TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 10,' 1909. FOR SALE FARMS. TOU WANT A FABM AND WE WANT YClu. You want a farm where you can settle doa to u year in and y-jar out atcauy. successful harvesting of valuable, protiiubic crops. You don't want a large Harm because a small one properly worked with a lil verstfied crop will pay you Just at Well with less work. YOU WANT A I'.KOADMEAD FARM THACT. BROADMEAD Is diroctly on the railroad, market is easy of access. a:d the quality of the ground In sures bumper crops. Investigate F.lioADMEAD because It will be to your btst interest to do so, BUOADM.EAD prices are lo-.v. We Ilka to talk about BROAP Mr.AT because, we know we are talking crop ST.Be. BKuADMEAD has a growing. prosierous town. Farm tracts a-rs, selling rapidly. See us NOW. COLUMBIA Tkl.-T COMPANY. Board of Trada Bldg., st Fourth Street. DANDY BUYS. 40 acres. 6 miles to town. 13 acres in cultivation, new house, bs.rn. want, tools and stock. ls"0. terms. 160 acies. 4V mill from R. R. town, only liiuu. Vs co--u. . ;0 acres i miles to R. R. town. 1 good orcnaru. some lu cultivation, only S-oUl lor li days only; V cash. 4 V acies, inllts of Oregon City courthouse, all in highest suue of culti vation, good house, good baru. level land, one hor. bugjy. harness. 4 Vi tons of hay. some wood and furniture, $-'Ouo. . V acres. 1 u;'b-a of Oregon City. -room house, good barn, muk house, chicken-house, good weil, level land, luo fruit trees, etc., $;00O; $650 cash. 15 acres, 3 miles of Oregon City, bouse, bam. henhouse, collar, etc. 2 good wells. 4 acres gruboed ready for plow, all good level land, some house furniture, chickens, eic. ouiy 41400; (out) cash if taksaa, Uiis eclt, DUBOIS CROCKETT. "Washington Bldg., Kuoin 3. 7(',l0 FARMERS Cu.'E TO CA.V.IUA 'iiilS YEAR. WHY ? Because the 60."w who w.nt last year have written their friends and neighbors that th y are gluing rich .by tr.e alvajicing land values and tue tremendous crops of ncat- YOUR OPPORTUNITY Is now. It may never come asain. Western Canada is the LAST GKJiAT HEST. Mi V Bit AGAIN can you buy lands of eg.ua! g.ua,ity at tht prices and terms. 41O.0O TO $15.00 PER ACKB. lo YEARS' TIME. Write us today or call for full particulars. EXCURSIONS AT RKDUCED KATKSi. IDS-McCARTHY LAND COMPANY. General Land Agents Canadian Pacilio Ry-, 425 Lumbermen's Bldg. 49 ACRES. 29 acres cleared, good 7-room house, cost $20O0. good well and windmill, coat ri"0; good barn, cost $300; outbuildings, cost $5o0; good family orchard, two bug gies, one new and one old one. 2-ia. wagon, mower, double weed disc drill, rake, roller, plow. harrow. cultivator, cream separator, dairy utensils, all farm implements, good young team, 4 cows. 1 sow, 1 yearling heifer. 2 ri..z. chickens. 1 acre spuds. 2 acres stock kale, all kinds vegetables; fenced and cross-fenced; good soil, very littie gravel; good county roau, 1 4 miles from It. R- station, SHi miles from Vancolver. Price $5750; good terras. COLUMBIA TKL'ST COMPANY. 84 4lh St-, Board of Trade Bldg. BUY HITHER HOOD FRUIT LANDS. HrxDKEDS OF ACRES HOLD LAST WEEK. Land that now s. lis for $50 per acre comd have been bought for 3o last year this time; prices will double within the next year. Do you know a gr-"d thing wh-n you see it? If so. go with us and buv a few acres In this choice fruit sec tion. Plant a few acres to apples ana get good results. On line of Mount fl-.'-d Hallway. Prices range from $JO to $100 per acre. CHAPLN HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. 40 i ACP.ES mile from electric line, one rr.ile from S. P., on lire coiinty road. 24 mtiM fr,m Portland: 30 acres In high ertnte of cultivation, four acres in standing tim ber all kinds fruit in abundant-; hou.-e rncw) 10 roonis. r.ew granary 16x24, plenty good water, s pan line horses. 9 cow. 9 l'1 lo's chickens, wagon, buggy, harness. 2 plows, 2 harrow, cultivator and small too; price $S'.ou; nrai half cash, balance on time; might take city boiM and lot in part payment. LANG-HILL LAND X., Ablngton Bids. Third St. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! 343 acres. 50 acre in cultivation, on pub lic r-ad, 4 miles from live town. 1 mile to school; good house and barn, fruit orchard and pjenty of living water; price $30 per S20 IPO acres In cultivation, BO more very easliy cleared; two seta of build ings, two lart;e barn. 5 good srlrga; 2 rrtle of railroad station; price 17.60 per st. on gooi terms. KUFF-KLF.!Ni"Ki;B LAND COMPANY, 41S Board of Traue Blcg. A BEAUTTFUL HOME FARM. On an electric carline. close to Port land. SO acres; 40 acres In cultivation, 2 acres pasture, balance in standing tim ber, cruises fiO.OOO ft. A fine, now 7-room house, surrounded by a fine lawn; also a barn, granary and blacksmith shop. There are 4 springs of the finest water on this ranch. Price JSO'W. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, St 4th 6t, Board of Trade Bldg. 6WELL TVaahlriEton Co. farm. 10 acres, tio in cultivation, good 9-room house., fine barn, ft horses, 1R cattle, chj'-kens. hay, grain and all farm Implements, for tuW'rt: term: a mortease of S."om to be assumed by pur ciarr. Th! fine home Is 13 milee from Portland end B from Keedvllie. It us show It To you. Durham & Fred ec thai, 270 Washington St., room 1. 21 ACRES. 12 miles from Portland, on streetcar l'ne. near high school, church and small town, all cleared, level and fenced. A beautiful home site, or the best subdivi sion proposition on the market. . Price J.-i7..0. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 40 ACr.ES NEAP. SCAPPOOSE. 25 m:le from Portland; all level land under good fence; acres In cultivation, balance paetnre; house, bam. running waiter, hayrake. plow, harrow, mower, feed-cutter, cultivator and about 25 tons hay; price ?2Soo. LAN'"! HILL LAND CO., Ablngton Bidg. louS Third St. $i00 160 acres In Clackamas. 'Government title, house, barn. 15 acres improwj, 3 springs, 2 1 miles to town, worth 6 0 0t when Improved. Call, write or phone Main 706o. Eastern & Western Realty Ex change. 145 1st St., room 10. CM ALL farms on bay and river, or will ex change. 5 acres, no Improvements. S2I0; S acres and house. $nut: 55 acres, well Improved. 2300. easy terms. O. Mid dleKauff. Toledo, or Yaqulna, Or. FOR SALE! 132 acres, close to Sheridan, all or part box houM-, barn for 20 cows. swing water lr. the touje. young orchard; bargain. Oscar Mayer. Sh.ridan. Or. FR.M of 23 aero., good 6-mrm house, barn, jicven acre, fruit, mile from R. R. sta tion. W mill from city. Clilsm, tilS Couch bldg. "KLAMATH F.eclamatlon Projert" lands a-e sure to mnke the owr.er wealtliy. tfj-ite to E. B. Siiumway & t'o., Klamath rails. Or. FOR SALE 40-aere farm, large ham, go. id ,-ous. orchar.I. etc: only h mi!es fn"n ;v,ri,aii. Apply McE-en Kotkiy. 