0 THE SUNDAY OREGONIYX, PORTLAND. AUGUST 2f, 1909. IlF.LP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY WANTS MONDAY Hotel cook. .V; riort hotel cook. $SS: l. fillip VWK, f H' uuotutiij utsu) .vuhb, $35. 140. $45. 0 chambermaids. $35, $30. $25. $20, with and without room and board. Waitress. $0. $8. J7 week and $3., $.10. $20 and $J3 month, with and with out room. 2 nurseglrls, $25 and $20. 2 second girls. $30 and $25. Specl.il 3 camp waitresses. $30 and found each. 1erk, tea store. $S week. Jerk. confectionery, $9 week. Family rook. $40. Housee-lris. cooks and general house work; p laces from $35 to $15 a month ith board, room and laundry; gt MKi home. Women for housework. 4 In family, country. $25; far paid: no fee. NOTICE. We have some splendid situations out f mwn. If you are satisfied with good waves and houses without electric lights and ntekelndeons. HANSE.VS LADIES' AGENCY, 343 Washington St.. cor. 7th. WAVTEn. VOVDAT. Coiks for city and country. $35 to $45; wai'resses. $5 to $10 week; cnamoer maids. Wa have a large list of work for cooks. cooks helpers, waitresses, chambermaids. housekeepers, house girls, etc., etc. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 205 Morrison St. WANTED a bright rounf woman, active. accurate and reliable, to take charge of our office work In the collection depart ment; prefer some one with business ex perience; state age. experience and ref erence, but application MUST be made by letter to I. iovurta -sons, a rirst mi. WANTED Girls and women for general housework. $15 to $40; cook. $10. $13 wk. i,t to Sj mo.: tS waitresses, springs, $25 lty. $3. $ wk.; chambermaids, kitchen help. nursgirls. 2d girls. Mrs. Howes Ladies' Agency. R. 307. 3264 Wash. t. DEMONSTRATORS Waated. 4 experienced lajlv demonstrators to travel: good wages. Apply Sunday between 10 A. M. and 2 P M. Ko.nu 31'-, Imperial Hotel. Miss Waiuscott. A GOOD comfortable home for woman helper Jn country for change; no children; no jaunory work; wages. Address R 341. , oregonian. WANTED A first-class saleslady by cloak and stilt house; steady place if competent; give experience and referencea Apply W 340, Oregonian. bCHOOL GIRL High school student pre ferred, to assist with housework in fam ily of three for board and small wages. Apply mornings. 7-l7 Johnson st. WANTED Competent woman or g!rl for gen eral housework, excepting laundry, near yih and Qutmby. Phone East li77 before beyember 10. WANT to keep boarders Furnished res taurant, with sleeplnp-room. for board ins; one: snap. 364 North 26th.; IGth-st. car to 26th, block south. LA I'NDRKSS, who will als do sweeping and i-ii-aiiinn two days a we-?k. permanent em-t:- nt to competent worker. Main 2HIO, A 1024. GIRJL Ex;erlenced for general house work, two in family, .rood waces. Call 2th and Clifton mi., Portland Height. Phone Mala 47iu. Mrs. j. a. .rage. WANTED Girl for general housework: on who understands cooking; good wages. Apply "41 Irving. FIRST-CLASS talloress to make ladles' roaty; good wages. Mrs. Zeitfuchs, 340 Alder. GIRL for general housework; references re quired ; wage s $30. i'hone E. 2348, C 13uti C91 Hancock St. GIRL for cooking and general housework; wuges $35. I'hone B 2365. Ml East Yam hill. NEAT GIRL, over 16. handy with needle, to learn to sort and bundle men's neck wear; wages $4 week. 2ttl H Stark st. 35 WAlTRKSSEf. cooks (Napavine. beach city), d-'mystics. chamber, "dlshers." Drake's." 204 Washington. G I RL General housework, elderly couple; KO"d li nr.e ; American preferred. 211 Lownsdal. GIRL for general housework, good home, good wage, small family. phone East olH. 44 East tith X. WANTED Artists br commercial studio. Ca! today and bring eketchea. 623 Worcester bldg. MILLINERY saleslady wanted; city of 25. . nar Portland; fine goods. P. O. Box 223. GIRL who knows some thins: about sewing; good chance to learn. Phone A 343tf or M. s:02. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. The Hill liotel. 2d and Washington. GIRL to assist with general housework; per week. 300 13th St. $5 WA NTED An exnerienced girl to do second work. Arply 215 St. Clair St. GIRL to act as companion for baby; girl pre ferred not over 12. o North th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 1000 HOPPICKEKS to pick 0 acres of h"ps; big crop, tine accommodations; bak ery, butcher shop, grocery store, restau rant, free dancing pavilion. beautiful ramping grounds, dlihifui bathing, low excursion rates. We pay Sl.uu por 1'0 Ins. Register now st Krebs Bros. Office ronms HIS Worcester bldg.. Third and ouk. No charges for Job. Oltics hours tf:Oo to oo p. M.. Sunday !:tu to 1:U0 P. M. Home A 4o35. Main SD05. MAN or woman, you can make a good living selling "Hold -Thread-Fast" needles to housewives, d re?smaken. embroiderers, milliners and tailors; a little one-mir.ute demonstration makes the sale. Every body rails for more ; free outfit. Write now fnr fre sample. Shart & Schom burg, 1 Broadway, New York City. DRAMATIC and musical talent for local theatrical companies; joint-stock plan; talented amateurs considered. Phone East 4613. IF YOU want a Government pojUkn we can show ycu how to secure same; will pre pare you at small cost. Call or write C. C. J. S.. 425-42'i Lumber Ex.. Portland. Or. HOPPICKERS wanted, good sharks and camp ground, long job. M Hard ng will be at the St- Cnr!es Hot.-l Monday and Tuesday to encage pickers. l.V HOPPICKERS wanred at Massoy yard, near Krncks. Or. ; will be at St. Charles Hotel lr-t, 2d Sept. Wm. P. Massey and G. W. Massey. HOPPICKERS wanted to buy 500 camp ing toves. y'j aploi-e. 2!HS 1st St., bet. jenersn and coiumnta s;. HOPPICKERS wanted, pay 5V per box. Will te st st. 1 haries liotel August 3o and 31. Horner Goul--y. THEATRICAL people, stock. SO week; ry fur: a 'so a few clever amateurs. 3.14. Oregon inn. sa! A8 WANTED 25 hoppickTS. I'rppin. 331 Glisan st. Inquire of S. E. MAN nr woman, j.'inttor and rhamberwork. Hotel Norrts. 132 Seventeenth st. FISK TKA'"irKHy AGENCY offers good po sirlon to A-l instructors. 