THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER lO, 1B0D JiEW TODAY. For Sale Great Snap! A fine, new. S-room. all-modern house, near Walnut Park; full lot with twelve berins. cLoio fruit trees; an kleal home; east tront; Jivv, terms. 0 Tiro noarlv new. 6-room. modern houses, on a fine corner lot; room for another; Holladay addition, near In. Price IToO; a jtreat aiap: always rented; pays per cent on investment. A fine block, on Union ave. N., near TTnlladay ave.; fine location for stotes or ftpartmcnt houses. Tine block, on B. M st. N. and Clackamas; easy terms; good apartment s.te. One fine lot on KHIlnesworth ave.. nar East 11th: all Improvement in; only $M0. terms; also a few other lots on East 10th and 11th sts. 31 acres on Patten ave.. near Pippin This must txi sold at once: also acres on Patten ave.. east front, between K1I . lingworth and Portland blvd. 1A .utt -., uili- tnr italA' ffV fllll lota on best carline In this city; if you wish to make money call and investigate 20 minutes from Postoffice. TS acres on banks of the 'Willamette River, near Oak Grove: a beautiful tract for platting; lots In this location are Bell ing fast. Seven fine lots on Broadway and 2Sth rL; also a few lots left on Taylor near East 41st st. ; 'terms. O'BRIEN y REALTY CO. 301 McKay bldg. RESIDENCE SITE 100x100. corner of 28th and Raleigh. New bitulithic pavement; great view, "no rlimbing; two blocks from carline. Willamette Heights, east of bridge. This would be a grand place for fam ily hotel or apartment-house. Only fCOOO. Just the price of one lot two blocks east. R. H. WILBUR, 300 Chamber of Commerce. JL 25")0. A 4550. $7300 Fine location for apartment-house. 97000 Good income property in warehouse district, North Portland; big future. $7750100x100 corner, close in. Kast Side; two houses. $15,000 Modern flat building on 12th St.; good future. M. E. LEE. Room 411. Corbert Building. $34,000 60x100 PER ST-CLASS IMPROVEMENT, Income $6420 Chapin 6 Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. uMvision Property within city limits. Prices range from .$350 to $6500 per acre. All of these tracts are very desirable. S. de la Mer 337 Chamber of Commerce. Beautiful Home On Savier st., 0 rooms, jirrfectly modem; fine virw. $7230 ; Humason & Jef f ery 1 M.11S9. 226 Stark St. A 3S14. $16,500 Fractional corner on Id St., close In. with three-story frame building. Pres ent income 7 Vj "per cent net. f.KO. D. JIain 332. A 2392. SCHAI.K. 264 Stark St. MUST SELL Mv equitv in eicrlit suburban lots, in tie Vitv limits: Bull Kun water piped In front of each lot; 2.". minutes' ri.1e from Third and Vamliill. Value lias increased SO xir cent since I bought. Am forced to sell quick. Address Box B 444. ort-Konian. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Cnrrest Rates. Dnftdloar Loans. Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 3UZ Worcester (thick. What Have Yea lor Cash? TV psy cm"! for 1"". house!", sereage and all kinds of real enate. Se us. If you hav noihlng to sell and want to buy. e us we hv homes and lots In all parts of' Portland at tood prices. THE STEWART CO. S.09 Swctland Bldg. CASH NEEDED 700 equity in new cottas on Mount Scott carline. twenty minutes" ride from downtown. Will give warranty deed and clear t!tie. Incumbrance of first mortgage for $1000. Make me an offer. Address the owner, C 443, Oresonian. WW TOnAT. We HAVE IT Now ASPHALT STREETS Sewer, water and gas in alleys. All improvements in and paid for in LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY Exclusive close-in residence district, Only 20 minutes 'walk to business. LOTS $1800 and Up TERMS $180 CASH $18 A MONTH 6 INTEREST Buy now before the raise. Warranty deeds. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. Also Agents on Ground. VELL I VONT TO SELL 20 ACKERS CHEAP I vos in nead of som money, -ond I vont to sell my 20 ackers vot runs along mit de st car track. It hos so meny undar brush vot never vos. Veil I vont $4000. for it, ond if dot is to much, I vill sell it far $3000. Is along ther st car vot gos to Greshem out. Ond some of de lond is bea ver lond. Ond ver is no grov el on de lond, except vot is on de car track. Ond if you connot pay so much at vonce, I vill vait. You con see my cousen in de Varshington bilding, or you con com out to ver I am. 771 .Belmont st. Fone No. Bee. 2126. Are you thinking of buying iu LaurelhurstT Why not see it today? Our automobiles leave Fifth and Stark every hour, beginning at 9 o'clock. Last car at 5 o'clock. Phone in and have seats reserved. (MERLIN, S'llIH S CO. Phones, Main 2488, A 2488, C 1740. Room 2, Lumbermens Bldg. illamette Heights 8-room modern house, .50x100; fine view, close to car. $5800 $2500 cash. Humason & Jef f ery M. 1189. 226 Stark St. A 3814. FINE 'RESIQEKCE 8 RGDKS Perfertlv modem, brand new. on carline. Portland Heiphts. If you are looking for a bargain this is it: large grounds; fine view; price $5000. C. R. D. BURGH. ' Portland Real Estate Co., ill Abington bldg. 200 Acres Finest kind of fruit land, or grand proposition for a man to go into the hog business; plenty of water: 20 miles east on Base Line road; price $25 per acre, cash. C. R. P. BLRGH. Portland Real Estate Co., 217- Ablngton bldg. Portland Heights 110x115. corner Sixteenth and Haw thorne Terrace; view unsurpassed; a site for a mansion for $7600; a good speculation. Sengs take & Lyman DO Fifth St. TWO SPLENDID BUYS $32S Splendid lot on W-W carline. not far out. A-l garden soil, large lot. graded streets, water piped, very easy terms. $r,so A fine lot. only one block from streetcars in Belle Crest, to be had on easier terms than the original sale from first platting. RABB & PATTON. 90 5th st. 1 60 Acres Southwest of Linntun. fine view, fine -road, lies fine. S.oi'O.uoO feet of good fir timber. 15 miles from the Courthouse; $30 per acre cash. C. R. D. BVROH. Portland Real Estate Co., 217 Ablngton bldg. SVELL BUNGALOW $300 cash and monthly payments buys the best, up-to-date bungalow in Portland today. A sacrifice at $.). Owner going East and will not rent. Would accept reasonablv priced lot as part payment. RABB & PATTON. 90 5th St. BAYOCEAN PARK S4S3 cash, balance small monthly pay ments, will buy fine comer lot facing ocean, one block from hotel. This is some hundreds below market orico. Main Soil. Lauresoursf w KEW TODAY. 70,000 FARMERS j Gone to Canada This Year! WHY? Because the 00,000 who went last year have written their friends and neighbors that they are getting rich, by the advanc ing land values and the tremen dous crops of wheat. Your opportunity is now. It may never come agaiu. West ern Canada is the last Great West. Never again can you buy lands of equal quality at these prices and terms. $10 to $15 Per Acre 10 Years' Time : Write us today or call for fall particulars. Excursions at . reduced rates. Ide-McCarthy I LAND CO. General Land Agents Canadian Pacific Railway, 425 Lumbermen's Building. A SPLENDID HOME CHOICE LOCATION PRICED LOW A !lnn 7-room house, with two beauti ful lots, size 100x100. This place was built for a home. It is unusually well con structed throughout, modern in every re snect: interior Is finished In natural fir. This place is an excellent buy for anyone wishing a delightful home. It Is on tne East Side, near two carllnes, 12 minuteB' ride from downtown. Beautiful lawn, with many shade- and fruit trees, a full cement basement, stone foundation, large front porch. It will pay to Investigate this. It's a bargain. Place has an A No. 1 Fox furnace and every convenience. Only $2000 cash re quired to handle this. The Souther-Albertson Co. M6 Oak St., Portland, Or. Phone Main 6719. In th beautiful SutherHn Valley, 183 mile south of Portland, on th Southern Pacific Railroad. Ten and twenty-acr tract. All tracts lie close to the new and thriving town of Sutherlin. Apples, peach, peara and vegetables Mmply flourish. Call and t prices and see 100 or mora photographs The Souther-Albertson Company 286 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon. SKATING RINK BARGAIN On account of entering the auto mobile business In Spokane, I will sacrifice my 50 per cent of the stock (Incorporated) of the Apollo Roller Skating Kink Company (op erating the Exposition Rlnkl. Will bear rigid investigation and will clear Itself to the purchaser in 60 to 90 days. Intend to close deal at once. Call Monday. J.RANDALL 315 Oregonian