19 F:rt St. l'li-AcrtK farm, half ur.dcr cult ivatinn ; prune .r-'harr: and li ::;g wul r; ll-n-om house and g-'Ml barn. K.'r :"ur-licr parthuinre address J hn Xiund'-r.T. Caitby. Or. HOVE & HOPKINS. SALEM. Oil. Ln-ct lit of valley farms In the state. FREE Rii.;S ALWAYS ON HAND. ltli At'RKS aTr'e l.ini in K'.tckitJt County, Washington. 'for J-m-. Call at 1!9 Hoard , of Tra'ie. Moncay. StO ACHF wheat lan-l, Sh-rman County, 1 rf sv-ti. i-Cu 'r acre n gram paymenOw N. E. Moffit. Mi;waakie. ir. SEND for o-ir list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free, Olmstead Land Co.. Saleml "r. 4S.o0 BARGAIN': Mthly Improved farm. .-hoie locat'on. YVili sell as a whole or subdivide. Terms easy. Phone East SOU ACRES, best buy !n the Olemlt Valley, price f.'jti per acre, uregon i,ana v o. 2-ifi i Stark St. 1 ACRES rsr Gresham. 15 ml!es fnm P rtian-1. evfrvthlng complete, a fine rla -e. L. L. Kidrtrl. PMAIJj Imnrov turn. c!'e to rr.iiroad sta tion, near city; wi!! make an terms or take cottage. 232 "Worcester b.dg. SO aCKF.5 near Hoihrook. 56 per acre, aker, &1 Soard tit bldg. - FOR SALE FARMS. 6a ACRES, all highly Improved and ery beat soil: lies unusually well, fine resi dence large good barn, good outbuildings, on excellent road, close to Oregon City: 000 lushola oats, also wheat, hay. potatoes, lv.gs. cows, horses, chickens, very best Implements and farm machinery, wagons, harness, new buggy: In fact, everything necesaary for a complete farm; the price la low for Quick sale. 20 acres, flue dairy farm, close to pert land, on the Columbia Kivor; Hue improve ments of all kinds and fine stock; the best dairy lor the price to be had. .",3 acres, all highly improved. good .buildings and family orchard, part of the la:.d Is beaverdam; this Is a beautiful place, right close to Portland, on the Salem Electric, and the price of JUCO per acre makes It a bargain. 2rt acres, best soil to be had. fenced, all well improved, nico residence and barn. Co nne fruit trees. 2 fine horses, fresh cow. new buggy and wagon, farming Im plements and tools, crop also; all goes for $o5u0; might accept a good residence In Portland. 63 acres . highly Improved, fine resi dence, barn and outbuildings. lO cows, also horse, chickens, crop, tools and im plements, nice fruit and berries; one mile to station, close to Forest Grove; price JS,0o; no Incumbrance on this place; -would accept part or all In good Portland property. For any of the above, and others, call or write J. E. Smith. 613 Chamber Commerce. 113 ACRES, 13 M MILES FROM PORT LAND. 70 acres cleared. 15 acres good green timber, and balance all slashed. lVi miles from R. K. station, on good county road, near school and church, good 9-room house, two barns and other outbuildings, all fenced and cross-fenced, good well water, and large family orchard, large team, harness, wagon. buggy, mower, rake, plow, harrow and other farm Imple ments. 3 fine cows. S heifers, 2 pigs, 4 dos. chickens, several tons good hayi telephone, R. F. D. and on cream route. New Delaval separator No. 15; make your terms and call at once. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 4th St, Board of Trade Bldg. OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARM. l.'.oo acres GRAIN LAND IN ONE BODY, lies in Oregon and Washington, ilitf acres pasture with living water, good house and barn; BOO ACRES SUMMER FALLOWED, READY FOR SEEDING; IS w ork horses. 1- stallion. S wagons, new hack, 3 gang plows (3 bottom. 1 gang plow (2 bottom.), 2 disc drills. 2 harrows. 1 weeder. new harvester, header and 3 header beds, blacksmith outfit. 10 sets harness: land 120 per acre; stock and equipment. $450o; terms, one-fourth .cash, balance at 6 per cent; land will be sold without stock and equipment if desired. OVERLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 401 Board of Trade Bldg. AS A HOME AND INVESTMENT. You cannot duplicate this 70-acre tract on the bank of the Willamette River, only 2.1 miles from the city and 1 mile from town and market, dally boat stops at the place, the view of the river and the sur rounding country is unsurpassed, the buildings are In good condition, there ar two houses and 3 barns, plenty of as sorted fruit, fine water, good roads, nice trout stream across the place, 45 acres of the land la In cultivation, the balance pasture and timber, there Is no wasto laud. I will tae you to the owner and vou can deal with him. Geo. W. Turner, 410-17 Rothchlld bldg. 70 ACRES 2SO0. 70 acres of land 21 mlies from Portland. t mllo from eleelrlc carline; Soo feet front age on the Clackamas River; one-third of the land can be cultivated when cleared; tl acre cleared and in garden; balance will make good pasture; one acre of beaverdam; two houses, new barn, 2 tons hey in barn, one cow, team hores, wagon, new cream separator, lot of potatoes and chickens; price IMM); will consider cheap house and lot In Portland In part payment. LANG-HILL LAND CO.. Ablngton Bldg. lo6tj Third St. FRUIT LANDS. GRAIN LANDS. DAIRY LANDS. GARDEN LANDS. NUT LANDS. Farms from 3 to 3ooo acres. You are of fered the services of the largest real estate dealers in the Northwest. AGENCIES IN ALL SECTIONS. FP.SE RIGS AT ALL OUR OFFICES. SEE OUR FARM DEPT. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, S4 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. PASCO IRRIGATION LAND. 68 acres. unaer Pasco Reclamation Ditch, contract for perpetual water right. RIVER FRONT. FINE FRUIT AND AL FALFA LAND, lays nicely, good drain sec, all tillable, will produce 5 crops of alfr.lfa per season; can be cropped next year; price 3225 to $2o0 per acre. OVERLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 401 Board of Trade Bldg. :oo-ACRE farm, with 50 head of cattle nnd all other stock, farming implements, 20 tons hay and other things too num erous to mention, good buildings, etc., near a good town; 0300 takes all. For further Information, call on O'BRIEN' REALTY CO., ' 301 McKay Bldg. THE O. W. P. Land Co.. 1st and Alder, have a large list of Improved and unimproved farms in various localities and some excel lent pieces of fruit land east of Eagle Cre k and Eeacada, which can be bought on good terms. Also 6. 10 and 20-acre tract, on and near the carline; some are cleured and ready to plant. Don't fail to sec us before you buy. PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES. 6S acres of the best peach land 1n the state located at 'Wheatland, In the famous Wheatland peach belt; 25 acre cleared; 8 a.re la peaches. A REMARKABLB fcNAP. 5 per acre. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Fine farm and chicken ranch. 27 acres adjoining McMinnville. house, barn and outbuildings, all farming Imple ments, team, cow and chickens. Owner, Main 2206. 