Venice Medallions Mail Orders Carefully Filled.' Express Prepaid on $5 Purchases Trimming Braids NEW IDEA PATTERNS 10c All Styles and Sizes NEW IDEA MAGAZINE 10c 50 Cents a Year VALUES TO 75c EACH A wonderful assortment of Venise Medallions in both, largo and small patterns, elaborate designs; a full showing of this sea VALUES TO 35c YARD Trimming Braid? in one great lot, consisting of odd pieces from the neat little novelty guimps and pearling to 14-inch braids; a great assortment to choose from, all colors and de signs. Regular values up to 35c a yard, specially K priced at son's novelties in a broken assortment. Values to 15c 75c each, specially priced for this sole. Mew Fall and Winter Goods of High Quality at Low Prices t, rzhon ir disclose without reservations, the wonderful collection of fashionable wearables, and the unsurpassed assortments of new Fall and Winter merchandise we have gathered for your consideration. We feel very proud of the results of months rf llSZlSZ Sd StoSEX Kus to show you our new offerings. We want you to become fully acquainted with our styles, our qualities and outplays Come now, no matter whether you intend malung a purchase or not. In nomas 01 planning uu J.. r ... ,. j a with thn rrnn fi-nA plRPwtiAm Wn kslv our ajwrn-troentit ar lanrar onr varieties broader, onr n rices lower. Now .Tw JrVn,P our goods and our prices with those you find elsewhere. We say our assortments are larger, our varieties broader, our prices lower. New Fall Underwear For fclie Men MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS THAT FIT PERFECT LY AND WILL WEAR EXTRA WELL, REGU- K Ka LAR 75c VALUES, SPECIAL AT UWV We are beginning the season with an unusual offering of men's Un derwear fine merino shirts and drawers made of excellent qual ity material in natural gray, me dium weight; shirts are self faced, front and neck bound with tape ; drawers have suspender straps and good pearl buttons. Best 75c values, sale fC K ,f price, per garment . SHSSv- Men's Dress Shirts, QRn wi&L $1 .25 Values C An extra special offering of men's Dress Shirts, made coat style, witL full pleated bosom; they come in plain white, are well made and fit comfortably. Best $1.25 values, QCp special for Monday and Tuesday Js MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS, REGULAR ?L25 VALUES ,99c A special sale of men's blue flannel Shirts, made of excellent I thev come double-breasted style, with soft button- Q Q down collar, and sell regularly at $1.25, special at. . w CHILDREN'S SWEATERS, REGULAR $1.00 AQn VALUES Wis A special offering of children's wool Sweaters, made coat style and trimmed with white pearl buttons; they come in gray, ' trimmed in blue, red and white and navy and red. 1 Q The best $1.00 values, special at. . J J I JL .ni. S. ..J ORED Tailored in the latest Fall - fashion, a suit combining style and service ability; plainly tailored long coat, fitted or semi-fitted, pleated or gored skirt, of an exceptional quality serge in plain or novelty weave; many colors, including black, navy, gray, reseda, brown ift and other colors of different shades tJIIOtUU Full-Length Black Coats Three Prices Long Coats of black broadcloth and lightweight kersey, full length and fitted or semi-fitted, principally plainly tailored effects, with collar and cuffs of same cloth or velvet; an elegantly finished garment throughout, and lined or semi-lined with a fine quality satin linings 12.50, $16.50 and $19.50 Skirt Special $6.50 Vals. Only $4.50 A Walking Skirt special for the week, of fine quality worsted panama, in black, navy, brown; full gored and pleated effects, plain or J A Eif finished with fold of satin to match. Worth $6.50 ?": J VP Good Black Sateen Petticoats at $1.50 Petticoats of good quality black sateen, several different styles deep flounce, plain with straps, others finished with two rows of shirring and featherstitched ruffle. An exceedingly good ft Petticoat for the money V V V A Wonderful Showing in Dress Goods Fabricsj We want to introduce to our I Black Goods Department those who are unacquainted with it, so we've arranged this sale with a view to making it worth your while to visit this sec tion just now. Here are ten of the most important offerings: 46-inch shadow striped black Serges .. 46-in. uhantom striped blk. Worsteds. 44-inch fine black Henriettas 44-inch fine black Chiffon Taffeta 44-ineh fine black Knebulok Mohair. 