bldg. Phone M. 5432. FOR PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. There are three strong points in this property we offer here. First, the loca tion, which is on Tenth, near Morrison. Second, the fact that it will lease at $3000 per annum, and will bring much more by personal attention. Third, it will increase greatly In value. Now listen all the time that it is waiting for higher value it is bringing mighty good return on the money. Ixt is 50x100: terms given; take this matter up with us before it is too late. FOOLSEN-RAICLIfTE REALTY CO. 330 Lumbermen's Bldg.. Fifth and Stark. Close in Property For Sale and Lease BY SENGSTAKE 6 LYMAN 90 Fifth Street. Portland Heights One arre $4500 Good building site. Chapin & Herlow 332 Cnamber of Commerce. OREGON M ' f&'jM IRRIGATED V fej ORCHARD m Jyi HOMES SEW TODAY. EVERY ONE A BARGAIN James J. Hill told the Associated Press Wednesday that in 1910 the Northwest will see the greatest pros perity It has ever known. Many people' have made money out of Portland real estate on Mr. Hill's tips. V.'hy not you? Now is the time to buy. S6QO Building- site. 100x100 feet, in Woodmere; -a northwest corner. S900 100x100 feet at Wall and Daw son streets. South St. Johns; price In cludes street improvement. $900 Two good lots on Chautauqua boulevard, near Columbia Park; eas ily -worth 1100. 9 1 500 100x100 feet at northeast cor ner of 34th and Killlngsworth; well worth the price. 92200 One acre west of City Park: ji-l buy it and forget It, and It will prcve a nest egg. S2500 Ten lots In Irvington Park; c-tvuer not returning to Oregon. 87500 Beautiful home at 1105 Frank lin street, Willamette Heights; high and sightly; see It and ask our terms. $7500 New 8-room house and corner lot in Holladay Addition; two car lines; will make terms. S7oOO Building site on Portland Heights, with all the advantages of a full block, and only 100 feet of street Improvement to pay. . 810. OOO Corner on Killlngsworth c . v btiiia - rpntinc for 17fi nftr month: k price Includes street improvements. 810.700 Business corner In South Portland; leased for $1200 per year until 1917. 812. OOO Fine business lot in North Portland: rents 11140 per year; will make easy terms. . 812. OOO Beautiful home on West Park street; everything new and spickand span; one-half cash, bal ance In 3 years. $12. OOO 100x66 2-3 feet on 14th st.; some income now. 812.500 New eight-room house on Johnson street; Includes garage; terms. $12.500 85x100 feet on Union ave., In growing business district. A12.500 Beautiful building site. comprising 21,000 square feet on Port land Heights. 8 13. OOO line corner for apartments on latii si.; some income uuw, wima. 815. 500 Flats on 13th St.; income $145 per month; can be Increased to Slia. SKlR.OOn Southwest corner, 50x100 feet, on loth street: fine for apart merits; present income, $900 per year. S2O.0O0 Inside lot on West Park st.; present income, $900 per year; will make terms. tmn nnn A corner on Front street, In the congested district; nets 6 per cent on $u.oov. 855. OOO 80x200 feet, with trackage. half cash required. 8S2.50O Best platting proposition on 8 125. OOO Three lots on Alder street, right in the path of the city's west ward growtn; some juuuiue REED &TJRWAN 637 Cliaiuber of Commerce. Phone Main 8E35. DO YOU REALIZE WHAT A TEN- ACRE TRACT MEANS IN At Hood River Hood River apples this year brought the highest prices ever known. Start now. Nothing gained by delay. $100 per acre; easy terms. Better See Us Now. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. YOB'l.l NOT ERR If you'll confer with me when you want TO BUY OR SKI. I. city or farm property. TOU'RB WELCOME to Investigate my list. PROPERTY RIGHT. Locations right. PRICE RIGHT. Terms right. TREATMENT RIGHT. -onr nronertv here. Moke known your wants here. I'll do the rest. Full Corner Lot. Everett Street Near Custom-House. Some Income. $22,500 . Half Cash. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32-S.t Lafayette- Eld., Wsnblngton and Slitb rhone A 7083. SPECULATION! 