The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 05, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 18

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i : i
NO S COOK STOVE with water eol I
S'.n tninrnl teel range with water coil.
8.J60; up-to-date Gar-and ga. r"f
I " wptf oven. Ill: ga. water he"".
8.i0: si. plates. V2S up to 3.5: rt
eu treasure' $2: kitchen cabinet. o; kitch
en .. " $V; 'extension table, $4 30; 6 solid
oak d.ning chairs. 17.10; solid oak : e-b-a-d-
112.50: black walnut d:recto-r
taMsiVsfli extra heavy. $13.50; xl
iruel. rug.. Iio: xl3 lnraln row. $5.
S:3ilO: axm Insier rug. Hi-": gooa re
frigerator. JT 50: Ice cream freeaera. -5e
and 10c: foMIng beds, $-: cabinet beds.
$. up to hotel wer. $3: whit.
lm-r. dresser and commode. $13 jO. ''
VIr.da ot housefurnti-hing good, new and
ftis aecond-hand, lold on the Installment
plan. Western S-alvage Co., -'i -621.6.1-..
and 635 Washington st., corner ot
20th at. Phones Main ll'JS. or A 3793.
FOR SALE. CHEAP P. automaUo'.ne. guaranteed A-l shape. $'..v.
S5-H P. S-phase 2-0-volt motor.
50-H. P. S-pha-'e 220-volt motor.
5 Si-H. P. toiler!.
1 S3-K. W. dynamo.
2 Pelton water wheel.
1 donkey er.gine.
1100 feet new 1-inch ateel cable
If In need of pulleys, belting. shafting,
cable, hangers, pipe or anything In the
machinery line, aee u a we can aave you
244-240 Front Street.
t-lnCh pipe. 7c per foot.
H,-lnch pipe. l"c per foot.
3-Inch pipe, lie per foot.
-Inch pipe. 17c rr toot- .
All our pipe la dipped Inside and out and
haa aew threa-i. and coupling.
244-248 Front St.
SPECIAL OFFER -W hav. 100 jeoond
hand sewing machine, that mail be .old
this week regardleea of price to make
room for carload; 40 drop-hee. all makea.
White, New Home. Singer. Wheeler A
Wilson. Domestic and Standard. Do not
for.-et the place White Sewing Machine
Store. 420 Washington, cor. 11th. H. D.
Jones, prop.
THE famous pair of Angora goat, that
haa been the talk of the Seattle fair
and this city: they are well trained and
! earn from HO to $100 per month adver
ting; must sell on account of other
business. Call 261 7th t- C. F. Parker,
the Astor House.
W4NTED A aecond-har.d moving picture out
fit for traveling entertainments; state what
you have and lowest cash price. A IT 349.
WANTED Men's cast-rff clothing and
snoas- we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at th. Fair
Deal.- M d at. North. Phone Mala 9273.
GROfERT FnCTVRE? Counter, platform,
warehouse scales If first clw truck., cof
fee mill, stock bins, etc.; state details.
' W 84T. Oregonian.
BELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co.. or you 11 get laaa
Phones A 2445. Main S95L
Wanted Id-hand furniture; pay h'gh-rt
price. 4 Grand ava. East lial. B 2044.
ONE or two children to care for large
Vlayground. reasonable ratea. Phone A
7J. ask for 4-1.
HARRIS the taxidermist, 495 Wash. St.
Main 36"o Deer heads mounted true to
nature. 110.
WANTED Engine In first-class condition.
aout 135 H. P.: state size, make and
price. J. Simon A Br., 244-2-46 Front at.
WANTED Second-hand typewriter; write
ar.d deacrlbe make, etc. M- T. C, 2o0
l'Hh st.
LADY'S mission dek. small roll-top dek. or
a combination desk and table, or bookcase.
Phone East 4225.
WANTED 1x7 camera, state condition,
make and price when answering. AG 3t3.
WANTED 15" feet SO-lnch net wire fenc
ing state price and where can be aeen.
D 336. Oregonian.
SHIPPING STENCIL cuttlr.c machine: mu"t
be (Irst-clasa condition, reasonable. H 346,
W4.NTED Small electric motor. 4 horse
rower, cheap for cash. J. J. Beaugaard.
7o2 Main st.. Vancouver, wah.
WANTED Gentleman's ticket Chicago;
must be cheap- bui Henry bide.. 4th and
Oak. CalL
LADT traveling to Nebraska would like to
meet Udy for company on trip. Addrea Alt
a.V. Oregonlaa.
WANTED TO BUT 150 United Clrar Store
coupona. 2.25. AddrM T 342. Oregonian.
WANTED Golden Ylbrator; state price. O
364, Oregonian.
WANTED Huntera, two parties for duck
shootlnr reserve. Wood lawn 1300.
CITT Directory. 1908. wanted; In fair con
dition: stale price. F SOU. Oregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given. Phone East 10d..
NOTICE Will par tilgheat prie-s for gentle
men' castolt clothing. Call Mala S474.
TEAMS wanted to haol wood to car. Call at
IrtS Stark St.. rooms IT and 18.
WANTED Wood decoy ducks. Phone Main
HIGHEST prices p-ild for rubbers and met
ala. J. Lev, lit Columl la at. M.
WILL buy. cheap for cah. a good office
, rug. about 7x9 feet. C Stl, Oregonian.
WANTED To buy combings; switches made
to order. East 171U. 601 East Yamhill.
IF T. V. BECKW1TH or any of his friends
will advise SJierman W. Freeman. Tuleo,
Oklahoma, of his whereabouta It will be
to hla advantage. Important. Answer at
. once.
WANTED 8 bridge carpenters. 10 sawmill
helpers. 10 laborers. Call River Mill Co..
