TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 29, 1909. rOH 6ALK. FOB HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED FKMALB. Miscellaneous. SPECIAL OFFER We llin 100 second -hnJ ilwln! machines tht must be sold this week regardless ot price to make room for carload; 40 drop-taea. all ; White. New Home. Singer, Wheeler Wilson. Domestic and Standard. Do not forret the Place White Sewlm Machine store. ao Washington, cor. llth. H. D. ' Vone. prop. LAUNCH. FOR SLE Finest faroilr launch on the river; will ruaxontee to he In tct order and will demonstrate: cushions, lamp power whistle, all complete: now at Mason'. Boatyard. " rail i. N. I.lf.letnn. at English Co. a. It Fark St. itom iiuuu BOAT BARGAIN'S. MIST SKLL One 24 foot launch, new; one 2-foot launch, one season: 6-7 hp. engine, new: 6 hp. Gray enalne. one season. For particulars ad dress leww River Boat Gasoline fcnglne Oo.. Woodland. Wash. REA.-ONABI.E5 Furnished or unfurnished tents, board floor, and .Ides .crees .door, and windows: use of rround free. Wauna ave.. half block south of Alameda .. Bom City Vara. 1.HP iras hoat and hoat house, valued at .wio'. foi sale, or will trade for real es tate or for second-hand automobile in -od order. Write to C'haxloa K. Wallea. vamas. Wash. Uk.rvCHr-22 ft. canopy top, S-h.-p. Smaller enilne. maitneto. electric searchlight: com r,;te with boathouse; all in A-l condition. ,. cash or trade for city real Mtate In quire of Scrgstake & Lpman. 90 Fifth st. FINE Jersey bull. $30; collie pups, $3: horse, harneas and waiton. $00; cream separator, milk scale. Babcock tester. $50: 6-room house- 1 acre all In fruit; term, to suit. C. Kreger. Oak prove Sta.. O. W. P. OVE 25-foot speed boat, now fully equipped; must sell atone Address Wwi, Klver Boat Gasoline Enme Co.. Woodland. Wash. GASOLINE LAUNCH. ner new-.. ,:2 Lff, m h. P. engine, cost oi5; will sell if taken at once for $200. 11$ Lumbermen, bid. LAUVCH for sale. 20-foot canopy top. com plete equipment. Al condition. Price $j..o. P'eie ij T. o Hox including Biiaui v.. ding 647. city. 5TPEWRITEKS. all makes. $20 to $M. fully guaranteed; easy payments: rentals. J per month, rsciac 203 2d at heavy milker.; cheap; would exchange for WmiaiA w-rf ts t till trnMr tef came. xruwu - nhop. ocKiey ureea, ow FOR 6ALE Scientific microscope; physi cians' formaldehyde Benerator; nautical rnmpasi. Address Mr. S- E. Webb. Rose City Park. yiXTVHES conittniTig of fine Jarre set of .'helving, two good coun"- l?mZ cm. awning, etc, worth $260, tor $60. 2to3 Grand ave. . FOR SALS Fin quartered oak library table, large piate mirror, rockers, all flrat-cla. 632 Clinton, oor. E. 17th. ANY LADY traveling to Chicago, warring valuable Information, consult K 334, Ore gon tan. FIX 60xl boilers and fitting, only uned 8 months; company going out of business. T 243, Oregonlau. FOR SALB Ceck of $125 on Reed-French Piano Co.. for $3. Mn. R. Jenkins. 'AH Grand ave. BLM'K MINORCA hens. prize -winning cock. J. W- Moxley, second block west of Tremont Station.; Mount Scott car. GUN?, CHEAP. Remington double automatic ejector; also "Winchester pump, both new. &b uth st. CHEAP, second-hand brick. If called for at once; wiil be home all forenoon, the Jiuh, at 414 Hall. FOR SAXE 15 goats, ewes and kids, young, quiet, well bred; J1.2B h-ead. C. P. Jaquith. Scholia. Or. FOR SALE! Cheap, thoroughbred buff leg horn hens. bst layers. 4U4 Vancouver ave. RETURN ticket fnr lady to any point this t:de of Kansas City MX yor own price. O 337, Oregonlan. HUNTERS LOOK A dandy reserve for duck-shooting; 2 shares left; first calls first served. Phone Woodlawn liOO. FOR SALE OR TRADE 34 h. p. launch and boathouse. What have you? Call Woodlawn 11.49. EXPERIENCED woman, wants day work, washing. Ironing, houeecleanlng. Main t-i- 7. Room 11. HINTLNC c&btn cruiser, fully equipped for 6 people to live aboard. -JIWV. K 342, Oregon tan. HEAVILY tullt 40-foot launch, suitable for cannery tender or work boat; f uliy quipped. J 344. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Elegant new furniture of 4 -room cottane, all complete; 50 Jars fruit; pric 125 K Oregonlan. NEWMAN Moving Picture Excnange. rents moving picture machines, films, supplies, lowest price. 526 y Wash., near 17th. GASOLINE launch, 23 feet long; ft-foot beam; up-to-date miley engine. Call &67 Irrtng. Main 6035. FOR 8ALE Beet dry 4-ft- Or and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 813 Water st. Phone Main 7401. A 445. OAKLAND rut range, air-tight heater, with coil. Garland gas water heater. 2 good beds, cheap. Phone C 1&S. NEW gasoline cabin launch for sale cheap; 30x9, 7H-U. P. engine, speed 9 miles, $4o0. Inquire at St. Johns ferry. MOVING-PICTURK show, books, furniture, etc.. cheap; will trade. Phone evenings, C 205.. MANTLE BED with mattness and curtains, fine condition, cheap; dealers need not apply. 716 Johnson, flat 4. FOR SALE cheap CfexS Empire State camera, 6 holders and tripod. Address AE 342, Oregonlan. TWO good typewriters, office chairs, desk and small aufe cheap for cash ; will sell separately. X 341. Oregonlan. STRICTLY first -clans guaranteed Smith Pre mier No. 2 typewriter with cover. $33; $3 down aad 41 week. Call 350 Alder. FIN'S peers for sale. 1 c per pound. 