ft THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 1900. 4 HF.LP WASTED MALE OR FEMALE. BONO WRITER. send us your mss. : we will publish limited number of songs by IVnvrn authors on royalty; enclose amp. Patterson Music Co.. 159 Park St.. Portland. Dr. CANVASSERS wanted, mala or female, for houwiiold necessity, well advertised: dem onttratlons going on dally; great Bavhig in expense and convenience; the women all want It. Call 425 Wort-eater bldg. CLERKS for railway mall. postofftre. cus tomucuw. forestry and departmental serv ice. Write ua and we will ahow you bow t' secure a position. O. O S. 4-a-l Lumber Exchange. THE Fraternal Employment Asaoclatlon male and femaie help supplied. 2!l Al der, bet. 4th and 5th. will get you a aii unlon on easy terms; open every day. Main 743 J or A Soi. SPANISH language. Instruction day eve nine: classes, modern, easy method: op portunities in Mexico. 516 Henry bldg.. 4th and oak. MAKE monev writing stcries. You can earn 'o-$5uu monthly. Pleasant spare time or r.-itular work. Send fur free booklet. Telia how. Preee Syndicate. San Francis, o. loo HOP pickers to go to rhehalls. Wash.; families preferred, large yard, near depot, hop. tine, 2 weeks picking; fares paid. Inquire room 61 S Worcester bids. WANTK.D Vaudeville end dramatic acta, singers, musicians; etc. 5:61 Washington. Phone Main h45a. THOROUaHLY experienced salespeople for all departments; apply bv letter or in person to Superintendent. The Bon Marche. Seattle. WA NTKD Experienced cook at 243 Holla day ave. SITUATION WASTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. f . x 1 l- Tl T1 MAKE A CONNECTION WITH A Kf.l.lAiu.r, -i .i-. HOUSE BY GENTLEMAN WITH 15 TEAKS" EXPERIENCE AS SPECIALTY SALESMAN. MERCHANDISE BROKER AND MANAGER OK SALES DEPART MENT IN WHOLESALE GROCERY; BEST OP REFERENCES AND BOND; WOt'LD INVEST SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS IN WHOLESALE OR BROK ERAGE BUSINESS. F JUL Oregonian. EXECUTIVE accountant. . thoroughly experi enced office management and full account ing practice Is open for engagement as manager auditor or any confidential ca pacity portion must pay reasonably good eaiary. dean record, age 45. Hlg'neat refer ence. Will go anywhere on Coast. AB 303, Oregon lan. YOUNG man of St. married, good educa tion varied and valuable bulnes ex perience, competent bookkeeper, stenog rapher and correspondent, reeks position with good concern in need of man or er.ove qualifications; rood salary expected; best of references. H 303. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant: office systema tlsing a specialty; successful manager of men; thoroughly competent; young and en ergetic, wishes permanent position In Port land. Adrcas S.. 14231, 5ln ave.. Seat tie, Wash. EXPERIENCED office man. 22 years of, age. see'ka position as bookkeeper and stenog rapher or cashier: thoroughly competent, references that talk: irrant mo an Inter view If you have an opening. Address L 404. Oregonian. I HAVE hid extensive experience as sten-oir-apher, bookkeei.er. ad writer and ae eff'.-e man In charge of offices, and want position In any above line. Salary expect ed, c.-mrr.-nsiira:e with duties of poaitlon. B 4o2. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED clothing, furnishing; goods salesman, with thorough knowledge or drv g.v.ds. desires a change: best refer ence given. Address 310 D St., Grants l ass. Or BUSINESS men. look here; must have work; married: not particular; lost my own busi ness recent lire; 20 years, general mer chandise. W 374, Oregonian. Phone Wood lawn 869. BY A-l bookkeeper, acquainted with Ore gon and Washington territory; only those rieslrlr.s tirst-class man and willing to pay reasonable remuneration need apply, p 381. oregonian. BO IK K KBPER and office man must have en gagement: age! 113; best city experience and r-lrrcn.ee; go,! adaptability; permanent or temporary. AD 3o. oregonian. TOl'NU married man. Just from East, seeks position, experienced timekeeper and gen eral office man. Address M 804. Orego nian. WINDOW trimmer and card writer open for position tirft-.-claas department sWit-e; 10 veais' experience. G. C. Harbott, 1224 Santoua at.. Lua Angelas. Cal. CAPABLE young man. experienced in book keeping, typewriting and general office work: accurate, reliable; references. H :l:n. Oregonian. POSITION wanted as office manager or ac countant by reliable and competent man at pre-nt employed; best reference. AC 40o. Oregonian. STEtDV work indoors: am a fair penman and quick; have had several years' ex perience In offloo work. J 196. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced young man In dry goods and domestics, etc.; ref erences. F Js- Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and general office man desire position, city or country. AJ 404, Oregonian. YOUNG man with several years experience In bark wants position; reference furnished. E 382. Oregonian. ' GENERAL bookkeeper and office man. AH 4o2. Oregcnian. YOUNG man. knowledge bookkeeping, office or outside; references. B 303. Oregonian. M iscelianeous. GOOD English-speaking and earnest Jap anese wants to work forenoons. E34. Oregonian. SOBER man wants steady place as Janitor cr chore man around place. Jonghaus. Main 6425. e WANTED position a steward or head waiter In first-class hotel or restaurant: am single, speak French and German, age 45. a 384. Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL Japanese day worker, cook ing, housecleanlng. Sellwood 11221 close Madison bridge. POSITION as) planing mill foreman or lumber yard manager; 20 years' experience; beat of references. Address :!!! Graham ave. ENGINEER. 1" years" experience; also grad uate i. c s . wants position in mill or liKht plant. AO 30, Oregonian. WANTED A position aa transit or level man on land or railroad survey. George Culley. 