514 Swetland bidg. LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by Xixit. $. a month. 2ti0 14th. Main 3OX STt'DIO Music. German. French. English literature. 452 Morrison. Main 2097. SITUATIOX M ANTED MALE, Uookkeepers and Clerks, BY LAW wtpnograThr who Is admitted to prrirrlce and f uni lar with all brances of law work. AN 3CS. Oreg-n:j.n. WELL-EDl'CATED hi ph. class stenographer dnrs position. Will go out of town. Y 326, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced salesman and collector, active and reliable; good refer ences. X 33d. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and accountant wants posi tion: lo years" experience; best of ref erences furnished. AC 3S. Oregonian. EOOKKEEPc.it working short hours de stres work mornings or evenings. AL K36. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED married roan, experienced clerk, not afraid of work, desires any kind of employment. AM 332, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by experienced young man as bookkeeper; references. B 333, Oregonian. PRIVATE collector, much experience, wants employment. R 337, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. . Bookkeepers ud Clerks. , RELIABI.B. conscientious man of consider able commercial experience, good penman and accountant and not afraid of hard work, desires position where there is a chance for advancement; best references. Addrss AM 337, Oregon lan. BOOKKEEPER, office man. age 28, hest city references from past employers; not ar bitrary nor unreasonable; permanence prin cipal factor; good adaptability. AD 323, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS male stenographer, six years' experience; thorough office man ; private secretary or confidential stenographer; book keeper; age 25; references, AH 338, Ore Konlan. WANTED Position by thoroughly experi enced general merchandise man; also speaks German; country preferred; refer ences. X. IS. Berg, Portland. Or. STENOGRAPHER of four years' experience in commercial and legal fines desires good position; won third place In A.-Y.-P. type writing contest- XI 3-1S, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SOME growing bulne-s, must need the serv ices of an accountant and office man with Portland experience, who Is willing to work faithfully; I at k a trial in such position. AL 331, Oregonian. BY technical graduate In electrical engineer ing; have had -experience; associate mem. A. I E. E. Can furnish references. AD S31, Oregonian. WANTED Position by a German as porter or some other kind of lnride work ; am han'iy with tools, honest, sober and not afraid of work. AC 332, Oregonian. TRAVELING salesman, experienced in drugs, specialties, machinery, wants po sition :' speaks German, French. Address B 344, Oregonian. IN DRUGSTORE by high school boy. 17 years of age, who has had some experience and desires to learn. Will work during school. J 343, Oregonian. STRONG young man of good appearance, character and education wishes steady employment. experienced in building traces. E 35. Oregonian. CIRCULAR sawyer and general mlltman de sires position : ahle to file and make all kinds of repairs to mill ; best references. AE 330, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by sohr, experienced young man in cigar store; references. AN 333. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN desires situation as hospital attendant; 2 years' experience In general hospital. Address 207 14th St.. city EXPERIENCED fireman and engineer de sires position, will leave city. AJ 33d, Ore gonian. WANTED By middle-aged man. position as --eusiujji io real cprnie man; wages no Ob ject; reierences. AH 337, Oregonian. iuualf Japanese. 22 years old, wishes po sition houm work in private family. AL POSITION wanted by experienced young ma u i j gwua ana aomesxics; reierences. "39, Oregonian. MAN and wife want to run boarding-house in lumniK camp or mm as situation. AF 4 L Oregonian. JAPANESM wants position, any kind of work gooa recommendations. AE 346,, Ore gonian. COOK Japanese wants position, esmn rmm try hotel or family, porter or chamber work. CARPENTER Al Inside finisher, at liberty in i a eo.. ounipviPiu io naoate any 1 111 no- A C '!' g i STEADY Job by steady married man, with " suiio ieam, city, suburbs or county, auwi v. ion uiwaa at. Y 1 Position as salesman In retail biuit;; can commaua large followin "r iwa itouse. c a-w. Oregonian. NEW and old house and window rirNninr D. J. Henderson, Main 3&10. tAKFK.vrEK and bunder, day or contract i lining, wood lawn 1238. JAPANESE, good cook, wants situation In J p ? E youn man wants few hours wiw iiiuK. wr oregonian. DRUGGIST, experienced, references East 75th St.. Portland. Or. 1A1NTL.K and tinter (experienced) wants w. , ii j w contract, m Oregonian. -l- man wants ponion. any capacity, v wr. j - ooi, Oregon tan. i. collector wouia like a few more ""'""7 utwuuufc ajv Ail, oregonian. A-l SALESMAN, furniture and other lines. P 344, Oregonian. M.N and wife wants work at anvthinr fruit farm preferred. W 334, Oregoman HOL'SE" and window cleaning by O. A. Thomp uwiio aiaia ouotx BOY 17 years, wishes position. X 345, Ore luuimt. WINDOW or housecleanlng by competent man PAINTING, tinting, wall papering, day or . 