. - -r-.,, -t 4 -v- nnnTT vn nnTHUFTf. Ill 1900. n II n r n r n n w i i i : ... ,t U!. . . , , Orange-Grower's Wife Weds Hour After Divorce. MEW HUSBAND LAY LOW As John Y.-ac, Johnson Helps Her to Recover Children Kidnaped by First Husband and N'ovr Get His Reward. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Oct. 9. (Spe cial.) Within an hour after she ob tained a divorce decree today Mrs. Wil liam Hinkle became Mrs. O. T. John son. Jr. She carried tne decree in her hands when the ceremony vas per formed. Mr. Hinkle. the divorced husband. Is a wealthy orange-grower of River side, and two years ago. after Mrs. Hinkle had left him, he kidnaped their two children from a Long Beach hoteL At that time a mysterious John Doe came to htr aid and was instrumental In recovering the children. It was admitted today that "John iice" was young Johnson, who. on ac count of tne prominence of his father's family, dici not wish his name to be come public. His father is A. P. John son, of Westmoreland Place, and his uncle Is O. T. Johnson, a prominent business man of Los Angeles. Both men are reported to be multi-millionaires. WEALTHY WIDOW WEDS Mrs. Dennis C lark and K. Maurice Gallant Marry Secretly. SPOKANE. Wash.. Oct. 9. (Special.) Today the widow of Dennis Clark, who as a wealthy mining man. admitted she was married to El jUaurlce Gallant, a young promoter. Thursday evening in the parish house of Father Verliagen, of the Catholic Church. It is explained that the news of the ceremony was kept secret for personal reasons, but when the rumor had spread for a day the principals admitted its truth. Mrs. Gallant has property worth more than 11 "CO"). She is a 'autiful woman and neither old nor middle-aged. ' although some of the reports sent out from Spokane give the impression she Is not young. Mr. and Mrs. Callant will start on a tour of the world about the middlo of November. HEAR KLAMATH'S PLAINT Senate Irrigation Committee to In spect Oregon Project. OREUONIAN NEWS IU REAI. Wash ington, Oct. 9. According to the re vised schedule, the Senate Irrigation Committee, which will re-assemble at Denver November 1. will spend Novem - her 10 inspecting the Klamath irriga tion project and listening to settlers who have suggestions or complaints to offer. This will be the only stop In Oregon. At least seven members of the commit tee will be present. MAN WANDERS IN WOODS Harry I-onjr, Reported Drowned, Is Found After Seven Days. HOQL'IAM. Wash.. Oct. 9. (Special.) Harry Long, the engineer who was re ported as drowned in a slough near the camp of the Burrows Company last Sat urday, has been found alive. Losing his way. Long had wandered In the forest for miles, and when found was almost exhausted from exposure and lack of food. Will Revive Bluck Sawmill. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. 9. (Spe cial.) V. C. McNiel has formed a part nership with R. A. Wallace, and to gether they have purchased the Bla sawmill, near the town of Slfton, seven miles east of the city. They will pro ceed Monday to make the necessary repairs and begin sawing lumber for the market at once. They have secured options oh enough timber in the vi cinity of the mlil to keep it running continuously for three years. DAILY MKTKOROLOOICAL REPOKT. PORTLAND. Oct. 9. Maximum tempera ture. 74 .itprecs: minimum. 47 tirnres. Hlver reailmx at H A. M.. 1.7 feet; change In lat -4 hourrf. rise .1 foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to ft P. M.). none, total alnce September 1. ls-0. 1.2o In.-he; normal. 2.MJ Inches; de- " n.ienov. 