2S ACRES, 1'3 miles from Silve-.ton. all cultivated: this is a snap at 31600. Oregon Ijind Co.. 24K Stark at. HOMESTEADS. HOOD RIVER. TVe can locate you on a homestead near Mosier. Here Is a sample of what they are. Only a few. be quick. 140-acre homestead, 8 miles from Mosier end f miles from The Dalles. 80 or 65 aerea of this land wf almost ready for the plow, and the rest is mostly go-ni for small fruit and will enrtse about l.fHKl.oOO feet of saw timber and Is within Its miles of ""'''THE STROfTD-FRY COMPANY, 434 Chamber of Commerce. CENTRAL OREGON. Homestead lands are being taken very fast. Don't mine the chance to get fre 220 acres fine level farm land. Aek ua about it. THE STROTJD-FRY COMPANY, 434 Chamber of Commerce. HOMESTEADS AWAITING SETTLERS. FREE LANDS IN OREGON. The last opportunity to get a slice of Vncle Sam's domain Just for the taking and a small location fee. B. S. COOK at CO.. 503 Corbett Bldg. HOMESTEAD under Government Irrigation project in famous Payette Valley. Idaho, near good town; snap. Jd.400. Address 1 431. Oregonian. CAV locale good California homesteads. Call offi-e. room 10. gnim Washington st. HOMESTEADS. FREE LANDS IN OREGON. HOMESTEADS AWAITING SETTLERS. We have recently examined these 3.0 homeMead grain lands: have a surveyor run ning out lines and reporting on the various tract; we can snow you a gift of 320 acres which we confidently believe in rive years can bo made, by industry, worth from Slo.OoO to 312 ooo. Any person of age can secur e an independence here. The last great gift of Uncle Sam. A company gaes Turewiy. B. S. COOK CO.. 503 Corbett B'dg. HOMESTEADS Can locate you on 320 acres of best land left In Central Ore gon, near my homestead; no rock, no stumps: bunchgraas plenty; can plo,v every foot land; adapted to grain and vegetables; water 10 to 30 feet; three miles to timber. Special rates this week. 314 Gerlinger bldg.. Second and Alder. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS RELINQUISHMENT. 40-acre rellnqiliahment. surrounded by good home.s; must sell at once to leave slate: house, barn; 10 acres practically cleared: posts set around entire tract and wire stretched on two sides; good tim ber on place: cordwoort cut that goes with the place: price. 2.10. C R. DON NELL & CO., "3S Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL buy from owners only, timber lands, from quarter ser-tlons un to lo.oou-aere tracts. Give location, amount of timber, and price, in answer. AN 43i. Oregonian IN CROOK. Wheeler and Klamath Counties. Murdoch & Young. 411 Buchanan block. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. licCrackea, - at)4 aicK&r tltJx, ACREAGE. . ACREAGE. 10 acres, all cleared and fenced, 1 mile from Montaviila carline. 60 acres on Barr road, 20 acres cleared. 15 acres slashed and burned, balance un cleared. 27 acres on O W. P. Ry. line, running from county road to Willamette River, fine suburban home site or can be cut Into several line building sites. Have a number of fine farms for sals that 1 would like to submit to you. GEO. D. StCHALK. ' 264 Stark St- Main 3D2, A 2302. W. K. NEWELL, of the State Board of Hor ticulture, In speaking.- of soil adapted for successful apple culture, says: "Th soil must be well drained, and of rood depth and quality. Do not be deceived In choice of soil. Investigate closely. Dig or bore holes to determine depth and observe veg etation to determine quality." All of the requirements stated by Mr. Newell are found upon the orchard - tracts of the YAMHILL FRUIT LAND CO. We ask you to dig. analyze and Investigate. Will sell In 6. 10 and 20-acre tracts. Small payment down, balance on any terms you may wish. Will set out apples, pears, wal nuts and cherries for non-residents. All planting will be done under State Board of Horticulture. What more can you ask? YAMHILL FRUIT LAND CO., Main 7012. 432 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. 3SO0 3 acres near Lenta station. Jltl'O 1 acre, 5-cent car fare. 31000 4 acres, 9 miles east. 31100 2 aerjs, Jennings Lodge. 31125 5 acres 9 miles east. $1500 2 acnes orchard, Jennings Lodge, 3 I 00 7 acres, 9 miles east. $.'S50 10 acres on creek and station. j:tO0O 10 acres, 8 miles east. 3-4OO0 10 acres. 6 miles east. 310,000 ft 3 acres, ideal farm: snap. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO., 008 Gerlinger bldg. Phone Main 3251. HOMES EEKERS, Att-ention! Elgin Com mercial Club has recently been placed in possession of authority to sell the "Orch ard Hill" tract of splendid orchard land, west of Elgin, 3 miles. Tract consists of 25u0 acres open glades with about 10.000, 000 good timber; plenty water. Price from fs to 313: half cash, balance time. Acre age to suit. ELGIN COMMERCIAL CLUB. Elgin, Or. ATTENTION. INVESTORS. 80 acres on Portland Heights, fine view; will plat beautifully, only $500 per acre; 10 acres, same location, $350 per acre, bO acres, beautiful park, magnificent subur ban homes, Just outside city limits, rrear Llnnton road and oc fare. Don't forget the opening of King's Heights means the development of the hills by car lines, etc., snd money invested there means big profits. THOS. M'CUSKER, 205 Couch Bldg. 10 ACRES, modern, beautiful 6-room' house, . large new barn, big new chicken-house, iron water tower, tank. 2000-gallon capacity, gasoline pump. 60-foot cemented well; all fenced; 2 acres In berries, 2 . acres In all kinds of berrie?, 3H acres potatoes; i mile from electric line, 10 miles from Portland; rnut sell account of sickness; cash, bal ance terms. PORTLAND SU-CCESS REALTY CO.. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. ACREAGE SNAPS. $1000 folfO cash, balance easy, for a 2i-acre place, handy to cars: will make a good home for some one who knows a value. 3 1000 per acre for a 12-acre tract on Bancroft nve., 1 miles from Courthouse. If subdivided Into lots a pile of money can be made. F. FUCHS, 221 V, Morrison St. H MILE EAST OF BEAVERTON. 21 acres, all In cultivation: good 6-room house, all fenced; big barn, chicken-houses, live spring, good well water; on main county road only 6 milee from Portland Court house. This la a snap; half cash, balance to 5 years. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY" CO., 618 Board of Trade Bid. 27 ACRES, 2Vi miles from Salem, 16 acres orchard, good 6-room house, bam and chiek enhouse. Water piped to door. This would make one of the fine chicken ranches in the valley.- $25oo will handle thle. Balance long time at C per cent. Price $niKX). MvDONF.LU SliARP & M.VGINN1S. 827-328 Lumbermen's Bldg.. 6th and Stark. DO you want a bargain In acreage for cash? I have 20 aorcs. 1 miles east of city limits, close to electric line and macadam ized road; is all cleared, ready for cul tivation; has good water supply; fine school close by. "Will sell you 5 or 10 acres of It at an attractive price. Ad dress AN 43S, Oregonian. MOUNT SCOTT. 