43d and Holgate. Blakely. W-W car. I HAVE 1 typewriters for sale; yoa can buy one at your own prtca. I 340, Oregonlan. TWO white silk toy poodle pups tor sale cheap. 402 Union ave.. N. 22-FT. LAUNCH, special price. Ray's Gas En gine Hospilai, Phone Sell wood 84. FOB SALE JH-foot launch, 4-foot beam. 3 H. P., $75. Foot of Stark St. Inquire Amos. 1303 TWIN INDIAN motor eye. s for sale. J. E. Mitchell, :W3 Harrison st. TWO-YEAR-OLD bulldog; affectionate dispo sition; a snap. Call Main 4 J 75. HARDWOOD counter for sale cheap. 543 Vancouver ave. F R SALE Blue-ribbon Kton terrier pup fl. J. A. Beck. 514 Going St. ORAHIopHOXE at a bargain. 557 Irving. MetJn GOoi. FOR SALE H. good steel range, gas range and furuature. 5 GO 6th il AT your wn price, a f l?5 credit check on Reed-French piano. East FOR SALE Two milk cowa 141 Union a.e. N. HOUSEBOAT for sale, a bargain. Main 1)101. TENT and fly, 14x14, 4-foot wall, by owner. Denver ave. FOX TERRIER puppies. 210 Market, near 1st st. 8-HH. steam enpine. reasonable. 369 East Wash. International Laundry. GF-NV1NE barcain. brand new, 370. Edison outfit only $4- M 344. Oregonlan. PEfTl heads perfectly mounted. Harris, tax idermist. 455 Wash. st. Phone Main S0. $72-5 El I era' erertlt check for $10 if taken at once. AC 33, Oregonian. FOR SALE Reliable gas range and heater; cheap for cash. Phone East 143. INDIAN RUNNER and Mammoth Pekin ducks. Woodlawn S27. ICE BOX for sale cheap; suitable for butcher or market. Inquire llM 4ih st. FURNISHED houseboat for a dandy llule home; -O. AK 332, Oregonlan. mscelAoewtts. KITCHEN TREASURE. $2; Cleveland steel range with water coil. $20; good No. 8 cook stove, t; 116 refrigerator. $7.50; large 7-drawer chiffonier, $10; hardwood dresser. $7. SO; hotel dresser. $5; $30 daven port. $12.&0; 4-burcer Reliable gas range. $&.o0; gaa water heater, $6.50; camp, stoves. $1; tents, $3.60 up to $12.60; ex tension table. $4.5.0: Mild oak sideboard. $11.50; fine dining chain, $10.50; an tique oak china closet. $14; folding bed.. $o; sewing machine.. $5. We furnish houses complete. Get our price, first. Western Salvage Co.. 627. 629. 631. 633. 635 Washington St.. oor. 20th at. Phonee Main 1103. A 3793. McOrath Girvan. proprietor.. TJROADMEAD LIVESTOCK FOR SALB. On account of the subdivision of the fa mous Broadmead Farm, also known as the Ladd A Reed Farm, situated In Yamhill Countv. we are offering for aale niKlr grade sheep, cattle, horse, and mule.; also 1 registered Jersey bull, 3 year, old: J reg istered Clydesdale, stallion. 1 registered jack and several brood mares. Apply Li E. Keasey, 14 Chamber of Commerce, or tSupt. McEldowney, Broadmead. S. P., West side. $12S REED-FRENCH Piano Jtlfg. Co. cer tificate for sale cheap. Call Woodlawn 162S between 5:30 and 9:30 P. M. any day before September 1, 109. WANTED MI.SCEI-LANKOIS. WANTED Men-, cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at th "Fair Deal " 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 0272. WANTED Following novels: "Jephtha1. Daughter." "Ruined Lives," "Ruth Hall" and "The One Woman." Phone Sell wood 36. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. or you'll get leas. Phone. A 2445. Main S3 51. EAST SIDE AUCTION JOBBERS. Wanted 2d-hand furniture; pay highest price. 4 Grand ave. East 1051. B 2044. RAILROAD ticket to Chicago wanted by a young man, description medium, medium tall, light. AJ 836. Oregonlan. WANTED A camera. Standard typewriter for .ale, or will exchange. AD $30, Ore gonlan. A SILENT meat-cuttter; state condition and price. Address Dalles Dressed Meat Co., The WANTED Two tickets to Cincinnati, one for male, young: one female middle age or el derly. 337, Oregonlan. WANTED Donkey-engine, with lines, suit able for clearing land. Also stump puller. McCoy, 864 North 26th. WANTED Gent' ticket to Denver. 339. Oregon Ian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. NOTICE Will pay highest prices for gentle men cast off clothing. Call Main 8474. WANTED TICKET EAST. T 338. Oregonlan. WANTED 15 teams to work on dump wag ons. C. J. Cook Co.. 55 N. 7th sl WA.NTED Cow, giving ft gallons good milk. 4i4 Vancouver ave. y WANTED Baby walker; murt be In good conaition. &ox nt, ji-nna WANTED Railroad ticket for either Chi cago or St. Louia F.. Box 209, Salem. Or. DBER HEADS perfectly mounted. Harris, taxidermist. 415 Wash. sC Phone Main WW. HIGHEST prices paid for rubbers and met als, j. Leve. 13b coiumota su m. bisa. WANTED Bartender. 75 Nortli Third at. Thornton's. WANTED Rolltop desk. B 334, Oregonlan. HKLP WANTED MALE. WANTED Good cabinet and showcase makers; gocd pay for right men; 1 hours per day. J as. I. Marsh ail Mfg. Co., 2bl Couch st. EXPERIENCED night watch for large manufacturing plant In city. Address, with references, P. O. Box 641. DR A FTSM AN In patent attorney's office. ary desired. Y 33U. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED ladies garment presser; good wages to Al presser. City Dyeing Sc Cleaning Works. East 3d. and Ash. MILLHAND who knows how to operate an it. L sander, apply at Last oth and xam hill sts. WANTED Young man with irKle money and services as partner in a business with big pronui. ruin st. WANTED A first-class starcher and polisher at once; union man. Capliol Steam Laun dry. Ijhone 46. WE want more energetic, successful nursery salesmen ; free outfit; cash weekly. Al bany Nurseries, Albany, Or. $130 A MONTH, young business man; small pay to start, aavancemer.t rapia ir you can do the work at all. A 330, Oregonlan. ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced, no beginners, commission paia a any. Bene dictine Press, Goodnough bldg. W A NTE D Office boy. 18 years old; per- manent Salary ?o a week. Call Monday, Remington Typewriter Co. JOB printer wanted two weeks, beginning September 6. Address W. Nottage, Hllla boro. Or. A LOCAL manufacturing company wants one or two stock salesmen; liberal commission. AH S31, Oregonlan. SALESMEN. experienced, to handle on commission, staple. eay-selling line. F. W. Main. 78. Iowa City, la. GOOD live salesman can make f300 per -month selling 5-acre fruit tracts. Ad dress AD 35. Oregonlan. WANTED Bright young man to take or ders. Call 2b9 Union ave. Monday morn ing. GOOD-PAYING newspaper route open In MontavHla. Call at once. Mr. Huntress, 530 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED Man with team to haul quantity of wood on contract. Phone Monday, Main 1U5. or addrest F 343. Oregonlan. WILLING lad to help with Janitor work in return for course in bookkeeping-, short hand, etc. V 342, Oregontan. WANTED A good mm that has the ability to approach and interest' business men; good pay to right man. M 343, Oregonlan. SALESMEN for finest orchard tract in Northwest; liberal terms. 224 Henry bldg. A GOOD Tire man. 83 1st st. 10 A. M. today. PEOPLE who car sell goods, men or wo men. Address P. O. Box 340. MAN to contract pick prunes: also strong single man, farm work. 13 First st. AlSEXTS wanted. Easy Shine Polish Co., 333 Chamber Commerce. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers and sten ographers. 323 4 Washington, room 2H. FIRST-CLASS mestcutter at Bay City Mar ket, cor. 4th and Yamhill. 6 TEACHERS, science, athletics, commer cial, $0. $100. 614 Swetland bldg. HIGH-CLASS hustling salesman; big wages; permanent. 212 Commercial block. WE secure positions tor our members. Special membership, Y. M. C. A. PICK and shovel men wanted at 15th -Umatilla st., be-llwood; S2.50 day, 9 hours. COOKJ and kitchen helpers headquartera California Wine Depot, 164 2d. Main 5500 GOOD laboratory man. Electric Dental Par lors, cor. oth an3 Washington. A GOOD strong delivery boy. with referencesL P. C. Stamp Workst, 274 Alder at. LIVE photo coupon and portrait agents. Davis, The Hayes Studio. 342 Wash. WANTED Men to amok NEW YORK BOND five-cent clgarsL MEAT-CUTTER with $100 or so wanted to start shop. AH 334, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED men for men's furnishings. L. Shanahan. 144-146 Third st. BOY about 16 years old, for delivery, etc. Lion Clothing Co.. 166-170 Third st. WANTED Messenger boy over 14 years. Call 217 Beck bldg.. Monday. WANTED Coatmaker for country; $10 for sack coats. Apply D. B. McBride A Co. WANTED Boy over 18. Apply Lowengart A. Co.. 92 Front st THE OREGON Has a Complete "WANT AD" TELEPHONE Situation. WantedMale Situation. Wanted Female For Rant Hootns, Private FanrHle Rooms and Board Private Families Housekeeping Rooms Private Families All Other Clsusstfluatioo. One Time... lie per line Three Times I0o per line Two Tlmes22o per lLne Beven Times tto per line Anybody who has a Telephone can call up The Oregonian Main 7070 Telephones A 6095 and have their classified advertisements printed as ordered Bills for advertisements will be sent after publication. r 1 Telephone Your "WANTS" Today and Every Day They vriH appear the next morning in The Oregonian. the greatest advertising medium in the Pacific Northwest. Advertisements must be in by 10 P. M. to insure proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. OPEN TODAY. . 4 roujrh - carpenters, building- machine and other shop buildings for bl(f logging company, $3.50. fare $1. 6 bridge car penters, S3 to $3-50, free fare. 4 car penter helpers, $2.20, 8 hours, fare $1.25. 4 piledriver laborers. $3 to $3.50, 9 hours, boom man around pile driver. $3. Cut-off sawyer, $3; ratchet setter. $3; log loader. $3; Inside mill hands, $2.25 up; pliers and yard hands, S2.25 up. Hook tender. $135; 10 Tinging sllngers, $fK; 2 buckers, $3; 3 buckers, $2.7S; S ripping- b1 In wars, $2.75. Oreenhouse gardener, $C0 and board; milkers. $35 and $30; 6 laborers, city, $2.50; 50 laborers, city, $2.25; 150 labor ers, city. $2: 8 teamsters $2.25; 2 wagon teamsters. $50; land clearers; ditch dig gers, $2..r0; common labor of all kinds. Butcher, country shop, $18 week and board. Chef, $20 week;' head cook. $85; fry cook. $75; 2 cooks, $10 ana S12 a weeK; camp cook, outing party, $75; cook. 4 men, mining camp. $40; 3 waiters, $30; dishwashers. vegetable men: kitchen hands, porters and bus boys, $10-$0-$8 a week and board. R. R. HEADQUARTERS. 