The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 10, 1909, SECTION FOUR, Page 7, Image 43

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' T
Pull the Chain and
It Lists' Itself
East Stark and . Grand Will
Soon Be Made Busy Busi
ness Corner.
Trading Has Been Light AH
Week in Business
No Alcohol Torch
or Stepladder
. . (Needed
lli I
Transfers Are Many, However, in
Semi-Business and Residence
Properties Building Activ
ity Keeps Tp to. Mark.
i Real estate has not been especially ac-
iTlve in Portland during the last week.
No large deals in down town properties
have been recorded, although realty
dealers have a number of large proposi
tions now under way and some are so
(close to consummation that they are
rpractlcaly closed. But despite a slack In
largo deals there has been a wealth of
trading In residence property ana in en-business-
property. Big sales were re
corded on Upper Washington street, on
' Sixteenth street and along oumsioe
' street. '
' One piece of property which was traded
pives promise of a number of like deals
being made In the near luture. inn is a
! piece 2Sxl'T) feet, located now on the in
' side of a block, but which, on the exten-
inn of Oak street, will be a corner iou
. There are a number of such properties
' ilnnir the line of the extension of Oak
street and considerable pressure Is being
; brought upon the property owners to sen
; to parties who are looking for corner
locations for building purposes.
Deals have been pending for some time
! for several valuable down-tewn proper
ties and one of these at least win ds
I closed early next week. ueepiie rna
ainwTiens of the market last week the
! belief is strong that a general rush is
I coming for properties located m tne neari
' of the business section and one well
Xnown property which .is valued around
I the million dollar mark has been the sub
!. Ject of repeated offers during the last
; few weeks.
i Property values are showing a general
Increase and It is more than likely that
f a new record will soon be set for front
1 foot valuation In business properties.
( The West Side has been the scene of
' marked activity lately and It Is hers
v,?that the advances have been the greatest,
f but a- number of small transfers in the
' outlying districts Indicates a general rise
f In values, especially in Irvlngton, TJnl-
versify Park ' and other older additions
j where the activity has again become
' mora than general.
: While the actual transfers of property
J have not been up to the standard, there
' has been -no dearth in the buildlruf ae
: tlvlty. Not only has the record for
building permits been closely approached,
t but announcements have been made of
: many fine structures all over the city.
' One permit was taken out for a sky
t craper. the Spalding building, at Third
j and Washington streets. The majority
i of the buildings for which plans are now
i being prepared are for high-class fire
1 proof structures of moderate dimensions,
f but with such work the architects have
(their hands full. Work Is going ahead
.-rapidly on many buildings In the city
I and within a few weeks another large
i building win be finished, the new Im-
perial Hotel structure at Seventh and
Stark streets.
' Deals In farm lands near i"rtland have
J held their own. hardly reaching, however,
1 the high record set a week ago, when
7 hundreds of thousands worth of property
was transferred in the eastern part of
platting propositions were launched.
Among the deals made last week was
f the sale of 62x100 feet on the south side
jof Washington1 street, between Sixteenth
band Seventeenth, street, for J32.600. The
property was purchased by E. J. Daly
rw . ullonf la ritnrHiiitii1 trt )m An
P Eastern Oregon capitalist. It was pur
chased from Dr. S. C. Bogard, of Ijob
Angeles. The lot extends through to
Washington street. Mr. Bogard bought
the property several months prior to the
Bale for $27,000. put 16000 In improvements
on the lot and made over $21,000 on the
I AnnftiAi a1a of rnnsiflArAhlA size for
rBemt-buslness property was the purchase
of 26x100 feet on est Fark street, be
tween Burnside and Stark streets, for
J16.000. The property was bought by
Frank Wilder. Richard Wilder and
Charles- H. Marias from Bailey & Torrey,
through the agency of Russell & Blyth.
It has as improvements an old six-room
house. The property will comer on Oak
street when extended, and when the street
has been pushed through to the property
will be improved with a brick block cov
ering the lot.
