4 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rORTLAyP, OCTOBER JO, 1909. MCMimm AmuflW BdlHctlita ha JUHLliUlN ON THE PENINSULA WORK ON THE TUNNEL AND RAILROAD YARDS BEING RUSHED Only a few lots loft facing Chautauqua Boulevard and Fowler Avenue, in blocks adjoining Columbia Boule . vard. Remember these boul : evards are 100 feet wide. This is the only opportu nity to secure lots on these boulevards. In 12 months these lots i will be worth 3 times pres 'ent prices. The city map will con vince you that McKenna Junction is the key to the future of the Peninsula. These lots are in direct line of the march of im provements on the Penin sularight at the junction : where the Oregon & Wash ington Railroad from the Sound crosses the main line t mm iho F.;ist. Here is where the depot and railroad yards are now being con structed. Right opposite the Swift Packing plant. Some special bargains fac ; ing Columbia Boulevard. ; But don't come unless you have half the money. Go down and see what is being done at McKenna Junction. Oct off at Colum 1 bia Park. For plats and particulars, call or address W. H. GR1NDSTAFF 510 Commercial Block. Telephone, Main 6009. $100050x100 on East 16th st., near Powell. $3500 Very sightly lot on Ravensview Drive; beautiful view. 35750 75x100 in Irving-ton, with modern 6-room home, hardwood floors; very cozy. $11,000100x100. corner 2d and Wasco sts., with brand-new 7-room home; room to build two more houses or flats. GEO. D. SCHALK 264 Stark St. Main 392, A 2302 CHEAP LITTLE FARM 14 acres, all In cultivation; no better 'oil: S acres In best variety strawber ries. 2 acres potatoes, 2 acres in meadow. I acres wheat laml. balance pasture and frutt: 100 bearln fruit trees, Rood house and barn, line cow, lots chickens, all farm tools and household goods. This is a place with an Income at once and a grow 1ns value. The income this year paid a net profit of 13 per cent on the tVM. price we are asking, besides a good living for the owner. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Oregonian Building. Brand New Bungalow On 24th St.. Nob Hill: extra large corner lot: all modern Improvements (garage in cluded); house has 8 room. Price $10,500 Worth $15. CO. If you are looking for an elegant home. Investigate this. Goldsmith & Co. 108 Sherlock Bids., 3d and Oak Sts. A SNAP Parcel of land 450 feet frontage on OREGON RY. & NAV. CO. SuUivans Gulch, close in LOUIS SALOMON & CO. 233 Stark Street, near Second Good leys A Hew and Substantial Koine Bl ILT OK COXCUKTE BLOCKS, Strictlv modern, with fireplace and fur nace: "in faot. all the latest conven iences; 7 rooms, all beautifully fin ished. Three lots, with all kinds of fruit, such as cherries, apples, etc. Price. $4i00, or with furniture. Includ ing piano, for jr.500. Half cash. THIS Dl.VN-lAH nEM'li CO, S48 Alder SU ' ; 1 i f ' . virw -mnAY. 1 i l"""": I I X'KW TflnAT. I V I " I ' ' . I -b - a C I CiIA DnnXntnr I I 16Vi A0RES, 5Vi miles west of city, on Barnes" road, all in cultiva tion, 2 acres in bearing orchard, 1 acre strawberries, lots of small fruit for marketing; 10 tons hay, team of horses, harness and wagon; 1 Jersey cow, all farm tools, good house and barn. Land lies well and first-class. This is a good one. All sell for $4500. 35 ACRES, 30 acres high state cul tivation, soil the very best; 5 acres timber, 10 acres apple orchard, 3 years old; 4 acres old orchard, bal ance in clover and timothy; good 8-room house and good barn, -mile from Bearerton; sidewalk to place. Price $14,000. This place is one of the finest in the country and will be worth twice the present price inside of two years. One-half cash will handle it. JORDAN & 232V2 Washington Street. HOMES in Cnn Elegant, new, modern home, Szll OUUwItb 100x100; Nob Hill; with 70x100. for 116.600. tin cnn Modern residence. E. 16th 5lU DUUand Taylor. 