THE SUNDAY OHEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 10, 1909. IS SET Building Permits for Week Close to Record: AGGREGATE IS $833,405 April Figures Approached Within Only Few Dollars Two Big Permits Help Swell Total. Average Cost Is $8251. The building permits issued last week came within 17.00 of setting- a new week's record for Portland, the total of 133.405 which was reached for the week-being the second best mark ever set in Portland. The best previous record is that of the week ending; April 17. 1909. when permits totaling S850.450 were taken out. In that week the $500, Of0 permit for rie construction of the Olds & King building was issued, and this week the permit for the Spalding building was taken out at a like figure. The record for one day was also closely approached on last Tuesday, the day the Spalding permit was issued. Then the record made was $518,575. The record of J527.125 set the day the Olds & King permit was granted, on April IS. 1909. still stands. A contributing factor to the large total this week is the permit issued for the construction of the St. Francis ca thedral at $175,000. This ' permit is granted for a one-story frame church and the price seems high in the light of the building being of frame construc tion and but one story. Thejfact is. however, that the workmanship is very ornate, the building covering a large site and the dome extending into the air to a height really equal to four or moro stories. The total number of permits issued last week is 101, a comparatively Bmall number. This, however, creates what is .possiblv a record average in build ing permits, the average price of each building Mng $8251. The large num ber and the high total of permits taken out since the first of October gives promise of the establishment of a new record for the month. Already there have been issued well over $950,000 in permits this month. The permits issued each day last week and the amounts follow: Monday, October 4. 19 permits for $27,800; Tues day, October 5'. 19 permits for $518,575; Wednesday. October 6. 15 permits for $197,500; Thursday. October 7. seven permits for $lltS30: Friday, October 8. 29 permits for $39.S50; Saturday, Octo ber 9. 12 permits for $38,050. The detailed permits issued during the week follow: " ' TnewUy, Oct. 5. -'Th6mpon Estate, repair one-story brick shop. 275 Pine street, between Third ana .Fourth; builder. E. E. Anirel. $25. Chaa. E. Runyon. excavate basement. txth street, northeaet corner uaaison, builder. Hurley Mason Co.. $1000. J M Parmley, rect one-story frame dwelling. East Oaruthers street, between Thirtieth and Fortieth; builder, same; $1iO0. M ' B. Potter. repair two-story frame dwcillny. 1178 East Belmont street, between Thirtv-nlnth and Fortieth; builder. Helll ' well A Hardy: $7! Col. Z f. gpauMina-. erect 12-story steel frame office. Washington street, between Third- and Fourth; builder. Jas. Stewart A Co. ; J. T Swift, erect one-story frame dwell ing. First fcvenue. between Ktndorf Road and Woodeni builder, same; $1400. Portland Wharf Co., repair frame dock. River, between Burnslde and Couch streets; builder. Allen A Lewta; $20. F- A St. Clair, erect one and one-nair story frame dwelling. East Flrty-thlrd street, between Tillamook and Hancock; builder, same; $2000. N P. Brewery, repair two-story frame tore. Sixth street between Davis and Ever ett; bulld-rs. Vaughn ft Co.: 2IM. j X- Datton. repair one and one-halt story frame store. 4"S Washington -street, between Grand avenue and East Sixth street; builder, same: $."0. H P MrNarey. wreck one-story frame building. - Fltteenth street, between Raleigh and Quimbv; builder, R. L. Moudy; $.',0. J. c. Lewis, erect one and one-half story frame dwelling. East Eighteenth street, be tween Harold and Insley; builder, Eastman Co ; $12". W. T. Kerens, erect one-story frame dwell ing. Thirtieth street, between Alnsworth and North: bullOr. Eastman Co.; $2xi. W E". l-akln. erect oue-story frame dwell ing. East Sixvy-Elghth street, corner Flan- ders; builder, same; $lo. T. James, erect one-story frame dwelling. East Fifty-seventh street between Haw thorne avenue and Market; builder, G. A. Thomson; $1',h)0. Joe Imfeld. erect one-story frame dwelling. East Eightv-third street, between Hassalo and Mulmomah; builder, same; $1400. Richard Williams, repair two-story frame store. Fourth street, between Pavla and Everett; builder. L.. Jennings; $1200. Chas. High, erect two-story frame dwell ing. Going street, corner Seventh; builder, same: $20uO. Beth L,lnd. erect one and one-half atory frame dwelling. East Morrison, corner -Eightieth: builder, same; $14UO. - Wednesday, October 6. Mr. Johnson, erect one-story frame dwell ing. Holgate street, between Mllwaukia county road and Oakdale; builder, E. Rad ford; 11300. Bollan Investment Company, repair tnree torv brick store. Fourth street, between Bavrs and Everett; builder. James 1. Mar shall; :oo. ' St Francis Church, erect one-story frame church. East Pine street, between East Eleventh and East Twelfth; builder, same; $176,000. John Hergert. erect one-tory. frame barn. East Twelfth street, between Freemont and eech; builder, same: $150. E. T. Mundell, erect two-story frame dwelling. East . Couch street, between East Nineteenth and East Twentieth; builders, H. L.. Camp Co.: J3300. Mrs. Nellie Holmes, erect one-story frame dwelling. Glenn avenue, between Stevens and East Market; buildera, H. L.. Camp A Co.; $2000. Mrs. Warner, erect two-story frame dwell ing. Hancock atreet, between East Twenty first and East Twenty-socond ; builders, II L. Camp At Co.: 439O0. Hattle E. Kllborn. erect two-story frame dwelling. Weldler street, between East Seventeenth and East Nineteenth; builders. H. L. Camp & Co.; $3300. D. C. Hoyt. erect one-story frame dwell ing. Haven street, between Vanderbilt and ,Girard; builder. J. G. Nash: $1600. Mrs. Snr?nson. erect one-story store room. East Forty-sixth street, between Belmont and East Morrison; builder. James Taylor; $250. M H. Trlpboff. repair one and one-half-story rime store, is Second street, be tween Burnslds and Couch; builder, G. I. Mclntyre; J:."o. Weinhard Estate, repair two-story frame saloon. I'nlon avenue, between Freemont and Constance: builders. langford A Walker; $50. N M Peterson, tvjpalr two-story frame barn. East Sixth street, between Hancock and Schuvler; builder, same; $300. Mrs. A. Feuk. erect two-story frame dwell ing. East Main street, between East Fortieth and East Fifty-first; builder. L G. Waggo- Edwird Misencr. erect two-story frame dwelling. East tlgtneenm street. Deiween Tillamook and Thompson; builder, same; $4000. Thursday, October 7. Philip Easterday. erect two-story frame dwelling. Haselfern Farm, near Thirty-sixth street: builders. Finer A Keeler: $5000. Mrs A. R. Phillips, erect one and one-half-storylframe dwelling. East Sixty-eighth s:r-'t. between Gllsan and Hoyt; builder, V. H. Brown; 12500. W H. Erwln. erect one-story frame dwelling. East Thirty-seventh street, be tween Caruthers and Division; builder, W. Altaian; $1500. A. R. Gerrard. erect one-story franvs shed. Portsmouth avenue, between Dawson and Gloucester; builder, same; ISO. Mrs S. Paquet. repair one-story frame dwelling. $0 Hall strevt. between Fifth and Sixth; builders. Smith 4 Dodge: $150. Mrs M. A. Whits, repair one and. one-half-story frame dwelling. East Hoyt street, between Fifty-second and Fifty-third streets; builder. E. M. Collins; I400. C L. Rothermond. erect two-story frame dwelllnr. Ellsworth street, between Twenty ninth and Kennel worth; builder, same; $2000. Chaa. M- Morgan, erect one-story frame flwelllng. Mallory avenue, between Bryant .And Dekum avenue; builder, same; $2500. itra. B. C. Crowder. erect two-story frame HIGH MARK dwelling. East Twentieth street, between Bryant and Surman; builder, same: $1500. F. E. Reed, repair four-story brick store. SS3 Yamhill street, between Fourth and Fifth; builder. C. A. Austin Co.; $200. A V Folkman, erect one-story frame dwelling. Earl street, between Koryman and Wlldrake; builder, same; $2000 J W Morris, erect two-story frame dwell ing East Yamhill street. between East Sixty-eighth and East Sixty-ninth; builder, same; $6000. A. Peterson, erect one-story frame shop, 412 Vancouver avenue, between Hancock and Tillamook; builder, same; $100. H J. Rowan, erect one-story frame dwell ing. East Seventy-third street, between Fall ing and Beech: builder, same; $100. Gambrlnus Brewing Co., repair one-story frame saloon, 141 Sixth street, between Hoyt and Irving; builder. C. Carmlchael; $100. S. I, Selling, repair two-story frame dwelling. Union avenue between Belmont and Yamhill streets; builder, C. Carmlchael; $0 - - , , Wm. McNab, erect two-story frame dwell ing. Williams avenue, between Portland Boulevard and Dekum avenue; builder, F. Miasander; $S000. N C. Merges. repair two-story frame store. 2J6 Russell street, between Vancouver and Flint: builder, same; $loo. Mr. Holman. repair two-story frame Ice plant. Eighteenth street, between Thurman and Upshur: builder. C. F. Dando; $250. J. J. Swarti. erect one-story frame wood shed. Churchill street, between Marie and Curtis; guilder, same; $50. Geo A. Smith, erect one-story frame dwelling. Emerson street, between East Ninth and East Eleventh; builder, same; $1200. A. Coldlng. repair one-story brick store. Fourth street, between Ash and Burnslde; builder, same; $300. Robert Gregg, repair one-story frame dwelling. 