A three-story brick and frame apartment-house,
known as the Jackson Bun
galow, was purchased last week by
Adrian McCaiman from the Dammeler
Investment Company for $13.&X. The
property is located at the northeast cor
ner of Eleventh and Jackson streets. The
building is 32x40 feet in size and contains
six four-room apartments. The income
from the properey Is over 13 per cent
Mrs. E. M. Chase has purchased lot 4.
block 7, Dorscher's Second JAdditlon. from
C. H. Williams for $. , The sale was
made through the agency of Vanduyn &
Walton. The properey is located on the
Tork-street switch and Is Improved with
two small cottages. The lot was bought
as an investment in view of Its desira
bility for factory or warehouse purposes.
The contract for erecting the new Hel
lig Theater, on Seventh and Taylor
streets, has been awarded to the United
Engineering and Construction Company,
and work will be started as soon as the
construction steel, which has been or
dered, arrives from the East. The build
ing will cost in the neighborhood of $150.
ono and was designed by E. W. Houghton,
of Seattle.
Plans have been prepared In the City
Engineers office for a building to have
two stories and a basement, to be built
on Powell street, near Milwaukee avenue,
in Sellwood. It will be used for a city
stable. The structure will be SOxJOO feet
In sise and. will have concrete basement
and walls of brick. On the first floor
will be stalls for SO head of horses and
the offices and several rooms for em
ployer. The second floor will be used for
storage purposes, while vehicles will be
kept in the basement. The building will
be devoid of ornament and will cost in
the neighborhood of $?0.000.
Plans are being prepared by Architects
Claussen & Claussen for the alteration
and remodeling of the First National
Bank building, in Forest Grove. The bank
at present occupies quarters 22x12 feet
k. In size, but as remodeled will have 50
feet frontage. An additional story will
be put on the building, the entire work
costing in tn neighborhood of $8000.
- Mrs. William K-lght has purchased 63x
63 feet located on the corner of East
Thirty-fifth and East Morrison streets
from Mrs. Katherlne Martin, for $00.
The property Is Improved with a five
room bungalow, which will be occupied
as a home. The sale was made by the
Sellers Realty Company.
Two lots at the earner of Stanton and
Loussat streets have been bought by
Mrs. Viola M. Godfrey from the H. . P.
Palmer-Jones Company for $12i0, as an
Investment. These lots are located in
Rosa City Park.
The real estate firm -ot Humason St
Jeffery has effected a consolidation with
D. E. Keasey and on November x ins
new company will Incorporate under the
name of Keasey, Humason & Jeffery,
with offices at 14 Chamber of Commerce
building. The members of the new firm,
Ivan Humason, O. K. Jeffery and D. E.
Keasey, have together negotiated some
of the large deals in Portland, among
them being the recent sals of the Kings
Heights property.
Chester Starr, a real estate broker lo
cated at 210 Corbett building, has re
turned from a month In Southern and
Southeastern Oregon. Mr." Starr has been
looking over some big farm tracts there
and reports that section of the country,
as properous and says the rest of the
state is growing a well as Is Portland.
The Portland auccess Realty Com
pany reports the sale of lot 15, block
2, In King's Second Addition for Mrs.
Nina Larowe to Mrs. Bradshaw, of
Goldfleld, Nevada, Consideration, $16,-
A. - Howard Has Started Rustic
Structure on Mount Hood Road.
A. Howard has started construction on
a rustlo log hotel building In Ytfchahlna
vllle on the Mount Hood road, near the
junction of the Sandy and Zlgxag rivers.
It will cost $5000 and will be built entire
ly of logs, except the doors and windows
and will be made to conform to the wild
ness of the surroundings.
Mr. Howard expects to have the build
ing completed before next Summer.. This
building stands on the road which runs
up the Sandy River toward Lost Lake
and has attractive surroundings. Wil
liam Deveney. of Portland, has erected
a $1000 Summer home of cedar lumber
in this district, and other Portland men
are preparing to erect Summer homes
In this villa.
- VJ. Tl i
?Vnit M t ::
' ii' - .
Goodrich, King & Goodrich, Architects.
' ............. , TTTT T H. . ...
Fireproof Building Embodies AU
Details of Modern Flats
CJost Will Be $80,000.