2.40 Chamber of Commerce after o'clock
MEN for work on Coast; wages $2.60 a day;
b.ard ft 5t a week. Call Monday or Tut
!ay morning 10 to 12. McAdama. 31 Lum
' bermen'a bl.lg . 6th and Stark sis.
TWO Intelligent young men to solicit, high
- class publication, experience unne-essi-y.
Apply a to 5 P. M. Mouday. 324 Fleldner
WILL give free rent to man and wife of
i rooms In basement and 15 per month:
wife to care for halla and do Janitor
work of small building. Call 450 11th.
RELIABLE, trustworthy man to drive tm
la country, near Portland, hauling wood.
AH 361. Oregonian.
SALESMEN City and country to sell office
stationery, rubber stamp gooda and type
writer goods. :31 S:ark-
WANTED First-class porter and shipping
clerk. Apply touy from 10 to 4, Drvisser-Bealy-Mason
Co.. 61- and Stark.
WANT partn-r In manufacturing and agency
business. ;10 required. Inquire Monday
A. M.. 101K Board of Trade.
WANTED A boy to work In store and
paint shop; must be honeat and reliable.
Call 15i 4th St.. Monday morning.
WAITED Firs t-class meat cutter. Call
Tuesday at F. Berkenwald A Co., 804
fclterett St.
SALESMEN Experienced, to handle on
ciunwaeion. staple, easy selling line. F.
W. Main. 7. Iowa Oly. Iowa.
HARDWOOD floor layers; Are wanted. Ap
d.v Oregon Planing Mill, ltfth and Vaughn
s.ree ta.
WNT f B"v with bicycle. K. S. Krvia 4s
Co., Lid-. Alder at
BOT about 14-1M years, willing to do ail
kinds work, at S2 1st st.
WANTED Janitor for butidlnr. Merchant
Savings A Trust Company.
POT with bicycle. Unique Tailoring; Co
loi Stark.
MAN to solicit for our cleaning and press
ing club. Unique Tailoring Co.. 30ft Stark.
AC? NTS Live ones. F.aiy Shine Polish Co.
3 .,3 Chamber Comroer-ra.
WANTED Bright boy to work la wall
paper store. Call 129 1st at.
TWO solicitors, commission. Monday A. M.
Enterprise Cleaners. 3d and Northrup.
to cut Ko cords of wood aear Port
land. AH 30. Oregon'-an.
OOD strong boy for delivery. Chicago Clean
irr A Dye Worka 443 Washington st.
1 nvT TMTEnMUt. I I II
20 N. 2d St.
Mala 620A A oT3B.
Open Sunday.
Railroad Work East.
Free Fare.
100 station men. top prices.
4t laborers. 12 25 to 42.50.
10 teamsters, 12.25 to 12.50.
3D Austrian. $2.25; boss, 12 5.
16 laborer, 12 day.
Free Fare.
Ship Monday.
40 Austrian, los; road. 12.25; free eook:
boss. 3, company work.
Extra Gang. 32.25.
All kind of logger wanted.
3 chaser. 43.
6 rig rustler. J3.
2 head fallers. 43.23.
2 second fallers. 3.
1 donkey engineer, 12.73.
1 dogger. 32.50.
4 wood bucker. $2 25.
4 skid road men, $2.25.
20 mill and yard men, $2 day. room and
board hotel. $4 50.
Far advanced.
1 blacksmith. $3.50.
1 blacksmith helper, J2.25.
1 car repairer, $2.60.
1 corral boss. 140 and board.
10 teamsters, $40 and board.
6 men wreck ship. $2.25 9 hours.
8 flunkeys. $35 and board.
1 second cook, $40 and board.
Plenty of other Jobs. Call and see ua
TRAVELING SALESMEN earn from $1000
to $.'5,000 a year: over 6UO.O00 employed
In the United State and Canada: th
demand for salesmen exceeds the supply.
We will teach you to be an xpert by
mall and assist you to secure a position
4hrough our free employment bureau. We
receive calls for thousand of salesmen
and bave assisted thousands of men to se
cure good position or better ealarle.
X great many of them who formerly
earned from $25 to $75 a month have
eince earned from i!i a day to a high
as $1000 a month and expenses. Hun
dreds of good position now open. Why
be contented with a poorly-paid position,
long hours, hard or dirty work, when you
can enter this pleasant, well-paid profes
sion In a few short weeka. If you want
to secure a good position or Increase your
earnings, our free book. "A Knight of trie
Grip," will show you how. Write nearest
office for It today. Addres Dept. 6l3.
National Salesmen' Training Association.
New York. Chicago. Kansas City, Minne
apolis. San Francisco.
First-class advertising and sales man
agers. Applv at once to
414 Marquam BUlg.
WE HATH a few openings In our traveling,
sales force for good, live, hustling busi
ness producers In specialty line. Strongest
and most complete advertising novelties
and calendar line in country; state age.
experience and reference. Gartner A
Bender, Dept. A, Chicago. ,
GOOD salaries, short hours. permanent,
agreeable work for TJ. S. Government un
der civil service rules; examinations soon;
no pull needed. Booklet S6&. giving ques
tions, list of position and advice about se
curing them, free for the asking. Unusual
Inducements now. Only chool that guar
antees. Washington Civil Service School,
Washington, D. C.
SIDELINE al'-sraen. coveting regular ter
ritory, cn also attend to our work; won
derful selling automatio waist and skirt
supporter; a few minute In each town
make you $5 or $10. Sample and par
ticular free. Inclose card, confidential,
Happy Girl Company, Kingston, N. Y.