713 East Stark street, between East Twentieth and East Twenty-first; builder, same; $50. John Fisher, erect two-story frame dwell ings Holly street; between Maple and East Sixteenth: builder, Portland Building Asso ciation; $3000. . . H. W. Powell, erect one-story frame shed. East Twenty-eighth street, between Albejta and Sumner; builder, same; $100. Friday, October 8. Weinhard estate, repair three-story frame saloon. Burnslde street, between Second and Third; builder. H. Stlner; $100. I. Dantoff. repair two-story frame dwell ing. Glbbs street, between First and Second; builder, same; $1500. John West land, erect one-story frame shop. Ivy street, between Borthwlck and KIrby; builder, same; $50. City of Portland, erect two-story brick engine house. Russell street, between Will iams and Rodney avenue; builder, W. B. Steel. Jr.; $14,000. C. Harl. repair H4-story frame dwelling. East Forty-ninth street, between Yamhill and Belmont: builder, same; $150. B. E. Beatty. erect one-story frame dwell ing. East Yamhill street and East Thirty first; builder. G. S. Gruber; $200. B. I. Dunford. erect one-story frame dwelling. East Forty-ninth street, between Division and Clinton; builder, same; $1500. Alice J. Petty, erect lH-story frame dwelling. Delano street, between East Eigh tieth and East Eighty-second; builder, W. W. Petty: $1600. C. W. Vaughn, erect 1-story frame gar- ?ge. . East Eighteenth street. between 'hompson and Brazee; builder. H. K. Black; $100. James D. Ogden, erect one-story frame dwelling. Missouri avenue, between Prea cott and Going; builder. C. J. Crosby; $14(10. C. W. Blue, erect one-story frame dwell ing. East Thirty-third street, between Hum boldt and Webster; builder, C. J. Crosby; $1050. J. F. Weatherby. erect two-story -frame dwelling. East Fifty-seventh street, between Hawthorne and. Lincoln; builder, same; $2500. A. H. Banman. repair l"j -story frame dwelling. East Madison street, between Glenn and Thirty-third; builder, W. Thomas: $100. Mrs. M. E. Beard, repair two-story frame dwelling. East Salmon street, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third; builder, same; $250. P. W. Benson, erect one-story frame dwelling. Multnomah street, between East Nineteenth and Twenty-first; builder, same; $100. R. L,. Ray. erect 1H -story frame dwell ing. Moore street, between Morgan and Buf falo; builder, same; $1500. J M. Olaon. erect lV4-story frame dwelling. East Alder street, between Seventy-ninth and Eightieth; builder, same: $2000. . Nlner A MoFarland.- erect -Hi -atory frame dwelling. East Thirty-eighth, between Ste vens and Harrison; builder, same; $1500. Nlner & McFarland. erect one-story frame dwelling. East Thirty-eighth street, between Stevens and Harrison: builder, same; $1500. Frank Trlvone. repair lV-story frame dwelling. East Forty-sixth street, between Lincoln and Grant; builder, J. H. Cleland; $soo. J. B. Frem, repair two-story frame dwell ing. East Third street, between Multnomah and Wasco; builders. Velguth ft Pierce: $50. Mrs. M. Velguth. repair lH-story frame dwelling. East Fifteenth street, between Til lamook and Thompson; buller, Velguth 4k Pierce: $50. ' G. W. Peterson, erect one-story frame dwelling, Morgan street, between Vincent and Oatman; builder, same; $1000. Gregory Investment Co., erect one-story frame dwelling. East Seventy-fifth street, between Fremont and Klickitat; builder, same: $250. Gregory Investment Company, erect one story fraTne dwelling. East Eightieth street, betwen Klickitat and Siskiyou; builder, same; $250. Gregory Investment Company, erect one story frame dwelling. East Seventy-third street, between Fremont and Klickitat; builder, same; $1850. Frank Eury, repair two-story frame store. First street, between Clay and Mar ket; builder. H. Glaze; $loo. J. B. Lilly, erect one-story frame dwell ing. Crookham avenue, near Mllwaukle; builder. A. C. Meyer; $1000. Norman R. Landis. erect one-story frame dwelling, Matthews street, between Wisdom and Beebe; builder, same; $1200. Saturday, October 0. Hawthorne estate, repair two-story frame store. Grand avenu.e between East Salmon and Main: builder. C. W. Vanstone; $t)0. P. Bruno, erect one-story frame garage. East Twenty-first street, between Clackamas and Wasco; builder. Rice ft Mehan; 2U0. S. Allegram. repair two-story brick laun dry, Hawthorne avenue, between Second and third: builder, S. ft Z. Wakayma; $2500. H. Hoffman, tear down two-story frame building. Fourteenth