'n nan. ruuno rjBS SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Hook keepers and Stenographers, YOL'NG LADY with four years experience in k.iiiiik na omre worn, wants perma nent position. References. AM 325, Ore- iiv-u-zuunL.! experience a nusiness woman anu fwsition with wholesiile or retail iiuuw; oesL reierence. AM 344. Oregonian. WHO wants a firM-clnss lady cashier, experl- ini?iwinny und reliable; best refer ences. I) 345, Oregonian. xj 'iv rv r,v.t'fti omnetent vonnr lnriv wnuM iit- w sinaii or nooks from 5 to B .., rr-giniun. STENOORA TH BR. employed nart da ijpewriter work to do at home, phone Ytn NO lady would keep small Bt bonks evenings. jj per montn. AD' 32S Ore gonial.. COMPETENT stenographer; three years' ex- I'-ncm-e i;n wrvoiejje nardware concern. av mv. .'regonian. STENOGRA PH ER Young lady desires pcrt- mii. i"'inr rjpvnrn'. mimry -4UJ oest ref- rii-iicrn. a r .., oregonian. YOL'NG W'TOnn stenographer with prat-ticnl t .eriencp oesirv? permanent posit I'm In growing town. A Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes io sit Ion; good references, plione Monday be tween u ana i.. Main 44ti. YoUNG LADY dertre portion as bookkeeper "r jiniufcrapiwr; several years experience. i- mi, oiegonian. STENOGRAPHER, now employed, would like position doing general office work. xl. 3 41, oregonian. COMPETENT YOI"N woman stenographer deniren position; fur years' experience. T oregonian. FOR a good stenographer call A 0284 lo usy or evenings; salary $13 rmr week. EXPERT law stenographer, nine years' ex perience. I'hone A 52t9. 6 336, Oregonian. SITUATION" as bookkeeper; i years experi ence; referencea Phone Tabor 4CtJ. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at home or by the day. Phone B 1307 between 7 and 8 P. M. LADY companion to invalid or lady traveling; re feren.-e. Phone Main 4995 or AJ 341, Oregonian. FI RST-CLAS3 dressmaker (colored ). will go out -by the day. Mrs. Thomas, resi dence 511 Flanders. Phone Main 4719. GENERAL dressmaking by competent and experienced seamstress; will go to homea A etOl. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prlcss. Mra Angeles, 320 H Wash. St., room 214. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, out by day; price reasonable. Phone Main 1757. LADY would like plain sewing, darning, mending, by the day. East 0637. PLAIN sewing by day or at home. , A 2613; references. Phon-s Housekeeper. KEFINED woman, housekeeper. roomlng- hvuse. St. Louis, 245 V Wash. Mala 2u3u. SITUATION 'WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. HOl'SEKEEPER Respectable lady, neat, desires position in widower's family or rooming-house; references. C 344. Orego nian. POSITION as housekeeper by mlddle-agod widow with grown daughter for lone elderly lady or gentleman. C 336, Ore gonian. WANTED by middle-aged widow lady, por tion as housekeeper in hotel, or take charge of rooming-house; experienced and best city references. AL 330. Oregonian. SITUATION by young woman as manager of an apartment-house. AD 322, Ore gonian. Nurses. A COMPETENT, capable woman and ex perienced nurse; twst of references, wishes to care for invalid at reasonable terms; city or country. Main 576. O 339, Ore gonian. FOR experienced nurse, not afraid of hard ea.ea, reasonable, phone iMooday. Main 4460. Domestics. TWO girls wish place to work. In camp or on a ranch. Main 6307. Call 10 to 12 o'clock. A NICE woman wishes a situation as house keeper, bachelor or widower preferred. L 343. Oregonian. REFINED woman wishes a situation In a family of two. L 342. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waitress wants place dinner hour. Phone E. 1165. COLORED WOMAN wants chamber work or second work. Call up Main 1101. Miscellaneous. IF you want plain sewing done at lowest prices call on Mrs. Anna JJ. nan. nt 6th aar Morrison; shirtwaist suits and children's clothing a specialty. Phone mornings and evenings E. 1696. WANTED Position as apprentice in hair- dressing establishment or tailor shop, by well-appearing colored gin. Aaaress a, E.. 385 Glisan. A COMPETENT lady with daughter wishes position as housekeeper in notei or pri vate family: references exchanged. AG 341, Orvgonian. REFINED, cultured American lady desires a position as companion to invalid or elderly lady; good, reader. x 33i, ure- gonian. R EiL.1 AB LEt col ored worn an wo u Id like place by month as cook, husband to stay at same place while In city, not home often, Main s:io7. MOTHER and son 20. both capable and ex perlenced. want positions. rooming-house. ranch or home; moderate wages if good some. it &3&, oregonian. A BRIGHT, Intelligent 'woman with years of business excellence. would like position in office; best of references. O 844. Oregonian. WANTED By an experienced teacher, posl tlon as governess In private family, or tutor xor primary grades. a. oil, oregonian. NICE middle-aged lady wants to keep house lor widowr or Dacneior. x 33s, ore gonian. WANTED Management of rooming-house or, apartment; have had experience and fully competent. AD 33o, Oregonian. WANTED A position as French and piano teacher in a school or in a private xam lly. 260 12th st. LADY (from London and Paris), gives les son on piano and a rench. Main 6474 A 3033. A LADY, experienced, wishes position as manager xor a mill notei. i 366, ura- gonian. LACE) curtains beautifully laundered; sun-drying, grass-bieachlng facilities, bor 1530. fine Ta- HAVE your woolens laundered by special process ; lowest charges in the city; best city references. AE 33S, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants work by the day. washing and houee cleaning preferred. Apply to Mrs. Piock. 621 B. 14th st. WOMAN wants work by the day, hou.e- leaning; best references. Phone East 4813. Room D. COMPETENT woman wants general house work In a family or adults; good cook. AB 347, Oregonian. WANTED day work by competent Swedlsti woman. Phones Main ?57G, A 4S37. YOUNG ladv wishes position in- small re fined family. AM 326, Oregonian. WOMAN wants work, sweeping, cleaning. Phono East 5S90. room 32. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of work by the day. Phone Main 4510. COOK wlshe place In private family. Ap ply ai lotn anu Joucn sts. YOUNG LADY gives piano lessons 60a per nour; reierences given, juain 5183. WOMAN" wants washing to take home. Phone Main H9U. LESSONS given in grammar grade studies, drawing, aay or evening. Mam 8183. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched 40c l pair. Main t.v.s, a 4092. LADY wishes position to pose for pictures. or particulars write an 332, Orogonlan. LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for and delivered; 40c pair. Tabor 1597. POSITION In drug store, by girl, with two years school experience. Tabor 1598. CHILDREN to care for by the day or week. 446 E. Harrison st. Take W. W. car. WOMAN wants fancy laundry to take home. East 4310. YOUNG LADY, experienced copyholder, would like permanent position. Phone C 1913. WOMAN wants to take washing at home. 466 E. Alder at. LACE curtains washed and stretched. rents per pair. C looS. Last 5337. EXPERIENCED piano teacher give. Ieeons. wjc; epeciai attention Degtnners. Main 5415. YOUNG girl wants to work out,, taking care or child preferred, ous iring st.. Alblna. LADY wishes job ss janitor: can give good rereiencee. AJ oregonian. LADY would like to get janitor work. AJ 333. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS woman wants day work. Phone Woodlawn 078. TWO experienced colored ladles wish chnm- hermaid work together. Phone Main 3010. LACE curtains wnsfied. stretched, called for and delivered. 40c pair. Tabor 1507. LADY SINGER, also pianist, wishes post- lon In picture theater. AE 340. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. MANAGER wanted, every city and county. handle best paying business known; legiti mate, new, exclusive control; no lnsur a ace or book canvassing. Address Chas. Halstead. 4.i West 34th st.. New York. WANTED Successful nursery salesmen; choice territory, big commission; good repu tation behind our goods makes saies eaoy. Address Oregon Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. AGENTS to sell our S1000 accident policy. tays siuuu ueatn ana j weeniy oenent for $1 yearly. Liberal commission. Dept. G 1. North American Registration Co.. Newark, N. J. AGENTS earn $25 to $50 weekly selling latest styles Mexican ana Swiss Embroid ery Waist Patterns, Drawn Work, etc. Catalogue free. National Importing Co., Desk D, 690 Broadway, New York. LA RGE, old-lins health and accident insur ance company wants general and district agents; big contract; new, liberal, quick welling politics: choice territory. Royal Cas ualty Co., St. Louis. SALESMEN to sell bank check protector; sens every storo ana ornce; remarkable novelty; sample 25c; circulars free. Terry Mfg. Co.. 121 Michigan St., Toledo, O. AGENTS $5 dally selling our handy tool, 12 articles In one: lightning seller; eample free. Thorn Mfg. Co.. 4015 Barney block, Day ton. O. 5 MONTHLY selling Star egg beater; works with one hand; lightning selier; sample free. E. Thomas Co., 614V Barney block, Dayton, O. WANT 5 men or ladies with $200 to take hold of a business that will guarantee them S600 per month. AH 341, Oregonian. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete Una or nursery stock: casn weekly: outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED AGENT 3. AGENTS WANTED Vacuum Cloaner; live, hustling, energetic agents to sell Thurman Portable Electric and Hand Power Vacuum Cleaner, for homes, stores, hotels, office buildings, schools, etc; clean-cut business with big profits; write today. General Compressed Air & Vacuum Machinery Co., Dept. N., St. Louis, Mo. GOOD, reliable man to establish legitimate permanent growing business in his local ity. We are manufacturing a new lnven- tion that takes Dlaca of rubber bands. string, tape or straps. No competition. I Easy sales. Constant repeat oraers. Large profits. Samples furnished. Quick action necessary. Pull Fastener Co., 335 Cox -bldg.. Rochester, N. Y. A HIGH-CLASS hosiery concern requires a few more Intelligent and ambitious repre sentatives to canvass fine line of hosiery to the better classes; sold only through our agents (no stores), liberal -commission ; makes a permanent profitable business; (no free samples) experienced agents, men preferred. Krossknit Mfg. Co.. 170 East 127th St., New York. Dept. H. AGENTS wanted by Columbia L!le A Trust Company; high-class men to sell life Insur ance In Portland and In other cities and towns of Oregon, Washington and Idaho; former experience not necessary: splendid opportunities; first-class references as to character required. Address the company's home office, Lumber Exchange bldg., Port land, Or. WONDERFUL invention: big money selling Cancheeter incandescent kerosene lamp, bums with or without mantle; 10 times brighter than electricity, gas, acetylene. l-10th cost ; burner fits standard lamps ; saves 75 per cent oil; no trimming wicks; beware imitations; outfit free. Canchester Light Co., 20 State St.. Dept. 111. Chicago. AGENTS, stores, streetmen, 2O00 different novelties for fairs, carnivals, old home and firemen's celebrations, etc.; badges, canes, whips, pennants, confetti, ticklers, postcards of all kinds, Xmas and holiday decorations; all up-to-date goods. Cata logue free. Miller, 158 Park How, New York. LIVE AGENTS WANTED Exclusive terri tory for our patented automatic door holder. Solution of "Screen Door Prob lem." Sells on sight. Sample and terms to agents mailed upon receipt of 25c cur rency. Crescent Door Holder Co., Dept. J.. Santa Monica, Cal. AGENTS wanted to sell the new "Aladdin Incandescent kerosene mantle lamp. The newest and most perfect kerosene mantle lamp of today. Sells at sight; exceptional opportunity offered agents. The Mantle Lamp Company, Dept. 21. Portland. Or. PEARL BEAD COLLAR SUPPORTER For ladles high collars; all snaues; ciear crj tal to brilliant Jet; fits any neck; new big se'Ier for canvassers; sample mailed 25c; three, al) different, 50c; profit large. Vlt rura Art Works, Warren. R. I. PORTRAIT agents, deal with artists' guar anteed work; lowest prices; prompt ship ments; samples free. Chas. D. Dean Art Studio. 603 E. 12th st.. Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS Splendid opportunity to make money selling nursery stock; outfit free; rash weekly. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS Handy name" fastener; every hor- owner buvs at sight; 200 per cent profit. Thomas Fastener Co., 615 Barney block, Dayton, O. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Furnished house or rooms with 3 beds and bathroom, for 6 weeks or 2 months In Walnut Park or Piedmont. Phone Woodlawn 1135. BY young couple, furnished or unfurnished cottage, small nouse or nat, Dest ot care, references given. Phone today before 3 Tabor 604, or address AH 346, Oregonian. WANTED Well furnished house of a or 10 rooms, best location, nortn or wasn Irgton; immediately. L 833, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern house, un furnished; West side preierrea; wanting distance. Phone Main 8135. REFINED young lady wants home with small family, neat room. gooa r" board; state rates. AK 339, Oregonian. WANTED By single gentleman, room and board, north Washington ano- wear ot ioin; state terms. AC 334, Oregonian. FLAT or apartment of 3 or 4 rooms with bath: West side; state price ana. i oca.no ii. F 344. Oregonian. WANTED Neatly furnished house or flat. 3 to 5 rooms; must be reasonable; aauits. AB 340, Oregonian. WANTED By reliable family, a first-class furnished house or flat rrom beptemoe 15 to December 15. S 333. Oregonian. AT ONCE, by couple. West Side, a 4 or 6-room house or flat completely iurnisnea. au 320. Oregonian. SEPTEMBER 16, steam-heated suite or larso room, with noard ior wire; nusoana travel ing salesman. AE 311. oregonian. HOUSE with yard. 5 or 6 rooms, in Holla dav or Lad a tocnooi aisinci. o ., ore gonian. W'ET.t, furnished 7-room house. West Side, until 8th of Sept., oy or. j. jsarr ana sister. Main 650 1. WANTED A modern, unfurnished house, 10 or 15 rooms, close in, west blue, u oti, Oregonian. stram. HEATED flat or two 4-room apart mtmts; state price ana location. Atu 6Si, Oregonian. BOARD in private family on West Side, for man and wife: give price ana location. ai 330, Oregonian. IF you think that we cannot rent your place, do not try us. Hartman & Anomp- son. Chamber of Commerce. k nR rt-rnnm furnished bungalow or house must be In good location; nest oi reier ences given. D 338, Oregonian. OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms or flat, modern, near sunnysiue car. Oregonian. vnriva idv wnnts board and room In prl vate family; reasonaoie; siaic yurireuiaiw. AF 338, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY wants nice suite rooms and board in private lamny. ad uie- gonlan. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished 7 or 8- room house for a year or more; no cnuuren. B 228 Abington bldg. LOCATION for cigar and confectionary or will sell fixtures, all new. na onaver. WANTED Furnished housekeeping rooms on East Side. AK 330. Oregonian. LIST your property with Purse & Co., Chamber of Commerce. uiimfiv Xr THOMPSON, at the Chamber of Commerce, want houses and flaU. ONE or two unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing. Phone B 120 or r-asi win. A GOOD Windsor or flrm-clasi Ing bed. Phone East 422u upright fold- 2 OR 3 furnished rooms for housekeeping; East Side. lias rowen WANTED to rent small house In Irving ton. Home phone C 1034. A SIX-ROOM furnished house. West Phone Main 3S73. A 4630. 'IRT-CLASS 7-room modern house; good location. Room 23 Raleigh bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE, unfurnished, from 15 to 20 rooms close In. 248 N- 17th. city EVERY DAY I brings its wants. It may be . J a servant, a situation, some- J 2 thing to buy, sell or exchange. J No matter what it is, big or little, a small ad on these pages will fill it. A trial means ' j SATISFACTION j WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT Modern 5 or 6-room house, In good neighborhood; willing to pay about $40 per mo. and take a lease if suited; desirable tenant; no children; best of references. Phone Main 7324 or A 6201, Monday or Tuesday. FURNISHED or partly furnished "house for Winter; must be modern and good loca tion; reasonable ; A 1 references ; near East High School preferred. AB 323, Ore gonian. , YOUNG LADY employed, wishes room and breakfast with private family who have piano and would give lessons to a be ginner; must be reasonable; references; state terms. AG 330, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board, private pre ferred, In exchange for painting spare time; will pay some caah; convenient to car. Phone Main 5905, 7 to S P. M-, room 8. WANTED Names of private families within walking distance of Portland Academy who will take a student for room and board. Address Portland Academy. TWO adults would like three completely iurnished housekeeping rooms in steam heated lint. West Side; good references. AF 342, Oregonian. BY married couple, strictly modern 4-room apartment, bungalow or cottage, furnished, west of 6th st; highest references. Y 338, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY employed, wishes electric lighted room and two meals with pri vate family. West Side; must Na rea sonable; state terms. AG 331, Oregonian. EITHER a 3 or 4-room unfurnished, heated apartment or 3 or 4 rooms, sunaDie ior light housekeeping, by responsiDie party. Address Room 36, Hotel BustimarK. WANTED-rSeven or eight-room home, one with barn preferred; will rent or exchange good timber land in apple bolt. AG 342, Oregonian. WANTED By couple, no children, nice 6 to 8-room unfurnished house. Xob Hill. Portland Heights or Irvington; best of care. AC 344, Oregonian. HOME for girl, 7, in good family, where she will bo given good care; win attena school; state terms, location, etc. Address F 340, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished 8-room house. Nob Hill district, between 17th and 23d, near Washington; reasonable rent. S 341, Ore gonian. GENTLEMAN wants board and room in good, homelike private boarding-houso; West Side, close in; give rates, o-a, Oregonian. WANTED By adults. . furnished apartment. 6 rooms, steam heated preferred, will give lest of care and pay gooa price; oesi reier ences. K S43, Oregonian. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms In desirable location, walking distance. West Side, by lady and gentleman. A 342, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board for two young ladles in a private family; walking dis tance. East Side. AH 332; Oregonian. FOR BENT. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, suit able for gentlemen. Kamm bldg. First and Pine. Furnished Rooms. THE MOODY HOUSE. 