SALESMAN Successful any line to U
general mercantile trade Pacific Coast;
must be capable of presenting fine spe
cialty proposition and earning $2500 or
more year: commission contract: money
advanced for expenses. Continental Jew
elry Co.. Cleveland, Ohio.
REAL ESTATE salesman to handle orchard
tract ft the Hood River district. 10 per
cent commission.
622 Board of Trade Bids.
SALESMEN WANTED Every state to sell
luji.'K-an:.E, to paini. nwoi arc, iirus,
department store trade; salary $125
month for live ones; experience unneces
sary. Floorshine Mfg. Co., 6t. Louis, Mo.
WANTED Immediately, man and wife or
good woman to cook and work on ranch,
no objection to one child, steady position
If satisfactory. W. Al Jones. Gervals. Or.
Phone Saiem. Farmer 33-
EXPERIENCED salesmen for heavily ad
vertlsed staple line with specialty features.
Permanent for producers; worth $li000 or
'more annuallv. Holiday season on. Ad
dress E. V.. Box lt)9. Chicago. I1L
STRONG young man as aartatant Janitor and
to make himself generally useful In dry
goous sttore; state experience, ase and sal
ary wanted: gave teiepnone fiumuer. aa sou.
EXPERIENCED salesman to cover Oregon
with staple line; high commissions with
liberal weekly advance for expenses, per
manent position to right man. L- H.
Drake, Asst. SupL. Detroit. Mich.
A FEW active salesmen wanted. best
Rlvervlew tract In city, close in. Good
seller; prospect furnished: reference re
quired. Call at room 200 Chamber of
Commerce after 1 P. M. today.
SALESMEN who travel, carry a side
line, best general and holiday line, souve
nir postcards. We have men making $200
monthly. So can you. Gartner A Bender,
Dept. 8.. Chicago.
SALESMEN Two hustler for special holi
day line: big advertising proposition baric
of the goods. $5000 men preferred. Aa
dress Manager, 9ul Atwood bldg.. Chi
cago. 111.
SALESMEN wanted everywhere: greatest
accounting system In xistence; every
business house will adopt It: exceptional
opportunity; state experience. Chicago
Binder A File Co, Chicago. I1L
WANTED Organlier: good oommi-plon;
fraternal, social order of Owls. John
Talbot, supreme prelcent. South Bend,
I WANT to tart you In business; spare
time, at home; moat Ingenious money
maker ever devised; free particulars. F.
E. Abbott, desk AJC. Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Well-appearing persevering so
licitor, one who can' approach business
men. $100 required. Shlvely. 803 Corbett
WANTED Young man who wants to better
himself to take half Interest In paying
office business. See Barnard. 323 Wor
cester bldg.
WANTED Successful salesmen to 11 llf
Insurance bonds; exceptional opportunity.
Address box 634. city.
LABORERS wanted; Wile grading. Bast
15th and Siskiyou. $2 and $2.25 bp:
hours work.
FIRST-CLASS clerk and aollcitor for gro
cery and market. Apply 8 to 10 A- M.
Monday. 335 Union ave. N.
BY. about 19. willing to work. Apply
Tuesday 7:45 A. M. Portland Papar Box
Co, 203 Oak st.
SALESMAN Young man to assist In men
clothing, etc Lion Clothing Co, ldo-170
Ed st.
TWO flrst-claa coat makers, vest maker,
steadr work guaranteed. Apply Crown
Tailor shop. 4th and Stark ats.
"EXPERIENtTED salesman wanted for extra
'ordir.ary investment proposition. S 353.
1JVE SOLICITORS easily make 330 to 50
salary weekly special fraternal contracts.
Box $53. The Brotherhood. Denver, Colo.
WANTED Good salesman to handle an es
tablished article on commission In the
city; must oe a uu-uw. - .uu. ...
WANTED Licensed plumber to lay about
600 feet a.inch water pipe and connect
with water main. Phone Main 3521.
WANTED A flrst-elas reporter and one
who can help on competition. Address
A. C Lends. Hood River. Or.
WANTED Bellboy. Inquire Esmond Hotel.
. ft
OAKLAND, CAL., August 28, 1909.
The Portland Oregonian,
Portland. Oregon .
Enclosed herewith please find oheck for $2.17 in payment
of your account against us for 49c and for running the attached ad
Class 9, 3 lines, 6 times, in your paper.
We want to congratulate you upon the value of your paper as
a puller in the classified columns. We carried this same adver
tisement in the leading papers of the different Coast cities and
with the exception of one, from which we received one reply, .
the others were valueless. We have had to date 14 replies fro
the advertisement in the Oregonian, coming from Nevada, Oregon
and Washington.
We will surely call for you in all our-future advertising.
Yours truly
SALESMEN WANTED The most Progres
sive art calendar company In the l-nitea
States, operating the largest and best
equipped plant in the world, haa a lew
openings on It elllng fjrc. Applica
tion will be considered from eober. non
est. Industrious hustlers who are looking
for permanent position Exclusive copy
righted line. Every subject ownod or con
trolled by the .company. Line aiso In
cludes a strictly up-to-date erie or
monthly mailing cards and blotters, write
at once If you are Interested. Address
Sales Manager. Gerlach-Barklovr Com
pany. Jollet. Illinois, U. S. A.
SALESMEN WANTED For the next few
days we will make a proposition to sales
men that will make them sit up straight.
There Is a bag of money waiting for the
live, honest, clean reputable fellow.
Those are the kind we want.
A.-k for Mr. Hlekok.
Board of Trade Bldg.
SALESMAN WANTED If there are any
men within reach of these ciaaslfled pages
who want a good connection with a gooa
concern If you can sell If you are hon
est, capable, reputable see us. there
money in it for u both. Ask for Mr.
Board or Trade Bldg.
