TOE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTKMBEIt 26, 1909. 7 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ORGONIA TELCTHONES. Pac Btt. Horns. Coontlnc-RJOTn Miln 7070 A er8 City Circulation Main 7O.0 A 8 5 Majiaelcir Editor MalnT'NO A fl'S Fanlay Editor Main 7070 A SVS Compoplng-roora Italn 7070 A 6ok5 City Editor Main 7070 A eu5 Bupt Hulidlnss Main 7070 A 6093 AMUSEMENTS. FT A R THEATER (Park and TTa shin r ton) .Vc-rlae Stock Company In "Mrs. Temple a Telepram." Tonluat at S:15. ORPHET'M TH EATER (Morrison. Wwn S'xth and Sevntfc Advanced vaudeville. Matinee at 2:15. Tonlsht at 8:15. BAKER THEATER 'Third, between Tn- hlll and Tavlor) "The Girl Question. To night at 8 li GRAND THEATER (Washington, between Seventh and Park) Vaudeville da luxe. 2: SO. 7:30 and P. M. PA.VTAGES TfTEATER (Fourth and Stark Tontmuoua vaudeville. 2:30. T:30 and 8:30 P. M. LTRIC THEATER (Seventh and Aider! Athon Stock company. In "The Mlsaour lanr" Tonight at S.15. RECREATION PARK. (Twenty-flfth and Vaughn KascbHll. Seattle vs. Port land. Thla afternoon at 3. RACE TRACK (End Rose City Park car line) Racing and livestock show thla afternoon a; 2: special attractions tonight at . BEWARE OF A SWINDLER. The rra-onlaa desires to nara the public ajsalnut man- who tprt hlmarlf aa it" agreat, but whom it does aot know, yet who baa beea taking; aubaorlptlons, pretrndedly for It, at lower rate than the resrular rates for the paper. He baa beea heard from at Albany, ChraKwa, Hubbard aad St. Helena, always signing; a different name to receipts gri veu, bnt In each caac arlvlnjc the Initials "J. H.," aa "X H. Harris,-' "J. H. -Wilson," J. H- Stone." Perhapa there are other victims -than those so far heard from. Every au thorised agent of The Oregronlan has proper credentials from the office, and If not known as a representative of the paper, should be requested to exhibit them. But In every town there Is a known local a Kent of this paper. Wo should like to be put on track of thla man, so we might catch him and pre sent him for pnnlahmcnt. Deficit in School. Fujjds. Unforeseen eocpenses that have recently been met by the school department threaten to make a deficit In the fund of the School Board. In the repair fund the deficit promise, to be abojt J20.000 by the time the year ends, but In some other funds there will be a surplus which will make the gen eral deficit less. The unexpected drain on this fund Is due largely to the break ing down of heating plants, which ava to be reinstalled. Another big expense was the repairs made necessary to the tower on the Stevens school. The gen eral building fund, too, has been deputed more than had been expected. On the other hand, a saving has been realized In the purchase of supplies for the year. This Is credited to the employment of a purchasing agent, who has found time to seek competition for the sale to the department of numerous articles that would otherwise have to be purchased In the open market at any price asked. The Board is planning to economize in every way possible to make the threatened de ficit as small as pBible. Funeral, or Johs Foley. The funeral of John Foley, who died September 23, t his home 348 East Third street, was held yesterday morning from Bt. Francis Church, East Eleventh and East Pine streets, and Interment was In Mount Cal vary Cemetery. Hr. Foley was 66 years of age. He Is survived by his widow and three children Mabel. Hargaret and llono Foley, of Portland. To Met Onlt.-W have Just received 6 patterns from New York of the most nifty and fashionable patterns in Fall and "Winter suiting and overcoating. These are a special shipment of the finest imoorted fabrics ever put on the market: prices range from 125 to 5per suit- Oxford Tailors. Seventh and Aider streets. C. H. Lane, manager. Ktmbs to Speak at Fair. George H. Himes. assistant secretary of the Ore gon Hkrtorical Society, haa accepted an Invitation to tVliver a, speech on Pioneer day. which will be & feature of the Union County Fair, to be held at La Grande, beginning October 4. The Pio neer day exercises will be on October 6. Damaged Wheat. e bought all of the wheat damagtd In recnt Are at Portland Flour Mills. Will sell It cheap In any Quantity, beginning this morn ing. Get It at Columbia dock. No. 2, or at Portland Flour Mills. Tou take It away. Pacific Grain Company. Easterx Concord Grapes. Everybody likes Eastern concords. The first car of the season will be received and offered to the trade Monday morning, by Mo Ewen & Koskey, wholesale fruit mer chants, 13 Front street. Phones: Main 273, A 2173. Order through 'your grocer or fruit dealer. Washixgtox Street Quarter block, comer. 