TIIE SUNT) AT OKEGOXIAX. PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 12, 1909. SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK (COXCXCDED FROM PAGE .) iay afternoon. Musie and Karnes occu rred the greater part of the afternoon. Those present were Irene Frre. William Mathlson. Buth Emrlch, Esther Clarke, Zelma Sauraln. Louise Mathlson,. Lenora eelj-, Martha and Wllda Horning-. rVEVTS OF THE WEEK. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stewart, of Falrvlew, celebrated their golden weddln Monday right. September 6, at the home, of Mrs. Fte wart's mother, Mrs. Jacob McDufTee, S73 Belmont street. They were married In Jackson County, Or., September 6. 1S5. At present they make their home in Fair view. They have, two children living. Mrs. May Weaver and Mrs. Olivia Jack son, both realdenta of Portland. Mrs. Stewart was Miss I O. Stearns, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel EL Stearns, tnd waa born In New .Richmond, O. Ths family came to Oregon In 1S53 by ox team from Ohio, settling In Jackson County. Mr. Stewart was born In Jacksonville, Jla.. May 8. 1832. He went to California in Vu2. and came to Oregon In 1854, set tling In Jackson County. At the reception there were Ave generations. Mrs. Jacob .Wc-Duffee. mother of Mrs. Stewart, was 'born m Batavla. O., May SO. 1826. Mr. Ftearns died several years ago, and sha was married to Mr. McTHiftee in 1SS7. There were present besides friends of the (family, numbering about.50, the following i relatives: Mrs. Anna Nlles. sister of Mrs. Stewart, and her son. Horace L. NUes, i wife and son. of Portland; Iavld S. and. , J. O. Steams, brothers of Mrs. Stearns, (with their wives and children; Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Weaver and daughter, Laverene; 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Jackson and seven chil dren: Mrs. Jesse A. Buttles and her son, i James, of Minneapolis; "Mrs. Gertrude Mc iXInnon and her son, Orln. of Cascade Locks. A very pleasant evening was spent at Miss Lilly Petersen s nomo i elation. Tuesday, September 7. - The house and yard were tastefully decorated i.v. a,,, vines and ferns, making a woodland scene. Japanese lanterns also hoin in decorating. Games- were played and recitations ann soios were ! rart of the programme. The guests of i lionor were: Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ritchie. who were recently married in Chicago. : Among those invited were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Chatterton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 0. Burnette. Misses Maude Densmore, Katherine Langdon. Marian Rlchey. Alma Stringer. Gertrude Elfers, Edna McCoy, 1, cota Siegner. Ignore Maguis, Golden Mclntyre, Zoe Bryant. Louise Stengel, Florence fowling, Lenore Younger. Anne Hochull. Claire Deerlng. Rose Mayers, Agnes Harwas. Marguerite Deerlng. Eu nice Brown. Nell Deerlng, Edith Wick ham. Lillian Deerlng. Minnie Petersen; Messrs. Zarhrison. Edgar Densmore, Jlenry Nelcken. Fred J. Moffett, Raj Faulkner. J. Verne Guthrie, William C. Moore, Roy Shoemaker, Hughes Boyer, Frank Fields. Thomas Pierce, David Hawkins. Wallace Kadderly. Samuel Gates. Dolph Heseeroer. Martin Hawk ins. Burns Powell, D. Wakefield, Joseph Tteiss, Otto Seaman, Mr. Graham, Frank. Taylor. Mr. Forbes, William .Parham and Jack Wolfer. ... , An interesting social event of the past week was the dancing and card party frlven on Tuesday evening by the Middy Girte at Rlnglers Hall, which was beau tifully decorated with greens and pen nants. Punch was served from an unique nr.d artistically fashioned well. The guest list included: Mis?es Ruth Bringmann, Nellie Bevans, Pauline Bohnsen, Lillian Bohnsen. Ruth Cushin, Bthel Dorcas. Gladys Epperley. Ada Gaddis, Martha Holden. Myrtle Heintz. Florence Kleinch midt, Genevieve Mattison, Achsah Paget, Genevieve Shafer, Grayce Vogler. Mildred Waters. Messrs. George Blackburn, Den ton Catterlin, Ivan Clark, Bob Evans, George Griffith, Chester Hughes. Willis Hutton, Georgo Kelley, William Lewis, Herbert Metzgar, Harold Nickols, Teddie Preble, Reginald Prldeaux. Ford Robins. Frank Rosenthal. Clarence Smith. Noton Pmlthson, Ralph Tryne. Eugene West, Herbert Wee tenf elder, David Welch, Roy Wells. The patronesses were: Mrs. C. M. Conry. Mrs. H R. Heintz. Mrs. M. Cor nell, Mrs. E. C. Ashbaugh. Mrsi C. E. Nelson. The Middy Girls is a social or ganization comprised of the following