THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 19, 1909. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXIAN TEIJEFHONTS. Fat States- Home. -oantlm-Room Mlln 7070 A eOS ?!ty Circulation Main 7070 A9! anaeloa Kdltor Main 7070 A 8'5 lunday Editor Main 7070 A CoOS ompslnsj-raom .......... Main 7070 A flows rtty Editor Main Tl70 A )S lUEt. Ilulldlnss Main 7070 A 60U5 AMTSEMKXTS. BUNGALOW THEATER (Twelfth and Morrison streets) Tonight :K. o'clock the bis musical comedy, "A Kntgrht for a Day." STAR THEATER (Park and Wxhlnj(tnn MrRaa Slock Company In "Mrs, Tmpl"s Telegram." Tonight at 8:15. ORPHETCM THEATER (Morrison, bstwsan Sixth and Seventh) Advanced vaude ville. Matlnea at 2:15. Tonight at 8:15. BAKER THEATER (Third, between Yam hill and Taylor) "The Girl question." This afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8 15. GRAND THEATER (Washington, between Seventh and Park) Vaudeville da luse, 2:30. 7:30 and P. M. PANTAGES THEATER CFourth and Stark) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30, T:30 and :80 P. M LTRIC THEATER (Seventh and Alder) Athon Stock Company. In "The Missour Uu" Thla afternoon at 2:15 and tonlgat at 8:15 OAKS (O W. P earllne.) Concert bj IXjnatelll's Italian band. Thla afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 8:15. RECREATION PARK. (Twenty-fifth and Vaughn) baseball. Seattle vs. Port land. This afternoon at 2. TVorLD Hay Water AXALfraD.-Eev. B- F. Culver, partor of the F1r.n Bvanse Hcal Church, East Market and East Sixth BtreelB, expresses doubt that the water from the well at the Jennings Lodge campsrround Is responsible for the cass of typhoid fever at Lents and elsewhere, among those who attended the camp meeting. He rays that the water from thla well had been used for four years at the campmeetings held on the ground and until now no complaint about its Impurity had been raised. Besides It was constantly used while there was no campmeetlng In progress. Jut before campmeeting opened Mr. Culver and sev eral others pumped the well dry so there was no stagnant water left In the well to be used by campers. "I drank the water freely." said Kev. Mr. Culver, "as did hundreds of others of my congrega tion and from other congregations with out cases of typhoid fever developing. Nearly all the cases of typhoid fever are at Lents, except the son of Rev. B. F. Bens, and It occurs to me that Is the cause of the spread of the disease rather than blame the v.-ell at Jennings Lodge. I think that the wauer of the well ought to be analywd to settle the matter. There might be other causes for the cases. At Little Falls, Wash.. 60 cases of typhoid fever were reported recently, and an analysis of the water showed it to be absolutely pure." Back From HtrNTiNO Trip. H. F. Mc Grath. of the United States Customs Service, accompanied by H. R. Patterson and J. H. Klippel. returned yesterday morning from a hunting trip to .the mountains of Southern Oregon. The party were guests of the famous old hunter and trapper Sam Geary and that they were well entertained Is proven by the quantity of "jerked" venison and pelts which were brought home. The party made headquarters at Geary's ranch 40 miles east of Riddles. Mr. McGrath re ports game plentiful In that section. Grouse and native pheasants are abun dant. Cougars are multiplying fast and as a result the rieer are suffering. Unless something is done to exterminate the big cat3 Mr. McGrath predicts a rapid thin ring out of the deer. A Change in local Insurance circles oc curred this last week, when A. Edward Krull. for the past three years with the Union Guarantee Association of this city, purchased an interest In the underwriting firm of Morgan & Robb, general agents In Oregon for a number of large fire and casualty companies and a surety bond company. Mr. Krull will hereafter be located at S12-.T13 Ablngton building. Law School, Opening. The Fall term of the law department. University of Oregon, opens tomorrow night at the Courthouse. The enrollment Indicates a largely Increased attendance. Intending students 6hould see the secre tary, who will be at his office all day Monday, to attend to enrollment of stu dents. Information on application to Walter H. Evans; 611 Corbett bldg. BrmciL Society to Meet. "Human ity's Heaven Kindness: Humanity's Hell Cruelty." will be the subject for dis cussion at the meeting of the Portland - branch of the International Ethical Edu cational Society, at 501 Yamhill street, at 3 o'clock Tuesday evening. The meet ing Is free to the public. Clttb to Meet Tuesday. The Club will meet next Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, t the house of R. L. Donald. 