1 tirt lm-he Ttal sunshine October THE COLUMBIA RIVER VALLEY The Fruit Basket of the World A pour uuaa bus a mall th iter vf ever ueeouiiuj wvuJiiiy tu the Jt-'ar feaatera Males. Lcb ftu tae JAliltli Vet tae opeulittfa are toe ruuiiuic scarce autl wan car rite lie men see tarn caey cuu uctter laeuaeie lijr ivutiuK lo the Awrikneu auiue ttiu bivc euiue VteaC tiud tlacy save aui ufu cicut kuowlcdgt vf taa rvuuiry tw be able iv io- vale a ouce la a uualae.a itica witk pay laeua cii. If you are of (hi uumuer, ay out iuvrmtate I a a aisirict waivli ikaa uvrt uueuiuga autl vpporluaillea fur auea vl uiuu r larje capliaf than aay uttoer acc liou wf tae Aurlhwott 'ifee Columbia litter Val ley cauuui oe urpuued as a desirasie place la live i wkea i ua cuaililcr tae nauy l.itvs vC bus lues a taat ire stlia weeded, lae largv populullou waii-a mil sore iy settle lirre, aad tae umt aucrease aica w 111 f olltw may siaali iaetuieaf Hiaua at taia time. If vriii pay yon to look lato tae coadlUoaa la this laud of opportuuity. Keuae mick. aud r a e o are si ready tae Important com mercial craters of this dis tncl. for laformatioa cob cernlnff o p e a 1 a a; la all liuca uf business address KENNEWICK COM'RCIAL CLUB KENNEWICK. WASH. PASCO COMMERCIAL CLUB PASCO, WASH. is-. ; M-r-M- A T-Y i Ski nT . jrvnjh 'v - -' 0 and visit every amine OverlooK tt nriii Via (UiU J VIA. n" vw . - O'il blue skies, but we will show you that every lot in Overlook is a first-class building site. We have an extra fine home at a bargain for sale. OFFICE, 207 BURNSIDE STREET AGENTS ON THE GROUND S. 4 hnun. 54 minutes: po""IBl. H hours. 19 mlnuten. Barometer (reduced to sea-level), at 5 P. M., 3o.4 Inches'. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The western h!-h pressure area has r malned nearly stationary over Idaho and a low pres?ure area Is central this evening over l!riti:i Columbia. During- the last 24 hours light rnln ha fallen In extreme Northwest ern Washington and fair weather has) pre vailed eLtewhere on the Pacific Mope. li much warmer In all portion ol tne .onn I'aclflc States. , , The Indications are for fair weather In this llftrlrt Suniay except In Northeart Wash ington, where the condition are favorable for rain. , FORECASTS. For the 28 hours ending mldnifrht. Oct. 10: Portland and vicinity Fair; easterly wtnu. Oregon Fair. ooler extreme euutnwest portion; easterly wind. Washington Fair simtheast and rain norln wei"t i-ortlon: easterly wind. I.laho F.ilr. exceiit posxlbly rain extrema wrth p.wtion. EDWARD A. BEAl-S. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND CO. NO. 107. W. O. W., will Klve a whist party at the Woodmen Hall. 128 Eleventh street. Wedneoday evening. October 1.1. Refreshments and dancinf. Ad mission 2oc. EUREKA COUNCIL.. No. 104. K. and I of S-. will have Installation of officers tomorrow evening. East 2siUe Woodman Hall, East 6th and Alder sts. M. I- JOHNSON, Secretary. PORTLAND CIRCLE. NO. 03. wishes to announce that It will Klve a whist party and dance. Tuesday. October IX W. O. 'A. Hall. 11th and Washington sts. WEBFOOT CO.. NO. 3. W. O. V. Whist party and dance. Friday evening. October 15. Woodman Hall. 12s Eleventh street Union music; refreshments. Cards. 8:30; dancing. 10. Adults. 20 cents. THE FRATERNAL UNION OF AMER ICA w-111 give a masouerade dance In the W. O. W. Hall, Oct. 19. Admission 50c: I ladles S.'