THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 29, 1909. - ' v, TODAY. ' 1 TBW TODAY. I TW TODAY. EFFORT TO BLOCK SALE THREATENED Oklahoma Man Declares Much of Oregon Valley Land Co.'s Tract Is Worthless. WILL APPEAL TO M'COURT K. T. Rehf ield Would Prevent Draw ing at Lakevlew, but Agent of H ' Company Asserts Charges Are Groundless. Contending: that much of the land is worthless, B. T. Rehfleld, of Guthrie, Okla.. while In Klamatn fans yeicruj, a'.d he would ask United States Attorney McCourt to prevent the allotment by the Oregon Valley- Land Company of about 300.000 acres of agricultural land In Lake. I v. nd Malheur counties. TUe awara or mo tracts to purchasing settlers is scneouieu for Thur-idav. September 9. at lAKeview. Mr. Rehfleld was in Klamath Falls yes terday and Is expected to reach Portland tomorrow. The Oregon Valley Land Company Is a Kanwis Citv corporation, whose local representative Is C. M. Hyskell. About a year ago this company purcnasea irom the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company about 6XMt acres of land In Lake and Malheur counties, the tract being a part of the original Oregon 'Military Road Land Orant of 1S5. the first land grant maae in this state. The purchase consisted of a strip of land extending from the Klamath Indian Reservation, tnrougn I-ake and Malheur counties, to the Idaho Late line. Tracts Vary in Size. Selecting from the entire area about iCW.000 acres of the best agricultural land, the company subdivided the tract into farms of from 10 to WOO acres each, which it placed on the market for sale at the uniform price of SX0 for each farm. Con tracts covering the entire 300.0000 acres have been sold, principally to Eastern people who are seeking home in the West. The drawing by which these farms are to be allotted will be held at Lakcvlew. September 9. v The plan of drawing by which the al lot mnt will be made differs- from the usual land lottery, in that for his invest ment of $20) each contract-holder Is en titled to a tract of land ranging in sire from 10 acres to lOuO acres. The method adapted by the company provides that on the day of the drawing the contract holders shall assemble either in person or by their representatives and select from among their number three trustees who shall conduct the distribution of farms. The names of all contract-holders are listed, together with a number indicating some particular tract. These are dis posed1 of by bidding, but by reason of the fact that the prospective purchasers real ize that they are entitled to from 10 to V'M acres for the price of $200, the bid ding seldom exceeds that figure, the only Instances being when an especially de ' sirable tract is offered. Agent of Company Talks. "The proceeding is entirely regular." Faid Sir. Hyskell last night. "The Lakeview drawing will be the same as drawings conducted by this company in other states. It has the sanction of the Federal authorities, and we do not anticipate any interference from that source. "I do not know who Mr. Rehfleld Is, although he claims to represent a num ber of other Oklahoma parties. He evidently expected to get possesion of $50-an-acre land at the rate of 20 cents an acre, the price at which several 1000-acre tracts included in the tract will be disposed of. A great deal of the land is valuable for agricultural purposes. "The larger tracts will consist of the poorer land, while such parts of the grant as can be irrigated successfully have been divided into the smaller tracts. I do not hesitate to say that the worst of the entire tract is fully as good land and just as desirable as the unsold school land held by the State of Oregon and which is sold at Jo an acre." OAK CUTTING REGRETTED Protest Made as to Removal of Trees at Salem. PORTLANT. Aug. 28. (To the Editor.) It was my privilege last Wednesday to have visited the State Fair Grounds of Oregon, and it seems to me that there ought to be some law that will enjoin the officers from cutting down the oak trees that beautify the