406 Tenth street, near .Jackson. William Galvanl will open the discussion. Subject, "The Suppression of War as a Moral Duty and an Economical Necessity." Home fob Saxjd. One of the most at tractive nine-room homes In the city, hot water heating, hardwood floors, plate glass windows, buffet kitchen, etc., 211.000. terms: only those wanting fine East Side tome will be interested. Call Monday, 614 Rothchlld bldg. W SELi. hair mattresses . retail at wholesale prices, for 30 pound beds from t7 50 and up. We renovate mattresses and return then: the.' same day. Portland curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, pro prietor. 2T6-23S Front St., Main 474. A 13T4 Db-vtibtrt UD Ph ar v act. The an ginal session Of North Pacific College be ar Ins October i. For-Illustrated catalogue of either course address the dean. Dr. Herbert C. Miller, corner Fifteenth and Couch streets. Btx Firb Htdrajcts Placed. Six fire hydrants have Just been placed along Francis avenue In Kenllworth, -which greatly Increases tha Are protection of that suburb. I Wm, build flrst-claiw, fireproof apart ment hotel, on close-in 60x100 corner, for a responsible tenant on long time lease. Address Inquiry to Postoffioe box 04 city. WrxJiaJ Wallaces Graham has re turned and will receive pupils In violin and ensemble playing at his residence studio. 733 Gllsan. Phone Main 4061. Sewxd Soles. 75 Cents. Best Oak leather. While you wait, or sent for. -i Jacob Bchwlnd. 367 starK. near r-ara. Phone Main 7369. A SZtt. Fob Buj. Good grocery store In ub xxrba doing fine business. Good reasons for selling. J. C. Jacobsen, cars Dresser's, 8ealy-Mason & Co. Prestige) Gained by a fitting location Insure yourself by taking space In The Oregonlan building. Call at room 201. Free Art Exhibition. The Museum of Art Is now regularly open (free) on Sun day afternoons from 2 until 6 o'clock. Fkeb to Mem. Dr. Taylor's tlO.000 museum, now open, admission free, 34Vi Morrison street, comer Second. "LltnBTS" pure gold-seamless wedding rings, all sizes; engraving free; price, 16 to 111. 272 Washington street. rR Ravhka Spurrier, office rooms 14 16 Healy bldg.. corner of East Morrison and Grand avenue. Tttmors and goiters oured without the knife. For particulars . address R 394, Oregonlan. Thb OreoojuaJ BuiLonto has a few choice office rooms for rent. Call at room 201. Shlpherd's Springs. Dr. W. D. McNary, medical d'rector; E. L. Shlpherd, mgr. Wiixaxetti Fuel Co. Dry wood, clean coal. Front and Everett. Both phones. Rosenthal Sisters. Hairdressers and manicurers, to 7th. bet. Stark and Oak. Brajcdes" Grill. 108 Sixth, serves an alegant 7-oourse French dinner, all day. Dr. Haotard. veterinary surgeon. B. & D. T. Stables, 6th and Davis. M. 1077. Loooer AcctrsED o Larcewt. Charles Slendstrom. a logger, 42 years old. was brought to this city yesterday afternoon in the custody of Detective Coleman from Buxton, Or., and placed in the City Jail charged with larceny. He is accused of robbing his roommate, John Peterson, also a logger, of 33(0 In money and a cheap watch. The theft occurred In this city last Monday. The men were room ing together in a house at Third and Flanders streets. Peterson, who had worked a long time, had made up his mind to send all his savings to his home and Intended ts get a money order. Siend strom offered to take the money to the Postoffiee and arrange the matter for him as Peterson could not explain him self very well. Plendstrom disappeared. Detective Coleman located him in a camp near Buxton and accompanied by the Sheriff from Hillsboro went out to cap ture tilrn. While en route in an auto mobile the machine broke down and the officers were forced to walk 14 miles Into the camp where Slendstrom worked and back to their disabled machine. Receive Clear Deed. The trustees of the First Free Methodist Church, East Ninth and East Mill etreets, have re ceived a clear deed to the lot on which the church stands from the Ladd estate. 