street, between Couch and Davis: builder. J. R. Clark; $100. B. T. Stapleton. erect 1H -story frame dwelling, East Fourteenth street, between Brazee and Knott: builder, same; $2000. J. M. Bandroth, erect lH-story frame dwelling, Gladstone street, corner of Thirty first: builder, E. A. Erlckson; $:10(I0. J. Mueller, erect two-story frame dwell ing. Graham avenue, between Vancouver and Gantenbein: builder, C. H. Allton; $3.ioo. City of Portland, erect two-story brick ftrehouse. Montgomery street and Lowns dale; builders, Frlberg Bros.: $15.0oo. R. N. Brown, erect two-story frame dwell ing, Oregon street, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first: builder. F. E. Starbuck; $1800. Centennial Investment Company, Petty grove street, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth; builder, Eastman Company; $(0l. Jennie Lathrup. erect two-story frame dwelling. Ladd avenue, between Hawthorne and Palm; builder. B. S. Selberg; $32O0. W. H. Foxley. repair 1 '4-story frame dwelling. East Thirtieth street, between Ankeny and Ash: builder, same; $130. HILL'S EXTENSION PLANS Build Burlington to San Francisco and Connect Oregon Trunk. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 9. That J. J. Hill is considering the extension of the Burlington Railrpad from Denver to the Pacific Coast Is stated by T. B. Walker, a Minneapolis millionaire, in terested In California timber lands, who has close relations with the rail way magnate. He is quoted as follows: "In a talk we had recently. Hill told me that he did not believe that a line from San Francisco north would be of great advantage, but thfct the .exten sion of the Burlington to this city, probably from the end of the Cheyenne or Guernsey branch, would be. This would make a through line from Chi cago 1o San Francisco, with which the Oregon Trunk Line could be connected at some point in Northern California. The line would give the Burlington a share of the Sacramento Valley traffic, and a feeder might be built through the San Joaquin Valley. With the Ore gon Trunk connection, another line would be opened to Eastern Washing ton, Idaho and Montana. Flax Industry May Revive. CHEHAL1S. Wash., Oct. 9. Special.) Efforts looking to a revival of the flax fiber industry are under way at Chehalls. The Citizens" Club has a proposition on hand looking to the taking up of the work of not only producing fiber, but the work of spinning it into a marketable product afterward. American phonograph companies do a big business In China. The most famous Chinese bands and palace singers are engaged to make records. They are brought from all parts of the empire to the three record-making cen ters iPek in, Shanghai and Hongkong. IsSS'W? M F mil! WSS$ , ''. . 1 ' '-i.1 f ,-fc-a.kA1 ' i . - - V- v , i - a , jj """" -- ' t. r -.:?. ..".'.-.L'o. ln,,i,4 .y j t-- A n. alsfsHW. r , ..Vts,ri,.,s. . . r, HAZING MUST STOP Stanford Students' Committee Bars Abuses. BREACH MEANS SUSPENSION Disturbances Between Classmen Xo Longer to Be Part of College Course Pupils Backed Vp by Professor Clark. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Oct. 9. (Special.) Hazing at Stanford Uni versity has been brought to a critical point by the recent action of several sophomores who attempted to ridicule freshmen by rolling- them In a mud puddle In Palo Alto. The first year men resisted the attempts of the 1912 men and one is said to have threatened his assailants with a' loaded revolver. ' This disturbance, which aroused the town authorities, has been taken in hand by the students of the university and today the advisory, committee of the university conference passed reso lutions making It practically Impossi ble for any further hazing to be car ried on here by sophomores. With D. P. Crawford, former football captain, at the head, this committee of representative seniors and graduates has declared in resolution that further hazing will mean suspension. They are backed In all actions of this nature by Professor A. B. Clark and the student affairs committee. This is the first time that student control has been exercised and the re sult Is being watched with more than casual Interest. The resolution reads: "The student advisory committee ap proves of the regulations urged in re gard to hazing, embodied In the resolu tions of the committee of upper class men called early In the semester, and will consider further disturbances be tween classmen or hazing as breaches of good order and as matters calling for action by this committee." DAMAGE SUTMS SETTLED Farmers and Paper Mill Company Reach Understanding. LEBANON, Or.. Oct. 9. (Special.) The