1000 HOPPICKERS to pick 600 acres . of
hops; big crop, fine accommodations,
bakery, butcher shop, grocery store res
taurant, free, dancing pavilion beautiful
camping ground, delightful bathing low
excursion rates. We pay $100 per 1W
pounds. Register now at Krebs Bros . Of
S?e room SIS Worcester bldg. Third and
Oak. No Charlies for Job. Office houre
to S P M. ; Sunday. 9 to 1 P. M. Phone
Home A 4335. Main 8906.
WANTED Traveling ealcsman for Oregon.
Southern Idaho and Northern '"'S
for our line of men fine welt from $-.00
to $3.50 a pair; mens high cut GooO-ycars-
from $3.60 to $5. men's workahoe
jeaj-s $1.60 to $2.60; a liberal commission
proposition covering a period of years
will ba offered to th right party. Addres.
the Northern Shoe Company, Duluth,
Minn. .
The Portland Woolen Mills of St. John
can offer employment to men and boys
who wish to learn to weave blankets ind
flannels: work Is not hard and If quick to
learn, can make good wages in a
time: every Inducement offered to ""dy
worker. AppJy Superintendent. Portlano.
Woolen Mills, St. Johns.
WANTED 5 reliable, energetic married
men to purchase 10-acre tracts In the
SoutherUn Valley and accept employment
on the ground: 3761) cash required: good
wares paid, work contlnuors. Apply
203 Corbett bldg, Portland. Or.
Phone Main 8719.
WANTED A few high-rrade saJe-nen to sell
original capital stock of Idaho State Lire
tnLuranc Company, capital $250,000; ha.
indorsement of state officials, bankers and
buelneas men throughout the state, who
have bought stock : only Idaho Company in
Idaho. Address Idaho Stat Life Insurance
Company. BoUe. Idaho.
10 000 POSITIONS for graduate last year,
men and women to learn barber trade in
ellfht week, help to ecure positions;
graduate, earn from $15 to 25 weekly;
expert Instructor; tools f ree . write for
catalogue. Mohler System of College. 86
North 4th t, Portland. Or.
MEN wanted, young. trong. good Yislon.
account increasing business on all rail
roads, for firemen or brakemen ; experience
unnecessary; $76. $100 -nonthly: promoted
to conductor or engineer. $150. $200; state
age. weight, height. Railway Aoola
tlon, car. Oregonian .
WANTED 60 flrst-claa moldern and 26 first
class core makers on machinery work:
steady employment; union wage. union
nours, open shops. Apply by letter or wire,
or come at once. Apply Colorado Foun
drymen'. Aawclatlon, 1739 Blake t.. Den
ver, Colo.
WANTED Men and boys at Lo Angeles:
no expense to learn trad, of el.c rlclty.
plumbing, bricklaying or automoblling by
actual worlt on Jots in month. In. twl ol
years; catalogue free. Ln'te ..J1"
School Contracting Co, Los Angela.
WANTED Canvasser and peddler, country
town to hand! greatest money-mnker In
country" every householder will buy; be
Sour own boss: don't pass tin. by. Camp
lM sll.. Co!, 601 Main t, Seattle.
Wash. -
POSTOFFICE clerk and carrier examina
tion In November. Ftl. application with
u. now for preparation. Good salaries and
promotion. Paoiflo States ,School. McKay
bldg, city.
WANTED 500 men to attend my clearance
sale: $22.50 suits on sale for $10; $$5
suits on sale for $16. . Come early. .
TRULY WARREN, the Sample Suit Man.
Room $15. Oregonian Bldg.
WB require the service of three n'-1""
salesmen: prefer men who have had slock
" life T Insurance experience; state ase.
experience and name references. W Sol.
aiso Salary and commission: manager and
atleiSr for Portland and Oregon; must
rT ai witi proeperou appearance, gooa
iSdrV.s and preferences. Taylor A Koeppel.
San Francisco. -
HOW would you like to make from 10 te $100
dallv, ear business experience unnecessary?
Particulars Newman Motion-Picture i.x
change. 626 Washington.
TEA.MSTER wanted, young man, for light
delivery wagon: must be a good man with
a team and know the city well. Apply
. . - .. tj . i .-n Transfer Pd.
Monaay. "
WANTED Railway mall clerks, postoftlce
clerk, carriers: examinations in Portland
November 17; preparation free. Franklin
Institute, Dept. 418 E, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Experienced bill clerk and office
aflHtstant' rive references and phone;
" i7t be 'rapid and accurate. P 883. Ore-a-onian.
WAN" ED Soap salesman for Pacific Coast
territory, man with experience preferred.
Address Box S. Station C. 335 Los An
geles, Cal. "
WANTED Reliable man to pick prunes,
man with family preferred, phone Main
748. A 5149. or call at 13 1st st. Monday,
ft to 11 A. M.
WANTED Fur operator, and fur finders;
good wages ana ,Sf"" 7 . ji
girl to learn to aew furs. The Sllverfleld
Co, 4th and Morrison.
ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced, no
beginners, commission paid daily. Bene
dictine Press, Goodnough bldg
ABLE office man Investing 1500 secure
permanent employment wna corporation,
good opportunity. R. C. Young, box 4UB4.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agent;
new. wU offer. Cutberth. photographer.
Dekum bldg.
$100 INVESTED will make you from $1000
to $3000. Call 431 Mohawk bldg, Mon
day. WANTED Saleslady for millinery and gen
eral store, out of town. Apply Tuesday
morning. Lowengart A Co, 92-4-4 Front st-
GOOD salesman can secure Al proposition;
commission and drawlrg account; big
money for steady man. 502 Henry bldg.
WANTED Flrst-claas cabinetmakers and
showca- man. Pacific Coast Showcase
A Fixture Co. Inquire 413 Fenton bldg.