8000 laborers, teamsters, rorkmen and tunnelmen. also ight of way clearers and concrete men, will be needed on new R. R. construction in Oregon within a few weeks; wages $2.25 up, acordlng to job and ability; free fare to the work. PORTLAND IS THE HUB And the shipping and supply center. Free fare to California. Free fare East. Free fare South; Eueene Natron work. Free fare ; free bunk cars ; free stove ; free cook, for 300 Greeks and Italians; extra gangs and sections. Free fare for 150 Austrlans and Bul garians; R. R. construction; $2.25 day; board self. 50 Austrlans or Greeks, $2, 8 hours, long Job; free fare. NEW ORDERS DAILY. C R. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2d st. PORTLAND. OR. Portland, San Francisco. Spokane. Established 1876. A JOB FREE To any able-bodied laborer who U "broke." HANSEN HIRES HELP. $3000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made in real est a to business; no capital required; we will teach you the business by mall, ap point you special representative of lead ing real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operates with and assist you to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative; write for 62-page book free; it will be sure to interest you. THE CROSS CO., 8S Reaper Block. Chicago. CHAUFPBl'RS and automobile mechanic, everywhere we have alar ted an automobile academy and have room for a few more stu dents. We give a four weeks' course of road driving lessons and guarantee you to run any standard make of automobile. We aiso assist In getting you position. Term are J 12ft0 per week. Call and eee what our other students are doing. Portland Automo bile Academy. 331 13verett st. FOR STEADY EMPLOYMENT, with good pay and short hours, U. b. trovernment Service positions are surest; examinations soon. We coach you and guarantee ap pointment or refund fee; no pull needed; ask for Booklet 3tW, riving complete in formation and making sxecia offer. "Washington Civil Service School. Wash ington. D. C SALESMAN for Portland and vicinity with experience selling mechanical lines to contractors and railroad trade; lines are the best on the market, and a good prop osition will be made to tne ngnt man. Address, giving references and experience in detail, Al H- Hoffman, 32S Hutton bldg., Spokane, Wash. WANTED 50 first-class mold ere and 25 first class core makers on machinery work; steady employment; union wages, union hours, open shops. Apply by letter or wire, or come at once. Apply Colorado Foun- ' drymen' Association, 1739 Blake St., Den ver, Colo. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eirht weeks, help to secure positions; graduates earn from $13 to $2o weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 35 North 4th sU. Portland, Or. MEN wanted, young, strong, good vision, account increasing business on all rail roads, for firemen or brakemen; experience unnecessary; $75, $100 monthly; promoted to conductor or nglneer. $L50, $200; state age. weight, height. Railway Associa tion, care Oregonlan. WANTED" Good carpenter foreman. 3 years work, wages $200 per month; must In vest $600. a t Also good creamery man and Invest $000; wages $150 per month: money re turned after 6 months. Address V 343, Oregonlan. BOOK SALESMEN We have a new propo sition, a money-maker for the live book salesman; if you are one of this class, call and see us between 8:30 and 9:30 A. M.. Monday. Review of Reviews Co., 831 Flledner bldg. - WANTED Two or three salesmen, familiar with road-making machinery, dealing with municipalities) and contractors; In answer ing give age, state experience In these lines ar.d ealary would mart with. Address X 332. Oregonlan. SALESMEN, all lines, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, city and country. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. 7c Per Line Each Insertion. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A salesman to assist in real es tate department: liberal com mi us ions. COME TO THE OFFICE. NORTH PACIFIC TRUST COMPANY, 624 Hoard of Trade. SALESMAN to handle manufacturers' line In Eastern Oregon; good pay to competent man; it takes $500 cash to scarry the ac count. Interview manager at 202 Mar quam bldg. RENT FRED FOR CLEARING. - Creek bottom, be ave rd am land, - 9 miles from Vancouver, "Wash. No large trees, un derbrush. Call 326 Washington at., room 513. ADVERTISING manager for local periodical, salary or salary and commission; state ex perience; aalary expected. AF 344. Ore gonlan. TWO salesmen. September 1, on staple line , with retailers and consumers; 522 per week and bonus to start. . Call Monday. 9 to 12. 289 H Beech st. WANTED Young man 20 years old. with mechanical ability, to learn trade: perma nent position to right party. Apply Mon day to Remington Typewriter to. FIRST-CLASS second cook, $75; no Sunday work; assistant pantryman. $45; vege table man, $3o, no Sunday work. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2d st. CARPENTER foreman wanted by building corporation; permanent work; must in vest $800; wages and profits. Oregon Trust Co., Henry bldg. WANTED First-class cutter on special sash and door work, also eood machine man, . also first-class frame makers. Oregon Jr'ianing jams, iytn ana vaugnn. WANTED A party to sell stock in a water power company, that win pay per cent dividends; liberal cash cbmmlsslon allowed. A 244, Oregonian. ATTENTION Make money writing stories or for newspapers ; improve spare time, earn large Income; send stamp for booklet, tells now. .tress syndicate, ban rrancisco. SALESMAN with experience In selling boiler compound. Address, giving references and experience in detail, Al. t. rionman. 32a Hutton blag., bpoKane, wain. PASS them up; Investigate this: - wanted. honest vountr man. small capital, ex perience unnecessary. 326 ft Washington L, room 417. YOUNG MAN with some experience In re tail grocery line; stats references. AN S41, oregonian. MAN to dig well. 12 miles, from Vancouver; everything lumisnea if aesirea. aj iHo, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced wrung man to sun tnuara-room: win rent or sen nan in terest. A-D 334. Oregonlan. WANTED A good all-around dry goeds salesman, call Oregon Hotel between 6 ana 7 this P. M. D. M. Nayberger. YOUNG MAN. single, willing to work and act . as Janitor apartment bouse. P. O. Box 223. YOUNG MAN stenographer, assist book keeper; state age, salary. AG 345, Ore gonlan. SALESMAN for fast-selling article; good money to right party; small deposit re quired. r37 Worcester bldg. SALESMAN for house-to-house and office novelties; good sellers. Western Specialty Jo.. 537 Worcester bldg. WANTED At once, men to learn auto mobile driving and repairing. Apply 6! North 7th St., cor. Davis. WANTED Man to clear land on contract. vv ill furnish horse and stump-puller. Mc Coy, 864 North 20th, 6 to 7:30, evenings. WANTED Man to paint several houses on contract. McCoy, 364 North 26th, o to 7:30, evenings. WANTED Solicitor; salary and commis sion. 834 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn IS. 7. A DESCRIPTION I of the wants of. the masses will be fonnd on these pages each morning. It's a- com plete directory of" the "wants" of all Portland peo ple. . Make it a practice to read these ads each morn ing. It 's a practice THAT PAYS IAN SERVICE Exoeirttoim Situations Wanted, Personal. Medical and Employment Agencies advertise ments not accepted over the telephone. Six -words average a line but on all charge ads the actual number of lines will be charged regardless of the num ber of words. HELP WANTED MALE. WE want a few stook salesmen; have the best thing on the Coast: men or women; will pay a good big round commission ta right party. Call room 725. Board fo Trade bldg. WE nave few openings In traveling sales force for good,' live, hustling business pro ducers; ' specialty line. Strongest and most complete advertising novelties and ' calendar line in country. State age, ex perience; references. Gartner Ms. Bender, Dept. A, Chicago. HUNDREDS of good openings for Fall rush. No former experience needed. If you earn less than $50 a week and ex penses write for full particulars about how to double or treble your present earn ings. We have assisted thousands of men to aecure good positions or better salaries. Nearest office. Dept.' 683, Na tional Salesman's Training Association, Chicago. New York, Kansas City, Minne apolis, San Francisco. SALESMAN for Western territory by Kan sas City wholesale house; experienced, ambitious man ; one who has sold to country merchants standard gocds or ad vertising specialties preferred. Fine open ing. Position will pay right man $500 or better. Paying two men now $1000 month each. Give references, experience. Address Manager, 524 Midland bldg., Kansas City. WANTED Salesman experienced In any line, to sell general trade In Pacific Coast. An unexcelled specialty proposi tion. Vacancy after Sept. 1. Commis sions with $35 weekly advance for ex penses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ANYBODY, either sex, can make $4 dally all year raising mushrooms for hotels and restaurants with my spawn in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc- Free Illustrated in struction booklet. Hiram Barton, 329 W. 4Sth st.. New. York. NEWSPAPER man, familiar with every de tali of newspaper work, both office and mechanical. Splendid" opportunity on tech nical publication In city; Prefer young man willing to work his way up. Ad dress B 338, Oregonian. . , TRAVELING salesmen earn $1000 to $10,000 yearly. Write for free book, "How Sales men Succeed" and secure position with re liable firm. Brads tree t System, Dept. 150, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Spare time of salesman to place consigned goods in small towns. Prompt commissions; express prepaid; this will increase your salary by $150. Address D. N. C, 753 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, III. WANTED A live salesman to represent our postcard line In the Northwest liberal commission; one of the blggem lins in the West. Address with references, The Colo rado News Company, Denver. Colo. SALESMAN, experienced In any line, to sell general trade. Pacific Coast, unexcelled specialty proposition; commissions, with $33 weekly advanced