THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 5, 1909. WEATHER MILD, THE COAST STILL LURES - - -Seaside Bids Fair to be Mecca Until Late September Fag End of Season Appeals to Belated Vacation Seekers. Via Astoria & Columbia River Railroad TO Labor Day Excursions 1 r Vr-Ss. .V1 ' -irjv- Jiff- v"'- "! ; ; ! J v? - . V. H." Kf i It; ; HA V, vrs,, V A SEiASIDE, Or., Sept. 4. (Special.) It Is. anticipated that this resort will remain the Mecca of a gTeat number of beach visitors until the lat ter part of September. The weather and natural attractions of the seashore are undeniably superior during; the early Autumnal days, and It Is predict ed that many who have remained In '. town for the Summer, or have visited the A-Y-P and Sound cities, will now take, advantage of the fag-end of the beach season to seek a vacation of quiet nd arenulne enjoyment. The cottagjes along- the board walk and scattered throughout the pictur esque groves are being; closed, and shut tered windows and barred doors stare coldly, where but a few days ago reigned life and warmth. The week-end crowds are perceptibly diminishing;, and the various hostelrles will close next week, the Moore of course, remaining; open the year round. The date of the closing; of Seaside House has not yet been determined. Mrs. A. Allen, accompanied by the Mlssea Rita and Louise Allen and their brother. Bert Allen, wore recently at Seaside, en route to Portland from their Elk Creek Summer home. Mrs. Sidney Vincent and little chll dren. Margaret and John, returned to . Portland Wednesday from a fortnight's . outing at Cannon Beach. Recently at Seaside House were Mr. and Mrs. Graham Glass, and Miss Ethel wynne Glass and Graham Glass, Jr. Major and Mrs. John Parke, with their daughters, the Misses Genevieve and . Pauline Parke, have ioined Mrs. B. H. Brooke. Washington, T. C.. and the party are guests of Mrs. H. C. Lewis In the Buchanan cottage Major and Mrs. Parke only recently returned from an extensive trip through tMe Orient, and are planning a European trip. Mrs. Parke was Miss Nettle Brooke, and la a sister of Thomas i Bcott Brooke. Miss Alma Kent, of Clatskanle, has , arrived to be the guest of her aunt, Mrs..R. P. Graham, at the latter's cot tage In Hermosa Park. Miss Gretohen Smith and Miss Dorothy Stin are guests of Miss - Stephanie Straip at the Srtaln cottage "HaleoU." - Mr. and Mrs. A. Becker are occupying their Cannon Beach cottage during; Sep tember. Mr., and Mrs. Charles Messer Stow have arrived at Seaside for a 10 days sojourn. Miss Josle Sullivan and her niece. Miss Jessie M. Johnson, have been guests of the Hotel Moore the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Leech-and chil dren are guests at the Moore Hotel. Miss Bjs Proebstel and Mrs. Es telle Gabbert have gone to Cannon Beach to Join Mrs. E. W. Wright and : family, who have a beach residence therV. ' Drand Mrs. J. K. Locke, with their children. Miss Beatrice and little Ed ward, accompanied ny Mrs. Locke's mother. Mrs. James - Gibson, returned to Portland Thursday, and will later visit the A-T-P and Sound cities. ' Cottagers returning Include Dr. and Mrs. Gustave Buere and children, with their guest. Miss Louise Buere of Xew Tork; also Judge and Mrs. W. D. Fen ton, who closed their cottage and went to Portland to attend the weddinar. Wednesday, of their son Horace and Miss Lela Goddard; the Robert Lewis 'family wHh Miss Martha Hoyt. who closed the Breyman cottage, which they occupied during the season, and D. C. I'elton. who has closed his handsome beach residence. "Peltonla Lodge," for the season. Guests at the Seaside House Include Mr. and Mrs. James B. O'Shea, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George F. White have been recent guests at the Moore Hotel. Mrs. H. W. Mitchell. In Bu'.V'lVld No. 2. has recently been entertaining her mother. Mrs. W. D. Bellinger. Alex Lange has also been a house guest with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jayne, of Hood River, are at Seaside House. Miss Thera Yocum and Miss Anna James are guests at the J. P. Sharkey cottage. Mrs. W. X. Herrln. of Forest Grove, has been a recent guest at Seaside Houaa. Mr. and Mrs. c. H. Ford ara among the late arrivals at the Moore Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Otten, with their children. Miss Marie and George, Jr., are i occupying their - Seaside - cot tage until late season. C. J. Jennings has been a ate comer t'o Seaside House. Mrs. B. E- Meredith with Misses Dor othy Meredith and. Sallle Sabin are Moore guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thompson have I been recent guests of Mrs. E. I Tliomp- j son. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Goodman, Miss Rose Goodman and their mother, Mrs. N. Goodman, will return to Portland next week, after a sojourn at the Moore Hotel. Miss June Sterling Is the guest of Mrs. y. . N. Kollock in Butterfleld Cottage No. 3. i. Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Keats, with. Misses Mildred and Leslie Keats, were guests the past week at the Moore Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Marshall and their daughter. Miss Vivian Marshall, are occupying their cottage at Seaside, remaining for September. Miss Mabel E. Beck has been a recent guest at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gollnsky have ar rived at "Sandhurst," the Summer home of Mrs. Gjllnsky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, for a brief visit, prior to their departure for the A.-Y.-P. Warren E. Thomas and tila daughter, Mlsa Jeannette Thomas were recent guests at Moore's hostelry. Mrs. D. J. Wiley, with Miss Elizabeth Wiley and their guest, Mls Mary B. Matthews, are domiciled In their cottage, "The Pines." for the mid-September sea son. Mrs. George Bishop, accompanied by lllrs Edythe Bishop, are Moore guests. Mrs. Norrls B. Gregg is also at the Moore Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blgltn are domi ciled In their cottage at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Flanders are among the lata arrivals at Moore's hos telry. Mr. and Mrs." W. H. Daugherty and children are occupying a cottage at Sea side during early Autumn. Mr. and Mrs. W. A- T. Bushong are late arrivals at the Moore. Week-end guesU among the cottager Include Louis Clark, Otto Dekum, John Gill. T. T. Strain, Captain W. H. Patter son, H. W. Mitchell and Chester Murphy. Mrs. r. j. Levlnson and charming little daughter, Peggy, have arrived to be guests of Mrs. E. B. Piper In her cot tage near the board walk. lrs. F. K. Kendall, of the Crows-Nest Cottage, Is entertaining Mra. A, Tallant, of Astoria. Mrs. John Pearson, of Portland, with Miss Mabel V". Wedge, of Chicago, ar rived at the Moore Friday. Miss Imogene GUI has been the recent guest of Mrs John F. Logan. Mr. and Mra. Joseph H. Page are among the late arrivals at the Moore. Mrs. R. F. Mongea and two children. accompanied by Miss S.-T.' Grant, of Woonsocket, Rhode Island, are at the Moore Hpjel. Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson and family have arrived at the Dayton Cottage for September. v i E. W. Wilson, Jr., Is a recent guest at Seaside -House. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Johnson and .Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pearson and two children "HTj new arrivals at the Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Ranee Gllliland, with Mr. and Mr! Gllliland, Sr., are domiciled in their Seaside cottage. M. B. Mallory was a recent Seaside House guest. H. M. Adams Is a late arrival at the Moore. Mr. and Mrs. -Charles Cleveland are oc cupying their cottage. Recently at Seaside House were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Greer, with John C. Sholes, of Medford.. Or. Roger Kewhall; of Portland, arrived Thursday at the Moore. Miss Florence Deverell, of KUauea, Hawaii, has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Gill In their attractive cottage, "K'ahance," on the J'ecanicum. K. a.Brron Is at Seaside House. C. A. Dolph Is a recent arrival at the Moore. Recent guests at the Moore Hotel In-1 c,lude Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Stout, Mr. and air. R. R, showcresa, Mr. and. Mrs. 1 I f U t..V : ' if it ' L 1 I til - .1 - .Hit -;Jl ;ii;f ;i;;-r.; timmmmmmimmMz, .- I j f fill season none was more enjoyable than the supper party and bonfire gathering at which Mrs. Dedmon, of the Sunset Hotel, ' was hostess. Those asked were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Reldel, - Charlotte and Arthur Reidel, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gevurtz, Mrs. F. B. Swazxe, with Frank and Davis I Swazae, Mrs. Roblln and daughters Char lotte and Donna, Mrs. D. W. Ward and son Raymond, Mrs. J. A. Povey and i daughter Dorothy, Miss Elaine Gooley, Mrs. G. Wlnshlp and daughter Pearl, Miss Louise Hansen, Misc Ethlyn Doe, Miss M. Keleher, Mrs. Young and .W. I Thomas Healy. -. T. A. Rutherford, Scott Brooke, J. Lowen- i Duffy and Mr. ac; Mrs. William P. gart. L. Y. Buck. R. W. Schmeer, J. H. Strandborg. Is'eche, Mrs. A. Antoinette Stiles. H. J. Stiles, Mrs. J. Grelg and son, .Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Paige, Robert A. Miller, H. V. Dickinson, MIm Irene . Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Willis. NORTH BEACH SEASOX EXDS Only Few Belated Visitors Arriving at Popular Resort. LONG BEACH. Wash.. Sept. . Spe cial.) After North Beach happenings and hotel registers one may with safety write Selah, tor the season Is inderd ended at this incomparable resort. The laet days of August were Ideal ones, and while many tardy arrivals still remain to en Joy the halcyon early September, am a few cottages will keep open house during the next fortnight, for the greater part the beach season of IMS is a matter of memories. A. H. Richards, of Salt Lake City, is registered at the Chamberlain. Mrs. H- Carstens with Miss Emily Care tens were recent guests at Hack ney's Cottage. Mrs. H. Klewe ana her daughter. Miss Laura' E. Klewe, are guests at the Shell burn e. Hopkins Jenkins, accompanied by hi parents, are domiciled in a cottage at Long Beach.. Recently at the Chamberlain were Eric M. Ericksen and Carl J. Erlcksen. A. A. Courtney, Jr.. la at North Beach Inn.. - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ehrman, with their daughter. Miss Emily, and son, S. Mason Ehrman, are among those who left the Breaker hostelry last week. Miss Nona Lawler arrived at Saltalr Station on Wednesday, to open the Lawler cottage, where a small . ouse party is in progress during this week-end. Miss Lawler's guests include Miss Belle O'Brien, Miss Maude Hogan, Miss Devoe, Joseph Dorgan, William True, Siartia George- J. Cameron, of Portland, with his guest, D. E. Austin, of Chicago, are at Hotel Saltair. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hertsche are at Hackney's Cottage Guests at the Shellburne include Mrs. Dora Adams, Mrs. Lucy P. Brackett, Mrs L. M. Wighter and M. Daniel Kelly, of Portland. L. W. McAdams is at Hackney's hos telry. Mrs. Donald Edward Roblln with her two interesting little daughters, Charlotte and Donna Ellen, are guests at Hotel "Sunset. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Phelps are' late comers at Hackney's Cottage. Miss Alice Barker has returned to Alexander Court, Portland, after a fort night's visit at Hotel Sunset. Frank K, Smith, of Aberdeen, is a late comer to the Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grenfell and C. W. Grenfell are at Hackney' Cottage. Mrs. A. Louise Barton accompanied by her daughter. Miss Lena Barton, are re cent arrivals at the Shellburne. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Elliott, of Port land, with Miss Bessie Elliott of Winni peg, Canada, are Hotel Saltair guests. - Mrs. F. S. Stanley and children. Cornelia and George and baby Frederick, with Miss Lillian O'Brien were among the -recent departures from the Breakers Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Allshaw are spending their honeymoon at North Beach. Mrs. Allshaw was until last Wednesday Miss Clara Denard. J. T. Gregg has been a guest for sev- eral days at Hotel Sunset. Mrs. George P. Little .of Chicago, has arrived to be the guest of her mother. Mrs. G. F. Whltehouse, at Long Beach. Later Mrs. Whitehouse will accompany her daughter to San Francisco for a visit. Miss Anne Shannon Monroe, of Port land; her. sister. Mrs. George A. Libby and her young daughter, of Tacoma, are sojourners at the Breakers. , Among the interesting events incidental to the closing of tie hostelrles for this GEARHART COTTAGES CLOSING Summer Colony Dwindles With Firet September Days. GEARHART, Or., Sept. 4. (Special.) At this resort very few cottages are remaining open for the mid-September season, and this week has witnessed a general exodus from the park. Ktubs's Beach Hotel has closed Its doors and its efficient manager, Mrs. M. E. Dag gett, has taken up her residence in the palatial new hotel which Theodore Kruse is building at - Gearhart. Mrs. Daggett will superintend the furnishing of the new hostelry, and the color scheme, furniture and various appurte nances will be under her tutelage and direction. The new hotel, which is one of the most handsome buildings along the Coast, will be open for occupancy on July 1 of next year. During the closing week the guests registered at Kruse's Beach Hostelry in cluded Mrs. J. F. Miller, of Salem, who was accompanied by Miss Cornelia Cook and Miss Cully Cook, of Portland; Mrs. John McCraken, also of Portland, with Mrs. W. E. Pratt, of Oregon City; Mrs. H. Mackay, accompanied by Miss Sarah Mackay; Mrs. J. E. McCrea. Mrs. W. E. Lacey; Miss R. P.. -Bradford- and Robert C. Kinney, of Portland, with Joseph E. Webber, of Templeton,. Cal. News of Columbia Beach. COLUMBIA BEACH, Or., Sept. 4. (Special.) Many visitors are expected at Columbia Beach on Labor Day, Sep tember 6. It is expected that Hood River and Vancouver will . send large numbers of people on the special train from Portland. Preparations have been made to reed the guests on ihat day sumptuously on an old-fashioned clam dinner. A match baseball game has been arranged betw.een the Astoria and Vancouver teams. The City Park band of Astoria will furnish music during the day. Mrs. H. A. Stiles and daughters, of Portland, have returned after spending the Summer. . Loren Seward and . family, - of Van couver, are visiting the beach. A. L. Johnston