BILL CLERK who can use typewriter and
has had wholesale- grocery experience, Lang
A Co, let and Ankeny.
A GOOD live salesman can make $300 per
month ell!ng 6-acre fruit tract. Ad
dress AL 346. Oregonian.
WANTED Boy - with som experience as
pressfeeder. Call Monday. Quick Print Co,
420 Morrison.
HOP pickers wanted. Call at St. Charles
Hotel. Sept. 3. 4, 6. Will begin picking
Sept. . J. L. Bartlett.
WANTED A schoolgirl to work for board,
good home. Call Sunday or evenings. 302
Graham ave-
SALESMEN, all line., bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, city and country. Commercial
Abstract Co, 408 Commercial Club bldg
SECOND GIRL, call In mornings or telephone.-
Address Mr. C. E. S. Wood. Ford
and Main sts.
PORTER In carpet department; well ac
quainted with the business. G 844. Ore
gonian. GOOD solicitor, American, on ary or com
mlselon. 600 Front, corner Sherman. .
H. Martin. '
WE want more energetic. uccessful nursery
salesmen; free outfit; cash weekly. Al
bany Nurseries, Albany. Or.
STENOGRAPHER and assistant office man.
answer In own handwriting and state sal
ary expected. R 31, Oregonian.
WANTED Millinery maker and appren
tices. Apply Tuesday. Lowengart A Co,
92 Front st.
JAPANESE wanted to contract to pick
plums or apples. Address T. Nlshl. care
Criaell Bros, Aurora, Or, R. F. D. No. 3.
GOOD rtenographer, railroad experience. Ad
dress Y 859. Oregonian. with reference..
Haack Bros, 851 Alder St.
FIRST-CLASS barber. Write or phone
(."has. G. Newman. Hood River. Or.
EXPERIENCED window trimmer and card
writer. Apply 171 Third s
CHOCOLATE dipper want Call. P. M,
Swetland's. 289 Morrison.
five-cent cigar.
WANTED A bellboy at the Norton. 13
12th st, corner Morrison.
CARPENTERS wanted, finishers. Call I B.
Schellhammer. 29 Hamilton bldg.
DELIVERY boy. 150 5th st, Florlt.
BOY to learn tinner trade. Inquire 283 Grand
WANTED Delivery boy for meat market;
state age. Y 863, Oregonian.
term Sept. 27. 330 Worcester block.
PRESSER Experienced, between 10 and 11
A. M, Sunday. 303 Waahlngton, room 8.
MAN experienced In accounting and general
office work. K 836. Oregonian.
TOB A.CCO atrlpper wanted at once; som.
experience required. 202 Wash,
WANTED Young man to work In TurkUh
- baths. M 855. Oregonian.
WANTED A ehoemakar: must be perfect.
Inquire 606 Main St., Oregon City.
TWO CARPENTERS to do rough work on th
K. P. Hall. Hlllaboro. Or.
MAN for all-around work. Apply 204
Madison st.
HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wee;
permanent. 216 Commercial block.
WE aecur position Tor our membera
Special membership. T. M. C. A.
COOKS nd kitchen helper headquarter.
California Win Depot. 164 2d. Main 6500
t.tvE photo coupon and portrait agent.
DavlsT The Hayes Studio. 842 Wash.
BOT, 16 years, with wheel. 840 month. Ap
ply 128 Fifth t-
WANTED Vest ma-ker: steady work. 408
Couch bldg.
BOYS wanted. Carman Mfg. Co, l$th and
Upshur t.
WANTED Mattres and couch-maker.
Carman MIg. Co.. l$th and Upshur sta.
SALESMAN wanted to handle an exception
ally attractive real estate and timber
proposition, which can be sold on annual,
semi-annual or monthly Installment. We
furnish Inquiries and good atrong liter
ature. Capable, aggressive and energetic
man can make a very desirable connec
tion with the largest and strongest house
In It line in th country. Sacramento
Valley Imp. Co, St. Louis, , Mo.
WANTED AT ONCE A practical printer to
take full charge of and run weekly news
paper in email Deschutes Valley town In
Central Oregoa: territory of two new rail
roads now building. $18 per week: will con
sider proposition of selling half Interest to
printer capable of running paper. Laidlaw
Chronicle. Laidlaw. Or.
SALESMAN to represent ' an established
Eastern house on the Western Coast;
must have an Intimate acquaintance with
the wholeaale and large retail drygoods
and notion trade state experience, ac
quaintance, lines of goods previously han
dled and salary. Address Salesman, room
507, 920 Chestnut at, Philadelphia. Pa.
THE M-3ler & Frank store wants sales
clerks for various departments; also can
place 20 young boy who want to learn
the business. Apply to superintendent.
Sth floor. new building, Tuesday from 8
to 10 A. M.
WANTED Depot agent for station near
Portland, only men experienced In han
dling railroad tickets need reply; one
understanding office routine will be given
the preference; strfe experience and
where employed. F 858. Oregonian.
WANTED Traveling salesman to handle
Chinese silk handkerchiefs, mufflers,
drawnwork, etc. as Bide line on commis
sion. State territory covered and for
whom working, etc AN 860, Oregonian.
MEN WANTED to leara telegraphy, wireless
telegraphy and engineering, ft. R. aad sta
tion work; practical Instruction; largest pri
vate station In the world. Send stamp for
circular. Wlrelas. Institute, San Francisco.
TWO first-class assistant bookkeeper, also
two Junior clerk. 18 or 19 years old. must
have completed grammar school, be fair
penmen and com well recommended as to
character. G 849. Oregonian.
WANTED Young man with experience in
keeping stock In a clothing and dry goods
store and Is willing to work In a country
town. Salary $50 to $60 per mouth. Ad
dress F 361. Oregonian.