case in the Justice Court of this city against N. R. Lang, of Oregon City, manager of the Lebanon Paper Mills, was called for trial today, and after a Jury had been impaneled the parties effected a settlement of the case and the defendant was discharged. The matter has created more than usual Interest in this city and was the chief matter considered by the local Business Men's League at its regular meeting this week, and It was largely by the Influence of this league that the settlement was arrived at. For the last two years or more the farmer living below the mill plant along the old Santiam channel, where the waste water of the paper mill is returned to the Santiam River, have been com plaining of the materials and chemicals run Into the stream. The mill people have made every ef fort, they claim, to come to aome agreement with these farmers by which they go on their farm along t "it k n m a p - 0 i i he ' Additions waft ui Have you seen Laurelhurst ? If you have not, see it today It will certainly please you It will take you only 15 minutes to reach LAURELHURST by street cars on three lines, and when you see it, you will be impressed with its superiority over all other residence property in Portland, as a place to invest money or to build a home. The work of improving the streets will commence Tuesday, October 12th. The improvements to be made are as follows: ; AH streets are paved with asphalt, 26-foot roadways. Six-foot cement sidewalks on every street. x Complete system of sewers, water mains and gas mains. All laterals laid to the parking strips before paving. Artistic cluster lamps to light the streets. Shade trees on all the wide parking strips. LAURELHURST is protected by building restrictions, and everything objectionable will be excluded. Special inducements to those who commence building this year. To visit LAURELHURST, take either the Montavilla or the Rose City Park cars. Both lines run through the property. Office on the ground at East Glisan and East 38th Streets. t Henry Bldg., Phones : Main 2565, A 5234. the stream and clean It out of all bars and obstructions and will then flush It out as often as necessary to keep the water free from Injurious foreign elements, so .far as the mills are con cerned. The mills' have even purchased a few small tracts where the com plaints have been strongest and now own the land themselves. They have sent agents and attorneys to ajl the people living along the stream com plained of and offered to enter Into written obligations to keep clean at their own expense the four miles of old channel used by them as a waste ditch. The mill, with a large payroll. Is one of the strongest factors in mak ing Lebanon a thriving and prosperous town, and the business men were a unit against the action of the farmers In the. case against the mill manager. These "same farms which they claim were so Injured have more than dou bled in value in. the last two years or so. PORTLAND ARTIST ADMIRED Stuart S. Macdonall Joins Staff of Stanford Chaparral. 1 STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Oct. 9. (Special.) The staff of the Stanford Cha parral has been recently augmented by the return of Stuart S. Macdonald, who registers from Portland, where he was well known as an artist. Macdonald is rated her as one of the best amateur wlelders of the brush and crayon and his drawings are given espe cial prominence In the pages of the Chaparral. Macdonald Is registered in the department of civil engineering, and is a member of the local Press Club, Hammer and Coffin Society and Encina Club. Treble Clef Club Forms. ALBANY, Or., Oct. 9. (Special.) The Treble Clef Club, a girls' glee club, which will appear at different college functions during the year, was organized at Albany TWO ACRES a Suburban Home and Barn or Garage Built for You and All Ready to Move Into Would Interest You, Wouldn't It? " . If you will call at the office of this company any day this ; week, genuinely interested in suburban life and willing to in vest with others in a new, splendid suburban district, only 35 minutes' ride, on two county roads, cleared, ready to plow, .water piped under pressure to every acre for irrigation- water free for the first year, electric lights and telephones on' the property, the plans will be outlined to you for your considera tion. This property has been pronounced by experienced judges' equal in fertility to any soil in the "Willamette. Valley and by those who prefer suburban life, the ideal Portland suburban homesite. Limited number of homes will be built upon these terms. First come, first served. . . THE