1175.000: J36.000 cash required; poorly improved, but present Income over j00: no leases; 25x100 near bv, an Inside half lot, sold last week for $12,500. E. J. Daly, 2-2-223-224 Falling bldg. W Sell hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 80 pound beds from 17 50 and up. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Portland cm-led Hair Factory. H. Metzger, pro prietor. 2TS-22S Front St.. Main 474. A 1374. Dentistry and Pharmacy. The an nual session of North Pacific College be gins October 4. For Illustrated catalogue of either course address the dean. Dr. Herbert C- Miller, corner Fifteenth and Couch streets. Sals or Up-to-Datb 'MrmxuRY The very latest picture hats, also small hats to be worn with plainly dressed hair; prices moderate, ry respectfully. Miss Gertrude Caslmir, 6S1 Williams avenue. MrLXJNERT ANHOCSCEiiENT. Misses TorglerA Roenlcke, 642 Williams ave.. are showing a complete line of Fall and Win ter millinery. Latest -styles at reasonable prices. Tour patronage is solicited. Children's Room at Library. The children"s department of the Public Library will be open until 8:30 o'clock on Saturday evenings, after October 1. Sewcd Souca. 75 cents. Best Oak Leather. While you wait, or sent for. Jacob Schwlnd. 367 Stark, near Park. Phone Main 7359. A J2H Prestiob Gaikxd by a fitting location. Insure yourself by taking space in The Oregonlan building. Call at room 201. Free to Men. Dr. Taylor's $10,000 museum, now open, admission free, 234 Morrison street, corner Second. "LirrERTS" pure gold seamless wedding rings, all sizes; engraving ree; price, ti to 112. 272 Washington street. Dctjciocs home-c. ked delicacies at the Woman's Bxchan, 1S$ 5th. Try -our good lunch aad afternoon tea. New designs every day for needlework, at the Needlecraft Shop, Sixth street, opposite Meier & Frank. Desirable Etorb With Basement. . Brick bldg.. S10 Oak. near Sixth. A- H. Blrrell. 2-X1 McKay bldg. Shipherd's Springs. Dr. W. D. McNary, medical d'rector; E. L. Shipherd. mgr. Rosenthal Sisters. Hairdressers and manicurers. Elks- bldg., 90 Seventh St. Wanted. Empty cement or lime bar rels, in fair condition. Phone A 3317. Bra.vdes Grill, 103 Sixth, serves an elegant 7-course French dinner, all day. DR. Haotard. veterinary surgeon. B. & O. T. Stables, th and Davis. M. 1077. Will Dudicatb Kenilworth Park. The Kenilworth Improvement Club willl dedicate the new park recently secured In the Smith tract, near Oddfellows Home, In Kenilworth this afternoon. A special car will leave Third and Yamhill streets, at 1:30 P. M.. attended with Rosebrook's Band, city officials. oKcen of the Kenilworth Club and friends. The park is on East Thirty-second street, and is reached by the Woodstock car. At the grounds there will be a short programme. The band will give a selection followed by an invocation by Rev. Mr. Robinson, pastor of the Kenilworth Presbyterian Church. R. D. Merchant, president of the ciub. will extend welcome to the people and after a selection by the band A. L. Barbur will make an address. A member will set forth what the club has undertaken In the way of permanent Im provements In that suburb and what it will try to do the coming year. After sacred music by the band, refreshments will be served and the friends will be In vited to look over the new park. All cli:b members and others Interested are Invited to attend the dedication. OmcE people in the City of Portland are moving. Numbers of them are mov ing into the new Henry building, at Fourth and Oak streets. Wakefield, Fries 6 Co., the well-known real estate and rental agents, who have been In their present location for 23 years, are moving Into a ground-floor office In the Henry building, on Fourth street George W. Bates & Co.. the welknown bankers, are fitting up handsome banking quarters In the Henry building, on Fourth street. M. E. Thompson, the well-known real estate and Insurance man, and heavy property-owner in Albina, Is moving into the corner office in the Henry building. Fourth and Oak strets. The Southern-Alb-rtson