10 acres or more, 20-ft. soil, water, 24 mile from carline. reached by superior county road, no frost, last best place within 7 miles of Portland Postofflce. land level, some sloping, every acre is choice; this land never before on market; Investigate. L 434, Or. gon.an. LINNTON WAYS 50 acres. 4 miles N. E. of Linnton, on the United Railways elec tric line: the carline horreshoes on the place; (not!iing liner on the market for platting; only $12."i per acre if taken now. Running water Winter and Summer. C. F. Plluger A Co.. rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. $50 PER ACRS AND UP. 8 mlle. from Portland; Bultable for fruit, berries and vegetable"; easy terms, EASTERN EXCHANGE. 226Mi MorrLn St. A. 307O, M. 2022. A GOOD BUY on electric line, 8 acres, most In cultivation, good fruit, berry" and vege table land; crop; 25 chfekeiuf. 1 Jeri-ey cow cow. 3 tons hay, twr.'.e wood: good bam, cow stable in basement, house and outbuildings. Price. $24i0; 1 mile east of Hlilsboro, Or. R. F. I). 4. Box 32. owner. S ACRES, city limits, private water works, 4O0-gallon tanks, 7-room house, hard fin ish, full basement, electric wired, toilet and bath. $60oo. One-half cash, balance terms to suit. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. ' "WHAT Walla Walla wants Is you." and PThaps. If you investigate, you will want Walla Walla. Our valley is an agricultural paradise; our orchards are making good. Fend for booklet S, Commercial Club. Walla Walla. Wash. BARGAIN. 4 acre, neaily all In cultivation, small 3-room house and barn, etc.; young fruit trees, a few bearing, roees. etc. Irice $looo. F. J. STE1XMETZ & CO., 103 Morrison St. 140 ACRES relinquishment. $1C0 takes It; near Oregon City; water and timber, near school. church and postofflce. Phone Main 703. Eastern & Western Realty Lxchange. 145V-- 1st St., room 10. 320 ACRES at $1 per acre, no interest, all plow land, no rock, timber and water; write, phone or wire Eastern & Western Realty Exchange, 145 1st St., room 10. 20 ACRES near R. R. at Reedvllle. all level end cleared; line soil, all fenced, on county road: price, $4500; very easy terms. AJ 442. Oregonian. 6-ACRE tract walnut lano: clear and level; a few minuter" walk from Wllsjnville. on Sa'.em car; wme cash, balance long time. 6u7 Beck bldg. 7 ACRES. 12 miles out, 4-rooni house, other Improvements, garden, orchard, god wat r. some slock; nil for t.'Soo. Mixlern Realty Co.. room 507. lo2U ltd St. ACREAGE In large or small tracts on car line, close in: ehoire river frnt; 500 acres to subdivide. Kinney & Ptsmpher. 631 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 4881. $25o0 15 acres at Beaverton, Or.; 4i cleared. Ry owner, Jas. Dunn. 293 Hawthorne ave. Eiat 947. 1SOO ACRES choirs fruit hind, near' Scap poose: on ntlroad: in smill tracts. Aver age ;;rlce S20 per acre. 42S-l Henry bldg. $:2."-J200 PER ACRE 10-acr tracts. mils fr.-m R. R. station. 10 miles from city. Chlsra. 615 Couch bldg. 9 ACRES of fine platting ground adjoining Ladd's Crvstal Spring farm. $0000; lull Information at -410 Failing bldg. ACREAGE. 8U ACRES. 10 miles Portland, house, barn. A good little home: $1600. Ki'i acres. $2500. acres. $1500. U acres. 14 miles Portland, at station. fine berry land, $1350. 5 acres, same location. $750. 1 acres, same location. $225. Anv of above easy terms. LATIIROP, Room 16 Hamilton Bldg. Main 1031. TWO splendid tracts for dairying, fruit raising and high-class gardening and farming; . both near railroad and con venient to Portland, containing respec tively 160 and 700 acres; would assist in formation of Home Club Association for handling the larger. J. D. LEE. Room 622, Chamber of Commerce. WHY not become a rich fruit grower? Plant your own orchard and In- 5 years your fortune is made. Come in and we'll tell you how easy it Is dono. Bartlett Realty Co., 611 Commercial bldg, 2d and Washington sts. 160 ACRES, known as Legler Ranch. 60 acres cleared, balance in timber, three springs; good houses, barn, etc., eight miles south. Postofflce on Taylor Ferry road. Inquire mornings, 30 to 12. S. Mor ton Cohn, 142 Fourth st. $3500 NEARLY 5 ACRES $3500. Just an Ideal littie tract of rich black land, with thick shrubbery and bush; -water from spring runs full length; right on the carline, with 10c fare; best buy offered, B. S. Cook & Co.. 5o3 Corbett bldg. VERY choice acre tracts, handy to carline. West Side, only 15 minutes' ride from business center; prices low and on easy terms. , M. rH. Lee, room 411 Corb jtt bldg. YAMHILL County for investment or homes; 40 acres. In 5 and 10-acre tracts, 3 blocks from college and schools: rich soil, ready for planting: .!00 per acre, easy terms. L'rtan Realty Co., McMinnville, Or. FOR SALE. S acres of land east of Country Club, near IMontavllla, at $3000. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. POULTRY RANCH 5 acres, driving dis tance, hourly electric trains, 20c fare; small house, root-house; $1200, $400 down. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. 1 TO B ACRES, 4t4 miles out of town, on Oregon Electric Railway. Reasonable by owner. AL 430, ' Oregonian. ACREAGE Close In, from $34 to $130 per acre. 732 Marquam bldg. 5 ACRES. 8 miles from city, near carline; terms K 43L Oregonian. $1500 5 ACRES near Base Line Road. A snap for quick sale. 51!" Shetland bldg. 2, 5 OR T acres In city limits. Owner, 330 Park St. Main 2973. WANTED REAL F. STATS. - WANTED AT ONCE. Full lot within four blocks of Union or "Williams avenuetj a far north as Pied mont will be considered; price not to ex ceed $ltJ00; client will pay caBh for desira ble lot; don't delay if you have such a lot. as party wants to start a home. It Ls to your advantage to list your vacant lots and other property with me. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32-33 Lafayette Bldg., Wash, and Sixth. Phone A 70S3. THAT VACANT LOT! "Why not convert a losing proposition into an asset? If you own a vacant lot In a good location, we will build for you on a profit-sharing basis; yon furnih the lot. we furnish the houee; sale proflta divided equal ly. See us at once If you know your chance. OREGON' BtJILDING & TRUST CO.. 5o2 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. WANTED Two lots and modern bungalow, south of Holgate St., on Sellwood lino: also a modern 6 or 7-room house on East Side, south of Stark, north of Salmon, west of 40th, for $3000 cash. 2Sn,!4 Wash. St., Rooms 406-407. WANTED 6-room modern bungalow, north of Shaver St., and 10 or 12 blocks either side of Union ave. N "Will make small payment down and $26 per month. Will deal with owner only. References given. D 445. Oregonian. . I WANT a good 6-room house, between Russell and Shaver sts.. west of Commercial; some cacfh, balance monthly. Speak up If you want to sell. Phone Main 6101 or call 720 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Houses everywhere: if your's Is for sale, call and give us price and location; we can eell It. NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO.. 6u5 Commercial Block. WANTED for customer, a small piece of im proved or unimproved acreage close to Port land, near electric or steam line. DABNEY & DARNEY. 