60 by 100, 60 feet of trackage, North Portland; an excellent boy. Adjoin ing property held at $200 per front foot. Price $5700; part cash. Dabney & Dabney 412 Commercial Block, Second and Washington. Apartment-House Site Two fine quarter blocks on Sixth st., near in, choice location; no better location iu the city. AVill sell cheap; terms to suit. AN 441, Oregonian. Cramer Realty Company. 2I1-12S Henry bids.. Portland. Or. Spveral hundred prop erties listed covering choicest locations In the valley and city. We buy. sell and ex change farm for city property. Get copy our new issue of Homes e Iters' Guide. Phone Main 6639. THE Vanderbilt Lands JTEW TOD AT. 40-Acre Fruit Farm IN YAMHILL COIIHTY LITTLE DOWN ANO EASY TERMS ; This splendid tract of rich dark loam lies only of a mile from a good Valley town and railroad depot. You take no chances on this being fine fruit land, for it is surrounded on all sides by the best bearing or chards in the Valley. It has no steep hills to climb, but lies at an elevation sufficient to insure it against frost. This elevation commands a fine view of the river and city below it. The land is all cleared and ready io set to trees. Pnt in "the varieties you like walnuts if you prefer and you have laid the foundation of a fortune. $150 AN ACRE The tract is free from a single flaw and cannot be duplicated for a fruit tract at the price anywhere in Oregon. 3600 DOWN ItiCau be handled on 1 per cent a month, after the initial payment of 10 per cent. It has NO ROCKS NO STUMPS NO SWAMPS NO HILLS NO WHITE LAND It's a bargain. RALPH ACKLEY 605 Corbett Building, Portland, Or. 2 LIVE ONES 100x100 N. 16th st. near Thurman, covered with buildings. Worth $27,500. Investment or speculation. $22,500 Half cash. 50x100, corner, 10th, near Burnside, some income. Very close in. $21,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. INCOME BUSINESS BUYS ic nnn Two-storv building;, on 1st 60x100, Odd UUU east front, on 1st St., bet. Salmon and Main; net. Income, 7 per cent fna nnn Quarter block, close to new dZO UUU bridge. This will soon be one of the best business corners on the East Side; present income, over 7 per cent. HO enn 60-foot corner on Grand ave. L UUU block from Burnside: some income; not much. but look at the price and location. Income property a specialty. Sengstake &. Lyman SO Fifth Street SCATTERED HOMES FOR SALE onnn 7-room modern house, corner, WuOUU near Steel bridge: a real emip. (tOOnn. -room new bungalow, very wZuUU modern, iM and Hawthorne; rood buv. S2500 $1600 $3200 $4750 7-room, modern. 4tn ana naw- thorne: biggest snap in the city. 5-room good cottage. 2Sth and East Pine; $300 handles It. 7-room, modern: fine home, in deed: same neighborhood. 7- room. modern, elegant- house, '4 block. University Park. 8- room, modern, all cash; Cook ave.; a real snap. 7-room, modern: a real nice home: Monroe st. 7-room, verv modern, located in the Nob Hill district. $3000 S4500 $7000 flfin 10-room, extraordinary: mod 0 I0 UUU em; i of a block: Hawthorne ave. Kasy terms on some of these. LIND & HIGLEY 132 Third street. - SO $250 Per Acre Only five miles from Court house, and just right for plat ting into small acre tracts. Ad joining property held at $500 per acre. We can sell this for just half that price if taken soon. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 200 Chamber of Commerce. Several choice corners and inside lots, 7th and 12th streets, near West Park; income property, and desirable apartment sites. Don't miss these opportunities. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. GE.XIIXB VIEW LOTS 8250O BoildioK Restriction. II) Per Cent Cash, 2 Per Cent Per Month. OLMSTED PARK. The Portland Heights of the East Side. S COT.TJMBIA TRI'ST rOJII-AJI, Board of Trade Bide., 84 Fonrtn t. Seventh St. Corner 1O0 'feet on Seventh st. by 50 feet on erett, 32,500. Sengstake 6 Lyraan 90 FIFTH ST. NEW TODAY. WASHINGTON STREET 100x100, corner, near 11th, . $175,000 100x100, corner, near 12th, $150,000 50x100, near 12th, $60,000 50x100, near 15th, $50,000 Corner, $35,000 Corner, $25000 MORRISON STREET 100x100, corner, $55,000 50x100, near 10th, $45,000 GRAND AVE. 100x90, near E. Morrison st., $35,000 Have tenant who will lease long term of years $40,000 to $50,000 building on this property, paving 8 NET Choicest business location on East Side. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Fine Store For Rent In our building, Oak street, between Second and Third. Fine location for a printer or wholesale business. I Portland Trust Company j i . of Oregon j I S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. j i)moenawaWRoaoo(iaaiana)ii)Mcia'S 859 acres 10 miles from Airlie; 200 acres has 10 mil lion feet of standing timber. This must be sold at once; part cash. block on Grand avenue will sell for $28,000; terms. Also Tiave an apartment house for $28,000 which pays 9 per cent net; terms. WELDOX DARI.IJIfi, 618 Board of Trade. 15 NET on cash required to buy new modern apartment house in a district on the West Side where land values are rapid ly advancing. The price is $20,00O. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Eldg. DON'T PAY RENT $500 Down will purchase modern, new, 5-room bungalow, including fine furniture, bal ance J2S per month including interest; fnf lot facing east, half block from two car lines; owner leaving city. FRANK BOLLAM 128 3d St. BUILD A HOME HERE We can make you the lowest price and easv Ions-time payments on some beau tiful lots in Belle Crest including all street improvements: it's a fine suburb and fine homes; go and see It. Wallace Investment Co. Oregonian bldpr. $5000 Fine lot 100 feet from .WASHINGTON ST. Best buy in Portland today. For eale exclusively by RABB & PATTON 90 FIFTH ST. Nearly an acre on West ave.. City-view, $3000. or will subdivide; terms. See the OWNER, at 720 Chamber of Commerce. It Tate NTTW TODAY. APARTMENT HOUSE ITES $10,000 Trinity Placs, full size lot, 50x100 feet, east front, hard surface street and right off of Washington. $16,000 Twentieth Street, 100x100 feet, north of Wash ington, choice corner, east and south fronts. $20,000 Trinity Place, lOOx 100 feet, right off from Wash ington, east front. $26,000 Nob Hill, choice cor ner, right off from Washington, 100x100 feet, hard surface streets. 512 Chamber of Commerce. Union Avenue Comer, soulh of Russell, $7500 Corner south of Russell, with stores and rooms. $10,000 North of Russell, house and lot a snap. $6300 Corner, near Broadway, $5000 These for rapid rise in value. CHAPIN 8 HERLOW ."32 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE Price, $6000 Twenty-five acres situated 4 miles east of Montavilla. near the Base Line road; 10 aores ck'ared; terms. EAST 57TH AND BUENSIDE STS. Price, $1400 117x13" situated on the southeast corner East 57th and East Burnside st3. A frreat bargain. To Lease 100x100, situated on C'.'d St.. near Reed 6t. Suitable for factory or warehouse. Will lease for terms of years. Also o lots situated on tlie northwest corner of Walnut and Xirolai ave. H;is trackage. Good factory or warehouse sitef MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second st. (Lumber Exchange bids;.) Quarter Block Seven blocks south of business renter In nobbiest apartment district; rent 2100 per annum. Price $22,000 A GREAT SNAP INVESTIGATE GOICK GOLDSMITH & CO., 103 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak sts. Your Opportunity A fine Tract of rfch bottom land ne prepatinx aorps bout. 15 mllew imi Portland; about half is c!f a rod ; lia3 i air ly cood buildings and plenty of pooi watnr, and ltus alons a t;oo1 macadamized road. L2mbert-Wnffmer Company 404 East Alder st. TALK WITH l-'LKTi'HKR PIEDMONT -Vint wort ti rnr Killings ami 1 iaipiit WALNUT PARK and Emerson: harguin. T niri? mV ST .V'xFO feet and honsf; LUVCJUI ill hlow market price. Special reduction on abovp this week. 225 AbinKton bids. RIVER FRONT 11 acres, with over 1000 feet of front as? on Willamette, north of Oswego, on S. P.: ! trains daily. Price, $10,000. SENGSIAkFg LYMAN 00 Kitth St. Portland Heights A large homesite: very cheap: near 11 car: good view. ROS3 ENGLISH IX VKST SO.. 322 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Mor rison sts. IF YOU ARE LOOKING For FACTORY OR PACKING SITES. w have 82 acres in the Swift district, very cheap. C. R. D. Bl RiiH, Portland Real Estate Co.. 217 Ablngton bldg. RIVER FRONT 2O0 acres, all hiph and dry. rich soil; $75 per acre. ROSS ENGLISH INVEST. CO.. 22 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison. i s . mm Ik ,