93x100; beautiful grounds. GlPn New, 7 rooms, sleeping: porch, CI Hull hardwood floors, strictly mod ern; full lot; E. 23d. near Hawthorne ave.; terms if desired. tfOnni 7 rooms, modern, E. Sixth and ODUUU Weldler; 60x50 corner, half cash. nnrn 6-room bungalow, E. Stark: OZOOU 33 1-3x100; opposite new park in Laurelhurst; $300 cash, balance monthly. nnn K-room bungalow, Ivon, near OlUU K. 3Sth; full lot and modern new house, at terms of J600 cash, bal ance monthly. Residence Lots fnnnn 100x115, corner 16th, Portland OOUUU Heights; all street improve ments and best view on the Heights; will divide. $42 0 0 80x100, Nob H111: hard urface t7Cn 4fixlOO. E. I7th and Brooklyn; GU all Improvements in and paid for: one block from either W. W. or W. R. car. Business or Apartment Property lor Sals and on 50-Year Leases. SENGSTAKE 6 LYMAN, 90 Fifth St Third street between Burn side and Glisan streets; pays very good returns on old lease rents, will double when lease expires; 3-story sub stantial building. PRICE $50,000 WHICH THIRD ST.!! Goldsmith & Co. 103 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak. FOR SALE BY Six-room modern home, 28x42, Just completed, corner 13th and East Main; contains beautiful 6-Inch tile mantel In living-room: built-in buffet and two large china closets in dining-room; hardwood floors; pass pantry; all cup boards inclosed. Twelve feet of drain board anl five Inclosed cupboards and drawers in kitchen; screen porch; full concrete basement; cement wash trays; six very large closets and linen closet on second floor: choice locality, near two carlines and high school; 20 min utes' walk from Postoffice. J. J. HEAD, Rand-Read Co, ftltf Board of Trade DnlldlnK. 01 MI Over quarter block, near Russell; fair Income now; $10,000. half cash. J. R. STIPE 720 Chamber Commerce. 1 to 5-Acre Tracts Cleared ready for cultivation: O. W. P. electric and Powell Valley macad amized road: 10c fare: 35 minutes' ride; abundant water supply piped under pressure for domestic and irrigation purposes. Electric lights, telephone, free mail delivery, fine public school. u00 to J7&0 per acre, on easy .terms. Let us build you a bungalow on an acre. Suburban Home Club Tract THE WHITCOJIB COMPACT, 502-503 Lnmbermeai Bldjr., Corner 6th and Stark Streets. BUSINESS CORNER Business Property We offer for sale a number of choice downtown properties, with and without Improvement, prices ranging from jjo.OflO to $150,000. Terms to suit pur chaser. 5ENGSTAKE6 LYMAN DO FUtfc St. $35,000 Everett St., comer, lOOx 100, cast of 11th st., West Side. For sale or long lease. $20,000 West Side, 100x100 ft., with net annual income of $2200. $65,000 First St, 50x100, choice location, near Morrison, four-story brick building, with full basement; will pay 7 per cent net. For sale or long lease. 9200,000 Waterfront, 200210. near Morrison st., whole block, be tween Front st., railroad and river. Net annual income $10,000. $90,000 Waterfront, 10 acres, connected with river, two railroads and macadam road; close-in fac tory 6ite. $34,000 - Flanders St., apart-ment-house, near 20th st.; net in come 12 per cent. The best apartment-house bargain in the city. A. BACKUS! n 519 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 8960 A Rare Chance to Procure a Choice Apartment Site. That choicest lot on King Court right near Washington street. 72 Feet Frontage With alley in the rear. Price Only $11,000 Goldsmith & Co. 103 Sherlock Bldg.. 3d and Oak Sts. Hawthorne Park Horn $4800 Elegant large 6-room house, has 2 fire places, furnace, full basement, gas and electric; lot is 50x100. north' front; plenty of roses and nice shrubbery; streets im proved; cement sidewalks, and the very best neighborhood on the TCast Skle. On East Tavlor, near 14th. J2UU0 cash, bal ance can be arranged. You could not buy the lot and duplicate the houso for less than f0(0. If you want a nice home at a bargain, look at this today. It will not last. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. An Investment in Now paying 8 per cent net; can be Increased at once to 9 per cent. H. A. MOSER 2MH Third St. Main 24S2 ew modern Hotel On one of the best streets on the West Side. Has yielded a clear profit of over $500 per month since it was opened three years ago. Price 111.000, $7000 cash, balance to suit. Will bear closest in.-estigation. BOO Chamber of Commerce. Mala 1003. ' A 1227. 