TRAVELING salesmen earn $1000 to $10,000
yearly. Write for free book, "How Sales
men Succeed" and secure position with re
liable firm. BradJtreet System, Dept. 130,
Rochester. N. T.
EXPERIENCED "salesman to cover Oregon
with staple line; high commission with
liberal weekly advance for expenses;
permanent position to right man. L. l.
Drake, asst. supt, Detroit, Mich
TO HEAR at once from good general busi
ness man for small stock, two bills a
week; must be versatile, good wardrobe,
sober, reliable; guaranteed position. G.
L. Walters, Independence, Or.
YOUNG MEN, wireless telegraphy, railroad
telegraphy easily learned; best equipped
school in the West. 4 years established;
Investigate. Oregon College Telegraphy. 83
6th at-
WANTED Reliable man to check goods,
pay $25 per week; $250 required; this se
cures half Interest in business; business
Increasing. Particular, 417 Board of
Trade bldg.
ATTENTION Make money writing stories or
for newspapers; Improve spare time, earn
large Income; send euamp for booklet, tell
how. Press Syndicate, San Franctaco.
WHY work for others f Why not own prop
erty of your own? I have something
new that may Interest you. Write for
particulars. A 363, Oregonian.
WANTED Single young man as partner,
with $100 cash, for good-paying business-
quick returns; no experience re
quired. Call room 20. 14S 6th at, cor.
WANTED Traveling -aIemen to Interview
bank In each town; little time required; a
' remunerativ side line. Suite 432, Peyton
block. Spokane, Wash.
MEN TO ORGANIZE and conduct a pphllc
speaklng club in their own town. Write
for particulars. The Public-Speaking Club
of America. 1268 Broadway, New York.
WHOLESALE grocery house want first-class
bookkeeper: only tho having had whole
sale experience and good reference, need
apply. Lang A Co, lt and Ankeny.
SALESMAN Live aide line for live men;
consignment proposition ;, especially good
lor tnose woraiug uiuu lvw""' 1-u" -.,',
tury Mfg. Co, 1308 Well st, Chicago. 111.
DRAUGHTSMAN with $30 cash can obtain
permanent position building company:
write for details and interview. Box
WANTED Men to clear land on contract;
will furnish stump-puller, horse, tents,
tools. McCoy. 364 26th t- North, 6:30
to 7:30 evenings.
MEN wanted to dig water ditch: 2 for 8
hours" work. Gregory Heights, end of East
Ankeny and Rose City carllne.
EXPERIENCED eolloltor. city work, good
proposition; salary and commission. Ad
dress E 360. Oregonian.
GIRL to care for baby and help with house
work: pleasant home for good glrL Phons
E. 40O2.
MOTION-PICTURE operator earn $33 week
ly lesssons reasonable; short hour--, easy ln
.ide work. 626 Washington.
WANTED A practical and experienced
man and wife to work 10 aares on shares.
AL. 860. Oregonian. -s-
8TRONG boy In cake department, night
work. Apply between 8 and 11 A. M. to
day, Royal Bakery. 11th and Everett.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, stenographer
and typewriter oomblned; good reference
required. Address B 856 Oregonian.
WANTED First-class bookkeeper who can
take stenographic note and use machine
for out-of-town position. C 833. Oregonian.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St
Open Sunday 10:30 A. M. to 2 P. M.
WANTED General blacksmith. $3,301
millwrights, $3.50 and $4: carpenters. 3
end $3.50; planerman. one machine, SJ.
Tlaner feeders. $2 .50; lumber graders, $.50
up; yard tallyman in city. $2.50 up;
marker on sorting table, city. $Z.6l:
rachet setter for pony saw, $2.75; other
rachet setter. $2..5 up; carriage riders,
$2.50: stlckermen. S3 to $3.50; 50 mill
hands. $2.25 to $2.75.
Man and wife cooks. $100. $65: man
with flunkey for small camp. $80 up;
flunkeys, $30 up; cook, short order, city,
$14 up.
Lumber pller. box factory hand and
loggers. ,
Hundred of new Jobs every day.
We are shipping men In all directions.
If you are broke, we will pay your faro.
We give a written guarantee to ray
your fare both ways if there ia not work
where ' we send you.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St.
WANTED Promoter to handle high
class electrical enterprise which should
revolutionize one of the greatest Indus
tries In the world. The company is now
receiving the widest publicity by the press
throughout the country, is a proven com
mercial success, and has a monopoly in
It particular line of business; adapted to
every city, town and district, thoroughly
protected by U. S. patents, giving tha
company a monopoly In its particular lino
of business; is one of th largest utilities
In the country, known everywhere by
everybody. Sub-companlea and syndicates
ir.av be organised: parent company now
operating. Demonstrating outfits whiclr
convince the most skeptical will be fur
nished. This is a rare chance tor th
right man; business clean, stands high,
largely profitable. City, country and state
agencies open. Shares sell very readily
and appeal to all classes of Investors.
Address for Interview, stating quali
fications, etc.. P. O. Box 1573. Soattle,
Open Today. Open Monday Also.
Headquarters for R. R. Work.
6outh to California free fare.
600 laborers, teamsters, rockmen, tunnel
men, concrete and gravel ahovelers for
new R. R. work.
South In Oregon at Natron,
The Klamath Fall extension free far.
15 laborers, $2.60 day;. 25 laborer. $1
3 station gangs, 1 tunnel station gang.
East Deschutes Ry. Free fare.
Station gangs; day laborers.
Second cook. $90; fry cook. $73; kitchen
help, dishwashers, pantrymen, vegetable
men, $10, $9. $8, $7 a week, with hoard,
ome with room; waiters, $25 to $40; camp
help, cooks and flunkey.