said grounds. It was my first visit to Oregon in 31 years, and I am surprised and grieved that there should be such a wanton destruction of the beautiful oak, the pride of all state fair grounds. It does seem strange that there is not 'tough state pride to pre serve these trees. In looking over the grounds. I find that every time a build ing is erected, down must come the oak trees. Have the proper officials a con viction that by removing the oak trees that the grounds are beautified? I can recall that we camped where state buildings now stand and we had no idea that anybody would have so little pride in the grand oaks as to encroach each . year upon the grove. Is there no one in Oregon who will enjoin such work? It Is pure vandalism. 1 once lived in Oregon and enjoyed attending tle State Fairs. While at Salem. I witnessed the cutting of trees whose presence in the grove add ed thousands of dollars to the value of the state's grounds. As I now live in a section barr enof trees. I can appreciate fully the worth of the oaks, and while away for nearly a third of a century I still bold in dear memory the oak trees at the State Fair Grounds. CHARLES F. MORGAN", of Arizona. f PETER J. CLANCY DEAD Old Resident of Vancouver Passes, Leaving Wife and Six Children. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 2S. (Spe cial.) Peter J. Clancy, who was born in Moyeullem. County Galway, Ireland, June t. IS29. died at his home at the corner of Main and Sixteenth street, in this city, at 10 o'clock last night. Mr. Clancy came to America the first time in 1S49. He returned to Ireland in lsa. coming to this country again in 1863. He had lived In Vancouver continuously since 1&S2. He was a Civil War veteran, having served with the 144th New York Volunteers. Mr. Clancy taught school In his younger days, was a practical stone mason and at one time a Government clerk. He leaves a wife and six children. His two daughters. Miss Mollis and Miss Kathleen, and his son, James J- live in thts city. The other three sons. Oliver J.. John I. and Nicholas 'i'.., live in Seat tie. They will be here for the funeral, which will take place Monday at the Cathedral at 9:30 A. M. BANKS LOSE ,S0ME CASH Slight Decrease In Sew York. Despite Gains Front Interior. NEW TORK. Aug. 2S.-The Financier will say tomorrow: The statement of he clearing-house banks of the City of New York for the week ending August 28 showed an in crease o' $1,651,000 in loans, a decrease of tl.T71.100 In cash, a slight decrease of $49,400 in deposits and an Increase of $.7)0.900 in circulation. The banks, according to best estimates, gained slightly from the interior last week and also in smaller volume from Sub-treasury operations, so that the de crease in cash is not explained. The re sult of the week's movement was to re duce reserves $1,608,750, bringing the pres ent surplus to $17,952,775. SEARCH FOR BODY KEEPS UP Callaghan Offers Reward for Corpse of Brother. TACOMA. Wash.. Aug. 28. (Special.) Relatives and friends of A. Y. Callaghan, lost on Mount Rainier August 14. with Mr. Stevens, of Trenton, K. J., are still continuing the search. Mrs. Clara Bewich Colby and Mrs. M. Frink, of Portland, Or., arrived in Ta coma and left on the afternoon train for Mount Rainier, to aid in the search on behalf of Owen Callaghan. Mr. Cal laglian has offered a reward of $2000 for the rescue of his brother living or $1000 for the recovery of the body. Owen Callaghan, who was In Tacoma a few days after an extended search on the mountain, said he felt satisfied his brother and Mr. Stevens had met their death on the mountain and had prob ably perished by falling into a deep cave on the crater or into a crevasse. He was quoted as saying it would be wrong to ask men to take the risk of searching the mountain. FIRST INFANTRY' IS BACK Seven Companies Return From Out Ing at Cirand Ronde. VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 28 (Spe cial.) The military band of ie First In fantry led seven companies of soldiers up Washington street