3jvcral years agd W. S. Ladd gave the church this lo'. on condition that It be used for all time for church purposes and In case It be used for other purposes It would revert to the estate. As the church Is contemplating erection of a modern building either on this or on another lot an unconditional deed' was asked for and given by the estate. This gives the church a free hand to build on the lot or sell it. Rev. D. M. Cathey, the pastor, said the trustees might decide to pur chase a quarter block somewhere else and erect a church and manse. Irish Orator to Steak. M. J. Fanning, the noted Irish orator of Philadelphia, will speak at Centenary Methodist Church, at 10:45 A. M. today, and at Taylor-Street Church, at 7:45 P. M. to night, under the auspices of the state prohibition committee. He speaks at Gresham tomorrow night. Wanted. Unfurnished, modern," high class residence, of 10 or 13 rooms. In beet West Side district; family consists of three adults; will give first-class refer ence, pay good rent and take one or two years' lease for right place. In answering give full description, location, rent wanted. L 403. Oregonlan. Peaches, Ashlakd Peaches. The last car for this season, of Ashland Crawford, Mulr and cling peaches will be unloaded by W. B. Glafke Company tomorrow (Monday) morning. If you want peaches this season be sure to order through your grocer tomorrow. Specify "Ashland Peaches." Millinert Announcement. Misses Torgler & Roenlcke, 642 Williams avenue, are showing a complete line of Fall and Winter milliner'."" Latest styles at rea sonable prices. Tour patronage Is soli cited. - ' Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Seventh and Yamhill Rev. W. G. Eliot. Jr.. minister. Service at 11 A. M.; Bible class at 13:30 P. M. ; Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. First Spiritual Sooibtt. Chris tensen'a hall. Eleventh end Yamhill, services 11 A. M.. 3 r. M. Flower seance by Mrs. Edith Cobb. 8 P. M. Mrs. A. Simon, of the Simonde Hotel, 30 Seventeenth street North, will make a specialty of serving dinners and luncheon. Tabu D'Hotb dinner, at Richards' Sun day, 31 per cover; 4 to S:30 P. M. Nob Hill Home, corner lot. Particulars Main 4&S. after 1 P. M. For R6nt. Music studio, part of each week. K 393. Cregonian. Printing. Ansloy cheapest, best. M. 4671 For R ext. Store First street. FINE RESIDENCE. hav fnr an 1 m thft handsomest home on the West Side. -The property covers a enaoA i r,r i j fnt in mIka. The house has just been completed, and contains a large sun parlor, living-room, nail ana aen. beautiful dining-room and Kitchen, mere are seven bedrooms, three bathrooms and billiard-room on upper floors. This splendid bargain will be sold at actual cost, or the owner will take In trade Portland business property, or well-located timber land. For full particulars Inquire of CHASl K. HENRY COMPANY, Henry Building, Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland. Oregon. TO BUSINESS MEN. The owner of half a doren well-located properties In North Portland in that dis trict bounded by Fifth and Twelfth, Burnside and Gllsan, will build to suit tenants, the leases to be made upon basis of a 7 per cent Investment. This is the future great wholesale and Jobbing dis trict of Portland, and the chance to get located there now should not be neglected. If Interested see A. B. Slauson, manager real estate department, Hartman & Thompson, bankers. Chamber of Com merce. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES It will soon be time to plant rose bushes. Think then of Slbson's roses, and please Impress upon your memory that Slbson's roses are the roses you should plant. The Sibson rose nurseries are the largest growers of fine roses In the Northwest. Buyers are Invited to Inspect the plants now growing In their rose fields. Acres of roses in splendid Quality. Office and nurseries, 1180 Milwaukie avenue. Tele phono Sell wood 950. SUBURBANPROPERTY. Fourteen lots with a fine house and stable. In one of the best residence dis tricts on the East Side. After reserving the portion occupied by the house, the balance ' could be sold and a very hand some profit realized. For particulars inquire of CHAS. K. HENRY COMPANY, Henry Building., Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland, Oregon. Professor John Cloland has retired from the chair of aatronorny of the Olaaffow Uni versity, after o-rupylnr It for 32 years. EDUCATIONAL AND BIBIe DEPARTMENTS YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Seventh and Taylor Sts. SEASON OF 1909-191O Classes Open October 4 FACULTY Miss Mary B. Day, General Secretary and Educational Director. -M!m Edna Goodwin. JLTnion Th eologlcal Seminary, New York, Director Bible Study Department. Miss Arberta Cory. Physical Training Dept. Oberlin College, Ohio Di rector Physical Training Dept. ' Mies Millie Schloth, training 1 n some of the largest Indoor and outdoor pools in Chicago, Teacher of Swimming. Miss Mary E. Hanna, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Director Domestic Science Department. Miss Eva Christie. Teacher of Millinery and Shirtwaist. Frau Margaret Bckker, East Side High School. Teacher of German. Miss Anglle Malllet. Teacher of French. Miss Lucy Davis. Portland Academy. Teacher of Practical English. Mrs. M. B. Hoge. Teacher of English for Foreign Girls and Business Arithmetic 1 Miss Louise Hellman, New En gland "Conaeravtory of Music, Boston, Director of Choral Club. Carlos Rebagllatl, Teacher of Mandolin and Guitar and of Spanish. For hours and rates. Inquire at the of ace. It's If Pierced Silverware Have you the new things in pierced silverware 1 If not, come in and let ns supply you. Our line is large and we can show you the following articles, nearly all of which are necessary at the present time to make r your table up-to-date. CASSEROLES, WITH EITHER SILVER or PORCELAIN TOPS BEAN POTS CRATIN DISHES FRUIT BOWLS MUSTARD JARS SALAD CASTORS WELSH RAREBIT New Sheffield Silver TVe have just received another shipment of large Servers, Bread Trays, Bakers, Fern Dishes, Tea Sets Vegetable Dishes, Butler's Trays, Serving Kettles and a dozen other pieces. "We carry a large stock of Mahogany Serving Trays with mirror, glass, tapestry and plain bottoms. Thermos and Ever Ready Bottles at cost. We're closing out this department. ; JAEGER BROS., SffiLS The Large Store 266 Morrison St. CANADIANS INVADE SOUTH Dominion Capitalist to Build Con necting: Road in Texas. EL, PASOj Tex., Sept 18. Dr.' F. H. Pearson, head of the Canadian capita lists who recently purchased the Rio Grande, Sierra Madre & Pacific Rail road and secured control of the Chi huahua & Pacific, announced here last night that the two roads will be ex tended from El Paso to the Pacific Ocean with an outlet at the mouth of the Rio Mayo In Sonora, the project to Involve $16,000,000. Surveys will begin In 60 days. ' In connection with the road, Pearson aid, a company would be formed later for Panama and Coast business. He also stated that the new road will give a shorter route to the Pacific than the Southern Pacific and will give the shortest route to centra Uulted States points from Central and South America, On the completion ot the Panama canal It will afford the quick est traffic from the United States to the West end of the canal. This Is considered a step to head off another projected extension by Rock Island In terests west through Arizona from the line of the El Paso & Southwestern. WEST SIDE RESIDENCES We have for sale a beautiful two-story dwelling in the Nob Hill district; con tains five bedrooms, large open fireplace, living-room, den, dining-room, kitchen and cement basement: very complete and modern: price only $12,600. We also have for sale a ten-room mod ern residence on Gllsan, near Twenty third street: lot 90x100. The present price Is J12.500. If sold within ten days, the owner will take 1000 less. For full particulars see CHAS. K. HENRY COMPANY, Henry Building, Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland, Oregon. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies o- the season at the Portland restaurant: fine private apart ment for ladles. J06 Wash- near Fifth. Best meal at the new Kantong Cafe, 452 Washington at., bet. Uth and 13th, Special Sunday chicken dinner, with ice cream, 40 cents. Merchants' lunch dally, 25 cents. A speolal 50c chicken dinner today at Hairs restaurant, 880 Washington at. FACTORY SITES. Wa have for sale three1 acres on the O. R. & N. track, very close in. This can be divided so to make two splendid sites, with 620 feet of trackage to each piece. This Is the cheapest buy on the market; only $10,000 for the entire property. We also have nine acres on the O. R & N. track. Ideally located; price only $18,000. For full particulars apply to CHAS. K HENRY COMPANY, Henry Building, Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland, Oregon. NEW SHOE FIRM. ' Mr. Andrew L. Cain wishes to an nounce to his friends that he is associat ed with the Cain-Rice Shoe Co. at Sev enth and Washington sts., and is In no way connected with any other shoe com pany. ANi-.tEW L. CAIN, Pres. Cain-Rice Shoe Co. INVESTMENT. We have for sale a business property on Sixteenth street bringing in S per cent net and Increasing in value. Inspect this, the price Is only $28,000. For particulars see Charles K. Henry Company, Henry building. Fourth and Oak atreeta. PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune, Columbia Bldg., Main) A 1(85. Cook Salts Swiss Scientists. ZURICH. Sept. 18'. Dr. De Quervlan, chief of the Swiss scientific expedition Telephones Main 1205, A 614 4 New It's FLOWER POTS BON BON BOWLS SPOON TRAYS HORSERADISH BOTTLES CATSUP BOTTLES WORCESTER Sauce West of Third to Greenland, the first European to meet Dr. Cook in Greenland after the A Can rln ' ratnrn fVnm thft (North Pole, has returned here. Dr. De- Quervian says mat alter naving tested Dr. Cook's figures and statements he is convinced that Cook reached the North Pole. TONSETH FLORAL COMPANY Marquam bldg., S2S Morrison. A fine dis play of ferns and potted plants In stock.' CARD OF THANKS. Deeply grateful to our many friends who were so kind to us when we lost our baby boy. we wish to take this means to thank them for their kindness and sympathy and for the many and beautiful floral offerings. NELLIE C. HUGHES AND FAMILY. Mrs. Silas H. Soule has opened her piano studio, at 223 West Park, near Salmon. Phone Main 4S67. For trunks go to the Harris Trunk Co. YOUR NEW UMBRELLA Buy it from us. We can save you money. Good, fast color, English gloria. Paragon frame Sl.OO Rustproof English. Gloria, finest frame S1.50 Hercules rust and( wlndproofv . . 2.00 Ladles' Dlrectolre Umbrella 81. SO P Full-length, gold and pearl tape edge, silk Gloria. S3.50 Tape-edge real silk warp Gloria SI. 50 Pire silk, red and blue. Prin cess handles. S2.25 An Immense line of fine ladles' and gents' 85.00 to $20. OO We Have the Largest Stock on the Coast In Thla Line. RECOVERING Let us coyer your umbrella; make It good as new. Glorias $1.25, 1.50, S2.00 Silk, all colors.. 82. SO, 83.00, S4.00 All goods our own manufacture. Rustproof, wlndproof, folding, detach able, self-opening umbrellas. WHOLESALE AWD RETAIL. MEREDITH'S Exclusively Umbrellas. S12 Washington, Bet. 6th and 6th. Eggs, Dozen . . . 30c Creamery Butter . 65c Best Creamery 70$ and 75 Dairy . . . 