Company, managers of the great -southern apple tracts In Oregon, are moving into the Henry building, on the Oak-street skie. next to the Kllham Stationery Company. Upstairs offices are in much demand. The Oregon Trunk Line has fitted up a suite of six elegant offices- Bauer A Greene, the well-known attorneys, have fitted up an excellent suite of seven rooms on the sixth floor; Porter Bros., the well-known railroad builders, have secured and fitted up a s-jite of five handsome offices In the Henry building; Messrs. Bennes. Hend ricks & Thompson, the well-known archi tects, have fitted up the finest suite of offices for architectural work, compris ing six rooms. In the Henry building. Numbers of other well-known business and office men have secured offices and are moving Into this beautiful building on account of its central location, across from the beautiful Board of Trade build ing Chamber of Commerce building, the new Lewis building. Its proximity to all the bankB. telegraph office, Postoffloe In the Henry building, and Its convenience to the T?iird. Fifth and Washington street carllnes; making It the central office location In the City of Portland. Persons Jeslring offices In this build ing should apply at room 201. Henry building. Fourth and Oak streets. Port land, Or. Hasbalo Lodo TO Entertain. In commemoration of the success of Us first degree team In winning first prize at Seattle. Hassalo Lodge, I. O. O. F.. hag resolved to tender the team a grand reception and banquet, next Friday eve ning, at the Oddfellows Temple, First and Alder streets. A. Horn, William Shenefield and C. H. Harris were ap pointed a committee on refreshments and Henry 9. Westbrook, P. W. Stewart and Matt Steel, a committee on pro gramme. Invitations have been issued to all the appointive and elective officers of th two encampments, and the eight sub ordinate I. O. O. F. lodges In the city and the oflcers of the grand lodge of Oregon, to participate. In this reception. Grand Master Coolidge. S?nlor Grand Warden Rvan. Grand Chaplain Gates, Judge Grant B. Dlmlck and other noted speakers will be present. The pro gramme will be Interspersed with music, recitations end readings, after which the banquet will be. spread and Hasealo s team toasted as the champion team of the world. ' Auxiliary Mission UnroN.-The UXU iarios of the Christian Women's Board, of Missions of Portland and vicinity met Friday, at the- First 'Christian Church, Portland; for the purpose of effecting an auxiliary union. This union is working with success In many of our large cities and the women of the Christian Church, in this growing city, has caught the vision of the larger service. Pastor Reagor spoke of the "Larger Work." Thomas G. Plcton's address was full of Inspiration to the workers. Mrs. G. F. Ghormley. of Central Christian Church, was chosen president of the new organi zation. It is the purpose of the union to have stated meetings quarterly. Atl dav programmes will be arranged and prominent workers and speakers will be given a place on each programme. After the session a social hour was enjoyed by all and the meeting was adjourned to meet at the Central Church three months hence. - Theft or $10 Charged. Charged with stealing JI0 from James Whitman, of 22H4 Russell street, E. F. Funk, a bar tender at the Margulis saloon. First and Madison streets, was arrested yesterday afternoon and taken to the County Jail by Constable Wagner. Whit man alleges that he gave Funk a $10 gold piece to pay for a 60-cent flask of whisky and that Funk put the money In his pocket and said that Whitman had paid him only 50 cents. When taken into custody Funk had a X10 gold piece in his pocket. Dairyman Is Arrested. As a result of a backyard quarrel. Christian Schneider, a dairyman, living at Tigaxd vllle. was arrested yesterday afternoon, by Constable Wagner, charged with the thotf? of two milk cans valued at X The complaint Is sworn to by Schneider's neighbors. Rudolph Knuttl and Victor Baumer. who are also dairymen. Schneider says that, his arrest Is the result of spite and that he will retaliate by having Knuttl and Baumer arrested for stealing two plows. Finb PAiNrntoe Mat Comb. What Is said to be the finest Individual collec tion of paintings in Philadelphia, will probably be transferred to Portland, if Mark T. Kady and some of his sisters win the contest now going on