to Vancouver Bar racks this morning at 11 o'clock. The soldiers have been spending three weeks on their annual hike and outing at Grand Ronde, Or. While away they have been drilling, practicing shooting, and maneuvering and have had good practice. The men are now In better shape and condition than when they went away and are feel ing in the best of health. There were no accidents of any consequence on the hike. Boys Fingers Sawed Off. RAINIER. Or., Aug. 28. (Special.) John Lamb, IS years old, was painfully 4na-r flt thf, Columbia RiVCT Sash and Door Factory, by coming in too close contact wnn me sinner ma chine. All the fingers of- his right hand were sawed oft. The Lamb fam ily recently moved here from New Mexico. A rucKlt had made a mistake in his th. fatal tldlnns ere brought to him he exclaimed: "Wretch that I am ana my bejt customer, too! . THE COLUMBIA RIVER VALLEY The Fruit Basket of the World A poor man nas m small Flianre of ever becomioH treat thy In the Far Entra Mates. Even In the .Middle West the openings are be rontinit scarce and many energetic men see that they can better themselves by cwmlDK to the KorthTvesU home who have come West rind ther have not so f fi de nt knowledge of the country to be able to lo cate at once In a business which will pay them well. If yon re of this number, tvby not Investigate the district which has more upeuiues and opportunities lor men of small or large capital than any other sec tion of the lorlhweatf The Columbia Klver Val ley cannot be surpassed as a desirable place to live when yon consider the many lines of business that are still needed, tbe large population which will sure ly settle here uud the vast Increase which will follow any small Investment mude at this time. It will pay yon to look Into the conditions in thin land of opportunity. Jvenne w Ick and Pasco are al ready the Important com mercial centers of this dis trict. For Information con cerning; openings In all lines of bnslnesa address KENNEWICK COM RCIAL CLU3 KENNEWICK, WASH. or PASCO COMMERCIAL CLUB PASCO, WASH U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND Along Railroad in Montana CONRAD-VALIER Project 69 Miles North of Great Falls. 70,000 acres of Irrigated Lands, segre gated by the United States under the Carey Land Act, will ,be allotted by drawing; at Valier, Montana, the terminus of the new railroad, on Thursday, October 7, 1909 You May Register by Mail Must register prior to October 7tb. If you do not select land after your number is drawn, it costs nothing. TITLE CAN BE ACQUIRED BY THIRTY DAYS' RESIDENCE 40.50 per aere for land and perpetnnl water rlKht. S3.B0 per acre down; balance In fifteen year.. This land is fine grassy prairie, ready for the plow. No sagebrush or stumps. Reached over the Great Northern or Burlington Railroads. Thes small annual payments (less than a cent an acre a day) make it easy to pay for this land from the crops. Information and blanks f'jr registering, free on request. W. M. WAYMAN, 9th St,, Valier, Mont, ' ill : I PROSPECT PA The Cream of IRVINGTON The best exclusive close-in residence dis trict, with asphalt pavements, cement walks, sewer, gas and Bull Bon water mains all in now and ready for use.' Excellent car serv ice. Building restrictions. Present prices are extremely low and will soon be in creased. Very easy terms. For full partic ulars, call on ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 241 Stark Street. Corner Second. Knott Street. Between East Seventh and East Eighth Streets. Build an Apartment House or a Flat A New Building Will Rent or Sell at Sight It is the older buildings that are passed over by the investor and the renting public. WHY IS THIS? Because we incorporate into our buildings every modern convenience, and design a beautiful and artistic exterior, and the cost is less than you would pay for something ready built, for material and labor are at 1MneyUloanedWfor building purposes. Artistic residences and bunga low our specialty. All plans and specifications free of all charge. Houses built small payment down balance like rent. SPENCER-McCArtsT CO. Architect and Builders. 