3d and Jfferson Sts. Away from the noise; 6 minutes walk, Washington and 3d; just completed; new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy; single rooms or suites; permanent, and transient; $3, $4 and $5 per week. Phone A 7731, M. 8639.' I HOTEL EUCLID. 18th and Washington. New and strictly modern elegantly fur nished rooms, single and suites, with pri vate baths. Will open for business Sep tember 1st. HOTEL ANTLERS. Corner loth and Washington Sts. New management; . THOROUGHLY RENOVATED; rooms with PRIVATE BATHS; single or en suite; SPECIAL LOW SUMMER RATES by the week or month ; tourist trade solicited. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside. "IN THE HEART OK THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comCortable ; rate,- reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites witi running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL ROYAL. New brick building. Just completed; hot and cold water, team heat, electric light, elegantly furnished ; rooms $2 and S3 per week; baths and phone free. Cor. East Third- and Morrison sts. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite;. all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647. THE HANOVER, 105 King, near Washington Large unfurnished front room, wall bed, private bath, both phonos; everything mod ern. PACIFIC HOTEL. 214 Columbia St.; Summer rates; run ning water in all rooms; transients 50a to $1 day; one call means another. THE MERTARPER. 120 13ih, cor. Wash ington, brand new handsomely furnished; every modern convenience; hot water in all rooms ; very reasonable terms. HOTEL IRVING. 812 OAK ST.. COR, 6TH Just opened; new and elegantly fur nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable. HOTEL NORRI3. Washington and 17th, new building, new?y furnished every room light and sunny; hot water, steam heat, reasonable prices. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., fur nished rooms, single or eh suite, at reason able prices, modern conveniences. Opposite ' the Plaxa. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Vi Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. NICE desirable rooms, from $150 to $5; free phone, lights, bath, etc.2 N. 14th st. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park. NEWLY furnished phone, bath. rooms, electric light, 7th st. Phone A 4142. ELM PLACE. 414 YAMHILL. Exclusive furnished rooms. THE BRAE-SIDE. 42tt Alder 51 odern, cen tral, $3. $1. $5 per week: transient. THE RANDOLPH. Sd and Columbia, rooms; bath, phone; ooc to si ay. to 5 wee. furnished Rooms In Private Families. YOUNG lady would llko to- share rooms with respectable lady. J2J otn st. PLEASANT front mom cheap rent; walking distance; bath and phone. .1111 Jtn st. VERY nice parlor, also other rooms at 301 rth st. 270 MONTGOMERY $0.50 monthly, clean. neat room; central, quiet. Main 44iju. LARGE furnished front room and alcove for rent. 34 tu. 7th st. NICELY furnished room, private family. both phones, $8 montn. L't vs .Nortn lutn. FURNISHED bedroom for two gentlemen; 7 minutes from Pos tort ice. Mam 150. 213 L'rTH ST. Clean furnished rooms; modern conveniences; suitac-ie one or mora persons. FURNISHED room In privatte family for 2 gentlemen. &4S 1? lanaers, near ioin si. FRONT hall room, phone and bath, $1,75 week. 2S0 Clay st. PLEASANT furnished room, suitable fort gen tleman: $i.ou a weeK. itn st. NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for two; freo pnone ana Data, bo lutn sl TWO nicely furnished rooms, $7 and $8; gentlemen preferred. .Phone Main u-Jho. NICELY furnished bedroom for one or two gentlemen. 4U Aiain. FRONT room for rent. 3S0 1st rft., cor. Mont gomery. NICELY furnished single and double rooms. modern, reasonapje. to -Mill sr. $2.50 PER WEEK Newly furnished front room, moaern. iou Liovejoy, near zara. NICELY furnished room, suitable for gen tleman, 223 West Parx, near Salmon. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED ROOMS. A couple large, cheerful front rooms In a beautiful private home with every con venience; one block Washington; one block Alexander Court; walking distance. Call 6a N. 21st st. NEW, nicely furnished rooms, furnace heat, phono, bath, modern residence; gentlemen or marrlod couple; no children; elegant loca tion; walking distance; near Ea Morrieon st. carllne; $12 and $14 per month. 652 Bel mont st., cor East lsth. BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite, hot and cold water, suitable for three or four gen tleman, breakfast if desired ; also other small, very desirable rooms, beautiful lawn. central location. 181 11th st., cor. Yamhill. A 35S0. LARGE pleasantly furnished front room with or without board; steam heat and electric light, close In, good location, rea sonable. Phone A 2605. 715 Johnson, cor. 2 2d. FURNISHED" room, near hlph school, large closet, electric light, steam heat, uso of kitchenette and phono to lady of reiine mont and good position; reft-rences. Main 6474. A 3033. NICE, newly furnished roomi, with breakfast if detred; walking distance to business cen ter; goDd location; furnace neat. 4Joj -villi street. NICELY furnished front room on lower floor, suitable for one or two gentlemen; nice location, free phone and bath, very reasonable. 70 X. loth St., near Davis. PLEASANT room in beautifully located new home; Portland Heights. All conveniences. Breakfast if desired. References, phone A 3&4. FURNISHED front room on first floor for 1 or 2 gentlemen; also 1 sleeping-room on 3d floor ; cheap. 66 Xorth 3lt, near .Washington. NICELY furnished room, all modern con veniences; Johnson st.. near 23d ; break fast if desired; gentlemen only; references. Main 6314 or A 2002. LARGE furnished front room, steam heated, walking distance, private family; suitable for two ladles. Will serve breakfast. 272 Williams ave. NICE, lange. front parlor, in good resi dence district; fine location for doctor 15 minutes' ride to business part of city Phone Main 0049. 