1225 E. Slst St.. city. JAPANESE cock, long experience, wishes position: speaks English. Japanese Mis sion. Main 931. LOCOMOTIVE engineer and air brake ex pert, sober, steady roan, wants position. AM'stiK. Oregonian. A SCIENTIFIC, practical man wants position a maneer on dairy, stock or fruit ranch. O 4'-4. Oregonian. WANTED By ex;rleneei salesmen, work In store; prefer shoe or clothing. B SOd, Ore iror.lan. EXPERIENCED ealesman desires change; ref erences. K 37 H. Oreg.inlan WINDOW or housecleanlng wanted; references. .Main 30-3. WAN'TED- A -s h.l-P I-renuT - country printer. G. Boyle. Independence. Or. JAPANESE want position, general hotel help N 4-4. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS rook w.nts place to work. Ad dreasi O oregonumn. BY man and wife, no children, care of rooming-house. AH 301, oregonian. HOUSE CI. EA NINO and floor painting by O- A. Thompson, phone Main 3d4. SEW and old house and window cleaning to do. D J. Henderson. Main 3010. POSITION as Janitor or light work: good references. Address AC 801. Oregonian. JAPANESE -hoolbor want pnsttlon; can apeak English. C Soel. Oregonian. TWO Japanese voung men want situations, hotel or saloon work. Call A 4PQ9. MIDDLE-AGED man a elevator driver. Address R. Nelson. S North 3d at. STEADY work all year In country by sober young man. J 1. Oregonian. GERMAN locksmith and engineer watji ateady Job. A 394. Oregonian. VEW and old window cleaning: floors wed. Main H.173. Green. 2-9 Taylor. ROI-'UCI.EAXIXO. Janitor or porter work. j iiarria, Pbona 200. 0 Couch-st. fUTCATIONS WASTED MALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED A position of trust and responsi bility by a capable and energetic young busineew man. tlioroughly experienced In oi Bce. salesroom and factory : I am the man you need; would like to round out my Dust nne career In a fln-t-clasa enterprise: c.ean cut In character and personal appearance, highest recommendatlors and ourety bond " desired. K 3T7. O.rtgonlan. BY. MAN and Wife of experience .in mining campa or other boarding-houses: man. is a nrst-class cook; has had full charge and management of several largo ramPf etc; last place one year; references. Ap ply .112 Alder St.. W. B.. upstairs. A IQUi. WASTED Poaitlon a superintendent or fore man in sheet metal manufacturing shop loo hop or hot-air heating; 20 years experU-nce superlnteridlng and making estimate- flret class) references; strictly nober. K 40.. Ore gonian. MAN wanta position aa Janitor I""1-1"! apartment house or office building; nVe had 10 years- experience; understand all parts of work. Phone Eaat lio.. or ad dress AK 304. Oregonian. YOUNG mechanical tracer, some knowledge engineering, wanta position In drartlng room. where he can obtain practical ex perience. Salary at start no object. Phone Eaat 4i30. X experienced clothing and furnishing aalesman desires to connect wl,in ""a firm, out of city preferred, good "lock keeper, married, ateady, references. - 312. Oregonian. - AN THK Free and Fraternal Employment As soclatlon can supply you 'rlt,!..c'.mtrtn, help, male and female: Phone Main 7433 or A J06o. S7 Aiaer. bet 4th and nth. MAN and wife, with Prt"nce- T!,?"1,'1 like charge of first-class hotel or rooming house o? would lease same; references. R 374. Oregonian. YOUNG American speaks Japanese and English fluently, looking for a s tuatlon In a business house connecting with Jap anese trade. AJ 3S7. Oregonian. WANTED By practical horticulturist. thoroughly understands budding, grafting laying out orcharda and dlseaeea of trees, h. 3HS. Oregonian. , STEAM engineer, stationary or traction engine; understand, electricity: mamed. sober, steady. Address A 300. Orego nian. POSITION In dry goods, clothing and fur nishing atore. thoroughly posted and a worker: references. years with one house. P 801. Oregonian. POSITION by thoroughly experienced gro cery und general merchandise man, city or country; apeaks German. X. S. Berg. Portland. Or. MARRIED man. rober. Industrious, with good general knowledge of business, de sires any honorable employment, city or country. Address AL 301. Oregonian. Al SALESMAN and buyer of dry goods wants a position; no objection to country: Ilrst cla&s city reference. X 3S2. Oregonian. BA.RTE.NDER. now employed In first-class house, but desiring a change, wlshea po sition; references. AG 3Sti. Oregonian. PRACTICAL advertising agent wants a. few more good firm. to advertise through the country; uick elgna.- Y 302. Oregonian. WAN with large family, all ablo to work, wants position on farm or ranch; good references. AM 80S. Oregonian. A-l SALESMAN wants position; best of references; hustler; can handle anything. AB 301. Oregonian. YOUNG MAS, 8 years experience, wants po sition in gen. mdse. store, anywhere. P 300. Oregonian. MAN and wife wish rosltlon in country, man understands farming, wife aa cook. D 400. Oregonian. WANTED, by married man, manager on hay ranch or cattle ranch: have experience and tteadv. ti 4"4. Oregonian. - CIRCULAR sawyer and experienced mill foreman desires position; 5 years expe rience In tie mill. AJ 300. Oregonian. GOOD Janitor or porter (white) wishes work immediately. References. AM Orego nian. SIYIATIOS WASTED FEMALK. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. SITUATION wanted by first-class double ledger bookkeeper; very accurate: can operate typewriter and handle correspon dence: small office preferred. Phone East 704. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer of several years' experience dealres position; thorough ly competent; best of reference-. D 303, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, seven years experience, retail and wholesale, desires permanent position; beat of refer ence. V 303. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office woman and book keeper, vears experience as head of large offices; best of references. Phone Tabor 43ft. YOUNG LADY with some knowledge of typesetting wishes position In Job office or small printing plant. AL 3 7 4 . Oregonian. Al LADY stenographer desires position; knowledge of bookkeeping. AN 301. Ore gcnian. POSITION In accounting department of some firm: have had 6 years' experience a work. D 394, Oregonian. In tnli RELIABLE young lady stenographer. 0 years experience oesires responnjie iw sltion: A-l references, phone KaM ll'lo. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion, law or Insurance; accurate, 112 week. AM 804. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY wishes position as book keeper, some experlenoo; references. Phone Woodlawn 1348. LADY stenographer. experienced. wishes position; best references. V 304, Orego nian. LADY stenographer. years? experience, de sires permanent position; references. O 3S7, Oregonian- I WANT work evenings, shorthand, book keeping or copying; good work; reason able. E 377. Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires an office position: can operate a typewriter. H 401, Oregonian. FOR a good stenographer phone A B2S4; salary 111 per week. COMPETENT and experienced stenographer desires position. Phone East 11'K, LADY stenographer, with some experience, wishes position. W .175, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, good experience, dee-ires situation. Call Main 2707. Monday. Dressmakers, WANTED infants' outfits to make; reascn ahie prices. 115 Humboldt St, Phone Wood lawn 22. COMPETENT Minneapolis dressmaker desires day engagements. E. M. C. Phone Main 420. MAN tailored suits, coats, skirts, princess dresses; your own material. Elite Ladies Tailors. f4 Washington, near lSlh at SEWING bv clay, children's clothes and shirtwaists specialty. Call room ii4. 631 i Washington St. Phone Main S07K. FOR SALE Established dressmaking busi ness, cheap, poor health reason for sell ing: rent reasonable. E 37S. Oregonian. A-l POWER machine operator, fancy tailor stitching: 112 per week. Phone Main r07. FASHIONABLE dressmaking by the day. Phone Woodlawn 2-S5. M VOGFI. ladle' tailoring, fashionable dressmjnking. rAilte 14. So0' Morrison . -IPtT-CLAS3 aVressmaktng at lowest prices. Mrs. Anue.ta. 826 Wash. St, room 2 id. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by the day. stain o-t... plenty experience. Address AE 3.0. Ore- gonian. fi DERLY ladv wishes position as house keeper for widower or bachelor. 3. IS Water at., room S, Sunday, or write 2-0 S Fltst st. AN Intelligent lady of long experience would take charra of first-class rooming house. Address T 391. Oregonian. CHILDREN'S dressmaker and good general sewer would like engagement by the day. Terms II 50. AB 404. Oregonian. POSITION aa housekeeper by lady with daughter. AD 88L Oregon! an. Housekeepers. - MIDDLE-AGED, neat and refined lady wishes position as housekeeper In widow er's family, or charge of a small room Ins; - .i.AH.i.0hlv competent, having had Mltniiv.i i . . . . i I . linn M '. 111 . I . . . i V . 1 1 I . F I . . . . m. - I Nurses. COMPETENT, capable, experienced nurse desires Invalid case; hospital and doctors' references. Call uy Main .'700 COMPETENT nurse desire ' position aa nurse to Invalid or companion to elderly person. C 4oI. oregonian. COMPETENT nurse desires a few mora pa tients. C 400, Oregonian. NURSING by day or week, by experienced, practical nurse. Main 44tt0. NURSING by day or week by practical nurse; best reference. AG 3t3. Oregonian. Domestics. COLORED girl would like place to cook ' lireikfast and dinner or any employment up to 11:30 A. M. and after 4:30 P. M. J 400, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by a Swedish girl as chambermaid and seamstress; reference If derired. 424 San Rafael at. YOUNG Norwegian girl wishes work In small private family. Call 731 Wilson St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Bv professional ' darner and mender, work In families; lace a specialty; 10 cents an hour and car fare. Mrs. 31. Stevens, box 883. St. Johns. Or. WANTED By an experienced saleslady, permanent position where ability and faithful service are desired. Address f Oregonian. MOTHER and son ,20. want positions to gether, roomlnghouee. ranch or home; accept low wages If good home; capable housekeeper. C 3!)0. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED saleslady and demonstra tor will be ready to accept proposition after September 21; has road experience. R 373. oregonian. TEACHER in family, lady, experienced, would go Into country; teaches German; would take private pupils. AJ 301, Ore gonian.. WANTED Position aa maid In respectable family by young lady Just arrived from France and only speaks French and Ger man. 153 GUsan St. WOOLENS nlceiv laundered under my special arrangement, lowest prices In city; best ref erences. O 43, Oregonian. A COMPETENT woman will do work by day or hour: no half days wanted. M 4482. Call forenoons. FIRST-CLASS waitress wants waiting In a first-class hotel; none but first-class. W 300. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED piano teacher gives lessons r cents. Special attention to beginners. Main S413. A GOOD reliable lady would like to take charge of a small rooming or apartment houeo as housekeeper. C 398, Oregonian. BRIGHT voung married lady, speaks French, German, English, would like some occu pation In leisure hours. J 300. Oregonian. RELIABLE girl will assist with care of child and upstairs work. S 391, Orego ninn. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 cents a pair. C 163S. East &.137. 5 years' ex perience. ti v VAiaH nii domesticated person posl- tlon as companion or help in good family. .L 01" oicfiuaiai,. WANTED By reliable woman, housework by day or hour. Phone address: Main 630O; residence. 32tf 12th st. N. EXPERIENCED manicurist desires position. AE 402, Oregonian. LaDY gives two pinno or mandolin lessons, 75 cents. -AH 37S, Oregonian. LADY (from London and Paris), gives les sons on piano and French. M-ain 64 1 4. YOUNO lady gives private lesson's In gram mar grade studies: references. Main 81S3. YOUNG lady gives piano lossons; 50c per lesson; references given. Main 8133. YOUNG woimn wishes position as waitress In private boarding-house. Sellwood 1015. POSITION as collector by energetic woman. AD 3.-?3. Oregonian. WANTED Washing and housecleanlng. phone Main 6427. Room B. WOMAN wants fancy laundry to take home; references. East 2030. M'ANTBD Laundry to take home; reference. Eaat 4310. LADY would like ptnln sewing, dnrnlng or mending by the day. Phone East 30o7. MIODLE.AGED lady wishes to take care of children by hour, or mending. Call Mrs. Heinz, Main 701$. UNDERWEAR and handkerchiefs done at Jiome. Call 3Ti5 S. 13th. WANTED A position to now as model for art tots. Phone Main 8043. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c par pair. Main 550S. A 4002. LACE CURTAINS washed, stretched, called for and delivered, 40c pair. Tabor 1507. WASTED AGJ2STS. AGENTS wanted to handle our baking powder. talcum powder. household cleanser and "Perfection Cutlery Cleaner and Polisher": Urge profit. The Mutual Co.. Rldgetlcld Park. N. J AGENTS wanted for best book on discovery of North pole, over 500 pages profusely Illustrated. $1.50. profit 75 cents, outfit lo cents. P. A. Llndberg Co.. 52 Dearborn St.. Chicago. MANAGER wanted, every city and county, handle best-paying business known; legit imate, new; exclusive control: no Insur ance or buokVanvassing. Address Charles HaLatead, 43 West 34th St., New York. NEW profitable field, brilliant Mexican dia monds exactly resemble genuine, defy ex perts; quick sales. large commissions. Snd for soeciai offer. Mexican Diamond Imp. Co.. Dept. 440, Las Cruces, N. M. AGENTS WANTED. Good territory open; district manngers and city men wanted to sell best acci dent and health policy ' written. Fidelity Mutual Aid Assn., 004 Worcester bids. IfcARGE, old 1'ne health, accident Insurance company wants general and district agents; big contract; new. liberal, quick selling policies: choice territory. Koyal Casualty Co., St. Louis. NEW 4-sfeve strainer and splash preventer; sold to agents at prices that defy compe tition; sample mailed free; J4.50 dally eaxllv made. Write and let us prove it. Seed Filter Mfg. Co., New York. DO NOTHING till you henr from ue. Our gooii.i go like wildfire; 400 per cent profit; .unpin free; wei give credit, protection, and pay freight. Noxodur Co., Chicago. AGENTS Handy Hame Fastener; every hoi-re owner buys at sight; 20O per cent profit. Thomas Fastener Co., 6140 Barney blk., Dayton. O. POSTCARDS, $1.23 1000 up: big profits to agents, dealers. Sample package price list 10c, 1O0 assorted. 30. Onard Co., 214" Arthur ave.. New York. PROFITABLE position as local salesman; no capital: we teach and trust you. Write to ilay for your district: give references. Stand ard Silverware Co.. Boston, Mass. AGENTS can't be up to date and succeed un lc posted about all new agents' specialties that oomo out monthly. Free to you. Hull 2o9 Franklin at.. New York. , $70 MONTHLY selling Star Egg Beater; works with one hand, lightning seller; sample free. E. Thomas Co., 7015 Barney blk., Duyton, Ohio. MUST RB good house canvasser: right man can mike $10,om year; mention age, ex perience and reference. Address W 302, Ore gonian. $300 EVERY MONTH selling our wonderful 7-pleee kitchen set. send for sworn state ment of $12 dally profit; outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. 3015. Dayton. Ohio. EXCITING new game, baseball played with carin; sample 60 cents; big seller. Base ballltls Card Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. YOU can know, about profits made supplying perfumes to families. Lefflcr & Co., St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money selling nursery stock: outfit free; cash weekly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of nursery 6tock; cash weekly; outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTED Will pay high salary. Spring Valley Wine Co., 244 Yamhill at. AGENTS Want a few good solicitors, good mooey right. saxUes, a 872, Oregonian. 1 .rT WASTED TO REM. OR KT. rOH KENT. AGENTS Wo have the biggest snap since Adam was a baby. Lazy agents make 13 a day: live ones $10 a day: used by everyone- 70 gross sold on one street In Oakland; one agent sold 30.0O0; buys in 10.000 lots; 100 per oent profit: no outfit to carry; Just till your pockets and take It eaty. Vaco Hooks will stick anywhere, even on the North Pole; you can sell from 1 to 12 doxen at a time. No peddling from house to house. We predict that more than a million will be eold this year. If you are a live one. send 8 cents for a sample, or 25 cents for one dozen. Full particulars free. Vaco Mfg. Co., 1103 First National Bank, Oakland, Cal. MEN AND WOMEN MANAGERS , WANTED. By working three to lour hours a day vou can makv $25 to J100 a week or more; others are doing this; experience not necessary; our plan is new and success ful; we want representatives everywhere and arw fast assigning our territory; send your application early; curiosity-seekers, keep off; send full name and addrees; ref erences requested and furnished. Factory Sales Company, 631 Burke bldg., Seattle, Wash. MRS JOHN A. LOGAN'S complete work. "Our National Government," containing portraits t-f all the Mistresses of the White House and sketches from Washington to Taft, Is now ready; a complete, authentic work covering all parts of our National growth. Send 25c in stamps for mailing free outfit; IK per cent commission. H. L. Baldwin Company, Publishers. Minneap olis, Minnesota. AGENTS WANTED Vacuum Cleaner; live, hustling, energetic agents to sell Thurman Portable Eiectrlc and Hand Power Vacuum Cleaner, for homes, stores, hotels, office buildings, schools, etc.; clean-cut business with big profits: write today. General Compressed Air Sl Vacuum Machinery Co., Dept N., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS wanted by Columbia Life A Trust Company; high-class men to sell life insur ance In Portland and other cities and towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho; former experience not necessary; splendid oppor tunities; first-class references s to charac ter required. Address the company's home office, Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. WONDERFUL Invention, big money selling Canchester Incandescent Kerosene Lamp: burns with or without mantle, 10 times brighter than electricity, gaf, acetylene, 1-loth cost; burner fits standard lamps; saves 75 per cent oil; no trimming wicks; . beware Imitations; outfit free. Canchester Light Co., 'M Slate St., Dept. Ill C, Chi cago. PEARY'S OWN STORY. Dr. Cook's full his tory planting1 Stars and Striiies at North Pole; big. thrilling book of