and family have taken up a twoweks' residence. OREGON'S WATER SUPPLY Damage to It and Undergrowth by Forest Fires. -, i PORTLAND, Sept. 2. (To the Editor.) Who la there In Oregon who should not be deeply interested in the constant prs servation of the forests, undergrowth and vegetation upon the mountain water sheds? Upon these fall the greatest and heav iest portion of the annual rainfall. ' Upon these It should be allowed to store in the greatest abundance for the supply of the underground waters In our valleys and plains. These Invaluable underground waters are, as yet, too little thought about and utilized by tht farming com munity or Oregon. These forest fires, so prevalent at this season, form the most formidable foes to the conservation of . our Invaluabls water supplies. Many a time, "during the past 20 years, I have stood on the fire- swept western slopes - of the Cascade Range and Rioted the utter desolation of those burnt regions which ' had nought left on them but the scent of vegetable death of undergrowth Ufsj. dejrtroved too j Clatsop Beach Resorts HOLLADAY SEASIDE GEARHART PARK MORRISON (Columbia Beach) SKIPANON (De Laura Beach) 33.00 ROUND TRIP , Tickets Good Going Saturday, Sunday and on Monday Morning: Trains. Returning: Sunday or Monday. REGULAR TRAINS Leave Portland 8 A.M., 6 P.M. Leave Seaside 7 :40 A.M., 5 P.M. SPECIAL TRAINS Leave Portland Saturday, 2 :30 P. M. ; Monday, 7 :45 A. M. Leave Seaside Sunday, 6:40 P. M.;' Monday, 6:40 P. M. ' For parlor car reservations and detailed information as to train schedules, etc., call at City Ticket Offices, v 122 Third St., Near Washington. 255 Morrison St., Corner Third. Grand Central Station. often by wandering campers' fires left alive. Some of these far-spreading fires may have originated from lightning and the sparks from some railroad locomotive. I am of the poinion that many of these fires have originated also from broken glass bottles scattered around by camp ers, prospectors, timber-cruisers and others. Many a time, for lack of a match I have lighted my pipe with a magnifying glass, forming a burning-glass, with the hot sun of Summer at the right angle, would set fire to any dry substance. I have read of an instance of a cretonna curtain being burnt by the focussing of the sun's rays through a glass water bottle standing on a window-sill. I have read of another case, which occurred in the Blue Mountains of Aus tralia, where the chance observer saw a flame suddenly start in a heap of leaves and twigs. After putting out the fire, he- found a white glass bottle in the ashes. "Behold how great a matter a little fire may kindle." In the region of Australia referred to, these terribly destructive fires are of frequent occurrence during the blazing heat of Summer. B. M. BRERETON, C. E. Institute Dates Set. KALAMA, Wash., Sept 4. (Special.) The Teachers' Institute for Cowlits County will be held in Kelso, September 10 and 11. The instructors secured are J. H. Ackerman, State Superintend- ' ent of Oregon; Miss Nellie Sherwood1, primary supervisor at Cheney State Normal, Washington; B. w. Johnson, manual training director of Seattle city schools, and N. D. Showalter, School Superintendent of Whitman County. CHURCH WORK INCREASING New Pastors Given Assignments in Coos Bay Cities. MARSHFrELD, Or., Sept 4. (Special.) There has been a change in the pulpits of several of the churches In Marsh field. Rev. Father Keavney, who was recently appointed by the archbishop to take charge of the Catholic Church at Bandon, has arrived. Formerly Bandon was a part of the charge in Marshfleld, but Is now separate and Includes Curry County. ' A new priest house and a paro chial school will be built there. Rev. J. Richard Olson, the new English Lutheran minister, has arrived to take charge of the church In this city. He was recently oTdained at Rock Island, 111., and will take the place of Rev. B. F. Bengstson, who will remain in Marsh fleld and take a vacation from active work. Rev. J.' R. Zugg. the new Presbyterian minister, has also arrived to take charge of the local church. ' Labor Day Excursion Rates ESTACADA AND RETURN, MONDAY, ' SEPT. 6TH, 1909 75 Cents Trains leave East Morrison and Water Streets, 5:25 A. M., 6:55 A. M., then EVERY HOUR, GOING AND RETURNING Meals at Estacada Hotel 50 Cents . The Park is at its best. A delightful place for a day's outing. Nice shaded walks, swings, tables, and on the banks of the scenic Clackamas. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Union Labor Day Picnic Monday, September 6th. Afaetto Park Via. United Railways Line. Park 13 miles from Portland, overlooking Columbia River and mountains. Music, Dancing, Baseball, Fishing, Prize Races, Etc. . Three-car trains leave 3d and Stark every , hour except noon. ROUND TRIP 45 CENTS Auspices Local Unions.