.c. ' SPECIAL DRAWING Government Lands Irrigated Under Carey Act TWIN FALLS COUNTRY, SOUTHERN IDAHO On Main Line of Oregon Short Line R. R. A FAIR, SQUARE PROPOSITION With Approval of State Land Board of Idaho. Land and Perpetual Water Right, $33.50 and $50.50 per acre, payable in ten or twelve annual installments. You can register by mail at the office. Small deposit at the time of registration. You pay for no land until you have seen it and are entirely satisfied. Deposit will be returned if you see the land and do not file. You know whether you draw land without the expense of a trip. You will be notified if successful in drawing and be given 15 days to personally inspect the land. You do not have to cruise the land before the drawing. You do not buy a "cat in a bag." Project entirely under supervision of the State of Idaho. CE0PS THIS YEAR. Oats, 102 bushels per acre. Barley, 96 bushels per acre. Wheat, 74 bushels per acre. Alfalfa, 7 tons per acre. You may register any time from October 1st to October 19th. Drawing to be made October 20th, 1909, at 10 o'clock A. M., by the Idaho Irrigation Co., Ltd. For full information and instructions regarding the drawing, and for booklet, write or call on IDAHO IRRIGATION CO, Ltd., Sales Department SHOSHONE. IDAHO F W t . it: m I - --- - - ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? It does not pay to buy an old building-, when we can build you a BEAl'TiriX HOME or an ARTISTIC CALIFOR.V1A BUNGALOW, With every convenience, tor Jess money. HT NOT IMPROVE THAT VACANT LOT OF YOURS WITH A' Modern Apartment House or Residence Flats? It nill pay you to see us. High-class workmanship and satisfaction fruaranteed. All plans and specifications free. Money loaned for build ing purposes. Houses built for smalt payment down, balance like rent. SPENCER-McCAIN CO. THONK MAIX 6000. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. 423-424 NEW LUMBERMEN'S BLDG COR. FIFTH AND STARK STS. - ' , 7 . " - - ' i . . i f vr.v TODAY 1 NEW TODAY. I I NKW TODAY. . I TO'""- subdivision in the City of Portland, then go and ex- Aaaiuon, compare prices ana wrawuu, uiaucwioo, ciu, pnTi vinf Pri that, we do not offer vou firravel-Bits and E. Henry Wemme, President MEETING NOTICES. COMRADES. ATTENTION Comrades will assemble at under taking rooms, comer Russell st. and Williams ave., at 2:110 today, October 1(1, to accompany the re mains of our late comrade. Charles H Jones. Co. K, Twenty-eighth Iowa Infantry, to the church, cor-1 ner of Knntt st. and Rodney ave., where funeral services will be held. H. A. SEVERANCE, SLOAN, Commander. Adjutant. A. C. KNIGHTS TEMPLAW A speciul conclave of Oregon Com mandery. No. I. will be held In their asylum. Masonic Temple. this Sunday. Oct. 10. at 1:30 P. M.. for the purpose of conducting the fu neral of the late Sir Knight A. F. Dudeon. of Ashland. Wis. Services at Klnley's chap el; Interment at the grave private. A large attendance in full uniform Is desired. U. U. TOMASINl. Eminent Commander. ANCHOR COUNCIL. NO. "48. K. AND L. OK a. Invitation to attend 600 and whist party: Ice cream and cake and dancing; good prists: admission 15c. Monday even ing, October II, 1909; Oddfellows Tem ple. 1st and Alder Its. COMMITTEE. MACCABEE DANCE Next Thursday eve ning. October 14, given by the Uniform Rank in K. of P. Hall. 11th and Alder streets. Stiles Orchestra. Invitations may be obtained at 300 Oregonlan bldir., or from members. V. C. ANDERSON. Capt. QUEEN ELIZABETH HIVE NO. 2. L. O. T M. will give a 300 party Tuesday even ing In I. O. O. F. Hall. East Alder and Grand avenue. Prlxes and refreshments. Admission 15 cents. By order committee. INDEPENDENT HOMESTEAD NO. .ISO. BROTHERHOOD AMERICAN YEOMEN Dance will be given In the East Sldf Wood men Hall, E. 0th and Alder Ms., Thursday evening, October 14; admission 25c; good muelr. - : JM .arj M ail j BORN. BURCHA ELL October . to ' the James I. Burchaell. a son, 702 t. wife of Northrup DIED. EVANS In this city. October 9. at 22S Mad lfn Alvera C. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mnp.' Carl Evans, aged years. The remain arc at Flnley's parlors. Funeral njtlce hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. HALVORSEN The funeral services of Ellen K. Halvoraen will be held at her late resi dence. 345 Colr.g St., at 2 P. M. today (Sun day). Frleni-s invited. Interment River view Cemetery. DL'DllEO.N The funeral service, of the late Arthur F. Dudgeon will be r.eld at Flnley' chapel at 2 P. M. today (Sunday). Friend invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. SEGUR At 111" Chautauqua Boulevard. Oct. K. Alice Julia Segur. aged 47 years. 22 days. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the Eh Side Funeral Directors, successors to F. ', S. Dunning, East Alder and East Sixth streets, today (Sunday). Oct. 10. at 2:30 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. In terment Columbia Cemetery. JONES The funeral services -of the late Charles H. Jones will take place from trie Rodnev-A venue Christian Church, today, Oct. 10. at 3 P. M. Remains at Zeller Bvrnes parlors. Interment at -ulncy. Or., Monday. Oct. 11. Friends respectfully In vited to attend. Dunning. McEntee A Gllhaugii. Kuncrul Directors. 7th aud I'lne. l'iione Main 430. Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWAKD MOI.MAN CO.. Fnneral Direct ors. 220 3d St. Lady Assistant. L'hone M. 507. J. p. HXLKl' SON, 3d aud Madison, Lady attendant. I'lione Main U. A loUO. McENTEK-ERH KSON CO. Undertaken.; lady ussistant. .409 Alder. M. 0133. . EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. DunnlDK. Inc. . 52. B 252S. ZEI.LKB-BYKXK8 CO.. Funeral Direct on. 2"i2 Kussrll. Both phones. Lady assistant IKRCH Undertaker.. 420 F-ait Alder. Phone Fast 131. B 18ftg. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main S00. bFlKETAKY. Main 898. HUMANE OFFICER East 4771. CLASSIFIED ADVEETISING BATE In Effect November I, 1008. Daily or bun day. Per Line. One time '- tSfcine ad ttvo consecutive times 220 Same ad three cunsecutive lime 30c Same ad six or tevrn eonsecutive times. -COe hli words count as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement la not run consecutive tluiea the one-time rate applies. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classillca tions excepting; the following;: Situations Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted, Female. lor Kent. Konms. Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekrepina Kooms. Private Families. The rule of the above classification is 1 cents a line each insertion. Space In the "New Today" columns Is Ra-ured by measure only 14 lines to the Inch. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore Sninn will receive copy by mail, provided tunii-lent remittance for a definite number of Issues Is sent. Acknowledg-ment of such remittance will be forwarded promDtiy. On chance of book advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing in the paper, resjiirdless of the Dumber of words In each line. In ease box office address is required, use reaular form given, and count this as part of the ad. AnHtvera, to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. A receipt will be riven for all paid-in-advance advertising-. The Oregoninn will not undertuke to correct errors or refund money unless this receipt is returned. NEW TODAY. SKATING RINK BARGAINS. On account of entering the auttmoblle business in Spokane. I will sacrifice my r0 per cent of the stock t incorporated) of the Apollo Roller Skating Rink Co.. (oper ating Exposition Rink). Will bear rltfld investigation and will clear Itself to the purchaser in 60 to '.' days: - Intend to close deal at once. Cal! Monday. J. RANDALL. 