Loggers all over.
Oldish men to deliver messages.
Ratchet-setter, $3; lumber-marker. $76;
sawmill hands, $2.50.
City laborers Farm Help.
New Jobs hourly.
Employment Agents.
2S North Second St, Portland. Or.
Portland. San Francisco. Spokane.
Established 1873.
A free Job to any able-bodied man who
i broke.
OFFICE manager for city in Wash.; $3000
a year guaranteed, salary and commis
sion or tralsht commission. Do
not apply unless you have $2000
cash which we require manager to use
In the business; money will also draw
dividends. Address, giving phone num
ber If possible. B 36L Oregonian.
REAL ESTATE man want, partner; excel
lent chance for young man to get In real
estate business; no experience necessary
and very little money required. Particu
lars National Realty & Trust Co, 326
Washington St.. room 618.
FIRST-CLASS, salesman in our real estate
department;' for an active, reliable man
there Isn't a better opportunity In the
Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Detectives, Investigator, ator.
testers and men for. all branches detec
tive work; lucrative employment; previous
experience unnecessary. Write for full par
ticulars. Burlew Detective Service (Eat.
1S68), Ideal bldg, Denver, Colo.
ANYBODY, either sex, can make $4 dally
all year raising mushrooms for hotels and
restaurant with my spawn in cellars,
sheds, boxes, etc Free illustrated In
struction booklet. Hiram Barton, 329
West 48th t. New York.
MAN, must be willing to learn and oapabla
of acting aa our representative; no can
vassing or solicitlns: good Income as
sured. National Co-Operatlve Realty Co,
792 Marden bldg, Washington. D. C
NEW profitable field, brilliant Mexican
diamonds, exactly resemble genuine. Defy
' experts; quick sales, large commissions.
Send special offer. Mexican Diamond Imp.
Company, dept. 440, La Cruces. N. M.
CLERKS and carrier In postofflces earn
$600 to $1200 yearly. Examinations here
goon. Full Information free. Washington
Civil Service School. Dept. 309. Wash
lngton, D. C.
BARBER wanted, steady, union shop; must
be first-class. Board of Trade bldg.
ATTENTION Make money writing stories or
for newspapers; Improve pare time, earn
large- income; send stamp for booklet, tell
how. Press Syndicate, San Francisco.
WANTED First-class waist, skirt, coat,
sleeve-maker and helpers. M. A A. S-hogTen,
384 Yamhill.
GIRL for general housework in family of
four adults; wage $'10. Apply 769 Waaco
St. Broadway car.
YOUNG- GIRL wanted, very light house
work, 2 in family, good home. Apply
apartment D. 254 North 25th st.
WOMAN to work in kitchen forenoon. Call
Sunday after 2 P. it. 369 E. Burnside.
WANTED Girl for upstairs work, willing
to teach. 332 N. 23d. Phone Main 6843.
GIRL to assist with work In private boarding-house.
Call 265 West Park.
CAPABLE girl, housework, family, $35. St.
Louis. 245 Wash. Main 2039.
WANTED Neat young lady to share apart
ments; rent reasonable. D 360, Oregonian.
WANTED A middle-aged woman for gen
eral housekeeping. 274 Park st.
FIRST-CLASS waitress by Mrs- C. H. Lewi
19th and Gllsan sts.
FIRST-CLASS cook, out of city. Call 533
Everett st. Main 3933.
GIRL for general housework; small family.
335 East 13th t. North. C 1006.
HOUSEKEEPER for widower with 3 young
children. C 364. Oregonian.
AGENTS to call on ladles' trade. Easy Shin
Polish Co, 333 Chamber Commerce.
EXPERIENCED girl to wait on table at
the Woman's Exchange, 186 5th at.
NEAT girl to wait on table In small, seleot
boarding-house. 452 Morrison.
GIP.L for general housework. Apply apart
ment No. 1. 69 N. 23d St. Main 6257.
WANTED An experienced girl to do second"
work. Apply 215 St. Clair st.
WANTED A washwoman, hand laundry. 127
N. 18th et.
W A NTED Experienced Iron, hand laundry.
127 N. 16th St.
HOUSEWORK girl wanted for general house
work. 828 Kearney st.
THOROUGH course of millinery taught tn
8 weeks; terms reasonable. 416 Alder.
LADY barbers, 2 good barbers; $18 guaran
teed. 1105 S. C. st, Tacoma.
WANT chambermaid and dining-room maid.
Apply 63 N. 18th. cor. Davis.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for
general housework- 447 10th st.
GIRL for general housework, 2 In family.
352 Clifton st, cor. Park.
WANTED 2 girls for shooting gallery, at
278 Burnside St.; good wages. Main 630L
WANTED A girl for th loe cream counter.
273 Everett st.
The Portland Woolen Mills of St. John,
can offer employment to girls and women
who wish to learn to weave blankets and
flannels; work is not hard and if quick to
learn, can make good wacea in a short
time: every Inducement offered to steady
workers. Apply Superintendent. Portland
Woolen Mills. St. Johna
Thoroughly experienced and competent
saleswomen wanted in a number of our de
partments; permanent position, to the light
people. -
WANTED Woman to do housework for a
man, wife and boy In Ir.-ington: house 1
small and work light, but applicant, must
be neat and pleaear.t and not under 20
year old. In answering give experience,
reference and phone number. AS. 861.
A WOMAN, with a small sum of money
to Invest In a business which should yield
an Income of $150 a month. Must bi
.nergetlc and willing to prepare herself
thoroughly. Expected to assume respon
sibility when thoroughly fitted for th
business. AE 352, Oregonian.