44-inch fine black wool Satins 45-inch fine black French Voiles...! 45-inch fine black wool Taffetas.... 50-inch fine black Ocean Serges...,. 42-inch fine black Queens Cloth.... A WONDERFUL. SHOWING AT A YARD Unquestionably these are the greatest black Dress Goods values in this caty. There's a great assortment awaiting your inspection. Well-Made Under mus lins on Special Sale Our Underwear is made under the most sanitary conditions by the most skilled seamstresses and has every advantage of the best home-made under-' wear. Great care has been given to the selection of the materials used in the manufacture. We are showing an extensive line of these garments, reasonably priced. It will pay you to investigate them. These' specials for tomorrow and Tuesday: COMBINATION SUITS, REGULAR $1.75 VALUES A full line of Combination Suits, made of good quality nainsook and daintily trimmed with pretty embroideries, laces and ribbons; they come in combi nation skirt and corset cover or drawers and corset cover, !" S Q -r $1.18 For Tomorrow and Tuesday and are regular $1.75 values, specially priced at WOMEN'S GOWNS, $1.25 AND $1.50 QOp VALUES ., UOs A fine assortment of women's Gowns, made of extra heavy out ing flannel in the neat pink and blue-striped effects or plain white; they coroe with or without, collar, and are well made and neatlv trimrr.ed, made good full size and nicely Qf finished. "Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, special ..' J .MUSLIN SKIRTS, BEST $1.75 fc-J OK VALUES. $&U A showing of women's Skirts, made of excellent quality cam bric, with extra deep flounce of fine embroidery; other styles have rows of fine Val. lace insertion; all made good full width and finished with cambric dust ruffle fc "9 O K and underpiece. Keg. $1.75 values, special at . .P An Unsurpassed Showing" of New -Black Silks and Satins Now is the opportune time for prudent women to select black together this season an unusually large stock that women of as it is possible to make them. We invite your inspection YARD-WIDE BLACK PEAU DE 0YGNE AT 1.25 One of the most popular new Fall weaves yard-wide black Peau de Cygne,, a heavy, brilliantly finished, durable silk that makes up beautifully; a fabric that wears most satisfactorily. YARD-WIDE SATIN PHOENJX AT $1.50 Yard-wide black satin Phoenix, a yarn-dyed silk of heavy weight in a soft weave; rich and beautiful; a silk that will not slip or break, and extremely fashionable for Tall wear. BLACK OTTOMAN SILK AT $1.00 YARD 24-inch black Ottoman corded Silk in a number of attractive weaves;' comes in a good heavy weight in a perfect black. Un matehable quality at this price. Silks and Satins for Pall and Winter needs. We have gathered good taste will appreciate, and we have made the prices as low of these offerings: BLACK ME S SALINE SILK AT 65 AND 75 Full-width black Swiss Messaline; comes in a soft, clinging weave, guaranteed purest of silk; a rich, elegant fabric; comes in two grades very much underpriced. SKINNER'S SATINS AT $1.50 A full showing of the celebrated Skinuer Satins, a fabric war ranted to give two seasons' wear; comes full .16 inches wide, in over 30 new Fall shades. BELDING BROS. SATINS AT $1.00 A complete stock of Belding Bros. ' yard-wide Satins ; they come in all the new Fall shades, including black, and are guai-anteed to wear satisfactorily. 1 RETURN TO FAVDIiS RECEIVED of th new Minister to the United States could be learned, it was said that he was a member of the progres sive party and bad received his educa tion in part in the United States. In the party to arrive on the Siberia are 60 students, who will be eaucatea tn the United States. Sends Commission to America to Buy Warships and Equip New Army. EUROPE IS TURNED DOWN Kmptrw Reciprocate Friendship by Planning' to Spend $20,000,000 In rnted States New Min ister Js on Waj. RAJ? FRANCISCO. Oct. . One of the moat Important commissions that China baa sent to the United States, so far as the open 6uor policy is concerned, will arrive October 28 on the steamer Siberia, according; to Captain Charles E. Ettl, artillery Instructor to the Im perial Chinese army, who with Wang Chen, of the Chinese Foreign Office, arrived todav on the Corea. The new Chinese Minister, whose name aas not yet been given out. probably will be a passenger on the same steamer. Mr. Wans; left tonight for Washington on business. Bay Warship and Arms. The business of the commission will be to visit all the shipyards and arms factories of the United States with a view to purchasing modern equipment for the Chinese army and to contract for four cruisers and as many gun boats as a nucleus for a new Chinese navy. The commission was originally intended for England, but powerful In fluences were exercised to have, the United States visited first. On the out come of the tour of Inspection will de pend the placing of contracts for 120. 