The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 10, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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MaM mmm "
Arts and Crafts in Jewelry and Novelties of All Kinds on Sale Here-Main Floor of Annex-Portland Agents for ButterickPatter
Great ctober OlfferSmgs M The Meier Frails Store
II " . J : : - -
' -I.
$ 3.50 French Chemise at $ 2.49
$4.00 White Petticoats at $2.79
Great sale of fine French Chemise, with hand-embroidered yoke; double scalloped top
and evelets drawn with ribbon; very pretty styles; large variety for your C9.49
selection; the best regular values up to $3.50 each, on sale at this low price
200 women's fine Cambric Underskirts, made with wide flounce of lace, embroidery
and insertion, beading and riDDon; separate oust ruiu, j 27
select from; regular $3.50 and $4.00 values, on sale at this low price, ea.
Fur Dept.,
We invite inspection of onr new and en
larged Tut Store. A very extensive
showing of all the newest fashions
coats, neck scarfs, mnffs and seta in
Hudson sealnssianpony, Siberian sa
ble, squirrel, Astrachan, electric sealand
river mink; coats from 27 to 50 inches
in length. Some have collar and cuffs
of lynx, shawl collars of Japanese mink,
sable, sqnirrel7fox, black jnarten ; all
sizes, aUrices. Women 's and misses
Fur-Sets" in Alaskan mink, black lynx,
Hudson iyjable7Tay uirrel, Jap
anese andiver mink. Mnf fsin all the
latest styles to match scarfs. Also sep
arate muffs. Thedisplayis byf ar the
largest and best we ever made,; and the
prices in every instance mean a consid
erable saving on what equal styles and
qualities cost yon at the exclusive fnr
storeTLet us show you take advantage.
$ 1 .75 and $2.00 Women's Gowns at $ 1 .29
Special lot of 50 dozen women's high-neck, long-sleeve Gowns, made of the best quality
muslin and cambric; prettily made and trimmed; full sizes, large variety. Cgl OQ
Regular $1.75 and $2.00 values, on sale at this low price, each see them
$ 1 .25 Tailored Suitings 98c
85c Plaid Dress Goods at 6 9c
In the Dress Goods Section, 3000 yards of new tailored Suitings, in the season's Qgc
best styles, designs and mixtures; regular $1.25 values, on sale at, special, yard
2000 yards of new plaid Dress Fabrics, suitable for women's and' children's GQf.
wear; best patterns and colorings; regular 85c value, on sale at, the yard vv.
Entire new line of Dress Goods at 50c the yard. A great assortment for your selec
tion. The best styles and best values ever offered for the money. -Take advantage.
75c Wash Taffeta 59c Yard
$ 1 Peau de Cashmere 79c Yd.
In the Big Silk Store, all this weeJc, another
great sale of 5000 yqrds superior quality wash
Taffeta Silk a complete' line of the best col
orings for your selection; black, white, navy,
green; reseda, lavender,, cardinal, pink, light
blue,; etc., etc. Best 75c quality buy CO-,
all you want of it at, special, the yard
In the Dress Goods Section, 25Q0.yards of the
nnnnlar Peau de Cashmere, in all the leading
i shades;, just what you want for one- 7Q f
piece tailored dresses; $1 value, yard
Handbags at $1.39
In the Leather Goods Section, a great sale of
500 women's Handbags in fine seal, leather-
i;v.Vl; Vi'vol.J fi-anic oiul ' fittprl With COlll
nurse: newest and best shape; the best regular, $2.50 values, on sale at, ea..$1.39
C1M Crtrtft 5000 of the best Tooth Brushes money can buy to be sold at a
Oaie JUUU price far below value. Best bristles; four-row French brush, al-