in Phila delphia over the estate of their sister, who owned the collection. The collection has been appraised at $S7,500, and the contest win be finally settled by the report of the executors to be filed Octo ber 19. Chttrch or Otrx Father (Unitarian), Yamhill and Seventli Rev. T. L. Eliot, minister emeritus; Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr., minister. Service at 11 A. M. Sermon: "I Came Not to Send Peace, But a Sword." Sunday school at :45 o'clock. Finx Holladat Addition Homes. I I have four ranging from J300O to $18,000 value In each and nothing ordinary about any of them. Two of these must be sold this week or not 'at all. Call 614 Roth child bldg. Largs crowds are attending those Illustrated talks by Rev. E. Nelson Allen, ax the Hawthorne Park Presby terian Church, every Sunday evening at 7 30 o'clock. No admission charged. A. REiroR, the furrier, 148 Fifth street. near Morrison. Get my prices on fine furs and repair work before going else where. Expekiblncbd normal school gradute desires a few grammar grade pupils to teach. AG 410, Oregonlan. - W Want to Boy a lot south of Wash ington and west of Fifth streets. Owners, phone Main 10S3. ' The Oreooniaw Buildiso has a few choice offlca rooms for rent Call at room 201. " Bbadner, New York's flrst-class ladles' tailor, perfect fit guaranteed. Allsky. Tablb D'HOTE dinner, at Richards' Sun day, $1 per cover; 4 to 8:30 P. M. For Rent. Location in the city for a meat market. G 416, Oregonian. , Dr. Swain, dentist, 3U Dkum bldg. Consumers' League- to Meet. The an nual meeting of the Consumers' League will be held next Friday, at 2:30 P..M-, In the Y. W. C. A. Auditorium. Profes sor Zuedlin, of the University of Chi cago, will speak. The- meeting Is public BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE Charles K. Henry, having purchased a large plot in "Laurelhurst," in which he will erect a new residence, has de cided to offer for sale his beautiful home in Irvington, on the southeast corner of Twenty-first and Weldler streets. This Is 100 feet frontage on Twenty-first street, and 200 feet on Weldler. The house is a modern, colonial, nine-room residence; full base ment; one of the handsomest gardens in the city; neat and attractive garage. Any family wanting a very elegant home can secure it in this. For full particulars inquire of CHAS. K. .lEN'RT COMPANY, HENRY BLDG., , ' Fourth and Oak Sts. Portland. Or, APPRECIATION. Wells & Proebstel, assayers snd chemists, wish to state that their offi ces and laboratories are In working order arid that they are prepared to handle the generous custom of the past. Great is our appreciation of the prompt attention given us by the insurance company's agents and adjuster after the unfortunate fire In our laboratories at 204 hi Washington street. To Messrs. Gunderson and Hunt, agents of the Orient Fire Insurance Company, in which the firm was insured, and to Mr. H. M. Grant, adjuster of the loss, we extend thanks for their wholesome and honest treatment. BUI LDIIIGSFOR SALE.; The buildings on the quarter block on the southeast corner of Third and Ash streets, and also the buildings on the half block on the north side of Davis, between Second and Third streets, are to be removed and 'torn down, and will be sold to whomever will Immediately take them oft For further particulars Inquire of , i CHAS. K. HENRY COMPANY, - ' HENRY BLDG., Fourth and Oak Sts. Portland, Or. WAREHOUSE SITES. We have for sale some very desirable warehouse and factory sites on Reed street, also on York street, with excel lent trackage facilities. Also a bargain on the northeast cor ner of Eighteenth and Upshur streets. Price for this is only J22.600. This Is a snap.' For particulars apply to CHAS. K. HENRY COMPANY, HENRY BLDG., Fourth and Oak. Sts. Portland, Or. - V. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES Roses 'for lawns and gardens. Roses for beds and borders. Roses for porches and fences. Roses for arches and pergolas. In fact, roses for all purposes may be ordered from the Slbson Rose Nur series, for delivery at the right time for planting. ACRES OF ROSES, In splendid qual ity. Buyers are invited to Inspect the stock. - Office and nurseries, 1180 Mllwaukfe ave.. Telephone Sellwood 950. EAST SIDEBARGAIN: One of the best money-makers in the city; a quarter block on Union avenue, midway between .the Steel bridge and the Broadway bridge; price only J12, 600; small amount of cash and easy terms on the balances. . For particulars see CHAS. K. HENRY COMPANY, HENRY BLDG.. Fourth and Oak Sts. Portland, Or. FINE RESIDENCE SITE. We have for, sale one of the finest locations in the city for a home, ground 65x100 feet. This property Is surround ed by some of the most beautiful resi dences In the city; prloe $9000. Call upon us for particulars. , CHAS. K. HENRY COMPANY, HENRY BLDG., Fourth and Oak Sts. Portland. Or. Y. M. C. A. SCHOOL OPENING To morrow night at 7:80 o'clock, in the new building of the Y. M. C.- A., corner Sixth and Taylor streets, is to be held the opening exercises for the year. Everyone is invited. The asso ciation management reports that there are twice as many advanced registra tions so far, as any former year. FINE PIANO TUNING. Have your piano tuned by a reliable and competent tuner. It costs no more. All work guaranteed. "Phones Main 6830; A 1214- The Wiley B. Allen Co., S04 Oak st. ' ' WHEREJO DINE. A special 50o chicken dinner today at Hall's restaurant, 830 Washington St. Irvingtom. - We have ' for sale a number of the moat beautiful lots left In Irvington, both -corners and Inside lots. We, will also build residences to suit purchas ers. We are now building several unique bungalows and houses which will soon be finished and ready for sale. Come and see them. . F. E. BOWMAN &. CO., East Twelfth and Thompson Streets. Phone East 985. Wehrnng Sues Fair Association. William H. Wehrung,' president of the EDUCATIONAL AND BIBLE DEPARTMENTS YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Serinth and Taylor Sts. Telephones Main 1205, A 6144 SEASON OF 1909-1910 Classes Open October 4 FACULTY Miss Mary B. Day, General Secretary and Educational Director. Miss Edna Goodwin,. Union Theological Seminary. New York, Director i Bible Study Department. " Miss Alberta Cory. Physical Training Dept. Oberlin College, Ohio. Di rector Physical Training Dept. Miss1 Millie Schloth, training in some of tlie largest Indoor and out door pools in Chicago, Teacher of Swimming. Miss Mary E. Hanna, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Director Do mestic Science Department. Miss Eva Christie, Teacher of Millinery and Shirtwaist. Frau Margaret Bekker, East' Side High School, Teacher of German. Miss Angile Malllet, Teacher of French. Miss Lucy Davis, Portland Academy, Teacher of Praotlcal Engrlisb, Mrs. M. B. Hoge, Teacher of English for Foreign Girls and Business Arithmetic Miss Louise Heilman, New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. Director of Choral Club. Carlos Bebagliati, Teacher of Mandolin and Guitar and of Spanish. For hours and rates. Inquire at the office. 250 TROPHY CUPS TO SELECT FROM FOR THE ' PORTLAND HUNT CLUB HORSE SHOW October 7, 8. 9 We have Just received direct from the factory seven large barrels of trophy cups containing over 100 new cups,- which, together with the large selection we had on hand, gives us over 250 trophy cups to choose from, the largest single collection ever shown in this city, including the very latest de signs In polished, French gray, satin finished or engraved. REMEMBER. THE HUNT CLUB ac cepts only sterling silver cups. We Have Them from $5.00 to $150. We Feel Sure We Can Please Yon. JAEGER' BROS. Leading Jewelers and Opticians. 2tW Morrlaon St.. Bet. Fifth and Sixth. Portland Fair & Livestock Association, entered a suit yesterday for $3000 against that organization, which he claims Is due. him for his last year's salary. An attachment on the funds of the company in a local bank was Issued. Wehrung Is represented by Attorney John Manning. . ' PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune. Columbia Bldg.. Main. A 1635. Trunks- suitcases and bags. Largest variety at Harris Trunk Co. Solid Oak Sanitary Roll Top Desks Down to $41 Flat Top $25 h onus--- nb,J.. J' ? X Solid Oak Standard Roll Top Desks Down to $26.75 Flat Top $18.25 Let us show you the many points of superiority ' in the CUTLER desks get the best. More than a hundred sizes and styles to select from. Buy your office furniture from the exclusive OFFICE OUTFITTERS. in HAM STATIONERY & iULilMl PRINTING CO. Fifth and-Oak Streets HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite) Hotel St Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Sew steel snd brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con venience. On csrlines transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco THIS IS THE BEST TIME THE YEAR FOR A NEW PLATE OR BRIDGE. As there -Is little or" no danger of sore gums er other troubles while the warm weather lasts. Our plates give the mouth a natural expression, and will prove a lasting comfort. t i 1 ' DR. W. A. WISE Presldeat and HAnscer. 