000.000 worth or more of battleships and war munitions. IlerlprocAe American Favors. The project. It Is said, met strong opposition from LJ Ching Mai. Chinese Minister to Austria, and his brother, IJ Ching- Fang, head of the Wu King Railway, who was at one time secre tary of the legation at London, both of whom, it Is reported here, preferred to send to England for warships. Only after It had been pointed out that the United States on more than one occa sion had shown the strongest friend ship for China and that it was time the Chinese government reciprocated, was the destination of the commission decided upon. While no Information, as to the name j SAY ANTI-BETTING LAW VOI D Jockey Clubs Base Allegation on Va lidity of Wallace Election. TJE"W YORK. Oct. 9. The Coney Island and Brooklyn Jockey Clubs, which were indicted recently with 30 bookmakers and detectives for alleged violation of the law against betting at racetracks, served no tice today that they would on October 15 interpose a demurrer on the ground that the Hart-Agnew law waa unconstitu tional. They assert that the special election which sent William C. Wallace to the State Senate from Niagara County was il legal. Without Mr. Wallace's vote the Hart-Agnew bin would have been defeated. ABDUL TRIES TO ESCAPE Reaches Street In Diagulse, Caught nd Taken Back. LONDON. Oct. 9. The Belgrade corre spondent of the Telegraph says that Ab dul Ham Id, the deposed Sultan of Turkey, has attempted to escape from his villa prison at Salonlca. He is said to have had a workman brought in to do certain repairing. He professed to be annoyed at the man's dirty appearance and ordered him to take a bath before he did the work. While the man was bathing, his clothes were taken to Abdul Hamid, who donned them and passed from the garden Into the street. There he was recognized by one of the guards and taken back. TO TEST CORPORATION TAX Insurance Association Says 1 Per Cent Is Confiscatory. CICINNATI. Oct. 9. The American Life Insurance Association today elected Isaao Hamilton, of Chicago, president. Resolutions adopted declare that the association will test the validity of the corporation tax In the courts: that a tax over 1 per cent is confiscatory for Insurance companies, and that all states should have the same tax on Insur ance business. KANSAS HOTELS CLOSING NEW FIKE ESCAPE LAW DRIVES HOSTELRIE8 TO WALIi. ed his campaign In connection with Slgnor Igleslas. whose newspaper. El Progresso, menaced the government with a revolu tion If the troops were embarked for Morocco. The Investigating Judge submitted the deposition of a witness who declared that he heard Ferrer say: "If It is neces sary we will do rs they did in Russia." John Kruskl had her husband arrested on the charge of cruelty, he denied her accusation, but admitted to Sergeant J. P. Landy, in the office of the Hu- mane Society, that he ate dog meat and liked it. Kruukl said he procured a small dog, slaughtered It and ate it. He said he Insisted on his wife eating of It also, and said he sttw no reason why she should not. He declared it waa nice, tender meat, taated wall and made him strong. Slany Smaller Towns Without Ac coiumodations for Travelers. Protests Number Thousands. TOPEKA. Kan., Oot. 9. Hotels throughout Kansas are closing rapidly, and, unless the provisions of the new fire-escape statute are overlooked. many of the smaller towns will soon be without hostelrles. Meantime protests are deluging officials here. One clerk. who occupies a little office on the fourth floor of the Capitol building, is receiving more than five times as much first-class mall matter as does the Governor. This clerk Is J. v- Deacon, the man selected by the State Board of Health to conduct the hotel inspection which has been in progress for six months. Nearly 100 letters a day come to Deacon and every one of these is a protest against tne enforcement oi ina law requiring outside fire-escapes on all hotel buildings of more than two stories in height, and special rope-es capes In every room above the ground floor. Of 1700 regular hotels In towns and cities of the state. It Is believed fully 1000 will go out of business. CONVICTED WOMAN TO DIE Battle Monument Unveiled. POINT PLEASANT. W. Vs., Oot. 9. With ceremonies conducted by the Grand Lodge of Masons of West Vir ginia and Virginia, and with Federal officers present the monument com memorating the battle of Point Pleas ant, claimed here to be the first bat tle of the Revolution, was unveiled at Tu-Endie-Wel Park today. Piano tuning;. The Wiley B. Alien Co. Confesses Murder and Gets Death Sentence In Germany. GU9TROW, Germany, Oct. 9. A ver dict of guilty was banded down yester day In the case of Agusta Zobel. a Ber lin milliner, charged with the murder last March of Frieda Barthold, a young opera singer. The motive of the crime was Jealousy. The accused woman was sentenced to death. She set forth In her testimony that she had been betrayed by a Berlin commercial traveler, who later cast her off and became engaged to Frauleln Barthold. Frauleln Zobel averred that she intend ed only to shoot the singer in the throat and ruin her voice. Spanish Rebel on Trial. BARCELONA. Oct. 9. The trial by court-martial of Ferrer, former director of the Modem School of Barcelona, ac cused of having been the principal Insti gator of the recent revolutionary move ment In Barcelona, is proceeding here. The evidence comprises letters from Freemasons and free thinkers residing In various foreign countries, as well as po litical and revolutionary documents re ferring to the organization of a universal proletariat society. It was emphasised that Ferrer conduct- Prepare Uniform Pharmacopeia. WASHINGTON, Oct. 9. To bring about greater uniformity In the different phar macopoeias of the principal countries of tha world, an International commission has been established, which la to be a means of communication among the commissions engaged In the proposed re vision, according to a report made to Surgeon-General Wyman, of the public health and marine services, by Dr. Reid Hunt, chief of the division of pharma cology. Likes Dog; Meat, Wife Doesn't. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 9. After Mrs. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Cor. Sixth and Washing ton Streets. Check Accounts accept ed without restrictions aa to amounts. Savings Accounts may be opened with $1.00 or more, on which interest is . paid. Trust Accounts received for future distribution or for investment. (Bond Issues and negotiated. arranged Trustee for estates, in dividuals and corporate bodies; for bond issues; under wills ; in all rela tions affecting real prop erties. Sales Agent for prop erties ,strictly and only on commission. "We solicit consultation or correspondence per taining to any phase of our service. Head quarters for Misses' Suits Portland' Largest Suit House and Waist Shop s;-T sj sta.'V KM Mai ' gH CORNER FIFTH AND ALDER We have every size in Women's Suits, regular and stouts, from 34 to 57. A Wonderful Showing of Women's New Fall Garments S , " It r X :J : I i r A I f )l . ? V I H : I - ; "4" - I i - .v - i f t " ' , " - Some Money-Saving Specials Tnat Will Mate It Worth Your Wfule to Visit Us A Wonderful Sale of Women's Stylish New Fall Tailored Garments as Illustrated Fully Worth 345.00 at . We pride ourselves upon making the best offers of Tailored Suits for women iu Portland at this time. This sale surpasses any that we have ever announcpd, right at tha beginning of the Fall season. These Suits are made from Imported Broadcloth, Diagonal Serges, Homespuns and Mannish Worsteds. Every Suit has the finest of yarn-dyed guaranteed satin lining. Coats are 50 inches long; skirts are in the new fancy full pleated models. All the new Autumn colors. SHOP AS MUCH AS YOU WILL. YOU'LL NOT VlND VALUER LQUAL TO THESE IX TOWN. SPECIAL FOR Q0 A MONDAY $45.00 VALUES I J WHY PAY MORE BARGAINS IN WOMEN'S FALL SHOES Great Price-Cutting Sale Patent Colt, Velour Calf, Viei Kid All Styles Button and Lace. $3.50 GRADES CUT DOWN TO $2.45 PAIR. 1 $4.00 GRADES CUT DOWN TO 2.95 PAIR. $5.00 GRADES CUT DOWN TO $3.45 PAIR. ; $6.00 GRADES CUT DOWN TO $3.95 PAIR. ' EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The stock consists of all new goodg, made by John H. Cross Co. and P. J. Harney Co., Lynn, Mass.