423-424 Lumbermen's Bldsr. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Enact November 1. 1908. Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time H? Same ad two consecutive time. Same ad three consecutive time.. ... . .. . .e bame ad six or seven consecutive times.. ojo Mx words count as one line on canu ad vertisements and no ad counted for es than two lines. When nn advertisement is not rnn consecutive time, the one-time rat. ""l-he'sbove rate, apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting tbe following: Situations Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Kent. Rooms. Private Famille.. Looms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms. Private Families. The rate of the above classification is I cents a line each insertion. Spare in the "New Todcy" columns Js figured by measure only 1 line to tne TO OrT-OF-IOWX PATRONS The Ore ronlan will receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance for definite number of isnes is sent. Acknowledgment of sncn remittance will be forwarded promptly. On charge of book advertisements tn. eharge will be based on tbe actual numhrr of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of wordi In each line. In case box office address is reoiilred, use regular form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT, Main 300. SECRETARY. Main BBS. HUMANE OFFlCiB. East 47. MEETING NOTICES. "M. B. A. EXCURSION Steamer Bailey Gatzert. Thursday. September 2, 8 P. M. The committee has secured the Peninsula Brass Band, also one of the best pianos furnished by the Ellers piano House, the heme of fine pianos good music Is assured; four hours of merriment, dancing, cards, re freshments. This will be tlffe sreatest event of the season. A limited number ot tickets on sale at Skidmore Drug Company and R. J. Walker's. 1S3 Third st. Boat leaves Aider-street dock 8 P. M., sharp. Procure your tickets now. Tickets-50c THE GENERAL, RELIEF COMMITTEE I. O. O. F members will meet at L O. O. y. temple. First and Alder, at :30 o'clock this (Sunday) morning to conduct the funeral of Brother Edward Gibbons, late a j member of Washington lodge No. 113, Llt- 11. rails, VYuaxi. oci l j j 11 i. 10 o'clock. Interment Greenwood Ceme tery. All members I. O. O. V. Invited. J. C. JAMESON, Sec. ALB1NA SOCIAL CLUB will begin their dances September 1, every "Wednesday and Saturday night at Malr's Hall. Williams ave. and Russell st. The finest maple floor in the city. Gents 50 cts. ; ladles free. Stiles' Orchestra ROYAL CIRCLE. No. fi'.'S. will gtve a whist social and dunce "Wednesday even ing. September 1, a W. O. W. Hall. 11th and Alder; refreshments. Admission '26 cents. Fox orchestra. COMMITTEE. ASTRA CIRCLE Whist party Thursday. September 2. in the Woodmen bltlg., 1-S 11th st. Prizes, refreshments and dancing. Admission 15 cents. COMMITTEE. PENINSULA LODGE. NO. 128. I. O. O. F. Members will meet at their hall Sunday, August 25, at 1 :3u P. M-, to conduct the funeral of Brother Orvllle F. Merrill. G. H. HEMSTOCK. Sec. FCNEKAL NOTICES. HKRRALL The funeral services of Charles W. Herrall will be held at Finleys chapel t 2 P. M. today (Sunday), under the r.uspices of The Fraternal Order of Eagles. Friends Invited. Ii.terment Rlverview Cemetery. GEORGE 'Bernlce T3. George, at Seaside. Or., Friday, Aug. 27. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C George, of this city. Funeral at Ho.' man's chapel today (Sunday), at 2 P. M. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. Friends Invited. OPENING Phone Main 6000. Corner Fifth and Stark St. FUNERAL NOTICES. " CTTRRY In this city. 169 Bast Flftyrelghth street. Ruth Llllle Curry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Curry. Funeral from the above residence at J P. It today. In terment, Lone Fir Cemetery. Dunn In e McEntee GHbaugh, Funeral Directors. 1th and Pine. Phone Main 43". Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral direct ors. 220 Sd .t- Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607. J P. FIN LEY SON. 8d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 8. A ISAM. McENTEE-EKlCSON CO. rjndertakersj lady assistant. 408 Alder. M. 6133. EAST gIDE funeral directors, successor, to 7. Dunnlna, Inc. E. 52, B 2523. ZELLER-BYBNES CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 272 Rnssell. Both phones. Lady assistant. LERCH Undertaker., 420 East Alder. Phone. East 781. B 1888. Lady sawdstant. NEW TODAY. $17,500 Choice quarter block for apartment house or first-class family hotel, with. The View Without the CHmb This site is worthy of costly improve ments ana is wtmiti cany vo.ijvjiiS vno tance on the "Wast Side, with carline close by. $30,000 A Very Sightly 4.8 Acres Within 30 minutes' walk of the busi ness district and close to highly improved property, with paved street's, selling at J2000 per lot. House of 10 rooms, with broad veranda on three Bides. Stable. IDEAL FOR SANITARIUM. Can Arrange for Terms If Desired. STRONG & CO. 05 Concord Bldg. AT GILIVIAN'S 126 Second Street Bet, Washington and Alder TUESDAY, AUG. 31, 10 A. M. Attractive Auction Sale of all fhe fine furniture and fittings of newly-furnished flat, from 18th street. North, to be sold wiihnnt restrictions on account of de parture. This sale of valuable, household ertect inciuues in pan: v-nuice 3x14 auu smaller rugs in latest designs in Axmin sters. Brussels, etc.. hall rack, portieres, eurtalns and shades, extension tahle. dining chairs, davenport, lady's desk. bookcase, - etc., coucn aua cover, smir carpet. Drettv stands. Napoleon bedstead with springs and Hoss mattVess, dres sers, commoae, cninoniere, cnsnsn uiuia, fine oraan. extra line bed comfortors. blankets, rockers in leather finish and oak,' carpet sweepers, gas ranges, heat ing stoves, linoleum, all the kitchen de partment, etc. Buyers will do well to attend this sale. Also at same time Tuesday, 10 A. M.. 100 pairs white wool en blankets and 100 tine bed comforters, 50 beautiful rugs, xl2, and 100 mat rugs in choice designs of Axminster. velvet, etc.. to be sold (In escrow). To close also 25 stand tables in oak. Sale Tuesday at 10 A. M. at Oilman's. No. 126 Second, be tween Washington and Alder. Main 2473. S. L. N. GILMAN. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. At 211 First Street You will find some very fine furniture In this sale and it will ipay you to attend, as we have a large assortment of all kinds of furniture namely, in part: Dressers, metal beds, fine mattresses, carpets, matting, rockers, chairs, tables, stoves, ranges, roll-top desk, sideboards, curtains, draperies, and everything to furnish the home. We Sell Again On THURSDAY NEXT, 10 A. M. At 211 Firt Street And you will always find something new at our sales, for we sell at auction or at any time. FORD AUCTION COMPANY Main 8951; A 2145. 12 INVESTMENT 12 Chicago-New York Electric Air Line R. R. Co. Rest railroad investment In the L. S. 529 Lumbermen's, 5th street. Pl-ATTINO ten acrea Council Crest. $6500. L. E. Thompson & Co., -JS Sd. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S SALESROOMS 173-175 Second St. Cor. Yamhill Mr, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. Our salesrooms are crowded to over flowing with a choice selection of up-to-date furnishings, including pianos, or gans, parlor, dining and bedroom fur niture of every description, office desks in golden and weathered oak. carpets, rugs, steel ranges, etc. Don't fail to attend these sales, as we must make room for the balance of the Covell fur niture stock. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. RESIDENCE SALE MONDAY NEXT, AT 2 P. M. At 440 E. 11th St. N. (Take Broadway Cars.) We are instructed by Mr. J B. Baines to sell the furnishings of his private house, comprising mahogany rockers up holstered in real leather, upholstered chairs, mahogany center tables. Morns chair, wicker rockers, golden oak book case, miscellaneous books, etchings and engravings, Satsuma vases, golden oak extension table, leather-seat chairs to match, costly brass and iron bedsteads, springs, hair mattresses, birdseye maple dressers and chiffoniers, rockers and chairs to match, bedroom suits, velvet and Brussels rugs, good carpets through out the house, cookstove, gas plate, lawn mower and other effects. Terms, cash; no reserve. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. RESIDENCE SALE TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. 395 12th St., Cor. Harrison We are instructed by the owner to sell the furnishings of S-room house as follows: .Golden oak and mission up holstered rockers, center tables, ladies' desks, combination bookcase In golden oaJt, library table, large mirrors. Brus sels rugs and carpets, walnut sideboard, china closets In weathered and golden oak, Haviland china dinner ware, etc., iron beds, springs, mattresses, mahogany dressers and commodes, bedding, pillows, large steel range, gas range, lawn mower, etc. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. PRELIMINARY NOTICE Of Sale at 432 Second Street TUESDAY, SEPT. 7. 10 A. M. All the elegant house furnishings, car pets, draperies, etc., Heinze upright piano, etc.. will be sold on this date. See next Sunday's paper for details of sale. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. We pav spot cash for furniture, etc Call up Main 1626, A 4243. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. tifiL6.kDarrc Cor ON TUESDAY NEXT At our salesrooms, 152 PARK ST., we shall sell for the owner the fine furni ture, etc., removed from her private residence on Fifth street, comprising lady's parlor desk, rockers in cherry, oak and walnut; easy couches, Morris chair, very ANTIQUE hall light, library table, velvet carpets, BRUSSELS and fluff rugs, all BRASS BED, several pretty iron beds, steel springs, silk floss and other mattresses, feather pillows, wool blankets and beddinp. DRESSERS and CHIBFONIERS in Oakland maple, ELEGANT DINING ROOM SUITE in quarter-sawed oak, viz., 48-inch top Sedestal dining table, china cabinet, uffet and set of box-seat chairs, statues, bric-a-brac, several volumes of good books, mission table. English breakfast table, pictures, sanitary couch, large quantity of INLAID LINOLEUM, gas range, kitchen treasure, utensils and sev eral other lots. Sale starts ON TUES DAY NEXT at 10 o'clock. ON VIEW tomorrow. NOTE To parties furnishing and others this sale offers an excellent chance to obtain first-class, up-to-date furnishings at a great saving. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have for positive sale the furnishings of private residence removed from Ainswort'h avenue. These goods can be seen on Wednesday. Sale Thursday at 10 o'clock. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. Preliminary Announcement We are instructed by the trustee in charge of the valuable stock of first class new furniture of the late firm of Fitchner & Bristow Co. to sell by auction on September 7 and following days at the warehouse, 161 Bast Water street, near Morrison street Furniture dealers, hotel proprietors and others are especially invited to attend this grand auction. Full particulars next Sunday's papers. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. Auction Office and Salesrooms 152 Park St. $300 below value 2 lots 45x100 each, 1 block to W-W car, only $700 for both. Surrounding lots are held at $500 per lot- S COLFMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Hide. $5000 BUYS THE BEST Unimproved 100x100 In IRVINGTON Surrounded by Attractive Homes. STRONG & CO., 603 Concord Bldir. S6200 On Williams, between Russell and Broadwav, we offer a ten-room house on 50x125 lot at this price. It should make several hundred dollars in a short time. You know this is really a business section. Owner must go East without delay. Let us show you. T11K POl LSEX-IIATCMFFF. KKAI.TY t'O, 3i0 Lumbermen's, Fifth and Slnrk. $30,000 SIDETRACK $30,000 100 feet frontage on North 15th street. Very close in and very choice. For sale only by me- A. D. MARSHALL, 30a Ablngton. BUSINESS PROPERTY Over one-half lot, short distance from my office location, at speculative figure. A. D. MARSHALL. 