GIRLS wanted to make shirts and over
alls. Ml. Hood Faotory, 233 Couch st.
THE Meier A Frank store want al.
clerks for varioua department: alao can
plaoe 10 young girl to learn the business.
Apply to superintendent, 6th floor, nw
building, Tuesday from I to 10 A. it.
LADT to run furnished dining-room and
kitchen In hotel; rent Is board one, sleeping-room
Included; snap. Apply 364 26th
t. North. 16th-t. oar to 26th. block
$2.00 PETt DAT paid to one lady tn each
town to dltrlbut free circulars and take
order for Concentrated Flavoring tn
tubes; permanent position. J. S. Zlagler
Co, Chicago.
GIRLS to work In cracker dept. Pactfl. Osa
Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis.
EXPERIENCED stenographer Investing $300
can secure permanent position with cor
poration; money securod. Addres box
HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife, new
small flat, every convenience: must have
good reference. Phone B 3818. 97
East Ankeny. cor. 80th.
WANTED Woman or girl for light house
work aad plain cocking, sleep home. Call
after 10 mornings. 684 Flanders, corner 18th,
apartment 82. Phone A 4682.
WANTED Capable young women to enter
training school for nurses. For particulars
write Hoqulam General Hoapltal. Ho
Qutam. Wash.
SCHOOL GIRL 14 to 1 year of eg can
find good home with small wage By ap
plying to 607 Umatilla ave, 6ellwood.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; no children. 260 Grand ave.
North, cor. Multnomah.
WANTED Reniiee". capable woman :-r i-
ponalble position. Vlavl Co, 000 Roth
child bldg, 4th and Waahlnrton-
326 Washington St, Room 307.
Main 8S36 or A 8266.
APPRENTICES at The Elite Halrdressing
Parlor. 109 7th, bet. Washington and
LADIES at home day or evenings, applying
transfers on forcelain, $1.50 dos. upwara;
steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg.
GtlRL for general housework, S. W. corner
Myrtle and Chapman s, Portland
Heights. Phone Main 62iO
TRIMMERS, makers and apprentices wanted.
Apply' Monday mcrnlng. Field's Millinery.
142 6th st, opposite Meier A Frank.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gener
al housework; good wages, permanent po
sition, small family. Apply 209 13th st.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; small family; good wages.
East 891?
GIRL to do general housework; highest wage
paid for service rendered. 113 Thurman
EXPERIENCED girl for second work: sit-all
family. Applv 614 Jackson st, Portland
Heights. Phone Main 1956.
GIRL wanted to do cooking and general
housework, good wages, small family. 7bS
East Salmon st.
WANTED 15 waitresses. $2 per day. for
Salem fair. Call Monday forenoon. $82
Morrison st.
EXPERIENCED seamstress and fitter In
our alteration department. Lipman, Wolf
A Co.
COOK wanted for country residence; not
ranch work; good wages. Telephone Main
SU6 or A 3116.
GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. $25 per month:
no washing; good home; must hav. refer
ence. Call 429 Washington st
WANTED A competent stenographer, no
other need apply; state experience; rood
alary. AK. 304. Oregonian.
843 Washington st, cor. 7th, upstair.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Competent girl to do housework;
wages $35. Address li'23 Raleigh at. I
phone A 3528. Main 2967.
A WOMAN who Is adaptable, ha. som. ex
perience and good reference, for business
position. AE 351. Oregonian.
GIRLS and women wanted; Oregon Pack
ing Co, East 8th and Belmont st. Apply
at once.
EXPERIENCED woman for alteration de-
Sartment women garment. Apply 171
d st.
A NEAT young girl for housework in smsll
bungalow, all convenience. Inquire 836
Wasco st. Phone C 2135.
WANTED Dressmaking, children' cloth
ing a specialty. Tel. East 6389. after 10
A. M.
GIRL for general work In small family.
Telephone Main $268 or call 1148 Thur
man st, WlllametiiS Height.
YOUNG LADY as clerk In candy store.
Call Monday P. M. Swetland'a, 26 Mor
rison. GIRL for general housework: German or
Swedish girl preferred. 1133 Rodney avfci
take U car.
GIRL, general housework: family four
adults; Scandinavian preferred. 726 Nor
thrup. Main 2440.
HELPERS In dressmaking shop. Apply
346 Alder. Mr. Zeltfuch.
WANTED Girl to work In bindery. Jam.
Printing Co, 48 and 60 1st st.
TWO altos and one soprano for choir.
Lessons In exchange. A 358. Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework; small fam
ily; desirable location. Phone. Main 9304.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 63 North 22d St.
EXPERIENCED young woman to take car
of baby. 574 Hoyt.
WANTED Girl to learn dining-room work.
735 Hoyt.
WAITRESS wanted at the Crystal Grill. 252
Russell et. Phone East 4833.
GIRL to s-s!st with housework and child. 778
Johnson st.
SECOND GIRL: small family; apply between
10 and 3 o'clock. 709 Northrup St.
RESPONSIBLE woman, capable of taklnr
care of 2 children. Tabor 329.
RELIABLE woman for light housework and
care for children. 410 Montgomery.
GIRL for general housework; good waxe.
Phon Main 448.
WANTED Experienced -recond girl, family
of four. Telephone A 8u71, Main 8071.
64 4th St.
GIRL for general housework. 601 E
Main t. Call today.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 1. Grand av. and East Taylor.
CAPABLE glr! for general housework; good
wages to competent party. 188N. 31 : St.
HIGH SCHOOL girl to work for room anil
board and small wages. 846 Columbia st.
FINLSHERS and apprentices, experienced.
Room 414 Fleldner bldg. Call 8 to 14.
WANTED Girl for general house .rx
Apply 641 Washington st.