
receipts were $10,(77 and this was di
vided $1967,70 to the National Com
mission arid $8854.65 to ' each club
This brings the total attendance for
the seven games up to 145,444, and the
total receipts to $188,302.50.
The weather was far from ideal, but
was better than that which prevailed for
the other three games played here. The
thermometer was close to 50 degrees
above zero and not too cold for the spec
tators or for the players.
Detroit Pitchers Fail."
The two twirlers upon whom Detroit
had pinned its faith in winning the great
series were lacking when the critical
time came. "Wild Bill" Donovan IJyed
up to his nickname by passing six bat
ters and hitting another in the first two
Innings. While this lack of control al
lowed Pittsburg to score only two runs
it had a bad effect on the Detroit defense
and Pittsburg scored often after that.
Donovan let in a two-bagger and a single
in the third, but a snapply double play
stopped Pittsburg from scoring.
George MuIIln was sent in to bat for
Donovan In the third inning and took up
the pitching after that. The Detroit man
was unequal to the task of pitching four
games of the seven, and was easy for the
Pittsburg batters after Donovan Tlad
given them their start. Mullin was hit
hard In the fourth and sixth and Pitts
burg soon piled up a commanding lead.
- Americans Lose Courage.
The play was fierce in the early in
nings, but Detroit grew discouraged as
Inning after inning went by and it could
not score on Adams,-while Muilln was
helpless in holding the National League
Robert Byrne and George Moriarity were
(Concluded on Par 6.)
Qualities as Diplomat Vntried Well
Known In Business as Enemy
of Harriman.
SHANGHAI, Oct. 16. A report has been
published here of the probable appoint
ment of Sfuyvesant Fish, of New York
as American Minister to China.
NEW YORK, Oct. 16. Stuyvesant Fish
was not in New York City tonight and
It could not be ascertained where he was.
Mr., Fish has been principally known as
a business man.
He is 58 years of age and was born in
New York, a son of the late Hamilton
Fish, who was Secretary of State in
Grant's Cabinet. Mr. Fish was a, mem
ber of the Monetary Commission created
by the Indianapolis Monetary Conference
For years he was president of the Illi
nois Central Railway, but from this posi
tion he was ousted when the late El H.
Harriman obtained control of the road.
Steamer Rate War Makes Southern
Pacific Abandon N'ew Train.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Oct. 16.-(Spe-cial.)
The question whether the steam
ship rate war is seriously cutting info the
railroad passenger business Is apparently
answered affirmatively by the Southern
Pacific. That company today withdrew
the new daylight limited train, which
was to have been started next Wednes
day between this city and San Francisco
and It will be indefinitely held up.
The Southern Pacific caused the Pull
man Company to gather the necessary
equipment for the train, Its officials
meantime being loud in their declara
tions that the water traffic fight was not
affecting rail traffic a particle. "Every
thing was in readiness for next Wednes
day, when the railroad notified the Pull
man corporation that the service- would
not be put on until October 24. This was
followed by notification today that the
train may not be run before Spring.
Novelist Gives Vp Wife and Money
to Another Man.
-TaXD0N7 Oct. 16.-(Speclal.)-J. M.
Barrie. novelist and playwright, did not
enter suit for divorce. It Is now as
serted by his friends; until Gilbert Can
nan, whom he named as co-respondent,
took a solemn pledge to marry Mra
Barrie after tho decree had been granted.
Moreover, as Cannan Is not well provided
with money, Barrie made a handsome
settlement on his wife before he filed
his petition for separation, making her
financially independent.
Throughout the ' whole affair Barrie
acted with the greatest generosity al
though he was grievously afflicted. Can
nap, has written a play which will be
the next production by Herbert French
In his repertoire theater, the Haymarket.
Takes Buggy With Him, but Harness'
Breaks and He Falls.