412 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. WANTED To buy cottage or bungalow, 6 or 7 rooms. East Side, near carline. 20 minutes from Postoffice; small payment down, balance monthly payments. X 445, Oregonian. WANTED Good lots at market price; cus tomers are waiting. Call at once. NORTH PACIFIC REALTY CO., 605 Commercial Block. i WANTED A new 5 or 6-room bungalow near the Washington High School. Will pay $1500 caah. balance $25 a month. Owner only need apply. R 442, Oregonian. WANTED 100x100. between Alnsworth and Dekum and East 16th and East 27tti. from owner: no agents. Address 160 E. 3d St.. North. WANTED To buy ft house of from 6 to 8 room: will pay $.VO cash, rest like rent; must be in good locality, on either side. T 440, Oregonian. WANTED To buy on easy terms, 6-room modern bungalow, full basement, gas and electricity, wash trays. 2 or 3 blocks from rarllne. E 4:io, Oregonian. I WANT a fractional lot of, say. 30x50 or 40x50 to build ffinall house on West Side, north, from $12i'0 to $15O0 cash. AG 44, Ore gonian. ' WANTED Good income-bearing property for about $50,000. Slate real facts and lo cation In first letter. F. Fl't'HS. 221 'i Morrison St 6-ROOM house or vacant lot close to car on easy terms. Sellwood preferred. Mt. Scott, nothing doing. AN 443. Oregonian. I AM looking for a home with nice grounds on Portland Heights; give description. AD 445, Oregonian. WANTED Income properly, close In as pos sible; not to exceed $55,000; caeii. Address "Eastern Money," Oregonian. WILL purchase immediately, a good In vestment in Portland realty. AF 443, Oregonian. WANTED One or two good lots In part pay ment on new neat 5-room bungalow on cor ner lot. 60x100. AF 44S. Oregonian. WANT a 6-room modern house; will pay $1000 eah; stats location' and price. T 443, Oregonian. WANTED Lot for apartment site on West Side. AL 454, Oregonian. WANT bargain In 6-room home from ownert mention terms. AL 447, Oregonian. B-ROOM. modern cottage, will not pay over K2HO0; on terms. J 453. Or-igonian. TO Bi'Y. a small house walking distance on West Side. AD 459, Oregonian. EAST SIDE, north of Pine st. Under $1000, trms cash. K 443, Ore;;onlan FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED. We want a good dairy farm located in Lin-.-oln County, Oregon. We have a purchaser, if owner W'ill ac cept, as part payment, a fine Improved prop-' ertv in Portland or suburbs. We want large and small farms located In any part of Oregon, or Washington. Give full description and price and terms. U'e want buyers for Portland homes on easy payment and outside property and good business proierty. We want you to be sure and read our ads In The Oregonisn and Journal. EVERETT & McCLEOD, Room 517. Rothchlld bldg. WE HAVE parties looking for improved farms In the Willamette Valley; send description; quote price and ternir. THE SOUTH KR-AI.ItERTSON' COMPANY. 2 Oak St.. - Portland, Or. SETTLER wants homestead, homestead re linquishment or cheap farm. Y 446, Ore gonian. ABOUT 50 acres under cultivation, house and born. 20 mllo Portland: state full particulars. AD 451. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. I WANT a large dairy ranch, furnished, to lease, or work on shares: best of refer ences given, and want references. Can lake charge at once. A 441, Oregonian. TO responsible farmer, well equipped; grain or rnsh rent; references first letter. V 452, fcr.tigo.nlan. TO EXCHANGE. TO SELL OR EXCHANGE. 240 acres. 220 acres plow land, 60 seres covered with brush, 180 acres all bottom land, 4o acres can be irrigated. 40 acres of good timber, balance good pasture, all well fenced with plank, picket and woven wire; K--od 2-story frame h'luse 3ox30, barn 52x6'; 75 fruit trees'. 7 chicken houses and yards, good black-smith shop and tools, hoghous-e. tollhouse, furnace house, woudhouae, icu bator house. Champion binder, mower and ' rake, 1 drag harrow, 1 disc harrow, 2 walking plows, 1 gang disc harrow, 2 cul tlvatore, 1 seeder and forks, hoe and all small tools: R. F. D. and telephone, good sawmill (portable) set up In timber and ready to run; eiectrlc lights. If you want them; on fine graveled road 2'i miles from Glendale. Or.. In Douglas County: $S5oo. A fine stream of water; all good land and cheap. Price $S5oo. 224 acres. 15 miles of Salem and 5 miles from Dallas; 00 acres cleared, 5 acres orch ard In good condition; .all fenced; on line county road; 2 fair nouses and 2 barns. Plenty oak timber; $35uO. 100 acres, all Improved and good build lncs, fine fruits; on a good county road; farm Implements and some stock; close to North Yamhill. This ls a good farm and verv cheap; $6000. 45 acretf, 30 In cultivation. 2 springs and 1 well, nne 8-room house, largo hophouse and barn combined: 10 acres hops; nne fam ily orchard, one team, 6 cows, 2 heifers, all farm tools and 2 sets harness; wagon and hack; 1 hop bailer, 1H acres of turnips; 7 miles from Forest Grove on 2 county roada. Fine land; $7500. half caeh. 89 ACRES. 85 In cultivation. 8-room house In good condition, large barn and chicken house. 12 acres of rich black soil as good as beaver dam: 500 fruit trees, all bearing, all kinds of berries, 2 or 8 springs and good well. 1200 or 1500 cords of wood. SW. miles from Carlton, and 4V. miles from Lafayette; good road by tho place; will take $6000 In city rroperty; mnet have as much as $1000 cash; $l)o per acre. SO acres of fine land, half good plow land, no Improvements: $K0O. 160 acres, unimproved, with 800.000 feet of good timber; $1200. 80 acres, on fine county road, close to Forest Grove; 30 acres cultivated and lies fine; $45 per acre, EVERETT & McCLEOD. Room 617, Rothchlld bldg. 4th-' and Washington sts. FINE FARM, 60 ACRBS. 114 miles from Oregon City, sidewalk from city to door, 3 blocks from school, half block from1 store, dally mail, R. F. D. and cream route, fine roads, good fences, all level, rich soil, no waste land. 25 acres In cultivation, good family orchard, good 6-room house and outbuildings. KK-0 conl of wood standing. 2 good wells, fine large team, 3 cows, 73 chickens. 