565 IRVING; single room and room suitable for two. In attractively furnished modern house; walking distance; reasonable. PLEASANT, nicely furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; board if desired. 655 Irving street. ROOM near two carlines. In private family; adults-; 2 gentlemen preferred. AE 334, Oregonlen. FOR RENT Modern, right-room, well-furnished house in Nob Hill district, to fam ily of adults. Phone Main 202H. i92 12TH Pleasant front room for two, also single; running water, central and reason able. THINKS furnished rooms, party to take of child during school hours, home Sunday evenings. 1715 E. 17th st. FURNISHED room in private family, strict ly modern, walking distance. AG 337, Oregonian. NICELY furnished front room, every con venience. 170 Chapman, opp. Multnomah Club; gentlemen only. PRIVATE family has 2 steam heated bedrooms to rent West Side, walking distance, ooi Glisan st. LARGE room with alcove, furnished for housekeeping, gas, bath and phone. Apply Tuesday, 3S5 11th. FURNISHED kitchen, dining, bedrooms, de sirable; upper fiat, cheap. Phone evenings C 2059. LADY at house alone wants girl for com pany at nights; free room. w. ti. car. 4t East 28th. FOUR furnished rooms, modern, near East Side High School; good board near. 503 Lot Ash st. :15 12TH ST, near White Temple, modern, newly furnished rooms, sleeping porch, private family; gentlemen only. A 5002. ELEGANTLY furnished front room. No. SO Ibth North, bet. wash, and Couch. Phono A 2840. FURNISHED ROOMS. newly renovated house; 3 minutes' walk Postoffice. 373 Taylor. FURNISHED room for one or two persons walking distance; conveniences; reason oie, Phone A 2427. FURNISHED front room in private modern home, all conveniences, walking dlftanee. rent reasonable. Phone East 4toti. LARGB front room with alcove, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; hot and cold water, phone, bath, modern conveniences. 407 Columbia st NICE large furnished rooms, all conven fences, close in. nice lawn and porch; very reasonable. Aster House. 7th and Madison. $10 VERY desirable. light, airy room, suit- aoie xor two ; jnuuern uuu wjujcuccs. i Clay. ROOM in strictly private family; new house. modern conveniences, exclusive locality; $5 for one, $7 for two. Phone East 5220, FURNISHED room, modern, walking dis tance, for one or two gentlemen, riiona C lb70. 344 Benton st. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms with horaellko surroundings, oha with use of kitchen. 484 E. Ankeny. WELL-FURNISHED room, good location for one or two gentlemen. lutn. FRONT room for rent, reasonable, furnace heat, bath and phone. 035 Etvereu. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern in every respect; steam heat. electric lights, hot and cold water In every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st., near King, brand new. elegantly furnished; every room has "a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want tho best in the cit for tho money, call and Inject; dining-room in connection. THE MAGNOLIA, 617 Kearney st., ele gantly furnished rooms, privato bath, best homu cooking In city, beautiful grounds. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d yar. room with board, use of sewing room and li brary. 510 Flanders st.. Miss Frances N. Heath, supt. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th et. Mrs. M. E. Bietherton. supt. THE MANSION Iargc, b?:futlfully furnished room, suitable for 3 adults or family; ht and cold water, attractive dining-rooms; bourd and service first-class. TH COLONIAL. 105 and 107 10th st. cor. no; Morrison. Select family hotel; reason, able rates for transient guests W car to arid from depot passes the door. . THE LIN DELL, 2U Market Nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod ern, reasonable; fine walking distance. THE MANSION, central, beautiful grounds, elegant furnished rooms. conservatory, dining-room. Fifth and Jefferson. THE CALVARD Take W. car at depot to door. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Main 2u07. FURNISHED rooms, with board. St. A 1636. Rooms With Board in Private Family. $28 AND $30 each; men. 420 Taylor. 2 ladles or Main 8003. gcntle- NICE room and good board for two gentle men. 574 Glisan St., cor. 18th. ROOM with board. 140 15th st.. between Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 3412. ROOM and board In private family; price reasonable. 569 E. Pine st. 2 FRONT rooms, 208 12th St. suitable for 4 persons. PLBASANT front room with board for two; modern. 93 17th st. North. Main 4220. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen, able. 653 Washington. LARGE, newly-furnished room for two; 2 meals; walking distance. Main 7564. ROOM and board, suitable for two gentle men. 44 E. 7th. FURNISHED front room to rent for 2 peoplo, with or without board. 647 Yamhill st. NICE rooms with board; private family; take Brooklyn car to 516 E. Uth eu FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family. TWO rooms, suitable for two ladies, with board, In private home; uso of piano: all home comfort; $C5 per month without lunches. -54 St out St., near Jefferson. Snap FINE largo room, newly furnished, with board for one or two people ; nico loca tion; walking distance. 374 Culle&o. Main ROOM with board suitable for 2 or 3 peo ple or couple with child . also smaller room, reasonable; 1 block from car; cor. 52d and Taylor sts. Phone Tabor 207. MtST desirable furnished room with bath, central location, with board, private fam ily. Inquire ."si Maiu. Phone Main 44SS. ROOM and board for 2 ladles or couple in refined private family; home privileges to right party. 14 E. 15th st. BOARDERS In beautiful home In suburb; home comforts, pleasant rooms, best of board, reasonable. T 330. oregonian. s BOARD and room; bath, phone, use of pi ano; heme cooking. ltl 11th. Phono Main 5003. ROOM and board for 3 or 4 in modern pri vate home; 7 blocks from postoflice. Main 4504. NICE, large room, good board, home cook ing, uso of parlor, private family. 