i TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 10, 1909. - j ' " I - lll.llll.lllls.IMII T WANTED TO RENT. f - FOB REST. I FOB RENT. . we-t x iriVTm FTAT 41.F. I RITFATIONS WA.M tU .-nAix. I . 1 1 i i i i i i I , . I l . . , t. vWtm V-mllv WANTED Bright young woman for confi dential errand work. short ho urn; X per day; write fuily of previous work, etc. : stat- ad ires and give phone, Aj 444, On gonian. MIDDLE-AG EI or elderly lady housekeeper 'for family of 2: pood place for nsh; party. 292 Portland Boulevard, Arbor Lodge Station, St. John car. tADY SEWERS Make sanitary belts at home; materia'.! f nrr.lshed : $ L2 hundred. Panicule rs stampui envelope, Dept. 203, Empire Mfg. Co.. Chicago. MOT'SEKEEPER of xniddle a;e. comfort able iaro house; vtor piped to kitchen; mountain mining town; elderly widowcri no family; reference. 1 447. Oregonlan. CIPLS WANTED Appry Standard Factory .No. 2. Grand n.ve ana East Taylor. COMPETENT girl for llsrht housework; good cook; 3 in family, $25. East 0312. SITU A TIO S W ANTED M ALT. Bookkeeper and CIctJ. EOnKKEK"!iR and ofi mnn of consid erable exprien-e. wants "'".-Hlon at on; bst cn rt otii m-ndaT ions : good adap tability, (-trvof.it. indiisTinus; ape 2; some fsnfrkufe tn rnrre-onilenef ; operate tvpewrlfer: roi arbitrary as lo sa.ary. V 442. Ortgouian. ONE who has had ten years' experience as nuMUher and editor In the Central est desires a portion In Oregon. Washington or caii'ornia a manager or editor or both Ha best of references, G 441, Oregonlan. HONFT young- man of good education and 1 business training and of adapttbliny; flrt ' clara stenographer ; experienced aa book ' keeper, earner and salesman; now em ' i-h .!,- rhansA for Kiwd reasons; anywhere in Oregon. AtC 402. Oregon tan. WJrrlt.:fJ man. i.ioi ou v..K-- , eurate and energetic. except tonaLy rood ; wurker, tie0ire positkm. temporary or per . maner.t; moderate salary to start. Address AU 464. Ortaoaian. . COMPETENT accountant and bookkeeper wiUi executive abUity, experienced syste matizing, capable- handling lare volume ' cf work properly. wants permanent posl , tlon. AFC 441, Oregonian. f ALL-AKOCND general merchandise man. ' rood habits, strong, hustler, advertiser. J atockkeeper, mixer; ir RKeaoio "'n." Ir savings go hack mio dimiubi. v,.j.-.r. 407 Jefferson at. COMPETENT and experienced stenographer and office man dc.-lrt position w ith whole M; or manufacturing firm where can. as ms: with buokA. X 4W, orege-nlan. BTEXOGRAPI1EH. 8 years exprlene, law and engineering work, recently (n Gov ernment service, references, li 444, Ure- FIRST-fLAMI iuthovi- win. ....... allien- familiar with export business, good accountant and capable of handling cor respondence. Address X 4-47, Oregonlan. BY yours man ns bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Have had considerable experience In both; as eil u-s 1" Eeneral office work. A K 431. Oreb-ontan. BITUATION wanted by young man. experi enced in off.ee work and a salesman: can furnh ba: of references. E 442. nrgonian. pSITION bv t".'l;h;y experienced pmcery (.- jrr"-al inerchan.ie mi'ii. cay or country; sruk tieriwan. N. .s. Herg. Portland. lI77K KKKI'R H. 15 years' e-rerience. wants t;,Tl-ai ii.wHion. Ie3t ro.'erencos. J 4-K). ..rejt')r.i;in ' ' i,oOivKr:i'l. office man. experienced, ca patl.. ws.nts position; city reference. X 4 ?:. ortaonlan. 8.M M.I set of bx.kjt to keep by prod ao ,iini.iM; terms reacnable. AJ 44U. Ore gontan. Miscellaneous. I'KM yr.F: man. partly employed, mechan ic in bu.i-iii.t trades, aiso huslness ability, wi.-l 4 to 0 hours' steady work daily; references. H 4.2, OreKontan. Y .1" N' ; man a mew hat experienced as !ra::gii:w:Kn would like to work under arcld ifri ,.r ei.jc.nr evenings for experience. -1 CiiEi" an l s-cor-d in Port'aJid at liberty i--olter J... Winter's job. satisfaction guur-aiitfc?- Max Sinclair. Saiem. Oregon. Geo. Dp i '. "WANTED Any warehouse position, hard-wa- p-eferred, by experienced checker hud r-"4lv:ni clerk- Henvy work no ob itctior.. AM 3. Oregonlan- WANTED By young man, position In pool room or as manager cafe; reliable, tapable and honed-; rlerencea furnished. V 4-4 L Oregonlan. TOUND man wishes povittoa as a washer In steam laundry; f-ur years' experience, with thorough knowedgt of machinery. AC 44D, Oregonlan. . f SdAlC. first-class referencea. obr, saving, I clean on, wno wi.l tick. wants Job logging oazrjp. mil! or ranch, from to 00 men. P. ' O. Box St. Joans, Or. , WTI-L give 3 to any one helping me get a i place In either wholesale or retail gro cery or warehouse; by an honest young man of experience W 44J, Oregonlan. GENERAL, housecleanlng and window wash ing and carpot cieaoiing; expert at wash ing hardwood floors. Phone Main CtH. . Burtlm. SITUATION" on chicken farm; have prac ' Ucai axperlenc; can give best of refer acs. Addreea AC 447, Oregonlan. ! SITUATION as grocery salesman; inside work preferred; would consider situation as collector. Phone Tabor Uid. AM 444, i Oregonlan. MARRIED man, with experience In grocery or general merchandise store, desires po sition at once. Address V 445. Oregonlan. FTR8T-CLASS all-around ml'kman wants driving, et. 11 citing, or what nav yon? AH 446, Oregonlan. GOOD experienced Japanese wants poeitkm to take care of automobile and watt on table; private family. J 450. oregonlan. ItUNG man and wife want chamber work in hotel together, or man as first-class bartnder; references. S 44d, oregonLan. 1 POSITION as grocery clerk, years of ex perience; can Invest money also; rewr ences. F. H. ThieL 414 6th st. . MAN and wife want position on farm or j Lents, Or. JAPANESE schoolboy, before, after school hours, board anJ room ana lime compen sation; West tjiOe. 3 447. Oregonlan. EVENING work. 8 to 12. by Japanese stu dent; speaks very good; fur any kind Job. I, 443. Oregonlan. COMPETENT machinist, with sawmill ex perience, would ilke work, country or small town preferred. V 440, OregJiiian. W LN DO W-CL.KANIN'"!. fio.rs re waxed ard polished. Main 6o73. Thomas Orecn, 2MI Tayior. hEUAHLE married man wishes any kind of work in the city, best of references. V 444. Oreg"ruan. IOSJTH'N by rr.an and wtfe, hue or camp wor'i preferred. 0. A. Hath, 270 Montgom ery St. Phne Main 440U- YOl'N'i MAN. 2. so kJ anaran-e. eteady Jr.d sober, kivj t. ieam barttcding; ref-er-n-e Riven. M 442. urejronwn. I'KI'KLA YI'K on ffrer!?. -e. boilers, f ur r.acej. pi,;.; No. 1 r-f. renews; city or coun try, phone i:.it 504. BOY with wheel wants work after school. Main G'.iO'J. NEW and !! hus and window cleaning to dj. I). J. Iier. -riyn, Main 3!10. YOI'Nv J;ipanee boy nurii position as schoolboy. I 4 16, oregonlan. WANTED Painting, tinting and finishing, day or cor. tract. Phone Woouta n 1-"1 JAVA N C; 1 1C. e x r r !c n ce d c "X1 ' . wants poei 1 1 on In private f:t:., . AF 441, Oregonlan. WINDOW or hi.usjoeanlr.g; references. Main Sl -3. MAN and wife want work on farm. Inquire C5. Chapman. 05 HH'n at.. North. CARPENTER and builder, day or contract work. Address 4S Failing. Woodlawn 12-6. W ANTED Position as foreman or superin tendent for building company. C 13i4. $50 CASH bond by man age 87. J. H. Williams. Hotel Rainier. JAPANESE desires work as Jnnltor or por ter; experienced. Sus-iiki, Phone A 1S00. BAKER, stranger, wants work, experienced, reliable man. Address Baker, 227 Mill K. 6CH0OLBOT to exohans-e services for room and board. AM 445. Oregonian. lOt'NG Oerman. ae 22, wishes position. Ail 47 Ortonlaa, Mlsellnneotia. CTiri-jTinv in nrlvatA fjimilv or select boarding-house by young colored man for general work ; flrst-ciass, dainty cook, serving, or plain and fancy laundry work, j wages not less than -i; references. ,V 449, Oregonian. j SALESMAN. 35 year old. very energetic; 9 : f ur m the road here; thor.ughly puted in : . t WaImi Arttir ait r. nil Am O im. lar lint, with high reference, desires hsi tton. Main 43u3 or address AJ 454. Ore gonlan. YOrXG man 2ft with business and executive ability offers service. for any kind of business or occupation. Good on pri vate reports and investigations. Referen ces furnished. W 444, Oregonlan. SALESMAN wants position, one who can seil anything; a hustler all the time; if mu need such a man and have a perma nent position, please write me. T 445, Ore gonian. YH"Ni man with good education, willing to wrk and reliable, wants any position where ' previous experience in not required; year's ex:'nr.ce soltcitincr. nut irrrrr otner ora, rnfrrences. AC 451. Oregonlan. MERCHANTS' C(ELETION AGENCY, -t.-O M'rfnle Xi'UKt Ri'Ig. Distribute monthly fiitmentfl and bHis. wi;rt current accounts; references; bon'is Riven . SITT'ATION wanted as manager of ranch (German) understands general farming and care orchard; employed till Nov.; ref erences. Address AK 442, Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted aa manager of ranch, understands general farming, cere of stock and orchard; stock preferred; employed till November; references. Address AK 440, regonian. SITPATIOX WAJCTKD FKMALB. Bookkeepers ami Atesiosrnphers, WANTED By young lady, of neat appear ance, office position as assistant book keeper, cashier or clerical work; bank reference. S 445. Oregonian. SITUATIONS wanted by two experienced younp lady stenographers; Oliver and Ln derwnnrt operators; good references. Y 4.0. Oregonian. FIRPT-CIASS stenographer (lady) would like petition ; experienced in legal work. Is ac curate and capable. X 4.12, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER. 8 years general office experience, desires position. Phone B 101. THOROUGH L.Y competent, dependable stenographer desires first-class position. Phone East 3U65. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher, desires position ; must have good salary. AE 446. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer with knowl edge of bookkeeping would like position ; references. Phone East 4927. EX FECI EN C ED book k ee per who has f e w leisure hwurs would like small set of book M keep. AH 446. OiegonUn. PORTION wanted as cashier and book keeper in meat market. Reference. F 44o, Oregonian. LADY blli clerk wishes position on Remington or Ptsher, best of references. AG 440, Ore gonlan. STENOGRAPHER desHres a position. M lKio Monday. POSITION as etcnograprior; three years ex perience. Phono A 7777. COMPETENT stenographer desires first-class position- Phone H IU4J. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by dnyi reasonable. Miss Absten. A 4007. 301 Tay lor. MAN-TAILORED suits, skirts, coat. Prin ces dresfs, from your own material. Elite Jadies' Tailors. 54ti Wash., near lsth st. LADIES and children's sewing, suits, etc.; good work ; reasonable. 52U East Mill. Phone B 20SS, morninga DRESSMAKING and plaJ, sewing. Room 66, M:Jner apartment-bouse, 360 Morrison. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants engage ments; $1.30 and fare. Phone &elIwood 2o2. EXPERIENCED seamstress to make your gowna In your own home. A 4901. FASHIONABLE dressmaking by the day. Phone Woodlawn 22&o. gHIRTWASITS and sklrtst made at 104 11th street. DRESSMAKING and plain sowing by the day. phone Tabor 4 S3. FLA N N EL ETT E g o w ns, all el zee. t o order ; also all kinds aprons. East 4t42. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices, Mra Aneeles, 826 H Wash. St., room alS. Nurses. MIDDLEKAGED professional nurse, exper lenctdv take charge elderly people, infant, rMiil-lnvaltd preferred. In good family. Main &O10. NURSING by the day or hour by practical nurse. Main 44UU. POSITION by experienced, practical nurse. Phone B 2W1. Honsek eevera. WANTED By a capable Eastern woman, good cook, a position In a home of widower or bachelor, or club ot young men; no objection to children. AE 449, Oregonlan. LADY of ability and refinement would like position as manager of cafe or tearoom, or housekeeper for bachelor or widower; thoroughly experienced and competent. Address AN 4H1. Oregonian. WIDOW, good manager, would like position as manager of hotel, rooming-house or apartment, or as housekeeper in widow er's family. P 445, Oregonian. WOMAN, 30 years of age. Easterner, compe tent, kind and reliable, where there are children preferred; references, E 431, Ore gonlan. WANTED By refined, capable woman, posi tion as housekeeper in hotel or rooming house; good city references. AF 440. Ore gonlan. LADY would like position take full charge club, hotel, rooming-house or private, city o1 country. AB 453, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by lady of refinement, to tr.ke charge of a position of trust of any kind. T 446. Oregonian. YOUNG woman, with little boy, desiroa situation as housekeeper; no objectljn to children. Mrs. Burke, 7S E. 27th st. YOUNG married woman wishes position as housekeeper for widower or small club of young men. Address AL 431. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper for aged coup; references. A 8 441. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER who Is . good cook desires position. N. 443, Oregonlan. Dome tics. A YOUNG Scandinavian lady wishes posi tion at huusework among adults; West Side preferred. Inquire 510 Hood St. Call from 10 until 12, Monday morning. COOK wtth city references, desires position where second girl Is kept. O 44i), Orego nian. EXPERIENCED girl (Norwegian) wants upstairs, second or general housework. C 4ti, Oregonian. WOMAN wiflhtv work; 25 cents hour; refer eruert furnished. Woodlawn 1315. WANTED By capable elderly woman, gen eral housework. Phone Main 80c3. ACADEMY girl wishes light work in fnm Uy of two. lor room and board. E. 5237. WASHING. Ironing or cleaning by day. phone Main 37o6- M lscell&neou. WOMAN wants day wc-rk. sweeping, clean ing preferred. East 5810. SWEDISH girl wants day work. Phone East 4. lot;. LACE curtains waehed and stretched, 40c per pair. Main 6A93, A 402. WANTED Laundry to take home; reference. Ktut 4:110. EXPERIENCED woman wants position In "bakery; reference. AE 4ii3, Oregonlan. IOSjTION 0" first -class cook; beet of refer ence. AE 4o4. oregonian. WANTED by a lady a p-sition as clerk In flrst-cUse hotel. J 4M. Oregonian. LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered. 40c pair. Tabor 1597. LA DY would Pke rlalo sewlnc darning, mending, by the day. East &637 8 THE OREGONIAN Has a "Want Ad Telephone Service Anybody who has a telephone can call up The Oregonian, Phones: Main 7070, A 6095 And have their Classified Advertisements printed as ordered. Bills for advertisements will be sent after publication. Phone Your "WANTS" Today and Every Day RATES. Fltuatlons Wanted Male Situations Wanted Female , Yot Kent Room Private Kamilips Rooms Hnd Board Private Kamilie 7c Per t-lne Each Hoijspkio)in(T Rooms Pri vale Families J In rtlon Exceptions. Situations Wanted, Personal, Medical and F.mploymont Agen cies advertisements not accepted over the telephone. SITUATION' WANTED FEMALE. Alloccl.aneotis. A MIOW-E-AOKD lady, without any home ties, would Hka a place to be generally useful: upstairs work and companion to children or Intlrm; first-class references. AG 444. Oregonlan. GOOD girl, aged 19, not strong, would like some easy work, to clerk In bakery or grocery store, or anything; smallest pay. F 44!t, Oregonlan. MIDDLK-AGED Christian lady would like upstairs work and care of delicate or afft'd person; best references. Address City General Delivery. Mrs. M. J. Hoblson. REFINED youitg lady wishes to take charge of widow's home; no objection to chil dren; must be a nice place and steady. H 450. Oregonlan. WANTED Washing, Ironing and rough dry: no acids to rot them: hand work; each fumllv's done separately ; tine wool ens and silks a specialty. Phone C 2."36. TOUNO lady wishes position In doctor's or dental office, cashier, or will take charge of dining-room or any other suitable po sition. H Oregonlan. EXPER1KNTF.P piano teacher gives lessons, ."u ceflts; beginners specialty; references. Main 5415. LA Dr. 80 years old. would like to manage and take care of rooming house; has had experience. Address L 448. Oregonlan. WIDOW with executive ability would like position as matron of boarding schooj. home or hospital. S 449. Oregonian. POSITION, good, reliable cook, in good family, $35 to 140; best reference. Phone Monday. Main 35oo. A GG2-4. LADY will take charge small roomlng-houe for rent of good housekeeping auile. No wages. X Vii, Oregonlan, YOUN'Q LADY gives private lessons In grammar grade studies and German. 50o per lesson; city references. Main HlSd. A COMPETENT woman wants housework bv the day. Address 120 12th St.. N. Phone Main 3091 EXPERIENCED teacher would like position as teacher or governess In a private home; referenoss. O 448. Oregonian. TIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Tues day and Friday; references; no half days. Woodlawn 1011. LACE CURTAINS beautifully laundered, fine sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities. Tabor 1530. LADY wishes care Of small rooming-house for housekeeping suits. AD 44S, Ore gonian. WANTED To Instruct one or more pupils on the violin in part payment for room and board. R 44S, Oregonlan. WANTED Young lady wishes position as companion in return for room and board. X 410. Oregonlan. COLORED cook wunts position: first-class references; wagos 120 or iii per week. AN 48d. Oregonlan. LACE curtains washed and stretched 40c per pair: 5 vears' experience. Phone East 53:7. C 1B5S. LADY of experience desires a place as man ager or housekeeper for hotel or rooming house. X 451. Oregonlan. TOl-'NO LADY wishes to do designing. Illumi nating or photographic work. Address. 389 8th st. WANTED Dav work getting lunches and dinners, by middle-aged lady, experienced cook. Phone Woodlawn US4. FAMILY cook. $40; hotel chambermaid, "practical nurse, housekeepers. St. Louie. 245 Washington. Main 2U39. A 4775. GERMW woman, cook, small crew men. St. Loula, 245',, Wash. Main Uv.lu. WOMAN wants work by the hour. Phone A 3271. ACADEMY girl wishes place as companion in exchange for room and board. A 1942. WOMAN wants work by the day house cleaning, etc. Tabor CCD. A GOOD woman wishes work by day. Call forenoons. M 44h3. W"MAN wants washing to do at home. 406 E. Alder St. Tl'TORING by experienced teacher in all branches. A 7703. WANTED Work by the day by colored woman. Phone Main 0195. WANTED Day work by capable woman. Phone .Vain 4394. W ANTED AG EXT S. AGENTS in countrr towns for apparatus turning; farm waste products Into casn. Approved by Dept. of Agriculture. lit money for firmer and spent. Dr. Bursln Chem. Co., 2J3 Henry bid., Portland, Or. WANTED Salesmen who ran sell trei; outrit furnished; cash advanced weekly; pood territory. Address Orocoa Nursery Company. Oienco. Or., via HiUsboro. $75 MONTHLY selling Star Egg Beater; works with one hand; lightning seller; sample free. E. Thomas Co.. 6140 Barney blk.. Dayton, Ohio. OlR new selling plan double sale and profits- sell 3 articles with one sample, particulars and $2 free offer. Fair Mrs. Co.. liox 1677, Racine, Wis. 15 TO JIO day, that's what our apents make selllni? our sign letters. Send for free sample. Metallic Sign Co., 4ol N. Clark. Chicago. HANDY HAME FASTENER Every horse owner buvs at sight; 20 per cent profit. Thomas Fastener Co.. 8015 Barney blk., Dayton. Ohio. Agents, blp money made selling our nursery stock: great demand, fine line, rash com mission weekly, galea ZSurssrCo... aieza. Complete. All Other Classification. One Time Two Times Three Times Seven Times 12c per line 22c per line 30c per line 56c per line Six words average a line, but on all charge ads the actual num ber of l)"nes will be charged re gardless of the number of words. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, we have the bitssest nap since Adam wa a baby; lazy amenta make $3 a day, live one HO a day; used by every one; 70 groH sold on one atret In Oak land; one agent sold 30,000; buys In 10, OG0 lotar; loo per cent profit; no outfit to carry; Just fill your pockeLs and take it easy; Vaco Hooka will stick anywhere, even on the North Pole; you can sell from 1 to 12 dozen at a time; no padJling from nouee to house; we predict that more than a mil lion will be sold this year; if you are a live one send 6 cents for a BBmp.e or lb cents for one dozen. Full particulars free. Vaco Mfg. Co., 11U3 First National Bank bldg., Oakland, CaL BY CHICAGO manufacturer, a capable salesman or general agent fn each of sev eral important unassigned territories to push the sale of a high-grade patented specialty; we want to hear from appli cants who possess good personal selling ability and who can also supervise and get successful results from first-class aub agents; an exceptional o-pportunily for a few men who have the right kind of push and ability; give full Information con cerning yourself first letter. The Progress Company, Rand McNally bldg., Chicago. AGENTS of both sexes are riming money selling our "Soap and Silverware" outfits. Jewelry, cutlery, razors, shears, ladies bags, pocketbooks. watches, lace curtains, hosiery, handkerchiefs, clothinjr, rug!, lamps, "Win. Rogers silverware, clocks and 120O other quick selling household articles 6u per cent of our agents make more than tlOO per month; experience not necessary. . we show you how to succeed. "Write for our free catalogues and agents terms. The Phillips Co.. 243 Phillips bldg.. Dayton, Ohio. WONDERFUL invention, big money selling Canchester Incandescent Kerosene Lamp, burns with or without mantle, 10 times brighter electricity, gas, acetylene, one tenth cost; burner fits standard lamps; saves 75 per cent oil; no trimming wicks; beware imitations; outfit free. Canchester Light Co., 26 State street. Dept. Ill F, Chicago. THE wonderful "Aladdin" Lamp produces gas from common kerosene oil. giving a light far more brilliant than city gas or electricity at a coet of H. cent per hour. Simple, odorless, clean, safe and durablo. Biggest money-maker for agents. Every lamp guaranteed. Outfit free. Write for agency proposition. The Mantle Lamp Company, desk 21, Portland, Or. LIVE MEN If you, are making less than $25 weekly send your address quick; if you have horse and buggy or bicycle you can use. all better; we teach you; you can start risht where you live; you owe It to yourself to investigate this opportunity; let us prove that we can better your con dition. Thomas Company, 1015 State St., Dayton, O. A "WONDERFULLY profitable business; $20 to $80 per week, according to locality, conducting office agency for America's latent lis proved guaranteed service dress shoes; lo original health and comfort features ; great possibilities ; no risk. Write today. Marvel Shoe Co., 103 Sum mer st., Boston, Mass. BOTH ladies and gentlemen in each town in the state; good seller, up to date, en tirely new; big profits; local agents earn ing from $5 to $7 per day; usud in every household; write today for particulars to The Howes Supply Company, 113 Minor ave N., Seattle, Wash. MEN AND WOMEN to distribute free cir culars and take ordens for concentrated fla voring in tubes;, suvao consumer une-haif; homo trade easily established; goods pro paid; exclusive territory : salary $2.50 per day and commiselon. F. E. Barr & Co., Chicago. SEND for free copy of "The. Thomas Agent." greatest agents paper ever published; filled with money-making plans, "no license tax" decision of -Supreme Court; pointers to agents; every agent in U- S. should nave copy at once ; today. Thomas Co., 4015 Wayne ave., Dayton, Ohio. AO E NTS make big money selling "Vol Peek" granite cement; mends holes In granite ware. Iron, agate, tinware, etc. ; every housewife buys; over 100 per cent profits; we pay duty and express. 2d. Nagle, Westmount, Que., Canada. AGENTS wanted for a high-cla-i beautifully printed and illustrated dollar-a-ycar woman's magazine; com minion, 5 cent n ach dollar subscription; writo for agent's free outfit. American Home Monthly, 27 B pru ce st . , Xe w Y ork . MEN and women distribute free circulars and take ordr for concentrated flavor ing In tubes; saves consumers one-half; home trade easily established, goods pre paid; exclusive territory; $L'.r0 per day and commission. F. E. Barr Co., Chicago. MF.N and women make quick and big money selling Just-a-Lick gummed stickers to business men; sell at sight: duplicate or ders easy; no money or experience need ed; outfit free. Economy Printing Co., 347 Third ave.. New York City. IMPROVED flavoring packed In sterling aluminum ; appearance alone makes first sale, quality insures regular customers; reliable apents given credit in exclusive territory. Shepard's. 07 West Houston St.. New York. GENERAL and special wanted by large, old-line health and accident company, new liberal, easy-selling policies ; choice territory; big pay. Royal Casualty Co., St. Louis. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weeklv selling choice nursery stock out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Orecon. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent, a modern 5 or 6-room cottage in good location. M 447, Ore gonian. MECHANIC wants room with heat, close In; give particulars. P 4-19. Oregonlan. OCTORER 25. furnished apartment or house. West Side, close in. P. O. Box 381. WANTED Barroom with lease, ot empty store; good location. J 445. Oregonian. LIST your houses with Baker, 519 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To rent, 5-room cottage with gas near Grand ave. and Ash, East WE ARE In touch with several parties wish ing to rent desirable homes on either East r West Side. If your place is for rent kindly call and see us or phone Main 6tl9 THE SOUTHER-A LBERTSON COMPANY. 203 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. NOVEMBER 1. for 4 months or longer by 3 adults nicely furnished, small, modern house, West Side; pood location; refer ences. Address 291 West Park st. Main 6937. THE Reliable Rental Agency wants your furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms; ul.v vacant houses. We have re liable tenants waiting. Call up Main 81b4. Rooms 3 and 4 Grand Theater block. WANTED 4 or 5 furnished rooms in mod ern apartment house for an elderly couple and servant; location must be central. Address, stating rental. AF 443, Orego nian. LADY employed during- day wants fur nished housekeeping rooms tn private family; must be reasonable and in re spectable place. State price; reference. AH 440, Oregonian. YOUNG ladv teacher wishes room and board no lunch; walking distance; vicin itv Tilnity Church or East bide near St. John carllne preferred; state terms. W 447, Oregon Un. WE will rent your house for you. What have you to offer on Eas; or West Side All rents guarantees In advance. National Realty A Trust Co., Wash, St.. room 516. HAVE you any furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms lor rent; If ew we have parties waiting: East or West Side; we can rent them on short notice. Reliable Rental Agency, rooms 3-4 Grand Theater. M SUA. BY YOUNG man, room with breakfast and dinner, modern; Catholic family pre ' ferrsd; state particulars. AJ ol, Ore gonian. TWO adults desire, by November 1, steam heated anartment of 3 or 4 rooms, com pletely furnished, reasonable; V est bide, good reference. V 440, Oregonian. TEACHER wants heated, sunny room, with break fust and d I rinor, in private -family within walking distance Highland school. K 44S, Oregonian. COTTAGE of 5 or fl rooms, with bath and lights furnished preferred, close to school and car; or will buy furniture. If cheap, nnd rent house. AL 440. Oregonian. WANTED Bv business man, to rent by No vember 1st. a amaji place with house and barn, on carline. about 4 or 5 miles from Portland; state prioe. V 443, Oregonian. NOVKMBKR 1, for 4 months or longer, by a-iultd, ntcelv furnished small modern houpe, West Side, "good location, reference. Ad drees 2M West Park St., Main W.t7. Yt5uNG COUPLE with baby require fur nished apartment, 3 roomaywlth private bath; must be reasonable. AC 44o, Ore gonlan. t WNTED To rent by couple. '5 or 6-room house or bungalow; must be mooern. in good nrifc-hborhuod; will lease for term. Ad dress K 450, Oregonlan. WANTED By a college woman, an attrac tive room in a private home near 23d and Hoyt sts.; references given and required. Phone Main 3S75. FURNISHED room, with or without board, wanted in Norwegian family. Albino, or North Portland preferred. AC 4u4. Ore gonlan. . WANTED Comfortable room for the Winter for day sleeping; must be quiet. X 440, Oregon lan. 2 OR 3 partly furnished housekeeping rooms, private family, walking distance, references. AG 448, Oregonlan. COUPLE want furnished housekeeping suite private fainiiy: modern house. Give full particulars. F 443, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY desires dinner in private family in vicinity of East 1st and Halsey. F 447. Oregonian. WANTED Office facilities by attorney; pri vate office or aesa rouui, DL4iiu- - Orogoniari- BRAND new 4 or 6-room strictly modern bungalow In desirable district. R 446, Ore gonlan. WANTED Room and board for married couple In private family; must be reason able; state terms. S 444. Oregonian. WANTED Two or three housekeeping rooms; kitchen furnished; gas. AD 448, Oregonian. WANTED Py responsible couple, house, fur nished or unfurnished: must be desirable location: state price. O 445. Oregonian. LIY with Infant desires homelike place to board, where there are no other hoarders. AB 452, Oregonian. WANTED Comfortable room for the Winter for day sleeping; must be quiet. X 44U. Oregonlan. t BY GENTLEMAN in business, widower, a furnished room in private family; state price and full particulars to N 443, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY would like board and room with congenial people, West Side, cloee in. B 449. OreAonian. HOUSEKEEPING moms or apartments for man, wife and babe. W 440, Oregonian. WANTED to rent, good piano for Winter. Tel. Main 7504. WANTED Store, suitable for drug business; state size and price. Q 446. Oregunlan. FOB RENT. Rooms. HALL for rent to dancing parties, etc. Homesteaders' Hall, cor. Grand ave and East Burnside St.; $S to $10 per night. Phone East 219S. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, suit able for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and 11 no sts. 3 ROOMS. Inquire 533 Montgomery; $10, water paid; cK-an; no dogs. Furnished Rooms. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankcny and Burnside. 'IN THE HEART OF TriE C IT Y. Evervthlng brand new. homelike ana comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man agemeut; newly renovated turoughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc : rooms $10 month up; suites with running water. $22.50 to $30; eleant public parlor; pboutrs and baths free. FR A.NKL1N HOTEL, cor. 13th and Wash ington fcta. Most elegant furnished; free ten phone, hot and cold water in every room- shower baths and tub baths. Come and see for yourself. Rates 4 week up. HOTEL NORRIS. 132H I"1" cor Wash.; new building, newlv furnished; every room light and sunny; hot water, steam heat; low prices. M NH TTAN HOTEL, ?11V2 Stark, between ith and Oth. Steam hnai, free bath, frw phone. Rooms at popular prices. HOTEL UUSHMAKIC. "Washington and 17th, first-class furnished room., single or en suite; aii modern, con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2047. M. 5047. THE MEKTARPER. 120 13th. cor. Washing ton, brand new, handsomely furnisned ; every nuKiern ronvenb-nce ; hot water in all rooms; very rea.nable terms. HOTEL LENOX, cor. Sd and Main sts.. fur nished room, single or en suite, at reason able prices.-modern conveniences. Opposite the Plaza. NEWLY furnished rooms, neat and clean, yvj Third st., bet. Montgomery and Harrison- Take "S" car. PACIFIC HOTEL, 214 Columbia st. ; Summer rates; run ning water In all rooms; transients 50c to $1 day; one call means another. FOR KENT Newly furnished room In steam heated flut, 2 blocks from 15th and Wash ington. Phoay A 1081. THE MERCKDK8. 20th nd Washington sis., elegantly furnished roorn; all modern con veniences, pltnty of heat; $15 and up. FURNISHED rooms, Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and Eleventh. THE GAYOPA. 392 East Stark; modern, steam heat, elevator, phone. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327H Stark, corner 0th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 305 Stark, cor. park. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3. $4. $3 per week; transient. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for 2-3; board if desired. 229 13th THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, heat; eOc to U day, $2 to $4 week. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New. modern, fireproof building, steam heat ed. hot and cold running water In all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap ledging-house; nice large offlte on ground floor; every thing first cla.s:J rates. 50c. 75c and $1 per day; $3.5o and up per week. Call and sec us. i um at. .unn. TIIE HOUSE SANITARY. Rooms, baths and toilets all outside, steam heat, continuous hot water, bst of beds, moderate prices, permanent and transient. Hotel Norris, 132 Vs Seventeenth St.. corner Washington. THE MOODY HOUSE. 3d and Jefferson Sts. Awav from the noise; 5 minutes walk Washington and 3d; Just completed: new furnishings, hot and cold waivr, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convenient, rooms lare, Hyht. airy, single rooms or suites; permanent and transient; $3. $4 and $5 per week. Phone A 7731, M. S03. HOTEL ANTLERS, Corner ;oth and Washington Sts. New management; T LiOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATH; sincle or en suits: SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. Furnished Rooms in private Families. NICELY furnished bedVsltting-room, clean and comfortable to quiet single person; occa sional utse of kitchen if dewlred; permanent. 40S Clay st. Phoue A 4540. NICELY" furnished room In modern apartment-house; best location; private family. AE 445, Oregonlan. LARGE front room, suitable for couple; all home cum forts; very reasonable. 335 Montgomery st. NICELY furnished rooms for 3, all modern convenience!, in nice private home; board Jf desired.1 b20 Tillamook. C 1222. 215 12th st.T near White Temple, modern, newly furnished rooms; close in; private family; gentlemen only. A 5002. ROOM for 2 gentlemen rooming together, in private familv, walking distance acn Steel bridge; board' if desired. 102 Broadway. NEWLY furnished rooms, en suite or sii.gle, steam heat, hot wator. Apply Flat to. 2d floor. 4U4 Morrison st.. cor. uf l.th. ONE large front room, with bath, phone and furnace heat; also single room. Call 327 West Park. LARGE furnished pleasant room with use of bath and phone; private family, close in; breakfast if desired. Phone East 45 to. NICE furnished room In private family, free pnone and bath. 30S 3d St., flat A. Phone Main HUH3. ELEGANT large room: steam heat, hot and cold water, electric lights, fine bath; very reasonable. A 5260. Sy4 COLUMBIA Well furnished front room, furnace heat, bath, phone, walking dis tance. TWO trlght. nlry rooms, en srlte; all mod ern conveniences. 540 Washington street. Phone A 2U75. flat A- NICELY furnished room in private family; modern house, rent reasonable. 50 E. lGth st. North. 533 EVERETT, cor. 10th.. nicely furnished front parlor for one or two gentlemen; - reasonable; no signs. NEWLY furnished outside rooms; furnace heat, hot and cold water; walking dis tance. 414 Jefferson. $S MONTH Front room; walking distance. 805 Cahio st.. near tnapmmi au jilu Phone Main 1141. ii! TWELTH ST.. cor. Clay, nice front room hot and culd water, electric light; auiiabie fur business gentlemen. LARGE, clean, well-furnlshed rooms, private family, free phone, patn. easy wanting. i Second; S or r car to Han si. 2 NICELY furnished rooms for housekeeping; hot and cold water, gas. bath, ph. me. Mala 7472. No. 54 A. 20tn, near n asnwigwn. CLEAN, eiinny room, with or without board, for gentleman, bath adjoining. 427 W tid ier st. Phwne C 1006. FURNISHED front room In private family for one or couple: bath, phone. Apply 300 Failing, phone Woouiawn i.fJ- NICE, large front room, suitable for 2 gen tlemen: East Mile, close to aieui Diiugo, reasonable. 190 McMillen st. SUITE of neatly furnished front rooms for very light housekeeping if preferred. 4S4 E. Awkeny. FURNISHED room with private family, board if desired; close In, on East Side, inquire 4S2 Williams ave. HOUSEKEEPING apartment. also single room; modern; phonos and bath free. line location. 07 20th st. FOR RENT In a private residence, best location; rent reasonable. Inquire 331 12th st. N ICELY furnished rooms In swell home, close In; two carllnes, all modern conven iences, moderate rent. Phone A 7013. NEATLY furnished room, bath and heat. 10 minutes' walk to Poftoffiee; $2.50 per week. G 440s Oregonian. PERMANENT or transient; modern conven iences; references If dusired. 542 Morrison st., cor. 17th. NICE, large, furnished room, suitable for one or two; bath, phone, heat. 2-0 12th st., near Salmon. tp rn VISITED room on pecond f lKr of mod- era steam-heated apartment. Flat D, 409 Jefferson si. Phone Mala ..vj-i. DESIRABLE front room for 1 or 2 gentle men, private house; reasonable; no sign. 474 Yamhill. NICE, newly furnished front room, ground floor, suitable for 1 or 3 gentlemen. b3 West Park. $3 PER month, modern room for gentleman, private family. 300 Ross st. Phone B 1037. $0 A month: neatly furnished room. Including bath and phone. 411 East Pine near Grand ave. ONE newly furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, with bath. 249 Ciay. NEATLY furnished front bedroom, $1.50 per week. 431 0th st. FRONT room, ground floor, free phone; rea sonable. 433 West Park. Main W5U. NICELY furnished room, elose In, furnace heat. bath, phone. Main 78 JO. COMFORTABLE, airy bedroom, all conven iences; reasonable. 412 10th at. TWO lowly furnished housekeeping suites; sing, water, uij of bath. 5Mi Petiygruve. LARGE room, with steam heat, for gen tleman. 71 N. 18th. A 5538. VERY pleasant rooms, nice locatirn, walking distance; reasonable rates. 3o." 1 2th st. A LARGE alcove room suitable for' 1 or 2 gentlemen or a couple. li5 13th. LARGE front room, furnished, $7 a month. 414 Harrison at. LARGE newly furnished front room. 84 S Ciay st. Main NICS. large, front room, famished. 424 1st st; reasonable rent. NICELY furnished front room for one or two gentlemen; reasonable. 511 Morrison. PLEASANT room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, modern, central, reasonable. 2J2 12th. ROOMS suitable for 2 gentlemen, new and clean, steam heat. 373 Taylor. FURNISHED room. 2 gentlemen, 7 minutes v from P. O., board optional. Main 7T..18. ELEGANT front room, close In, reasonable, 1 or 2 persons. 021 Flanders. 52914 COUCH, bet. !5th and 16th, neat, clean, modern. NICELY furnished room, walking distance, SO 'per month. 42 O'.h st. 10. NICELY furnished room, gas and bath. 141 13th, corner Alder. 34 7TH Private hnme. room suitable for 1 ."or 2. Phone Main 4207. NICELY furnished front room, with alcove; private family. 431 5th st. LIGHT upstairs bedroom. $0 per month. 350 14th st. ROOMS with or without board. C04 Thur man. near 21st st A SWELL front room reasonable. 173 N. 17th. ELEGANTLY furnished large front alcove suitable for one or two gentlemen: private home, modern conveniences. 34i llarnsua, near 7th. TWO large nlcelv furnished rooms, suitable for one or two "gentli men. at a reavnnDls price; all conveniences. 60 N 14ta st. Phone Main 7021. . PARLOR and brdnom, clean, new modern, fireplace, nice home for two gentlemen or , lac-ios; walking distance. East Side. Phone East 4548. PLE SANT furnished room, suitable for 2, In small private family; musical young people preierred. 427 Weldler at. Phone C 10S. . EXCEPTIONALLY fine large room, furnaee heat, fireplace, hot and cold water, etc ; reasonable to permanent party. 6-Li Mor rison st. LARGE furnished front room, alcove, bay window, balcony, modern conveniences, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 210 11th St., S. r NICE, comfortable room in s rlctly private family, with nl! co::v -nit-nee-. ; suitable for 1 Of 2 gentlemen; 5 minute?'' walk to P. O. Call 203 13th. Phone .Main 0oi7. 1 NICE, large, front, bay-window room, furnished or unfurnished, with or without , board, in private family. 70S Division at,. -near E. 23d st. FREE phone, use of piano, large sleeping j room, for two gentleiuvu, cioee In. Lust Side: a good home, with all com-enieace. 2.m MeMihen' St.. or phone E. 1527. , FOR RENT Comfortable rooms, with prt- I vate familv. u block of "S" and 10th-st. carllnes; free bath and phone. 51W Mar- shall st. J EXCEPTION A LY fine large room, modern home, all conveniences, suitable for one or two gentlemen; walking distance. 187 10:h st. S. MODERN, electricity and furnace, furnished j or unfurnished, private family. 4o Ella, I near Washington, between 2th and 21t. NICELY furnished room; furnaee heat, fine j bath. etc. ; reasonable to steady roomer. 2j4 10th, cor. Columbia. 213 THIRTEENTH ST. Nleo furnished rooms; modern conveniences; suitable for two. Monday. ROOM in private family for 1 or 2 gen tlemen ; references. 3-9 13th st. Vnlnrniwhe-d Rooms. 2 VERY large, unfurnished. connecting rooms on first floor; bath, lights, phone. 00 21st st. North, near Washington. UNFURNISHED room. $4 per month. Call' 21 E. 12th, cor. Ash. TWO unfurnished rooms, 856 14th. Call Sun day or evenings. NEWLY furnished room, reasonable, walk ing distance. 349 Ross st. C 1522. THREE unfurnished basement rooms. SIM Park st. Call 471 Alder, or phone M. 439$. , . 1 Koorus With Hoard. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St.. near Xing, brand new. elegantly furnished; evry room h;s a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellen.o, the mini mum of expeiife. I? you want the best In the city for the money, cull and in spect ; dining-room In connection. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern in every respect ; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in evory room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. PORTLAND "Women's Union. 2-M year, rioui with board. u.e of sewing room' and li brary. 510 Flanders St.. Miss Fran. ..s N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange, ISO 3 III St. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt. THE MAGNOLI AS. 017 Kearney , st. Fine, large and etl-healed rooms : modern ; best home cooking; beautiful grounds. THE COLONIAL. 3 65 r.d 107 10th st.. cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. NICELY furnished rooms In private family, with board, reasonable; nice locality. Phone Main 2071. 241 N. 22d. CHOICE rooms In up-to-date newly fur nished first-class boarding-house; parking location. 374 Park st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms with board, hot and cold water, desirable locution, central. 1M 11th st.. cor. Yamhill. a3".. OLYMPUS, ' cor. 15th and Alder. Rooms and board; hot and cold water, homo cooking; strictly first class. THE LIN DELL, 2i!9 Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod ern, reasonable; fine walking distance. THE MANSION, beautiful grounds, elegant lv furnished rooms, conservatory, billiards, table Uoard, $5.50. 5th and Jefferson. THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison; American plan; rooms $10; hot and cold water. THE CALVARD Take W car at depot t door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2007. ROOM and board at the Sterling. 535 Couch. Rooms With Board in Private Family. MOST desirable furnished mom. central lo cation, with or wit hout bath, and tlrst cIhss board In private family for ono or two parties. Inquire Zb'J Main st. NICE big front room, well lighted and heated, comfortably furnished, eiiluibln for t w. ; best home co-king. Cor. E. 15lh and Taylor. Phone Ea-ft 2jo0. FRONT room, with board, for two men; gaud home cooking, home comforts easy walking distance. Phone East 41 S. NICE, newlv furnffhed room in private fam ily. Board if desired; reasonable. Phone Main tsOlll. WITH board, two parlors on first floor, beautifully furnished, nice neighborhood fine surroundings. Phone Main 2941. PLEASANT, sunny room. In small family; modern conveniences; near 2 carllnes. Irv Ingtcn; for one or two gentlemen. I'hcn 1S38. LARGE outnlde sunny room, newly furnished; suitable for two; alro smaller room; home cooking ; terms reasonable. Main 3240. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen; 10 minutes' walk to P. O.; free light, bath and. phone; moderate; price. Phone A lo.ftt. PLHASA NT well furnished front ro.mi. exceJ-: lent table; private, modern, reasonable. C'l Couch. PLEASANT room with board In private fam ily; suitable, for one, or two persons; all modern conveniences. Main 4N10. ROOM and board for 2 young men, home cooking, walking distance. 353 Lincoln. Main 0845. YOUNG man attending business coMegn, wishes room-mate; good board. 447 Maia street. NICELY furnished ro-m and board, reason able, near two carllnes. 7 East 30th at. North. LARGE furnished room with board. 518 Morrison st., cor. 10th. LARGE, sunny room, suitable for two. with home-cooked food. Tel. C 150-1. ROOM and board with heat ; cleun and rea sonable. 725 Hamilton ave. V 21107. YOUNG man wants roommate at 2T.0 10th. St.. with board; references. NICE room and good board suitable for 1 or 2 gentleman. 574 Glisan, cor. ISth. Cf.:; WASHINGTON St., room and board, $5.50 Ter week. ROOMS with bmrJ. 149 15th St.. between Morrison and Aider. Phone Main 3412. FURNISH ED room with board. 855 11th st. A lC?,ti. ROOM and board. $5 p"r week. M-V car. Call mornings. Tabor 79.. ROOM with board, moderr able rates. Main 7:C3. LOilern. close In, reason- LAUGH room with board for two; private family. 447 Mam sc. SM LL neatly furnished room with board, '$25. 549 Yamhill st. NEWLY furnished rooms with boardi In private family If desireu. -nam ooiu. 332 TENTH st., room suitable for 2 working people; gooo ugni, wen neaira, noma coaaing. LARGE front room with hoard for two; mod ern. &W t. . Jast . BOARD and room for 3 or 4 ; bath, phone, use of piano. 191 11th. Main 596S. 22 Pleasant back parlor, furnace heat fof (WO, 0. t V o..