32 Lots $6400 Think of It, $200 each for lots lying between Gladstone ave. and Holgate st., west of E. 26th, only 15 minutes' ride from center of city. You can't du plicate It anywhere. Ask us about it. You can double your money. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE WASCO STREET Price 4500 Lot 50x100, situated on the southeast corner East First and Wasco streets. Terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 2d at. (Lumber Exchange bids.) NOTHING DOWN NOTHING FOR 3 YEARS We will sell choice residence lots at t'niversity Park, without any payment on the purchase price for three years, to those who wi'.l build modern resi dences. Money to loan to homebuildera. FRAXCIS I. McKENNA. 617 Commercial Block, Second and Washington. Warehouse Site N. E. corner Upshur and 19th; good trackage fatuities. Price, $13,500, about 3 per cent Income. Call or address S. Raxworthy. 697 Marshall. Close-In 7-Room House. Choice modern home, two blocks from car. $45,000 apartment-house being built two blocks away. It's a bargain for half cash. Buy from the Owner, 70 East Eighth Street, North. ' Must be seen to be appreciated. Will You Buy Now? Or wait and pay twice as much for those fine lots on Mount Tabor, ad joining the new city park grounds? 50x147, $550: 525 down, $10 per month. Take M. O.-Mount Tabor car to end of line. Webb, 331 Sherlock Bids. EAST COUCH ST. 'Lot BOxlOO, situated on the southeast corner E. Couch and E. 8th sts. For price and terms, see us. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 2d at. (Lumber Exchange bids'.) IRVINGTON For houses and lots In Irvington See A. BACKUS, 61 Board of Trade Bid. , Mala 8860. Future tismess -enter Late developments by the railroads and along the Willamette and Co lumbia water fronts make it quite clear that the great future busi ness center of Portland i.4 destined to be on the Peninsula between riv ers. versity Occupies the center of the Peninsula. It is the center of the industrial activity surrounding the Peninsula. Only a little investigation is neces sary to convince any person of these facts. Real estate values all over the Peninsula are rapidly advancing. Why not buy a few lots now and get the benefit of this steady growth? i Prices and Terms We are offering spe cial terms to home builders. Nothing down and nothing for three years to those who will build modern residences. Speculators Can speculate on our money by paying doAvn 10 per cent, balance $10 monthly on 50x100 with out interest to those who will pay every install ment when or before due. Till November 1st prices will be $12 per front foot and upward. After . November 1st look out for a big ad vance in prices. Money to loan home-builders. to FRANCIS L McKENNA 617 Commercial Block, Second and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon. of ortland Park Good 6-room house, Grover st. ; $:O0 cash, $25 per month. Mew bungalow with Merry Widow roof, on 1st St. Easy Fine lot, 50x100, on Kelly St.. near Glbbs; part cash. Nice 4-room cottage, lot 100 feet front, on Front and Gaines sts. ; $500 cash, $20 per month. Oflfin 8-room house, full lot, on Cor- dOUUU bett st.: half cash. Onfin cottages, over quarter block, ; OOUUU on Macadam St.. paying 12 per i cent: half cash. ' COCCfl Good 7-room house on Grant St., 1 WUOJU near 6th; easy terms. COCCf) Good 8-room house, on Sherman. QdOOU bet. 6th and 6th; easy terms. $3850 $4750 Good 8-room house, on r irst St., near Meade; part cash. Double house. 12 rooms, lot 50x 1X. Water st. ; rented $;io per mo. Cfinn 10-room house, lot 60x100, No. jlOUUU ftm Corbett St.; part caah. tfCfllfl Wx100. on corner Grover and OOUUU Kelly sts.; will divide. Ennn 10"xl00. N. E. cor. Kelly and OOUUU Whltaker: fine to build on. frOnnn good houses and quarter block OuUUU on Kelly St.; rented for $f8 per month; H cash. Sea ua for South Portland property. Grussi & Zadow 837 Board of Trade Bids.. 4th and Oak. A Real Farm At a Rare Bargain . 