315 Oregonlan Bidg. Phone Main 3452. NOB HILL. HOMES West of 23d on Johnson, absolutely modern 10-room house, lot 60x100, furnace, fireplace, china closet, large outside sleeping porch, with fine view of city. Near. 20th, on Lovejoy, elegant 8-room house; everything modern, hardwood floors, built-in china closet and book case, furnace and large fireplace. This can be bought very cheap. C. C. BAKER, 316 Board of Trade bldg. FOR TKADrj Rich 18-acre orchard In. full bearing, desirably located In every re spect, near Santa Rosa, Cal. Income SluuO to $2000 per year. For good improved or unimproved land near Dallas. Indepen dence, McMlnnville, Forest Grove, Hllls boro or Beaverton. Or., write for partic ulars. B S. Kennedy, Sebastapol, CaL $6650 WILL pay for paved streets, cement walks, tine vacant corner, modern house, 4 bedrooms, double parlors, reception hall, dining-room, kitchen full On0-nt base ment, near Washington High School, block Morrison car: walking distance. By-owner. 15 E. 17th st. LISTEN. Homeeeeker or Investor Idaho con tract orchards at $350 per acre, payable In 5 years, no interest or taxes; best on market today: maps and booklets free for the ask ing. Mair & Prall. 2 Lumbermen' bldg. ;tortGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches ) 23 Worcester Bldg. Phones Main 8371. A 401! WANT $-'1500. 3 years. 7 per cent, on valuable Portland acreage, value $10,000. W 431. Oregonian. WANTED $100 at 8 per cent on suburban residence property. A eSs. Oregonian. ON TUESDAY NEXT ' We are Instructed to sMI the following household gondii bv public auction m KA KICK'S AIXTION MOI SE. U,2 I'ARk ST., removed fur convenl-Tice of h! comprising: Weathered onk library fur niture, viz., table, massive nickers. Ax mlnster rug. Turkish tinsel anil silk drapes, parlor rockers, center tablus, couches, very elaborate cable net cur tains, ladv's donk, oak Windsor folding bt-d. Drophend Hewing machine, severul pictures, solid oak riliitnK-room furniture, in golden and weathered finishes, brass and Iron beds, steel sprlngx, filled floss and other matlresacH, feather pillows. Prlncens and other dressers lir genuine quarter-sawed ouk and maple, with chif foniers to mutch, parlor clock, several pieces of bronze, Brussels carpets and rugs, parlor heaters, new 'style gas ranges, kitchen utensils, linoleum und other useful iot. Sale on Tuesday next at 10 o'clock. You are Invited to inspect the goods tomorrow (Monday). ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have the neat furnishings of 7 room cottage and part furnishings of an apartment for Harrison court. Sale at 10 o'clock. BAKER & SON. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES FROM THE Ford Auction Co. At 211 First Street A Sacrifice Sale MONDAY, Tomorrow, 2 P. M. We will sell a select lot of housefur nishlnes of every description at the cor ner of 2d and Taylor sts.. in the Tuiney building. Don't come late and miss the best bargains. TUESDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK At 211 First Street We will sell on the .minute one lot of grocery store fixtures and some groceries for an estate which must be settled up at once. There are showcases, counters, scales, oil tank, etc. Then will follow the furniture auction at the same time and place. We will also hold auction sale of furniture again on Thursday next at 211 First St., 10 A. M. FORD BROS.,' Auctioneers. GILMAN Auction and Commission Company Office and salesrooms No. 126 Second st.. between Washington and Alder. Main 2473. Auction Sulcs Tuesday nod Friday, 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday's sale includes fine golden oak buffet, round extension table, dining chairs In leather and oak. stoel engrav ings and steel sanitary couch. 