r " wavs sold .at 35c each. . Buy all you want of them at this 93c
Up II $ lieS special' low price, each take advantage of opportunity
' Great sale of 2000' high-grade Whisk Brooms, good size,
best quality straw; regular 15c values buy all-you want of them at, sp'L, each
Patent Medicines and DrugSundries
All lines of Patent Medicines sold here at lowest prices. All lines of Drug Sundries at
very special prices. Halloween Novelties on saie, ai ine ciauuucij
te 5e win
To Be Distributed on the Glub Plan
$2.00 Do wiv and $ 1 .00 Per Week
Aniiracementextraordiriary!-2000 of our famous "Willamette" Sewing Machines to be distributed
on the club plan 2000 homes to be supplied with a new, high-grade sewing machine on easy payments
and at no advance in cash prices We want 2000 more women to become acquainted with the remark
able sewing machine value we are offering The style, the quality, the character and satisfaction the
"WHlamtte" Machines give, and they are priced about one-half what yon are asked to pay for the
"agency" machines A great varieTy of models for your selection Every one fully guaranteed for
ten years Full ball-bearing, easy running, best head, complete set of the latest attachments, hand
somely finished throughout, and free instructions in operating The "Willamette" is a modern machine,
simply constructed andasyjoptezWeexpect to distribute the entire 2000 machines in less than
60davs A payment of $3.00 and we deliver it to your home-Place your order at once Special
Hfrmnnstration bv afactorv expert "Willamette" machines are especially made for us byoneofjhe
largest and bTstmanufacturers in the country, and sell at$20.00, $20,26.50, $32 and35.00
ehOuTf-townfriends are also invited to join the Sewing Machine Club Mail your orders at once
$1.75 Axminster Carpet $1.37
Special October sale of Hartford Axminster Carpet rich, soft, durable floor covering;
Best patterns and colorings; regular $1.75 quality sewed, laid and lined CI 37
at this unusuallv low price, the yard you should take advantage or sale '
Special lot Smiths Asminsters, in Oriental and floral effects; handsome de-QQ-signs
and colorings; $1.35 quality, sewed, laid and lined at this sp 1. price, yard
Special lot of 10-wire Brussels Carpets, Oriental and floral designs; the best Qgc
regular $1.15 quality; sewed, laid and lined at this special low price, the yd.
2000 Prs. Lace Curtains
$3.25 Values at $1.98 Per Pair
Great Cut Glass Specials
1 0,000 Pieces of Royal Steel
Granite ware
In Basement Store
Our New
Cut Class
17c Granite Pudding Pans, at, ea..l4
25c Granite Berlin Sauce Pans, ea..l9
35c Granite Berlin Sauce Pans, ea..2S
40c Granite Berlin Sauce Pans, ea..32?
60c Granite Berlin Sauce Pans, ea. .48
23c Granite Lipped Sauce Pans, ea..l8
25c Granite Lipped Sauce Pans, ea. .l9
30c Granite Lipped Sauce Pans, ea..24
10c Granite Pie Plates, on sale at, ea. .8
50c Covered Berlin Kettles, at, ea..39
$7.50 Sugar and Creamer for, the pair. .$5.98
$2.75 cut glass Spoon Trays, at, each.. $2.17
$1.75 cut glass Nappies, 6-inch, each. .$1.37
$4.00 cut glass Bowls, 8-inch, on sale at. .$3.17
$4.50 cut glass Comports, on sale at, ea. .$3.57
$3.25 cut glass Vases, 8-inch, for, each.. $2.57
$8.50 cut glass Water Jugs, ou sale at.. $6. 77
$7.00 cut glass Comports, on sale at; ea. .$5.57
Sale extraordinary of 10,000 pieces of Royal Steel
Graniteware in all styles and size pieces; every
piece fully guaranteed.' Values the shrewd house
wife will profit by. On sale at these low prices:
80c Granite Tea Kettles, for, eachJ.63
75c Granite Water Pails, for, each..59
50c Granite Dish Pans, for, each. .39J
65c Granite Rice Boilers, for, each. .52
35c Granite Coffee Pots, for, each.,28
30c Granite Berlin Kettles, at, ea. .24
60c Granite Berlin Kettles, for, ea..47
23c Granite Lipped Kettles, at," ea. .18
25c Granite Wash Basins, at, each..l9J
25c Granite Muffin Pansr at, each.. 19
Finest imported Hawaiian Pineapple, two-pound tins, sliced. "I 0
rOCGIy The best regular 20c value buy all you want of them at, tin X
Fancy Japan Rice buy all ypu want at low price of 5 lbs for. .25
SriPPifl 1 Spider Leg Uncolored Japan Tea, regular 65c value, at, pound. .43
a Good Sweet Corn, on sale at the special price of three tins for. .25
$5.00 Values at $2.95 Per Pair
$7.00 Values at $3.95 Per Pair
$ 1 0.00 Values at $5.85 Per Pair
Great October sale ofproinentjmDqrUrsjentire surplus stock of
high-grade foreign Lace Curtains 2000 pairs Five immense lots,
besTstyles Values never before offered Housekeepers will do well
to investigate the merits of pi
these special bargains 3d Fl
15 patterns of white or ecru Net Cur
tains, with linen cluny edges, Marie
Antoinette and braid effects; very
large assortment, see them. 1J 1 QO
20 patterns of white, ecru and beige
Net Curtains, with linen cluny insert
ing and edges; also with edges only,
Marie Antoinettes and Irish points;
an immense ' -assortment ;' ffO QC
$5.00 VALUES, AT, PE. P"7-
25 patterns of white and ecru Ren
aissance,' Mane Antoinette and Cluny
i 'iivoiiw ma A a mi tha hnt "KVpnnll
nets; extra well '-finished,
A larure
assortment for selection; dJO QC
VALUES TO $7.00 PAIR iP-'py
25 patterns of Renaissance, Irish
point, lacet,-Arabian and linen Cluny
Curtains, made on. the best French
net. also snuare mesh net. with filet
designs, in white, ecru and beige. This is a chance you should not miss. OC
12 patterns. in Cable Ne Curtains, with corded borders, also. French nets, with real
Arabian or cluny inserting and edges; all of best net, and extra well made. CC r7tl
--a--y. Custom Shade. and Drapery Work our specialty. Best materials
VU SX O 111 and workmanship. We. have the largest and best stock of drapery
TlraiPrV and materials in the, city. A corps of expert drapers at your serv-
11 apvl J. ice,.and oiir prices are guaranteed the lowest. Estimates of
Arlr work wiI1 be cheerfully given. Drapery Department, third floor.
VJI IV y-e are Portland agents for Ostermoor patent elastic felt mattresses.
$2.00 Embroideries at 98c Strip
85c Embroideries Now 25c Yard
5000 yards of swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroidery Edges and Insertion, 1 Qgc
to 9 inches wide; mill lengths, in 4V2 and 5-yard strips; new designs, neat and
serviceable; regular values up to $2.00 a strip, on sale at this low price, strip
50P0 yards of swiss, nainsook and cambric matched sets of Embroidery for women s,
children's and infants' wear; insertions and edges 1 to 9 inches wide; designs
in imitation Irish and blindwork; values up to 85c yard, on sale at. specia , jcl.
5000 yards of Corset Cover Embroidery, in swiss, nainsook and dinnty, eyelet, tilct ana
Great Annual October Sale
High-Grade Holiday Rf bbosis
r.. Ortfirier sale of Holidav Ribbons is announced for
thisweek's selling High-class ribbons of aHj!!5. and for ail pur
po"sestpficesthat" mean a decided sayjngzAhjkip ate your needs
25,000 yards of 3 and 4-inch fancy Ribbons, warp
prints, for fancv work: endless variety for 1
your selection; REGULAR 25c VALUES, YD.