adnrenture and discovery; over 450 page; splendidly Il lustrated; also history of polar expeditions past 400 veai-s; don't delay sending for cir culars, send 10c at once for postage on sample outfit. B. Thomas Co., 9ol5 Barney, Dayton, O. START IN BUSINESS Be Independent: I started as- an agent; am now big manufac turer me king household specialties; have hundreds of agents Working; I'll start you; won't let you fall; agents of ability wanted to open branch offices ajid employ sub agents; no money needed. Write me fully and frankly. C. E. Swartzbaugh, Toledo. O. "FINDING THE NORTH POLE," by Cook and Peary. Cook's own story and Peary's expedition. Reviewed by Admiral Mel ville, survivor of three Arctic expeditions. Greatest opportunity for money-making in recent years. Large hook, low price, pro fusely illustrated. Extra liberal terms. " Outfit free. Write today. Universal House, 350 'Wabash ave., Chicago. AGENTS, stores, streetmen, 2000 different novelties for fairs, carnivals, old homo and firemen's celebrations, etc.; badges, canes, whips, pennants, confetti, ticklers, postcards of all kinds, Xmas and holiday decorations; all up-to-date goods. Cata logue free. Miller, 158 Park Row. New York. AGENTS Men and women In every town to sell the celebrated Triplex Handbag for women, four bags for four separate pur poses, all In one: can be enlarged to meet your needs as you go along. Write for terms and particulars of other new pat ented articles. S. A. Diamond Bro. Co., Manufacturers. 35 West 21st St.. New York. WE manufacture over 2.10 new patents, a full line of kitchen cutlery. S combination kitchen sets, razors and a complete line of Kropps Improved Tension- Shears. We want local agents and a general agent In every county. We trust you. You pay us every 30 days. Bm. Edgren Co.. Milwau kee, Wis. AGENTS for "North Pole Discovered." by Dr Cook; biggest sensation In world's his tory; complete, story of discovery; numer ous photographs; everybody wants it; be first in field and make $300 a month; bis book, only $1; you get half: outfit free. Send 10c for mailing. Standard Book Co., SS3 Wabash ave., Chicago. AGENTS Pearv's own story, and Dr. Cook's discovery cf North Pole; big. thrilling book of adventure; over 450 pages; splendidly il lustrated: send 10c for postage on sample outfit. ii. Thomas Co., 9016 Barney, Day ton, O. AGENTS wanted to sell the new "Aladdin" Incandescent kerosie mantle lamp. The newest and most nerfect kerosene mantle lamp of today. Sells at sight; exceptional opportunity offered agents. The Mantle Lamp Company, Dept. 21, Portland, Or. SELL the "Mechanical Maid." newest big money Idea out; few good salesmen men and women wanted for fresh territory: small Investment will earn double what you ever expected. Write quick, Toledo Cook & Servant Co.. Toledo, O. WANTED Men and women to make up a list of namos In their own locality; we pay $Q per hundred for names. Send 10c in stamps for particulars'. The F. S. Co., 629 Burke bldg.. Seattle. WASTED TO REST. W A NTKD to rent by Oct. .1. furnished cot tage or flat, f rooms, close in, near Steel bridge preferred. A 400. Oregonian. UNFURNI8HED small flat or part of house, two adults. Nob Hill preferred. Address W 391, Oregonian. WANTED To rent modern cottage or bun ga'low, 4 or f rooms, near carllne; give de tails. ' K 4O0, Oregonian. YOI'VQ man, best references, wishes room with private family: walking distance; 6 month. K 404. Oregonian. BOARD and room In prlvftte family by 1 gentleman employed near U or I. carllne preferred; references. V 390. Oregonian. tjvpy employed wants board and room: rea sonable, or desirable housekeeping rooms. AH 4o3. Oregonian. WANTED Two or three furnished housekeep ing rooms, within walking distance; reason able. E 307. Oregonian. . ' WANTED To lease good dairy farm; long lease preferred. D 30K. Oregonian. WANTED Desk room. J 376, Oregonian. IF you have two nice housekeeping rooms near Steel bridge, phone Bast 372.1. WANTED 8 or rt'room' furnished house 3r flat: walking distance. J 4o3. Oregonian MOTHER and son wish two clean, furnished housekeeping rooms. September 2, A 4..40. WANTED Good strx-k and dairy" ranch by competent party. X 3H4. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants modern room, $10 to $12; piano, walking distance. X 31H). Oregonian. A Business Opportunity does it alwaj'S mean a large amount of capital? In the East, yes; in Ore gon, no. The Business Oppor tunity columns of The Oregonian publish each morning many fine openings for the man of small means. Become a regular reader of these col umns it means the road to independence. WANTED Unfurnished, modern, high-class residence of 10 or 12 rooms, in best West Side district; family consists of 3 adults; will give first-class references, pay good rent and take one or two years' lease for right place: in answering, give full description, location and rent wanted. Address L 403, Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished 6 or 6-room house or , , i 1 .iv,,,..!,.! r,mlli- DUIlgaiOW, 10 bw ucituuvi J J of 2; no children; betit of references; will pay good rent and take lease If suited. L 404, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house keeping apartments in private family to Include water and phone, by young cou ple without children; give full details. AK 401, Oregonian. WANTED To rent for iong term, a six or seven-room house on East Side near carllne; must be In good condition, furnace, gas and electricity; will furnish references. N 367, Oregonian. REFINED young man desires room or roim and board In small private family; must be light and airy, steam heat and electrlo light; reasonable. West Side. D 388, Ore gonian. WANTED Four or five furnished rooms and bath. West Side, walking distance, by adults; will pay $35 If suitable. Address AB 334. Oregonian. WANTED To rent In South Portland or Ful ton, to 6-room house; also want to buy some furniture cheap for cash. AM 861. Oregonian. WANTED Immediately, 10 to 20-room modern, house, flat or block on West Side, central; will pay good price. Room 15. A 1856. WANT to rent 5 or 6-room house near lth and Stark sts.. East Side, furnished or un furnished. . Call Valley Hotel. Main 7273, room 24. WANTED To rent furnished house for small family. In desirable West Side loca tion; responsible party. K 386. Orego nian. I GENTLEMAN" wants to rent In or rear Irv lngton. one room furnished or unfurnished, Suitable for sitting and sleeping-room. AH 384, Oregonian. A FURNISHED flat or apartment for a few months, commencing Oct. 1, by responsible people. Call A 6147. WA NTED 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, within 6 or 8 blocks of Oood Samaritan riospttai. 