22 Tears Established in Portland. We will give you a good 22k old or porcelain crown lor..... Molar Crowns ""J 22k bridge teeth Gold or enamel tilling.. . i l-go 6ilver fillings... -Jj Inlay filings of all kinds a.6 trood ruDoer pmiea The best red rubber plates Painless extraction. 6.00 7.50 Painless extraction free when ilatea or bridge work is ordered. - . Work guaranteed for 15 years. . THE WISE- DENTAL CO. (Inc.) The Failing Bldic Sd and Was. Sts. Office Honrs 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 9 to. 1. . . Phone A and Main 202. 3 Days to Chicago 4 Days to New York If you" take the Eleotrlc-llghted luxe North Coast Limited No Excess Fare. Reduced fares East on October i over the Scenic Highway through the Land of Fortune. Particulars upon request. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A, 25S Morrison St., Portland, THE PERRI HOTEL Msdlson St. (B. Boren Ave. SEATTLE, Absolutely Fire-Proof Boroaesa r. rua UnitedWinlesJ Stattoa The Highest GrsJo Eiery Modars CoaTsaleact Centrally located and commanding- a view of tbi Olympics. Cascade Mountains, Mt Rainier and Posst Sound. AutoBus meets trains and boats on dlract carllne to the A.-Y.-P Exposition- J. 8, McTSRNAJi, liana-sr, I Pi-W--" Iritis All the Noted American Clothes-Makers Are represented In our colos sal exhibit of Autumn attire. "By "noted" we mean all those , manufacturers whose pro ductions have won popular ity through sheer force of merit. Visit this store tomorrow and and' ask to be shown the suits and overcoats priced at $15, $20 and $25 or some of the exclusive clothes designed and elegantly tailored at $30, $35, $40 and $50 B. B. "WALKER, LL.D., President ESTABLISHED 1867 The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO LONDON OFFICE 2 Lombard Street, E. C Branches. Throughout the Dominion Seattle and CANADIAN COLLECTIONS This Bank, having over 180 branches distributed throughout the Dominion, is enabled to offer unsurpassed facilities for mak ing collections in any part of Canada. PORTLAND BRANCH, CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C MALPAS. Manager. WIRELESS PEOPLE ATTENTION ! We have a full line of Wireless Receiving Ap paratus, also 5000-ohm Receivers. CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY Western Electric Works 61 Sixth Street. Portland. Oregon. Phones. Main 1696: A 1696 High-Grade Municipal and Improvement Bonds t We have several good issues on hand. Buy direct from contractor and save broker's commission. Warren Construction Company SIT Back Bonding Portland, Or. THE CORRECT GLASSES At a fair, reasonable price. With our up-to-date testing system, for which there is no extra charge, we fit you to glasses that are guaranteed to re lieve your eye defects. Established since 1896. we have the most sclentifio work room in the city, and give our personal attention to each individual case. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS 318-219 Falllms; Bids Cor. Third and Washington. Second Floor. Take Elevator. DO NOT DELAY Have the matter of a suit able memorial attended to. We carry tne isrgwi artistic stock to select and a oall at our show- most from. room will surprise you witn our work and low prices. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 204-S06 FOURTH ST, . Opposite City Hall. m Ml A. LAIRD, General Manager. NEW YORK OFFICE 16 Exchange Place of Canada. Also at San Francisco, Skagway FOREIGN BOOKS We carry German Text-Books, Ger man Fiction find Novels, German Mag azines; also French Text-Books and Novels, and Spanish Text-Books and Novels. All kinds of books for foreigners to learn English. The A. W. Schmale Co. 229-231 First Street . RHEUMATISM Call for Free Uricsol Booklet on Treatment and Diet, at Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland, or write to TJricsol Chemical Co., Los An geles, Cal. ICCHWA3 PRINTING CO OSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 247i STARK, STREET