for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. SALJrlSMAN wanted by leading lace-embroid ery manufacturers, roust have ewtaDitshea trade among general merchandise stores, email towns; liberal proposition. Merk & Co., 416 Broadway, New York. CLERKS and carriers in postofTlces earn $0oo-$12OO yearly. Examinations. soon. Full Information free. Washington Civil Service School, Dept. 869, WaabtngLon, I- C. WANTED Young man under 21 years of age ror gents' turnisamg department. Ap ply after 10 A. M. Monday. Uannon & Co., 3SS-390 East Morrison st. WANTED Railway mail clerks, postofflce cierKB, carriers; examinations in t'ortiana November 17; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 413 E., Rochester, N. Y. WE want a few good salesmen (who can give gooa reierences) 10 sen some of the best property in Portland. Liberal com mission paid. Brong-fteele Co.,' 110 2d at. BOYS' CLOTHING SALESMAN The Meter & Frank store requires a competent boys' clothing salesman. Apply to superintend ent between 8 and 10 A. M. , WE have good side line and pay 25 per cent, commission. ah articles are pat ented, are original and unique. Lemke, Fulton. 111. SALESMEN Side Una or exclusive Una ad vertising pencils; ad. printed around pen cil; appeals to trades; liberal commission. Wright. 66 6th ave., Chicago. TOUNG boys wanted -to learn the business. rapid advancement for ambitious workers, apply to superintendent between 8 and 10 A. M. The Meier fc Frank Store. WANTED A first -class vestmaker, also first -class coatmaKer. Apply Crown Tailor Shop. 4th and Stark. Steady work guar anteed. WANTED Ambitious lady or rentleman to I aoclate with experienced broker sharinjr in . xu-of its for small investment. 202 Swetland. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Main Ofnce. 12 North Second St. Open Sunday 10:30 A. M. to 1 P. M. Wanted in the city 2 planer feeders, $2.50; t yard tallymen, $2.50; i lumber graders, $2.50; wood turner and band sawyer, $3.50;. 4 mill wrights, $3.50; 2 cabinet-makers, $3 to $3.s0 ; marker and grader behind resaw, $2.50; 4 rough carpenters. $3; 4 teamsters, $2.25; 15 laborers. $2.25 and $2.50; 15 yardmen, $2 to $2.25; cooks, dishwashers, boys for box factory, etc, etc. Wanted, out of the city Millwright. $4 ; house carpenters, $8.50: general blacksmith for country shop, $3.50 up, fare paid ; lumber graders, $2.50 to z.d; planer leeavirs, $z.bu; sasa ana aooi machine men, $2.50 to $3.oO; 2 yard tally men. $2.50: 2 car tallymen. $2.50 no: carpenters helpers. $2.25; 60 yardmen, sz.zo up; Zo mill hands. 13. 25 to JJ.76. 2 cooks for hotels In country, $60, fare paia; nuniteys lor logging camp, $30 man ana wire, cooks, iuu. Loggers for Northern California. Free fare. We give a written guarantee to pay J unit. no-ja 4 J. tXICIfJ J LIU I. tVUIK where we send vou. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Main Office, 12 N. 2d St. THE best opportunity ever offered to a nearty, robust man not afraid of work. bum vr KtK.au wno can lurnisn iuuo cash money secured and Brood nnaltlon nnrt ni ary for one year; absolutely legitimate. CENSUS and other Government nesitlnna examinations held in Portland. Circular 161, giving full particulars to salaries, positions, dates of examinations, sample quetlons previously used, etc., sent free ny xvat i oorr. institute. Washington. D. C. WANTED By prominent Coast house, a first-class, experienced millinery sales- - man; one who has and controls trade in the Northwest; good salary and 11 bora 1 Inducements. Apply Box A 834, Orego nian. WHY pay employment agencies large fees for pumuonr join jmpioyea' co-operative A eoclatlon: pay 25c month and receive frv. doctor, lawyer and assistance in securing v eiupiuymenu Buite Bittj, b wetland bldg. SALESMAN wanted, traveling, medium-eize towns, by largest European lace-embroidery manufacturer, take orders for Januarv and at once delivery; samples 30 pounds; liberal arrangements. uromann, 470 Broadway. EXPERIENCED salesman to cover Oregon weekly advance for expenses; permanent POSTOFFICE clerks and carriers' nnmlnn. tlon In November. File application with us now for preparation. Good salaries and promotion. Pacific States School, McKay uiug., city. YOUNG man stenographer with eome knowl edge of office work; elegant chance for promotion; answer in own handwriting. staling- eaxary expectea. ArJ 333, ure gonian. NO. 1 live, energetic salesman, with little money to invest in established concern manufacturing automobile attachment of merit that eells; patented. Call 72 No. 6th si. WANTED Experienced, mercantile sales man (not a clerk), a permanent and re munerative position to a live, energetic man; give rexerenoe. fox 1S06, Spokane, vvasmngion. MEN WANTED to leant telegraphy, wlrelees teiegrapny ana engineering, k. K. aad sta tion work; practical instruction: largest nri- ate station in the world. Send stamp for circulars, vvireiesa institute, ban JtYancisco. SALESMEN who travel carry as side line. best general and holiday line souvenir post cards: we have men making $200 monthly; so can you. (iartner 6s iJender, Dept. fa.. Chicago. RELIABLE boys, 16 years of age. or over must have