100 pairs (new) white blankets, 200 fine (now) bed quilts, stands, bedroom suites, dressers, iron beds, silk floss and cotton mattresses, leather easy chair and rugs. etc. Also at FRIDAY'S SALE. HOfSE HOLX) FURNITURE in large variety from East Side residence. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Fine City Home to Trade on a Farm We have an A-l modern 5-room cottage, built but one year, whose owner wants to trade on a small ranch. This is a swell home in a section-of Portland where it is growing right into money. It is but 1 block from a carline, has 2 large bedrooms and an attic, roomy clothes closets, reception hall, porcelain bath, linen closets, fine large kitchen with pantry, wood lift, electricity and costly fixtures, front tnd rear porches. It stands on a full lot, 50x100 feet, which is in a nicely-kept lawn with a profusion of rose bushes. Public school six blocks away. $2600 RALPH "ACKLEY 605 Uorbett bldg. Portland, Or. Washington Street 60x100, near Exposition building. $20,000 Let us tell you about this lot and its future assured value. Sengstake & Lyman 90 FIFTH ST. PUBLIC SALE Tuesday, October 12, 1!09. 10 A. M at East 2Sth St.. between Holgate st. and Kellv ave.. Portland, Or. Take W-W car to Gladstone ave.: 25 cows, 1 bull. 2 wagons, 4 horses arid harness, 40 cans, 1 separator, sanitary bottle crates, bot tles etc. Terms: Sales under $2.", cash: over $25. 6 months. 8 per cent interest; 5 per cent discount for cash. 12 PER CENT INCOME SSSOO Elegant flat building, walk Ing distance. West Side, fine district, leased to good tenants. SS250 Nob Hil home one year old. 8 rooms rented, $60 a month, $2750 cash, near 23d. . n unnTHRl'P. 315 Coach BldB., 4li, enr Washington. .nil in iia-. A FLAT SITE Within a block of Washington st. A fino buy. Nothing so cheap for the low price ' $5000 VAN DUYN & WALTON. 513 Chamber of Commerce. M KE ME AN OFFER. . . .. ' -hi.r 1 that MUSt sell ueiwm a' " - " ' - V choice 66x100 lot. south side Lovejoy d'ealers" write.' AJ 448V Oregonian. LARGE) room with board for 1 or 2, reason able. Corner Da - - Tabor 4o7. . WANTED Loan $4000. on mortgage of clnse-ln property won." o.,., .3 years. A. H. Faber. 212-214! Commercial blocK. vor SALE Half Interest of Suitatorium Dye Works. 834 Mississippi. to honest. u m.lt lf.ua man. S300. Dye woras. bj ambitious man. $300. fTCHANOE Sightly quarter block on car line south of Hawthorne ave.. as first payment on modern house. A 4j3, Oreg-o- nian. ETS-CEPTIONALLT nice room, furnace heat hot water, etc.: reasonable, to permanent party. 370 13th st. u-ROOM house, furnished, including piano, elegant district, close in. M. S. Reniery. Stearns bldg. I VM W At his late residence, 87 Blandena mi 'pattbn Addition, Vincent Page Lyman, aged 73 years. Funeral notice tomorrow. FOR SALE An almost brand new $:150 Dlano in snlendid condition, . for ,S173: must have cash. 'Address B 431. Oregonian. NICELY furnished housekeeuins eulte. i single sleeping room. 4S0Hi' Washington also BOY to deliver clothes for tailor shop. $5 week. 4S9 Washington. 6 ROOM cotta.e for sale cheap (for cash). Owner left city. Phone Eiast 6045. MAIN'S bine mill. No. 7.' nearly new, $10. S24 East 47th,- Mt. Tabor car. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S SALESROOMS 173-175 Second St. Cor. Yamhill Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. I.:irje assortment of all kinds of Kl'RXI Tl'HK. rAill'KTH. HTKKI, RAMHOa UKAI'INO HTOVK3. OKKICK DKSKH and CHAIHH. pictures, books and other nnmeroiui lots. J GRAND AUCTION SALE Elegant Baby Grand Piano, Solid Ma hogany and Kosewood Furniture, Hand-Fainted Imported Vases and China. Genuine, Turkish and Oriental Bugs, Antique Bedroom Fur niture. Etc. Tlia said goods having been shipped from an old and wealthy fnmily In Ohio, and since their arrival In Portland have been in storage. We are moving them from storage house for convenience of sale to the store building 232 Second Street Near Main St. and will positively be sold to the highest iidder on THURSDAY NEXT, 10 A. M. Comprising BABY GRAND PIANO IN SOL.ID MAHOGANY CASE (George Steck & Co.). cost J1U.V); ANTIQUE SOLID MA HOGANY FOUR-POST BED VI TH CARVED CANOPY TOP, brought from the Philippines and said to be the bed the insurgent chief, Aguinaldo, slept on the night- befote his capture: ANTIQIE SOLID ROSEWOOD BEDROOM SLITE. also walnut and oak bedroom furniture SOLID MAHOGANY HALL SEAT AND MIRROR, hall clock, solid mahogany settee, chair and rockers. MAHOGANY PARLOR CABINET. GENUINE ONYX, CLOCK. HAND-PAINTED VASES AND CHINA INLAID GOLD DECORATIONS from the world-renowned factories, viz., ROYAL WORCESTER. MINTON. DE POSE. FRENCH SOUVENIOR and HAM MBRSLY, in all about 300 pieces: costly BRONZE STATUES and VASES, ham mered brassware. several pieces of French Bisque. SOLID MAHOGANY DINING TABLE, MAHOGANY CHAIRS IN SUITE UPHOLSTERED IN LEATH ER, TEA K WOOD SERVING TABLE, HAVILAND CHINA DINNER SET. TURKISH AND ORIENTAL RUGS. Irish point, silk ami lace curtains. ROYAL WILTON RUGS, oil paintings. BOOKS. Including encyclopedias and other valu able works by noted authors. The above goods may be inspected on Wednesday afternoon bv applying to the auctioneer. Sale THURSDAY MORNING at 10 o'clock sharp. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Cash paid for furniture, etc.; call up Main 1626. A 4243. Goods sold at private sale at our store, corner 2d and lamlull sts. " ) RESIDENCE SALE 943 Belmont St., Sunnyside TUESDAY 2 P. M. Having received instructions from Mrs. Stephens, I will el) the furniture of her 7-room house, consisting- of parlor furni ture, extension table and rhairs, couch, heater, dresser and chiffonier. Iron beds, springs and mattresses, 3 large mirrors, one nearly new. Eclipse rant?', Vulcan hot water gas neater, gas plate, dishes and kitchen utensils. Terms cash. No reserve. . - J..T. WILSON. --Auctioneer. 75 PER ACR f) acres, about 15 miles from Port land; over 3u acres cleared, balance oak. and fir timber, and about 10 acres of fino orchard land. One-half cash will handle and long time given on the balance if desired. $2250 10 acres, near Base Line road, at Rockwood, partially cleared. ' LAMBERT H'HITMER COMPANY, 404 East Alder Street. 16 ACRES FOR PLATTING A fine level tract, all cleared; good soil, no rocks or gravel; partly in city limits; 400 feet frontage on Base Line road, close to carline; in a high state of cultivation; surrounding district platted in lots and rapidly building up. UMBEHT-WHITJIER COM PA . V. 404 East Alder St. 107-8 Sherlock Bids;. Good Apple Land 160 Acres For J1200 cash; 5 miles from R. R. and river; level and well watered; worth J20 per acre now; must be sold Monday. GODDARD 6 WIEDRICK 243 Stark st. $3650 New 7-rooir. house; all conveniences, Including 5 lots. 50x100 each; good loca tion and splendid car service. Owner must leave town and offers this at a bargajn. UMBEIIT.WHITMKH CO M P A X V, 404 Bust Alder Street. SIX ROOM COTTAGE EAST EVERETT ST. Price, $3250 Lot 50x100 and 6-room cottage, being No. SOS E. Everett st. A beautiful home. See it. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second st. (Lumber Exchange bldg.) 50x100 Thurman street, between 2Sth and 29th streets' new bithtilithic pavement; fine view: four feet above sidewalk; good residence site or flats. It. M. WILBl'R, Sua Chamber of Commerce. M. 2.150. A 4350. Splendid Investment On East 8th. near Burnside, modern 7 room house; owner must sell; price $1600, part cash. Address A 448. Oregonian. EAST SIDE HOMES We have a nice 6-room house, full lot, close tn carline, in the Rose City Park district: a very desirable location, $3500. Can arrange suitable terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 2d st WE WANT YOU TO SES ENT0M Before Yon Buy. Choice Lots $195 And we sell on very easy terms. Some choice lots as low as $:.()0 per month. Take .Mt. Scott ear, fiat off t Lents. Office where you ;jet off ear. Open every day. WESTERN OREGON TRUST GO. 14 Chamber of Commerce. Cowperthwait & Christensen, Agents, Lents, Or. ACREAGE NEAR CITY LIMITS Why Pay Rent? "When a small payment of $10 will seours you Immediate possesion of a home? $10 Down, $5 Month Fractional acres on Main street, near Ints. C'ily water piped to each tract, graded streets, cleared and perfectly level. Title nuaranteed perfect. One of the best chances to secure a home on easy payments ever offered in Portland. Splendid school nearby, and entire dis trict rnpidly buildinK up around this tract. Take Mount Scott citr, sot off at Ijents station, go north on Main street a short distance, not over seven minutes' walk, and vou will find apent at office on trait at Cadwell's Acres, from 10 ttf 4 o'clock. LAMBERT -WK1TMER CO. 404 East Alder St. Walnut Grove Of 12 acres in ideal location, close to transportation. Tn-jts of the Mayette and Franquette variety, best varieties prnwn today. Trees in excellent condition and 6 Years Old havlnp successfully passtd the dan ger point. Best of soil and loca tion, well protected from frost. A very good and safe investment which will bring large returns. Price only $450 Per Acre half cash. An extremely low price, making this a bargain. Call or write for particulars. Kauffmann & Moore 324-323 Lumber Exchange. IRVINGTON M CHOICEST BUY $4800 That very tlosiiahle quar ter, hlock, S. E. cor. K. 19th and .Thompson; hard surface streets, all improvements in. opposite ,' cor ners eaoh have $10,000 and $12,000 fine residences, finest surroundings J in Irvington district, 1 hlock to carline. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldy, Third and Stark. Burnside Corner Close in, at a low price. Rents pay expenses. A rare speculation. F. 0. NORTHRUP, 31o Couch Building. Fourth, Near Washington. Main 534!). Special Will take, until 15th October, leav ing for Europe, corner first and East Oak, $10,000; one-third cash, balance time, (i per cent. Two lots. Killiu",svorth ave. and loth st., $1000 one-half cash. G 454; OREGONIAN. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN BUSINESS PROPERTY On the East Side, close in. Price, $3500 Humason & Jef f ery M. 1189. 22(i Stark St. A 3814. BARGAIN 50x100 on Kast 12th st.. between Tilla mook and Thompson, with a good a-room house just fixed up und in good repair; fet, fir 30; $1400 cash, balance J1MJ0. 6 per cent, over 2 years to run. SMITH'S AGENCY 106 Sherlock bldg. 3d and Oak sta. A HOME FOR NOTHING Handsome eight-room house in the fash ionable Nob Hill district for sale on easy monthly payments. Call or aodress the owner. . 901 BOARD OF TRAPB BLDG. Phone Main 44.. WASHINGTON ST. BRICK Three-storv business building, well rent ed A treat future for this part of the city where values are still very reason able. Price only $o0.00O- VAN DITYN & WALTON", 515 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS On citv property, at reasonable rates. C'Ij RK-COOK company, Board of Trade Huildliis.. 1-buncs Mala 5407, A 32.5.