WHITCOMB COMPANY 502 Lumbermens Building College yesterday afternoon by Miss Adna A. Smith, of the Conservatory of Music. Officers were elected as follows: Presi dent, Miss Rhoda Stalnaker: secretary. Miss Buena Blcknell: treasurer. Miss Nita Schultz. BRYAN'S LAST RUN MADE Democrat Insists He Will Not Be Candidate in 1912. SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 9. "I do not expect to be. a candidate for any office again," declared W. J. Bryan today, in response to questions by the Chronicle. "As to my being a possible candidate for President of the United States in 1912, I would say that while I will not promise anyone that I will not be a candidate un der any circumstances, still I do not ex pect to be. I hope nothing will arise to make it necessary to be a candidate for any office again. I expect, however, to take an active interest In politics as long as I live and to take part in the dlscuealon of public questions." "Do you believe party lines are being eliminated?". "I think that for the last 15 years there has been increasing independence in the voter. I do not believe, however, that in our lifetime we will see but one party. I see no sign of a drift In that direction." DREW INTEREST ON FUND Clerk of Spokane County Accused of Keeping Money. SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 9. C: E. At kinson, clerk of Spokane County, was arrested this morning on a warrant ac cusing hin of using money under his official control for his private bene fit. The arrest follows an Indictment by the grand Jury in Judge Hueneke'a court. The specific charge Is that At kinson, as county clerk and ex officio clerk of the Superior Court, placed SUBURBAN HOMES ( CLUB TRACT aracxe cMrelhurat Co. 522-526 Corbett Bldg., Phones: Main 1503, A 1515. money put In his custody by litigants In the Traders' National Bank to his own credit, and drew a monthly inter est on the total amount deposited. $138,317.60. Atkinson was arrested and gave bond for his appearance. Roseburg .Wants Xo "Booster." ROSEBURG. Or., Oct. 9. (Special.) j At a meeting of the directors of the Roseburg commercial tjnto it was con cluded to dispense with the services of a "booster." In accordance with this decision. Booster Colt will, after this month, be retired, and the work of the club be supervised by the secre tary. This action was taken in order to reduce expenses. Hope for Railroad Brighter. CHEHALIS, Wash.. Oct. 9. (Special.) The Twin City Light & Traction Com pany is Just now endeavoring to secure a contractor to build the electric line Do Not Opportunity Pass! . A man's life is what he makes it. Opportunity is constantly passing us, stops, stares us in the face, and if we do not grasp it, it goes on. Many a man has been poor all his life because he was a "Doubting Thomas." We are giving you today a chance to get a home in cither of our beautiful sister additions,' Love leigh For the price of your cigar money each day, if you are a good smoker. . Before you get the lot paid for on the monthly plan it will double in price, while your cigar money goes up in smoke each day. Think it over, then come in and look the lots over. Union avenue, the great business street of East Portland, cuts these two additions in twain. Buildinc restrictions, graded streets, city water mains, without cost to buyer. So many big concerns going beyond us. Prices reasonable. Terms easy. Take Vancouver or Woodlawn car at. "Washington and Second streets, get off at Woodlawn schoolhouse. Agent on ground. " Brong-Steele Co. HO Second St. WIRELESS PEOPLE ATTENTION ! .We have a full line of Wireless Receiving Ap paratus, also 5000-ohm Receivers. CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY Western Electric Works 61 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. Phones, Main 1696: A 1696 connecting Chehalls and fentralia. plans and sp.-cttlcotlon ure -prepared, and aiv being figured on by men in terested. Vienna Doctors on Strike. VIENNA. Oct. 9. The doctors attached to the hospitals' here have decided to so on strike December 11 unless the city agrees to their demand for an Increase in salary. Private physicians will support the action of their colleagues, so unieFS an arrangement Is arrived at by the dute net, the Viennese hospitals will be without medical aid. Xear-Bcer Barretl on Sunday. ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 9.-(Spet-ial.) Acting under instructions of the City At torney. Chief of Police Oberg is serving notices on saloonkeepers anil others that the sale of what is known as "near beer." will not be permitted on Sundays In the future. Let the or EI Tovar