305 Abington. THE FINEST BUNGALOW IN PORTLAND East 21st street. North, between Thomp son and Brazee. 'Phone OWNER. East 3373. 6t"BTTRBN lioim. 10 acres. Council Crest, $0000. L. . Thompson & Co.. 3d. OWN YOUR OWN heat Lands $1.20 TO $1.80 PER ACRE will mate your first payment on Canadian Pacific Railway land in the Bow River Valley. Nine years to pay the balance, in crop payments NO CROP NO PAY Land yields 40 to 60 bushels wheat, 75 to 100 bushels of oats per acre. Farm will pay for itself in two crops. Special Excursion Saturday, Septem ber 11. 1909. , Join us and investigate for yourself. .Very low rate for round trip. Call or write for full information. , General Land Agents Canadian Pa cific Railway Company, (McCarthy Land Co. General Land Agents, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 425-26 Lumbermens Building, Portland, Oregon. FruitFarm 25 ACRES, in Willamette Valley, close to R. R. Finest of soil; 10 acres in bearing orchard; small house and stable. If sold immediately will take $1000 less than actual value. First to come is the lucky man. Brong-Steele Co. 110 Second Street. $6250 New, Modern 7-Room House Near two carlines. on paved street, with furnace, fireplace, cement basement. Built by Day Labor Hardwood floors, sideboard, two toilets, sleeping porch, with everything complete. STRONG & CO. 60S CONCORD BLDG. Do You Want a Fine Residence? I have jrfst completed a substantial residence in Improved district, hard surfaced streets, etc. House has 8 rooms, sleeping porches, separate toilets, tiled bath, hardwood floors. Nof the ordinary buiit-to-sell house, but an elegant home complete In every detail, with best of materials used throughout. House has plastered attic and basement, excellent frunace. spruce siding, mitered. This house is close in on the East Side and can be purchased on reasonable terms. See owner. A. C. EMERY 823 Chamber of Commerce. For S aie Best acreage on the PENINSULA for platting, or will sell an interest, keeping part of it as an investment. Brong-Steele Co. 110 Second Street. West Side Investment Wanted I want to buy a piece of income prop erty, apartment house or business prop erty well located on West Side, at from $20,000 upwards. Give me description of what you have. AL 344, Oregonian. $32,000 WOULD YOU BUY A property about two blocks from the new steel department store now building- for Ohl.s, Wortnian & King if we could lease it for you for $3000 per year while you let it grow into great er value? Lot 50x100, frame improve ments. THE POrUSKY-RATCMFFK RKALTV CO., MO Lumbermen' Ulda,. Fifth fc Murk. For sale In Portland's best business col lege at good discount. Family returning to California. .Must sell at once. Scholar ship transferable. Phone to MRS. JETTY, Main 6471. An Unusual Offer Owner of beautiful acreage tract at Riverdalc will divide into one or two acre tract's and build residence to suit purchaser. Very reasonable terms on land and house. This property commands a fine view and is very near fine country homes just completed. A. C. EMERY 8-J3 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME I own the handsomest quarter block in Irvington. Every improvement in and paid for; ground lies high; has beautiful trefs and surrounded by elegant homes. Will improve with fine house to suit purchaser. $2500 down on lot and house; balance three to five years. An excep tional opportunity to own a fine home in Irvington. L 344, Oregonian. PIANO STUDIO For rent;' good location, most desirable. Telephone on Monday afternoon. Main 564. A LITTLE FARM IN IDAf with MAIR & PRALL about It. 2 Lumbermen's Building. 12 000,000 FEET lino yellow tlr, easily lodged, ran secure I .VM.'OO.noo feet adjoining. In vestigate. B-tii Washington, room 405. w SCHOLARSHIP I -I Certmcate ol Title is a lawyer's examination of an abstract, backed up by a guar antee of a quarter of a million dollars. Our attorneys are spe cialists in real estate law. Title & Trust Co. Chamber of Commerce. ALL BfcXOW THK MARKET VALVES. Nob Hill Lot $000, or $1000 loss tha market valuo. 