The plans were filed yesterday at the
City Hall for the Hanthorne apartments
which, completed, will cost $80,000. Ground
has already been broken for the structure
on the west side of Twelfth street between
Main and Madison streets, and the foun
dation is now being put In. The building
will be a six-story, absolutely fireproof
structure, 60x100 feet In sie, and will be
one of the few really fireproof apartment
houses on the Coast.
The general design of the bulldmg Is
along the line of the Italian renaissance
type of architecture. The plans were pre
pared by Architects Goodrich, King &
Goodrich. The building will be thoroughly
modern In every detail, especial care hav
ing been given to the fireproof construc
tion. There will be practically no wood
to the building, which will be built of re
inforced concrete. The floors, staircases
and roof will be of .a special fireproof
composition, while Macite partitions will
be put in the building. Practically the
only wood in the building will be that
used in trimming the doors and the win
dows. All this will be hardwood.
The front of the building will be orna
mental face brick, while the cornice will
be of reinforced concrete. The apartments
are to be equipped with high-speed auto
matic electric elevators, with dumb elec
tric waiters, with disappearing furniture
and all other modern conveniences.
In the basement there will be a billiard
room, a hotwater heating plant, servants'
quarters and a reception hall. The roof Is
to be arranged as a roof garden. The
bulldmg Is being built for Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Hanthorne and will be completed
early next year.
One Lot Brings Greater Price Than
Entire Block Five Years Ago.
That Portland real estate is rapidly
- LI U iJ
:mZ t - v .X. A..--
- ..
increasing in value is shown from the
great advances on upper Washington
street. Five years ago Walter H
Moore and Joe Friedenthal purchased
an irregularly shaped block bounded by
Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Washington ana
Alder streets from the Fleischner es
tate for $46,000. The block was then
cut Into four lots all lying parallel and
running through from Washington to
Alder streetB.
A few days ago one of these Inside
lots, . with $6000 improvements on it
was sold-by Dr. Bogart. of Los Angeles,
for $54,600.- Dr. Bogart had purchased
this lot .from E. J. Daly" for $27,500, who
had bought It a year before from Mar
tin Rosenbaum for $12,500. Mr. Bo
gart put the Improvements on the
property. .
Mr. Daly still owns the east lot fac
ing on Sixteenth street, which he
bought first from Moore and Frieden
thal for $20,000, resold it and then re
purchased It a few years ago for $40,-
000. Since buying it for $40,000 he has
put $2720 in improvements on the
property and now , declares ' that he
has refused an offer of $90,000 for the
Will Devote Entire Attention to Ore-
gon Land Development Co..
- C W. Hodson, who was elected treas
urer of the Oregon Land Development
Company at a meeting of the board of
directors of that organization' yester
day, has resided in Portland for' the
last 28 years. Several years ago Mr.
Hodson established a small Job print
ing shop In this citj which was devel
oped from one small room into a
business which required for its accom
modation a two-story building which
was ereoted at. Fifteenth and Gllsan
streets.. He has retired from the Irwln
Hodson Company to engage in the real
estate business.
Mr. Hodson represented Multnomah
County in the Oregon State Senate for
a term of four years and for years has
been an active member of the Portland
Commercial Club, 6f which he Is now a
member of the board of directors. P. C.
Lavey, formerly manager for the Ja-cobs-Stlne
Company, of this city, Is as
sociated with Mr. Hodson In the man
agement of the company with which
the" latter has become connected.
The opening announcement of the
Oregon Land Development Company
appears In today's issue of The Orego
! t ,J ..-JM-k:.".' J
Trading Is Heavy Across the River.
Many Handsome Structures Now
Under Way and Other Fine
Buildings Projected. '
In Central East Portland, the three
story modern brick of Cook & Leith, on
Bast Stark street and Grand avenue, IS
nearing" completion. Its cost when com
pleted will be $45,000. The outside Is
faced with white brick; which gives a
pleasing appearance. It will be com
pleted along modern lines. On the sides
fronting Grand avenue, and East Stark
street there will be plate glass windows
for the store rooms.
