TOE SUXDAV OREG0MAT, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 10,1909. r w nnMW sifrv s rirf i rcasurer. i t avw D....-4 fi,,1 Minatfer. . ' W. MARKILLIC. Vice-Fresiaenc ana reia xvunagcr. X. rt " T J-l Ay WJtUWUV .uw D . - - LARGEST OWNERS OF AGRICULTURAL AND ORCHARD LANDS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST ENT ON LAN Head Office: 419 Lumbermens National Bank Building, Corner Fifth and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon Branch Offices: Seattle. Tacoma. Spokane. Vancouver. San Francisco. Los Angeles. Kansas City, St. Louis, Topeka. Chicago. Glasgow, Scotland-15 Elenbank, Street w. iiuiyvii i-rwww v DEVEL0PM CO THE ... r : Three.Tliousand Slaves TO BE MADE FREE MEN S Three Thousand Oregon Farms TO BE SOLD BEFORE JANUARY FIRST AT THE UNHEARD-OF SUM OF EACH FARM ONLY ONLY $15 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH Did you ever hear of such a " fjs proposition m ail your me o E AC H FARM THE ONLY FREE MAN UJNC Clf iXir. aLA V3, -, . t -The Story in a Nutshell The Oregon Land Development Co., P. C. Lavey, Presi dent and General Manager; W. Markillie, Vice-President and Field Manager, and C. W. Hodson, Secretary, and Treasurer, controls 40,000 acres of Oregon land. These lands are not one vast arid body, but are located in bodies of various sizes from 160 acres to 6000 acres in fifteen different counties, as follows: Baker, Curry, Crook, Douglas, Grant, Harney, . Jackson; Josephine, Lincoln, Linn, Malheur, Union, Umatilla, Wallowa and Wasco. This company will open these lands to ihe public in farms of 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 and 640 acres, each. All farms, regardless of size, will be valued alike and sold for $125.00 each. . ' . Each purchaser of a contract will hold an undivid-' ed interest in these farms, and the contract holders, themselves shall, with their representatives, decide hoAV these lands shall be apportioned. Read Contract in This Advertisement Contract printed on this page gives full information to purchaser. Read it3 provisions carefully. ; Our Reason for This Plan of Sale The recent successful opening of 300,000 acres of land at Lakeview, Oregon, which w(as approved by the Gov ernment officials, made it possible for individual com- ; panies o wiling large bodies of land, to dispose of them quickly and in a manner which saved to the purchaser all the enormous cost of livery hire, automobile hire, hotel bills, railway fare and he usual vast amount of money expended in selling and showing lands,. all of which at times amounts to more than the original cost of the land itself, and which expense is, of course, added to the price of the land, which the purchaser has to pay. If sold in the usual slow, expensive manner, it would take years of work by an army of men to show and sell these" lands to people who are habitual sightseers and to people who, before purchasing, would have to make several trips to the lands. , Time is the most valuable thing in the world today, consequently the business of the world is carried on by time-saving methods. Our plan 'is a- money-saver to the purchaser and a time-saver to this Company, which is just the same as money. These contracts will be sold before Christmas this year, as a large force of salesmen are already in the field. Get yours as soon as possible. l - : i HERE IS OUR CONTRACT READ IT OVER IT TELLS THE STORY : This Is the ' Best Opportunity Ever .. ) : Offered Rich or Poor Man It Is herebv mutually agreed Tietween The Oregon Land Development Company, the undersigned and the other purchasers of contracts in this enterprise, as follows: . FIRST The lands offered by the Oregon Land Development Company are all located within the State of Oregon, In ihe following counties, to-wit: Baker, Crook, Curry, Douglas, Grant, Harney, Jo sephine, Lincoln, Linn. Malheur. Jackson. L nion, , Umatilla and Wallowa, embracing in all 40.)?0 acres or more, to be subdivided as follows: 2713 farms 10 acres each, 200 farms 2 acres each, 1d0 farms 4") acres each, 2U farms 80 acres eaeh. 2 farms 160 acres each, 1 farm 320 acres. 1 farm 640 acres. Each and every undivided farm to be sold at one hundred and twenty-five dollars, no more, no less, payable,as follows: J15.00 cash with appli cation and $10.00 everv thirty daysfthereafter un til full amount has been paid, without Interest or taxes, until deed and abstract are delivered. SECOND The purchase of one or more contracts as stipulated on the back hereof means that when the purchaser has completed his payments he be comes the owner of an undivided Interest in each farm Included In the land and offered for sale as herein above set forth. THIRD Each applicant, when he makes his first pavment and executes a contract, will receive from the Company a contract which provides that when he has made his last payment the Company will Issue to him a Clearance Receipt or Certificate. FOURTH When the contract holders, or their representatives, shall have assembled for the open ing, thev shall receive deeds for the-farms herein mentioned, and who Shalt-hold the same for the benefit of the contract holders (purchasers). The Company will furnish the said trustees plats of the farms, and said