members: Misses Irma R Nelson, Ada R. Conry, Ella G. Ashbaugh. Inez M. Oornell. Pauline A. Heintz and Ruby M. Bfairkell. v . . . v A surprise reception was given last Friday evening at the Turn Halle gym nasum. In honor of the return of Pro fessor R. Genserowlskl from a trip abroad, as well as from the recent Turn fest at Cincinnati, of which he and Pro fessor Krohn. of Multnomah Club, were elected Judges. The hearty welcome ac corded this successful instructor by the ladies and active classes evinced his popularity as a teacher. Whist, 6 and dancing, followed later by dainty refresh ment helped to pass a very enjoyable evening. While abroad Professor Gen serowlskl spent much of his time study ing new methods of physical culture training, which, with his untiring ef forts, will make this season even more successful than those of the past. A wedding anniversary surprise party was given by H. S. Smith for Mrs. Smith at their residence on Twenty-first and Broadway last Thursday evening. On Mrs. Smith's return at 7 P. M. from spending the day with a friend, she found the house full of friends and a wedding d'nner tastefully arranged. Mrs. Smith was the recipient of several handsome gift."!, one of which, from Mr. Smith, com prised a beautiful pair of pure white sohtaire diamond earrings. The invited guests were Rev. Henry Marcotte and Mrs. Marcotte. Rev. H. S. Black and I Mrs. Black. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. S. Mul der, of Centralia. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pallett. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Glltner and Mr. and Mrs. John S. Meek. ... Miss Agnes Da vldson, "of Oakland. Cal., was guest of honor of a launching partv given Wednesday evening by Miss Myrtle E. Long. The party, chaperoned by Mrs. Cecil Barcroft, left the city about t" o'clock, and. after a pleasant ride, landed at a pretty spot on Swan Island, where a bonfire was built and a supper lerved. Miss Gretchen Ku.th and How rd Glinett entertained the party very pleasantly with a number of vocal selec tion. Those present were Misses Agnes Davidson. Alice Agler. Emma Mankurtx, Sretchen Kurth. Leulla Wedemeyer. fcidie Goodman. Grace Dentston. Mabel L"re. Hazel Shllnn, Myrtle Long; Messrs. Howard Glinett, Frank Callahan, Virgil Cpps, E. E. Wedemeyer, Druln, Percey, Oan Baker, E. R. Gellnsky and Robert bmleson- ... The Eccleala Circle of the Sisterhood pf the Disciples of Christ, an organiza tion of the women of the First Christian Church, met at the home of Mrs. H. M. Haller. 715 Schuyler street last Thurs day afternoon. In the absence of the president. Mrs. R. B. McClung. Miss Harriet El Moorehouse presided. Mrs. Maud Springer Watkins and MLss Helen Haller delighted the gathering with vo cal selections. The Ecclesia Circle de cided to take up a study of the Bible for Its year's work In the educational department, and the pastor of the First Christian Church. Rev. W. F. Reagor. gave an address on "The Origin and Preservation of the Bible." After the business session a pleasant social hour was spent. . Misses Anna Kellar and Oenevieve Matteion entertained Informally Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ford, in Irvlngton. The house and lawn were beautifully decorated and a most en Jovable evening spent. The guests' were: Misses Mary Cole. Helen MeCusker, Helen Cake. Frances Norman. Elsa Koehler, Dorothy Walton. Margaret Nelson. Katherine Turner, Lynette Ferguson and her guest, and Misses Ivle . and Sa'dle Ford. of Astoria Messrs. Denton Catterlin. Oliver Card well, Gavin Dyott, Clarence Broughton, Henry Mahling. Wellington Gilbert. Ralph Cake. Frank Johnson. Fred Smith. Her bert Cudlipp, Joseph Detro. ... An amateur performance entitled "A Matrimonial Advertisement" was given on Wednesday night last week to a good sized and well pleaded audience at East Thirty-second and East Couch streets. A theater was improvised on the lawn of the residences of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hannigan, and the performers were composed of the following: Miss Maria Hannigan, Miss surprise party Tuesday night, on the oc casion of their 44th wedding anniversary. The Dunmlres ,have lived in Portland three years, having come here from Chi cago. ... ' Mrs. P. F. Benson ' gave a dinner on Wednesday evening at her residence, 605 East Main street, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Conn, who were married