The concrete work on the W. L. Mor
gan building on the northwest corner of
Grand avenue and East Stark street Is
completed, and In a. few days the wooden
forms' will be removed. It was built as
a furniture building, and covers a quarter
block, costing $45,000. Its erection will
set a new pace In buildings of this sort.
Apparently Rs foundation has not settled
In the least. It will demonstrate that the
heaviest buildings may be erected in the
lowlands on the East Side and rest on
plies for a foundation.
Mr. Morgan will start the erection of
the third modern building on the north
east corner of the two streets next year,
thus covering the four corners of this
Intersection with modern brick buildings.
It beln the only Intersection, on the East
Side that is flanked on its four sides In
this way.
It" is not considered probable that the
city will buy the four blocks In the Haw
thorne tract, fronting on Hawthorne ave
nue for $130,000, the amount asked. How
ever, according to the price asked for
lots, in the surrounding neighborhood,
this - mar not be too great a price, al
though considerable filling must be done
to make the property all available for
residences. A block on-Hawtnorne ave
nue and East Eleventh street, south of
the property wanted. Was sold a year ago
for $26,000, but it is-, now held for much
more. While there has been earnest er
fort to secure these ?our blocks for a
park, there has been an active opposi
tion rjresented.
It Is held that the blocks are better
fitted for residences than for a parte, es
pecially as the fine growth of trees has
been removed. Now it appears, how
ever, that negotiations have come to
close, unless there should be some effort
to condemn the property ror par pur
poses. There is one thing that may be
undertaken, and that Is to force the
streets through the tract as It stands. If
It is not to be had for park purposes.
Plans for the new home of the John
-nAoM tjivi nnmnnnv to be erected on
the block recently purchased of the Ladd
. . I QArtnni
estate on .cast luurnsun. noi.
East Third and East Alder streets, are
being drawn In tne cast (jnariea ii.
Archard, manager of the Portland branch,
returned last week from a trip to Molino,
111., and he said the general character
of the building will be known in a short
time. It will be a modern struoture of
six or ten stories, and will be the finest
structure of the sort erected on the East
E. R. Pittlekau has purchased two lots
at Hawthorne avenue and East Sixteenth
street for $5500, on which he will "erect
a $10,000 residence. Mr. Pittlekau has
built a number of apartment-houses and
flats during the past year.
In the Ladd Addition, "W. H. ZImmer
bought 60 feet fronting on Ladd avenue
for $3000. Altogether last week 11 lots
were sold in this addition at prices rang
ing from $1800 to $3000. W. W. Terry,
secretary of the Carey Milk & Cream
Company, purchased a house and lot on
Mulberry street for $6250. Practically
all those who bought lots In this addition
will put up attractive residences. New
homes are being erected all over the
tract. '
G. W'. Priest, architect and builder, has
purchased six lots In Meriow Addition,
located on Hill Crest, near East Fifty
second street, from the Portland Trust
Company, and will erect residences on
each lot costing from $2000 to $2500.
Basements have been excavated for two
of the buildings and work will start soon
v.n niher two Mr. Priest has pre-
yt i, mo -.. -
pared plans for two residences In Ross
mere Addition, costing $3200 each. He
has completed 24 houses in the Waverly
Richmond district, costing from $2000 to
$2500 and all have been sold and ocou-
pled. " -
t to- vnrria Cltv Entrineer. has pre-
ni,n fnr a. IR000 home to be
. Tshnr FTeierhts on East Yam--
tilll, between East Sixty-eighth and East
Sixty-ninth streets, near tne proims
tn the new nark to be located
on Mount Tabor. It will be 40x50 feet.
two stories high and contain eignt rooms.
It will be of the colonial styie ui
. ., Mr Mnn In will build a garage
adjoining the house with a winding stair
way from East lamnm aim jmai. -m"..
streets. It will be built of reinforced
.... vcfhin E. Tartln has sold a
.111 . ivii... . . -r.
lot 63x63 on' East Morrison ana East
Thirty-firth streets to mra. .
tiv. tisnn This lot is covered by
A.iue."fc i " . -
- - nm.pnnm huniralow and will De
occupied by the. owner. Mrs. . Martin
. w t .1 d. 1 AA.CA mm 1o tuir
bought of Mrs. iuiignt i.iru.uu u..