trustees shall proceed to appor tion said lands among the purchasers in such man ner as ft majority of the said contract holders or their representatives may agree upon. The lands comprise S086 farms and a farm to each contract. as set forth in first part of this contract. Holders of contracts or their representatives only will be permitted to participate in the opening and appor tionment of these farms. : FIFTH In case of the death of any contract holder, the heirs, personal representatives or assigns of such person may complete the payments or may elect to discontinue payments. In Which event the Company will return the amounts paid In, with six per cent Interest from date of pay- ""in'the event of the total disability pf the contract holder from any cause he may, upon proper notice given to the Company, receive repayment of such amounts paid by him, together with six per cent Interest from date of payment, or the Company will issue to said contract holder 4 receipt show ing the contract to be paid In full. SIXTH Free round trip transportation will be furnished to two accredited representatives of any club of twenty or more contract holders in good standing In any one cit; or county from mobiliz ing points in anv state, at the time of the opening.. SEVENTH Failure on the part of any contract holder to make payments as stipulated In the appli cation forfeits his rights and interest In said con tract and all- moneys paid thereon. . EIGHTH The dute of opening and apportion ment of farms will be announced thirty days in " advance. Each contract holder will be kept advised of the progress made until all the contracts are disposed of, wlien notice will be immediately giv en of opening to each contract holder. - NINTH Should any contract holder desire to use anv of the lands owned by the Company for agricultural purposes prior to the opening or ap portionment, such contract holder may do so with out any charge whatever for rental, provided" such contract holder firsf signs a special' contract pro- vlded In such instances by the Company. TENTH The holder of -this contract hereby agrees to hold the Company responsible only for statements made in its general printed matter and for the terms of this contract. in America FORTUNE'S OPEN HAND IS EXTENDED WILL YOU GRASP. IT NOW? The Men Behind the Work- . Thejsuccess of business in this world depends upon the ability of the men who are behind that business, and an organization to be effective and efficient must have men specially qualified for their special duties. P. C. Lavey, President and General Manager. Mr. Lavey, until he was elected to his present office with this Company, was Manager of the entire sales force of The Jacobs-Stine Realty Company, the largest company on (he Pacific Coast, and his greatest endorse ment comes from the officers of that company for whom he handled sales amounting to over $600,000.00 in six months. 1 Mr. Lavey will have entire charge of the sell ing forces of this Company, which means success. W. Markillie, Vice-President and Field Manager. Mr. Markillie has resided in Portland over eighteen years, and was chosen for this position because of his "iiltimate knowledge of every piece of land worth while in the State of Oregon. Mr. Markillie is a man of re markable executive ability and unquestioned integrity. His work will be in the field surveying our lands and preparing for the opening.- C. W. Hodson, Secretary and Treasurer. The most; important factor in any business is the man into whose custody is placed the funds. When Mr. C. W. Hodson, of the Irwin-Hodson Co. of Portland, ac cepted his election to this most important position, he conferred a favor upon this Company which is hereby acknowledged. As a private and public citizen and as a business man of the city of Portland for nearly thirty years; Mr. Hodson is known as a man of the highest character and integrity. The foremost financial insti tutions will testify to this fact and this Company feels" . justly honored by his connection. The Funds of the Oregon Land Development Company Are Safe Our Organization further consists of an advisory board of business men of experience and integrity, men who are connected with large enterprises and who are finan cially responsible at all times. With this organization, which is complete, this Company !a. success is assured. Its motto will be, "Give the people their money's worth." Its first opening offer to you means money in 'your pocket. Refuse this offer arid without question yon "pass up" one of the best ever made you. RESPONSIBLE AGENTS WANTED This Company desires the services of responsible repre sentatives in each town and city in the United States and Canada. Best references must be furnished. If you want more information just put your name and address on a postcard and ask for Book C. It tells the whole story. . - RESPONSIBLE AGENTS WANTED This Company desires the services of responsible repre each town and city in the United States "and Canada. Business principles demand references. THE G ON LAN BEVE LOR MENT GO. ' LARGEST OWNERS OF FARM LANDS ON THE PACIFIC COAST 419 LUMBERMENS BANK BUILDING. COR. FIFTH AND STARK STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON