g ' TOE SUNDAY. OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 10, 1909- .1 WFU WANTED FEMALE. I WANTED FEMALE- es.- 1 I I , 1 I , Hmri, Vehicles and Hal-". FAIR of farm or brood mares In foal by ton p-rch-ron hone, $225; pair of good chunky geldings. and H, sound, good. true pull its. with Be hand-made har-r-- $-15; pair of baya, mare and home, 1110; big farm horse. J6o; nica. black ft-vhsh Steele mare, gentle for any lady, To. 24 Montgomery at- PAIR of chunky-built geldinga. T and S. weigh sound and true puller, will ha pi:nrun;eed every way; brown horao, 7 wan old, weigh 14'J"; bay 5-year-old, ' wWh l.Vio .will be sold as pair or sep prte; 5-vear-oId chestnut mare, weighs 12mo; biy tf-y ear-old tuare, 1120. -iM Montgomery at. FOR SALE or rent S teams with goose neck furniture wagons, to rent by month rr year: we also rent any kind of a ng f.r huiin3 purpjii! day. week, or month. Phones East 75. B 1360. Haw thorne S'.abiea. 4- Hawthorne ave. Fi'R FAI-E 1 spun draft horses, 6 and 6 Years old. weight 2'"; these are A-l; me - ar-i!d' hoi sc. weighing 120; one G-vrv-ol'l horse, weighing 14o0; one 6-year-nn mare, weighing 12uo. Phone East 4V-4 C 1477. -PK SALE I good work horses. we!ght ::" pounds e.ich; set harness, a gr will trade Tor city lots. See hordes or addrt-s me at 4lt and Holgate sts. W. W. .ar. J. R. Sheilenberger. : BI'GGTES harness end wagons at cut price rood, guaranteed, well-known buggies at l.-.T 60; big sales and small profi-. The second largest stock of goods In Portland. C. L B Co.. 32-3. E. Morrison at HNE brood mare, aired by old Altmont. In foal by Lambert Roy; she has got a mark of 2:17. Will trade her for a gen cril purpose hnrsfl. oJ'J East 2tn L W.-W. car to Glaustone ave. M"ST stvi'srj sadJe and driving pony In city ig.-xi ln sd-Ie and bridle; r.-teon- a;e. Harrington. 413 East Vavim. Fran. MIST PELL AT OVCR-IW. steel-back double-artl.-n upr'ght Schubert piano In per fect cord 1 1 Ion; wiil for $1.5 cash. Rhone East LI'X. . vake me an orr-r for my Krmball upright piano; been used bet a short time; in good condition. A 4.10, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL, high-grade, upright P great sacrifice; almost new. AL iA Oreconi-, UPRIGHT piano for a:e cheap: Jne rndJ; tion; owr.er leaving c:tr: mut be eo.a at once. 41U Dt at. Main 4-4.. riANO in mangaiy c.se. almost new. half ru-e. Itoorn o W ah 1 ag to n b , a g . I-r-H SAI-E Nw -'..0 Ilnmllton plana, cheap for caah. W 443 Qregunum. KRWD ri"w $25 plaro only $2.", $18 down tnd S.75 monthly. 350 Alder t- L.DY w'rs nae of ptano fir storing aamei no ehildren. AD 4' Qrgonlan. FOR BI.E 90 Kimball plnno, good a new. JjuO. F 44i. Oregonian. FrNW Haliet Iavls piano to rnt. 4A2 Mor rison, ccr. 1' h. PI A N' LA . rianrt-PInver fr rent or !; new. ch.ap. H 4-4M. QregonUn. Antocnobflra. CADILLAC runabout, firat-cluna condition. Vouli;.ed :th electric, carbon and oil 1-tmp. Has tom.fBU and top. Just the tidi g for ot wt-atiier. suitaole for do tnr or commercial purpose. AK. 4L urcgonlan. t i'As-iK''-Vit autorr.obi:e; fine llTery car. t...:i as n.'w. fvr h!e or trade for Ir.sv'.e r- ty or -'.u son age: will pay or take . r.Vren. Fred T. McrrlU. 7th and Oaa. a f urn tn.-r.ii. . V A NTKD A runabout or small touring car f..r carh. 'itvv full partlcuiara and prlca. AN" 4:i7. Oregonian. C H LMCn'-PETROIT 30. Just good i.h new tn every particular. AU com plete. l.it0. O 47. Oregonian. WANTKD Heat mr.about $200 will buy. K 44o. Oregonian. 5-p APCUNKR touring car. good condition, f-hi-a fur cash. XlS Wuroeater bldg. MiarelUuieooa. BARftAlX ll-h.-p. martne gasoline en gine In f'rst-claaa order lor aale, 113. Inquire Mason j wu, iws. " LADY'8 B.aJsktn eot. nearly new at ieaa t-.an half .-out. Cail at &0i Morrlsun. Phone A 2219 A-t r.f-FO 'T Is-unch ch.-ap. Cail 12 till 2 fur.lay Portland Rowing Club or addrea V. J. NWavn, fceasiJ, or. OREGON CODS, Good as new; price $3i. AH 451, One gonlau. OKF "5-II r portable hoMer and engine; g-d condition. Columbia Bruit S orks. iJ re sham. Or. - FOR P VLB 6 elegant young barred rock rockvrels. I --R" e.rh; will charge $7 In Spring. Phone Tabor IQa. ft A-l FRF-SH cews. Jerwys and Durham; g -od famiiy and dairy cow; very rettonabi, B. iota. bunnde car. HARDWOOD NapoV?on bedroom rU almost new; aIso 2 rockra Call at 314 6th su 1'hons A 154S. EPIF OX phonograph, TO records, cabinet that holds records, very reasonable, V 4S3. Orogonian. FR SALBFeoond-hand 16-H. P. electric motor in good condition, cheap. AC 4i'A, Oregonian. "MERIT" a-lr-tirht heater for sale very eheay. or will trade fvr a coal move. ld N. I4;h st. FOR ft ALE Tl'ket, rrtind to Chlrago, N. P. Ky. ; rnn.e. no deacriptlon; cheap. XX 412. O re go n :ui . Frr. XITT'Mfcl of C-rom flat for ea!e, newly furnished, concrete ba-ment. furnace; rent t.i7.6o. $io0; terms. 414 Jeftfwoa. FCR PALE Hest firj 4-ft. Or and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, ia Water at- phone Main 74il. A 44 FtR 6A1-D -0 corde body ftr wood, $1.B0 per cord, one n I to a:atua over good road. A. "W". Stone, Iee. Or. MAX'S 2-spc-d coaster, cheap. Ao 44d uregonlan. FOR 8ALFJ One fi-gal. pmctlcally new coffee 4-i2. Ortgnciaa. t ?- PALE or exhangs for rtlamond. hlrh- r.w. Phone Sullwood 144&. yon EALE Two fref h Jersey cows, good family cow, rlcb mtlkera 6S4 Haxold at. be il wood car. BIP.D rOG fr a!, brke for ducks and upland birds; Llewellyn setter. Apply ciiltf engineer "Weila-Fargo bldg. PINGKR sewlr.g msihlne. S month' use; flrst c.kj rupAtr; bargain. N 4J2. Oregon inn. 3 FREiH rows, ore Jersey, 4 and 6 gal. K. Tamhii:. UJd St. 6AKES. dt-iiks. chairs, stores, etc for sale chrap. Phone Sellwood 1175. 43-HOUSE-POWKR, fur-cycle. four-cy Under enK'r.o corup.trte. Call Heury blcg. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Jersey cow. Phone Sell wood 1S&4. CAN" ART btr& for saie chtap. Telephone C l:4. Fi"'R SALE Concrete mixr Inquire 1104 l-jlmoct st. Phone Tabor 11S2. FINS fair-bred br'ndle bull terrier pups for a..e at E. c-utinoB, cor. ltth ml. 1 $;;5 REMINGTON 12-bore hammorless. trap praJe, uutomaltc ejector. 13 N. 3d St. TV A TC H M AK i-! S lat h e. chueks and atiik Inc tools. 13 N 3d rt. A BARGAIN' LadU-s new gray man-tailored suit, sue Phone H 14iH. X-t;nch for ale or will trade for automobile. Inquire 44 Front at. FOR PALIS About 20 well-bred nanale goats. K 44it, oregonian. GOL picture for stork. 2i, mlls on Cor Tivli road, at the Mllner v''c. New. FOR 6 ALE G'-d heating stove, jP and cine Phone lain 4-ii4. WHHKLER-WILSO.V drophead. good condi tion ; must at-JL 15. Sii East Main. " TWO thoroughbred Alrdale Terrier pupa. I V. Woodward. Phone Sellwood 1016. GOOD ranice. airtight heating siovo. go-cart and port.erea for sale. Piione B 2&aZ. FOR SALE Fur cnat. i cut. good condi tion, cheap. Tabor !-!. FOR SALFMediuia-alxe Xootbaii suit. new. Miscellaneous. 8PKCI AL OFFER We have 100 second hand sewing machine that must be scud tn's week regardless of price to matte room for carload; 40 drop-head, all makes. White, New Home. Singer. , Wheeler Wilson. Domestic and Standard. Do not forget the place. White Sewing Machine etore, 420 Washington, cor. lith, H. D joree, prop. EXCHANGE Houseboat 24xC0. Ave rooms, completely fumlsned, with piano, handsome ly cecorated, iarge porch; gaeoline launch. 21-foot, oak finished, canopy top. Gray mo tor b-H P., also house for launch; the out fit la a "dandy"; must be seen to be appre ciated; ao incumbrance; trade for equity in real estate; farm prefem-d. Badwin Vecm&na 614 Huchanan bldg. ON account of quitting the dairy business, will eil at public auction at my ranch, Ijove Plare. on Vancouver-Portland wagon r -ad. where Shmgh Road cmps at end of bri.ige. on Thuraoay. Oct. 14. M head cows, 4 bulis, hoiwe. buggy and lmplementa. Take Vancouver cx to city limits or Fer riage Crosalca;. iittle at 10 A. M. sharp. ONE Wllkea No. 2 hot water heater for restaurant or barber shop; one a; general electric A. C motor; two it-m exhaust Tans, a. : an pisuutwi cheap. V 440. Oregonian. ONE lunar iwxtsnt. onr 5x7 Rochester rna h tKany view camera with 5x8 artot hemi spheric rectilinear rapid leiu-e. one pano ramic revolving lense. 6x12, camera all com plete, at bargain. W74 Commercial sC BCTRHAM SAFETY RAZOR. Sample prepaid. 30c; agents make big money; send for liat of novelties, Leo Novelty Co., room 823 Sullivan bldg.. Seattle, Wash. A SNAP. Very fine.60LID OAK roll-top desk, re volving chairs and rolltop combination secretary and typewriter desk, for sale CHEAP. 310-16-17 Ablngton bldg. LAUNCH. 53 feet, first-class condition, 8 H. P Smaller engine, complete with boat house, for sale at a bargain. Inquire Mr. Lyman. 00 6th at- - FOR SALB CHEAP Fine pair full-blooded go'den corker r-anlel pup, 8 weeka od. Phone Main 4f-5U. rwrn H. 163 Park el, houns 12 u 2 and 6 to 7 3o TYPEWRITERS, all tniKM. $30 to $"0. fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, S3 per month. Pacific Stationery Ptg;. Co.. 293 2d st. FOR FA LB. $lSO. 19-foot launch. 2 h P f'ushman engine; speed. 6 miles; -capacity. 8. Owner must leave town. Inquire mnltn Marine Co., foot of Madlaon at. HOLLIES. 10.000 two-year-oid Holly trees at L pr doxen. Muat be sold In thirty days. V G. Vrfer. 631ft Milwaukee iu, phone Bellwood 657 FOR SALE Picture machine. EJlson, fln-e outfit, complete; mun t once. Call or address room Bl4 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. , FOR SAX.E. DxiO Tacoma Kggit'g engine. R AI WAT E-;t 1PMENT CO.. ' 74 First at FOR SALE A beautiful sealskin coat bust measure 42; worn but ah--rt t!mi; can be even at store of G. P. Kumeiin & 8ono; price much reduced. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. 6 mall and wide carriages; near'y t1 cost $121; big discount; term a Cail Bv2 Henry b:dg., 4th and Oak. 8KVEN colonies' of V with plenty of horev, all in floe cultivation, and In Im proved dove-tall hives; I am leaving; the c.ty. muat sell- 6 Eaat 34th st. FOR SALE at a bargain for cash, a dta snor.d bro h. contalnlrr 121 stones; value S1-KJ0. Address AE 42'X OregomaJJ. COMPLKTB orTlce outfit at less than half real value, including furniture and type writer. Main 4308. FOR SALE Thoroughbred English Setter. AJ 440, Oregonian. Please leave tele phone number. TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt, absolutely guaranteed, all bargains. $i.r to $Z. North west Typewriter Co.. 3i0 Ablngton. M 8870 POOL table for sale- 2ae Burnaide St.. city. ANY one going Enst to St. Joe, Mo., will do well to cail at 27o4 Washington et room 1. LARGE furnace, suitable for churah or school. $5. 1 1st st. 000 BUSINESS CARDS, $1.25. Ryder PtsV Co.. 357 Burnnlde st. Main 0530. FOR SALE 6 or 8 Jersey cows and first class milk route. Phone Tabor 1085. FOR SALE Ji8 cash cre'dlt on Filers Pi ano House. Call or address 272 Fourth st. FOR SALE) An old house to be taken down. For particulars Inquire 292 Clay st. FOR SALE Mantel folding; bed, $5. 331 17th at., near Markst. yi nh visible typewriter for $2T; nearly new; good order. AL 46, Oregonian. 3 SPITZ puppies, males. SlOv fern p. lea. S5; , today only. 692 MaJ-ket-street drive. ELiXiANT solid mahogany table, davenport, chairs, oak chiffonier, pedestal palm. A 4730. CREAM serge suit. $6.60; long gray ooat. .'.II Hi Tuflfi.n mt GAS cook stove and gas water heater, prac tically new. Inquire 1167 Cleveland ave. FOR SALE Neat houseboat, looms. $250. Phone Exchange 19. FOR SALE Two good young fresh cows. 14S0 Macadam st.. Fulton cm to Idaho st. LARGE SAFE for sale cheap; coat $300, sell at 173. Chief engineer Wells-Fargo bldg. FOR SALE Steamer flar. Inquire Star Sfend Co., oil ice room 201 Board of Trade ddg. WANTED M3SCKLLAN EOC8. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we buy all kinds second-hand men's and ladles clothing. E. 105L 4 Grand ave. WANTED I'm of horee for Winter; two hours' work a day: good care. Address Cadfornia Grocery. 11 Kiilingsworth WANTED To buy a second-hand portable sawmill, whb-h is not badly worn out. Ai. 4.'3, Oregonian. NEW STORE OPENING WE NEED THE GOODS, TOP PRICE PAID FoH S BO ON D-H AND FURNITURE. SELLWOOD 64 SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get lea. Phones A 445. Main 805L WILL the owner of a pedigreed Toy fox t -Trier call or phone. 34 Harrison. Main SU16. WILL pay each for wall map of Portland and a good flat top desk. Gibson & Holli dav, 8i4-6 Gerlluger bldg. WANTED Showcases, store and office fix ture, pool and billiard tables, bowling alleys, etc. Phone Main 84.18. WOULD buy a few shares Cascadia Mg. A D. stock; muat be cheap. AN 448, Ore gonian. WANTED 61x black minorca pullets, 6 or 8 months old. State price. AK 443, Ore gonian. WANTED Large roll top doak; etate lowest caah price. AH 4uU. Oregonian. WILL keep piano for Ita use. Good care. No children. AL 420, Oregonian. FIRE-PROOF snfe; medium sle; give de scription and price. AN 444. Oregonian. WANTED Combing. Switches made to or der. 6il East YamhUL Tel. East 1710. IN GOOD condition, a range, kitchen table and baby carriage. H 4d. Oregonian. WANTED White Leghorn chickens. Tabor lbw. WANTED A second-hand safe, address L H. Lynch. 25o Third st-. Portland. Or. WANTED Oregon Trust & Savings account up to $uu. AF 46, Oregonian. WANTED To buy a sewing machine cheap. B 445. Oregonian. WANTED Kitchen range. State your price. L 44i, Oregonian. WANTED Cheap piano; will pay cash. L 4 Oregonian. WA NTEIV BookkeerM?r dk about 5 feet long; pak preferred. Cuii Main 562. WANT to buy 400 V. S. Cigar Store coupons; fttate price In reply. AJ 447. Oregonian. HIGHEST prices paid tor ruDbers and met als. J. Lev. Ut ColumMa St. M. 618 4. TWO oil heaters In perfect order. Phone Main 4314- WANTED Carpenter's cheat of tools; muat " he good. A 452. Oregonian. WANTED Small safe. 13 North 3d mL .I, SEkCO N D-H n: n brick. R 440, Oregonian INDIAN RELICS Stone arrow points, bas kets, curios, worka of art, antique silver, old weapons, wanted by Nathan Joseph, doing business 30 Baker st., San Fran cisco, Cal. Now staying at the Calumet Hotel. Park St., Portland, for 4 days only. Anyone huvlng such goods to sell ench-se .their name and address in an envelope addressed to Nathan Joseph, at the Calu met Hotel, ao that he can call and S'e tiiem. After 4 days, address San Fran cisco. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing -and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 3d st. North. Phone Main 8272. WANTED 50 sacks of potatoes or less as part payment on fine piano, nearly new. balance terms if desired. Address O 433, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY responslhle couple want care of furnished house for Winter; rent must be rea-on ab le ; ref ere nces. A K. 447, Ore gonian. WANTED By experienced newspaper and magaxlne writer, to write club papers for women. Allow month for preparation. AN 44u. oregonian. SECOND-HAND roll-top or fiat-top desks; must be In first-class condition, and price must be reasonable; no as-?nts or auction houses. Owners only. AG 430. Oregonian. OH. YOU PHEASANT. If you're dead. Harris, the taxidermist, can make you look Uxe Ufa. 415 Wuh. flt. Main Stk'O. SECOND-HAND furniture and household goods. Woodard's Auction House, 201 2d. Highest prices paid. Main 8078, B 1034. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always glvtm. Phone East lOOT. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN wanted, young; strong, good vision, account Increasing business on all rail roads, for firemen or brakemen; experi ence unnecessary. Permanent positions; $75, $100 monthly. Promoted to conductor or engineer. $150, $200. State age. weight, height; send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. DO YOU want a good position withus? We .have one of the best paying companies on the Coast with real estate aecurity be hind it. If you have from 50O up we will guarantee you from ido to Uhj per cent on our money and good wages for your work; it will pay you to Investigate. 820 tt Washington at., room 61H. ROAD SALESMAN visiting retail stores; strong sliie line on commlaeion ; manufac turer's ilne of carpeu and rugs; sample Vieigh 8' lha. ; atnte references and terri tory desired. FEHD WERNER & SONS CO.. en wood ave., bel. Second St., Pliila deiphla. Pa. A GENTLEMAN AND BRIGHT BUSINESS MAN Will find a flrst-clajs opportunity to display his ability with a splendid home company; remuneration exceptionally good; 6 MEN NEEDED QUICK. Room 7u2, Oregonian bldg;. CIVIL PER VICE) EMPLOY E3 are paid well for eay work; examination of all kinds coon; ex;ert advice, samp:e question and booklet atiij, describing positions and telling ea?itet and quickest way to eeure them frtu; wrlto now. Washington. Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduate last yea; men and women to learn barber trade Ik eight w eeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from Sir to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 84 North 4th st., Portland. Or. WANTED Young men over 18 to prepare for clrk and carrier examination Immediately; da:e Nov. 17; a few days only for fl ing application; life position with ralary and promotional you will have to act quickly. Pacific States School. McKay bice., city. WANTED One or two of those fellows that know salesmanship. We've got a big proposition for big men. Mighty good money can be made by the fellow who knows how to close. Ask for Mr. Hlckolc Columbia Trust Company, S4 Fourth St. GOVERNMENT positions by thousand. Cen aua arid other departments; examinations) soon In Portland; full particular a to sal aries, dates, ere. free in circular 111 Jf National Co rrewpon deuce Institute, Wash ington, D. C. SATESMEN WANTED Experienced ad vertising speclulty salesmen ; strong line s calendars, bank supplies,, leather goods and novelties; , liberal long-time, exclusive contracts; write quick. Bankers' Supply Co., Iowa City, la. EARN $5 A DAY. Learn plumbing In 4 to 6 months by actual experience on new buildings; tools end material free; catalogue free. Enter- prise Plumbing Construction Co., 3S56 Finney avo., St- Louis, Mo. SOLICITORS for city and adjacent towns, splendid proposition, nothing to sell ; hustlers can make $3 to $5 daily. Apply between 10 and S to Mr. Bowes, room i-'l iiotel Perkins. WANTED Men speaking Swedish language to solicit for new proposition In nearby cities; nothing to sell; $ i to $5 daily easily made. Apply Mr. Bowes, room 4-1 Hotel Perkins, between lu and 3. EXPERIENCED salesman to cover Onegon with staple line; hitfh commissions with liberal weekly advance for expenses; per manent position to right man. L. li. Drake, A&st. Supt, Detroit. Mich. SALESMEN or parties In touch with In vestors can make $5000 in presenting Eucalyptus investment paying over luo p-r cent in rt-8 years. Eucalyptus Co.. 2J3 Henry bldg., Portland, Or. WANT E l Boy who w twht-e to go to a chool " can earn board, room and small- wages by milking cow, tending furnace and other light Vork. In fine home. Just outelde city limits. Phone A 39. WANTED Klrst-clnss structural draughts man familiar with detailing steel work for buildings. Apply in peison to United Engineering & Construction Co., 20 Lum berincns bldg. SALESMAN Experienced any line, to sell geneml trade Pa c 111c Count ; unexcelled spe cialty pro;oaitlon ; co:miiisMurs. with fl;i& weekly advance for expenses. Continental Jewviry Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. CHINA is wide open for trade; any young man wishing to go there for that purpa and succeed, come and larn the Chinese language. Rev. Fung Cbak, Chinese In structor, 51 8d st. North, room 68. WANTED A man with some money to work on a poultry farm; best thing on Coast; no experience required, but must be willing to work; investigate. 826& Wash ington st.. room 613. WANTED Two firat-ciues sewing machine eule.wmen. White machine, good contract, horse and wugon furnished, permanent posi tion. Addrfri fjkftne Om fitting Co., 10 Iclversdde ave.. Spokane. Waeh. WANTED Good huky man to make race track, cut .wood uud do general rarm work. Come to Twelve Mile House today. Frod T. Merrill. 6UINGL&S Want to let contract to put on 76,ooo shingles. DAMMEIER. 821 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD territory o,yen for live men; best health and accident polloy on the Coast. Fidelity Mutual Aid Aes'n, 6U4 Worcester bldg. W A NTBD Tou ng men to t ud y w irele te k'grnphy; railroad telegraphy, railroad wires In -hool ; ciay and evening cIuas. Oregon CoUege of Telegraphy, 83 6th at. WANTED Good, energetio retail salesman under 15 years of ngc on dry goods, allots and furnishings. Address, with references, Kinney & Truax, Grants Pass, Or. CARPENTER To act as caretaker house boat and work on boat. D. E. Keasey, 14 Chamber of Commerce. BOOKKEEPER who would like to work evenings opening set of books. Call phone B 31.il- 6ALKPMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog . mphfiev city and country. Commercial Aoiiract -Co., 4o8 Commercial Club bldg. YOUNG man to work In Turkish baths. Give phone. A 447. Oregonia.n. BOY wanted In plumbing shop, dors st. 253 Flan- W ANTED Boy with bicycle. Haack Bros., 851 Alder st. CARPENTER wanted, flnirher. Green, Water and Glbbs sta. WANTED Partner. $150 and services; big profits; money secured. J 448, Oregonian. AGENTS Live ones. Ben Hur ioe Polish, 333 Chamber Commerce. ft BOYS wanted. Apply Oregon Box Mfg. Co 11126 Macadam L - WAITER wanted. Apply Columbia HoteL First and Clay sts. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. young man with $250 as partner. X 452, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced presser for cloaks and suits; steady -hoxIc 4JJi -AVaahlcgtoa . WA NTED Traveling salesmen earn from $li-00 to 25,000 a year and expenses and can always get steady employment; over oOo.Of'O employed in the United States and Canada; ecorts of the richest men In Amer ica got thetr start selling good on the road; will teach you to be a high-grade salesmen by mail and awlst you t? secure a good position; we receive calls for thou-. Rinas of salesmen and place our graduates with the leading firms in the United States end Canada; hundreds of them who former ly earned from 25 to $75 a month have earned from $100 to as high a. $1000 a month and expenses since completing our course of instruction in scientific salesman ship; If you want to ecure good position or increaw your earnings, our free book. "A Knight of the Grip." will show you how; write nearest office for it today. Dept. fiS3. National Salamen's Training Aejm., New York, Chicago. Kansas City, Minne apolis, San Francl.-co. TWENTY-FIVE salesmen to sell whips to harness, hardware and general store trade; silary or commission; salary men must have established trade; largest whip company in world and greatest variety of tfpeclaltle on market; first-class reference must accom pany application. United States Whip Co., West field, Mai. SALESMAN wanted, traveling medium-size towns, by largest European lace-embroidery manufacturer; take orders for Janu ary and at once delivery. Samples, K0 pounds. Liberal arrangements. Consoli dated Lace Works, 470 Broadway. New Yorfc. WANTED Traveling salesman covering - Washington or Eastern Oregon, to handle side line of Chinese silk handkerchiefs, drawn work, etc., on commission. Ad dress, stating for whom traveling, etc. AK 444, Oregonian. ANYBODY, either sex. can make $4 dally all year raising mushrooms for hotels arid rtauranu with my spawn In cellars, sheda, boxes, etc.; free illustrated inetruction book Jet. Hiram Barton, 39 West 46th st-. New York. MAN Must be willing to learn, capable of acting as representative; no canvassing, so lh'itlng; good Income assured. National Co operative Realty Co,, 792 Marden bldg.. Wellington, D. C. POSTOFFICE clerks and carriers wanted: ex amination held In Portland and many other cities in Novomher; particulars free, wasn lnrton Civil Servloe School. Dept, ScA, W aaclngton, D. C. SALESMAN covering state Oregon to carry strongest mom complete souvenir postcard line, as elde line; holiday cards awll rapidly now; chance to make big -money. Gartner & lender. Dept. S. Chicago. WANTED Railway mall clerks, poatofflce clerka. carriers; examinations in, Portland November 17; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 42-3F, Rochester, N. Y- WANTED Experienced young man for of fice and sido work, Insurance office, make application In writing and give references. Address McFargar, Bates & Lively, city. Barn $15 to $35 week, watchmaking, engrg., op tics; learn In few months; positions furnished or start business without capital. Watchmak ing School. 225 Kearney St., San Francisco. TOUNO man, a.vlstant bookkeeper In whole sale house. Address In own hand; state aga, experience, salary expected, address and references. AE 444, Oregonian. JAPANESE and wife, or Japanese boy. to leave city; must be a thorough cook; email family, big wages. Call at The Bramhail, morning, 12th and Columbia, apartment 34. WANT to sKart you in business, epare time, at home; most Ingenious money-maker de vised; free particulars, F. E. Abbott, desk A X, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Experienced, practical ponltry man for larpe plant. Salary or interest in plant. State experience. . Address O 443, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; one who understands printing preferred ; state sal ary expected and past experience. AO 448, Oregonian. WANTED 500 men to attend my sale of genuine "Priestley Cravenette Raincoats," worth $25; on sale today at $12.75. TRULY WARREN. 815 Oregonian Bldg. EMBROIDERY and lace manufacturers want talesmen traveling having established trade e-mail towns; liberal proposition, Merk & Co., 416 Broadway, N. Y. FREE to iom good man for a number oC years, that will take my 160 acres of good apple land and work It. AH 443, Ore gonian. SALESMEN to handle our large line of calen dar eifrns and novelties; largest complete lino in United States: liberal compensation. THE SCIOTO SIGN CO., Kenton, Ohio. lOL'Nd man to manage store in city; hon esty more essential than experience: bond required. Salary $150 per month. AF 431. Oregonian. SALESMAN wanted to sell white goods and dws goods from factory to retailer; liberal commission; strong side line. Bit XX MAWR MILLS. Philadelphia, Pa. DISTRICT i-ales manfigers; patent wonder; jound of butter a minute from pint of swet mtik; Pnd stamp for booklet. Wapaul Co., 11U Bank bldg., Elgin. 111. EX-SOLDIERS, register by proxy; 7000 quarters; Dakota wheat bejt. For par ticulars address L. E. Warner, 1987 1st ave., Seattle, Wash. HONEST, reliable man for soliciting and other outBlde work for Insurance off let Must be sober and neat. State salary ex pected. AN 432, Oregonlan- FOR THE latest and befit aide llnee !n hard ware specialties address L. C. Pond Com pany manufacturers and distributors, 816-617-819 Ceres ave., Los Angele. Cal. OFFICE-BOY, wholesale-house; state age, experience, references, phone number. P 442, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS clothing man familiar with Installment plan preferred. Apply at Gevurtz ac Sons. 1st and Yamhill sta. WANTED At once, an experienced tailor to do bushellng. Apply at once. F. H. Friendly. Eugene, Or. EXPERIENCED man to lay out sash and took after a.-sh machines. Apply Northwest Door Co.. city. ADVANCE agent wanted for the 'Lena Rivers." Address with full particulars. If you art ailve, Salem, Or. MEN to clear land. 52 day or contract; stump-puller furnished. McCoy, 3ti4 North 2tith, 5:30 to 7:30 evenings. FURRIER Man wanted for operator and nailer. Address Fred Foster, Victoria, B. C. . WANTED Linemen and Inside wiremen. Eastern Oregon Light & Power Co., Baker City, Or. MARRIED man. experienced In bearing ap ple trees ; references. R. W. Stubbing, Hood River, Or. EDUCATED Eastern man, quick on splendid promotion, with 10ax P. O. Box 23L AGENT'S wanted to represent us In Eastern Oregon and Washington; good proposition. SS North 3rd st. F3 RST-CLASS colored barber, family man preferred. William Jackson. 12 E. Yakima ave.. North Yakima, Wash. WANTED Outside salesman, will pny high salary. Spring Valley Wine Cxx. 244 Yamhill. UPHOLSTERER wanted; must be a good couch man. Addrea Tncoma Lounge & Mat treaw Co., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED A part of a grub stake by ex perienced miner and prospector. Call up miner. Main 88S4. SALESMEN, offers specialty, good propo- sltion; no canvassers. Apply 6o9 Shet land bldg. Knapp. WANTED Young man to assist in office work, collecting, etc Lion Clothing Co., 3d st. SALESMAN will find good position at 414 P.othchild bldg. MAN to drive, team and do general farm work; references. N 443. Oregonian. WANTED Two good carpenters to work at Hillsboro. Inquire Sunday at 10$ E. Clay. BARITONE and trombone players ror road show. Call 387 Third sL HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages: permanent. 215 Commercial block. WE secure positions for our members. Special member-hip. Y. M. C. A. WANTED Two first-class waiters. Apply 41 3d at. Peerless Saioon. MOLDERS WANTED. 222 Commercial Club Bldg. PHOTO coupon and portrait apsnts; fine offer. Hubner Studio. 719 Swetland bldg. COST CLERK First-class man, familiar with wood-working plant. W 432, Oregonian. COUCH -MAKERS wanted. Carman Mfg. Co., 18th and Upahur. PHOTO COUPON agents, best offer; good money Davis, .S4 is Waahlcstoa at. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OfFlCB. 0jen Today. T. McCue or McQue. camp foreman. Is anted by the U. C. Co. Logging fi. R. brakeman, 3.30. Horsohoer, camp, $4 day. Plasterer, $5. Bridge carpenters, $3.23 close In, some at15' Woodchoppers, 30-inch wood. $1.23 cord- tools advanced, board or batch; free fare for R. R, work, long lob. Loggers, fallers on right of way. fj: peavey men, !. free fare; buckers, $2..s; chasers and rigging slingers, $2.7&; woods laborers. $2.30. , . A- men and wives on farms, Joo, $ 40. farmhands. $3-0; potato pickers, $LS0 and board; prune pickers, by the box. City laborers. City teamsters. 50 laborers, close In, $2.25, 9 hours, ho tel board, long job. Messenger boys and men. g Fresno teamsters, $2.75. close m. Sawmill and yard hands, $2.25. Cooks, $15, $12 a week; ' kitchen help, camp flunkeys, others. Headquarters for R. R. Work. Agents for B. P. R. R. O. B. A Iff BY. Oregon Eastern Ry. Deschutas Rj. Contractors Agents For The Utah Construction Co. Twhoy Brothers. Erlckson St Peterson. P. C C. Co. P. C. C Co. McCabe Construction Co. U R. Wattis & Co. Hayden Bros. Portland Bridge & Bnllding Co. The J. W. Sweeney Con. Co. And Others. On th Deschutes line, the Tniamoog line, the Natron line, the Klamath Falls line, Beaverton cut-off, Lebanon cut-off. Ship dally General R, R. construction men, tree zare. A. job Fret If Ton Are Broke. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 2 North Second St. Established 1873. Portland, San Francisco, Spokane. PACTFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. (Main Office. N. Second St. OPEN SUNDAY 10-30 A. M. TO 2 P. M. SPECIAL WANTS: 6eoond cook and pas irv mn. hotl. STS and found: night cook. $15 and bonrd: 4 millwrights. $4; 4 rough carpenters, $3.50; ft carpenter helpers, $2.50; electrical engineer, power plant. $4, must ave go o d ref ere n ce ; knot sawyer, a band re-sawyer, ;. io. B uckers, Fallers, Mill yardmen. City laborer. Vnrm hnds SMnrle-bolt cutters. A STEADY COMB AND GO OF GOOD JOBS. WATCH OUR INblDE BLLLEt- TIN BOARD-. Special notice: We give a written guar antee, backed br a large bond, to cover the fare in case the Applicant fails to secure the position. EXTRA EVERT DAT TO CALIFORNIA Lumber-pliers, $2.25 to $2. BO. up. BIG MILLS, hotel board. FREB FAKE. FRBE FARB SOUTH. $2.50; loggers. BIG CAMPS. FREE FARE PACTFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 12 N. Second St. I WANT two or three live, experienced spe cialty salesmen men with the work habit, and who have enersr plus. I want excep tional men with a striking personality, and with th fthimv to itell sroods all day long. I prefer men who are making good now, and wno can snow me a recoru mai ryu.iu Itself. I require references; also send an abstract of your qualifications and ex perience. I have "an advertising specialty proportion that Interests all progressive re tailor. Hundreds of the best retailers have Indorsed my plan becausa they have found It profitable. Sample will go in coat pocket. My beat salesmen are making from $500 to CliWl a ninnth I wflTlt men Who C343 do S3 well or better. If you ere of the right caliber write me Immediately re rare new territory 1 assigned. Maln-4. Iowa City. Iowa. COPPEm. RIVER RAILWAY, Cordova, Alaska. CAMPS RUN ALL WINTER. Steady work. 2000 men now at work; want lono more; teamsters, tracklayers, rockmen, tlcmakera, tlmbermen and laborers; big wagee; good Msn.na ti.jnrv stnron- Mn everv week: boat sail from fceattle every week. Fare from Seattle to the work, $16. M. J. Heney, 514 Co! man bldg., beat tie. WAVTED. Experienced salesmen; men with selling capacity are mu-iiug oi uuiuiuidiuu handling our properties. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Cliambor of Commerce. JOE-CHAN I CAL draughtsmen wanted -The de- j i- i- i i.m. m r.f thf sunnl i We qualify young men, at small expense, to take weii-paia po?iuou wi.--ltv draughtsmen and mechanical engineers; all that i needed is ability to read and write and willingness to study. Write today for "Mechanical Drawing Circular,' I. C. S.. Box 130 D, Scranton, Pa. EXPERIENCED salesman for Indies suits, salary $73 month and commission; good future for the right party; state refer ence; young man outside of Portland preferred; position will remain open one week. AK 450, Oregonian. WANTED SOLICITORS OF NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE; MUST EE ABLE? TO PRO- . PTCE RESULTS. APPLY M. F. HOYLE. WITH "THE AMERICAN WEEKLY OF THE -SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER," AT "TH3 PORTLAND" TUEbUAY. WANTED Young man with little money aa partner In flue real ei?tate office; am alone and tired of hired help; experience not nec essary if you are willing to learn. Swet land bldg., room 610. WANTED A man who can Invest $300 and - give part of his time on the mail order business; no experience necessary, but must be honost and of good habita. AF 460, Ore gonian. GOOD position with bright future to right party. If you want to work, call Sunday between 11 and 12; Monday, 8 and 9 A M. 402 Washington st. WANTED To hasdle our fine line of calen dars, signs and advertising novelties-; -c'u'va or S"!de line; liberal compenHation. MAHON NOVELTY CO., Kenton, Ohio. CARPENTER can devote leisure time plcas antlv and profitably; for information call at 401 Board of Trade. Open evenings 7 to 9. WANTED An experienced salesman to sell the capital stock of a life insurance com pany ' salary and commission will be piild. Address P. O. Box 612, Portland. Or. WANTED Boy with wheel to learn drug business: must be 16; steady position for bright boy. Call Monday morning, 374 Morrison st. WANTED Steady man to check goode, eto. : ' wi'I i -ay $25 week now; can increase It with interested heir; $3i-0 required. Particu lar 417 Btftrd of Trade bldg. WILL exchanpe first-class Industrial stock fir city real estate. Call between 3 and 4 P. M., 194 E. 7th X. MOTORMAN or conductor can learn some thing to his advantage at 401 Board -f Trade bldg. FREfSFEKDEIt Boy with some experience to feed platen press.. Give reference. AF 402, Oregonian. BOY with wheel, after school and Satur days. 231 Stark. WANTBD Man to make cordwood, 15 min utes' ride from the city. Phone A 8179. WANTED Men to smoke NEW YORK BOND five-cent cigar. FIRST-CLASS proof passer on portrait work. 127 11th st. GOOD PAINTER 429 6th. Sunday 2 to 4 P. M- WANTED Young mtn to drive grocery wagon and solicit. 515 Jefferson st. CARPENTERS wanted at 5th and Hall st. HEX-P WANTED FEMALE. WANTED An experienced waitress. Ho-bart-Curtia. 265 14th at. WANTED Private lessons In bookkeeping. AE 452, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes to meet girl compan ion to share apartment. Phone A 633S. WANTED Good girl for general housework-, 101 East 17th st. Phone Eaot 472. WANTED Experienced pressor for cloaks and suits; steady work. 412 Washington st. WANTED Experienced salesladies. Apply Silverfield Co.. 4th and Morrison. GIRL for gflneral housework. 509 Johnson street. STENOGRAPHER, 231 Stark. CHBBR MAI D wanted at 204 Madlsoa mU HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Wants Aionoay Foardlng-house cook, $.. Two housekeepers. $.0, $2,. Two chambermaids. $35; two. $22. room and board. , . , Second girls, $25. Second girls, $23. Two boarding-house waitresses, $. Restaurant waitresses. $'J. $S a week. Two waitresses, country hotel, $30; fare here. , , Companion for old lady. $3 week and home. Housekeeper, family, country, free fare, $30. Honsehold help of all kinds. New places Dai I y . Hansen's I dies' Agency, S43H Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstalra WANTED, MONDAY. Cooks. $40 to $00. . . ' Waitress, chambermaids. Kitchen helpers. Girls for general housework at good wages. f PACTFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies Dept. 2054 Morrison. JACKET. SKIRT AND GOWN WORKERS. Permanent positions to thoroughly ex perienced and competent workers. Apply to Mrs. Richards, In charge of alteration department. OLDS. WORTMAN & KINO. SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly experienced and competent. Wanted In a number of our departments; permanent positions to the rlcht persons. OLDS. WORTMAN KING. WANTED at once, experienced salesladies for hosiery and knit undorwoar department. Roberta Bros., 3d and Morrison. LADIES, girls, anywhere can earn good, steady pay writing adv. letters for us at home; 10 cants for forms and full Instruc tions; no more money required; no canvane ing. American Sales Co., Dept. H , Dela ware City, Del. WANTED A competent stenographer In a law office in Portland; answer in own hand writing, stilting name, ape, residence and experience and giving name of any local office in which services were rendered. Ad dress Poatofflce Box 6o4, Portland. GIRLS wanted to make shirts and overalls. Mt Hood Factory, 233 Couch. MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety for Young Women. Advice or assistance glad ly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. Supt., room 37 Y. W. C. A. bldg., 7th and Taylor sts. LADIES, ATTENTION! AT ONCE. 5 LADIES WANTED I NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS: Neat, tasty dressers, bright, active, alert person ality: well acquainted, in Portland; fair brilliaat buainei ability. Room 702. Ore gonian bldg. W ANTED Yooung girl under 25; German or SweriLsh preferred, to assist In general housework and care the baby; small pri vate family livlns In lower flat. Call 2ti3 13th t. Phone M-dn Go 17. LADY solicitor capable of earning $50 per week. Can work all or part of time. Call Monday. Ask for Mr. Fuller. PAUL E. CLE LAN D INVESTMENT CO.. 620 and E22 Board of Trade. RESPONSIBLE woman employed part of the day to afsit In light housework and bo with children for room and board; good home to right party. N 449, Oregonian. GOOD girl for general housework, small iamiiy, no cnimren; gooa noma ana goon wages. Call after Tuesday, 10 Eaft 9th N., bet. E- Ankeny and E. liurnside. LADIES to soil waista. sklrta and furs on the irstailment plan; liberal commissions; no former experience necessary. J. D. Sher man. 89 Grand ave. WAVTRfi ICTrnrlencftd hands on ladles Jackets; muat be good seamstresses and understand alterations. Eastern Outrltting Co.. Washington at loth st. PUBLIC stenographer can have deskroom, with use of Remington machine, for lifiht service; good opportunity. X 448, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER P.nd stenographer; one who understands printing preferred; state cill ery expected and past experience. AG 44a, Orugonlan. WANTED Saleswomen for suits and waists. a'so for underwear and wash goods; must have experience and references. Apply to McAIlen & McDoaneu. Third ana Morrison GIRL for general housework; must be good cook ; good wages; family of thre, no children ; modern, convenient 7-room houtso. 800 Northrup st., cor. xtn. WANTBD Saleswomen for ffiilts and walt. also for underwear and wah goods; mutrt have experience and references. Apply to McAIlen & McDonnell, Third ana Jiorrison. GIRLS, good wages, steady employment. Pa clfio Coast Biscuit Co.. lth and Davis. TICK sewer wanted, none but ex-pnrienced ned apply. Portland Furniture Mf$r. Co., 1240 Macadam road, Fulton car. WANTED Experienced taHoress to work on coats; highest salary paid. 88 Vi 8d St., room 10. SCHOOLGIRL to work for board, room and email wages; small family, pleasant home. AC 443. Oregonian. YOUNG girl to aaalst in small family; good home. Apply 9 to 11 A. M. or 4 to 6 P. M- 743 Overton at. Phone A 21S5. GOOD, reliable woman to take care of t children wanted immediately. Phone A 27G9. WANTED Housekeeper; good home and wages for competent, reliable woman. Call or address 6.8 Willamette at,, Eugene, Or. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 66i Myrtle at.. Portland Heights. ADVANCED piano pupil as assistant teacher for prominent pianist; can earn lessons and more. AG 454, 'Oregonian. AN inteilligont woman, capable of taking charg-s of ofTce and directing employes. Must have reference. L 446, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hands in alteration depsrt-m-jiit. The New York Outfitting Co., ltfo 1st st. A LADY of social standing and acquaintance can make good money helping us sell real estate. M 445. Oregonian. WANTED Women who can cook specialties to sell on commission : no fee or, member ship. AG 442, Oregonian. WANTED Out-of-town agent for new line toilet articles. Agents can clear $5 per diy. Addre 3u4 Weiis-Fargo bldg. LADIKS at home day or tvenmgs, applying transfers on porcnlain, $;.60 doa. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. NEAT girl for cooking and assist general housework. L. (J. Pfundcr. 505 2oth St., corner Myrtle. Portland Heights. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 43 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upatalra Phono Main 2602. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework, permanent posi tion. Apply 209 13th. Main 3038. WANTED Neat girl to wait on table and a-sji?t with housework; no cooking. 4u; -aur-rifron, cor. 13th. WAN! ED Experienced operators on over a?ij; aiso learners; paia wnne learning. 75 lsf ot. WANTED Heft'iort. cupucie worm: r--r re sponsible position. v in vi uo., ww itotn chtld bldg., 4lh and Waahingtorv W A NTED Middle-aged woman, general housowork. small country no:-;; wares month. Address Jos. Kosydar. Siletz, Or. WANTED Experienced girl to help on men's clothes. Appiy at room 510 Com monwealth bldg. GIRLS to work In paper box department. experienced neip preierreu. Appiy ai American Chicle Co., 14th and Johnson. WANTED Ex;-?rlenced alteration hands; stt-acy positions; good wages. l he auver tirld' Co.. 4th. and Morrison. GIRL for light housework and to take caro of baby; must sleep at noma, ui iuin at., near Burnaide. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework. Apply iwj inurman st., Willamette Heights. FIRST-CLASS makers wanted at Wo'.cott's Millinery. YOUNG g'rl to care for child part of day. Call mornings. 523 Everett st.. after 7. COMPETENT girl for general housework; (wages $& &2 1, OUv st ..Tabor 4 WANTBD Lady partner to travel in a oom misslon business; money secured In the in vestment. St. liouis Agency, 245 aft Main 2C0. A 4775. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Call mornings. 1- R9 Thurniaa L, cor. 320. Willamette Height. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 26fc Washington St.. Room 307. Main 8S3 or A S260L WA NTED Stenographer and general office girl, one w ho can operate Smith No. 2 ; state salary expected. AG 450, Oregonian. WANTED Typewriting done in exchange for elocution or dramatic lessons ; type writer and materials furnished. AD 4."i3, Oregonian. OFFICE space and use of telephone offered to public stenograph or in exchAnpe for occasional services. Room 518 Common wealth bldg. A NO. 1 demonstrator desires position dem onstrating anything; references. AN 447, Oregonian. YOUNG ladv. figure model for artist; per manent; $1S weekly; give full description and address. AG 4iVl, Oregonian. WANTED A cook for private Institution; y-'ung woman preferred, i'hone SMlwnod iOS. Apply Sanitarium Enst Slh and Harrison. INTELLIGENT woman to care for Invalid gentleman; good home; moderate wages. 150 22d at. I TEACH halrdresslng, scalp treatment and ahampoolne In one week; terms $10. Tele phone A 3031. GTRL wanted for general housework: 4 in family; no children. Apply 663 Ealsey. Piiona E. 934. EXPERIENCED woman for alteration de partment women's garments. Apply 171 fid at. - WANTED Girl for general housework; nail family. Call 607 East Taylor or phone Et or B 1C2S. GIRL for general hnuwwork and to aswl with 2-var-old child; good wages. 774 Johnson st. WANTED House-to-house dcmon-Trators fr new line toilet urtickn. Call Monday 9 to 11 3m Wella-Fargo bldg. EXPERIENCED lady for general house work; easy place; good wages. 568 Broad way. GIRL for general office work; state refer ences and Balary expected. AJ 453, Ore gonian. YOUNG gir! to ascist with housework an t care for 12-mo. baby; good wages. Phone East 2639. WANTED Experienced bonbon dipper, one who can dip chocolates. A J 450, Ore gonian. GIRL for general housework, family of two. 240 E. 16th, north of Hawthorne. GIRL to assist with housework; no chil dren; call forenoon. 831 6th st. YOUNG girl for help with housework. Ap ply 701 Hoyt st, in the morning. GIRL for gen-sral housework. Call A 2-33 or Main WANTED Good girl for peneral houseworK, small family. Main 633 J. WANTED A gbod singer who can play th piano. Apply Star Theater, Vancouver. WANTED Experienced hand sowers to help on skirts. G. K. Stern Co., 429 Wash. GIRL wanted for general housework in small family. Apply 75 Ella. st. WANTBD 4 girls for "shooting- gillcry; good wagts. Apply to 272V Bunudde st. GIKL for general housework, family four adults. Call 7 SO Irving. EXPERIENCED ptrl for general housework, good wages. 3."4 loth st . cor. Mill- WANTED Girl to care for h:.by and he!p In housework. Call at 314 Washington t. GIRL for cooking and grnral housework, 02 Weldler st. Main I-2, C 10it5. EXPERIENCED millinery makerp, aLo ap pruiUKe. Moore Tradlr.g Co., 415 Aider. EXPERIENCED ladie coatmaker. Moore Tracing Co., 415 Aidtr st. WANTED Parlor and chambermaids. Apply St. Helen's Hall. Ford and Park sts. GIRL WANTED with some experience In post cards; reference, 133 4th st. WANTED Girls to work In book bindery. James Printing Co., 4 8 and 50 lat st. GIRL for general housework. Muat be good cook Family of two. 819 0erton st. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted. Ths Fisher Milliner Co., 301 Wash. st. GOOD girl for general housework; family of 4 adults. 754 Tillamook st. LADY teacher, country school; good pay-f call quick. Room IS, 223 Vi Pine. WANTED A young girl to wait on sick lady. Apply JitiO Ivy. WANTED Woman for genera housework. lUi9 E. 23d N, 23d and Alberta. YOUNG girl fur light housework; live at homo; good hours. 780 Washington. GIRL to aawlst at general o use work. 1ST N. 16ih at. GIRL for general iou-sework; small famllyl good wage. 66 North jjoih. STRONG woman to do housework; German preferred. Call 740 MUwaukle st. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work. 627 Hancock st. A TRUSTWORTHY gir! to care for baby after school hours. 2o4 North 24th st. WANTED Young girl or lady to do house' work. Apply 54u Clay. GIRL wanted to answer phone. Call Main 0534 or A 75S5, 11:00 to 1:00 o'clock today. WANTED Three experienced coat and suit eaiosiadits. L. W. Grose, Seattle, Wash. WANTED Girl to assist in housework and care of oiiild. 545 Yamhill st. WANTED Girl lor general housework.: Phone East 1818. or call 330 Weidier. GIRL wanted for general housework. Mrs. L. E. Karo. 6u9 Beacon St., Sell wood car. WANTED A girl helper on ooata. 410 Couort bl.-g. 1UXP WANTKD MALE OR FEMALE. WE WANT several hustling real estate sales men to mil subdivision of farm property j will pay large commissions snd bonus. Call between 12 iind 2 P. M. CHAI'IN & HEKLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. BOY and irl agents, sMl 25 packages post cards for us at 10 cents each anu roceive premium free. Atlantic specialty Co.. Dept. 12, 4ol Eat l-i th st. New Yoi 1C City. BJG MONEY Start dyeing and cleaning establishment, spiondid profits, un J ; ml ttl field. We teach by mail. Funiculars free. Ben-Vonde School, Dept. 29. Staun ton, Va. WOMEN or men sgmt.t In every town to can vass lad.es' i-spcmier Delta: bi to lo i"-r cent proijt; the !ate.-t catchy novelty that sciis on siKht; send for our offer tu aema O. tj. CO., i-l- lr t., tJOLVtl, Jl'". MEN and women wanted to sell the best life Insurance and Investment contract on the market; big commit-sk-ns, good treatment. Aduiess AL 449, Oiegonian. WANT I'D Ten persons interested In learn ing the Spanish language; pivlitable pr o sition. -9 Commonwealth blug.. Sixth and Ankeny. MAKE money writing situs: pleasant work f(r you; big .pay. Send for free booklet, tells how. ITi Syndicate, tian Fran cisco. SOLICITORS wanted, exceptional opportn nity offered for live hustlers; no house to houh-e canvassing. Call room 5i3 Common wc;i ih bld. ADD $25 TO YOUR SALARY while 'm p:oyit; 1 hour a wr-.-k and $400 spd i e money secure this, Sie mi at onca. M. A. Aibin, 517 Worcester bldg. BILL CLERK wanted, male or fomale; give references and salary expected. A!?' 442, Oregonian. STT'DTO Music, German, French, EnglisU ' literature. 4.2 Morrison. Main 2U97. LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 2b- litii. Main 3SS3. F1SK TEACHERS' AGENCY off-iss pood po s.tion to A-l iniruciors. 514 Swetland bldg, WANTED Second marker. Woodlawa UuikJ dry, Pi-ou4 .WoQdlu 664 a 4 A.