320 acres near Eugene on main line of S. P. Ey. and county road; station and school right at place; rich, deep soil, excellent for walnuts and fruits; all in cultivation; plenty of water; 7-room house, large barn; $65 an acre, one-third to one-half cash; can be subdivided at large profit. HAETMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. "It will pay YOU to see our list." One acre or thousands. $25,000 buys best apartment site in the city, 100x100, close in. Terms. Consolidated Realty S Trust Company 204-5 Henry Bldg. A $4250 8-room house, modern in every re spect. Lot 60x100. Terms to suit. H. A. MOSER 2.TOV4 Third St. Main S4S2 Over 9 Fine corner with fine Improvements, on 10th st. south of Morrison, rented for $113 per month. Don't forget 10th st. ; some thing doing there; the price is $19,000. You can pay $5000 or more cash, balance In 3 or 6 years. It will pay you to inves tigate this. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. HOOD RIVER APPLE LANDS Can show you unimproved, partly Improved and fully developed proper ties. Some blgr revenue producers. All atrictly first class and prices right. H. A. MOSER 350 Third St. Main 2483 Choice quarter block on Grand ave nue and East Oak: at.; cash: balance on terms. Jno. P. Sharkey Company J22H Sixth St. APARTMENTS 100x100 corner, fine location, walk ing distance; pays over 12 per cent interest on investment. Price $40,000; $10,000 cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. Will consider trade for acreage or secured mortgage notes in part pay ment. C 433, Oregonian. New 5-room house, Just completed; sleeping porch, hardwood floors; full lot. Price, $4260. Terms. nVSSELl. & DLYT1I. t'oinnionvrralt b Bnlldinjt. $3500 For East Side factory site, on tha O R. & 97x235; snap. Includes building worth $1500. LA11BERT-WHITSIER COMPANY, 404 East Alder St. 107-8 Sherlock Bldg. Peninsula Acreage For subdivision. A money maker. Brong-Steele Co. 110 Second St. EAST ASH ST. HOME. Price $4500. Lot 50x120 and 5-room modern cot tage with a beautiful lawn, lots of fine shrubbery, roses, fruit trees, situated No. 673 East Ash st. between E. 18th and E. 20th sts. Terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 2d at. (Lumber Exchange bids.). $2000 $2500 terms. If you will take the Montavilla car and go to JOHESM OR Yoit will see one of the prettiest additions in the city. Ask the residents whv they bought in J0B1E We will give ynu the same easy terms and help you own a lot for your future home. GEO. D. SCHALK 264 Stark St. Main 392, A 2302 PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOTS 50x100 all improvements in. Good view; on Elm St., between 16th and 20th. $2750 200x100, nice trees, etc., $3500 300x125 view, trees, etc; fine plat ting proposition. If naom & nenow 332 Ch. of Com. Warehouse For 40,000 square feet in best warehouse location on 13th st. track. $500 mo. for 5 years. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth St. Hoiladay's Addition Tte one BEST p'ace In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE rtsiJorca property oi the elty. SEEING IS BEL!EV1 BETTER fro and see the many CHOICE resi dences under constructiou and tka 1m provementa solns on. Tiie Oregon Fea! stale Company GRAND AYE. AND ilLLT-NOMAIl ST. $ssoo One of the choicest and most com plete modern houses in Walnut Park, consisting of 7 rooms, full basement and attic; hot water heat, fireplace: all large, commodious and well-finished rooms: closets of all descriptions; in fact, there is everything wanted in a house, and we are satisfied that any good housewife who appreciates a nice home will have no objections to occu pying it and making it pleasant for the whole family. It can be handled with 12500 cash; balance reasonable time. OTTO & H ARKSON I334 First Street. Apartment Corner Fine corner on 13th and Taylor streets. Some income now. The cheap est corner in that district, only $18,000 Corners are scarce and going higher. If you want an ideal corner for an apartment-hou.e this Is it. Grussi 8l Zadow SIT Foard at Trade Bide., 4th and Oak. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE E. Yamhill and 40th sts., large house, 9 rooms, full basement, large attic, furnace, gas. bath, grounds 100 feet square finu lawn, fruit and shrubbery; 520i; or house and one lot. J4000. See Owner, 1210 East' Yamhill street. A BEAUTY New 6-room dwelllnp, furnace, range, linoleums, shades, hath, laundry tubs, china closet, electric fixtures, etc. One block from Alberta car. $:-150 terms. Answer quickly owner leaving town. A H 414. Oivgonian. EAST STARK ST. We havo on this street, near E. 16th, one of the best-paying properties in the city. Improvements new and mod ern and can truthfully say we have nothing better in tiie way of a safe investment. Price 8000 MALL & VON BOESTEL, 393 U. Burns ide. 104 d st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 60x100. All Improvements In. J2600 cash. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE PARK Modern residence, nine rooms, fine lawn with fehrubbery and fruit trees: with or without shades, carpets, ranges and fixtures; near car. K0 JE. ftlADISOX ST.. ?E4R 1H. C Rent vi'v Ton AY- S12.250 acres, right in Beaver- ton: 12 acres bearing on. all in cultivation. A fortune in this for a gardener of truck farmer. S4.200 Modern colonial dwelling. 1 lots. East 40th, near Haw thorne; a splendid property; terms. S4.0OO 50x50, with 8-room dwelling. that can be changed to flato a slight cost: accessible. sTghtlv. walking distance, but near car. Will exchange equity $2500 for cottage. $2,850 Full lot and new 7-room dwelling; sleeping porch, gas and electricity: near Patton ave. and car: a snap and very eusy terms. S2.500 5 acres, well fenced and In cultivation; east of Mount Tabor; county road two sides; good well; small house; will trade for city property. PEM)1SILA BAROAIN. 81.000 Four lots. Peninsular No. 4. which adjoins Kenton; near ca r. SSOO Four lots. Peninsular No. 2: clear, sightly and 200 cash will handle. S600 Three lots, Peninsular No. 2, easy terms. 8600 A very choice corner, two. lots, near Peninsular Sta tion. Nothing In vicinity for) like money. Owner wants! some cash. 4 SSOO Two lots, Peninsular No. ft, . Just east of Peninsular ave. SSOO Two lots on Willis boule vard, splendidly located; 100 feet on boulevard; terma 11 desired. Call on us for Investments, Warei bouse Sites and Business Properties. JACKSON & DEERING Phones Main 845, A 4BT. 248 Mark tj STOP!! THINK!!!' Then look over Rossmere. All improvements including, Bull Run water in and paid; for and included at our prices. Lots from $500 to, $1000 less than property in same district. $1500 to $2000 building restrictions. When ready to buid we will help you. Take Rossmere cars, Third and Yamhill. Agent " on ground every afternoon. Clark-Cook Company 6 Board of Trade Building Main 5407 A 3252 35 acres, about four miles from the city of Hood River. A beautiful and sightly place. 4 acres 10-year-old trees. Spltzen berg and Kansas Blacks. 7 acres. 4 and 5 vears old. Spltzen berg and Newtowns. 1 acre strawberries. 1 i. acres meadow. New cottage, small barn and chicken houses. Stream through place. Three springs, that can lrrisrate the whole place. The balance of the land Is in small oak trees, the wood from which will py for clearing-. This place can be bouprht at the risht price and easy terms. Knapp & Mackey 212 and 213 Bonrd of Trade Bulldlnac. New House In Irvingrton, close to carline and 10 minutes' ride from 5th and Washington sts. Built by day's work, of the very best materials, and all ready for occupancy. Full concrete basement, with laundry tubs and toilet. Fine living-room, with fireplace, double floors and splendid finish. Four bedrooms, tathroom with toilet, and large sleeping porch. Price. $5260. Can make very easy terms. Rountree & Diamond 241 Stark St., Corner Second. Business Quarter Block McMillen and "Williams Ave nue, is FOR SALE Portland Railway Light & Power Company, First and Alder, Land Dept. City Lots Now selling at $150 each, in city limits, with good streetcar service, oa fare, Ball Run water to each lot. These lots are sure to double in valiw in a year. Investigate and make ma a cash offer. Address owner, Box D 442, Oregonia,n. MORTGAGE LOANS I.ovient rates and terms to rult; spe cial rates and favorable terma on lore loana on business properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investors. A.H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bid., Sd Stark, Hood River A BUY 45