50 Fresh Ranch Eggs 35 Oleomargarine .... . . . --. . .45 Sugar-Cured Hams ............17 Swiss Cheese ,25( Full Cream Cheese 20tf Cream Brick Cheese 20 Limburger, each 35 SATURDAY-CHICKEN DAY 18c and 20c AH goods retailed at wholesale prices. LaGrande Creamery 264 Yamiin Street. THE PERRY HOTEL Madison St. 4& Bore a Ave. SEATTLE Absohrtely Fire-Proof Baropeaa PUa Carted Wire Stattoa Toe Highest Grade Erery Modem Coaremleac Centrally located and commanding a view of th Olympics. Cascade Mountains, Mt. Rainier and facet Sound. Auto-'Bus meets trains and boats) en direct earllne to the A.-T.-P ExposiUon j. 8. MoIERNAN, aiaoasar. aft' fit M Wait . ' t - " Ill y um ! ..y . n.ji - 5.x-- " "is ':'.-"'C! -J f ",sT.'Vtctufirijr. : KEE L0X CARBON Is the best wearing; and cleanest carbon) therefore the cheapest. We sell It under positive grnarantee that it will make 25 per cent more copies than any carbon at the same price. KEE L0X RIBBONS Kee Lot Ribbons are filled with a Dvrlr discovered Ink which con tinually distributes itself through the ribbon, srivins; lonar life and exceptional brilliancy and clean- If you value your records buy the KEE LOX brand of carbons and ribbons. - OFR TYPEWRITER STJPPLT DEPARTMENT is the largest and best stock In Portland, and con tains everything: for the conveni ence of the stenographer. 17 1 1 II A M STATIONERY and IllLnAlU PRINTING CO. Fifth and Oak Streets FOREIGN. BOOKS "We carry German Text-Books, Ger man Fiction find Novels, Gorman Mag azines; also French Text-Books and Novels, and Spanish Text-Books and Novels. All kinds of books for foreigners to learn English. The A. W. Schmale Co. 229-231 First Street DO NOT DELAY Have the matter of a suit able memorial attended to. We carry the largrest and most artistic stock to select from, and a call at our show room will surprise you with our work and low prices. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 264-296 FOURTH ST, Opposite City Hall. ' : , - ' n- Fall S Ove From the World's Best Makers Positively nothing: lacking; in our immense display of Fall and Winter Clothes Clothes that in every feature grive correct expression to the styles of today; showing; all the skill attained by the most accomplished tailors. 4 V Special Features Suits and Overcoats $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 Strong Values Suits and Overcoats $30.00, $40.00 and 350.00. B. E. WALKER, LL.D., President ESTABLISHED 186? The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO LONDON OFFICE 2 Lombard Street, E. C Branches Throughout the Dominion Seattle and CANADIAN COLLECTIONS This Bank, havlna; over 180 branches distributed throughout tha Dominion, is enabled to offer unsurpassed facilities for mak ing collections in any part of Canada. f PORTLAND BRANCH, CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS P. C. M ALP AS, Manager. SPECIAL SALE DiDiJom(, $60.00 Domes) reduced to $29.00 $85.00 " - - $49.00 $150.00 " - - $7S.OO Also a new line of Art Glass Shades and Electric Portables at reduced price. Western Electric Works 61 Sixth Street. Portland. Oregon. Phones, Main 1696 A 1696 The Right Glasses At a fair, reasonable price. "With onr up-to-date testing system, for which there is no extra charge, we give yon glasses that are a comfort to your eyes and feel good on your nose. We have the" most scientific workroom in the city and give our personal attention to every case of eye trouble. Established 1896. Dallas Optical Parlors 218-219 FAILING BLDC, COR. THIRD AJiD WASHI."TO!V. SECOND FLOOR, TAKE ELEVATOR. pVp-R REPAIRING Of every description by mail. Amber, brier and meerschaum. Artificial ' coloring. 61s Sichel Co.. BS Sd St.. Fart land. I m& if s units and. rcoats A. LAIRD, General Manager. NEW YORK OFFICE 16 Exchange Place of Canada. Also at San Francisco, Skagwaj 3 Days to Chicago 4 Days to New York If you take the Eleotrlc-llghted train de luxe North Coast Limited No Excess Fare. Reduced fares East on October 4 over the Scenlo Highway through the Land of Fortune. Particulars upon request. A. D. CHARLTON, A. O. P. A., 25S Morrison St., Portland. RHEUMATISM Call for Free Uricsol Booklet on Treatment and Diet, at Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland, or write to Uricsol Chemical Co., Los An geles, Cal. CCHVYAB PRINTING CO SOLICITS YOU PATR0NACE a "74 STARK STREET i