100 leet Off Washington apartment slt ; $11,000, but wnrth $-M0 more. Montgomery, Near J'ark Modern 0-room house, $5J."rt. OVER THE RIVER. T'nton Avenue Corner $tl.nou. Taylor Street 7-room modern house, fur nace, full lot, $4500. AU Street, Near 18th 7 -room modern house, full lot, frWrK). Ross and McMillan . rooms, modern, fur nace. 3500. BVNGALOW BARGAIN Including" 2 lots; fine view over city ; built a year ago; owner non-resident and anxious to sell ; consider any reasonable offer ; . poor man's chance to pet a cozy home within his means; on carline with good service. See ABRAHAM, SOSli Washington, Room 5. HOOD RIVER APPLE LANDS 80 acres, rich red shot soil; 9 miles south of town, on the main road. Can be cleared and plnnted to trees (or $70 per acre: 80 acres of 4-yeux-oM trees have just sold there for t64,ftu0. You can do the same; $3u0o cash will handla this. 40 acres, 7 nil!es from town: Jolnn the Vnnderbllt $125 acre tracts, for $75 per acre. "Will trade for rortland property. R.WD, HEAD A CO., 3I Horril of Trade Building. $ 1 4,000 For One of Holladay Ad dition's Finest Homes A ttrlctlv modern 10-room residence and one-fourth block of ground, lo cated on one of tho most prominent corners in Holladay's Addition. Ban tlfully terraced; ornamental shade trees, shrubbery nnd flowers; 2 blocks of car. For further particulars address THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. 248 Aider St. Here's Anather ! EefterThan BaRk Stock 53 acres; 27 cleared and in cultivation, balance slashed and seeded: all fenced and crossed. Good well, pump, 7-room house, new; new large barn and outbuild ings valued at JlSOO; 5 cows, 3 heifers, fresh in spring: 5 piss. 3 dozen chickens, pood team weighing 1:500 and Rood colt, wagon, bussy. harness, all farm imple ments. 25 tons of oats and vetch hay. and all crops on place, family orchard. Good soil; one hour from Portland, trol lev line. Price $7000; cash $55(0, balance n vears at I! per cent. On these terms this means the 26 acres not in cultivation as a gift. GEER & MATTOON Abington Bldg.. 106 Third St. M 21S1. Secure this 431-5 acres on the Oregon lilectric near Portland. Very ricli bottom land, some BKAVEKDAM. Three houses barns, onion house, bearim; orchard, ber ries, onions ami other vegetables grow ing. Go seo them. Land ditched and tiled. Vp to date. Station few rods from door. Very low price, and terms. fiOJ Commercial Block, Second and TVash. CHEAPEST OS OUR LIST Six acres, all cleared, one acre pota toes, three in small fruit, 100 hearing fruit trees of all kinds, good house and barn; splendid place for chickens; raise all your own feed. Tills place Is close to station and only an hour's drive to Portland, and the price $2S0", easy terms. WALLACE IVi:STMRNT CO., Kuuua 517, OreKOliinil liulldluc 31SOO WILL Bt'V R iverview Acres All in fruit, in full bearing, apples, pears, cherries, etc.: on jiood county road and 3 blocks from Oregon C'ltv electric car, only 25 minutes' ride from town. THE Dl'.VX-LAWKE.VCE CO., IMS Aider . TWO ACRES Right at Station Thirty minutes' rido from city, at Covell. on Oregon City carline. I'lne. rich soil: no gravel. Price. $1050, on easy terms and 6 per cent interest. THE DI-LAIVHKMK CO., 2-W Abler St. Portland Heights 110x115, corner Sixteenth and Haw thorne Terrace: view unsurpassed; a site for a mansion for $75ou. Sengs take & Lyman DO Fifth St. BUY INCOME PROPERTY New two-storv business building tn Albina; 2 stores and upstairs apart ments; income $75 per month; nets S per cent. . . , Price, S90OO. plus $100 street im provement. 037 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE HOME SITES Several VERY DESIRABLE RESI DENCE LOTI. on upper Overton street. Fine view: bunding restrictions; perma nent street improvements. Price $(.'j00. Vanduyn & Walton 610 Chamber of Commerce. nra 108.2