11 am, m":" LARGE, unfurnished housekeeping room, gas. bath; have my own phone; West Side; permanent., xr wo, WANTED 6 or T-mom houBe, walking dis tance; must be reasonable; state terms or no reply. J S90. Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires room and board In private family; apartment-house preferred. AD 400, Oregonian. LADY wanted, heated unfurnished room within walking- distance of town. Main 1840. A YOUNG lady employed during day desires board and room, vicinity Steel bridge or White Temple. AD 404. Oregonian. TWO gentlemen desire room ant board in private family. West Side preferred; refer ences exchanged. C 387. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished or unfurnlsbted house somewhere on the Peninsula. AK 403, Oregonian. 2 PURNISHHD rooms, en suite, for 2 gen tlemen; private bath, walking distance; state terms. AD 402, Oregonian. WANTED West Side preferred, six-room house, modern, with ground for chicken yard; state rent. H 302. Oregonian. WANTED 2 rooms with board and use of piano, 8 young men; private family. A 403, Oregonian. JFOB RENT. ELEGANT single room with bath attached, close In, $12.50 per month. Phone Main 7041. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL RAINIER.- 140 ROOMS , Now opened and ready for business, new, modern, fireproof building, steam heat, hot and cold running water In all rooms, at all times, very richly furnished and the best beds that money can buy, and It doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on the ground floor; everything nrst-class except the prices; rates 50c, 70c. $1 per day; $11. $4 and $5 per week. Call and see If you ever saw Its equal before. RAINIER HOTEL CO.. 128 North Sixth St. HOTEL ANTLERS, Corner 10th and Washington Sts. New management; THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS ; single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Burnside. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new maj- agenient: newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc rooms S10 month up: suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL EUCLID. 18TH AND WASHINGTON New, modern elegantly furnished rooms, sinKle and en suite, with private baths; permanent or transient. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th. first-class furnished roonw. single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. THE MERTARPER, 126 13th. cor. Washing ton, brand new. handsomely furnished: every modern convenience: hot water in all rooms: very reasonable terms. HOTEL NORRIS, Washington and.7th; new building, newly furnished- every room light and sunny; hot water,' steam heat; reasonable prices. HOTEL IRVING. 312 OAK ST.. COR. CTH. Just opened, new and elegantly fur nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.. fur nished rooms, single or en suite, at reason able prices,' modern convenience. Opposite the Plaza. PACIFIC HOTEL, M4 Columbia St.; Summer rates; run ning water in all rooms; transients 50c to $1 dav; one call means another. NICELY furnished single, slfo other rooms, $lo and up. modern, beautiful neighborhood. Call mornings. 3S7H Mill Bt. CI EAN comfortabks front bedroom, suitable for couple, S3.7S week; close In; all con vvHiiences, 210 7th st. FURNISHED room, free phone. 10 minutes' walk center town, good neighborhood. 307 1 niru bi SUITE of two nicely furnished rooms, suit able for 2 or 3 people; all conveniences; close In; very reasonable. 251 7th st. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. 165 12th st. FRONT room, suitable for 2 large chif foniers, gas or furnace heat. 225 13th st. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 305 Stark, cor. Park. THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia, rooms; bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. NEWLY furnished front room tor gentle men. 221 V Morrison st. ELM PLACE. 414 YAMHILL. Exclusive furnished oomt THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, cen tral, $3. $4. $5 per week; transient. . Furnished Rooms in Private Families. URGE, handsomely furnished oon, all conveniences, 2 meals If desired. 227 7th. 866 SEVENTH ST. New house, new fur niture, rooms $10 and up NICFLY furnished room, all conveniences. jrlvt fuaUy. 192. HtK near-Taylor u i . i Furnished Rooms In Private JFiunily. VERY deslrnble for business men; this would make a nice home for the Winter for some one desiring a suite of rooms well -furnished, clean, comfortable, steam heiit. electric lights, use of phone and bath at any time. For location phone Main 7724. FURNISHED ROOMS. A couple large, cheerful front rooms In a beautiful private home with every con venience; one block Washington; one nock Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 69 N. 21st st. FURNISHED rooms. $2.50 per week and up; also large front alcove rooms, witli piano, suitable for two or more; bath, heat, phone. 2''6 12th, near Salmon. IRVIXGTON Large front and double room with sleeping porch; splendidly furnished; .all modern appointments; very' reasonable; references. 603 Schuyler. FRONT room and bedroom nicely furnished, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen, private fam ily, walking distance, price $15. 434 Har rison St.. corner 12th. A 7721. NICE), large, front parlor. In good residence district; fine location for doctor; 15 inln utes' ride to business part of city. Phone Main 0u40. VERY pleasant bay window room, suitable . for lady employed during day. kitchen privilege; also small sleeping-room. 1S5 Chapman. Plerpolnl. NICELY furnished front room, new. modern residence: fine location, walking distance, near carllne; furnace heat. CbL East Mor rison st. DESIRABLE furnished rooms for ia-ly. In private home with young couple, no chil dren; every convenience; $10 per month. 