Heights, being 50 feet of . lot 9. block L,
imn nisn the BOUth 100x106
feet of" lot 1, block W of Tabor Heights
for $4000. This latter quarter, block U
considered choice property, Deing ioi-ea
it the entrance of the proposed juoum
Tabor park. In the same block J. H.
McBride Is completing a new
dence, and Mrs.,Eldridge, of the United
i e, 'r-nnntructlon . Company,
has started on the erection of a modern
home. .The Sellers Bealty Company ne
gotiated these deals. v v
t wfmnrelanil Addition permits
have Just been issued for a number of
. . . . Ill . V. n 13.t ot
fine houses. i. ft. mums. u.
National Bank, will build a home on lot
16 block 13. The Brookneld Investment
Company will erect a $2600 house in this
.Hitinr. tv Rjlv Drvsdale. manager
for the California Company, has started
work on a $3000' residence, and R. R. Per
kins, religious director of the T. M. C.
A., will also build.
About 25 new homes are projected In
this addition, for . many of which the
foundations are being erected. These
residences range from $2500 to $5000. The
foJTbwing people outside of Portland have
recently bought lots, here: C. H. Braw
shaw, Clarence Butt," G. W. Teatsworth,
si c-v
A Wonderful Light
at Little Cost
It is confidently believed that the highest type
of perfection has been attained In this faultless
gas light, using gas generated from gasoline, and
that for homes, stores, hotels, restaurants, banks,
churches, halls, school buildings, etc., these lights
have not a superior in the world. For more than
a decade we have been headquarters in Portland
for lights and lighting supplies, but have never
before been able to offer a light so perfect as
the nnA nhnwn here. It is
!j""!"FFfTte2 simply a marvel and delight
l I .-aT'A 10 WIIU use
ordinary gas as sunngnt ex
cels that of the moon, and so
Inexpensive that .almost the
poorest may enjoy the luxury.
. x
Manning's Mantel Drop Vh a
. inverted Light
H. W. Manning Lighting and Supply Co.
43 Third Street
"ffiayState Mil"
Honeyman Hardware Co.
O. E. Heintz, Manager.
Portland; Or.
Carry complete stock of Steel Beams, Angles and Channels.
Vancouver, Wash.; George R. Belon,
Cathlamet, Wash.; Inez Butt, Newport,
The business men on Grand avenue and.
East Morrison street are working out a
plan to light these streets with electric
lights placed at the four corners of the
Intersections and also placed at short
intervals. Each cluster will contain five
electric jets. It is proposed to develop
buslnew centers on these two streets by
"We carry a complete line of gas,
electric and combination fixtures in
stock; also, make special designs
and estimates. Call at our sales
room or pKone B 2151, or East 116,
and -we will call on you. Store open
evenings by appointment.
B. K. OA via.
Engineers, Founders,
Machinists and Boilermakers,
Boll dine and Structural Work.
Fire Hydrants, Log: Hauls, Cast
Gears, Hydraulic Uiants, Water
Gates, Lumber Trucks, etc.
1000 - candle - power
light R0 hours for 15
cents; 600-candle-pow-er
light 100 hours for
15 cents. No trouble,
so machinery. Nothing
get out of order.
as a smile, re
as sunlight.
Inexpensive to
Install. Will
last forever
and give abso
1 u t e satisfac
tion. 11. At iw-cia
v. J
- jj! N
Postal for Full
Portland. Oregon
having them well lighted. On Grand
avenue the lights are to be placed be
tween East Clay and Sullivan's Gulch,
on East Morrison street, between the
Morrison bridge and East Sixth strret
You should see that only
the best and most appro
priate of .
Lighting Fixtures
are installed in your new
home. You will find that
we can be of special inter
est to you, as we design
and manufacture lighting
fixtures to conform with
all decorations.
Information cheerfully
Everything for the Fireplace
Salesrooms 311 Stark
Between 5th and 6th Both Phones
I 6