25,000 yards of 3-incii Taffeta Ribbons, in all 1 Q
eolors; best regular 18c values, on sale at, yard vrv
10,000 yards of 5-inch Taffeta and Moire Ribbons for
hair bows, fancy work, etc.; complete line of IT-,
colors; best regular 25c values, on sale at, yard w
Thousands and. thousands of yards of 1 and lV-j'h
Taffeta Ribbon in all colors; best 10c value, yard. .5
10,000 yards of 5 and 6-inch fancy Ribbons print
warps and jacquards, in stripes; come in all OQ
colors and combinations; 50c VALUE, YARD
6-inch Taffeta and Satin 'Ribbon for fancy work, mil
linerv purposes, hair bows, etc.; complete line OC
f Ws. 35c TO 40c VALUES, AT, YARD
10 000 yards of 5 to 7-inch fancv Ribbons in warp prints, stripes, jacquards; Ac
best colorings, great variety; 65c to 85c values, on sale at, special, the yard
5000 yards of 7 and 8-inch Taffeta Ribbons, in all colors and for all purposes; QQq
best regular 50c values buy all you want of them at this special price, the yd. ww
5000 yds. high-grade fancy Ribbons print warps, Dresdens, jncquards, stripes, gQc
etc.; all colors and combinations; values ranging from $1.00 to $2.o0, at, yard
The best values in high-grade fancy Ribbons you ever had an opportunity to share in.
7' jfa
Sale 200 Ladies' Tailored Suits
Great Values at $25 Each
Tomorrow the season's best values in wom
en's and misses' Tailored Suits at $25.00
200 new, up-to-date garments guaranteed
to be by far the best suits ever sold at the
price Included are broadcloths, tweeds,
homespuns, hopsacking and fancy worsteds
Black, navy blue, wine, green, reseda,
brown, smoke, and a large assortment of
mixtures in brown, tan, gray, etcMade
up in tight and semi-fitting effects Coats
in tn AR inches lone Plain tailored or strap
trimmed -Skirts full pleated or with set in- Jj
" J - 1 A n nil tA flrlA9t tff '
values at low price, the suit & J W
A splendid showing of women's fur-lined Auto and
Storm Coats in broadcloth, kersey and tweeds; long,
loose and semi-fitting styles, with large shawl collar
of river mink, raccoon, wolf, fox, gray or blended squir
rel, Jap mink or lynx; all sizes; very large display, at
prices ranging all the way from $32.50 to $175.00 each.
Tailored Waists at $2.38
Great special offering of new tailored Waists in linen,
madras, cotton poplin, pique, Indian Head linen ; made
with 14-inch tucks, embroidered down the frout; cuffs
and collars, one-inch tucks, solid front of tucks, etc.,
etc.; white, white and black, etc.; all sizes. 10 OO
Best regular $3.50 values, on sale at, each '-,'J
m.ih WM
m 11
Great Sale Women's Fall Footwear
Regular $4.50 Values $3. 1 9 Pair
October sale of 1000 pairs of women's new, up-to-date Fall and Winter Shoes, in
gunmetal calf, glazed kid, with patent tip and patent colt; kid or green, London smoke
& . ... 11 1. i t lncio oil cimc an1 T m Mm
and blue cloth tops; button or Diucner siyies, m.-,, an o.o . v
widths; regular $4.00 and $4.50 values, on sale at this low price, pair
We are showing a splendid new line of boys' School Shoes at all prices. See them.
"Harvard Mills" Underwear
$1.50 Values 98c Garment
Great annual October sale of. 2000 garments
of the celebrated Harvard Mills Under
wear for women; wool . mixed vests and
tights, Ffjll and Winter weight; long sleeve
orelbow sleeve vests; high neck and ankle
length tights, finely made and finished; all
sizes, perfect fitting; best regular QQ.
$1.50 values, . on sale at, special
Children's medium weight wool mixed
Union Suits; white - and gray, all sizes
finely made and finished; $1.50 I1 1Q
values, on sale at, the garment P A'
Great Special Values
in Ladies' Umbrellas
2000 Pairs $ 1 .75 Gloves $1.19
- - -' i ....
Great October sale of 1000 pairs of women's Kid Gloves Perrins, Trefousse, Fownes
and other leading makes, in glace, suede and mocha; black, white and all colors; sizes
512 to 7V2; every pair fully guaranteed; the best regular $1.50 and $1.75 fl! 1Q
values buy all you want of them at this low-price, pair take advantage P A J