8!i3 Hawthorne ave.. 2d floor. DESIRABLE room, connecting bath, small private famllv, all modern conveniences; gentlemen only. Call 191 V4 North 10th. rear Johnson. VERY nicely furnished- room with all modern convenience, in private family of 2, excel lent location, references. 427 Clay, between 11th and 12th. FOR RENT Nice front room, hot and cold water, electric lights, suitable for profes Blonal or business jrontlenian: walking distance. Apply 321 12th. corner Clay. FOR GENTLEMEN ONLY Ideal location, hot and cold water, furnace heat. 215 13th st. Call today. ELEGANT front suite; also single rooms; aieam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water; close In: very reasonable. A 5280, M. 5435. 1 FRONT room, private family, on car line, bath and all conveniences. Main 8703. 30 hi 16th St. FOR RENT Very desirable, large, nicely fur nished room; excellent location, close in; references. 303 12th st. Phone A 3640. LARGE sunny bay window room, large al cove, suitable for 2 or 3: walking dis tance. Main 3312. 361 10th Bt. TWO nicely furnished rooms, each suitable for two, $3 and $4 per week, heat, bath and phone. 370 7th St. A 5020. 2 NEWLY furnished rooms with furnace heat to gentlemen employed during day; rent rea sonable. 400 Park st. NEWLY-FURNISHED room, fine location, reasonable. Call 32 16th St., near Washing ton. A ROOM and use of kitchenette to lady with first-class position; musics lessons if desired. Main 0474. TWO newly furnished rooms, all conven iences, walking distance, splendid view. 284 Margin St. East 5110. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2; private family; good neighborhood, rea sonable. 575 Everett, corner ISth. FURNISHED room, neat and clean, reason able; 1 housekeeping room, cor. 0th 473 East Burnside: walking distance; 3 others. WAXTEI Young man to share apartments; runnlnj: water, free bath, phone; near Mor rison; $7 per month. 313tfr 3d. LARGE front room, private family, no other roomers; walking distance, Bfltt- Third st. Phone Main 5202. ONE or two nicely furnished front rooms, modern conveniences, terms reasonable. 474 East Oak at. SWELL furnished parlor, suitable for two; rent reasonable, running water and hcat 173 North 17th st. NEWLY furnished rooms, en suite or single; steam heat; hot water. Apply Flat lo, 404 Morrison st. NICELY furnished room, bath, gas. heat, private home, close Unlon-ave. car. 3S9 Hancock St. NICE, clean, newly tinted rooms; nice home for ladles -employed through the day. 42SH Mill St. 4S7 TAYLOR, near 14th, double parlors, fur nace heat, gas and electric light, running water, good piano, 1 or 2 gentlemen. NEWLY furnished front room in private home, near S carllne. 252 Sheridan st. NICELY furnished room, private family, heat and bath. 427 Main, bet. 11th and mth 25tVs 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, new house, every convenience; gentlemen only. ROOMS, with or without board; $6 up; strict ly private family; walking distance. 381 Jackson. Main 1002 NEWLY furnished rooms reasonable. 349 Ross St. C 1522. ONE neatly furnished room for rent, gas and bath. 405 First St.. Hat K. TWO nicely furnished front bedrooms, $0 per month. 266 12th st. NICELY furnished -room, bath, cheap, on carllne; no other roomers. 223 Monroe st. FINE larire room, first floor; nicely furnished. 223 W. Park, near Salmon. FURNISHED room, nicely furnished; gentle man only. 330Vj 2d st. Bath and phone. NEWLY furnished rooms, hot water and steam heat. 504 Couch St., Flat 1. PLEASANT suite; phone, bath; $10 per month. 117 N. 18th. . NICELY furnished front room; private fam ily. 540 Taylor. Flat D. Main 7005. BEAUTIFUL large front room for rent, fur nished or unfurnirhed. 527 East Burnside. LIGHT, comfortable room, 1 or 2 gentlemen; bath, phone, close In. 405 Stark VERY nice large sleeping-room, suitable for 2, well furnished, reasonable. 305 6th st. FURNISHED room near good boarding-house. A 402, Oregonian. NEWLY furnished room: furnace heat, bath, phone: walking distance. East 4.111. LARGE alcove room, suitable for couple. 103 13th. corner Taylor. NEAT front hallroom for one, phone, bath, $1.73 week. 2S6 Clay st. NEWLY furnished room, with or without breakfast. Call at 37014 13th st. FURNISHED sleeplhg-room, $7 per month, at 170 12th st. $2 "25 PER WEEK, newly furnished room, "walking distance. 2114 11th st. ROOMS for rent at 304 Ross. Phone East 126S. near Steel brldee. NICE, clean, furniehed room suitable for gen tleman. i month. 209 Oollcge st. NICELY furnished front room, good loca- - . ..(.! tw-n T.IS Yamhill IIOU. o. v.. . e,g Room for gentleman; gas, .bath, walking distance. 541 Clay. TWO neatly furnished bedrooms, suitable for 2. Phone A 3007. FURNISHED front room in private family. 302 13th st. WELL furnished alcove room, good location, for one or two gentlemen. 251 10th. CLEAN, furnished rooms, very reasonable, close in. 129 N. 10th St., near GUsan. 2 NEWLY furnished rooms; modern conven iences; walking distance. 443 Halaey. Unfnrnlshed Rooms. ELEGANT front parlor with sleeping porch and closets, strictly up to date, plenty of room for 2, close In, $22.50 per month. Phone Main 7641. ' FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms sult ' able for gentlemen. Kamni bldg., 1st and pine sts. FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, walking dlstanoe.. Inquire 178 20th st. South. 2 OR 3 unfurnished rooms. 483 West Park. Main 1590. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern in every respect; steam heat, elec tric lights, hot and cold water In . every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. tlrand and Hawthorne aves. THE WEAVER, 710 Washington st., near King, brand new. elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best in the city for the money, .all and inspect; dining-room in connection. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22.1 year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary, 510 Flanders sr. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchanse. 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt. THE MAGNOLIAS. Fine large rooms, elegantly furnished, modem conveniences, best home cooking in city: beautiful grounds. Kearney st. bet. lath and lluth. THE COLONIAL. 105 and 167 10th St.. cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. THE LINDELL, 200 Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, nrst-class board; mod ern, reasonable; fine walking distance. NICELY furnished rooms In private family, with board, reasonable; nice locality. Phone Main 2071. 241 N. 22d. 332 10TH ST. Pleasant well furnished rooms, with board; strictly home cooking, good location, all conveniences. THE CALVARD Take W car at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2097. THE- MORRISON. 53:1 Morrison; American, plan; rooms $10; hot and cold water. WELL furnished rooms with rood hom board. 167 11th street. Rooms With Hoard In Private Family. WANTED Jliwlnrss men to board In private home in suburbs, electric carllne, 5c fare, beet of board, reasonable, home comforts. B 401, Oregonian. ROOM and board, private famllv. walking distance; reasonable. C 1207. 452 Benton street. NICE room, with board, for 3 In prlvats home, every modern convenience; use of piano and phone; very close in. Main 4504. VERY pretty front room, newly furnished, with board for one or two; modern con veniences; terms reasonable. Main 32ti0. LARGP1 front room, eultable for 2 young men; refined Jewish family; all home comforts; very reasonable. 335 Montgoniei-y. ROOMS with hoard. $25 to $30 month. 8 . minutes' walk p. O.. nothing better for money. 273 Taylor. TWO connecting rooms with home cooking for four, $26 apiece. 101 11th. Phone Main 5063. . ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen In Erivato family, modern conveniences; good onie cooking. Main 4H10. AFTER Oct. 1. room und board in private home; modern, near 22d and Washington. I'hone Main 5043. ROOM and board, suitable 2 gentlemen, In private family; reasonable rate. Main Hfil, 433 Taylor. ROOM for young lady with or without board, in private family. Call 2 Wlll lama ave. NICE front room and board for two. mod ern. 105 East 11th t. Phones ii 21(18 or East 3240. CHOICE rooms, breakfasts, dinners, modern, new lmu5e, walking distance; reasonable. Main 2210. e NICELY furnished front room, with board, suitable for 2 people. 225 11th st. GOOD board and room, close In, reasonable. 434 Burnside st. A NICE airy room for 1 or 2 men; close In; board It desired. J 401, Oregonian, LARGE front room, with board, for two; modern. 02 17th st, N. Main 4220. CLEAN, well furnished room, first-class board, modern, reasonable. 521 Couch st. NEWLY furnlshefl room for quiet lady, with or without board; references. Main 0074. NICE, newlv furnished rooms, with board. 505 East Oak. cor. 15th. I'hone B 2010. ROOM and board for 2, reasonable. 653 Washington st. LARGE,, eunny room, suitable for 2; with board: at 420!-j Weidler St. FURNISHED rooms with board, walking distance; reasonable. 2104. 14th St. LARGE, handsomely furnished room, suit able for two, with two meals. $4o. 27 7th. ROOM and board for 2 girls; walking dis tance. Main 6629. WANTED To room and board two men, $26 per month. 802 Kerby st. LARGE front room with board, 615 Morrison St.. cor. lth. A 3S2S. WANTED Young girl to bard; references ex changed. 841 East Morrison st. B 1077 25S 11TH Large room suitable for 1 or 2 -en. tleman. with board. ' FIRST-CLASS room and board for two In private family. 545 Yamhill. NICE large room for 2 gentlemen, with or without board. 546 West Yamhill. $20 Room and board; good tabi board $4. 6y5 Everett. Apartments. THE RE-U-KAN. 624 Marshall Street. The most EXCLUSIVE furnished .apart ments In the city; 3-room suites. PR1-, V ATE BA'IHS and reception halls; both, phones FREE In each apartment; electrlo elevator; nice large verandas both front and back; large lawn and beautiful shade trees; low Summer rates. Tako W ear to Marshall, go 1 block east. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Colombia, 4 block from Morrison St., new brick build ing, omipletcly first-class, furnished In i. 5 and 4-room family apartments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air clean ing, janitor service; some unturnlohed; rest very reasonable. THE IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence apartments, eacli having pri vate vestibule and bath, electric passen ger elovator, hot and cold water, gas rantre. shades and screens. telephone. Janitor service. Apply Janilor. 570 Couch. STEPHENSON COURT, 515 Mill St., 2. 3. 4. 5-room anartments. bath, hot and cold water, free phone, gas; very reasonable. I'hone Main 5110. THE BERYL. Only a tew of theso beautiful, new and modern apartments lefl : como early and secure one. :." Lovcjoy t.t near Jlst. THE IRVING 21st and Irving ; 4 rooms and bath, basement apartment; heat, hot and cold water, gas ranKc and shade, low rent. WELLINGTON COURT. 1.1th and Everett, will sublet elegantly furnished 4-room a pa rtmcnt for ;oaysprlce reasonable. NEW5-room. steam-heated flat modern conveniences, reasonable rent. W. L. Mor gan. 50'i Abington bldg - THE NOR1HCA Newly furnished, strictly modern; 2i and up. Orjnd ave. and Belmout. I'hone Last -41S. BUELL APTS., 14th and Salmon, nicely fur nished 4 rooms, modern conveniences. ROOM and housekeeping apartments. 421) Main St. THE! MILNER. 35nu Mornson. furnished or' unfurnished apartments: modern. THE WESTMINSTER, unfurnished apart ments and single rooms. MODERN upper 4-room flat, on carllne, $15. 807 Williams ave. MODERN flat, 102Vj McMIUen St. inquire 1S8 . Mcmullen St. 4 3- 2-ROOM flats, modern, pleasant, close In; ' reasonable rent. 2.'i5'.3 Hall. MODERN 5-room lower flat; tath; rent $30. 351 Hall. Key up stairs. 5-ROOM modern flat, new $70 Axmlnstor rug. for sale cheap. .".3(i'4 Mill St. FOR RENT 5-room flat, large attic.. Call 9K8 Williams ave. LOWER flat, furnished. S rooms, bath, walk-, lug distance. 424 Jefferson.