BELLINGHAM, Wash.. Oct. 16. (Spe
cial.) A spirited roadster hitched to a
light rig and frightened by a streetcar
today performed the sensational stunt of
leaping clear over an auto, with the rig
In tow, when, after a run down a long
hill, it found its road blocked by the
machine. Neither automobile nor buggy
were occupied at the time of the acci
dent and the lose Is therefore merely
financial. ,
The horse cleared the machine In one
bound and the rig toppled over after him.
When he buggy struck, the harness broke
and the horse, turning a complete som
ersault, was thrown 40 feet.
Flckert's Contention Not Upheld by
Recount In San Francl9co.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16. Francis J.
Heney, candidate . for District Attorney,
todav, had a lead of 40 votes In the re
count being conducted In court at the ln
stlgation of his opponent, C. M. FIckert,
who alleged Heney was not entitled to
the Democratic nomination at the recent
primary election.
In the original count Heney was given
the nomination by 80 votes.
Dramatic Scenes Mark
Closing Hours.
Amid Carnival .Spirit There Is
Regret at Passing Show.
Attendance Figures Close to 3,750,
000 and ATter All Expenses Are
Paid Small Dividend Will
Be Left to Stockholders. '
SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 16. Special.)
At midnight tonight the 150,000 elec-'l
trio lights of the Alaska-Yukon-Paciflo '.
Exposition were extinguished, closing the
prosperous life of the World's Fair of,
1909, which from every standpoint was
moro successful than Its most zealous
friends had dared to hope.
The final moments of the Fair were
as dramatic as Its beginning on June 1,,
when 40,000 people gathered at the nat
ural amphitheater and waited for Presi
dent Taft's signal. The last day had
been devoted to saying good-bye. The
sun shone bright, the flowers were never
more beautiful and the whole Exposition
looked as new and fresh as on the dby of
the opening.
Times for All Moods. '
The attendance was large and, while
the carnival spirit possessed the young,
there was sorrow for the passing of the
brilliant show.
The exercises of the closing hours be
gan at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon with a
display of Japanese fireworks. The Ex
position band paraded from building to
building, serenading each." The United
States Government building was reached
at 5:30 o'clock. Its dally closing hour. A
cornet sounded "taps" and the band
played "Auld Lang Syne." The flag was
hauled down, the life-saving crew on
Lake Union fired 21 guns and the build
Ings' doors were locked.
Stroke or 12 Awaited.
At night a great throng of people as
sembled at the natural amphitheater
beside Lake Washington and listened to
a classical concert by a band which
played waltzes for the frivolous and
Chopin's funeral march and other somber
pieces for the sorrowing. At 11:30 o'clock
the Exposition officials and employes
marched from the Administration build
ing to. the amphitheater to await the
stroke of midnight.
On the stage, Joslah Collins, chairman
of the committee on ceremonies, presided
and spoke briefly. President J. E. Chil
berg made an address of thanks and fare
well and exactly at 12 o'clock opened a
switch that darkened the whole Fair. A
single bugler blew "taps" and then In
darkness, but for the stars overhead, the
vast audience sang "Auld Lang Syne,"
accompanied by the band, "fhe street
lamps were lighted again and the people
went home.
On the Pay Streak the celebration was
noisy, but orderly, and closed with fire
works, the last pieces being "Good
Night'" "Good-bye."
Fair Is Financial Success.
As expositions go the A-Y-P has been
a financial success. Every dollar of in
debtedness has been paid and there will
probably be a small dividend for the
stockholders. The Exposition issued
$350,000 In bonds and contracted an in
debtedness in addition of about the same
amount. The stock subscriptions aggre
gated $625,000.
In comparing the financial results with
those of other expositions, there are nu
merous factors to be considered. Omaha,
for instance, was unable to contract any
direct Indebtedness aside from the bond
issue. What otherwise would have been
Indebtedness was In the form of stock
subscriptions, and the fair there paid a
dividend of about 80 per cent. Fair of
ficials here say that they are utterly un
able at this time to make any estimate
(Concluded on Pace a.)