250 bushels oats, seed wheat, new wagon, buggy and harness, harrow, hayrake, mower, plow, disc cultivator, woodrack, hay rack, 10 tone hay, looo head cabbage, acre carrots. acre parsni;, 20 sacks potatoes, 10 cords wood, all small tools, etc. Price $7500; will take part in city property. T. J. Hammer, 232t Washington st. IMPROVED Columbia Valley town property bringing 10 per cent for acreage or Port land property. Fine Improved farm. 820 acres, near Ppokane. for acreage or cheap lands -west of the Cascades. 6-room house, East Side, corner lot, clear; trade for acreage. We have others. J. J. REID, S40 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or exchange for good farm Firet class general merchandise business; no old stock, good established trade, in first-class building, in growing town In the finet?t valley in Oregon; will rent building or sell both; would take good farm or income prop erty, part pay if suitable; the best of rea sons for selling. Addreee either C. Rohr man, Pendleton., Or., or Rohrman Bros., Joiicph, Or. HEALTH Homes on the ocean It ls nowr time for you to contract for your residence on the Ocean for next .year. Sixty choice lots, more or less. In Newport, Or., (one of the most popular Summer nnd Winter re . sorts), for sale, or will exchange them for other good property: will assist buyera with funds to build homes on them. Ad dress M. S. Woodcock. Corvallls. Or. WILL exchange for stcck of merchandise, a well-Improved farm of 100 acres. G miles south of Roseburg. on fine road: R. F. D., school 1 mile; 90 acres of fine agricultural land, well adapted for fruit. Cash value. $12,000. Roseburg has tho most equable climate In Oregon. Address Box U6o, Roseburg. Oregon. WILL EXCHANGE for hotel and bar or saloon in or out of Portland for 20 acres of Washington county's best soil. At least 3MK cords of timber standing, lays on good road, and three miles from Reedvllle. Writs' to owner. D 443. Oregonian. 640 ACRES of good unimproved grain land In Baker County. 5 miles from railroad; will exchange for farm land, lots or acre age near Portland, might assume a mort gage; price $1500. Address Owner, 22 East 24th st. North, Portland. Or. MUST sell quick, or will take Portland property for 200-acre farm in sight of Forest Grove; dwelling. 2 barns, farming implements.- family orchard, running wat er: about 40 acres of beaverdam. Owner, 511 Board of Trade. WB ARE in touch with parties wishing to pur chase dcsirabic homes on either East or Wo-t side. If your house is for sale call end see u? or phone Main 6719. THE SOUTHER-ALB KRTSON COMPANY, 2S6 Oak . St., Portland, Or. WE HAVE been very successful in handling cily vacant. If you have any vaf-ont prop erty that you wish to dispose of kindly call and see us regarding same. THE SOITHIIH-ALUSHTSON COMPANY. 2SC Oak St., Portland. Or. POSITIVELY the best farm in Oregon. 87 a--res. 10 miles fr:m Portland; well Im pioved; will sell or'ex-'hnge for Portland property or good cattle ranch. D 43o, Ore gonian. EXCHANGE 400 acres, with ample water for irrigation, adjoining town and a live location; $75 per acre; will t,uko part Portland property, some cash and terms. .. .1. Keid, 340 Chamber of Commerce. I WILL give cash for a good grocery store. If you have something good give full particuars. J 441, Oregonian. $1000 EQUITY in S I COO house, 5 roonis and bath, full lot. only li block from car line; remed for $10 per month. Will ex cnange for like value. What have you? 310 Abington Bldg. WANTED SALOON In exchange for city suburban lots, or out side acr-agc. Must have indoi-ndent lease and license. Hotel with b-ir also considered. Address C 440. Oregonian. WK HAVE party that wants to purchase fn-iall, improved tract near Portland. THE SOUTHER-A LliERTSON COMPANY, 2M Oak St.. Portland. Or. CITY real estate, country property, mining and industrial stocks and bonds and some cash to trade for an automobile. N 44S, Ore gonian. EXCHANGE 7-room house, bath and elec tricity; lot,- 60x160, in Eugene, for Port land residence or grocery. . Call 045 East Salmon St., or phone B 223S. WE WILL exchange acreage on the Oregon Electric R. It. for Port'.nnd property; 5 acres is the smallest amount given in an exchange. Call 410 Failing bide- EXCHANGE 1 1-8 acres, within 5c limit, close to car. $14o0; will tahe lots on Peninsula. J. J. Reld, 340 Chamber of Commerce. FOR a restaurant In a good location I will pay cash. Give full particulars. J 443, Onegonlan. KEN NE WICK offers 6 and 10-acre im proved places in exchange for Portland homes. What have you? Address W. R. Weisel, Kennewlck, Wash. I WILL give cash for a rooming-house. Give full particulars in first reply. J 442, Oregonian. 160 ACP.ES of timber in Coos County, 30 acres fruit land, near Walla Walla: lots in Ban don, Or., for property In Portland. 1015 Board of Trade bldg. WILL trade hotel in Portland doing large -business for acreage oc lots. What huve you? V 4-lf?, Oregonian. i 5-PASSENGEK auto for an EdiFon moving pictuie outfit: must be in good condition. T'iione Woodlawn 405. WANTED Lots in good residence district: have yellow pine timber, value $21100, to trade. 30.S McKay bldg. Main 74S7. FOR SALE or trade for lumber. Remington typewriter. No. 7. good as new; good guitar. Phone Main 7404. CLOSE-IN Bandon lots to trade for automa tic. 314 Gerlinger bidg. WILL exchange lots for automobile, or w"nat. Sunday. Buford, 211 Oak St. BANDON low to trade for Tems, wagon, har ness. -3114 Gerlinger bldg. WILL et you anything in trade for anything - you have. 322 Henry bldg. TO EXCHANGE Jersey cow for horse; .value JiO. .FJione Sellwood 13S4, TO EXCHANGE, DANDY 5-room bungalow, comer lot, fine neighborhood, exchange for acreage near carline. ., Fine all-modern 7-room house, swell East Side district, for good bottom land ranch, not too far out. Two full lots, 5-room house and barn, to exchange for place of 80 acres or more, with 25 or over cleared. Small 6-room cottage and acre or ground in Salem, for vacant lots, timber claim or acreage. 6-room modern house, corner lot, 100X 119, cement basement and fruit, on car line. In Spokane, Wash., to exchange for rooming-house. These are samples, wo have others. Come and ssee. CHITTENDEN. OTTO & NEILL. 208 Stark St.. Rooms 17 and 13. FOR SALE or trade. 160 acres of white oak saw timber In Missouri, will sell for $.h) per 1000 feet In St. Louis. Will sell for $0000 cash, or trade for anything on Coast. 10 acres of fine orange land near San Diego, Cal., value $6000; will sell cheap or trade. What have you. 80 acres timber land, 3.000,000 feet, near sawmill and water. Two lots, store and 2 houses on same, value $3000; can rent store for $10, houses for $5 each. In Dundee, Ore.; will trade. We have lots of good trades, coma and see us. 326 Washington St.. Room 513. CENTRAL OREGON WHEAT FARM. 440 acres, near survey of railroads now building; over 4O0 acres now in cultiva tion; produced this year 20 bushels of wheat per acre; good farmhouse, fair barn end other outbuildings. Price $--'5 per acre. Wish to exchange for dairy proposition In Wostern Oregcm, Tillamook preferred. Will assume or pay difference. See owner, with THE STROUD-FRT COMPANY. 