recently and are about to leave for their new home near Airlle. WEDDIXGS. Hamilton-White. The wedding of Frank E. Hamilton and Mrs. Rhoda May White, at 327 Stark street, last Thursday night, though quiet. was a very pretty one. The ceremony waa performed by Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher. pastor of the White Temple. The bride was dressed in a full tunic suit of turauolse blue, messaline silk, out on MEMBEB3 OF PIONEER FAMILIES ARE MARRIED AT BROWNSVILLE. f - i : " f : - - - t J, I 1 1 MR. A5D MRS. I. L. TEJIPLETOX, TUB BRIDE WAS FORMERLY MISS AVA C. GLASS. VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 11. (Special.) The wedding of Irs. Lloyd Templeton and Miss Ava C. Glass took place at high noon Wednesday, September 8, at the home of J. H. Glass, at Brownsville, Or., in the presence of the Immediate relatives of the contracting par ties. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. S. Templeton, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, of this city, a brother of the groom. The bride is a granddaughter of a prominent pioneer family, and Mrs. Jane Glass, aged 84 years, was present at the wedding. Her father Is cashier of the Brownsville National Bank. The groom is the youngest son of W. A. Templeton, of the pioneer family who came to Oregon ip 1847. Mr. and Mrs.- Templeton are spending their honeymoon in Portland and Seattle. They will make their home on the W. A. Templeton farm,ln the vicinity of Brownsville. On their return trip from the Seattle Fair they will spend several days In visiting at the home of Rev. H. S. Templeton, in this city. Ruth Cook. Master John Clemenson, Miss Irene Reynolds and .Miss Ruth Fritz. The usher was Master Theodore Clemen son, and Miss Olga AUman had charge of the financial end of the programme. ... Mr. Vmd Mrs. C. C. Loucks were given a very pleasant surprise by the members of Orphia Temple, P. S.. on last Wednes day night in honor of their crystal wed ding anniversary. Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Vose, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kinsey. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shlnn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Van Schrlck. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tompkins, Mrs. A. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ge vurtz. Miss Edith Tompkins. Mrs. C. Olson. Miss Maude Olson. Mrs. C. Von Glan, Mrs. K. Erdner, Miss Bess O'Con nor. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Loucks. Mrs. M. Spencer and Mrs. M. Goodby. ... At the old nomestead of Chauncey Ball, at East Gllsan and Wlberg Lane, there was a most pleasant gathering of old friends and neighbors September J, to assist him In celebrating his 8Td birth day anniversary. Mr. Ball has been ill and confined to the house for several weeks, but enjoyed the occasion very much. Mrs. Ball, assisted by their daughter. Mrs. Marquam, of Denver, Colo., served the guests with a bounteous noonday dinner and after a long and pleasant afternoon the guests departed, wishing their old friend many more happy anniversaries. ... The Woman's Guild of St. David's Episcopal Church will hold a lawn party i on Wednesday next, September 15, at 8:30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald Potts, of 1160 Mllwaukle avenue, Sellwood, have given their spacious home and grounds for the occasion, and all kinds of enter tainment have been planned to amuse the guests. Vocal numbers under the direc tion of Miss Susie Jones will be rendered and instrumental selections will be inter spersed throughout the evening's pro gramme. The party Is to be given for the benefit of St. David's parish and tha chairman of the committee is Mrs. A. M. Oakes. ... Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ii Klemmer, of Hood River, were hosts at a largely at tended lawn party at their residence. Rose Lawn, on the evening of September 3. The lighting and decorations were par ticularly effective. Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Klem- mer's hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wieden and daughter Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gould and daughter Marie, Mr. and Mrs. MeAldrlch, Mr. and Mrs. Kroeger, Mrs. H. H. Clarke. Mrs. Goldwelght, O. E. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. MahafTey and Mr. Roth. ... Mrs. Willard A. Roberts, assisted by her sister. Miss Nelly Schroeder, enter tained at luncheon on Thursday, in honor of Mrs. W. C. Schroeder, of North Yak ima, Wash., and Miss Lovlna Schroeder, of Boise, Idaho. The out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Schroeder, Miss Lovlna Schroeder and Miss Louise Schmidt, of Indianapolis, Ind.' Miss Louise Schmidt and Mrs. A. Phillips were prize winners in a puzzle game which was Introduced during the afternoon. ... A lawn party was given on Wednesday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. H. Malon, at 50 East Sixteenth street. In honor of the birthday of Mr. Malon's mother, Mrs. M. E. Malon. of Buffalo, N. Y., who has recently arrived on a visit. The follow ing gueets were, present: Mrs. M. E. Ma lon, Mrs. A. DeGraff, formerly of Blng hamton, N. Y.; Mrs. E. Fortune, Oregon City; Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs. E. Povey, accompanied by her little son, Billy"; Mrs. R. I. Bertlne. Miss Cornwall and Dr. J. Jay Kaiser. .... The women of North Alblna gave a social entertainment in the fire house on Alblna avenue, near Kllllngsworth ave nue. Thursday night for the benefit of the local library. There was a large at tendance. The Peninsula band gave a concert. Refreshments were served. Enough money was raised to purchase a stove for the library and some other needed supplies. ' ... Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dunmlre, living at 3S6 Wuco (treat, were given a pleasant Grecian lines, and carried a beautiful bouquet of carnations and roses. The parlor decorations were of Autumn leaves and cut flowers, Including many varie ties of roses and cosmos. Those present were: Mrs. George Estes, Mrs. Henry Kahn, Mrs. M. A. Penny, Mrs. Millie Oel lers. Mrs. Ella Smock, Miss Mabel Fra ley, E. L. Fraley. George Estes. Milton Moore, Henry Kahn and Dr. Brougher. The bride is the daughter of a Los An geles merchant, V. Kratz, who was for merly in business in Oregon for many , years. Mr. Hamilton, who was formerly a resident of San Francisco, is now in the employ of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. Mr. and Mrs Hamilton expect to make their home in Portland. Mclntosh-Bler. The marriage of Earl H. B. Mcintosh, of Walla Walla, and Miss Maud Bier, daughter of F. W. Bier, City Clerk of Vancouver, Wash., took place at 3:30 o'clock last Wednesday at the home of the bride's father. 112 East Tenth' street, Vancouver. Miss Freda Bier, a younger sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Wallace Eastham acted as groomsman. The bride was given away by her father. Rev. C. R- G. Poole was the officiating clergyman. About 30 relatives and inti mate friends were present. The bride was gowned in-white batiste and carried a bouquet of white roses and maiden hair ferns. She was born and raised in Vancouver, but for several years lived with her sister, Mrs. George E. Sanders at Albany, Or. The groom is also a native of- Clark County. Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh left for Walla Walla where they will make their home. Dempsey-Klrkham. A pretty wedding was solemnised Sat urday evening. September 4, at 8 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kirkham, of 761 East Twenty-first street, when their daughter. Miss Ruth Kirkham, was wedded to Charles Dempsey, Rev. Mr. Leeds per forming the ceremony. The bride was gowned in white silk mull, with garni tures of Irish lace. The decorations con sisted of immense quantities of roses and sweet peas. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kirkham. Mr. and Mrs. David OUphant, Mrs. D. P. McDon ald, Vera McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Mackey, Mr. and' Mrs. Peter Kirkham, Mrs. Wright, James Monto, Ellen Kirkham, Floyd. Hammltte. Eva Kirkham, H. Gardner, H. Jodln and W. Alward. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey will reside at 651 John son street. Bomgardner-Orr. .A very pretty home wedding occurred in Hood River Tuesday morning at 9:80 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, P. Orr, whose second daughter, Miss Flo, was married to Dr. David S. Bora gardner, of Portland, who' formerly re sided In Hood River. Many out-of-town guests besides friends in Hood River were in attendance. The ceremony was performed, by Rev. Mr. Evans, of the Methodist Church at Hood River. The rooms were beautifully decorated wJth roses and Oregon grape. Mr, and Mrs. Bomgardner will reside in Portland. Shultz-Maulding. J. C. Shultz and Miss Erma W. Mauld lng, both of this city, were married at the home of the bride, 1020 Commercial street. Wednesday nlpht. September I, UND CAL, LI NG CARDS MONOGRAM STATIONERY WG.SMITHs'GO Third Floor W.ahtn irton Bldg fourth and Wasulngtoa, Rev. J. W. McDougall officiating. Mr. Shultz is an electrician in charge of the npwer-house at Boring. Mr. - and Mrs. Snultz left for Seattle for a brief trip, and on their return will make their home at Boring. Those witnessing the ceremony were: Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. A. Jeyso. Mr. and Mrs. Haase, F. H. Maulding. F. K. Mauldlng, Miss Nell Lundy, D. E. McMicken, Miss Lorene Dlnsmore, Miss Gladys Maulding, Miss Emma Schultz. Miss Mildred Schultz, Mrs. L. S. Dlnsmore, of Sheridan, and Vernon Maulding, of Boring. Gillette-Abbott. A "beautiful wedding service was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Abbott at Arbor Lodge Sunday afternoon, September 5, when their daughter. M' s Mignon Althea Abbott, was married to Glenn Gillette, of Hood River. .ev. James D. Corby, pastor of the Universal is! Church of Good Tidings, omciatea. The bridal couple was attended by James E. Dunbar and Miss Nettie B. Aooott. Mr. and Mrs. Gillette have gone to New port for a fortnight's sojourn, after which they will reside at Hood River. Gossett-YVhithain. Miss Grace Olive Whltham was mar ried 'last Wednesday to J. W. Gossett, of Montavilla. The bride had been for two years past employed as assistant to the Postmaster at Woodlawn and is popular with a large circle of acquain tances. After the wedding a Dreaktast was served at the home of the groom's parents, 14 East Fifty-sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. Gossett will be at home to their friends after September 12, Frew-Gibbon. James Frew, local manager for J. & R. Wilson, ship chandlers, and Miss Eliza beth Stewart Gibbon, of Glasgow, Scot land, were united in marriage in New York City August 23. Mr. Frew is the only son of Captain Frew, of Glasgow, and has been identified with shipping in terests on the Pacific Coast for the past six years. Mr. and Mrs. Frew will make their home at East Thirty-ninth and East Salmon streets. Gardner-Humphrey. A quiet wedding took place on the evening of August 80 at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Carpenter on East Fourteenth street, when Mrs. Nadine J. Humphrey, of Portland, was married to Harry P. "Gardner, of Washington. Rev. James D. Corby, pastor of the First Unl versallst Church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner will reside in Vancouver, B. C. Fredrlckson-Bain. Arthur Frederlckson and Anna Bain were married at 386 East Sixth street, September 7 in . the presence of their nearest relatives. Rev. O. Hagoes, of the Northwest Lutheran Church, officiated. Frazler-Johnson. Mr. Frazler and Miss Katherine John son, both of Portland, were married last Wednesday at 6 P. M., at the United Presbyterian parsonage, 386 Sixth street, by Rev. Frank D. Findley, the minister. Stevens-McKim. Eugene E. Stevens and Miss Nellie Mo Kim were united In marriage at the par sonage of the Sunnyside Congregational Church by the Rev. J. J. Staub, Thurs day, September 9. Doane-Meyers. J. Gordon Doane and Miss Llllie E. Meyers, both of Portland, were married Wednesday morning, September 8 at 828 Ladner street, by Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher. Hamilton-White. F. E. Hamilton, of Clackamas County, and Mrs. R. M. White, of Portland, were married Thursday night, September 9, at 3274 Stark street, by Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher. Arnett-Davls. On Tuesday night at the home of the bride, 633 Savier street, occurred the wedding of Miss Emily Davis and William R. Arnett, Rev. Charles McClure officiat ing. Hlnton-WalkerUgr. Richard Hinton and Minnie Wakerlig, both of Shaniko, Or. were married in Trinity Church by Bishop - Paddock last Wednesday. ANNOUNCEMENTS. I Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bigger, of 441 East Fifteenth street North, announce the en gagement of their daughter Florence to John Stephen Rogers, the wedding to take place on Wednesday evening, Sep tember 22. ... Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Lydia Ritter and Arthur Butterworth. The wedding is to. take place September 22. at the new Central Methodist Church, Vancouver avenue and Fargo street. ... Mr. and Mrs. I. Gevurtz announce the engagement of their niece, Jennie Kariel, to George Berkham. At home at 225 Tenth street Sunday, September 19, from 2 to S o'clock. ... Mr. and Mrs. David McKeen announce ' TFTC MM TOT YM UK We don't know what a dull month means. Our i business increases from month to month and year to year. There must be a reason. This is it : We buy in immense quantities, get the largest discounts; carry full and complete lines, and can sell at less price than any other house in the city. Drive in Iron Beds This week we are offering a large, hand some iron bed, constructed of good one and one-half -inch tubing with the cen ter built up of brass. This is our regu lar $22.50 bed, and we will sell them until closed out for. $14.50 , Snap -in Dressers Beautiful quarter-sawed golden oak dresser; with large handsome beveled plate glass, well worth $23.50. This week only S14.50 Heaters and Ranges We hare just unloaded a car each of the celebrated Stewart Heaters and Ranges. This entire shipment is now on sale. The Stewart product always embodies the latest improvements. The prices range upwards from . . . . $2.50 We can save you money on any pur chase for the house, it doesn't matter what it is. We have the stock to supply your every need and in a variety that will give your fancy full play. LOOK AT OUR WINDOWS Henry Jenning Sons Bill The Home of Good Furniture Corner Second and Morrison the engagement, of their daughter. Doro thy Parker, to Herbert B. Joinn. me wedding to take place the sixth of Oc tober, i ' . . n.r anA tuv T TrTreen announce the v,at. -QTiorVitnT' Dornthv Parker, to nerDert b. corun, mo u"i6 to take place ucxoDer i. COMING EVENTS. WInslow Meade Circle, No. 7, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, will meet in Alisky hall. Third and Morrison streets, on Wednesday evening, Beptem ber IB. Mrs. Ella G. Himes. the depart- ent President at this time, will report on the progress made in eastern urtgoo. ... The Sentember meeting of the Forestry Association will be held tomorrow at Oswego, at the home of Mrs. Pettinger. Members are requested to take the train leaving the Jefferson-street station at 12:50 o'clock. SOCIETY PERSONALS. Miss Sarah Glance has returned from her vacation at White Salmon, Wash. R. B. McClurg and family have re turned from their Summer outing at Sea side, Or. Miss Ruth Murphy, daughter of Dan R. Murphy, is at St. Vincent's Hospital, where she was taken last Monday for 415 Washington Street Comer Eleventh SWAN WINKLER CO. "EXCLUSIVE STYLES" Cloaks, Suits, Waists Dresses, Silk Petticoats, Etc A splendid variety of new Fall Suits are now on dis play, comprising the very latest authoritative styles in the leading shades, and ma terials, including Home spuns, wide wale Diagonals and Serges, Mannish Worst eds and Broadcloths. Prices Range From $22.50 to $85 ' ." Your Inspection Cordially Invited. "THE EXCLUSIVE STYLE SHOP" SWAN WINKLER CO. 415 Washington Street Corner Eleventh treatment for appendicitis. An operation was immediately performed by Dr. E. F. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. John Klosterman and daughter, Miss Kemna, leave next Thurs day for the East, where the latter will enter a New York finishing school. Mr. ILHAM STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. and Mrs. Klosterman will travel through the East and South, returning the first of February. Mrs. B. J. Oliver, who has been for several weeks In New York City, has re- Latest Styles in Wedding Invitations Announcements Monogram Stationery Visiting Cards FIFTH AND OAK STREETS Wire? AND FLORAL DESIGNS CLARKE BROS., FLORISTS 287 Morrison St. V P FT ii li IEj IIj BEAUTY CULTURE MATINEE TOMORROW AFTERNOON AT 2:15 BUNGALOW THEATER BY THE WorldsBeauty Expert 1 AND CALLING CARDS ROSHTOH'S 1 1 Buchanan Bldg, Wash. St, Bel 4th S 5th El FOREIGN BOOKS i We carry German Text-Books, Ger man Fiction find Novels, German Mag- azines; also French Text-Books and Novels, and Spanish Text-Books and Novels. All kinds of books for foreigners to learn English. The A. W. Schmale Co. 229-231 First Street Mordaunt A. Goodnough Announces the Opening of His Studio, Third Floor of the Mnlkey Bldg., Cor. Second and Morrison Sts. Piano and Harmony Phones Main 9212, East 4391. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS. 7 -Si, I L V- V 4 , 1 i MADAME YALE A FEW GOODSEATS LEFT GET TICKETS EARLY FREE SEATS AT THE THEATER