1S1 E. llith st. South. COMFORTABLE, homelike, single room, with bath. $0. SuG 2d St.. near Gibba. Apartment. THE RK-U-KAN. G24 Marshall Street. The most EXCLUSIVE furnished apart ments in the city; 3-room suites, PRI VATE BATHS and reception halls; both phones FREE In each apartment; clcctiio elevator; nice large verandas both front and back; largo lawn and beautiful shadt trees ; low Summer rates. Take W car to Marshall, go 1 block east. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 2 4th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison St., new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments; private bath, reception hail, stuaui heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air cleaning, janitor service, from $25 up month; noma unfurnished. Come, look and be surprised. LAURETTB APARTMENTS High-class, 3 rooms each; brick and cement building, s team heat, hot water, lee cheat, tele phones, fireless cooker, cabinet, gas range, private hall and bath, janitor service: lie minutes from Portland Hotel; choice neighborhood, lltli st- and Salmon; roady Sept. 1. Open for reservations. THE IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence apartments, each having privato vestibule and bath, electric elovator, hot and cold water, gas range, shades and screens, telephone, janitor and elevator service. Apply Janitor, 670 Couch st. THE IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room resi dence apartments. each having privato vestibule and ba:h, electric passenger ele vator, hot and cold water, gas rant;e, shade and screens, telephone, janitor service. Ap ply J-anltor, 570 Couch st. APARTMENT Ready Sept. 1. 8 rooms and bath, all outside cozlly furnlshod rooms. St;e janitor Morton Apartments, N. E. corner King and Washington sts. or phona 10S2 Main. THJd BERYL Just opened; three rooms, large and well ventilated, three larne closets and two folding beds in every apartment; choice location and low rates. 015 Love joy st. Take W car. FOR RENT 3-room apartment, beautifully furnished, Including piano, in onu of riiiet apartment-houses in Nb Hill, per month; references. Phone Main 140; 1 2U56. THE HANOVER, 105 Kinc, near Washing ton Furnished front thneu-runin apart mom , every modern convenience; reasonable rent ; adults only. THE IRVING :11st and Irving sts.; 4 rooms and bath, barmen t apartment; heat, hi: and cold water, gus rangu and shades; low rent. , ONE 3-room apartment The Guild $22.30; all modern conveniences; freo phone; largo lawn ; taku 10th or 23d St. car. l'huno M. o705. St. Clair Apartments, 715 Wayne st.. Kings Height; 0-room apartment; nil modern conveniences. Phone Main 413u. MADISON . PARK APTS. Unfurnished apartments, best locarlon in city; strictly modern. Park and Madiuun. Main t056. THE M1LNER. 3504 Morrison st., near Park ; furnished and unfurnished apartmunts, modern. THE CHETOPA. lsth and Flanders sts. Modern 4-room apartments. Inquire of janitor. THE MARLBOROUGH 6 and 6-room apart ments; 21st and Flanders, Nob Hill dis trict; every convenience. Mala 7516. THE GARLAND, 021 Wash. Modern fur nished or unfurnished apartments or single rooms. Phono A 3745. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished; all cool outside suites; private phone free. , 11th and Columbia. Mala 1011, A 2720. NEW S-room, steam-heated flat, modern conveniences; reasonable rent. W. 1. Mor gan, 503 Abington bldg. WELLINGTON COURT 15th and Everett sts. Furnished 4-room apartment. , Hats. FOR RENT Good 5-room lower flat. Davis st. Rent. 20. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 220 Stark st. 481 NEW 6-room modern upper flat; large porch, ; fireplace, linoleum on kitchen, cooler, gnu water heater, gas and electricity. CSSt, j Northrup st. Take W car, got oft at 21st st. ; MODERN 5. 0-room upper flat, walktng dls- tance. 10th E. Alder; furnace, fireplace, tm- -sonablo rent. jHines Slgglln, 14L FlrsC ' st. Tel. Main 7842. MODERN flat, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, j five blocks north Hoiladay ave.; L car; rent; $0. Apply on premise. 301 Larrabee. ! NEW flat for rent, cor. 6th and Wasco. ,1 j blocks north of Hoiladay ave. Call Main 1500. W. Rcldt, 401 Rothchild bldg. LOWER FLAT; partly furnished: no chil dren; reference; phono Main 1030. No. 263 7th St. fi-KOO.M upper flat for rent, 150 24th. near ' Irving. Call afternoona. Thone Main f91 or A 6011. 6-ROOM modern flat, near 2 carlines and East Side High School. inquire at 14H 2d st. NEW, modern 6-room flat with gas ranee and heater; easy walking distance, inquire owner. 375 Halsvy S-ROOM upper flat, modern. Phono East 6257. ONE new 7-room fl;it. 10 minutes walk from, P'ttftofflee. Call 434 Mill st. 4, 3. 2-roomed flats, modern, pleasant, clo?q In : reasonable, rent. nan. BALANCK new furniture 5-room flat, $Hu. Fiat far rent. 330 3 Mill, near utn. NEW 5-room upper flat, porch, 473 ", mod ern. Inquire 4t.S Park si. F I V H to r. ms. d ! r a b lo ; a d u 1 1 only. Eat I5th, corner lainhlll. G-ROOA1 lower flat; mo lorn. newly tinted; Main 21tiJ. porch, grate, furnace, li'hr. MODERN 5-room flat, 04 East loth. & Zclier, 3'.K East siark. FOR RENT Very dcsirahlo 5-room upper fiat. Call 301 Benton st. MODERN 5-room fiat. 511 5th. near Jack son. West Side. Main or a. ij.s. FLAT of 4 rooms, furnished, 352 Yamhill st. Phone A 204... 6-ROOM choice corner flat; no children. In- quire 402 Park, cor. Harrison. MODERN 4-room flat for rent. $15. Hawthorne, cor. a. MODERN 5-room fiat. East 3S79; 1 block to canine. MODERN 4-room flat. 5SI 3d st.; ring Hol- man a bell. NEW 3 rooms, bath, gas, electric. West Side, close in; $15. Home A 3205. SWELL 5-room flat, very modern, $20; freo phone. Call forenoons. Main 7112. FO R R E N T M odorn 12th and Belmont. 5 and 6-room fiats. LARGE modern 7-room flat, 40S Mill st.f near 14th, West Side. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 "a Hoyt St. Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278. ONE five roomed flat. Inquire 426 "j 6th st, UPPER 6-room flat; central; key 330 Tajrk