4S4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE HAVE 10-acre bearing fruit orchard In California to trade for .city property or farm. Good hotel doing good business, clear ing $300 per month; will trade for good house In city up to $5000. 160 acres In Pacific County. Wash., Va nilla to R. R. and town; will trade for city property. See us for trades. MRS. LENTS AGENCY, 286 V Wash. St., Rooms 400-407. NEW and very fine 6-room bungalow, S bedrooms, paneled dining-room, porcelain bath, polished doors, fireplace and large cement basement, lot 50x100, price $23.10. Will take one or two lots in exchange or sell on very easy terms. This is the cheapest place in the city. Jordan & Garbade, 232 V, Washington st. FOR EXCHANGE My beautiful 9-aere tract, situated close to electric depot, stores. P. O. snd on a 60-foot street: land in large trees; will make a fine country home, or you can subdivide and double your money. I want a modern home. What have you? Give par ticulars and price. AK 445. Oregonian. FINE B20-acre Eastern Oregon wheat and alfalfa ranch, good 10-room house, big barn, fenced. All farm Implements and stock go with It; "4 mile of railroad sta tion, school, church and stores; wlllNtake stock of merchandise In part payment Prico $14,000. Brong-Steel Co.. 110 2d at. YOUR CHANCE. House of 9 rooms and bath, 8 full lots, lots of fruit and garden, large barn, 6 blocks from Corvallls College, exchange for house and lot In Portland, value $3600. GEO. W. TURNER. 41S-417 Rothchlld Bldg. IRRIGATED TRACT frontlng on Columbia River, extra fine land, adjoining town; will take Portland property; this tract ls in a live community, will double in value shortly. J. J. Reld, 340 Chamber of Com merce. FOR exchange, a newly equipped restaurant; will seat 60 people, with 12 finely fur nished rooms; license to sell near beer: lease S years: want house in Portland or farm near there. Address Palace Restau rant, Tillamook, Or. TO EXCHANGE A good house and half block of beautiful grounds for good farm land or good acreage. R. F. BRYAN. Bi Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 12-i. 6-ROOM plastered house. lot 60x100, 14 blocks from car. 20 minutes from heart of city, equity of $1200 to exchange for vacant lots or movins picture show, or will Bell for $100 down and $20 per month. Durham & Fredenthal, 270V4 Washington st.. room 1. 80 ACP.ES near Sandy River, Multnomah County, no rock, all clear, no Improve ments, plenty "of water: $50 per acre: will give or take on deal. Eastern Sr. Western Realty Exchange. Wrlt-a, phone or wire. Main 7060. $40 PER ACRE. 120 acres In Tillamook County, with house and barn, all fenced, 40 acres all level plow land. 1.600,000 feet of timber: will give or take on deal. Eastern & Western Realty Exchange, 145 V 1st St., room 10. Main 7065. A WELL-IMPROVED farm few miles from Portland to exchange for city pronorty or business up to $10,000. and will give goou terms for $5000; no commission, no agents. AL 448. Oregonian. WE have good city property, farms and business chances, to exchange one for the other. Let us know what you have and -we might he abie to suit you. F. FUCHS. 221 Vj Morrison St. I HAVE the sweilest driving team ami trap In the city: will trade for city lot. Where ls your lot? FRANK L. M'GUIRE, A 6203. 518 Board of Trade. Main 5l!64. WE have 9 shares of German-American Cof fee Company stock to exchange for what have you '.' F. J. CATTERLIN COMPANY. Lumbermen's Bldg. 130-ACKE farm, close In. high state of cultivation, to trade for good city proper ty. P 1ULSEV-R ATCLIFFE REALTY CO. 320 Liimbermens Bldir.. 6lh and Staik. TO TRADE OR SELL. $150 worth high-grade sample shoes that I will trade for city or suburban property. If you vant to trade or buy, get busy. Address AL 444, Oregonian. 60 .ACRES fine cleared orchard land, near mineral springs, Orson, Wash., - miles Columbia River and N. B. R. R. ; w ill trade for properly less than $L'0&0 at 'J per acre. At; 453. Oregonian. 20 ACRES, well Improved; good 6-room houne, barn and well, close In. for desirable farm. Two lots to swan for anv old thing. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD., 2811 Washington St., Room 612. 100 ACRES, some Improvements, good fruit and hay land. "wo. Exchange for city property or 5 acres on eiecl.-ic line.. 322 Henry bldg. WH AT have vou to trade for 100 acres fruit land? Will take mortgage or equity on house and lot. Boggess. 221 "i Moivl aon, room 5. OWNER of sightly West Side lot 20 blocks of Hotel Portland, with 7-room house (not moaern). would exchange for modern home in select locality on Eiut Sldo. Main 6030. 14 LOTS. Marshlield, CVios Ray, Or., valued at 42500. to exchange for farm land. Every thing points to Coos Bay. Owner, 818 Cham ber of Commerce. 240-ACRE farm, with good buildings, stock, crop and implements; all for $0000; would exchange for residence and time paymonts. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. SOME cash and good apple and nut land - w-lihln o miles of Portland for modern 8-room residence. J. D. Lee. room 6-'2 Chamber of Commerce. FIRST-CLASS Industrial stock for city real estate. Call between 3 and 4 P. M., 194 E. 7th N. EXCHANGE I have 4 lots In one place and another lot at Piedmont: I want to trade lu on a home. Owner. AK 416, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, a piano player in good condition. See Gus Smith, 401 Bu chanan bldg. 100x100 $1300, AND 5 acre", $3750. on resi dence wllh nice view. R. Hofer, 6S1 E. Stark. East 2'152. WANT to trade '09 7-pasenger gas car for timber land, farm land or real estate. AG 447, Oregonian. FOUR MILLION FEET FIR claim In Alsea Bay district for Portland property. Box 77. Stayton, Or. HAVE fine old German violin worth $5oO. would- like to trade for runabout or real es tate. D 448, Oregonian. RESTAURANT Money-maker, good loca tion; for rooming-house or city lot. pay difference In cash It necessary. 15 N. Bill. A WELL-ESTABLISHED real estate busi ness to trnde. S15O0. What have you? AN 4.15. Oregonian. SELL or trade for real ef.ate. five-passenger automobile in good order. O 447, Ore gonian. A FIRST-CLASS launch. 36 feet long. 6-ft. beam, torpedo siern. for a lot or acreage. M 44. Oregonian. YOU can trade any kind of property at . ywm, AUia oad i 6r TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE Timber land and suburban lots lor nome. An. -o-. EASTERN OREGON fruit or wheat land for bungalow. A. Lnueruani. .uiuotu inniwwc. LARGE wheat ranch for city property. AH 44. oregonian. WILL trade for furnished house, pay soma cusn. Ola oaru IF you have anything to exchange, call up WILL trade good lots for line team or auto- .... ..... I , .!. llT mooiie. join uoaiu m UNINCUMBERED lot to trade for piano. Coll 272 Stark. FOR SALE or trade. 4 lots In Bnndon. Or. Inquire K. 403, oregonian. $1000 Omaha Home Telephone bonds, stock. What have you? J 452, Oregi $.-.oo onian. WILL exchange 2 Hyde Parle lots for good piano. V 454. Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER "LANDS. FOR SALE Timber land In Douglas County. oretun, i.. oi a - - - - - W., 4,000.000 feet of Ilr; S. E. V4 Sec. 2, T 25, R. 8 W.. 3.000.000 feet fir; S. Vi N. E. i; lots 1 and 2. Seo. 2. T. 25, R. 8 W, 4 000.000 feet fir. total 11.000.000 feet; will sell all for $11000 cash. P. A. Kaufer, owner. 749 St. Helens ave.. Tacoma, Wash. SAWMILL. 2 sawmills, all equipments, complete logging outfit. 6200 acres fine timber, deeded water rights to two streams, flume, terminal yard. etc.. at a bargain. Full description at office. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA, JAMES D. LACEY CO.. ) Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. . 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. FOR SALE On Lewis River, sawmill. 86,000 capacity; flume, teams and outfit; bid ac cepted until Oct. 23. 1900. RALPH W. HOYT, Trustee. FOR SALE ISO acres of land in Southern Oregon; 4V millions of timber, good farm ing land; running water; miles from town. Mrs. M. H. Lott, Twin Bridges, Mont. FVR SALE BY OWNERS. An excellent timber and coal proposition In Neh-alem. Tillamook County, close in to tidewater transportation. AK 449, Ore gonian. FOR SALE II 00 acres. 5.00O.0O0 feet fine timber on Hood River; bargain. 416-1" Henry bldg. WE are headquarters for tlmbor and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher. . 551-32. Lumber Exchange bldg. PATENTED CLAIM, 17 8, 2 i.. U mile of river. Investigate. Price $lbO0. A 4 16. Oregonian. 100 ACRES yellow pine, with options on 3.11X1 acres for 90 days, all Joining. B 440. Oregonian. WANTED Parties to Join company manufac turing ilea; $50,000 prolit. J 446, Oregonian. u MILLIONS yellow pine. Grant County. $2000 cash; no agents. AE 451. Oregonian. TIMBER and HOMESTEAD relinquish ments. 127 Worcester block. KRU1T I-ANDS. I HAVE a 4o-acre apple orchard In the heart of tho White Salmon Valley !n the highest state of cultivation, all fenced and all modern Improvements, about .S0OO tre-s of the Spitzcnbcrg. Yellow Newtown Rinl Jonathan varieties; some bearing or chard. This is a magnificent commercial proposition, will bear the closest Inspec tion. For full particulars call on William Goldman, 209 Oregonian bldg. FRUIT AND NUT FARMS. We call your special attention to our Brookside little farms about 35 miles from Portland. One of the very best locations for the purpose. At a close price with very lib eral terms. It is Ideal for drainage; all ready to be planted. Call at once. WALNUT CITY REALTY CO., 21S Board of Trade. SKAMANIA COUNTY FRUIT LAND ho acres, unimproved fruit land, three miles from Stevenson. Wash. ; Instructed to sell by non-resident owner at a fraction of real value; this land will bring Hood River prices in live years; price $12O0. Geo. E. O' Dry on, Stevenson. Wash. APPLE LAND. Especial bargains in Mosier apple land. Some young orchards; 10 neres and up; $t0 to $100 per acre; only 3 mll-es from river and R. R. THOS. M'CUSKER. 205 Couch Bldg. 820 ACRES of orchard land. 8 '4 miles south of Mosier. Or.. 25 acres Bet to orchard, good land, good spring, good roads, good tuv; will sell part or all. Phono Wood lawn 1119. O. L. Steelsmlth. 830 Kerby st. A DANDY little 60-acre fruit place (good Improvements) at Cove Orchard. Yamhill County, only 2S milos from Portland. A. C. McDonald, age Room 18, Alnsworth block. CHOICE orchard land on railroad near Scnp poose, subdivided into 1-2-5-10-20 acre tracts and sold for $40.00 per tract. Inves tigate and apply for particulars at 42.S-4-M) Henry bldk. HOOIl RIVER fruit lanris. any number acres from 1 up: wild, improved, best land; $00 ill). 732 .Marquam blug. FOR KKNT FARMS. FOR RENT J.Vacro farm. 7 miles from Portland, mile from electric carline; all under cultivation; 3 V? acres bearing iiiiplcs. pears and pruned; large 9-room l.ou'ie. big barn, brick fruit house, wood shed ami a large store that was previous Iv conducted as a general men-handlse business. Inquire 291 Morrison st. FOR RENT. 20 acres of chkI gulden land: plenty of wuter to Irrigate; house and barn; close to cily. S 4-1S. Oregonian. A GOOD chance for a g.iod man; roafornble rent for Is ncre. all iinjtri'verl. near Monta viila. Address G 453. Oregjnlan. H) K SALE. Horses. Vehicles anil Harm's. HORSES wintered, any manner desired. $14 to 25 per month; sal i.-:'nrtion guaran teed. Fred Brooker, racetrack. Phone C 2u7. WANTED 4 teams for Fresno work: 6 per dnv. team and k-iuilsl'-r: free stah!; pay Satnrdins. Address 97-S E. 2tith St.. N. I'lntne Wooillaun 1021. BEAUTIFUL black mare, family pet. sound and genlie; broke single or double; good , roadster; flue buggy h n- or light work, fail 331 E. 12th et. South. FOR SALE 1 horse, weight' I2oO lbs. and double hirness; also 1 " swnrms of bee.s. Address Mrs. II. M. Ewing, R. R. No. 1. (.VwCiio. WE HW'E 12 head of good draft horses. 1 good farm team, weU-ht 1250. $2O0; one delivery horse. G. K. llowltt Co., 14 80th St.. MontaiUa. FOR SALFi One work team with new heavy trace harness. Call Alblna Livery &. Feed Stable. 401 Gol.leiuith st. TWO BAY MARKS. 7 and II years old: w eight 1050 pounds each. ('heap. ( ah ' "S.S Grand ave. Phone East 3.VS3. B ' . . . .... tl ...nil, PAIR Ot DaV geionms. o nmi ... - with brand new set team harness, $23.. 2U4 Montgomery st. .00. WANTED A horse, weight not less than 13u0; also wagon and harness; about $150. R. E. Collins, St. John. Or. i-Y EAR-OLD mare, 800 lbs., easy rider, gentle, safe and sound, $25 cash. Phone M. 2307. mornings. HUBERT & HALL. 3X0 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business ri rs. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 2!'4 Montgomery. WANTED To buy horse, wee-on and harness; something cheap. Phone Main 4767. 6 YOUNG brood mares. l.Min to IRl'O lbs. 4S9 Overton St.. between 13th and 14th. I HAVE a mare for sale, weighing 1150 lbs. 405 East 6th St. FOR SALE Would trade my buggy for farm wagon or implements. AG 449, Oregonian. FOR SALE A young team of draft horses, or trade for real eslate. 144 E. 2d st. N. GENTLE :-oung horse, tine rubber-tired buggy, cheap. Call 27 Stark. PONY and trap for sale: also saddle, com pile outfit. Phone Woodlawn l!i76. AT UNION stockyards, one carload horses, some broke, some not. BAY mare. 7 years, about looo lbs.: drive