wheel and knowledge of city wages from $50 to $73 per month. City Messenger sc .ueuvery o., 14 w asmng ton st. MAN: must be willing to learn; capable of acting as representative; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. National Co-operative Realty Co., aiaraen bidg., Washington, u. u. WANTED Steady man to check goods, etc as partner; pay $25 week; can Increase with interested help; $250 required. Particulars 417 .Hoard or Trade Tidg. MEN to study wlrelass telegraphy; railway and commercial telegraphy easily learned; big opportunities: day and evening classes. Oregon College Teiegrapny, t3 bin st. WANT to start you tn business: spare time. at home. Most Ingenious morey-maker devised. Free particulars, j?. l;. Abbott, Desk A-X, Omaha. Neb. A GOOD live organizer 'for special work; for the Knlarhts and Ladles of Security W. E. Cummlngs, The Nordlca, Grand ave. and Heimont. BOY with wheel to work In grocery; must live on the East Side. 127 Grand ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE MEIRR & FRAiisC STOREJ, wants vounsr eirle to learn the business, rapid advancement for ambitious workers. Ap;ly to superintendent . between a ana 10 A. M. WANTED Maid for Breneral housework: references. 198 Raleigh, or phone Main G463. LADIES at home day or evenings, applying transfers on porcelain, $1.50 doa. upward; steady, reliable work. 224 Marquam bldg. CAPABLE rirl to assist, with housework and children. 120$ Hawthorne ave. Ta bor 1483. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family, $30. 309 Hancock st. Phone East 1685, C 1401. GIRLS to wark In cracker factory. Apply Faciflo Coast Biscuit 00., lztn ana uavis. DINING-ROOM girl, experienced ; also chambermaid, at .the Sterling, 635 Couch st. HOUSEWORK Good girl for general, at boarding-house, 41 Ella st. FINISHERS on men's neckwear. 291 Mi Stark street. GIRL for general housework; best wages. 461 Hassalo st. TWO dining-room girls; experienced. SO North 17th, oor. Couch. ERRAND girl for ladies' tailor establishment. 411 Morrison st. WANTED Girl for Phone Sell wood IS. general hou&ework. LADY partner wanted with $200, to take charge office. H 342, Oregonian. COMPETENT children's nurse: references required. C 1306, E. 2318. 691 Hancock. PLAIN boarding-house cook. Apply 1298 Macadam St.; take Fulton car. WANTED Lady for reception room. 314 Mohawk. WANTED Experienced packers. Apply Ideal Candy Co., 110 North 4th st. Main 6450. WANTED Millinery maker. 349 Morrison st. La Mode, FAMILY cook. $40; second girl. $35. St. Lruis, 240 H Wash. Main 203ft. GIRL for general housework. Inquire at 50O Hall st. WAIST, skirt and coatmakers. 405 Flledner bidg., 10th and Washington. WANTED Woman to do plain washing and ironing. Phone M. 603 or A 6284. SKIRT and waist help; stock girl, who under stands bookkeeping. 606 Marquam bldg. MILLINERY apprentice wanted at . E. Wol slefer, 169 7th st. FIRST-CLASS family cook to go to the beach; wages $35. Main 3933. PEOPLE! who can sell goods, men or wo men. Address P. O. Box 340. GIRL to do chamber work and wait table. 191 llth st. GIRL to do general housework. 775 Kearney. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE canvassers. Call Sun day from 1 to 4. 6S7 Washington. . LADY wanted for alteration in cloak. and suit room. Address Box 347. The Dalies, Or. WANTED Experienced cafe cashier. Nor tonla Hotel. WAITRESS and cook. 3 North 3d. FEMALE HELP wanted at 376 N. 19th. GIRL to do housework. 703 North rup st. FTRST-CLARS hanfls for waist and gown; aleo 1 finisher. The Bartholomew Co., 400 Washington, cor. loth. WANTED Thoroughly experienced sales women In various fancy and drygoods de partments. Good salaries and opportunity to Increase same. Write full particulars as to experience, otc. If services are sat isfactory, traveling expenses will be re funded after three months. D. Samuels, the Lace House, San Francisco. SALESWOMEN. In a number of our departments we want first-class experienced saleswomen. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. REAL KSTATE man wants partner; excel lent chance for young man to get In real estate business; no experience necessary and very little money required. Parr i mil iars National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Vi Washington St.. room 516. MILLINERY HANDS WANTED The mil linery department of the Meier A Frank store requires competent sales people, trimmers, makers and apprentices. Apply In person to the superintendent between 8 and 10 A. M., or by letter. PERMANENT position to competent stenog rapher investing little cash in business. Morwy well secured. Oregon Trust Co., Henry bldg. WANTED A thorougn competent saleslady by suit and cloak house; state age, experi ence and city references If possible; per manent position for right person. Address AD 318, Oregonlan. WANTED Woman or girl ; light house work and plain cooking; sleep home. Call apartment 3 2 Cbetopa, 684 Flanders St., after 10 A. M. ATTENTION Make money writing etorles or for newspapers; improve ajare time, earn large lncomo; send stamp for booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate, San Francisco. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE demonstrators on a high-grade, guaranteed woman's article: splendid opportunity for begin nera. Call 10-11, 2-4, room 204, Wells-Fargo. WANTED Woman every afternoon from 3 or 4 to 7; plain cooking; pay 25 cents an hour. Phone A 4582, or call apartment 32 No. 684 Flanders St., after 10 A. M. WANTED Young lady stenographer, per manent position; salary $50, with prospect of Increase; if not experienced, don't ap ply. Address AE 33t., Oregonlan. ONE first-class fitter; 2 experienced sales women for cloaks and suits. Worrell's Sample Cloaks &. Suits, 134 6th at., cor. Alder, opposite The Oregonlan. LEARN manicuring during spare time. Unusual opportunity. Earn $li to $25 week. Stamp for particulars. Mme. Ball, 627 Madison ave.. New York. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework. No washing; references, 212 North 20th St. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 843 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. YOTTNG lady wanted to work In store; must understand Upht baking. Good wages to right party. 442 E. Burnslde. WANTED Kennea. cepacia won.a .1 fr ; -sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. SCHOOL girl to assist la light housework In exchange for ruom and board. Call 2tl5 Monroe St., after today. WANTKD Girl 16 or 17 who attends .school to work for board and moderate wages; small family. L 341. Oregonian. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, 326 Washington St.. Room 3o7. Main bs36 or A 3206. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 440 East 6th st. North, near Tillamook at. IRONER Experienced, for out-of-town laundry; wajtea $2 per day, steady work. Reliance Laundry, Castle Rock, Wash. HOUSEWORK Girl to do; small family; plain cooking. 174 East loth, near Bel mont. WORKING housekeeper for family of tw) (men) ; mother with hoy 11 preferred. Ap ply after Aug. 2i. 140 East 12th st. PAPER BOXES Experienced girls; steady work; good pay. F. C Stcttler, corner lith and GUsan' sta. WOMAN capable of earning $15 a week; no clerical work, but energy and honesty required. C 339. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework. mu.t know how to cook; good wages. 623 Irving street, near 16th st. WOMAN of experience .to take care of baby 3 months old, 2. hoard ana room, every thing free. Call 434 Oregon st. YOUNG GIRL for light housework, small family; pleasant home for willing, cheer ful girl. B 145. Oregonlan. GIRL for light housework, family of two. 362 3d St., apartment 4. juust unaerstana cooking. YOUNG LADY to do office work In ex change for course in ehorthana. AF 8 S3, Oregonian. WANTED Saleswoman to take charge of suit department; interior; good salary. Address AG 338, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced and up-to-date hairdresser at onw. Andreas ia w nita Temple bldg., Eugene, Or. HOUSEWORK Experienced girl for gen eral; four adults. 2u0 Grana ave. is., cor. Multnomah. FOR the Fall season, good s-Jerve makers and others who understand sewing. Call Monday or Tuesday. 315 Tilford bldg. WANTED First-class fitter; none othr need apply. J. S. Graham, 714-716 Sec ond ave., Seattle, Wash. GIRL for general housework, no laundry. Morrison st. PRIVATE lessons In shorthand and type writing; easy nrethod; reasonable terms. 3U4 12th st. M. 6&it0. HOCSEKEEPKR for family of 4; good wagos. Apply Robert Absconaer, k.. . D. No. 1, Forest Grove, Or. GIRLS wanted to lay macaroni. Apply Pa- HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework. zainuy or 4. none jwam zitza. GIP.L to assist with general housework. 74T unsan st. THOROUGH course ot millinery taught in 6 weeks; terms reasonable. 410 Aider. GIRLS WANTED Appiy Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave ana Jast layior. GOOD girl to assist in care of children. Apply Monday. 822 Johnson st. CHOCOLATE-DIPPERS WANTED. Ideal Candy Co., 110 N. 4th st. Main 4jO. JAPANESE girl. Call after 10 A. M., Par lor C, Portland Hotel. WANTED Young lady to do housework. Ap ply 540 Clay st. GIRLS wanted for mangle room, good wage?. U. S. Laundry. Grand ave. ana n.. hawnr-n. GIRL to assist in housework. 290 14th st.. Columbia. GIRL for general hmisownrk. small family. eood wages. -jmi iniainooK. GIRL fr general housework; no children. Ap ply S'.ta Kelly st. rnone -nam 4 i4. A GIRL for general housework: good home; good wages. Phone East 1602. EXPERIENCE waist and skirt finishers, also apprentice. Apply 425 Marquam bldg. GIRL for general housework. Apply 745 Hoyt St. TEACHER French and piano. $60; board and room. 614 Swetland bldg. WANT girls to sew mattress ticks. Carmen Mfg. Co. 18th and Upshur. GIRL for light housework, two in family. Apply Monday. 7u0 Davis, corner King. GIRL to wait on table and assist with housework; no cooking. 452 Morrison. MILLINERS WANTED First maker and second trimmer. Fraley Bros.. 214 Third. GIRL wan tod for general housework and cooking. 1093 Belmont St., cor. E. 37th. WANTED Girl over 17 years. Western Film Exchange, Swetland bldg. LADY dishwasher wanted at 120 Killings worth ave. DFSK room free for stenographer- C &40 Oregonian.